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MATHEMATICS 4 Quarter 1 Week 5


The learner solves multi – step routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication and addition or subtraction using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
tools. M4NS – Ie – 45.5


This module was made to help you master solving multi-step routine and non -routine
problems involving multiplication and addition or subtraction using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:

1. enumerate the steps in Problem Solving;

2. differentiate routine from non-routine problems;
3. use appropriate problem-solving strategies; and
4.Solve multi - step routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication and addition or

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

Mina can type 350 words in an hour, while Lita can type 410 in an hour.
How many words will they type together in 3 hours?

For item 1-5

_______1) What is asked in the problem?

A. The number of words Mina can type in 3 hours
B. The number of words Lita can type in 3 hours
MATH 4 QUARTER 1 WEEK 5 Page 1 | 11
C. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in 3 hours
D. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in an hour
_______2) What are the given facts in the problem?
A. 350 words in an hour
B. 410 words in an hour
C. 350 words and 410 words in an hour; 3 hours
D. 3 hours
_______3) What is the hidden information?
A. The number of words Mina can type in 3 hours
B. The number of words Lita can type in 3 hours
C. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in 3 hours
D. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in an hour
_______4) What is/are the operation/s to be used in solving the problem?
A. Multiplication and Subtraction
B. Multiplication and Addition
C. Multiplication and Division
D. Multiplication only
_______5) What is the complete answer?
A. Mina and Lita can type 2280 words in 3 hours.
B. Mina and Lita can type 1230 words in 3 hours
C. Mina and Lita can type 1050 words in 3 hours
D. Mina and Lita can type 760 words in 3 hours

For Items 6-7

In a 20-item Quiz bee, Jaimee scored 84 marks, if for every correct answer, 5 marks were awarded and
for every wrong answer, 3 marks were deducted.

_______6) How many correct answers did she get?

A. 19 B. 18 C. 17 D.16

_______7) How many wrong answers did she get? (refer to the problem above)
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
_______8) In a parking area, Ruben counted 24 vehicles which are composed of motorcycles and
tricycles only. If he counted 58 wheels all in all, how many tricycles are there?
A. 10 B. 12 C.13 D. 14
_______9) How many motorcycles are there? (refer to problem no. 8)
A. 10 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14
_______10) What do we call a problem that requires more than one mathematical operation to solve?
A. Routine Problem C. Multi-Step Problem
B. Non-Routine Problem D. One- Step Problem

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Looking back at your Lesson
From your previous lesson, you have learned to solve Routine and Non-routine word problems that
involve multiplication of whole numbers, including money. You have differentiated the following terms in the

Routine Problem- Involves using at least one of the four arithmetic operations and/or ratio to solve
problems that are practical in nature.

Example. Mila receives from her mother an amount of PhP55.00 as her daily allowance in school. She
saves PhP5.00 for future expenses. How much does she save in a month?

Non-Routine Problem- Any complex problem that requires some degree of creativity or originality to
solve. Typically, there is no immediate strategy in solving them but oftentimes, it can be solved in
multiple ways. Some of these strategies are: Creating illustrations, looking for a pattern, guessing and
checking, and making a model.

Example. Six people can be seated at a rectangular table. If two of such tables were placed side by
side (attached in its long side), how many people can sit in such type of table set-up?

You also learned to analyze and solve routine and non- routine problem using Polya’s four steps
in Problem solving.

A. Understand
Read and understand the problem
Know what is asked in the problem
Find the necessary information
B. Plan
Determine the operation to be used
Write the number sentence
C. Solve
Solve using the operation
D. Check and Look Back
Check and state the complete answer

Introduction of the Lesson

Solving Multi-step Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving Multiplication
and Addition or Subtraction using Appropriate
Problem-Solving Strategies and Tools.

