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GPS satellites belong to the following category

a) GEO

b) MEO

c) LEO

d) none of the above

2. The GPS system uses one-way transmissions, from satellites to users, so that the user_________.

a) Does not require a transmitter

b) Does require a transmitter

c) Require only a GPS receiver

d) a & c

3. Global Positioning System uses





4. What is the approximate time taken by the GPS for one complete orbit?
a) 11 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 5 hours
d) 12 hours

5. Which of the following position services provided by the GPS require can be denied to unauthorized
a) Precise position service
b) Standard position service
c) Ultimate position service
d) Doppler position service

6. What is the number of GPS satellites used?

a) 54
b) 12
c) 5
d) 24

7. Which of the following is the latest block of GPS satellites?

a) IIR-M
b) IA
c) III
d) IIF

8. Which among the following can be described as an application of pseudo ranging?

a) Computation of distance between satellite and user
b) Computation of distance between GPS antenna and satellite
c) Computation of distance between GPS antenna and user
d) Computation of distance between satellite and object
9. By using pseudo ranging method, two dimensional and three-dimensional GPS positions can be
a) True
b) False

10. Galileo satellite system is positioned in _______.

A. 5 circular orbits

B. 3 circular orbits

C. 2 circular orbits

D. 6 circular orbits

11. It is a position and timing service that is available to all GPS users on a continuous, worldwide basis
with no direct charge.





12. In GPS, it is accomplished by manipulating navigation message orbit data (epsilon) and/or the
satellite clock frequency (dither).

A. Selective availability

B. Reverse error notification

C. Forward error notification

D. Two dimensional reporting

13. The access scheme used by GPS




14. ……………. collects very weak signals from a broadcast satellite

a. Helical antenna
b. Satellite dish
c. LNA
d. TWT

15. _______ is from GPS civilian applications

a) Digital Assistant for soldiers

b) Target tracking and missile guidance

c) Vehicle navigation

d) map-making and land surveying

e) c &d

16. The three major segments in GNSS/GPS system are Satellites, Ground Control Stations, GNSS

a) True

b) False

17. GNSS receivers have very accurate clocks.

a) True

b) False

18. There are ____ control stations that monitor the satellites.

a) 3

b) 6

c) 5

d) 8

19. The source of the largest error in civil GPS positioning is the ______

a) Multipath Errors

b) Tropospheric delay

c) Ionospheric delay

d) All of the above

20. Troposphere is dispersive medium below 30 GHz

a) True

b) False

21. ______When the angles are different - Satellites occupy a large volume in the sky

a) Good GDOP

b) Low DOP

c) Poor GDOP

d) High DOP

e) a & b

f) c & d

22. Good computed GDOP and bad visibility results in _____

a) Good GDOP

b) Low DOP

c) Poor GDOP

d) High DOP

e) a & b

f) c & d

23. DGPS stands for: Differential Global Positioning System

a) True

b) False

24. Multi-path are corrected in DGPS

a) True

b) False


1. b
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. a
13. d
14. b
15. e
16. a
17. b
18. c
19. c
20. b
21. e
22. f
23. a
24. b

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