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Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Employ Analytical Listening in
Problem Solving
English – Grade 10
Quarter 1 – Module 5 : Employ Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Neriz Jane P. Villanueva
Editor: Nonielyn M. Quevido
Reviewers: Renea T. Plaza
Maria Lorecel C. Malalis
Template Developer: Neil Edward D. Diaz
Management Team: Josephine L. Fadul Lorna C. Ragos
Christine C. Bagacay Darwin F. Suyat
Maria Fe D. Sibuan Jeffrey E. Santiago
Jecson L. Oafallas

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Department of Education – Region XI

Office Address: ___________________________

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Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Employ Analytical Listening in
Problem Solving
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the English Grade 10 Module on Employing Analytical
Listening in Problem Solving! This module was collaboratively designed,
developed and reviewed by educators to assist you, the teacher or facilitator
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

For the learner:

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the

2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other

activities included in the module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through

with it.

7. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this

module, do not hesitate to refer it to your teacher-adviser or subject

Always bear in mind that you are not alone. We, your teachers, in the
best of our abilities, are always in the service of transpiring quality
education under any circumstances. Your full cooperation and active
engagement in this module will surely equate to the success of this
endeavor. Let us continue working hand in hand in pursuit of continuous

Let Us Learn!

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret

messages in the communication. It is the key to all effective
communication and without it messages are easily misunderstood. So
the question is “Are you a good listener?” You should be. In reality
people tend to misunderstand each other because of the lack of
listening skills. If we learn and value this skill, we may achieve
harmonious life with the people surrounding us.

At the end of this topic, you should be able to:

• analyze the meaning of the message using analytical listening;

• employ analytical listening in the conversation; and
• share one’s thought on how important it is to listen analytically.

Let Us Try!

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the blank
before the number.

_______1. A type of listening that is all about feeling and meaning.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_______2. “HELLO” on the surface seems friendly but the way they say hello
to you can convey a lot of different meanings. What type of
listening should we use?

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_______3. This is the ability and the capacity to properly analyze what is
being said.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_______4. The objective of this type of listening is to quickly see logical

connections, as well as detecting possible gaps in all the

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_______5. This type of listening helps bring balance to a conversation and
process information objectively.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_______6. This is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages

in the communication process.

a. Writing
b. Reading
c. Speaking
d. Listening

_______7. It is the key to all effective communication.

a. Writing
b. Reading
c. Speaking
d. Listening

_______8. Without the ability to ______ effectively, messages are easily


a. Read
b. Write
c. Speak
d. Listen

_______9. Listening requires both _____ and _____.

a. Focus and love

b. Focus and effort
c. Focus and action
d. Focus and determination

______10. _______ means paying attention not only to the story, but
how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the
other person uses his or her body.

a. Writing
b. Reading
c. Speaking
d. Listening

_______11. This is the most basic form of listening and does not
involve the understanding of the meaning of words or
phrases but merely the different sounds that are produced.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

________12. To be able use _______listening and therefore gain

understanding the listener first needs appropriate vocabulary
and language skills.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_________13. This type of listening focus with the goal is to evaluate or

scrutinize what is being said.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

_________14. It develops through childhood and into adulthood.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

__________15. This type of listening is complimented by sub-messages

from non-verbal communication, such as the tone of
voice, gestures and other body language.

a. Critical Listening
b. Analytical Listening
c. Discriminative Listening
d. Comprehensive Listening

Let Us Study

Analytical Listening
Good listeners always strive to fully understand what others want to
communicate, particularly when the statement lacks clarity. Listening
demands, the attempt to decode and interpret verbal messages and
nonverbal cues, like tone of voice, facial expressions, physical posture.
Listening is a highly valued skill sought by all, for people with this ability
are more likely to understand tasks and projects, build strong relationships,
and also be able to solve problems and resolve conflicts.

✓ The word “analytical” is defined as “using or skilled in using


✓ Analytical listening is all about feeling and meaning. Sound

gives us meaning and perspective in our lives. For example,
someone talking to you can say hello. On the surface it seems
friendly, but the way they say hello to you can convey a lot of
different meanings. If they say it in a very short and abrupt way,
it may be apparent that they are angry at you, not happy to see

✓ Analytical Listening helps bring balance to a conversation and

process information objectively. In conversation with others,
feeling plays an important role. Listening thoroughly and
analytically makes it easier to reconstruct a situation and find a
solution rationally. Complex problems are more easily
understood, meaning a better prediction can be made as to
which solution or method would be best.

An analytical listener is able to critically look at elements of a

problem and apply models to them. By distinguishing main problems from
partial problems, the analytic listener can collect a lot of information, then
research it. After collecting all of the data, the analytical listener will be
highly able to make logical connections, detect the actual cause, and
think of fitting solutions.

