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Assignment on
Human Resource

Raveena Sharma
MBA, 2nd Semester
CASE STUDY 1- ETHICS IN HEAD HUNTING..................................................................................................3
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:....................................................................................................................3
CASE STUDY 2- SYDENHAM SAMSUNG AUTOMOTIVES...............................................................................7
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:....................................................................................................................7
ACTIVITY 1-................................................................................................................................................11

1. Was it ethical for SSW to poach another organization

through head hunters just to get its required human
Ans: There is an ethical issue associated with “poaching” the active
recruitment of already employed people. Most of the time employers
come up with job roles that require a certain degree of knowledge and
experience. And it is highly likely that an individual, who is already
working in the same industry but for a different company, already
possesses the knowledge and experience sought by a recruiting
company. The question here is whether it was ethical for SSW to
indulge in poaching workers through head hunters to get its required
human resource. Whether poaching is ethical or not would be
considered in what situation the company applies it. Here, SSW applies
it just to expand the plant in Jamshedpur which as per my consideration
is not ethical at all because it has already been written that SSW is fairly
able to compete with TISCO and SAIL so if it requires the potential
human resources then the company could go with the general and easy
going process of hiring people which is recruitment process and
selection process.

The company could reflect the lucrative offers through these

processes. If it actually demands some potential employees then the
company could advertise it through different types of media of its
requirements. The willing candidates could apply and go through a
proper process of hiring and would be selected after a fair negotiation.

2. Was the apprehension of job insecurity of Dubey right?

What steps should SSW take to attract desired
Ans: As per my opinion, Dubey was right about his job insecurity in
SSW because first of all it was a contractual job which might be
extended and that means the nature of job is not permanent so when
an employee would be joining the organization with a very high salary
and other fringe benefits and prerequisites then there is no assurance
that this job would be everlasting and most importantly when the
organization Is a private firm. There is no job stability hence Dubey’s
apprehension of job insecurity is right.

The company should follow the ethical way of hiring its people
than the mentioned one in order to attract the desired candidates.
Also the company can take the following steps to attract the desired

 Prioritize in-house, permanent employees: SSW was providing

the job on a contractual basis of 3 years with no proper
guarantee of extension. It might be tempting to stick with
temporary workers but it’s also important to keep and value
high- quality talents in an organization. It’s best to approach the
recruitment process as an employee retention program instead
of hiring an employee with a pre determined termination rate.
 Communicate efforts wisely: It is important to interact with the
employees and communicate with them the company’s views,
expectations, and future plans as clearly as possible so that they
know what they’re getting into.
 Managing expectations: In a professional relationship, it’s
important to understand that the psychological contract can be
much more important than your written, legal contract. A
psychological contract is an unwritten contract between an
employer and employee managing sets of expectations in a
 Provide necessary infrastructure and tools: An employee won’t
feel secure if they’re not provided with the required tools or
infrastructure to perform their jobs well. It is important to
understand their needs and provide them with them with what
they need.

3. If Dubey goes along with SSW’s inflated salary figures and

he is hired, what possible problems could he face?
Ans: If Dubey goes along with the high salary structure and is hired
then as per my consideration it would be a wrong decision. The
problems he could face are as under:

 It has already been mentioned that the plant is not actually

located in Jamshedpur, rather is 35kms away from Jamshedpur.
 Also, the housing facilities are not available near the plant.
 The law and order in Bihar is comparatively not good, there are
a lot of conflicts, while it’s much peaceful in Vizag
 There is no partiality in Vizag steel plant so Dubey’s job is
obviously more secured there than the SSW.
 He would have to travel a long distance to reach the plant due
to no availability of housing facilities.
 He might not get the proper help during medical emergency
and also there are no good schools near the plant while all
these facilities are accurately available in Vizag Steel Plant.
 Last but not the least, the company is already hiring through
poaching so they might repeat the same thing again in the
future by removing Dubey and replacing someone in his place.
This is highly possible as his job is a contractual one. There is no
job stability which could lead to his unemployment in future.

1. If you were the trainer how would you design the

training programme?
Ans: If I was the trainer, I would design the training programme by
following the steps under:

Step 1- Perform a training needs assessment:

 In this step I would identify the business goal that can be

supported by training programme, which is disciplining the
work performance of employees.
 Then I would determine the tasks that workers should perform
to make the company reach its goals.
 This would be followed by training activities that will help in
enhancing the learning of the workers to perform the tasks
more effectively.
 Lastly the learning characteristics of the workers that will make
the training effective are determined.