Multi – Step Problem defined

Multi-step word problems are math problems that have more than one operation. An operation can
be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. The key to solving a multi-step word problem is to
carefully read the problem to know the important information and build an equation or number

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Routine Problems
Example 1: The pupils of Congress Elementary School supported the Tree
Planting project of DENR. Girl Scouts planted 312 seedlings while Boy
Scouts planted 425 seedlings in a day. How many seedlings did the Scouts
plant in 7 days?

Let us solve this Multistep problem using Polya’s Step in Problem Solving.

Polya’ s Four Steps in Problem Solving

1. Know what is asked in the problem The number of seedlings the scouts
planted in 7 days
2. Know the hidden information (the given The number of seedlings the scouts
facts to look first) planted in a day
3. Find the necessary information (the given Girl Scouts planted 312 seedlings, Boy
facts in the problem) scouts planted 425 seedlings, 7 days
1. What is the operation to be used? Addition and Multiplication
2. Write the number sentence (312+ 425) x 7 = N
Solve Solve using the operation:
312 737
+425 x7
737 5 159
Check and Look Back Check your answer
State the complete answer The scouts planted 5159 seedlings in 7

Example 2: Jen bought 3 boxes of candy on sale. Since each

box had 10 pieces of candy inside of it, she decided to give
Sam 7 pieces. How many pieces of candy would Jen have left
after giving Sam his pieces?

Polya’s Four Steps in Problem Solving

1. Know what is asked in the problem The remaining candies Jen has
2. Know the hidden information (the given The number of candies Jen has
facts to look first) in 3 boxes
3. Find the necessary information (the 3 boxes of candies, 10 pieces inside,
given facts in the problem) 7 pieces gave to Sam
1. What is the operation to be used? Subtraction and Multiplication
2. Write the number sentence (3 x 10) – 7 = N

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Solve Solve using the operation:
3 x 10 = 30 30 – 7 = 23
Check and Look Back Check your answer
State the complete answer Jen has 23 pieces of candies left.

Non-Routine Problems

Example 1: There are 18 animals in the pet store. Some are birds and some are dogs. There
are 50 legs in all. How many birds and how many dogs are there?

By illustration,18 animals with two legs make 36 legs.

From the total, 50 legs – 36 legs = 14 legs

Distribute 14 legs by 2 to make the animals with four legs, which makes 7 animals
Therefore, we have 7 dogs, and 11 birds

Example 2: There are 50 questions in an exam. For every correct answer, 5 marks are awarded
and for every wrong answer, 3 marks are deducted. Dennis scored 210 marks. How many
correct answers did he get?

No. of √ Marks awarded No. of X Marks ( -3) Total marks

(+5) answers deducted obtained
50 50 x 5 = 250 0 0x3=0 250 – 0 = 250
49 49 x 5 = 245 1 1x3=3 245 – 3 = 242
48 48 x 5 = 240 2 2x3=6 240 – 6 = 236
47 47 x 5 = 235 3 3x3=9 235 – 9 = 226
46 46 x 5 = 230 4 4 x 3 = 12 230 –12 =218
45 45 x 5 = 225 5 5 x 3 = 15 225 –15 = 210

Therefore, Dennis got 45 correct answers

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Activity 1: Pick Me and Go with the Flow
Direction: Pick from the Choices Box the answers that match the statements indicated
below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the box.

Fidel had 12 boxes of paper plates. Each box contains 36 paper plates. He
used 173 paper plates for the birthday party of his son. How many paper plates were left?

I can tell what is

asked in the problem

I can tell the given

My Answer is information. I see

I can solve it

I can write the number sentence of

my problem ____________

12 boxes contain 36 paper plates each, 173 paper plates
B. (12 x 36) - 173 = N
C. ( 12 + 36 ) x 173 = N
D. 259 plates were left.
E. 12 x 36 =432; 432-173 = 259
F.. Total number of paper plates left. J.

Activity 2: Follow the Direction

Welcome to Melissa’s Farm. Nida visits the farm and saw 30

chickens and pigs. She counted 80 legs in all. How many
chickens and how many pigs are there?

