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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48

Rapid tooling: selective laser sintering injection tooling

D. King, T. Tansey*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland


Increasingly, time to market has become the key differentiator for success in the consumer product marketplace. Metal injection mould
tooling is often the most time-consuming costly part of the design process. Regardless of how quickly and efficiently the design team works, a
toolmaker generally requires a minimum of eight labour-intensive weeks to prepare moulds for verifying the design and manufacturing the
product. The SLS (selective laser sintering) rapid prototyping process has been adapted to produce metal-based prototypes that can be used in
rapid tooling applications. The SLS process fuses, or sinters, the powder to form the mould geometry, which is then filled with bronze to form a
metal matrix. Conventional injection moulds tend to be created by using time-consuming subtractive processes. The combination of modular
moulds with rapid tooling offers a fast alternative to traditional methods, allowing the development of tool inserts within a relatively short time
frame (1–2 weeks). Rapid injection mould tooling would enable the production of beta prototype parts of sufficient quality to fully test both
the product and the marketplace, providing stimulation of the market, enabling valuable feedback for the company on a new product’s market
potential and customer requirements. This paper will discuss the outcome of research on rapid prototyping and rapid injection mould tooling
where time to market is of critical importance.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Selective laser sintering; Prototype parts; Prototype tooling

1. Introduction 2. Rapid prototyping methods

The Institute of Technology Tallaght has invested heavily The term rapid prototyping refers to a number of rela-
in capital equipment for the area of rapid prototyping tively recent developments in the area of computer aided
technology. As a result of this investment, a selective laser manufacturing. One could apply a relatively loose definition
sintering (SLS) machine has been purchased from the of rapid prototyping as ‘‘the fabrication of a physical, three-
D.T.M. Corporation and the ancillary equipment necessary dimensional part of arbitrary shape directly from a numer-
to construct RapidSteel1 mould inserts. The research team ical description, typically a computer aided design (CAD)
in the institute has already gained experience in the area of model, by a quick highly automated and totally flexible
modular mould tooling and will continue to develop this manufacturing process’’ [6].
research stream by expanding the range of tooling applica- Rapid prototyping technologies provide prototypes of
tions. very complex part geometry directly from three-dimensional
The research team focuses on the use of RapidSteel1 CAD software. These processes build prototypes in a wide
injection mould tool inserts to construct prototype injection variety of materials such as polymer, wax, and paper without
mould tools combined with process optimization to help the benefit of specially designed tooling or fixturing. Fig. 2
reduce new product development time scales, and also to shows a flowchart of the main methods of rapid prototyping.
gain expertise in constructing RapidSteel1 tooling in an In contrast to traditional machining methods, the majority
industry focused manner. of rapid prototyping systems tend to fabricate parts using a
A progression diagram for a product is shown, starting process of addition [5], rather than subtraction or removal of
from the initial concept in Fig. 1. material. Therefore this type of fabrication is unconstrained
by the limitations attributed to conventional machining
approaches—there are no problems of tool clash, any shape
of geometry can essentially be reproduced to a high degree
Corresponding author. of accuracy. Most of the rapid prototyping techniques can
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Tansey). produce high quality three-dimensional parts, of varying

0924-0136/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 5 7 - 1
D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48 43

Fig. 1. Progression from concept to part.

Fig. 2. Rapid prototyping flowchart.

