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ISSN (Online) : 2250-1460

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, Vol 13(2), 139-145,
1-9, 20212021 DOI: 10.18311/ajprhc/2021/26836

Effects of Excessive Usage of Electronic Gadgets

during COVID-19 Lockdown on Health of College
Students: An Online Cross-Sectional Study
Tamilselvan Pachiyappan*1, Kousalya V. Kumar1, Preethi Mark1, Ragukumar Venugopal1, Divya
Jilumudi1 and Bharathi Palanisamy2
Post Graduation Student, SRM School of Public Health, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur– 603203, Chennai, India; [email protected]
Assistant Professor, SRM School of Public Health, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur– 603203, Chennai, India

The use of electronic gadgets, especially mobile phones among youth, has been a growing global concern. The worldwide
COVID-19 lockdown has only amplified the issue. The extended period of lockdown and virtual classes has increased
college students' time on their electronic gadgets. The debilitating health effect of excessive usage of gadgets has been
well established. There are an array of effects like headache, nausea, ophthalmological concerns and psychological
outcomes associated with gadget use for extended periods. The study aims to understand the difference in time spent
using gadgets before and during the lockdown and the associated health impacts. The study included 348 participants
(n=348), consisting of 183 female and 165 male participants. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire
through Google forms from college students after obtaining consent. The results suggested that the average time spent on
gadgets increased from 4.75hrs/day before lockdown to 11.36hrs/day during lockdown among participants. Most health
complaints like headaches, insomnia, eye complaints, tiredness and restlessness were associated with gadget use during
the lockdown. The percentage of participants experiencing these complaints during lockdown was also significantly higher
than before lockdown. By understanding the effects of gadget use, it would be possible to create interventions and suggest
ways to manage the excessive use of gadgets. It is of prime importance to handle the issue considering the quality of life
and wellbeing of students.

Keywords: COVID-19, Excessive Use Gadgets, Mobile Phones, Wellbeing

1. Introduction of gadgets and gadget dependence is increasing among

the younger generation1.
1.1 Background Innovations like Bluetooth, video calls, video
games, mobile data, camera and email have become
Due to the rapid advances in technology, the usage of popular along with regular voice calls in recent times2.
gadgets has increased exponentially. Smartphones have Earlier studies have suggested that using the internet
become more common among the general population associated with gadget usage for a longer duration might
these days, including children. It is now well understood be related to subjective distress, loneliness and social
that using gadgets for a longer duration impacts an isolation3. Excessive gadget usage is of concern because
individual's health leading to health hazards. Possession of the growing addiction to the latest gadgets such as

*Author for correspondence

Effects of Excessive Usage of Electronic Gadgets during COVID-19 Lockdown on Health of College Students...

