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James Andrei T.

Cantre 10/6/2021
G12-HONOR 21 st Century
Q1 M1 L2

Activity 1

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

-The Author

2. Who is being addressed in the poem?

- His love ones

3. What situation is being anticipated by the narrator?

-Death and sadness

4. What situation is being anticipated by the writer?

-It seems that the author anticipated the order of his/her highness about his/her death.

Activity 2

1. Interesting Information:
-They are famous for "Dakay" which is the oldest house that has been living for so many
-It is exciting because It can be interesting to visit old infastructures which has very good
history that contributes famously to the said province.
2. Yes, I agree with the Ivatans saying "Nobody can steal your knowledge", because they don't
know what the things you know. And because we all are different, we have a different level
of knowledge we all are different in our own way.

Activity 3

1. It is important because rhetorical questions are questions that authors do not anticipate to
be answered and these are used to persuade readers.
2. The cross of San Felix symbolizes danger or death.
3. The water signify as life.
4. Water, Food -what sustain us
5. The poem's theme, in my opinion, is love that endures even after death.
Activity 4

1. “Who ba, HaChing, It’s hirap kaya”

2. Yes
3. Like, naman, talaga
4. Dude, man pare
5. How Filipino nowadays talk to each other.

Activity 5

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B


What did you learn from this lesson/activity?
-I learned that formalist critics spend a great deal of time analyzing irony, paradox, imagery, and

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