44 D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48

degrees of complexity, size and shape by means of various greater detail in the paper. To compare against the SLS
photochemical, laser sintering, guided deposition, extrusion process we had a part manufactured using the three-dimen-
layering or sculpting processes. sional printing (uses paper) rapid prototyping method. The
Rapid tooling is a progression from rapid prototyping. It is part was produced by Z-Corp (manufacturer of a three-
the ability to build prototype tools directly as opposed to dimensional printing machine).
prototype products directly from the CAD model resulting in
compressed time to market solutions. The processes have 2.1. Selective laser sintering
been developed for generating durable injection moulds
directly from computer data. These hard tooling solutions In December 2000, the Institute of Technology Tallaght
are based on sintered metal powder moulds usually infil- purchased a 2500 plus Sinterstation1 system. This will be
trated with copper. These hard tooling processes produce used to make prototype parts and prototype tooling out of
metal tools capable of surviving thousands of cycles [2]. DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) and RapidSteel1.
There are two types of rapid tooling processes, transfer and The first step in creating a functional prototype via the
direct. The research for this paper is based on direct rapid SLS process is the preparation of a CAD model [1]. The
tooling. CAD file must be pre-processed by running a CAD to .STL
Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling continue to have a translation program (.STL is a tessellated format that
huge impact in changing how products are designed and approximates the model using a triangular representation
tested. Fig. 3 shows a flowchart of the steps involved in of the CAD model) to create/generate a .STL file. Once it is
producing an aesthetic part using a rapid tooling methodo- in this required format, it will be used by the Sinterstation1
logy. system to guide the laser in the formation of the solid object.
Prototyping parts were first used as visual aids, but with Once the file is in the .STL file format it is loaded into the
the development of new materials it is now possible to make Sinterstation1 system and prepared for processing. The part
for example investment casting patterns, casting cores and file is scaled to compensate for shrinkage that occurs as the
moulds, functional prototypes and mould inserts for injec- plastic prototype cools. This will be done automatically with
tion moulding. The SLS process is one of the most effective the rapid prototyping software that is included with the
and versatile rapid prototyping methods available today [3]. Sinterstation1 system. This software is also used to orient
This process and the materials used will be discussed in the part in the build chamber and to arrange multiple parts in

Fig. 3. Aesthetic part flowchart.

D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48 45

a build to maximise efficiency. The D.T.M. Corporation uses Table 1

the Magic R.P. Software for this purpose [1]. DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) properties
The SLS process creates three-dimensional parts, layer by S.I. units ASTM test
layer from one of several powdered materials. Each cross- method
section of the part is created as the systems CO2 laser Physical properties
selectively heats and fuses a layer of the powder to form Specific gravity 20 8C D792 0.97
a solid mass that matches the cross-section of the parts CAD Moisture absorption 23 8C % D570 0.41
design. When the laser has finished scanning a layer, the Powder density Tap g/cm3 D4164 0.59
build area is lowered slightly using a piston and another 0.1– Thermal properties
0.13 mm of powder is applied and selectively sintered by the Melting point: Tm 8C DSC 184
laser [4]. The laser energy heats the plastic to a temperature DTUL, 0.45 MPa 8C D648 177
DTUL, 1.82 MPa 8C D648 86
above its melting temperature, bonding the powder into a
solid mass. To achieve the cross-section of the CAD design, Mechanical properties
Tensile strength MPa D638 44
the laser power is modulated. This process will repeat itself
Tensile modulus MPa D638 1600
until the build is complete. Tensile elongation % D638 9
On completion of the build and once the prototype part Flexural modulus MPa D790 1285
has cooled sufficiently, the cake of powder is raised to its Impact strength: notched Izod J/m D256 214
start position, removed and taken to a break out station/table. Impact strength: unnotched Izod J/m D256 428
Here the excess powder is brushed away to reveal the parts
and the remaining powder is removed from the part by a
glass bead blaster. Polyamide (PA). SLS of DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) offers
an effective method of creating functional thermoplastic
2.2. Components of a SLS Sinterstation1 engineering models [1]. Fig. 5 shows a part manufactured
from DuraformTM Polyamide (PA).
The components of a SLS Sinterstation1 are as follows DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) produces parts that have the
(Fig. 4): strength and durability of engineering thermoplastics, while
maintaining parts accuracy, holding fine feature details,
 CO2 laser, and a smooth surface finish. It is ideal for producing quickly
 laser/optics/scanning mirror, and cost effectively high quality, fully testable models.
 roller for keeping powder level, DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) parts are heat and chemical
 powder bed, resistant, machinable, weldable, and readily joined—
 build chamber, mechanically or with adhesives. DuraformTM Polyamide
 cartridge feeding system, (PA) has received U.S.P. level VI certification for brief in
 piston to move down each layer.

