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U-Site, Brgy. Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City



Exploring Oral Communication in Context

Grade 11 Learning Module 1

Prepared by:

Mr. Valenzuela, Daryl Eldrin L.

Oral Communication in Context Teacher


The learner…
[CS.ORC.1] understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.


The learner…
[PS.ORC.1] designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on context.


At the end of the module, you should be able to…

[EN11/12OC-Ia-2] Explain the functions, nature, and elements of communication.
(quote adapted from “Politics” by Aristotle)


The Aristotelian Note on Communication

The renowned Greek philosopher Aristotle notes this in his

book, “Politics”:

“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is

unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our
notice or more than human. Society is something that
precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead
the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to,
and therefore does not partake of society, is either a
beast or a god. ”

While the book “Politics” speaks primarily about society in

general and its participation in politics, Aristotle takes the
liberty to make comments on the members of the society –
individuals. One cannot deny the validity of his statement that man is by nature a social
animal. Since time immemorial, humans have done their best to communicate with one
another – in words, symbols, and actions. Even now, we communicate using various
media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it!

He further notes that anyone who does not need to “partake of society” is either “a
beast or a god”. This further implies that we “partake of society” in one way or another
in our everyday lives. How? The very moment we talk to our family and friends in any
way is proof that we participate in society. When we buy at a sari-sari store or a suking
tindahan, as we Filipinos call it, we participate in society. When we buy goods in a
market or a grocery store, we participate in society. When we play physical or e-games
with people, we participate in society. We interact with society in many ways –
sometimes in ways that we don’t even see as interacting with society.

Now that we are conscious that we participate in society in different ways, let us make
sure that when we do so, we build up one another. Let’s communicate with love and

At the end of it all, one thing stays the same: as humans, we communicate with one
another. And we will continue to do so.

Communication is an essential part of human life. Communication is life.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space
provided (3 pts. each).

1. Do you agree with Aristotle that “man is a social animal by nature”? Why or why not?

2. How do you communicate with others or participate in society? Share at least one of
your experiences.

3. How can we communicate in a way that promotes love and care?


4. In this modern age, how do you communicate with family, friends, and loved ones?

5. What are some activities that you now realize are part of communication and/or
interaction with society?



The Definition of Communication

According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary (2020), communication is “a process

by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common
system of symbols, signs, or behavior”. It is a process that naturally happens
between or among individuals.

Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara (2019) defined communication as the “transfer of

thoughts, messages, ideas, feelings, emotions, and knowledge through
speech, writing, or signals from a receiver or sender”. They also duly noted that it is
the life-blood of society. Society cannot exist without communication, as we have
learned from Aristotle. People always participate in society, whether they recognize the
fact or not.

The major takeaways are:

[1] communication happens all the time between or among individuals;
[2] messages can cover one topic or a wide array of topics;
[3] communication keeps society alive; and
[4] communication is natural to human beings because it is an essential part of the
human experience.



Communication is taken from the Latin word communis which means “to impart, to
transmit, to share, and to convey” (Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara, 2019).

This is basically what people do in communication.

We impart, transmit, share, or convey our thoughts about any topic!

General Qualities of Communication

Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara (2019) noted that one can see the following qualities
in communication:

1. Communication is primarily a two-way process.

Because communication normally happens between two persons or agents,

one can say that it is primarily a two-way process.

2. Both the sender and the receiver play active parts to establish

The sender and the receiver do their best to start the communication process
and keep it going. They also keep the conversation interesting to the best of
their ability (whether they recognize it or not).

If one becomes passive in communication, the duration of communication lag

will increase. Communication lag is the period of time between the sending of a
message and the generation of a feedback (Anonat, 2016). If nothing is done to
address passivity, loss of interest, or any other factor that hinders
communication, communication breakdown will happen. This is the total halt,
destruction, or stoppage of communication (Apolonio and Basilan, 2017).
3. Communication involves the processes of sending and receiving
messages (and feedbacks) through different channels.

As senders and/or receivers, we use different channels to establish

communication. We use spoken or verbal media, written media, and/or
nonverbal media in order to deliver our message (and/or feedback).

face-to-face conversation
(spoken or verbal media)

written text and text messages

(written media)
facial expressions, gestures, body
movement, and posture
(nonverbal media)

4. It involves the processes of encoding, translation /transmission, and


The differences of these three processes are as follows:

Encoding – This process happens when the sender THINKS of how to send a
message. “What words will he/she/they use to send the message?” “What
channel will be the most effective way to deliver the message effectively?” These
are all answered during the process of encoding.

Translation / Transmission – This process is the very act of sending the

message through the use of the sender’s channel of choice.

Decoding – This process starts immediately after the receiver receives the
message of the sender. The receiver “decodes” the message he/she/they just
received. “What does this message mean?” “Why did the sender send this
message through this channel?” These are questions a receiver asks during the
process of decoding.
DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
number. Use CAPITAL letters only. (1 pt. each)

_____ 1. Which Latin word means “to impart, to transmit, to share, and to convey”?
A. communicare C. communaris
B. communare D. communis

_____ 2. Which process is primarily done by the receiver?

A. encoding C. transmission
B. decoding D. translation

_____ 3. Which of the following happens if hindrances to communication are not

properly addressed by the sender and/or the receiver?
A. communication shutdown C. communication breakdown
B. communication lag D. communication pause

_____ 4. Why is communication generally considered as a two-way process?

A. A speaker sends messages two times in communication.
B. Communication is generally done with at least two persons or agents.
C. One thinks twice before sending or receiving a message,
D. The English scholars agreed that communication is a two-way process.

