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Self-organization is the process of achieving a goal by identifying the most

efficient path for doing so. This process includes acknowledging the skills,
knowledge, and resources. Self-organization demands active experimentation
in terms of approaches, continuous adjustment and the obtainment of lessons
from all failures. Delivering of greater values comes when employees are self
– organized at work and being self-organized at work will helps you seek to
accept greater responsibilities. Assigning tasks to themselves and identify
tasks independently. To clarify any discrepancies and doubts and remain
open to learning new things. To upgrade knowledge and skill on a continuous
basis through regular interaction within the team. To maintain stability of
team members throughout the duration of the project. Being self-organizing
at work make us not depend on or wait for a manager to assign work. Instead,
these teams find their own work and manage the associated responsibilities
and timelines.
Let us discuss about the case study of being self-organised at work in the
next slides

This case discusses a crisis at a company. The crisis involved here is a
change in the programming of a software which is not correct. The incorrect
change in the code led to the failure of programming the software entirely
which in turn led to customers could not access their accounts, profiles, etc.,
Though the one who made this mistake is one of the best programmers and
the same crisis has been raised many times. Then the head of the organisation
went through the research about the crisis. Then they realised that
the programmers who were committing these mistakes were not self-
organised at work. As self-organisation includes a proper plan, time-table,
organising their work properly, self-awareness, etc., Which all of these make
to have a productive objective. Then the company replaced the employees
who made the mistakes with self-organised employees.
Self-organisation at work is a must!!
Building the bowl 
People based on their self-organizing complexity they need to create a
container called " The Bowl " for their organization so it provides focus and
guidance and freedom for people to self-organize the critical tasks. This frees
up people to develop best solutions and get the work done quickly. Bowl is a
container for the organization consisting of the vision, expectations and
accountability. Within the bowl the people are self-organized to produce
extraordinary results. Self-organizing alone is likely to lead to fragmentation
and a reduced effectiveness in the organization.

• In the present scenario, many of the companies choose the path of self-
organization to grab skills from their employees and get the best
outputs Let's look into the following case: A task is assigned to a team
by their manager and informed to finish it within 24 hours. But the
team failed to do it because of one of the team members Now, the
whole team is supposed to answer their manager. So, what do we
expect here, the whole team blames that one person right But this is not
going to happen in the case of a self-organized team, there is no
shifting of blame to someone else and managers also accept that failure
is part of the process of creation? Hence the employees do not get
discouraged and give their level best to complete the work. So being
self-organized at work is must to acquire fruitful results

Self-organization always has a positive impact on an employee's
performance. It not only makes work productive but also lightens workplace
stress. principles of self-organization planning: by planning we must divide
our work in such a way so that you can efficiently complete work.
 Take responsibility: As a member of self-organization we need to take
responsibility for our own actions.
 Get Creative: creative individuals can bring something new to the table and
give beneficial ideas.
 No multitasking: Multitasking is a myth, we cannot do multiple tasks at the
same time we should only focus on one

• One of the questions we use is ‘Is it safe enough to try this idea for one
day?’ We pose the question this way to support the person who has the
idea, rather than highlight the objections of others.
• The weekly tactical meeting is our backbone. In the meetings we
discuss sections like: CHECK IN, CHECK OUT, CHECKLIST,
PROJECTS, METRICS, AGENDA. OKR Short for Objectives and
Key Results In the digital world, we needed to react faster to consumer
needs and market developments.
• To enable personal and professional growth we have an education
portal with over a thousand (online) courses.
These offer webinars, internal or external training, and personal assessment.
One thing we offer is the ODC measurement tool.
As we discussed in the previous aspects, we conclude that being self-
organized at work will develop one's own ability to manage time, self-
management and increase productivity. From The above stated cases we
observe that one should be self-organized to work to develop any
organization. As we know, Perfection is about efficiency, reducing stress and
time saving and helps an individual in improving overall quality of life.

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