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How do you migrate

a project integrated
in STEP 7 from
WinCC flexible to
WinCC (TIA Portal)?

WinCC flexible 2008 / WinCC (TIA Portal) V15 /

STEP 7 V5.x / Migration Industry
Online Support
This entry originates from Siemens Industry Online Support. The conditions of use
specified there apply (

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1 General Information ........................................................................................... 3
1.1 Task ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Migrating a WinCC flexible Project Integrated in STEP 7 .................... 3
1.3 WinCC (TIA Portal) Versions ............................................................... 4
2 Copying an HMI Project from STEP 7 .............................................................. 5
3 Migrating HMI Configurations .......................................................................... 8
4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel ................................................... 11

Migration MP 277 Touch

Entry ID: 54695062, V1.0, 06/2018 2
1 General Information

1 General Information
1.1 Task
How do you migrate a project integrated in STEP 7 from WinCC flexible to WinCC
(TIA Portal) V15?

Your customer has an MP 277 Touch configuration integrated in STEP 7.
For a subsequent plant/machine only the MP 277 Touch configuration described is
to be migrated to WinCC (TIA Portal) and replaced by a Comfort Panel.

A description is given in the example of the separate steps for migrating the MP
277 Touch to WinCC (TIA Portal) V15.

Note Bear in mind that with WinCC (TIA Portal) V15 and higher some operator panels
of earlier versions are no longer supported (Operator Panels, for example).
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Refer here to the FAQ response entitled "When upgrading your TIA Portal
project to V15 why do you get an error and the message indicating that the HMI
device is not supported?" in Entry ID: 109754931. This entry lists all the HMI
devices that are no longer supported.
Alternatively you can refer to the "Delivery release for WinCC V15" in Entry ID:

1.2 Migrating a WinCC flexible Project Integrated in STEP 7

If you have a STEP 7 project in which a project created with
WinCC flexible is integrated, then you can migrate this configuration directly to
WinCC (TIA Portal) V15 depending on the operator panel used and the version of
WinCC flexible.
The general software requirements regarding the version of WinCC flexible and
WinCC (TIA Portal) are given in entry 77430539, "Migration Guide; helps you to
migrate from WinCC flexible to WinCC (TIA Portal)", chapter 5.
In the following we describe in detail how to migrate only the WinCC flexible project
to WinCC (TIA Portal).

Notes The description and screens used are independent of which version of WinCC
(TIA Portal) is used.

Migration MP 277 Touch

Entry ID: 54695062, V1.0, 06/2018 3
1 General Information

1.3 WinCC (TIA Portal) Versions

The version of WinCC (TIA Portal) you need depends on the operator panel used.
The following table gives an overview.
Figure 1-1
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Migration MP 277 Touch

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2 Copying an HMI Project from STEP 7

2 Copying an HMI Project from STEP 7

Table 2-1
No. Description
1. View of the integrated HMI project

The adjacent screen shows the view of a STEP 7 project in which an

MP277 Touch is integrated (1).

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2. Open the WinCC flexible project

Right-click the WinCC flexible station and select "Open Object" in the pop-up
menu that opens.

The WinCC flexible project opens.

Migration MP 277 Touch

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2 Copying an HMI Project from STEP 7

No. Description
3. Copy a project from STEP 7

Select the menu command

"Project > Copy from STEP 7...".

The "Save Project As" dialog box opens.

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4. "Save Project As" pop-up menu

By default the "Save Project As" pop-up menu displays the folder view of the
STEP 7 project from which you wish to copy the HMI project.

You can save the HMI project directly in the folder structure of the current STEP
7 project. However, it is recommended to create a separate folder in which you
store the HMI project. You can select a path and folder in the drop-down list box

File name:
You can either apply the preset file name or give the project a new name.

After making the appropriate settings you save the configuration by clicking the
"Save" button.

The HMI project is saved and this completes the "Copy from STEP 7" procedure.
You can close WinCC flexible and STEP 7 again.

