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Nowadays most students such as junior and senior high school students go to school by

motorcycle. Even though they haven’t got their license, they still do that. Moreover,
some of them do not like wearing helmet. A motorcycle doesn’t provide their structural
protection that a car does to keep drivers safe in the event of an accident. Motorcyclist
need to take extra precautions to protect their body. The most important place to start is
by protecting the head. The head and brain is most vulnerable to injury in a motorcycle
accident. Drivers and passengers wearing helmets increase their change of survival
significantly over non-helmet wearers. It is important for motorcyclist to understand the
risks of riding without a helmet. Riders who do not wear helmets are the risk of
suffering a traumatic brain injury If they are in accident. Without protection, the head is
vulnerable to a traumatic impact in an accident even when travelling at low speeds.
Because of those reasons, I think it is crucial for motorcyclists to take action to protect
themselves while riding wearing an approved helmet, is one of many precautions a rider
can take to increase safety on the open road.
1. From the text, we know that….
A. A motorcycle provides the structural protection for the rider
B. Helmet is useful to protect our head on the road
C. Accidents are usually happened while riding motorcycle at low speeds.
D. Riders may wear any kinds of helmet
E. It is difficult to get a driving license.
2. What does the writer recommend?
A. We should ride on the open road
B. We should be careful on the road
C. We don’t have to wear helmet at low speeds
D. We should wear an approved helmet
E. We should protect our head from injury

When I’m lost in the rain.

In your eyes I know I’ll find the light to light my way.
When I’m scared and losing ground.
When my words is going crazy, you can turn it all around.
And when I’m down you’re there; pushing me to the top.
You're always there; giving me all you’ve got. For the shield from the storm.
For a friend for a love.
To keep me safe and warm. I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong.
For the will to carry on.
For everything you do. For everything that’s true.
I turn to you.
3. The purpose of the song is... the listener 
A. To amuse
B. To motivate
C. To inspire
D. To criticize
E. To express the feeling of

4. “For a shield from the storm”. The word "shield" means…

A. Cover
B. Coat
C. Rain
D. Help
E. Protection
5. “You’re always there: giving me all you’ve got”. The sentence above belongs to…
A. Personification
B. Metaphor
C. Simile
D. Hyperbole
E. Repetition
6. “When my world is going crazy, you can turn it all around.” The word “it” refers to…
A. My world
B. The rain
C. The light
D. The ground
E. My way
7. Justin always though that he could get a job with high salary in other country. But
actually there was many jobs in his own country with high salary, too. Well the best
proverb is...
A. the grass is greener in other side
B. a bad workman always blames his tools
C. no sweet without sweat
D. better be envied than pitied
E. it never rains but it pours

Annually, we hold over 300 swimming schools in three periods; spring, summer, and
autumn. In addition to this, we offer private lessons and one-time theme lessons. One
can experience the joys of swimming already in infant swimming. However, it is never
too late to learn to swim, for example, in swimming courses for senior citizens.
8. What kind of the text above?
A. A poster
B. An advertisement
C. An invitation
D. A descriptive
E. A narrative
9. Which sentence shows giving example? 
A. Annually, we hold over 300 swimming schools in three periods
B. In addition to this, we offer private lessons and one-time them lessons
C. One can experience the joys of swimming already in infant swimming
D. However, it is never too late to learn to swim. For example, in swimming courses
for senior citizens
E. Annually , we hold over 300 swimming school in three periods : spring, summer,
and autumn

Donna : Hello, Donna’s speaking here.

Ira : Hello Donna. It’s Ira. I’m calling you to tell that I’m going to be able to
meet you next Friday. I have to accompany my mother to a wedding
ceremony. Can we make it another day?
Donna : No problem. How about Saturday afternoon at 4?
Ira : I’m sorry, I can’t do it either. Could you do on Sunday?
Donna : Well, Sunday morning at 10?
Ira : Perfect.
Donna : Okay. See you on Sunday at Gill’s Restaurant.
Ira : See you.
10. What is the conversation about? 
A. Booking a table
B. Having a meeting
C. Canceling an appointment
D. Rearranging an appointment
E. Attending a wedding ceremony
11. When will they decide to meet?
A. Tonight
B. Tomorrow morning at 10
C. Friday afternoon
D. Saturday at 4 p.m.
E. Sunday at 10 a.m.

Woman : Let’s go now

Man : You look so chick in that jacket.
Woman : ….
12. The best response is… 
A. Don’t worry about that
B. Thank you
C. Thanks for your performance
D. You’ve helped me
E. No. thank.
Woman : I heard from Bella that your house was broken because of a heavy rain
Man : Yes. Now we stay at my uncle’s house.
Woman : ...
13. What is the most suitable response to say next?
A. What a shame
B. Forgive me
C. I knew it
D. What terrible news
E. I’m sorry to hear that

Why we should visit Library. Today mot students do not like going to library. They prefer
browsing information through internet to reading books in the library. Library is a place that
houses and lends books to its members. But in this age of digital information, e-books, and the
internet, is there still a reason to go to the library? The answer is yes. Here are the reasons.

First, most libraries have plenty of well-lit reading areas, so you won’t ruin your eyesight by
squinting at that tiny print. But libraries also offer great reference materials that will illuminate
your understanding of many topics. If you have questions about what you’re reading, whether
you need about something better explained or are seeking more context, you can explore
further in encyclopedias and other reference books. Or you can ask one of the experts on staff
or librarians.

