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Multiple Choice. Read each statement. Choose and write the letter of the best answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. The persona in the poem “Padre Faura Witness The Execution of Rizal” was.
a. Danton Remoto
b. Dr. Jose Rizal
c. Padre Faura
d. You
2. The mood of the poem was __________.
a. Mournful
b. Delightful
c. Joyful
d. Mysterious
3. The speaker was shivering while standing in the roof because ___________.
a. He was dizzy.
b. It was cold.
c. It was December.
d. It was high.
4. In stanza 2 & 3 the persona recalled what transpired between him and Pepe. This literary
device is called _____________.
a. Prophecy
b. Symbolic
c. Flashbacking
d. foreshadowing
5. Pepe came from Europe where winter was bitter. His face became ruddy because .
a. He was exposed to humiliation
b. He was exhausted.
c. He was not accustomed to the weather
d. He was exposed to sudden sun.
6. The characteristics of the star were used to compare with Jose Rizal was shimmering because
a. he was well-known
b. he was about to die
c. he studied astronomy
d. his teacher was in the observatory
7. Months before Pepe’s execution, he visited Padre Faura. Pepe talked about purgatory instead
of colliding star maybe because .
a. Padre Faura was sick
b. Pepe was terminally ill
c. Pepe knew he would be executed
d. Pepe did not believe in the afterlife
8. Padre Faura witnessed the execution of Rizal from the Azotea of Ateneo because
a. there was no building in between Bagumbayan
b. the old Ateneo de Manila was in Intramuros
c. the Observatory was part of Ateneo
d. he was invited
9. The author in the poem below expressed her willingness to do some impossible tasks stated
below. What makes the tasks impossible to do?
I will
Count the multitude of stars
The leaves in all the branches
The flock of birds perched in the loft
The blades of grass in the meadow
And the cogon flowers in the air.
a. The tasks were impossible to do because birds are flying high.
b. The tasks were impossible to do because the birds are perched on a loft.
c. The tasks were impossible to do because quantifiers are needed.
d. The tasks were impossible to do because nouns there are uncountable.
10. In this stanza, the author used auditory imagery which appeals to the sense of hearing.
Among the sounds, which could not be heard clearly.
I will
Listen to the sound of breeze
To the rustling of leaves
To the chirping of birds
To the buzzing of the bees
To the flapping of butterfly’s wings
a. Rustling
b. Buzzing
c. Flapping
d. Chirping

11. Dr. Jose Rizal was being compared to a shimmering star in the poem. In the line, the star
itself is already dead means __________ .
Still shimmering
Even if millions of miles away,
The star itself
Is already dead.
a. Dr. Jose Rizal was no longer shimmering.
b. Dr. Jose Rizal was not a star.
c. Dr. Jose Rizal was sent to the sky.
d. Dr. Jose Rizal was sent down.
12. In the poem, Preludes by T.S. Eliot, imagery is used. Which line appear to the sense of
1. The winter evening settles down
2. With smell of steaks in passageways.
3. Six o'clock.
4. The burnt-out ends of smoky days.
5. And now a gusty shower wraps
6. The grimy scraps
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 2
13. In the poem below, which word is used to refer to snow?
"Kissed by Snow" - Kelly Roper
1. Standing in darkness with face upturned as
2. Frosty, feathery stars drift down from the sky
3. And land like gentle kisses from cold lips
4. On my cheeks, my nose, my lips and closed eyes
a. Sky
b. Eyes
c. Lips
d. stars
14. Using the same poem, Kissed by Snow, which line used metaphorical language?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
15. In the poem, "Man Versus Pepper- Kelly Roper, what situation is expressed?
One sniff gives a clue of the heat within.
First bite feels like swallowing a lighted blow torch,
And tears stream from his eyes like a flash flood
As the dying ghost pepper delivers its savage revenge.

a. The persona in the poem shares his great time eating spicy food.
b. The persona in the poem expresses his experience eating spicy food.
c. The persona in the poem describes how he feels while eating spicy food.
d. The persona in the poem warns the reader not to eat spicy food.

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