smartphones, tablets, laptops and other electronic gadgets the number of calls made is a good indicator of cell phone
that pose a threat to the existing social infrastructure. addiction11. Earlier studies on mobile phone usage suggest
The term “gadget” discussed in the present study refers a change of lifestyle pattern related to mobile phone
to the portable electronic devices that belong to either use during lockdown with decreased physical activity,
one or more of the following categories: Mobile phones, increased smartphone use, and increased sleeping time9.
MP3 players and gaming consoles or any other wireless- India had 18,985 confirmed cases and 603 deaths
enabled devices4. due to COVID-19 as of April 22, 2020. The first case of
COVID-19 was reported in India on 30th January 2020.
1.2  Health Effects of Gadget Use The Government of India closed down the nation’s
Gadget usage is of significant concern due to the health international borders and enforced a nationwide lockdown
implications they cause. Continuous use of gadgets on 25th March 2020. However, the distinct and diverse
leads to many reported health problems like eye strain, nature of the Indian population posed several challenges
fingerpain, backache, neck pain and sleep disturbances. during the lockdown, including increased gadget usage12.
Depending on the amount of time spent on gadgets Smartphone usage has become more profound during the
(duration and frequency), there are adverse physiological, outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus globally13. Sanudo
psychological, social and emotional effects4. Excessive et al. found an increase of 2 hours/day of smartphone
use of gadgets among youth during a time of stress is a usage during the lockdown9. There was a 185% increase in
growing threat as well5. There has been an established gadgets like smartphones and computers in countries like
relationship between excessive internet use and Denmark14. Online tools like Zoom, Google Hangouts,
loneliness, antisocial values, lower emotional intelligence Skype Meet up, Google classrooms, and YouTube has
and depression6. Social media, video calls and virtual been used to carry out student’s academic activities.
meetings are being used extensively for various purposes Although virtual classes held during the lockdown have
during the lockdown7. Headache, earache, neck pain, increased student engagement in courses15, social media
tinnitus, painful fingers, fatigue, eye symptoms, morning activity has also increased among students, either in
tiredness, restlessness and sleep disturbances are health content uploading or creating social awareness messages.
issues found to develop due to mobile phone usage8. A pressing concern associated with excessive gadget usage
Sañudo et al. found that students delayed their wake time is the amount of content that has been binge-watched by
by 12 minutes with an increase of sleep time of 5 minutes individuals. Distress among students has increased due
per day during the lockdown. However, no change in to binge-watching. It is also known to be associated with
sleep quality was observed9. several adverse psychological outcomes16.
Mobile phone radiation and its impact on health have 2.  Rationale and Significance of Study
been generated from its innovation and researchers have
tried to analyze the actual hazardous nature of radiation The present study aimed to assess the gadget usage
to human health. Organizations like WHO and IEEE levels and the associated health hazards experienced by
Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) have serious college students. The study intended to analyze the health
public safety concerns about the exposure of individuals impacts of increased gadget use among college students
to Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave (MW) field during the lockdown. Earlier studies have attempted to
from handheld, portable cell phones since these devices study the effects of increased gadget use on the health
use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range10. of individuals. But the lockdown has brought about
The physical and psychological consequences of mobile a scenario that has set a field to make extended use of
phone users are increasing at an alarming rate. gadgets a necessity, especially for college students. At
this point, it is essential to understand the impact of such
1.3  COVID-19 Lockdown and use of prolonged use of gadgets on health to make necessary
Gadgets among Students lifestyle changes. Such changes would benefit the students
and help manage the health issues that arise from the
A study conducted by Roberts et al. highlighted that
overuse of gadgets during the extended lockdown period.
texting is the most important activity college students
carry out using their mobiles. Sending the email was the
second most important activity, followed by social media
sites like Facebook. The findings also suggest that the
time college students spend on social media networks and

140 Vol 13 (2) | 2021 | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care
Tamilselvan Pachiyappan, Kousalya V. Kumar, Preethi Mark, Ragukumar Venugopal, Divya Jilumudi and Bharathi Palanisamy

