Lesson 8

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Lesson 8 Rizal, the Polymath


AND PHILOSOPHY DHVSU Main Cam . Vite Puma E-Mail Address mpl mail cem

Lesson Introduction:

Rizal, in all aspects, was a true scholar. He enjoyed learning from different fields, whether from arts or
from the sciences. He never limited his capacity to learn; he emphasized the importance of education
for the Filipinos. This lesson aims to highlight Rizal's education, as well as other fields that he explored as
a scholar.

Lesson Discussion:

Rizal's Interest, Skills and Talents

Rizal studied to become a doctor specializing in ophthalmology. However, he never let his profession
limit what he could do as an individual. Aside from being a doctor, he was also known among his peers
as prolific writer and he would always be remembered because of his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo. He was also trained in the social sciences during his time in Germany in 1889.

Some scholars attribute Rizal's versatility to his being a genius. The term genius, however, is still a
debatable term, with others measuring it quantitatively through the level of Intelligence Quotient or 10
while others measure it quantitatively through an individual's contributions to society. Regardless of
how we measure ingenuity, it is clear that Rizal was a remarkable individual based on his credentials and
his contributions to society.

First, Rizal graduated with high honors when he was studying in Ateneo. He also consistently had high
grades when he was attending school in different universities in the Philippines and abroad. He was also
a dedicated scholar who used his spare time studying other languages and subjects, as well as other arts,
such as poetry, sculpture, painting and martial arts specifically fencing. It was said that Rizal was one of
the best practitioners of fencing among ilistrados during their time in Europe.

Also, while we honor Rizal as the doctor and the writer, most of his scientific works were done during his
exile in Dapitan from 1892-1896, when he conducted numerous scientific works that involved collecting
and sending different animal specimens to Blumentritt. He also conducted business ventures, improved
the water system in Dapitan using his background in land surveying established a school where he
taught arithmetic, writing, geography and history to young boys in Dapitan. In his spare time, he created
various art works, and conducted various ethnographic, linguistic, and geographical studies in
Mindanao. When he won a lottery on September 21, 1892, he used the money to buy 16 hectares of
land in Talisay, Dapitan where he also practiced his farming skills

He did all these activities while serving also as an ophthalmologist that eventually led to the romance
between Rizal and Josephine Bracken, who one day brought her blind father, Mr. George Taufer, to Rizal
for a medical consultation

In retrospect, 1892-1896 can be considered as one of the golden ages of Dapitan because of the help of
Dr. Jose Rizal. He engaged in different community projects that boosted the economy and quality of life
in the area. He also remained true to his vow to educate the Filipinos by establishing a school in Dapitan.
Whether he was a genius or not by today's standards, Rizal embodied his vision of a true scholar and
citizen in the service of his country. Rizal was a model of consistency when he said that the ilustrados in
Europe must go back and serve in the Philippines. In fact, he himself came back in 1892 despite the
dangers he faced in the Philippines, even when he enjoyed a relatively comfortable and safe life as an
ophthalmologist in Hong Kong in 1891. He made sure that even in exile, he used all his abilities and
talents to serve his countrymen.


In the spaces below, answer the following questions in two to three sentences.
1 Enumerate at least 5 skills shown by Rizal during his time in Dapitan. How were these skills
instrumental in improving life in the area?

His skills in land surveying improved the water system in Dapitan. He taught arithmetic, writing,
geography and history. He created various art works, and conducted various ethnographic, linguistic,
and geographical studies. He also practiced his farming skills

2. Among the many skills shown by Rizal, what do you think was the most important in terms of its
contribution to the nation?

His writing skills is his most important.

3. In your personal opinion, can we consider Rizal as a genius? What are you parameters in considering
him as genius?

Yes, he is a genius. He is very skillful and know many languages. He studied many courses.


Reflect on the importance of not limiting yourself and what you can learn as a n individual. How can you
try and explore different skills despite having a hectic schedule as a student? What skill or field would
you like to explore if given the chance, time and resources? How can you help your community by
acquiring this skills and expertise?

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