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Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol.

29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)


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Review Article
Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Learning Institutions:
A Systematic Literature Review
Ruth Chweya1,2* and Othman Ibrahim1

Department of Information Systems, School of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Department of Computing, School of Information Science and Technology, Kisii University, 40200, Kisii, Kenya

Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept facilitating the management of collaborative
activities from one central area. Millennial learners, growth in enrolment numbers in
universities, and the need for equity and quality learning necessitate the use of IoT
technologies in education. The focus of this paper is to examine IoT implementations
in learning institutes, their application areas, the themes presented, the models and
methodologies used, and the benefits. This study concentrated on publications from
2008 to 2017. The outcomes revealed that the utilization of IoT for tracking and tracing
a learner’s attendance had been one of the application areas of IoT in education. This
study further categorized the papers and presents novel research opportunities based on
concentrated themes and areas that had not been fully exhausted. Most research studies
employed qualitative methods, with a few utilizing a quantitative approach with surveys.
Research themes exhibited a shortcoming in other important themes, such as the models and
methodologies used for implementing IoT. Finally, the results of this study agree that IoT
implementation could help solve some issues
ARTICLE INFO in learning institutions like equity and quality
learning. The results from this research also
Article history: provide a base for future research works
Received: 5 August 2020
Accepted: 5 November 2020 on the successful implementation of IoT in
Published: 22 January 2021
learning institutions.

DOI: Keywords: Adoption, information technology,

intention, IoT, learning institutions
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (Ruth Chweya)
[email protected] (Othman Ibrahim)
*Corresponding author

ISSN: 0128-7680
e-ISSN: 2231-8526 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Integrating information and communication technologies in education has altered the
learning environment (Albion et al., 2015), resulting in several changes and various
improvements (Uzelac et al., 2015). The advancement of new technologies is as a result of
the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 (Hussin, 2018). The expansion is guided by the advent
of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and robotics, among others. The aim is to
align people and technologies for any upcoming possibilities.
Internet of Things (IoT) utilization has taken root in several aspects of life including
smart homes, factories, cities and learning surroundings (Chin & Callaghan, 2013; Marquez
et al., 2016; Uskov et al., 2016). More citations are in Appendix A. IoT projects have been
embarked upon to expand technologies like social networking and email, among others
(Want et al., 2015). This has been made possible by enabling IoT in objects to disseminate
information (French & Shim, 2016). As users’ needs grow, innovative applications are
being presented to track, control and automate peoples’ activities everywhere (Asghari
et al., 2019). For learners and instructors, the aim is to provide personalized services in
pedagogy to create an intelligent environment (Bagheri & Movahed, 2016; Bandara &
Ioras, 2016; Kamar et al., 2016).
IoT utilizes numerous subcomponents from different gadgets to attain the intelligent
surrounding (Uzelac et al., 2015). It also employs diversified gadgets to provide consistent
data dissemination (Kamar et al., 2016). Being an internetwork, IoT is significant
technologically, physically, and largely in the socioeconomic surroundings (Krotov, 2017).
Furthermore, the outfitting of a Wi-Fi facility, connected lecture halls, telecasting conference
amenities, online repository, and several improved applications are for educating better
leaners (ur Rahman et al., 2016).
In the current world, the educational climate revolution has led to an introduction of
various modern kinds of learning and innovations (Bandara & Ioras, 2016). This has inspired
the learning institutions to establish methods that can support learners and their growth
using the current instruction techniques (Njeru et al., 2017). With the implementation of
IoT in various environments, the main focus is to reshape every organization’s operations,
its objectives and policies (Onyalo et al., 2015). IoT aims to use heterogeneous networks to
permit millions of people, places and things to participate (Hsu & Lin, 2018). In learning,
the main objective is permitting physical space interactivity, to allow transmission of
information or to enable learning (Veeramanickam & Mohanapriya, 2017). Hence, IoT
needs to provide learner support in areas of personalized learning, interactivity, mobility,
and also accessibility (Bagheri & Movahed, 2016; Farhan et al., 2017; Moreira et al.,
2018). It can also lower the education costs and provision for quality education resources
as compared to the existing channels (Bagheri & Movahed, 2016; Roy et al., 2016).

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Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

The most significant trial in education is the implementation of open, cheaper and
quality guided global training environments (Jeffords et al., 2014). This comes amidst
several hindrances in education that, if eliminated, would provision for access and
immensely reduce the education costs (Aldowah et al., 2017). Hence, for the survival
of institutions in the present era, there is a need for significant tools to impart better
pedagogical actions to technology-savvy learners (Baker et al., 2016).
The key concentration areas of IoT applications have been smart cities, smart living,
smart homes, smart health, smart security, and other approaches. For instance, the use
of IoT in Smart homes (Stojkoska & Trivodaliev, 2017), IoT applications in Agriculture
(Gómez-Chabla et al., 2019) for a clear perspective on IoT innovations, IoT in agro-
industrial and environmental fields (Talavera et al., 2017) showing IoT utilization
(monitoring, control, prediction, and logistics), IoT applications in healthcare (Ahmadi
et al., 2019) showing various directions of IoT architecture in healthcare, IoT utilization
in food safety (Bouzembrak et al., 2019), IoT for smart cities (Mijac et al., 2017) which
reveals the infancy of IoT, and finally, IoT and supply chain management (Ben-Daya et
al., 2019), which indicate gaps in frameworks and models in the supply chain. Apart from
the mentioned, IoT has been speculated to enhance learning beyond the classroom area
(Aldowah et al., 2017; Roy et al., 2016).
Nowadays, learners need to access education in a cheaper way while they are away
from their study environments. Using gadgets that can allow anywhere and anytime access
for learners can somehow overcome the aforementioned difficulties. IoT technologies, by
supporting the learning process, can lower the cost for institutions (Bagheri & Movahed,
2016), ease resource sharing and also expand the quality of teaching (Farhan et al., 2017).
Looking at this area, there are several papers that have evaluated aspects of IoT in
education, the significance and benefits, and correlated technologies. To the best of the
researcher’s knowledge as per this study, there is a lack of reviews addressing models and
methodologies for implementing IoT in education. Hence, this paper presents a complete
review of IoT models and theories in the context of learning from 2008 to 2017. In execution
of the objective of this research, three research inquiries are presented below:

i. What are the predominant investigations on IoT, and the research concepts already
ii. What are the dominant models and theories employed in the study?
iii. What key constraints and omissions are found in IoT investigation?

For this exploration, the review is organized as follows: Section 2 studies the method
employed for review including the protocol used, and the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Section 3 illustrates the data synthesis and extraction, and highlights publication sources.

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Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Additionally, the distribution of articles as per publication year is presented. Section

4 demonstrates the results, including the benefits and methodologies. Lastly, section 5
discusses the conclusion.