Represent the animals by a ( ) circle and ( ) for the legs.

1. How many chickens and pigs are there?
Draw it using circles _
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2. How many legs in all? Write your answer.
3. Distribute the legs by 2’s in the circles that you have drawn. How many legs were
left? Write your answer. _
4. Distribute the remaining legs by 2’s in your circles again.
5. How many circles now have four legs? two legs? two legs, four legs

Therefore, how many chickens are there?

How many pigs are there? _


To solve multistep routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication and

addition or subtraction using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools, we are guided
by the following:
Read and understand the problem
Know what is asked in the problem
Know the hidden questions
Find the necessary information
What is the operation to be used?
Write the number sentence
Solve. Solve using the operation
Check and Look Back
Check your answer and state the
complete answer

In solving non-routine problems there is no immediate strategy, but oftentimes it can be

solved in multiple ways, like the following:
✴ Illustration ✴ Look for a pattern
✴ Guess and check ✴ Make and solve a simpler problem.
✴ Work backwards. ✴ Act it out/make a model.
✴ Break up the problem into smaller ones and try to solve
these first.
Check your Understanding

Direction: Solve the following using the 4 Steps in Problem Solving. Write your answers in the

A. Routine Problems

Fe made 4 bundles of roses of 125 pieces each. How many roses were left if she had 600
pieces of roses in all?
A. Understand: What is asked in the problem? _______________________________
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What is the hidden questions? _______________________________

B. Plan: What is the operation to be used? _____________________________

What is the number sentence? _______________________________

C. Solve: Solve using the operation____________________________________

D. Check and Look back: What is the complete answer? _______________________

B. Non-Routine Problems

In a 40 item Mathematics exam, Joel scored 100 marks. If for every correct answer 3
marks are awarded and for every wrong answer 1 mark is deducted, how many correct
answers did he get?
No. of √ Marks awarded No. of X Marks (-1) Total marks
(+3) answers Deducted obtained

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

Mina can type 350 words in an hour, while Lita can type 410 in an
How many words will they type together in 3 hours?

For item 1-5

_______1) What is asked in the problem?

A. The number of words Mina can type in 3 hours
B. The number of words Lita can type in 3 hours
C. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in 3 hours
D. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in an hour
_______2) What are the given facts in the problem?
A. 350 words in an hour
B. 410 words in an hour
C. 350 words and 410 words in an hour; 3 hours
D. 3 hours

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_______3) What is the hidden information?
A. The number of words Mina can type in 3 hours
B. The number of words Lita can type in 3 hours
C. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in 3 hours
D. The number of words Mina and Lita can type in an hour
_______4) What is/are the operation/s to be used in solving the problem?
A. Multiplication and Subtraction
B. Multiplication and Addition
C. Multiplication and Division
D. Multiplication only
_______5) What is the complete answer?
A. Mina and Lita can type 2280 words in 3 hours.
B. Mina and Lita can type 1230 words in 3 hours
C. Mina and Lita can type 1050 words in 3 hours
D. Mina and Lita can type 760 words in 3 hours

For Items 6-7

In a 20-item Quiz bee, Jaimee scored 84 marks, if for every correct answer, 5 marks were awarded and
for every wrong answer, 3 marks were deducted.

_______6) How many correct answers did she get?

A. 19 B. 18 C. 17 D.16
_______7) How many wrong answers did she get? (refer to the problem above)
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
_______8) In a parking area, Ruben counted 24 vehicles which are composed of motorcycles and
tricycles only. If he counted 58 wheels all in all, how many tricycles are there?
A. 10 B. 12 C.13 D. 14
_______9) How many motorcycles are there? (refer to problem no. 8)
A. 10 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14
_______10) What do we call a problem that requires more than one mathematical operation to solve?
A. Routine Problem C. Multi-Step Problem
B. Non-Routine Problem D. One- Step Problem

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Quarter 1 Week 5 ANSWER SHEET
Name: Math Teacher:
Section: Score:

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