Step 2- Develop Learning Objectives:

This step determines or addresses things that the
employees need to know or learn which are disciplined work
performance, involvement and commitment in this case

Step 3- Design Training Materials:

In this step the materials needed to train the employees will

be designed. The following points will have to be kept in mind:

 Focusing on learning needs of employees.

 Creating training assessments that can directly relate to the
learning objectives.
 Including more hands on practice or simulation as possible.
 To put the employees in control of the learning process.
 Keep plenty of opportunity for opinions.

Step 4- Implementing the Training:

The next step would be to implement the training.

Implementation can take different forms by moving forward to the
training. It can be classroom instructions, the completion of e-learning
modules or more.

Step 5- Evaluating the Training:

This step includes evaluating the training at four levels. Those four
levels are:

 Employees’ reaction to training

 Employees’ learning through training.
 Employees’ job behavioral post training.
 Beneficial business results.

2. What objectives would you keep in mind in conducting

such a training programme?
Ans: The objectives to keep in mind while conducting such training
are as under:

 Increase efficiencies in processes’ he main purpose of training

is to ensure that all employees have the technical skills
needed to perform the job efficiently and smoothly. While
technical training can be job-specific, programs typically
focus on the hard skills an employee needs to meet the key
performance indicators associated with the role.
 Increase motivation and engagement: Giving people the
knowledge, education and tools to work better, win
promotions and fulfill their career potential shows
employees they are valued. Employees who feel appreciated
tend to feel motivated in their work and are more satisfied
with their jobs. Naturally, this creates loyalty, engagement
and enthusiasm among staff – attributes that boost
performance and benefit the organization.
 Up skill employees: Training presents an opportunity to
expand the knowledge base of employees – addressing
weaknesses, up skilling them to do new and different tasks
and allowing them to work independently without
supervision. Up skilling not only keeps employees fresh,
Independent and motivated, it also enhances the company's
 Focus on learning needs of employees
 Create training assessments that can directly relate to the
learning objectives.
 Remember the adult learning philosophies.
 Put employees in control of learning process.
 Make sure there is a plenty of opportunities for opinions

2. Can employee involvement and work commitment be

achieved through such a training programme? Give your
Ans: In my opinion, yes, employee involvement and work
commitment can be achieved through such a training programme. It
is because employees thrive in working in an environment that
focuses of making them more valuable assets. Staff training is vitally
important in increasing employee engagement. Employees feel
valued through career enhancement and development, which
therefore increases motivation to achieve company’s objectives. Also
commitment within the workplace typically results from the
interactions and relationships that the employee has with an
organization. These trainings provides employees with stretching
objectives, provides assurances to employees, encourages them to
have a voice and compensation policies helps achieve employee
involvement and work commitment. However if the training process
does on focus on these aspects then it won’t do much.
The State Bank of India had been concentrating more on social
banking, as part of its social obligations. With the advent of
modern banking system, and competition from
private/foreign banking, SBI has been compelled to
computerize its systems and introduce modern banking
facilities. This resulted in identification of excess manpower.
Therefore, SBI downsized its workforce through Voluntary
Retirement Scheme. Now SBI is faced with two challenges: (a)
to motivate existing employees to shoulder the total banking
work; (b) a demand for second bout of VRS. If you are in
charge of HR Department, how would you formulate a new
system of HR policies which will meet the above identified
twin objectives. Prepare a draft proposal.

Name of Dept: Human Resource Department

Company: State Bank of India

Address: Ranipool, Sikkim

Prepared on: 30th May, 2021

Prepared by: Raveena Sharma

Head of HR Dept


Proposal topic: A demand for 2nd bout of VRS and existing employees to
shoulder the total banking work.

Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to bring to the attention of the

management that there has been a demand for 2nd bout of VRS and
also that the existing employees are required to shoulder the total
banking work.


 Jobs and salaries of the employees to be administered to shoulder

total banking work.
 New training development programmes, career advancements
programmes and performance appraisals to take place in order to
adapt with the modern banking facilities
 Employees to work in teams in order to enhance better learning
and teamwork.
 Well performing employees to be given perks and bonuses.

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