This subsection cross-examines similar reviews in IoT implementation in learning
environments. The objective is also to bring out the importance of IoT in learning
environments. Additionally, it purposes to show the extent of IoT implementation in the
learning context.
An exploration was conducted on IoT in education by Ramlowat and Pattanayak
(2019). It examined benefits of IoT and its implementation in different areas of education,
for instance distance studies, medical studies, computer science studies, among others.
The paper also discussed the application areas of IoT apart from education. Another study
was undertaken to review IoT smart campuses and their implementation (Zhamanov et
al., 2017). The study brought out the significance of IoT in flipped classes and gave a
comparison of it with the traditional methods. A different research looked at IoT and Big
Data (Kusuma & Viswanath, 2018). The researcher examined the significance of IoT and
Big Data in eLearning environments, and various eLearning procedures. A review on IoT
in education was done by (Kassab et al., 2020), concentrating on benefits and challenges of
incorporating IoT in educational areas and the curriculum. It also highlighted the challenges
hindering deployment of IoT, which were security, human issues, and scalability.
Incorporating IoT in learning environments is a promising solution to overcome
difficulties linked with high enrolment numbers and attaining equity. Accordingly, designing
a university campus with the incorporation of technology boosts the learner experience
(Aldowah et al., 2017). For instance, IoT has been utilized as a base for lifelong learning
with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID and Near Field Communication (NFC) (Gómez
et al., 2013) and also through learning analytics (Cheng & Liao, 2012). IoT has also been
employed for underprivileged students in rural areas with sensors and wireless connections
(Pruet et al., 2015). The outcome was an improved learner experience.
IoT has been incorporated in teaching and learning through pervasive technology (Chin
& Callaghan, 2013). This contributed to an enhancement in the governing of campuses,
while providing an effective delivery system for learning materials. IoT has been employed
to enhance learning through data mining for efficient and effective online teaching and
learning (Njeru et al., 2017). IoT has been applied to educational business models (Bagheri
& Movahed, 2016), leading to minimizing the cost of firms, lowering time wastage, and
bringing comfort to learners and educators. It eliminates the need for dedicated security

474 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

personnel by utilizing sensors and mobile gadgets. Finally, IoT has also been employed
in vocational and university education due to its many benefits (Kortuem et al., 2013).
Hence, regarding the previous studies, this research explores uncovered areas
through a comprehensive review. For instance, from the reviews undertaken, models and
methodologies for adoption are minimally explored. Besides, implementations of IoT in
learning have been maximally utilized.

Systematic literature inquiry is a methodical thorough analysis (Brereton et al., 2007). It
is not about the aggregation of every available affirmation on a research inquiry. However,
it aims to aid the creation of evidence-based suggestions for professionals. Research
conducted by Kitchenham (2004) brought out the below mentioned points for performing
similar evaluations:
• To give a summary of the already available evidence about technology. For instance,
summarize pragmatic indicators of the advantages, inclusive of shortcomings of
some definite procedure.
• To bring out any omissions in the latest explorations and to give suggestions for
any supplemental investigations.
• For the provision of background to correctly place emerging research activities.

Conducting systematic literature reviews entails several discrete activities undertaken

in three phases: planning, conducting the review, and reporting the review (Brereton et al.,
2007). Furthermore, the steps mentioned are broken down into specific processes. They
include: one, affirming the research inquiry; two, establishing a review protocol; three,
validating the review protocol; four, identifying the appropriate research; five, determining
paramount studies; six, evaluating the quality of the investigation; seven, extraction of
required data; and eight, synthesizing the data.

Review Protocol
A review protocol outlines how a specific systematic review will take place to minimize
researcher biases. It encompasses the rationale for the survey, investigation inquiries to be
reported by the reviewer, the procedure to search the primary studies, procedures including
the criteria for the study selection, quality assessments checklists for individual studies
assessment, data extraction, and extracted data synthesis (Kitchenham, 2004). Figure 1
shows the selection process utilized in this research.

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Figure 1. Paper selection process

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

This section ensures that the applicable analyses are utilized in the review procedure.
To cover most of the relevant studies, papers were searched by querying different digital
libraries. The purpose of this study is to understand the status of IoT in learning institutions.
The procedure details examining published articles with future directions on the trends in
this research area. Full papers written in English, published from 2008 to 2017 from peer-
scrutinized reports, journals, book chapters, conference proceedings, and symposia reports
were well-reviewed. The aim was to disqualify insignificant papers. A total of 200 journals
were searched. A sum of 148 research papers was selected from the journals, conference
proceedings, white papers, and articles. Table 1 recaps the basis.

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Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Table 1
Inclusion and exclusion measure

Inclusion measure Exclusion measure

Published from 2008 to 2017 External to IS research field
Papers that can be accessed full text Papers with no access to the full text
Written in English Not in English
Directly or indirectly answers the research Lacks the relationship to the defined
question research inquiries of the study
Papers with no direct term IoT but should Papers representing at least one key
address smart learning, smart education, IoT concepts (IoT, IoT adoption, IoT in
technologies used and focus on ubiquitous learning, smart learning, smart education,
computing IoT technologies among others) but not
considering the term adoption
Papers proposing a model, a method, Papers with at least one of the concepts
or methodology for adopting IoT and (method, model, methodology) but not
proposing practice mechanism considering learning domain
Published in the selected database Publications that lacked a link to the
inclusion criteria

Search Strategy
An orderly search starts with deducing keywords and search terms built from the study
scope, literature, and discussions by the review team (Tranfield et al., 2003). The relevant
strings for the search are then decided upon. The search strategy is thereafter relayed
exhaustively to allow for future replication of the exploration. The examination procedure
consists of manual and automatic stages. The automatic stages recognized studies related
to IoT. In this study, the review was done from Scopus, Science direct, Taylor & Francis
Online, Springer, and Web of Science journals like Computer Communications journal,
International Journal of Development Research, Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless personal
communications, Future generation computer systems, IEEE transactions on Industrial
Informatics journal and others. Moreover, studies from conferences were also included
(for instance ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks, enabling
technologies: infrastructure for collaborative enterprises, Annual computer software and
Applications conference, Applied System Innovation (ICASI)) for the study. Besides these,
unpublished studies, conference proceedings, industry trials and even the internet material
were considered. However, the key output of the research was a whole list of articles and
papers where the review was grounded. Hence, the manual search process detailed the
specific conference proceedings and journal papers from the year 2008.

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Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Chosen journals encompassed either literature surveys or empirical research

experiments. They also needed prior utilization as sources for other similar studies linked
to information systems. Every journal or conference proceeding underwent review.
Studies with a concentration on different literature surveys were recognized to be possibly
applicable. All the papers were searched by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The study was performed based on the following keywords: “IoT”, “Internet of Things”,
“smart learning”, “WSNs”, RFIDs”, “smart education” and “Internet of Things adoption”
in the electronic journal databases.

Study Selection Process

At this stage, the choice of the suitable material for this literature review was done, as shown
in Figure 2. The main search was performed via the search stream. It yielded 148 research
papers using an automatic search method. Then, based on the inclusion and exclusion
measure from the abstract and the close section of every paper, 64 papers were disqualified.
A further manual scan was done, eliminating 18 more papers outside the specified criteria.
Following this, a full scan was performed for the rest of the studies founded on the exclusion
criteria. Manual steps were utilized to check any missing reports. Finally, a total of 49
papers were selected as the primary data. Thereafter, the classification by year and type of
publication (journal article, conference proceedings) was done.

