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James Andrei T.

Cantre 10/13/2021
G12-HONOR 21 st Century
Q1, M1, L3


Activity 1. Warm-Up!

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

-The speaker is the author himself.
2. How did the writer effectively describe the situation in the poem?
- The writer effectively describes the situation in the poem because he shows what people
experience every time every family in the world has a disaster.
3. Does the translation affect your understanding of the poem? How? Explain briefly.
- Yes, because many people have various expressions in various languages, which may alter the
reader's sentiments and thoughts.

Activity 2:

1. What does the father mean by “the devil ate my words”?

- I guess this meant he forgot what he was about to say and other was often appeased
2. Does the little girl understand what the father means?
- No, because the little girl thinks that the devil had literally eaten his father's tongue.
3. How does the girl misinterpret her father’s words?
-The girl believes her father sold his tongue to the boss, who then cooked and ate it in a
conventional way.
4. In her excerpt, what reality does the author want to tell us about Philippine society? Do you
think this is still true? Explain.
- The story tells us about how unemployment affects the whole society. Yes, In Filipino culture,
the father is seen as the family's face and a role model who molds the entire family. As a
result, if a father is unable to speak and act in the best interests of his family, it will have a
significant impact on his children's present and future.
5. What common social issues are being tackled by the author in this excerpt?
-The most typical concerns that may be noticed in the story are job loss, poverty, and unequal
parental effort.
6. What Filipino family culture is dominantly described/ presented by the author in the
excerpt? Cite proof/evidences from the excerpt.
- I would be ‘the inside girl’, and I could tell you the true nature of satedaffluence.
7. The author used metaphor in her writing. Explain the metaphorical/symbolical meaning of
“tongue “in her excerpt.
-Tongues are also indicative of the voice of the gods.
Activity 3: Draw me!

For me, the poem represents a pacifier. Because pacifier is just like our mothers, it gives comfort to us
and helps our parents and infants get through periods of crying when the infant is either not hungry
or too full to eat but still needs the comfort that sucking provides.

Activity 4: Agree or Disagree

AGREE: The stanza "the journey was a perilous one: full of hardships, pains and tears". We all go
through trials and tribulations as we grow older. We must smile through these difficulties and pains
in order to have a fantastic and unforgettable year. It's a "give it a shot" relationship, and keep in
mind that "life moves on."


What did you learn from this lesson/activity?
-I learned that Regional Writers are authors who are published with traditional publishers or

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