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1. A : It’s raining.

B : What ____ we do now ?

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. should

2. This milk is spoiled. You ____ it.

A. should eat
B. should drink
C. shouldn’t throw
D. shouldn’t drink

3. A : It’s a hot day.

B : We ____ a sun hat.

A. should sell
B. should buy
C. should wear
D. should make

4. A : I don,t understand English.

B : You ____ English more

A. should study
B. should studied
C. should to study
D. should studying

5. The lake is dirty. We ____ swimming there.

A. must
B. should go
C. have to
D. shouldn’t go
6. A : I’m tired easily nowdays.
B : ____
A. I think you should go to bed earlier.
B. I don’t think you should eat so many sweets.
C. I think you should say sorry.
D. I don’t think you should buy a car.

7. Mira : ____
Amir : You should wear your hat and scarf.

What does Mira probably say ?

A. The baby is sleeping.
B. I can hear what you say.
C. It’s really hot night.
D. It’s very cold outside.

8. Ari : ____
Ira : You should see a dentist.
What does Ari probably say ?
A. I get a bad mark for English test.
B. I got a terrible stomach ache.
C. I can’t find my dictionary.
D. I have terrible toothache.

9. You ____ queue at the entrance for tickets.

A. must
B. may
C. mustn’t
D. shouldn’t

10. The doctor told him that he ____ less. He’s too fat.
A. should drink
B. should eat
C. should sleep
D. should walk

11. We ____ our appointment tomorrow.

A. mustn’t forget
B. mustn’t leave
C. mustn’t attend
D. mustn’t remember

12. He is often late to school. He ____ earlier.

A. mustn’t get up
B. should get up
C. should study
D. should be back home

13. We ____ lies. Otherwise, we will grow up as a liar.

A. must tell
B. should tell
C. mustn’t tell
D. have to tell

14. He is fourteen. He ____ a motorcycle.

A. shouldn’t sell
B. shouldn’t ride
C. shouldn’t touch
D. shouldn’t give

15. Students ____ litter in the classroom.

A. won’t
B. should
C. have to
D. mustn’t

16. Sita : ____What about if I wear this green dress?

Ani : Well. It doesn’t really suit you. Choose another. Pink maybe.
Sita : How about this one?
Ani : It looks good on you.

A. Look here.
B. Listen to me, please.
C. Excuse me
D. Look at you

17. Teacher : All right, students. Let's start the quiz.

Students : ____, Sir. Can we open our books?
Teacher : No! Close your books! Are you ready?
Students : Yes, Sir.

A. Attention, please!
B. Excuse me.
C. What’s up?
D. Come on.

18. Della : Hi, Jim. What’s wrong?

Jimmy : ….. I forgot to bring my English book. Ms.Indah will not let me join her
class. May I borrow yours? .
Della : Sure, here you are!Give it back to me as soon as possible.

A. Is it true?
B. Look at you!
C. You know what ?
D. Pay attention to me!

19. Mrs. Hani : Dea......

Dea : Sorry, Ma’am. I don’t quite follow you. What should I do ?
Mrs. Hani : Well. Please listen ! Write your holiday experience in 150
words and then present in front of the class.
Dea : Oh, I see. Thank you, Ma’am.

A. This is your work.

B. Do you need help?
C. I think you understand.
D. Do you know what I mean?

20. “I don’t understand how to enrich my vocabularies, Sir?”

The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. enlarge
B. increase
C. extend
D. reduce

Read the dialog and answer the questions !

Keanu : There are some steps to avoid COVID 19.

Talita : Can you tell me?
Keanu : Regularly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or with
Talita : Why do we do that?
Keanu : It will kill viruses that may be on your hands.
Talita : I see. What else than?
Keanu : Maintain at least 1 meter distance between yourself and others. Are
you following?
Talita : I understand.
Keanu : Avoid going to crowded places. Just stay at home.
Talita : OK. I’m with you.

21. What are they talking about?

A. How to avoid COVID 19.
B. The danger of COVID 19.
C. How to kill virus of COVID 19
D. Stay at home with COVID 19

22. Keanu says “Are you following ? ”What does Keanu express?
A. Asking for attention
B. Showing attention
C. Showing understanding
D. Checking understanding.

23. Mr. Ibrahim : OK, class. That’s all my explanation. Do you understand what
to do?
Tomy : Sorry, Sir____. Can you repeat again, please?
Mr. Ibrahim : Which steps that you don’t understand, Tomy?
Tomy : The last step, Sir.
Mr. Ibrahim : Ok, I will repeat again, but please listen carefully.
Tomy : Thank you, Sir.

A. I am with you.
B. I know very well.
C. I don’t understand.
D. I dislike it.
24. The picture above shows that you ____ smoke in the gas station.
A. must
B. should
C. mustn’t
D. couldn’t

25. The picture means that you ____ use a cell phone on the plane.
A. may
B. must
C. mustn’t
D. don’t have to
26. The picture means that you ____ have a library card to use the library
A. must
B. have to
C. mustn’t
D. shouldn’t

27. The sign means that we ____ bring food and drink into the library.
A. must
B. mustn’t
C. should
D. shouldn’t
28. The sign means that we _____ use the library computer for gaming.
A. may
B. must
C. shouldn’t
D. mustn’t

29. The picture above means that we ____ cheat on exams

A. may
B. mustn’t
C. shouldn’t
D. don’t have to
30. The sign means that you ____ swim in this area. It’s dangerous.
A. may
B. should
C. don’t have to
D. mustn’t

Rani : My school has some strict rules that should be followed the students.
How about in your school?
Fira : It is quite the same, for example, in my school, all students have to
come to school before 06.30 a.m.
Rani : Absolutely it is the same. So we must obey our school regulations
without exception.
Fira : I do agree with you.
31. What is the dialog about?
A. School regulations
B. Arriving time
C. Strict school
D. Agreement

32. What will Rani do if she comes late? She ...

A. will be punished by the teacher.
B. may enter the classroom immediately.
C. can’t be allowed to enter the school gate.
D. should meet her teacher and do appologize.