Figure 2. Study selection procedure

478 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Quality Assessment
The quality assessment procedure outlines how to attain minimal biases with maximum
internal and external validation (Brereton et al., 2007). This section aims to check the
universal quality of the identified research articles. The full quality measure is in Appendix
C. The four criteria about this study are:
QA1: Whether the topic in this article is related to IoT
QA2: If the research methodology is well outlined in this article
QA3: Whether enough illustration is provisioned for the setting where the study took
QA4: If there is comprehensible information about the research intents
Each paper was assessed and later allocated a score of either high, medium, or low-
quality level. A mark of 2 was allocated to the articles that attained the measure. A mark of
1 was given to those that partially satisfied the criteria while a mark of 0 was allocated to
those that did not satisfy the criteria. High-quality papers scored a value of at least 5 and
above, a score of 4 was given to a medium rated paper, and low to those whose score was
below 4. As a result, 14 papers that did not meet the full criteria were removed from the
list. Overall, the study chose 49 papers. From Figure 3, it can be seen that a good number
of papers (62%) got a high score following these criteria, with 30% getting a medium score
and 8% getting a low score.

Low, 8%

Medium, 30%

High, 62%

High Medium Low

Figure 3. How studies are distributed

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To minimize errors and biases, data extraction forms are used in systematic reviews
(Tranfield et al., 2003). They specify the general information, study aspects with other
definite details, and emerging themes together with details of synthesis. Research synthesis
entails making a summary, integrating, and accruing the outcomes of various studies on a
concern. Here the main objective was getting a data extraction form to accurately record
information from preliminary studies. The required details were extricated via endnote and
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The extracted details are as shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Extraction of data from main studies

Extracted data Detail

Article ID Unique paper recognition
Writer and publishing Date Author names and the publication year (2008-2017)
Article title Paper name during a search
Article Subject Objectives a paper address
Theory/Framework Adopted theory/framework
Data gathering technique Like a survey, experiment, observation, among
Data analysis process A qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method
Group A description like benefits, adoption, strategies,
Origin among others
Journal, book chapter, conference proceedings,
among others

Publication Source Overview

Overall, 49 papers were chosen for the study (Appendix B), which included 45 articles
from journal studies and 4 from conference studies. The earliest report was produced in
2010. Figure 4 shows the chosen articles from 2008 to 2017 by category type.

Temporal Outlook of the Publication

As per Figure 4, the extracted items concentrated on internet, things, IoT, learning,
management, computing, education, technology, innovation adoption and learning, among
others. Figure 5 shows how the articles were distributed. This study found little research
on IoT adoption, more specifically centred on education from 2008 to 2010, with more

480 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

publications from 2014 to 2017. This shows that the concept of IoT began recently, and it
is still not fully exhausted.

Figure 4. Weighted focus

Chart Title

o 12
c 8 8 6
6 Journal publications
o 6 6
m Conference outcomes
e 4 3

2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Yrea of conference/journal

Figure 5. Distribution of articles

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Citation Count
Table 3 shows that some of the chosen studies exhibited an elevated impact and some, a low
impact. The statistics were obtained from Google Scholar and they show rough evidence
on the paper citations. Likewise, there are not many studies that have been done on IoT
in learning institutions before 2017. There are low rates in terms of adoption for learning
institutions. About 12 studies have a citation count of more than 100, with the rest falling
below 100. As low as 10 articles were cited as low as 10 times. One study lacked a citation.
Conversely, as per this study, most of the papers have been published from 2015 and it is
expected of them to have low citation count.

Table 3
Citation count

STUDY_ID Study Title Citations

I2 The Internet of Things: A survey 9826
I14 IoT: A perception, structural facets, and future
I23 The Internet of things vision: Key features,
applications, and open issues
I36 An authentication model for Internet of things clouds 1739
I41 Context aware computing for the Internet of Things: A
I17 IoT: utilization, investments, and issues for enterprises 590
I10 A recap of IoT for individuals having impairment 380
I7 A vision of IoT: Applications, challenges, and
opportunities with China perspective
I33 Enabling the internet of things 297
I46 Upcoming Internet of Things: open pitfalls and trials 138
I45 A blended view on the elements affecting consumer
acceptance of IoT technology
I15 Educating the Internet-of-Things generation 111
I19 Developing a theoretical framework of strategic
decision, to support ability and details dissemination 96
under Internet of Things
I42 Why are not organizations adopting virtual worlds 92
I37 IoT grounded Smart environments: state of the Art,
Taxonomy, and open investigations problems

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Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Table 3 (Continued)

STUDY_ID Study Title Citations

I13 Interaction structure grounded on IoT as a pillar for 75
I43 A socio-technical structure for IoT blueprint: An 75
individual engrossed blueprint for IoT
I12 An evaluation on Internet-of-Things 74
I35 A research structure for smart education 71
I38 Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the social side of IoT 55
I48 A study of the institutional forces influencing the 54
adoption intention of RFID by suppliers
I6 Evolution is not enough: Revolutionizing current 40
learning environments to smart learning environments
I49 Aspects of RFID adoption level with identified value 38
I27 IoT: being prepared for what is coming 38
I8 Smarter Universities: A vision for the fast-changing 37
digital era
I25 A strategical process using IoT Smart data pricing 36
I29 Conceptualizing and measuring quality of experience 33
of the internet of things: Exploring how quality is
perceived by users
I32 The growth of next generation bar code-RFID embrace 32
I40 Building trust in the Human-Internet of Things 26
I44 IoT Business models 26
I24 Adoption of Internet of Things in India: a test of 25
competing models using SEM
I16 The Internet of Things plus current business 25
I34 An integrated framework for RFID adoption and 22
I3 The result of IoT on Educational Business design 22
I11 IoT based student’s interaction framework employing 16
attention scoring assessment in e-learning
I30 Understanding the Internet of Things ecosystem: multi- 14
level analysis of users, society, and ecology
I21 Establishing a unified model for RFID expansion 13

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Table 3 (Continued)

STUDY_ID Study Title Citations

I18 Details about learning IoT: Research direction and 13
upcoming trends from social science viewpoint
I1 IoTFLiP: IoT-based flipped learning platform for 8
medical education
I26 Disrupting objects: a design to enable acquisition of 5
IoT-based innovations by the urban poor
I28 The upcoming Technological and Theoretical models 5
in Education: linking Cloud Computing (CC),
Connectivism plus IoT
I22 The Application of WSNs and wearable technologies 2
for education
I4 Benefits of “IoT” on E-learning in the Smart Cities 2
I20 Internet-of-Things-based Learning Framework to 2
enable STEM Undergraduate Education
I39 Remote laboratory: using Internet of Things 2
I9 Investigating the Educational capability of IoT in 1
Seamless instruction.
I31 The Internet of Things as an accelerator of 1
progressing broadband networks in Thailand
I5 Democratizing AmI and the IoT: The Power and 0
Influence of Social Innovation and Participative and
Humanistic Design

Methodologies of Research
Figure 6 exhibits all the study methodologies employed in the initial exploration. It shows
that most of the studies found in literature employed the qualitative methodology. Few
studies employed the quantitative method. Besides, those that employed quantitative
methodology utilized the survey method. Appendix D also gives the full details of the
methodologies and methods.

