Proclamation of The Philippine Independence

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Lesson 1.

Proclamation of the Philippine Independence (1898)

Reading the "Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”. Every year, the country
commemorates the anniversary of the Philippine Independence proclaimed on 12 June 1898 in
the province of Cavite. Indeed such event is a significant turning point in the history of the country
because it signaled the end of the 333 years of Spanish colonization. There have been numerous
studies done on the events leading to the independence of the country but very few students had
the chance to read the actual document of the declaration. This is in spite of the historical
importance of the document and the details that the documents reveal on the rationale and
circumstances of that historical day in Cavite. Interestingly, reading the details of the said
document in hindsight is telling the kind of government that was created under Aguinaldo, and
the forthcoming hand of the United States of America in the next few years of the newly created
republic. The declaration was a short 2,000 word document, which summarized the reason behind
the revolution against Spain, the war for independence, and the future of the new republic under
Emilio Aguinaldo at Library of Congress (2011).

Figure 16. Aguinaldo and the Proclamation of Independence

The proclamation commenced with a characterization of the conditions in the Philippines

during the Spanish colonial period. The document specifically mentioned abuses and inequalities
in the colony. The declaration says:

"..taking into consideration, that their inhabitants being already weary of
bearing the ominous yoke of Spanish domination, on account of the
arbitrary arrests and harsh treatment practiced by the Civil Guard to the
extent of causing death with the connivance and even with the express
orders of their commanders, who sometimes went to the extreme of
ordering the shooting of prisoners under the pretext that they were
attempting to escape, in violation of the provisions of the Regulations of
their Corps, which abuses were unpunished and on account of the unjust
deportations, especially those decreed by General Blanco, of eminent
personages and of high social position, at the instigation of the Archbishop
and friars interested in keeping them out of the way for their own selfish
and avaricious purpose, deportations which are quickly brought about by
a method of procedure more execrable than that of the Inquisition and
which every civilized nation rejects on account of a decision being
rendered without a hearing of the persons accused"

The proclamation mentioned demonstrates the justifications behind the revolution

against Spain. Specifically cited are the abuse by the Civil Guards and the unlawful shooting
of prisoners whom they alleged as attempting to escape. The passage also condemned the
unequal protection of the law between the Filipino people and the eminent personages."
Moreover, the line mentioned the avarice and greed of the clergy like the friars and the
Archbishop himself. Lastly, the passage also condemned what they see as the unjust
deportation and rendering of other decision without proper hearing, expected of any civilized

It also proceeded with a brief historical overview of the Spanish occupation since
Magellan's arrival in Visayas until the Philippine revolution, with specific details about the latter,
especially after the Pact of Biak-na-Bato has collapsed. The document narrated the spread of
the movement "like an electric spark" through different towns and provinces like Bataan,
Pampanga, Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna, and Morong, and the quick decline of Spanish forces
in the same provinces.

The revolt also reached Visayas thus the independence of the country was ensured. The
document also made mention of Rizal's execution, calling it unjust. The execution, as written in
the document, was done to please the greedy body of friars in their insatiable desire to seek
revenge upon and exterminate all those who are opposed to their Machiavellian purposes, which
tramples upon the penal code prescribed for these islands." The document also narrated the
Cavite Mutiny of January 1872 that caused the infamous execution of the martyred native priests,
Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora and Jose Burgos whose innocent blood was shed through the
intrigues of those co-called religious orders" that incited the three secular priests in the said

The proclamation of independence also invoked that the established republic would be
led under the dictatorship of Emilio Aguinaldo. It was first mention was at the very beginning of
the proclamation. It stated:

"In the town of Cavite Viejo, in this province of Cavite, on the twelfth of
June eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, before me, Don Ambrosio
Rianzares Bautista, Auditor of War and Special Commissioner appointed to
proclaim and solemnize this act by the Dictatorial Government of these
Philippine Islands, for the purposes and by virtue of the circular addressed
by the Eminent Dictator of the same Don Emilio Aguinaldo Y Famy.”

The same was repeated toward the last part of the proclamation. It states:

"We acknowledge, approve and confirm together with the orders that
have been issued there from the Dictatorship established by Don Emilio
Aguinaldo, whom we honor as the Supreme Chief of this Nation, which this
day commences to have a life of its own, in the belief that he is the
instrument selected by God, in spite of his humble origin, to effect the
redemption of this unfortunate people, as foretold by Doctor Jose Rizal in
the magnificent verses which he composed when he was preparing to be
shot. “liberating them from the yoke of Spanish domination in punishment
of the impunity with which their Government allowed the commission of
abuses by its subordinates."

An additional detail in the proclamation that is worth looking at is its explanation on the
Philippine flag that was first waved on the same day. The flag was made in Hong Kong by Marcela
Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo, and Delfina Herboza. It was accompanied by the Marcha Filipina
Magdalo, as the national anthem, now known as Lupang Hinirang, which was composed by Julián
Felipe and played by the San Francisco de Malabon marching band.

The document explained:

"And finally, it was unanimously resolved that this Nation,

independent from this day, must use the same flag used heretofore,
whose design and colors and described in the accompanying
drawing, with design representing in natural colors the three arms
referred to. The white triangle represent the distinctive emblem of the
famous Katipunan Society, which by means of its compact of blood
urged on the masses of the people to insurrection, the three stars
represent the three principal Islands of this Archipelago, Luzon,
Mindanao and Panay, in which this insurrectionary movement broke
out; the sun represents the gigantic strides that have been made by
the sons of this land on the road of progress and civilization, its eight
ray symbolizing the eight provinces of Manila, Cavite, Bulacan,
Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Batangas, Laguna.

Proclamation of Independence Document (1898)

Figure 17. Proclamation of Independence Document (1898)


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