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1. Fill the gaps, and then put the following sentences in the correct order. The first one has been done for

9 A customer buys a product.

5 A machine reads the bar codes on each box.

1 A wal-Mart trailer truck picks up goods at a supplier’s factory or warehouse.

6 Electric arms guide the boxes off the main belt onto another smaller one.

3 The boxes are placed on a small conveyor belt.

10 The cashier scans the product, which sends a signal to the supplier to produce another one.

2 The goods are undloaded at Wal-Mart’s distribution centre.

8 The products are distributed to the wal-mart store that ordered them.

4 The small conveyor belt joins a larger one.

7 This belt leads to another bay where the boxes are packed onto Wal-Mart trucks.

2. What are the three main metaphors that friedman uses in this passage? Why does he use them?

Friedman use “Streams feeding into a powerful river” to describe little conveyor belts that fed into a
bigger belt and they use too “Electric eye” to describe how system read a barcode. Stream feeding,
powerful river, and electric eye looks like a metaphors for me.
Reading : Manufacturing supply chain work flow
Look at this flowchart for a typical manufacturing supply chan, and number the sentences below in the
order that they happen.

The sales department identifies a need for The plan is approved and passed to the
1 a product, and tells the marketing 4 analysts to prepare and implement the
department about it. manufacturing process.

As stock has now been used the computer The analysts pass details of raw materials
14 5
system generates a request for new stock. and components to purchasing.
Customer services take orders and Input
11 12 The order is sent to the warehouse.
them to the computer system.
Customers place orders through customer
10 8 The product is manufactured

The purchasing, logistics and transport

Finished goods are put into inventory in a
departments plan the purchase of
9 warehouse awaiting orders, and the 6
materials and their delivery to the
company computer system is updated.
manufacturing plant.

Suppliers receive orders and despatch raw The re-order process generates a request
7 materials and components to the 15 to the purchasing department to place
manufacturing site on agreed dates. new orders with the suppliers.

The marketing department researches the

The senior business managers make a
2 project, and forwards a detailed business 3
decision on the project.
plan to the Business Unit Manager.

The transport company collects the

- 13 consignment and delivers it to the

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