Secondly, libraries are excellent study space. Libraries offer a quiet oasis, perfect for getting
some serious studying done. If the library is sizeable, there will usually be a floor dedicated to
complete silence if the sound of background murmurs is enough to break your concentration.

The last reason is that libraries have amazing resources. Libraries have so many resources
designed specially to help students. From tutoring services to university and career planning
tutorials, to the trained librarians who are happy to help a student with their research, there are
multitude of service to take advantage of.

From those reasons, I recommended you to visit the library and enjoy your study there. You
can also enrich your knowledge by reading books that you like. “Libraries have many
resources designed specifically to help students.

14. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain the importance of library
B. To retell the reason of building library
C. To persuade the4 readers to visit the library
D. To describe a school library
E. To discuss further bout the function of libraries
15. Why do students many not go to the library today? 
A. They go online to find information
B. They do not have member car
C. They have already many book
D. They have their own library at their home
E. There is no internet access in the library
16. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? 
A. Libraries have a quiet oasis
B. Libraries are sizeable
C. Libraries have some floors
D. Libraries are excellent study spaces
E. Libraries can break our concentration

17. The word " specifically" has similar meaning to 

A. Generally
B. Individually
C. Certainly
D. Usually
E. Especially

“Sight” Digital Printing Service: Banner Baliho Poster Large Photo Billboard.

Call : 5253678 Himalaya Street”.

18. What is the purpose of the banner?

A. To promote a resort
B. To advertise a product
C. To motivate the readers
D. To promote a place
E. To warn the readers

19. Where do you usually see this kind of banner?

A. In front school
B. At a hospital
C. In the bus
D. At a public places near crossroads
E. Inside a building

Krish : You look different today.

Karan : Why do you think so?

Krish : Oh, your haircut is new. (.........) By the way, where did you cut your hair?

Karan : ( ............)
Krish : I want my hair-cut like yours. The style makes you more handsome.

Karan : (............) 

20. A. why did you cut it

B. it was horrible
C. I like it
D. thank you very much
E. I don’t think so
21. A. at school
B. at Rosa's salon
C. at the post office
D. at home
E. at Rosa's house
22. A. It's a very kind of you to say so.
B. I’m glad you cut your hairs
C. I'm happy for you
D. I don't want to do it
E. It makes me disappointed

23. If you don't hurry up, the the time we arrived. 
A. Will not finish
B. Will be finished
C. Won’t have finished
D. Will have finished
E. Would have finished

A group of frogs were travelling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When
the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as
dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit withal they
might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of
the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frogs continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of yelled at him
to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out,
the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He
thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
24. What did the other frogs do when the two frogs tried to jump out of the pit?
A. They helped the two frogs
B. They yelled to the two frogs to give up
C. They ignored the two frogs
D. They asked for a help from other frogs
E. They jumped into the deep pit
25. What happened to the two frogs while they were travelling? 
A. The two frogs could not jump higher than others
B. The two frogs skipped into a deep pit
C. The two frogs jumped into a deep pit
D. The two frogs fell into a deep pit
E. The two frogs played in deep pit
26.  Which is the best lesson suited to the story? 
A. There is power of life and death in the tongue
B. Be careful of what you say
C. Don’t judge a book from its cover
D. Early bird catches the worm
E. A great talker is a great liar

Sindy : I want to register in this swimming club, but I want to know about this club first.
Rose : Sure. Here is the brochure. You can get more information in it.
Sindy : Thank you.
27. How will Sindy know about the club?
A. By making the brochure
B. By joining the club
C. By registering the club
D. By swimming in the club
E. By reading the brochure

Woman : Good morning, Lullaby Hotel, How can I help you today?

Man : Hallo, I would like to book for tomorrow night.

Woman : What kind of room do you like?

Man : I would like a double room, please.

Woman : Please hold on. I will check it first. I’m afraid we only have single room

available. Tomorrow we will have a double room.

28. What is the dialogue above?

A. Booking a table in a restaurant
B. Booking a movie ticket
C. Making a hotel room reservation
D. Making a conference room reservation
E. Booking a train ticket

Television has a great influence on our ideas about that is right and wrong, about that is right
and wrong, about the way we should behave, and about life in general. Sometimes the value
and life 29)….. that we get from television are in 30)…. with those that are taught at home and
school. Critics of television 31) that crime and western programs often 32)…. to a taste of
violence while many game shows appeal to greed. Many critics also believe that television
should be used for 33)….. constructive purpose as well as for entertainment.  
29. A. challenge D. skills
B. objectives E. competitions
C. styles
30. A. line D. favor
B. conflict E. dealing
C. accordance
31. A. find out D. look out
B. carry out E. point out
C. take out
32. A. prevent D. remove
B. minimize E. wipe
C. appeal
33. A. social D. socialized
B. socialize E. socializing
C. socially

Sandra : have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who use
organic farming?
Joshua : …. because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some
supports from the government.
34. The best answer is… 
A. I disagree with the idea
B. I don’t really care about it
C. I think it is a good idea
D. Too bad
E. I think the government should think about it twice

35. If the store.... I will buy it tomorrow 

A. Open
B. Opens
C. Opened
D. Will open
E. Would open

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