Migration MP 277 Touch

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2 Copying an HMI Project from STEP 7

No. Description

5. Additional information:
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After you have executed the

"Copy from STEP 7..." function, the HMI configuration is still in the STEP 7
Only a "copy" of the HMI configuration is made.
For this reason it is better to save the copied HMI project is a separate folder.
To remove it from the STEP 7 project you must delete the HMI project from the
STEP 7 Manager.

Migration MP 277 Touch

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3 Migrating HMI Configurations

3 Migrating HMI Configurations

Migrate HMI configuration to WinCC (TIA Portal)
If the HMI operator panel to be migrated is supported by WinCC V15, you can
migrate the HMI configuration with WinCC (TIA Portal) V15. In this case we are
talking about an MP 277 Touch that is no longer supported in "WinCC V15" →
Migrate with WinCC (TIA Portal V14).

Table 3-1
No. Description
1. Portal view, migrate project

When the "WinCC (TIA Portal)" is started, the "Portal view" is displayed first of

Here you choose the "Migrate project" item (1).

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2. Migrate project, specify source path

After selecting the "Migrate project" item you can specify the "Source path" in
which the HMI project to be migrated is located.

Mark the HMI project and click the "Open" button.

Migration MP 277 Touch

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3 Migrating HMI Configurations

No. Description
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

3. Migrate project, specify target

 After specifying the "Source path" you select the "Target path".
 You can accept or change the "Project name".
 Then click the "Migrate" button (1).
 Migration is started.

You cannot migrate the HMI project directly into an existing WinCC (TIA Portal)

Migration MP 277 Touch

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3 Migrating HMI Configurations

No. Description
4. Final message

A message informs you when the migration has been completed. During the
procedure, the progress of the migration is displayed accordingly.

Click the "OK" button to acknowledge the message.

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

5. View of the migrated HMI project

The adjacent screen shows the migrated HMI project in the project tree.

Migration MP 277 Touch

Entry ID: 54695062, V1.0, 06/2018 10
4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel

4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel

Instructions for operation panel replacement
Table 4-1
No. Description
1. Preparatory measures, settings

Go to
"Options > Settings > Visualization > Resize screen" to specify the properties
of the screens.

In this example, because of the change to wide-screen format, we select the

following settings:
 Fit height to new device
 Centered position

Information on the separate items is available in the Online Help.

Keyword: "Resize objects".
Furthermore, examples of the effect of the settings are shown in the manual
"Migration Guide for Comfort Panels", in the section entitled "Change Screen
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

from 4:3 to Wide Screen".

You can download the manual in Entry ID: 49752044.

Migration MP 277 Touch

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4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel

No. Description
2. Change device type
 In the project tree you double-click to open the device configuration of the
HMI operator panel (1).
 Select the "General" button (2).
 Mark the HMI object (3).
 Select the "Properties" tab (4).
 Under "General" there is the "Change device type" button (5).

Click the "Change device type" button.

The "Change device" dialog opens.

1 3

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Migration MP 277 Touch

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4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel

No. Description
3. Change device dialog
 Current device (1):
In this area you find a description of the current operator panel.
 New device (2):
In the drop-down list box you select an HMI operator panel or PC system.
 Compatibility information (3):
This field displays the compatibility information about the newly selected
operator panel.
Once you have selected the HMI operator panel, click the "OK" button (4) to
confirm your selection. The change procedure starts.

In this example TP1200 Comfort has been selected.

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Migration MP 277 Touch

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4 MP 277 Touch ─► TP 1200 Comfort Panel

No. Description
4. Change name

Change the name of the HMI operator panel to avoid mix ups.
For this, in the project tree you right-click the name of the HMI operator panel.
A pop-up menu opens. Here you choose the "Rename" item.

This completes the device change procedure.

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Migration MP 277 Touch

Entry ID: 54695062, V1.0, 06/2018 14

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