33. From the dialog above, we can conclude that ...

A. Rani and Mira are schoolmates.
B. the rules of all schools are quite difeerent.
C. all students should follow their schools regulations.
D. the students have to come to school at 6.30 in the morning.

34. Elsa : ... . It’s almost dark.

Syifa : "All right. Be careful on the way home.

A. I must come home immediately.

B. You must leave my house now.
C. I should go out side right now.
D. You should be at home soon.

35. Arsy : You look so pale, are you sick?

Arka : Actually I’m not so well today. I got headache.
Arsy : You ... . I’m afraid if there’s something wrong with you.
Arka : Ok, thanks for your advice, but it’s not so serious.

A. should see the doctor

B. may not sleep late at night
C. should drink minerar water
D. don’t have to come to school

36. Syifa : "I often come late to school. What should I do?
Helen : "You ...”
A. must wake up in the morning.
B. should ask for permission.
C. mustn’t come to school.
D. should get up earlier.

37. Salsa : We ... . There is a “NO PARKING” sign.

Cintya : You are right. We have to find an other parking lot.
A. must park here
B. have to meet security
C. shouldn’t enter the park
D. must not park in this area

Mother : Wendy, you will follow the final examination next week, won’t you?
Wendy : Yes, you are right, mom.
Mother : Why do you still play game on your phone? Don’t you learn?
Wendy : I did, mom. I have learnt more because I know that I must get good score.
Mother : Oh ok, good luck.
38. Wendy says, “I have learnt more because I know that I must get good score”.
From the expression we know that Wendy ...
A. has his own commitment in learning.
B. get a good score in many subjects.
C. has never learnt at home.
D. is a lazy students.

39. Do you think that Wendy has his own responsibility?

A. Yes, he is.
B. No, He isn’t.
C. Yes, he does.
D. No, he doesn’t.
40. Please arrange the following sentences into a good dialog!
1. Rin... You look pale! Are you sick?
2. Yes. we can also discuss it online. See you.
3. Really? But may be you should go to see doctor.
4. Oh ok. By the way I must go home now because I have to look after my
5. That's ok. We can do this homework tomorrow.
6. You are right. Bye.
7. No, I don’ think so. I just get a liitle headache.
8. Thanks for your suggestion. But it’s not so serious. I just must take a bit
A. 1 – 2 – 3 - 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8
B. 1 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 8
C. 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6
D. 1 – 5 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 6

Andi : I’m sorry, Sir. I am late. You must wait for me for a long time.
Mr. Budi : Yeah. I am very annoyed. Why do you come late? You should
be here earlier, right?
Andi : Err… There was a traffic jam on the way here. So I couldn’t
drive fast. That’s the truth, Sir.
Mr. Budi : OK. Next time, ... .
Andi : I will sir.

41. Mr Budi : Ok. Next time ...

A. I can’t wait for you anymore.
B. You should be here on time.
C. You must take online car
D. I must be more.
42. Yeah. I am very annoyed. The underlined word means ... .

A. lazy
B. tired
C. afraid
D. angry

43. From the text we know that Mr. Budi must wait Andi for a long time because
Andi ... .

A. trapped in traffic jam.

B. couldn’t drive fast.
C. break his promise.
D. is very annoyed.

Shirley : Luke’s birthday is coming. What should we do to celebrate it? 

Simon : How about we throw a surprise birthday party? 
Tatiana : I think that’s too cliché. My suggestion is that we should ask
directly what he wants for his birthday.
Simon : A surprise party is indeed too cliché, but it’s always been fun. 
Shirley : I agree with Simon. 

44. What is the dialog about?

A. a planning for a party.

B. Luke’s birthday party.
C. celebration party.
D. a cliche party.

45. How about we throw a surprise party? Throw has the same meaning with ... .

A. hold
B. keep
C. take
D. get

46. How is probably Luke’s feeling when he gets a suprise party from his friends?

A. Dissapointed
B. Annoyed
C. Ignorant
D. Happy
Shinta: My throat has been hurting for a couple days. What should I do? 
Adam: In my experience, drinking honey mixed in warm tea works really well to
cure the sore throat. You should try it.
Shinta: Is that so? I’ll give it a try then. Thanks, Adam. 
Adam: You’re welcome. 

47. From the dialog above, we know that ...

A. Shinta gives advice to Adam.

B. Shinta asks for Adam’s opinion.
C. Adam gives suggestion to Shinta.
D. Adam feels compassion to Shinta.

48. Do you think Shinta will follow Adam’s recommendation?

A. Yes, She is
B. No, She isn’t
C. Yes, She does.
D. No, She doesn’t

49. Mano: I think you ... the blue blouse. It is cheap and suit to you.
Woni : That’s a good idea.

A. must get
B. must sell
C. should buy
D. should give

50. Widi : In my opinion you ... your car.

Doni: Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money.

A. shouldn’t carry
B. shouldn’t sell
C. mustn’t bring
D. musn’t drive

F. C
G. C
H. C
I. C
J. C
K. C
L. C
M. C
N. C
O. C
P. C
Q. C
R. C
S. C
T. C
U. C
V. C
W. C
X. C
Y. C
Z. C
DD. c

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