R-Q1: What are the predominant investigations on IoT, and are the research concepts
already described?
As from literature, there are three main categories of IoT: monitoring and control,
big data and business analytics, and information sharing and collaboration (Lee & Lee,
2015). The detailed analysis of the selected studies was based on their similarities. This

484 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

is in terms of factors that influence IoT adoption or its related technologies in learning
institutions. As per the evaluated publications and for feedback to the research inquiries,
the investigation brings out five main categories of articles related to the subject of study,
as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. Research methodologies distribution chart

Figure 7. Themes for research and topics mentioned

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Information Sharing and Collaboration

Most of the research conducted on IoT which was identified in this study detailed out
a few things: the positive elements of utilizing IoT in limited resources environments,
advantages of IoT in learning, the technical issues of IoT, tracking students’ attendance
using RFID technology, comparing outcomes of IoT learning platforms with traditional
learning methods, use of IoT to stimulate learners’ motivation, IoT as a subject of study in
higher learning, and the important role of a teacher in using these applications. IoT brings
in greater accessibility because of the high internet speed and lower gadget costs (Sarıtaş,
2015). This means better learning resources and immersive learning experiences with
greater interaction. Accordingly then, IoT has a chance of lowering the education costs
and expanding education material past the study rooms (Roy et al., 2016). It can facilitate
quality educational resources at a fraction of the price of the prevailing mechanisms.
Furthermore, IoT can be used to accelerate the expansion of broadband networks to reach
out to many learners (Sudtasan & Mitomo, 2017).

At the onset, we include studies with details on the adoption and inclusion of IoT in
learning. Selected studies discuss elements that may impact the utilization of IoT. Few
studies in this research have examined the adoption of IoT through models and frameworks,
while highlighting important factors for successful implementation (Barreto et al., 2015;
Kalashnikov et al., 2017; Li et al., 2012). However, research by Moreira et al. (2018)
suggests that successful acceptance and introduction of IoT in learning institutions depends
on the perception and inclination of educators, politicians, and society.

Few studies have shown how to achieve benefits from IoT. Hence, IoT has attracted many
in recent years, changing the landscape of disseminating information in the virtual world,
interchanging details, convenience, and practicality (Ali et al., 2017). In global higher
education, IoT is explicitly linked to the betterment of economic development, new
research, and innovation (Bandara & Ioras, 2016). For example, IoT provides ways in which
new opportunities can be utilized to merge various smart devices for learning (Niyato et
al., 2016). The outcome is an advanced computing environment. Following this, system
efficiency, safety, and security, upgraded trading opportunities and an income stream will
be achieved. For instance, a study was done on developing a design to incorporate IoT-
linked revolutions by the suburban poor (Roy et al., 2016). The result showed that IoT could
improve the quality of education. This is through the acquisition of enhanced educational
resources and the provision and availability of massively online open courses. Chen et al.,
(2014) in contrast looked at the benefits of IoT in terms of opportunities available for IoT.

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Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Accordingly, IoT is believed to offer communication through existing technologies and

new communication modes. The incorporation of IoT with the virtual and physical world
will help realize utilization of various concepts and technical components.

Approaches and Strategies
Studies under this area outlined techniques and procedures used by IoT. They indicated the
necessity to understand the users’ connection between the social and technical perspectives
for sustainability (Shin & Park, 2017; Shin, 2014). However, there is a need to address social
innovation roles and the human approach participation (Bibri, 2015). Another research
suggested the stimulation of people’s thinking, creativity, and much of entrepreneurship.

State of art, Challenges, and Issues

Studies in this section bring out the modern state of IoT and any problems that need
attention. For instance, universities confront challenges from the traditional learning
systems (Coccoli et al., 2014). The outcome has resulted in recent evolutions in technology
and networking, dramatically changing the way of life and knowledge accession. Hence,
IoT can boost the role of technology as an innovation promoter in different markets of
utilization (Miorandi et al., 2012). The IoT scenario and its facilitating technologies are
also studied (Farooq et al., 2015). The human-centric perspective of IoT is also explained
(Guo et al., 2012). Additionally, there are details on how data mining can be utilized with
computational intelligence for future IoT applications (Tsai et al., 2014).
In summary, of the 148 articles on IoT revealed, only 49 that focused on the study
area were retained. The 49 retained papers investigated IoT adoption and use in learning.
However, most concentrated on the organizational level of adoption, and few on individual
perception and preparedness. From the advantage category, most of the studies focussed
on the benefit of IoT, issues, challenges, and future directions. Few studies focussed on the
use of IoT to measure performance, track or monitor attendance and capture data.

R-Q2: What are the dominant models and theories employed in the study?

Most of the theories and models employed were grounded on the organizational level.
However, some articles utilized individual-level theories. Many theories were related to
technology adoption, entailing the incorporation of more than one single theory (Hameed
et al., 2012). However, in this study, few researchers had utilized theories and theoretical
models to expound on the adoption of IoT. A few theories that were employed included the
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), Technology Readiness
Index (TRI), and Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE).

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Technology, Environment Diffusion of Innovation theory Technology Readiness Index Theory of Planned behaviour Technology Acceptance
and organization(TOE) (DOI) Model

Figure 8. Theoretical frameworks and models used in selected studies

From Figure 8, TOE was found to be the most widely used theory in institutions
planning, to adopt and use IoT. TOE by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) was developed
to evaluate and analyse the present organization’s conditions concerning the adoption
and implementation of innovations. For instance, Aboelmaged (2014) mentioned that the
TOE framework was strong theoretically and empirically, and hence helpful in the study
of readiness, adoption, and implementation of various applications. The next theory is the
DOI theory by Rogers (2003), that describes the willingness or non-willingness to adopt
a new technology. Rogers (2003) argued that faster innovations to adopt were those that
offered more relative advantage, compatibility, simplicity, trialability and observability. DOI
tries to predict an innovation’s adoption behaviour according to the personal characteristics
related to the innovation (Samiee & Rezaei-Moghaddam, 2017).
TRI describes people’s tendency to accept and use new technologies to achieve goals
in home life and work (Parasuraman & Colby, 2015). The model assesses an individual’s
willingness to grab and utilize innovations at his quarters and duty (Parasuraman, 2000).
Studies have applied TRI in assessing important factors for the successful implementation
of technologies. For instance, Al-Shareem et al., (2015) emphasized on external reasons
influencing preparedness to adopt public and private partnerships, Lin and Hsieh (2007)
emphasized the role of technology readiness in self-service technology acceptance,
and Thakur and Srivastava (2014) emphasized on readiness to adopt through TRI. TPB
developed by Ajzen (1991) has been used to predict human behaviour in different fields. It
hypothesizes that a person’s conduct is as a result of three elements; a person’s mentality
toward behaviour, subjective standards, and perceived behavioural control (Cheon et al.,
2012). TPB can be used to study wide areas of acceptance of technology (Oye et al., 2014).

488 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

The significant expectation of TPB is to catch those motivational variables and intentions,
to speculate an individual effort (Ho et al., 2017).

R-Q3: What key constraints and omissions are found in the IoT investigation?