3.  Materials and Methodology Section - B (Demographics).

Section - C (General Information on Gadgets Use).
3.1  Study Design and Sampling Method Section - D (Specifics on Mobile Phone Use).
A cross-sectional study design was used for the present Section - E (Physical Complaint Specifics).
study. Considering the difficulty for data collection
during the COVID-19 lockdown and fulfilling the study's
3.5  Mode of Data Collection
requirements, convenience sampling was adopted. Students were mailed a Google form link to fill the
Institutional Ethical Committee approval was obtained questionnaire through mail and Whatsapp to participate
before conducting the survey. in the study. Formal consent was obtained from the
participants before filling the questionnaire.
3.2 Sample
The study sample consisted of college students between 18
3.6  Statistical Analysis
years to 25 years who are currently attending online classes Descriptive statistics such as Mean, Median and Standard
(due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown). The study had Deviation for quantitative variables were calculated. Chi-
a total sample of 348 participants (n=348), out of which square test was used to assess the association between the
183 participants were female and 165 participants were variables. MS Excel and SPSS 16.0 version were used to
male. The study population had 69% of students pursuing carry out the analysis for the study.
under-graduation and 31% pursuing post-graduation.
4.  Results
3.3  Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The current research included 348 participants, out of
which 183 (52.6%) were females and 165 (47.4%) were
3.3.1  Inclusion Criteria males. Out of the 348 students, 239(68.7%) pursue their
All undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing under graduation and 109 (31.3%) pursue their post-
any degree from colleges in and around Chennai were graduation.
eligible to participate in the study. Both male and female Overall, 20% of the participants used their gadgets
students were included in the present study. The age for gaming, 3% for attending classes, 20% for online
group of the participants was determined to be between courses/webinars/meetings, 10% for research activity,
the ranges 18 to 25. Only students who were willing to 19% for reading, 16% for listening to music and 12% for
participate in the study were included. messaging during the lockdown. On average, out of the
time spent on electronic gadgets everyday, 32% of the
3.3.2  Exclusion Criteria time is spent on Whatsapp, 35% of the time was spent
College students who were not attending classes during on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and 33% of the time was
COVID-19 lockdown and those who were not willing to spent attending online classes/webinars. The average
participate in the study were excluded from the present time spent on attending online classes and webinars was
research. 33%, while 35% of the time on gadgets was spent on
social media handles. The average time spent on gadgets
3.4 Tools before the lockdown was 4.75 hours, while the average
during lockdown increased to 11.36 hours.
3.4.1  Gadget Use Questionnaire Table 1 depicts the difference in the percentage of
participants experiencing various health complaints
The Gadget Use Questionnaire was a semi-structured before and during the lockdown.
modified questionnaire used to obtain data for the present Table 2 presents the association between health
study. complaints and gadget use before and during the
lockdown. Before the lockdown, health complaints like
3.4.2  Questionnaire Framework blurring and backache are only associated with gadget use
The questionnaire had a total of 5 sections that were split (p=0.012 and p=0.021). However, during the lockdown,
in order to meet the requirements of the study. all the health complaints considered in the present study
are associated with gadget use. Time spent on gadgets
Section - A (Informed Consent). during lockdown is associated with health complaints

Vol 13 (2) | 2021 | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care 141
Effects of Excessive Usage of Electronic Gadgets during COVID-19 Lockdown on Health of College Students...

Average Time Spent using Gadgets 300

12 200
Number of
10 Average time spent on 150 complaints before
gadgets before lock- lockdown

8 down (In Hrs/day) 100

Number of
4.75 Average time spent on complaints during
6 50 lockdown
gadgets during lock-
4 down (In Hrs/day) 0

Figure 1.  Average time spent using gadgets before and Figure 2.  The number of each health complaint experi
during lockdown by respondents. enced by respondents before and during the

like redness of eyes, blurring, backache, restlessness, and Only 71% of the present study respondents practiced
shoulder pain at p<0.001. measures to reduce gadget usage, while 29% did not
35% of the study participants preferred to monitor practice them. Out of the 29% who did not practice the
screen as well as gadget usage time and alter them to control measure did so dominantly because they could
appropriate levels. 25% of participants chose to use not identify an alternative to gadget use (62%). 21%
screen time controls. In contrast, 17% preferred using did not practice them because they could not maintain
productivity apps, 15% preferred increasing the hands- restraint, 11% because they felt obsessed with overusing
free length and 8% preferred to decrease the talking gadgets and 6% did not prefer using them.

Table 1.  Percentage of complaints experiences before and during lockdown by participants

Complaints Experienced Before Percentage During Percentage

Headache 34.8% 75.3%
Nausea 3.7% 16.7%
Pain in the Eye Region 16.7% 57.2%
Redness of Eye 2% 38.5%
Blurring of Eye 8.6% 42%
Backache 17.2% 52%
Sleeplessness 17.5% 60.6%
Tiredness 28.7% 56%
Body Pain 17% 53.4%
Restlessness 14.4% 44.8%
Shoulder Pain 11.2% 40.2%

5.  Discussion gadgets for attending online classes, 20% of the students use
their gadgets for gaming, 20% for online courses/webinars/
The present study included 348 participants, out of which meetings, 10% for research activity, 19% for reading, 16%
183 (52.6%) were females and 165 (47.4%) were males. for listening to music and 12% for messaging. The study
During the lockdown, 3% of the students were using their conducted by Gupta et al. showed female students were

142 Vol 13 (2) | 2021 | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care
Tamilselvan Pachiyappan, Kousalya V. Kumar, Preethi Mark, Ragukumar Venugopal, Divya Jilumudi and Bharathi Palanisamy

Table 2.  Association between average times spent on gadgets and health complaints before and during the lockdown

Pearson Chi-Square Time Spent on Gadget before Lockdown Time Spent on Gadget during Lockdown

Asymp. Sig. Asymp. Sig.

