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Form 4

Write Up on Poster making

Student Name: Emmanuel Thilli

Candidate No: 3067
School : Mt Pleasant HIGH
CALA No. 2
Learning Area : COMMERCE
Level : O level
Class : Form 4-2
DUE DATE : 22-10-2021
CALA Type : Making of Posters on Consumer rights.
CALA Title : Making of Posters sensitizing Mount Pleasant school
community on consumer rights.

Topic : Consumer Protection

Sub Topic : Consumer rights
CALA context/Background /Statement of the problem
There is evidence of gross consumer rights violation experienced by Mount
Pleasant learners. Information gathered by class teachers and the Guidance and
counselling officer supports that claim. Violation of consumer rights in the school
and community at large may be intentional or due to lack of knowledge of
consumer rights by perpetrators. As a result Mount Pleasant school Commercial
department has tasked Form 4 learners to research on consumer rights and make
posters to sensitize the society on the need to respect these rights. The posters
will play advocacy in solving the problem of violation of consumer rights both at
school and at home.

Research questions
• Types of consumer rights
• Ways to implement consumer rights
• Pictures of consumer rights
Research notes on consumer rights
Consumers have the following rights:
✓ The right to basic human needs – Consumers must have access to basic goods
and services, for example clothing, food, shelter, water, health care and
✓ The right to safety - Consumers must be protected against goods and services
or production processes that are dangerous to their health.
✓ The right to be informed - Consumers must be given the facts and figures they
require to make informed choices and decisions
✓ The right to choose - Consumers must have access to a wide variety or range of
goods and services from which they select what they want.
✓ The right to be heard - Consumers must be allowed to express themselves and
lodge complaints. Consumers must also be represented government and other
policymaking bodies to enable them to put across their views.
✓ The right to redress -t Consumers must be accorded a fair settlement of just
claims. Consumers must be compensated for shoddy or sub-standard goods and
✓ The right to consumer education - Consumers must be educated on their
✓ The right to a healthy environment - Consumers must be protected from
environmental hazards, such as polluted air. Consumers must live in a clean and
safe environment
How I made my poster (process of designing the poster)
Stage 1: Researched notes using books and internet
Stage 2: I crafted research questions
Stage 3:Downloaded pictures of consumer rights using Pinterest and Google
Stage 4: Used poster maker to create my poster
Stage 5: l added pictures and consumer rights to the poster
Stage 6: I added the school logo and finished the poster

Who is going to benefit from your Poster and how? (Benefits of this CALA)
All the people will benefit from the poster.The Consumers will know their
rights,The stakeholders will know how to comply with the consumer
rights,teachers will use the poster to educate the learners and school children will
learn from the posters

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