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COURT OF APPEALS of which would be merged into one dwelling unit for his son Selwyn, who
July 31, 1989| FERNAN, C.J | Law is interpreted as a whole. planned to get married, and the remaining apartment units would be utilized as
conjugal home of plaintiff and his family.
PETITIONER: TONY CAUDAL • In his answer, defendant alleged that he had a verbal contract with the owner
RESPONDENTS: HON. COURT OF APPEALS, HON. REMEGIO E. ZARI, Esguerra at the monthly rate of P150.00 since July 1967; that Mrs. Esguerra
PRESIDING JUDGE, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, NATIONAL CAPITAL JUDICIAL failed to claim the rental causing the defendant to deposit the same in a bank;
REGION, Branch 98, QUEZON CITY, and DIONISIO O. CU he proposed that the 600 sq. m. fronting the 6 door apartment be used for the
construction of dwelling.
SUMMARY: Cu Family is just renting an apartment in Santol, Quezon City. Cu in his
desire to provide his family with a permanent abode and acquired a parcel of land situated • MeTC rendered a decision dismissing the complaint of the plaintiff.
at E. Garcia, Quezon City which is consistists of a six door apartment building from Julieta • RTC of Quezon City reversed the decision of the inferior court based on the
Esguerra. Cu notified Caudal of the termination of the lease contract by giving him until Cu’s right to possess the property after he had bought the apartment.
October 1984 within which to vacate the premises but he refuses to do so. Thus, Cu filed an • Tony Caudal filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals. Petitioner
ejectment case against Caudal. MTC dismisses the complaint. Both the RTC and CA ruled argued that the RTC committed a grave abuse of discretion when it ruled in
in favor of Cu Caudal argues that there was an ongoing verbal contract of lease between
favor of Cu despite the latter's intention of merely using (1) door as stock
him and Esquerra and the intention of Cu was not residential thus not a legitimate ground
for the termination of the contract of lease. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Cu stating room, office, quarter for maids and drivers.
his right to the property, and that legislative intent must be ascertained by considering the • In support of his argument, petitioner cited Sec. 5 (c) B.P. 877 which states:
whole statute thus a maid quarters and stockroom comes within the purview of a legitimate "Grounds for Judicial Ejectment:
residential purpose. "(c) Legitimate need of owner/lessor to repossess his property for his own use
or for the use of any immediate member of his family as a residential unit,
DOCTRINE: Legislative intent must be ascertained from a consideration of the whole
such owner or immediate member not being the owner of any other available
statute. Clauses and phrases of the statutes should not be taken as detached and isolated
expressions, but the whole and every part thereof must be considered in fixing the residential unit within the same city or municipality; Provided however, That
meaning of any of its parts. the lessor has given the lessee formal notice three (3) months in advance of the
FACTS: lessor's intention to repossess the property; and Provided, finally, That the
• Dionisio Cu, his wife and five children rented first an apartment at D. Tuason, owner/lessor is prohibited from leasing the residential unit or allowing its use
Quezon City but later transferred to 38 Silencio St., Santol, Quezon City by a third party for at least one year.
because the owner of the former apartment needed it for his personal use. • CA rendered a decision affirming the decision of the Regional Trial Court of
• Cu in his desire to provide his family with a permanent abode acquired a Quezon City. Hence, this instant petition for review on certiorari.
parcel of land situated at 157 E. Garcia, Quezon City, together with the
existing improvements thereon, consisting of a six (6) door apartment building
WON CA erred in interpreting Sec. 5 (c) Batas Pambansa Blg. 25 and 877, in
from Julieta Esguerra. relation to Sec. 2(6) to include the use of subject apartment door as stockroom, office
• Cu notified Caudal who was then occupying one of the units of the and quarter for maids and drivers as a ground for ejectment. NO
termination of the lease by giving him three months to vacate the premises.
