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Task 1 Assessment Context

Luisa Fernanda Arias Güiza

Code. 1096238123


Testing and Evaluation in ELT

Group 551020_14

Tutor: Fredy Arley Molano Zambrano

Step 1. Checking

1. What´s assessment?

This is used in all the learning processes; you can do feedback and develop the students’ skills,

know their aptitudes and abilities.

2. What´s evaluation?

It is a process that involves grades, criteria, and evidences.

3. What´s testing?

It is used to examine knowledge, testing measures, levels, or skills.

Step 2. Q&A

 What is Standardized test in education?

It is a method of assessment built where all test takers are required to answer the same questions

and all answers are graded in the same, predetermined way.

 What is the purpose of a standardized test?

It has different purpose according to the types, but the general-purpose it’s to determine the level

of knowledge in some topic or language and give a comparison in big groups.

 What are the types of standardized test?

Some are:

Physiological test

College-admissions test

Aptitude tests

International-comparison tests

What are the norms for standardized tests?

Standards for standardized tests vary by type. When it is a psychological test, the person in

charge is the only one who can read or know the results, in knowledge tests come with rules to

be able to perform the test and even to read the results.

Each test has a percentage or a level at which you know whether you have a good score or not.

Step 3. Reflection

Based on your experience reflect with your group in the forum on the following questions:

 Explain some strategies you will use to help the students to improve their English level.
According to my experience as an English learner, one strategy and I think sometimes is the best,

watch series or movies in English and with English subtitles because you can look at the word,

know its writes and the pronunciation. The same can do with music; you can find on youtube the

songs with lyrics and can practice and improve the level.

Another one is to practice with some equals classmates and talk in English, do some feedback

and every time you have the chance talk in English, don’t be afraid of speak because making

mistakes and do it the correction you learn more.

Sometimes you can practice like half of the hour, finding more vocabulary, practice some rules

or slang, finding apps that require only the English language and you can practice.

 What steps are necessary to develop an evaluation?

1. Select the topic and the time.

2. Share with the students the topics and times to use.

3. Give them confidence

 What are the best times to apply an evaluation?

Every time you need it, the evaluation is not always something that you have to choose a day or

time. It can be periodic or constant

 What types of evaluation do you know? What are the most recommendable for you?

Diagnostic evaluation: It is used when you need to know the skills, abilities, knowledge of the

students before or starting the course.

Self-evaluation: When the student evaluates his/her own learning process.

Summative evaluation: It is used at the end of the course, it is a way to know if they improve

skills, or really learn.

Mid-term evaluation: It is used in some intervals or by periods. Sometimes it evaluates some


 What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?

Formative assessment Summative assessment

-It is possible to give feedback on the process -It is possible to give feedback but not on the
and the students can change some attitudes process just at the end of the course so the
and improve their learning. students can’t change some attitudes to
improve their learning process.

-Focus on the outcome

-Focus on the process.
-Requires more time and it can do it in class
-Requires a little time and it can do it in class. or sometimes out of this.

-Can do it frequently. -Can do it following the calendar or by

periods of time.
-Helps teachers to modify the lesson
planning to fulfill the students' needs. -It is a standard test.

Mohammed, R. (2018). Definition of testing, assessment, and evaluation. Retrieve from

Suarez, E. (2020). Testing and Evaluation Concepts [Video


Shawer, S. F. (2010). Standardized Assessment and Test Construction Without Anguish : The

Complete Step-by-step Guide to Test Design, Administration, Scoring, Analysis, and

Interpretation. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


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