This study examined a sum of 148 papers to gather more knowledge and insight on IoT
adoption in learning. However, it can be seen that the higher learning institutions have not
fully utilized the technology. Only 49 papers were deemed relevant for this study. Therefore,
there is a need for a better understanding of the technology to prepare organizations for
its adoption. Possibly, the quantitative design approach would provide more insight into
this analysis area.
Despite several articles on the adoption of IoT, recent academic literature on IoT
adoption for learning institutions has shown a gap in models for readiness to adopt and use
IoT. Researchers (Bourrie et al., 2015) argued that organizational readiness was reflected
in the beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of members of an organization. Hence, much effort
and detail are required to improve the impression and arrangements in institutions (Moreira
et al., 2018). Sabi et al. (2016) also ascertained that consideration of the existing social
and cultural conditions needed evaluation to avoid failure in the technology adoption
process. Additionally, some studies pointed out the need to address privacy and security
difficulties (Atzori et al., 2010; Bagheri & Movahed, 2016; Bibri, 2015). Very little research
concentrated on the significance of user behaviour in IoT implementation; while other
studies focused on the benefits, general discussion on IoT (including challenges, factors,
technologies, and future directions), adoption and actual usage by organizations, and
significance of the technology.


This study has evaluated the implementation of IoT in learning. The study has examined
the low usage of IoT in learning, and how only a few models have been used for adopting
IoT. For greater insights, the few models and methodologies that have been used were
brought out. It also exhibits the gaps in the literature to highlight the potential of IoT in
helping tackle learning-related challenges. Amidst several benefits of IoT, innovations
that handle learning and pedagogical issues are not fully in place. As highlighted in the
introduction, IoT has numerous benefits for the educational environments to enable the
tracking of learner activities. Hence, IoT can allow learning institutions to quickly address
learner challenges through the study activities. Finally, this study shows the benefits and
issues of utilizing IoT in learning.
The SLR method identified 49 primary studies published between 2008 and 2017. In
addition, this study was to determine the utilization of IoT in other areas in learning with
the themes and benefits. From the study, there has been noted a tremendous rise in the

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Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

number of papers in this field because of the significance of this subject in learning. It was
noted that most studies were linked to monitoring learning activities. The rise in student
population and need for quality learning requires the transition from traditional learning
to personalized study. The level of device connectivity furnished by IoT necessitates an
enriched learning process for students around the globe (Mrabet & Moussa, 2017). Besides,
IoT technologies extend learning by generating sources of data for gathering and inspecting
learners’ studies individually (French & Shim, 2016). This is one way to transform the
traditional pedagogy to the current learning methods through IoT. Another application of
IoT is outdoor learning through RFID (Tan et al., 2007). Educators can design varying
educational applications in areas with low capacity to relay information. The outcome is
enhanced student creativity and improved skills from new knowledge.
Achieving quality learning in the face of continuous expansion is critical. As the
learner’s requirements have been altered with the evolvement of new technologies, using the
best tools for strong pedagogy to the technology savvy population is important. Moreover,
having the best decisions to improve the success of learners and institutions is also crucial.
Hence, the need to utilize IoT, as per this study can help get valuable insights. There is a
need for more research in learning environments.
From the review, the universal quality of the identified research articles yielded that
62% of the papers had a high score, 30% had a medium score, and 8% had a low score.
Furthermore, most studies did not use any method, while majority (68%) used the qualitative
technique. According to this study, very few authors used the quantitative method (23%),
hence this is something that needs further exploration. This study may have failed to
examine every existing literature item. Nevertheless, the aim is to furnish information on
this growing technology to both, stakeholders, and practitioners. Based on this study’s
categorization of literature, it can be seen that using IoT for tracking and tracing objects
and people has been the norm. Hence, the benefits and improvements resulting from IoT
have still not been fully utilized in learning.
Concerning the predominant models and methodologies, this study found few
utilizations. Since IoT can improve the society, making learners more linked while having
independent control is key in the future eLearning vision. IoT can provision for improved
infrastructure robustness, scalability, continuous communication and can save on learner
costs. Furthermore, using IoT will create learner flexibility, expand learning materials,
upgrade teaching and learning, and bring agility. It is crucial that stakeholders consider this
evolving technology and actively deploy it in learning environments. With the continuous
enrolment of learners in educational institutions, a major issue is extending learning services
to a wider location. Implementing IoT has significant benefits that make it preferable for
expanding teaching and learning. Therefore, selecting a good model and methodology for
implementing IoT is crucial. Major issues like security and privacy need to be handled,

490 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

as they inhibit the spread of IoT. This study did research comprehensively on IoT for
learning institutions through more than 120 authors and various studies. However, it was
not possible to capture every research.
There are gaps identified concerning IoT in learning from this review, which are further
elaborated on as follows:
• There is a miss on the models that provide direction on IoT adoption in education
with defined guidelines. The aim is to help learning institutions in deploying IoT.
IoT will impact planning, quality learning and decision making, among other issues.
• There are many barriers to implementing IoT in learning from the people
and organizational context. There is a need to clearly understand the peoples’
perspective and their preparedness. Research by Moreira et al. (2018) suggests
the need for preparedness from stakeholders and educators. There are not many
studies addressing the issue of preparedness among other challenges.
Overall, after all the analysis was done, the study concludes that the use of IoT can
be of great benefit if more research is undertaken. The findings from this review will
assist university policy makers to make better decisions regarding implementation and
deployment of IoT. IoT is among the technologies that can play an important role in
enhancing quality learning, increasing knowledge acquisition, and lowering study costs.
IoT is expected to improve learning, enhance quality education, and save on costs while
overcoming learning inequities. More study can be done on the technologies used in various
IoT implementations in learning, with a comparison on which one suits best. This study
acts as a basis for researchers in getting more research ideas on IoT in learning.

Our appreciation goes to everyone who provided guidance and support to this study.

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Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 499

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Appendix A
Defining Internet of Things

Concept Definition Author

Internet of The interconnectedness of numerous gadgets that Atabekov et al.
Things have possibility of report, screen, or give other (2016)
esteem or administrations that are of incentive to end
Internet of formation of inventive alternatives for learning Gonzalez et al.
Things and this is conceivable because of the expansion of (2008)
concepts from ubiquitous computing and technologies
as mobile, Radio Frequency Identification amidst the
Internet of IoT involves interaction with heterogeneous devices Kamar et al.
Things along with seamless sharing of data with a specific (2016)
end goal to give personalized services to the learners
and instructors
Internet of a dynamic worldwide system foundation that has Xu et al. (2014);
Things the capability of self-conFigureuration based on Uzelac et al.
standards and interoperable protocols where there is (2015); Moreira et
identification of physical and virtual things, physical al. (2018)
attributes and virtual personalities to use intelligent
interfaces by being coherently being part of the data
Internet of the enabling of internet presence for any person, Want et al. (2015)
Things place, or thing on the planet
Internet of It comprises various gadgets part of the technological, Krotov (2017)
Things physical, and broad socioeconomic environments.
The physical surrounding has human and nonhuman
objects connected by ubiquitous wireless network.
They empower programmed correspondence and
association among the items and the physical
condition, and the mechanical condition contained
equipment, programming, organizing advances,
information, incorporated stages, and specialized
benchmarks empower collaborations in the physical