Value df Value Df
(2-sided) (2-sided)

Headache 18.202 13 .150 35.026 21 .028*

Nausea 8.809 13 .787 35.559 21 .024*
Pain in Eye 13.957 13 .377 48.234 21 .001*
Redness of Eyes 4.728 13 .981 58.834 21 .000*
Blurring 27.180 13 .012* 73.429 21 .000*
Backache 25.250 13 .021* 91.675 21 .000*
Sleeplessness 11.861 13 .539 39.239 21 .009*
Tiredness 12.373 13 .497 45.782 21 .001*
Body Pain 19.166 13 .118 46.685 21 .001*
Restlessness 9.587 13 .727 50.704 21 .000*
Shoulder Pain 14.232 13 .358 63.477 21 .000*
DF- degree of freedom
*the association between the health complaint and time spent on the gadget is significant

more dependent on gadgets compared to male students blurring of the eye, 40.2% participants had shoulder pain,
and also a higher dependency on gadgets was seen among 38.5% participants had redness of eye, 16.7% participants
medical students17. Dixit et al. evaluated psychological had nausea. This was similar to the study conducted
dependence on mobile phones among medical college by Kumar et al. where majority (90.5%) of the study
students, according to which 18% of females and 19% participants were found to be using smartphones. Among
of males were found to be nomophobic which is the them, 57.5% had problems related to vision, 39% hearing
fear of being out of mobile phone contacts18. The study problems and 20% had reduced physical activity20.
conducted by Sun et al. showed that participants were The study highlights the excess usage of gadgets by
more active on their phone, in particular, interacting with college students during lockdown that has led to several
others using social apps, especially around major news health impacts.
events, suggesting increased physical distancing while
socializing and interaction. They also further found that
participants had lower heart rates, slept more and went to
6.  Conclusion and Recommendations
bed late16. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about numerous
The present study shows that 8.6% of participants lifestyle and environmental changes. There have been
had complaints of blurring vision (eye) even before the both positive and negative impacts as a consequence. The
lockdown, which was more than the research findings increased usage of gadgets for educational and recreational
conducted in Saudi, where 5.04% had decreased or purposes has resulted in adverse health effects for individuals.
blurred vision. In the present study, there is a drastic
increase in the complaint by 42% during the lockdown However, the need to use gadgets is at an all-time high to make
due to increased gadgets usage19. attending classes and work possible. Therefore, eliminating
The study conducted by Kumar et al. showed that gadgets might not be the solution, whereas controlling it to
out of 90.5% of study subjects, majority of participants appropriate levels would be. Individuals need to be aware
(50.2%) were using smart-phones for more than 7 hours of the adverse effects of excessive use of gadgets. It is also
a day. 42.5% of study participants used gadgets for social essential to be informed about ways to control adverse
networking, 14% for work and 13.5% for entertainment effects of gadget use like increasing blinking frequency,
for more than 7 hours a day. screen time controls and proper seating arrangements. The
Also, in the present study, 75.3% of participants had key to deriving positive results from control measures is
a headache, 60.6% of participants had sleeplessness, to increase the consistency of using them. The majority of
57.2% of participants had pain in the eye region, 56% the adverse health effects arise because of the inability to
of participants had tiredness, 53.4% participants had maintain restraints. It is of prime importance to set realistic
body pain, 52% of participants had a backache, 44.8%
expectations to control gadget use in the current lockdown
participants had restlessness, 42% participants had
scenario and follow them.

Vol 13 (2) | 2021 | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care 143
Effects of Excessive Usage of Electronic Gadgets during COVID-19 Lockdown on Health of College Students...

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