_____ 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The sender and the receiver must be passive in communication.
B. Text found in books can be considered as written media.
C. Messages can be about anything under the sun!
D. A message in communication may be anything under the sun!


Humans interact with others for communication is part of our everyday lives. Everyday
communication can be seen as attempts to improve two aspects of life: personal and
professional life (Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara, 2019).

1. Personal Life

Communication can be viewed as an attempt to improve our personal life if it

facilitates any or all of the following:

- personal relationships with other people (starting and fostering relationships,

keeping in touch with our friends and family, connecting with other people)
- knowledge and information acquisition
- interacting in an informal or an intimate way
- self-expression, enjoyment, entertainment, and release
- going on with our everyday lives

Our simple interaction with the meat vendor in the market to buy some pork,
chicken, beef, or fish improves our personal life because it results in us acquiring
food to eat!

Alternatively, interacting with our friends through Facebook, Twitter, or

Instagram also improves our personal life, albeit in a different way. It sustains
our relationships with people and maybe even bring us enjoyment and/or

2. Professional Life

Communication can be viewed as an attempt to improve our professional life if it

facilitates any or all of the following:

- hitting or furthering our career goals and building good work relationships
- interacting in a formal or professional way
- facilitating harmony and camaraderie in the school or in the workplace
- learning school-related or work-related knowledge or information

When we interact with our coworkers or classmates in order to finish a certain

project or hit a certain goal, we’re using communication for professional life. If
we want to communicate our work problems such as subpar working conditions,
favoritism in the workplace, and improper allocation of resources, among others,
we communicate in a professional way, too.
DIRECTIONS: Write the word PERSONAL if the statement or situation is about
improving one’s personal life. Alternatively, write the word PROFESSIONAL if the
statement or situation is about improving one’s professional life. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number. (1 pt. each)

___________ 1. Christian chats his team leader to ask about some work-related issues.

___________ 2. Jayson catches up with a friend he hasn’t talked to for three years.

___________ 3. Marie tells her best friend about her romantic sorrows in order to
lighten the emotional burden she feels.

___________ 4. Christian chats up a friend using Facebook to make that person’s day a
little better.

___________ 5. David discusses how to hit the company’s projected goals for this
month with his team.

___________ 6. Lyn asks her teacher on how to complete the assignment on Oral

___________ 7. Carla, the class president, steps up to control her classmates’ noise in
to help maintain the harmony of the class during class hours.

___________ 8. Clarisse and Eliza decide to hang out and have some fun after a long
day of work.

___________ 9. Alice asks her teacher and classmates for advice on how to improve
her performance in school.

___________ 10. Carl starts small talk with the tokneneng vendor in Novaliches Bayan.
DIRECTIONS: Write at least a 120-word paragraph about your realizations on

The criteria of the write-up are as follows:


The paragraph presents valuable content which is arranged
in a way that facilitates understanding of what the writer 4
wants to say.
GRAMMAR The paragraph follows the rudiments of English grammar
AND STYLISTICS and stylistics and contains at least eighty (80) words.
The content of the paragraph is directly related to the points
the writer wants to deliver.



Content References:

Main Reference (Book):

Hermosa, A.L., Hernandez, M.R., & Vergara, S. (2019) Oral communication: for
senior high school (V. M. Victorio, Consultant). Educational Resources

Supporting References (Book):

Anonat, R. (2016). Oral communication in context: Grade eleven - senior high

school. Books Atpb. Publishing Corp.

Apolonio, J., & Basilan, M.L.J. (2017). Oral communication in context (R. Aceron,
Ed.). Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing, Inc. (Original work published

Aristotle (2000). Politics. In Henry W. C. Davis & Benjamin Jowett (Ed. & Trans.),
Aristotle: Politics (pp. 36-38). Dover Publications. Retrieved from
(Original work published 350 BCE)

Book Cover:

StudioGStock (2019). Group of people with speech bubbles [Digital Image].

Retrieved 4 Jul 2020 from

Pictures for Lesson 1:

Dooder (2017). Businessmen talking design [Digital Image]. Retrieved 4 Jul 2020
Freepik (2020). Couple conflicts concept [Digital Image]. Retrieved 4 Jul 2020

GeekPrank (2020). Facebook chat image generator [Digital Image]. Retrieved 4

Jul 2020 from

GStudioImageN (2019). People business work [Digital Image]. Retrieved 4 Jul

2020 from

Jastrow (2006). Bust of Aristotle [Digital Image]. Retrieved 4 Jul 2020 from (2019). Happy holidays greeting design mockup [Digital Image].

Retrieved 4 Jul 2020 from

Please note that all other media resources (images and/or diagrams) not cited in this
Bibliography are created by the module writer and labeled accordingly.

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