500 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix B
Primary study references
Study ID References
I1 Ali, M., Bilal, H. S. M., Razzaq, M. A., Khan, J., Lee, S., Idris, M., . . . Kang, B. H. (2017). IoTFLiP:
IoT-based flipped learning platform for medical education. Digital Communications and Networks, 3(3),
I2 Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A survey. Computer Networks, 54(15),
I3 Bagheri, M., & Movahed, S. H. (2016). The Effect of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Education Business
Model. In 2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems
(SITIS) (pp. 435-441). IEEE.
I4 Bayani, M., Leiton, K., & Loaiza, M. (2017). Internet of Things (IoT) Advantages on E-learning in the
Smart Cities. International Journal of Development Research, 7(12), 17747-17753.
I5 Bibri, S. E. (2015). Democratizing AmI and the IoT: The Power and Influence of Social Innovation and
Participative and Humanistic Design The Shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things (pp.
239-301): Springer.
I6 Chen, N.-S., Cheng, I.-L., & Chew, S. W. (2016). Evolution is not enough: Revolutionizing current
learning environments to smart learning environments. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Education, 26(2), 561-581.
I7 Chen, S., Xu, H., Liu, D., Hu, B., & Wang, H. (2014). A vision of IoT: Applications, challenges, and
opportunities with china perspective. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1(4), 349-359.
I8 Coccoli, M., Guercio, A., Maresca, P., & Stanganelli, L. (2014). Smarter universities: A vision for the
fast changing digital era. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 25(6), 1003-1011.
I9 Demirer, V., Aydın, B., & Çelik, Ş. B. (2017). Exploring the Educational Potential of Internet of
Things (IoT) in Seamless Learning. The Internet of Things: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice:
Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 1.
I10 Domingo, M. C. (2012). An overview of the Internet of Things for people with disabilities. Journal of
Network and Computer Applications, 35(2), 584-596.
I11 Farhan, M., Jabbar, S., Aslam, M., Khalid, S., Hammoudeh, M., Khan, M., & Han, K. (2017). IoT-based
students interaction framework using attention-scoring assessment in eLearning. Future Generation
Computer Systems, 79, 909-919.
I12 Farooq, M., Waseem, M., Mazhar, S., Khairi, A., & Kamal, T. (2015). A review on internet of things
(IoT). International Journal of Computer Applications, 113(1).
I13 Gómez, J., Huete, J. F., Hoyos, O., Perez, L., & Grigori, D. (2013). Interaction System based on Internet
of Things as Support for Education. Procedia Computer Science, 21, 132-139.
I14 Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision,
architectural elements, and future directions. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(7), 1645-1660.
I15 Kortuem, G., Bandara, A. K., Smith, N., Richards, M., & Petre, M. (2013). Educating the Internet-of-
Things generation. Computer, 46(2), 53-61.
I16 Krotov, V. (2017). The Internet of Things and new business opportunities. Business Horizons, 60(6),
I17 Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for
enterprises. Business Horizons, 58(4), 431-440.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 501

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix B (Continued)
Study ID References

I18 Lee, S.-E., Choi, M., & Kim, S. (2017). How and what to study about IoT: Research trends and future
directions from the perspective of social science. Telecommunications Policy, 41(10), 1056-1067.
I19 Li, Y., Hou, M., Liu, H., & Liu, Y. (2012). Towards a theoretical framework of strategic decision, supporting
capability and information sharing under the context of Internet of Things. Information Technology and
Management, 13(4), 205-216
I20 He, J. S., Ji, S., & Bobbie, P. O. (2017). Internet of Things (IoT)-based Learning Framework to Facilitate
STEM Undergraduate Education. In Proceedings of the SouthEast Conference (pp. 88-94).
I21 Hossain, M. A. (2014). Development of an integrated model for RFID extension. Business Process
Management Journal, 20(5), 752-772.
I22 Iyawa, G. E., Herselman, M., & Botha, A. (2017). The Application of Wireless Sensor Networks
and Wearable Technologies for Educational Purposes: A Scoping Review. In Proceedings of Second
International Conference on Advanced Wireless Information, Data, and Communication Technologies
(AWICT’’17). ACM, Paris, France. doi:10.1145/1234567890
I23 Miorandi, D., Sicari, S., De Pellegrini, F., & Chlamtac, I. (2012). Internet of things: Vision, applications
and research challenges. Ad hoc networks, 10(7), 1497-1516.
I24 Mital, M., Chang, V., Choudhary, P., Papa, A., & Pani, A. K. (2017). Adoption of Internet of Things in India:
A test of competing models using a structured equation modeling approach. Technological Forecasting
and Social Change. 136, 339-346.
I25 Niyato, D., Hoang, D. T., Luong, N. C., Wang, P., Kim, D. I., & Han, Z. (2016). Smart data pricing models
for the Internet of Things: A bundling strategy approach. IEEE Network, 30(2), 18-25.
I26 Roy, A., Zalzala, A. M. S., & Kumar, A. (2016). Disruption of Things: A Model to Facilitate Adoption of
IoT-based Innovations by the Urban Poor. Procedia Engineering, 159(Supplement C), 199-209.
I27 Saarikko, T., Westergren, U. H., & Blomquist, T. (2017). The Internet of Things: Are you ready for what’s
coming? Business Horizons, 60(5), 667-676.
I28 Sarıtaş, M. T. (2015). The Emergent Technological and Theoretical Paradigms in Education: The
Interrelations of Cloud Computing (CC), Connectivism and Internet of Things (IoT). Acta Polytechnica
Hungarica, 12(6), 161-179.
I29 Shin, D.-H. (2017). Conceptualizing and measuring quality of experience of the internet of things:
Exploring how quality is perceived by users. Information & Management, 54(8), 998-1011.
I30 Shin, D.-H., & Jin Park, Y. (2017). Understanding the Internet of Things ecosystem: multi-level analysis
of users, society, and ecology. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 19(1), 77-100.
I31 Sudtasan, T., & Mitomo, H. (2017). The Internet of Things as an accelerator of advancement of broadband
networks: A case of Thailand. Telecommunications Policy, 42(4), 293-303.
I32 Thiesse, F., Staake, T., Schmitt, P., & Fleisch, E. (2011). The rise of the “next-generation bar code”: an
international RFID adoption study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(5), 328-345.
I33 Want, R., Schilit, B. N., & Jenson, S. (2015). Enabling the internet of things. Computer, 48(1), 28-35.
I34 Adhiarna, N., Hwang, Y. M., Park, M. J., & Rho, J. J. (2013). An integrated framework for RFID adoption
and diffusion with a stage-scale-scope cubicle model: A case of Indonesia. International Journal of
Information Management, 33(2), 378-389.
I35 Zhu, Z.-T., Yu, M.-H., & Riezebos, P. (2016). A research framework of smart education. Smart Learning
Environments, 3(1), 4.

