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1. ………………………… computers has multiple processors which are based on parallel
processing architecture.
(a) Microcomputer (b) Supercomputer
(c) Digicomputer (d) Minicomputer
2. The first supercomputer is renowned as ………………………. which was designed at
Control Data Corporation (CDC) in U.S.A.
(a) ANURAG (b) PARAM 2000
(c) CDC 6600 (d) None of these
3. ……………………… computers are sensitive to variation in temperature, dust, etc.
(a) Mainframe Computer (b) Minicomputer
(c) Microcomputer (d) None of these
4. The web address of a secure website always starts with-
(a) http (b) https
(c) httpsecure (d) None of these
5. Which one of the following is an example of Program File Virus?
(a) AntiEXE (b) Mydoom
(c) Sunday (d) None of these
6. ………………………… constitutes of hardware component and the functional
(a) ALU (b) CU (c) MU (d) CPU
7. ………………….. is the main storage that holds data, instructions , intermediate
results and final results which are ready for output.
(a) Processing Unit (b) Control Unit
(c) Memory Unit (d) None of these
8. Which of the following is an antivirus?
(a) Kaspersky (b) Morris
(c) Cascade (d) None of these
9. The first generation of programming language made use of machine language
which is also known as ……………………
(a) English Language (b) High Level Language
(c) Assembly Language (d) Binary Language
10. Example of high level language is-
(a) Binary Language (b) Assembly Language
(c) C++ (d) All of the above
11. An assembler is a program that helps to translate instruction written in ………………
language into the instructions of machine language.
(a) English (b) Binary
(c) Assembly (d) None of these
12. An interpreter converts the programs written in High Level Language into a
Machine language …………………………
(a) At one go (b) Line by Line
(c) Two line at a time (d) None of these
13. A program file infecting virus is also known as a ………………………
(a) File Injector (b) Trojan Horse
(c) Worm (d) None of these
14. ……………… replicates inside the system and makes multiple copies of itself and
occupies a huge memory space in the storage device.
(a) Trojan Horse (b) Spyware
(c) Worms (d) None of these
15. Which of the following is correct expansion of SMS?
(a) Short Mail Service (b) Short Message Service
(c) Small Message Service (d) None of these
16. A ………………………………. package is an application package that helps to arrange,
keep and compare data.
(a) Spreadsheet (b) Presentation
(c) Word processing (d) None of these
17. ‘Visicalc’ was the first spreadsheet package that was introduced in …………….
(a) 1987 (b) 1978 (c) 1976 (d) 1986
18. In Calc for not equal to ………………. operator is used.
(a) <> (b) ^ (c) # (d) !
19. Spammer is a person who sends-
(a) E-mail (b) Spam (c) Virus (d) All of these
20. Which key combination is used to move the cell pointer from any cell to A1.
(a) Ctrl + A (b) Ctrl + Home
(c) Alt + Home (d) Alt + A
21. Which feature is used to automatically fed a certain kind of predefined series of
data in a worksheet?
(a) Autofill (b) Autoseries
(c) Auto handle (d) None of these
22. The formula bar lies below the ………………..
(a) Menu bar (b) Title bar
(c) Status bar (d) Tool bar
23. Which menu is selected to create Custom list?
(a) Insert menu (b) Format menu
(c) Tools menu (d) View menu
24. What is the keyboard shortcut to select the entire worksheet?
(a) Ctrl + A (b) Ctrl + Home
(c) Alt + A (d) Ctrl + PgUp
25. What will be the output if you write ‘=AVERAGE(10;15;5)’?
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 5
26. Name the function that is used to find the sum of the values of a range of cells in
(a) ADD() (b) + (c) ++ (d) SUM()
27. ‘=(B1+B2+B3)’ is an example of formula with cell …………………..
(a) Name (b) Address
(c) In-built function (d) None of these
28. The cell address of column B and 5th row is:
(a) B5 (b) 5B (c) B-5 (d) None of these
29. What is the use the symbol (Ʃ) in spreadsheet?
(a) Adding quantities (b) Multiplying quantities
(c) Dividing quantities (d) None of these
30. Which symbol is used to start a formula in spreadsheet?
(a) = (b) + (c) - (d) All of the above
Answer 4
31. The ………….. is the intersection of a column and a row.
(a) Sheet (b) Workbook
(c) Cell (d) None of these
Answer 3
32. What is the output, if you write =MAX(10;30;75;80)
(a) 80 (b) 30 (c) 10 (d) 195
Answer 1
33. What is the output, if you write =SUM(10;20;90)
(a) 110 (b) 12 (c) 120 (d) 90
Answer 3
34. “Ʃ” shortcut button is known as-
(a) Autofill (b) Autosum
(c) Autocorrect (d) None of these
35. Which feature of spreadsheet is used to create a user define list.
(a) Autofill (b) Autolist
(c) Custom list (d) None of these
Answer 3
36. Choose the key combination used to move to the next sheet.
(a) Ctrl +PgUp (b) Ctrl + PgDn
(c) Alt + PgDn (d) Alt + PgUp
Answer 2
37. By default, how many sheet opens in a workbook of OpenOffice Calc?
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 3
38. Vertical scroll bar lies at the-
(a) Bottom of the worksheet (b) Left side of the worksheet
(c) Right side of the worksheet (d) Top of the worksheet
Answer 3
39. The numeric operator “/” is used for –
(a) Addition (b) Multiplication
(c) Division (d) Exponential
Answer 3
40. By default the text written in a cell are aligned towards the ……… side.
(a) Right (b) Left (c) Center (d) None
Answer 2

1. Explain common ways to prevent Virus infection.
2. Explain the symptoms of a Virus Infection in Computer.
3. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.
4. Write short notes on: (a) Embedded Computer (b) Console Game
5. Write about any three features of spreadsheet package?
6. What is sorting?
7. What is formula? Explain different types of formula used in spreadsheet.

1. (b) Supercomputer
2. (c) CDC 6600
3. (a) Mainframe
4. (b) https
5. (c) Sunday
6. (d) CPU
7. (c) Memory Unit
8. (a) Kaspersky
9. (d) Binary Language
10. (c) C++
11. (c) Assembly
12. (b) Line by line
13. (a) File Injector
14. (c) Worms
15. (b) Short Message Service
16. (a) Spreadsheet
17. (b) 1978
18. (a) <>
19. (b) Spam
20. (b) Ctrl + Home
21. (a) Autofill
22. (d) Toolbar
23. (c) Tools Menu
24. (a) Ctrl + A
25. (b) 20
26. (d) Sum()
27. (b) Address
28. (a) B5
29. (a) Adding quantities
30. (d) All of the above

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