2.3. DuraformTM Polyamide (PA)

Manufacturers need ways to quickly create rugged engi-

neering thermoplastic models, prototypes and patterns that
can withstand aggressive functional and ‘‘life’’ testing.
Table 1 shows in detail the properties of DuraformTM

Fig. 4. Components of a SLS Sinterstation1. Fig. 5. DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) sample part.
46 D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48

Fig. 6. Injection mould tool.

vivo exposure for use in surgical devices and can be ster- Table 2
ilised with an autoclave [1]. Rapidsteel1 properties
DuraformTM Polyamide (PA) requires no support struc- S.I. units ASTM test
tures during the SLS process. This means that several parts method
can be nested and stacked during one build, further maxi- Physical properties
mising production and minimising post-processing labour Density 23 8C g/cm3 D792 7.5
[1]. Thermal properties
It is ideal for many diverse applications, ranging from Thermal conductivity 100 8C W/m 8C E457 23
small assembly components to large plastic enclosures. Also Specific heat 100–150 8C J/g 8C 339–418
it can be utilised for producing durable patterns for the sand Mechanical properties
casting process and silicon tooling [1]. Yield strength MPa E8 413
Tensile strength MPa E8 580
2.4. Rapidsteel1 Elongation % E8 0.9
Young modulus GPa E8 263
Hardness Rockwell C E18 27
This material is primarily used to create steel/copper
mould inserts, from which large quantities of plastic parts
and prototype quantities of pressure die cast parts can be
moulded. Fig. 6 illustrates a standard mould insert and an equalized thermal environment. The binder decomposes
an injection mould tool we are working on here. It also at temperatures between 450 and 650 8C. The part will now
helps you avoid costs and save time. A description of this be 60% dense and is now called the ‘‘brown insert’’ and is
material is polymer coated stainless steel powder infiltrated much more durable. At this stage it is possible to conduct
with bronze. Some of the benefits associated with Rapid- some finishing work on the part because the part is softer and
steel1 are that it offers P20 steel hardness and durability,
high thermal conductivity, it wears like traditional tool
steels and the tooling can generate >100,000 plastic parts
[3]. Table 2 shows in detail the properties Rapidsteel1
The mould insert produced in the Sinterstation1 system is
called a ‘‘green insert’’. An example of a green insert is
shown in Fig. 7. The stainless steel powder is held together
by a binder which is activated during the laser sintering. As
discussed earlier in the SLS process, this green insert (part)
is removed from the Sinterstation1 and any unsintered
powder is removed. The green insert is now ready to undergo
the first furnace cycle. During this first furnace cycle, the
binder will decompose and the steel powder sinters to form
small necks (or bridges) between particles. A layer of coarse
alumina powder is placed over the green part(s) to support
the green part and distributes heat across the part providing Fig. 7. A green insert.
D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48 47

Fig. 8. Optimal processing window [7].

easier to work than after the next stage, which is bronze the processing conditions will not cause bad parts to be
infiltration [3]. made [8].
In this stage the brown insert is placed in a crucible (Fig. 4)  Production Xpert: This Xpert maintains optimal machine
with a measured amount of bronze placed next to it. The operating conditions during production. It monitors
amount of bronze required is 85% of the mass of the brown variables specific to the injection molding process,
insert. This crucible is now placed in the furnace for the automatically determines the quality control limits and
second cycle. During this second furnace cycle the bronze displays graphs of production. Production Xpert can be
melts and by capillary action wicks into the insert to form an set to monitor the processes only, giving feedback if any
infiltrated part which is now fully dense [3]. conditions become unacceptable, or it can actively control
Rapidsteel1 is expensive and has the potential for sec- the process, if any of the parameters become unacceptable
ondary finishing. If the part is not correct after the first try, it [8].
is possible to weldin/remachine, but this is time-consuming.
4. Conclusions