502 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix B (Continued)
Study ID References
I36 Barreto, L., Celesti, A., Villari, M., Fazio, M., & Puliafito, A. (2015, 25-28 Aug. 2015). An authentication
model for IoT clouds. Paper presented at the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in
Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).
I37 Ahmed, E., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A., Imran, M., & Guizani, M. (2016). Internet-of-things-based smart
environments: state of the art, taxonomy, and open research challenges. IEEE Wireless Communications,
23(5), 10-16.
I38 Guo, B., Yu, Z., Zhou, X., & Zhang, D. (2012, May). Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the social side of the
internet of things. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) (pp. 925-929). IEEE.
I39 Kalashnikov, A., Zhang, H., Jennings, J., & Abramriuk, M. M. (2017). Remote laboratory: using Internet-
of-Things (IoT) for E-learning. In: Comparison of the responsiveness of ultrasonic oscillating temperature
sensors (UOTSes) and conventional sensors to temperature inflection points, Springer, 43-46.
I40 Kounelis, I., Baldini, G., Neisse, R., Steri, G., Tallacchini, M., & Pereira, A. G. (2014). Building trust in
the human? internet of things relationship. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 33(4), 73-80.
I41 Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A., Christen, P., & Georgakopoulos, D. (2013). Context aware computing for the
internet of things: A survey. IEEE communications surveys & tutorials, 16(1), 414-454.
I42 Yoon, T. E., & George, J. F. (2013). Why aren’t organizations adopting virtual worlds? Computers in
Human Behavior, 29(3), 772-790.
I43 Shin, D. (2014). A socio-technical framework for Internet-of-Things design: A human-centered design
for the Internet of Things. Telematics and informatics, 31(4), 519-531.
I44 Dijkman, R. M., Sprenkels, B., Peeters, T., & Janssen, A. (2015). Business models for the Internet of
Things. International Journal of Information Management, 35(6), 672-678.
I45 Gao, L., & Bai, X. (2014). A unified perspective on the factors influencing consumer acceptance of internet
of things technology. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 211-231.
I46 Tsai, C. W., Lai, C. F., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2014). Future Internet of Things: open issues and challenges.
Wireless Networks, 20(8), 2201-2217. doi:10.1007/s11276-014-0731-0
I47 Patil, K. (2016, December). Retail adoption of Internet of Things: Applying TAM model. In 2016
International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Security Trends (CAST) (pp. 404-409). IEEE.
I48 Tsai, M.-C., Lai, K.-H., & Hsu, W.-C. (2013). A study of the institutional forces influencing the adoption
intention of RFID by suppliers. Information & Management, 50(1), 59-65.
I49 Reyes, P. M., Li, S., & Visich, J. K. (2016). Determinants of RFID adoption stage and perceived benefits.
European Journal of Operational Research, 254(3), 801-812.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 503

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix C
Quality evaluation measure


11 2 2 2 2 8
I2 2 0 0 2 4
I3 2 1 0 2 5
I4 2 0 2 1 5
I5 2 0 1 2 5
I6 2 0 0 2 4
I7 2 0 2 2 6
I8 2 0 2 1 5
I9 2 0 1 2 5
I10 2 0 1 2 5
I11 2 1 1 1 5
I12 1 1 1 1 4
I13 2 2 2 2 8
I14 2 0 2 1 5
I15 2 0 2 1 5
I16 2 0 1 1 4
I17 2 0 1 1 5
I19 2 0 2 2 6
I20 2 0 2 1 5
I21 2 2 1 1 6
I22 2 0 2 1 5
I23 1 1 1 1 4
I24 2 2 2 2 8
I25 2 1 2 2 7
I26 2 2 1 1 6
I27 2 0 1 1 4
I28 2 0 1 1 4
I29 2 2 2 2 8
I30 2 2 1 2 7
I32 2 2 2 2 8
I33 2 0 1 1 4

504 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix C (Continued)


I34 2 1 1 1 5
I35 2 0 1 1 4
I36 2 0 0 2 4
I37 2 1 0 1 4
I38 2 0 0 1 3
I39 2 1 0 1 4
I40 2 0 1 1 4
I41 2 0 1 1 4
I42 1 2 1 1 5
I43 2 2 1 1 6
I44 2 2 1 1 6
I45 1 2 1 1 5
I46 2 0 0 2 4
I47 2 2 1 2 7
I48 2 2 1 2 7
I49 2 2 2 2 8

Appendix D
Distribution of research methodologies
Distribution of research methodologies
ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
1 Dijkman et al. Business Presenting a none mixed Interviews
(2015) models for framework for and Surveys
internet of developing
things business
models for IoT

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 505

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
2 Farhan et al. IoT based To develop IoT- none quantitative experiment
(2017) student’s based interaction
interaction framework
framework and analysis
using of the student
attention experience
scoring of electronic
assessment in learning
e-learning (eLearning).
3 Ali et al. IoTFLiP: IoT- Developing of none qualitative none
(2017) based flipped an IoT flipped
learning learning for
platform improved
for medical learning
4 Coccoli et Smarter Analyze the none qualitative none
al. (2014) Insitutions: A current situation
vision for the of education in
quick digital universities, with
era particular
reference to
the European
we observe that
recent evolutions,
such as
networking and
other enabling
have been
human life,
acquisition, and
the way works
are performed,
and people learn

506 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
5 Thiesse et The rise To find the TOE quantitative survey
al. (2011) of next causals of
generation bar adopting RFID
code-RFID within initial
adoption standards
6 Adhiarna et An integrated The main TOE qualitative none
al. (2013) framework for concern in this
RFID adoption study is stages
and diffusion of adoption
which covers
tree phases
in respect of
the maturity
of the RFID
project and the
and RFID
7 Iyawa et al. Utilizing To perform none qualitative none
(2017) WSNz and a scoping
wearable evaluation on
technologies utilizing WSNs
for education and wearable
innovations for
8 Reyes et al. Determinants This study TOE quantitative survey
(2016) of RFID identifies the
adoption stage determinants
and perceived of radio
benefits frequency
adoption stage
and explores
the perceived
benefits from
RFID adoption

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 507

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
9 Hossain and Development To develop an TOE quantitative survey
Quaddus of an integrated integrated model
(2015) model for RFID that explains
extension the adoption,
continuance, and
extension of a
innovation –
taking radio
(RFID) as the
10 Yoon and Why arent To comprehend TOE quantitative survey
George organizations reasons for
(2013) adopting virtual slowness in firm
worlds incorporation
of virtual
worlds than
required, through
of elements
for organizational
need to
virtual worlds
11 Gómez et al. Interaction The education none qualitative none
(2013) System Based field, where
on Internet Internet of
of Things as Things can be
Support for used to create
Education more significant
learning spaces.
12 Gao and Bai A unified To develop TAM quantitative survey
(2014) perspective and test an
on the factors integrative model
influencing of factors
consumer determining
acceptance consumers'
of internet acceptance of
of things IoT technology. 

508 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
13 He et al. Instruction Implementation none qualitative none
(2017) founded on of an IoT-
Internet of based learning
Things (IoT) model that
Framework to enables STEM
ease STEM undergraduate
Undergraduate instruction
14 Mital et al. Adoption of To satisfy a clear SEM quantitative survey
(2018) Internet of gap in the main
Things in field of research
India: a test by proposing
of competing a Structured
models using Equation Model
SEM (SEM) approach
to test three
models in
the context
of Internet of
Things in India.
15 Roy et al. Disruption of This study none quantitative survey
(2016) things: a model examines the
to facilitate adoption of
adoption of the Internet of
IoT-based Things (IoT)
innovations by based innovations
the urban poor by urban
16 Shin and Understanding To conduct socio- none Mixed interview
Park (2017) the Internet technical analysis and
of Things of the rapidly survey
ecosystem: evolving Internet
multi-level of Things (IoT)
analysis of ecosystem
users, society, and industry,
and ecology including such
factors as market
growth and user
policy, and the
impact of IoT on
various areas.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 509

