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This checklist should be completed for every research project which involves human
participants. It is used to identify whether a full application for ethics approval needs
to be submitted.

Before completing this form, please refer to the University Code of Practice on
Ethical Standards for Research Involving Human Participants. The principal
investigator and, where the principal investigator is a student, the supervisor, is
responsible for exercising appropriate professional judgment in this review.

This checklist must be completed before potential participants are approached

to take part in any research.

Section I: Applicant Details

1. Name of Researcher Hassan Ali Jaber


2. Status Undergraduate student

3. Email Address: [email protected]

4a. Contact Address: Bur Dubai, meena bazzar

4b. Telephone Number: 043530344

Section II: Project Details

5. Project Title: Health and safety factors in building


Section III: For Students Only:

6. Course title and module name BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering, Cie-
and number where appropriate 6002, Dissertation

7. Supervisor’s or module leader’s Miss Jittina Jacob


8. Email address: [email protected]

9. Telephone extension:: N/A

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Declaration by Researcher (Please tick the appropriate boxes)

I have read the University’s Code of Practice

The topic merits further research

I have the skills to carry out the research

The participant information sheet, if needed, is appropriate

The procedures for recruitment and obtaining informed consent, if needed,

are appropriate

The research is exempt from further ethics review according to current

University guidelines

Comments from Researcher, and/or from Supervisor if Researcher is

Undergraduate or Taught Postgraduate student:

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Section IV: Research Checklist

Please answer each question by ticking the appropriate box:


1. Will the study involve participants who are particularly

vulnerable or who may be unable to give informed consent (e.g.
children, people with learning disabilities, emotional difficulties,
problems with understanding and/or communication, your own

2. Will the study require the co-operation of a gatekeeper for

initial access to the groups or individuals to be recruited (e.g.
students at school, members of self-help group, residents of nursing

3. Will deception be necessary, i.e. will participants take part

without knowing the true purpose of the study or without their
knowledge/consent at the time (e.g. covert observation of people in
non-public places)?

4. Will the study involve discussion of topics which the

participants may find sensitive (e.g. sexual activity, own drug use)?

5. Will drugs, placebos or other substances (e.g. food

substances, alcohol, nicotine, vitamins) be administered to or
ingested by participants or will the study involve invasive, intrusive
or potentially harmful procedures of any kind?

6. Will blood or tissues samples be obtained from participants?

7. Will pain or more than mild discomfort be likely to result from

the study?

8. Could the study induce psychological stress or anxiety or

cause harm or negative consequences beyond the risks
encountered in normal life?

9. Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing?

10. Will financial inducements (other than reasonable expenses

and compensation for time) be offered to participants?

11. Will participants’ right to withdraw from the study at any time
be withheld or not made explicit?

12. Will participants’ anonymity be compromised or their right to

anonymity be withheld or information they give be identifiable as

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13. Might permission for the study need to be sought from the
researcher’s or from participants’ employer?

14. Will the study involve recruitment of patients or staff through

the NHS?

If ALL items in the Declaration are ticked AND if you have answered NO to ALL
questions in Section IV, send the completed and signed Form RE1 to your
School/Centre Research Ethics Officer for information. You may proceed with the
research but should follow any subsequent guidance or requests from the
School/Centre Research Ethics Officer or your supervisor/module leader where
appropriate. Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students should retain a copy
of this form and submit it with their research report or dissertation (bound in at the
beginning). Work which is submitted without the appropriate ethics form will be
returned unassessed.

If ANY of the items in the Declaration are not ticked AND / OR if you have answered
YES to ANY of the questions in Section IV, you will need to describe more fully in
Section V of the form below how you plan to deal with the ethical issues raised by
your research. This does not mean that you cannot do the research, only that
your proposal will need to be approved by the School/Centre Research Ethics
Officer or School/Centre Research Ethics Committee or Sub-committee. When
submitting the form as described in the above paragraph you should substitute
the original Section V with the version authorized by the School/Centre
Research Ethics officer.

If you answered YES to question 14, you will also have to submit an application to
the appropriate external health authority ethics committee, after you have received
approval from the School/Centre Research Ethics Officer/Committee and, where
appropriate, the University Research Ethics Committee.

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Section V: Addressing Ethical Problems

If you have answered YES to any of questions 1-12 please complete below and
submit the form to your School/Centre Research Ethics Officer.

Project Title

Principal Investigator/Researcher/Student


Summary of issues and action to be taken to address the ethics problem(s)

Please note that it is your responsibility to follow the University’s Code of Practice on
Ethical Standards and any relevant academic or professional guidelines in the
conduct of your study. This includes providing appropriate information sheets
and consent forms, and ensuring confidentiality in the storage and use of data.
Any significant change to the design or conduct of the research should be notified to
the School/Centre Research Ethics Officer and may require a new application for
ethics approval.

Signed: Principal

Approved: Supervisor or module

leader (where appropriate)


For use by School/Centre Research Ethics Officer:

 No ethical problems are raised by this proposed study - Retain this form
on record

 Appropriate action taken to maintain ethical standards

 The research protocol should be revised to eliminate the

ethical concerns or reduce them to an acceptable level,

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Retain this form on record
and return a copy of section V
to Researcher
using the attached suggestions

 Please submit School/Centre Application for Ethics Approval

 Please submit University Application for Ethics Approval



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Example 1: Participant Information Sheet

Perceptions of owners of timber frame housing about the quality of their homes

My name is ______________. I am writing a research dissertation as part of my BSc (Hons)

degree at the University of Bolton. I am working on a project looking at perceptions of
owners of timber frame housing about the quality of their homes. I am talking to home
owners on several estates in the area as part of my work.
What will I have to do if I take part?

If you agree to take part, I will ask you to answer some questions. There aren’t any
right or wrong answers – we just want to hear about your opinions. The discussion
should take about half an hour at the longest. Please note that some of the
questions may relate to your personal experiences.

Do I have to take part?

No, taking part is voluntary. If you don’t want to take part, you do not have to give
a reason and no pressure will be out on you to try and change your mind. You can
pull out of the discussion at any time.

If I agree to take part what happens to what I say?

All the information you give us will be confidential and used for the purposes of this
study only. The data will be collected and stored in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998 and will be disposed of in a secure manner. The information will
be used in a way that will not allow you to be identified individually. However, we
must inform the University if, in the unlikely event, something you have said
leads me to believe, that either your health and safety, or the health and safety
of others around you, is at immediate risk.

If you feel I have not acted appropriately after the discussion, and need help dealing
with your feelings, it is very important that you talk to someone right away.

The contact details for the person to talk to are:







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