3. Moldflow Plastics Xpert (MPX) Both prototyping processes delivered high quality parts,
and when dimensionally compared to the injection moulded
Moldflow Plastics Xpert (MPX) is an intelligent online part demonstrated that rapid prototyping process capabilities
quality control system for plastic injection molding mach- offer a true reflection of the final part. Table 3 shows the
ines, providing you with a simple and systematic method to comparison of these parts compared to the CAD model.
setup, optimize, monitor and control the injection molding The Z-Corp part (made from the three-dimensinal print-
process [8]. Fig. 8 shows the optimal processing window we ing rapid prototyping technique) was initially close to the
aim to achieve using the moldflow plastics Xpert. required part size; however over a period of 4 weeks the part
MPX consists of three expert systems for optimizing the had warped exhibiting poor dimensional stability, drifting
manufacture of injection molded plastic parts:

 Setup Xpert: This Xpert helps you to set up the injection Table 3
molding machine profiles by making parts. The operator Dimensions of sample parts compared to CAD model
checks the quality of the parts, and gives MPX feedback.
CAD SLS part Z-Corp Plastic
The profiles are then changed, and the part quality is model (mm) (mm) (mm) part (mm)
checked again, until a good part is made [8].
 Optimize Xpert: This Xpert improves the robustness of Diameter 1 51 51.29 50.88 50.87
Diameter 2 45 45.24 44.80 45.82
the process, while minimizing production scrap and Diameter 3 40 40.34 40.70 39.52
downtime. Optimize Xpert continues making parts, and Diameter 4 34 34.38 34.10 34.59
changing the profiles slightly for each part. The operator Width 1 16 15.38 12.85 15.48
checks the quality of the parts, and gives MPX feedback. Width 2 33 32.79 30.14 32.46
The Xpert refines the profiles until all the parts made are Height 1 48 48.15 48.81 48.28
Height 2 50 50.16 50.12 50.29
good. This process makes sure that any small changes in
48 D. King, T. Tansey / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (2003) 42–48

Fig. 9. Sample parts and CAD model.

by up to 3 mm in some cases. This could be a combination References

of environmental effects such as humidity, or ambient
temperature; therefore, the useful life of the Z-Corp part [1] SLS Plastic Protoypes for Functional Product Testing, DTM Corporation.
is relatively low. The plastic parts suffered from shrinkage [2] D.T. Pham, S. Dimov, F. Lacan, Firm Tooling: Bridging the Gap Between
Hard and Soft Tooling, Prototyping Technology International, 1998,
effects, but in general held close to the required dimensions.
pp. 196–202.
The SLS parts were within 0.3 mm on average of the [3] C. Nelson, RapidSteel1 2.0 Mould Inserts for Plastic Injection
desired dimension, and a number of weeks later the dimen- Moulding,
sions remained stable. In terms of % deviation the process [4] T. Reese, Rapid Prototyping—how, when and where, Rapid News
held longer dimensions somewhat better than the smaller (Time Compression Technologies) 5 (6) (1997) 42–48.
[5] T. Tansey, An overview of rapid prototyping, I.E.I. J. (May 1995).
ones. If more accurate parts were required, it is possible to
[6] Rapid Prototyping Report, October 1992.
use these dimensions for recalculation of offset and scaling [7] V. Rosato Donald, P. Di Mattia David, V. Rosato Dominick, Designing
values to achieve dimensions within 0.1 mm. with Plastics and Composites: A Handbook, pp. 608–609.
Fig. 9 shows the sample parts and CAD model from which [8] Getting Started with Moldflow Plastics Xpert, Moldflow Release 3.0,
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