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
17 Zhu et al. A research The definition of none qualitative none
(2016) framework smart education
for smart and presents
education a conceptual
18 Tsai et al. Future Internet An overview of none qualitative none
(2014) of Things: IoT and FIoT,
open issues followed by
and challenges discussions on
how to apply
data mining and
intelligence to
19 Sudtasan The Internet of Illustrates effect none qualitative none
and Mitomo Things as an of consumer
(2017) accelerator of decisions
advancement influenced by
of broadband Internet of Things
networks: applications
A case of
20 Shin (2014) A socio- How Internet of none Mixed Interviews
technical Things will evolve methods and
framework and stabilize in a Surveys
for Internet of smart environment,
Things design relation linking
centered on social and
humans technical elements
of Internet of
Things and
in design,
deploying, and
sustaining diverse
components of IoT

510 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
21 Barreto et al. An Present an none qualitative none
(2015) authentication architectural
model for model and
Internet of several use
things clouds cases that allow
different types of
users to access
IoT devices
22 Perera et al. Context aware Context none qualitative none
(2014) computing for awareness
the Internet of from an IoT
Things perspective.
23 Kounelis et Human-IoT Agency as none qualitative none
al. (2014) relationship a driver in
building trusted
human Internet
of Things
24 Kalashnikov Remote Remote none qualitative none
et al. (2017) laboratory: laboratory
via Internet of project for video
Things streaming
25 Guo et al. Opportunistic To present the none qualitative none
(2012) IoT: Exploring IoT from the
the social side human-centric
of perspective
26 Gubbi et al. Internet A cloud centric none qualitative none
(2013) of Things: vision for
A vision, worldwide
architectural implementation
components, of IoT
and future

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 511

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
27 Farooq et al. A review on A detailed none qualitative none
(2015) Internet of examination of
things the IoT notion
with its enabling
and the sensor
28 Chen et al. IoT The status of none qualitative none
(2014) perception IoT development
in China: in China, plus
Applications, standards,
challenges, R&D plans,
and applications, and
opportunities standardization
29 Miorandi et The Internet Research none qualitative none
al. (2012) of things challenges and
vision: Key open issues to be
elements, faced for the IoT
uses, and realization in the
open issues real world
30 Ahmed et al. Internet- Status on none qualitative none
(2016) of-Things- evaluation efforts
Based Smart to permit IoT
environments: based smart
state of environments
the Art,
and open
31 Bagheri and The effect of To investigate none qualitative literature
Movahed the Internet and analyze
(2016) of Things change of
(IoT) on IoT platform
Educational regarding
Business education
model business model

512 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
32 Atzori et al. The Internet Allow the reader to none qualitative none
(2010) of Things: A understanding what
survey has been done and
what remains to be
addressed, as well
as which are the
enabling factors of
this evolutionary
process and what are
its weaknesses and
risk factors.
33 Bayani et Internet of The need of adopting none qualitative none
al. (2017) Things (IoT) IoT technologies in
Advantages on smart city campuses,
E-learning in analyzing the
the Smart Cities predictable
advantages of the
34 Bibri Democratizing To explore the power none qualitative none
(2015) AmI and the and seminal role of
IoT: The power social innovation
and Influence and participative
of Social and humanistic
Innovation and design—as one
Participative holistic approach—
and Humanistic in sustaining the
Design success of AmI and
the IoT technologies,
and to identify and
address the great
challenges involved
in the process of
embracing this
35 Chen et al. Evolution is Challenges with none qualitative none
(2016) not enough: a view towards
Revolutionizing revolutionizing
present current learning
instruction environments to
environments to smart learning
smart learning environments
area and provides new
suggestions for

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 513

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
36 Demirer et Exploring the Introduction of none qualitative none
al. (2017) Educational IoT technology
Potential of pus its potentiality
Internet of in seamless
Things (IoT) instruction.
in Seamless
37 Domingo An overview Overview of the none qualitative none
(2012) of the Internet of Things
Internet of for people with
Things for disabilities is
people with provided
38 Kortuem et Educating To place the none qualitative none
al. (2013) the Internet- IoT at the core
of-Things of the first-
generation year computing
and to prime
students from
the beginning to
meet the coming
changes in society
and technology
39 Krotov The Internet To stimulate none qualitative none
(2017) of Things and thinking,
upcoming creativity, and
business entrepreneurship
opportunities in relation to the
40 Lee and Lee IoT Essential IoT none qualitative none
(2015) Applications, technologies for
investments, the deployment
and of IoT-based
challenges products and
for services and
enterprises IoT categories
for enterprise

514 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
41 Lee et al. How and what Examines the none qualitative none
(2017) to study about status of scholarly
IoT: Research discourse on IoT.
trends and future
directions from
the perspective of
social science
42 Li et at. Towards a That groups IoT none qualitative none
(2012) theoretical into perspective of
framework managers’ strategic
of strategic need and industrial
decision, driving force, and
supporting suggest that market-
capability and based exploratory
information necessities
sharing under impact companies
the context incorporating
of Internet of get-ahead strategy,
Things and market-based
possibilities are
significant for
catch-up strategy in
43 Niyato et al. Smart data Suggest an none qualitative none
(2016) pricing models improved pricing
for the Internet structure for IoT
of Things: A service providers to
bundling strategy choose the sensory
approach details initial cost
and IoT service
subscription price
given to sensor
owners and service
44 Saariko et The Internet of Reviewing the none qualitative none
al. (2017) Things: Are you complexity of IoT,
prepared for what the issues in linked
is coming? environments,
plus the rising
necessity to create
links for innovative

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 515

Ruth Chweya and Othman Ibrahim

Appendix D (Continued)

Distribution of research methodologies

ID Instigator(s) Article Name Intent Theory/ Method Details
Framework collection
45 Sarıtaş The Emergent Background and none qualitative none
(2015) Technological fundamentals
and Theoretical about emerging
Paradigms in technology
Education: The paradigms –
Interrelations Cloud Computing
of Cloud (CC) and Internet
Computing of Things (IoT),
(CC), and an
Connectivism emerging
and IoT learning theory –
46 Shin (2017) Conceptualizing Relationship TRA and Mixed Focus
and measuring between consumer TPB method groups,
quality of experiences, brainstorming
experience of the quality
the internet perception of
of things: IoT, and develops
Exploring a conceptual
how quality is model for QoE
perceived by in personal
users informatics
47 Sudtasan The Internet of Show influence Bivariate quantitative Survey
and Mitomo Things as an of consumer probit
(2017) accelerator of decisions on model
advancement choices of
of broadband advanced Internet
networks: access by the
A case of emergence of IoT
Thailand applications
48 Want et al. Enabling the Benefits of IoT, none qualitative none
(2015) internet of future directions
things and challenges
49 Tsai et al. Examining How different DOI quantitative survey
(2013) institutional institutional forces
pressure for experienced by
incorporating retailer's suppliers
RFID by were related to
suppliers their relational
on inter-

516 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021)

Internet of Things (IoT) in Learning Institutions: A systematic Review

Appendix E
Additional article (Book Chapter)
ID References Name Aspiration
81 Bibri (2015) The Shaping of Ambient The book explains how Ambient Intelligence
Intelligence and the (AMI) and IoT utilizations of scientific discovery
Internet of Things merge with various implementations in the
spheres of the European society. It positions AmI
and the IoT developments and innovations as
modernist science–based innovation enterprises
in a volatile and tense relationship.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (1): 471 - 517 (2021) 517

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