• Despite the demand, petitioner refused to comply, thereby compelling Cu to RULING: WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals dated 29 January
bring the matter to the office of the Barangay Captain who issued a 1988 is hereby affirmed. SO ORDERED.
certification to file a complaint.
• Thereafter, Dionisio Cu filed an ejectment case Tony Caudal before the MeTC RATIO:
of Quezon City. In his complaint, Cu alleged their family were residing at 38 • Cu may eject petitioner from the premises. The subsequent conversion of the
Silencio St., Santol, Quezon City merely as tenants; that one unit in the subject area into a maid/driver's quarters and stockroom comes within the
apartment that they bought was being leased to Caudal on a monthly basis; that purview of Sec. 5(c) as a legitimate need for residential purposes.
plaintiff and his family were transferring to the six door apartment, two • As an intrinsic aid in fully appreciating the term "residential unit," we must
refer to the Rental Law Batas Pambansa 877. Legislative intent must be premises had been sold or mortgaged.
ascertained from a consideration of the whole statute. Clauses and Ø There is nothing under the law to prevent a vendee, who steps into the
phrases of the statutes should not be taken as detached and isolated shoes of the original owner from ejecting said lessee on grounds expressly
expressions, but the whole and every part thereof must be considered in provided for by the Rental Laws, it has already been settled that the
fixing the meaning of any of its parts. Said law in defining the term subsequent owner who has established that he bought the leased premises in
"residential unit" states: question for his and his family's own use may recover possession of the said
"Sec. 2 (b): "Residential Unit — refers to an apartment, house and/or land on premises.
which another's dwelling is located used for residential purposes and shall Ø Cu the present owner is within his rights in ejecting Caudal to enable the
include not only buildings, parts or units thereof used solely as dwelling former to use the premises.
places, except . . . but also those used for home industries, retail stores or other
business purposes if the owner thereof and his family actually live therein and As to the proviso under the same section of B.P. 877 that the lease for a definite
use it principally for dwelling purposes: Provided, that in the case of a retail period has expired, there is no question that under existing jurisprudence, the
store, home industry or business, the initial capitalization thereof shall not verbal contract of lease between the original owner and the lessee on a month-to-
exceed five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and Provided, further, that in the month basis is a lease with a definite period, which has expired upon Cu's notice
operation of the store, home industry or business, the owner thereof shall not given to Caudal that the lease contract has been terminated; and that Caudal had a
require the services of any person other than the members of his household. period of three (3) months within which to vacate the premises. In fact,
• The law does not strictly confine the meaning of the word "residence" mainly this Court has clearly ruled that an oral month to month lease is terminable on a 30
for habitation purposes. In a way, the definition admits a measure of liberality, days' notice.
since a residence may also be the site of a home industry, or a retail store or
be used for business purposes so long as it is principally used for dwelling
purposes. The law in giving greater importance to the abode being used
principally for dwelling purposes, has set the limitation on the maximum
amount of capitalization to P5,000.00, which is small by present standards.
• We see no reason why it cannot be used as an abode for persons rendering
services usually necessary or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment of a
home and who personally minister to the personal comfort and
convenience of the members of the household.
• Cu admits that two doors would be merged into one as a dwelling for his son
and the remaining units would be utilized as conjugal home for the Cu family.
• A servants' quarter is an auxiliary part of a residence. A dwelling house is an
entire thing; it includes the buildings, and such attachments as are usually
occupied and used for the family for the ordinary purposes of a house.

Petitioner argues that he could not be ejected just because the said property was
sold to a third person as provided in the last paragraph of Sec. 5 of B.P. 877, to wit:
"(N)o lessor or his successor-in-interest shall be entitled to eject the lessee upon the
ground that the leased premises has been sold or mortgaged to a third person
regardless of whether the lease or mortgage is registered or not."
Ø The prohibition in the above-quoted provision of law is obvious; that is, the
law disallows the ejectment of the lessee merely on the ground that the leased

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