Let Us Practice

Are you a dreamer? Do you keep your dreams only to yourself? Or do you
share your dreams with others? Despite the pandemic do you see yourself
achieving those dreams?

A. Before you listen to the song “Imagine” by John Lennon, complete its lyrics
by filling out the lines with the correct word using the pictures below as

Link of the song

by John Lennon
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only 1)________
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in 2.)_________

You may say I’m a 3.)________
But I’m not the only 4.)________
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the 5.)_________will be as 6.)________

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or 7.)________
A 8.)_______of man
Imagine all the people

Sharing all the 9.)________

You may say I’m a 10.)________
But I’m not the only 11.)________
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the 12.)________will live as 13.)_______

A. Check your answers with your family members while you listen to the
B. Listen to the song for the second time and try to understand its
message. Go over the words with your family members.
C. Analyze the questions provided then answer them.

Questions Answer

1. What does the title


2. What is Lennon’s
vision of peace? Give

3. What is your vision of

peace? Is it the same
with the author?
4. What do you wish for?

5. What are you afraid of?

6. What kind of world will

it be if we all live in

Let Us Practice More

Task 1. In this activity you will listen to a story telling entitled “The
Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy and make use of you analytical
listening to answer the following questions below.
Link of the audio

1.What message does the author like to imply?


2. Answer the three questions concerning our situation today with the

3. What is the emotion of the author? Justify.

Task 2. Now, you are expected to interpret the message of the song
“Imagine” through a painting or drawing. Make your output colorful and

Creativity----------------- 40%
Interpretation ----------- 40%
Originality --------------- 20%

Task 3. My Listening Journal

Individually you will keep a personal journal of your listening activities
for a day. The journal should include brief descriptions of all the listening
situations of what you have experienced during that day. It should also
include your analysis like why did or did you not listen effectively in a
specific situation. As well as, share your strengths and weaknesses as a
listener and what will you do to become a better listener.


Let Us Remember

Activity 2
In your own words share your thoughts on how important it is
to listen analytically. (50 words only)


You just have accomplished!

Let Us Assess

TRUE OR FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line
if you think a statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the
statement is FALSE.

________________1. Analytical Listening helps bring balance to a conversation

and process information objectively.

_______________2. An analytical listener is able to critically look at elements

of a problem and apply models to them.

_______________3. Listening thoroughly and analytically makes it hard to

reconstruct a situation and find a solution rationally.

________________4. An analytic listener can collect a lot of information, then

research it.

_______________5. Listening is not highly valued.

_______________6. Sound gives us meaning and perspective in our lives.

_______________7. Bad listeners always strive to fully understand what

others want to communicate, particularly when the
statement lacks clarity.

_______________8. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret

messages in the communication.

_______________9. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret

messages in the communication process.

_______________10. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are

easily misunderstood.

_______________11. Listening is key to all effective communication.

_______________12. Analytical listener will be highly able to make logical
connections, detect the actual cause, and think of fitting

________________13. The word “analytical” is defined as “using or skilled in

using analysis”.

________________14. Listening thoroughly and analytically makes it easier to

reconstruct a situation and find a solution rationally.

________________15. Using comprehensive listening complex problems are

more easily understood, meaning a better prediction can
be made as to which solution or method would be best.

A job well done!

Let Us Enhance

Activity 3
Despite the pandemic we need to spread positivity through different
ways. The most famous used app to share our positivity is TikTok. I know
you are already familiar with it, for most of us used and seen videos from
the app. This activity will allow you to make use of the app as a tool for your
analytical listening of the given song entitled “One Day” by Matisyahu.


1. Interpret the message of the song through dance and lip sync.
2. You need to upload the TikTok video in your facebook account with a
hashtag #analyticallistening #myinterpretation #spreadingpositivity.
3. The video must gain a minimum of 100 likes to gain a perfect score.
4. Originality is the key.

Let Us Reflect

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in

the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication.

Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily


Analytical Listening helps bring balance to a conversation and

process information objectively. In conversation with others, feeling plays an
important role. Listening thoroughly and analytically makes it easier to
reconstruct a situation and find a solution rationally. Complex problems are
more easily understood, meaning a better prediction can be made as to
which solution or method would be best.

Pre- test
1. T
2. T
3. F
3. b
4. T
4. b
5. F
5. b
6. T
6. a
7. F
7. a
8. T
8. a
9. T
9. c
10. a
11. c
12. d
13. a
14. c
15. d
Answer key to Activities

Images Source

Creative Common License: “CC BY-ND 2.0”

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI

F. Torres St., Davao City


Email Address: [email protected]


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