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Development Quarter 1 –
Module 7:
Becoming Capable
and Responsible Adolescent
Prepared for Adult Life
CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
Personal Development
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Becoming Capable and Responsible Adolescent
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Morena S. Dela Cruz
Editors: Cesar Chester O. Relleve
Reviewers: Melanie Mae N. Moreno, Regicelle D. Cabaysa, Darwin D. Bargo, Alona
A. Encinares Jerome C. Hilario, Jesusa L. Partosa, Bernadette Patag Illustrator:
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Development Quarter 1 –
Module 7:
Becoming Capable
and Responsible Adolescent
Prepared for Adult Life
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they
can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the nature of Personal Development. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read
them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The lesson in this module is about Self-Development. After going through this
module, you are expected to:

1. Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life; EsP-PD11/12DS-Id-3.3
CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. How can adolescents become responsible? When they

a. make plans for themselves
b. have little ideas on things involving them
c. take the initiative to decide for themselves
d. able to show the right attitude to stand for themselves and decisions

2. The following are the personal responsibility of the adolescence EXCEPT

a. Pay attention in studies
b. Stay away from bad habits
c. Pay attention to cleanliness and health
d. Create peace and harmony in the community

3. The most common responsibility of adolescents towards family.

a. Create peace and harmony in the society.
b. Engage in the community outreach program.
c. Participate in cultural and traditional programs.
d. Respect the elders and love the youngsters in the family.

4. This defines as taking responsibility for one’s actions.

a. Integrity
b. Humanity
c. Reliability
d. Accountability

5. Which statement BEST defines responsibility?

a. It is the activities and occasions one attends to.
b. It is a self-proclaimed job, tasks, duty or obligation.
c. It is any martial obligation you have with your partner. d. It is any
obligation or duty entrusted to a person directly or indirectly.

6. What word BEST defines a responsible person?

a. Reliable
b. Sociable
c. Rspectful
d. Compassionate

7. Which among the following is part of the personal responsibility of an

a. Collaborate with the government.
b. Study and learn well from school.
c. Work with social welfare employees.
d. Make friends via social media account.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
8. Which among the items below shows that one sets his/her priorities?
a. He/She do things at once.
b. He/She finishes one task at a time.
c. He/She sets a lot of activities at once.
d. He/She manages to fulfill many tasks at a time.

9. Which among the statements below shows that a person has humility?
a. He/She ignores others’ suggestions.
b. He/She loves to criticize other people’s work.
c. He/She knows how to accept his/her failure.
d. He/She blames himself/herself for his/her flaws.

10. Which among the statements below shows that Jojie is a hardworking person?
a. Jojie selects the easiest tasks.
b. Jojie works faster than others.
c. Jojie ensures the quality of his output.
d. Jojie tries to make other people satisfy with his work.

11. How can one person show love for his/her duty?
a. Work without resting.
b. Work with diligent people.
c. Work without minding the time.
d. Work with passion and dedication.

12. What statement shows the importance of gaining the trust of your parents? a.
They can set you free.
b. They will be proud of you.
c. They can allow you to do what you want.
d. They will hinder you from things that make you happy.

13. Which among the items below give the importance of establishing identity?
a. One will gain a lot of friends.
b. One can start to like himself/herself better.
c. One can be known to the whole community.
d. One will be able to gain the appreciation of others.

14. Why is knowing oneself part of being responsible?

a. It is where success begins.
b. It is the beginning of wisdom.
c. It is a means to make one’s own decision.
d. It is a way for one to introduce himself/herself to other people.

15. What item below shows that one knows himself/herself well?
a. He/She has similar type of clothing with his/her idol.
b. He/She knows the field that interest him/her the most.
c. He/She imitates other people’s gestures and facial expressions. d.
He/She indulges in learning crafts his/her parents want him/her to

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

Lesso Self-Development – Identify Ways that

Help One Become Capable and
n 7 Responsible Adolescent Prepared for
Adult Life
Taking responsibility has been part of our daily living. Even when we are still
young we were trained by our parents to take some duties. It is in this way that they
can raise us well by helping us become capable to whatever tasks we will be having
in the near future and become very much responsible to whatever obligations we
have to take as an individual and as part of a bigger community.

In this module you will learn more about how you can help
yourself become responsible adolescent in preparation for adulthood.

What’s In

Before we proceed any further, let us have a quick review on what you have
learned in the previous module. Try to identify the significant people around you by
completing the semantic web below. Be guided by the letters provided in giving the
exact word.




CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

Notes to the Teacher

As facilitator, kindly asks the learner to pick at least two words from the
given items above that he/she finds most important in building sense of
responsibility in him/her. Then, let him/her explain his/her ideas.
What’s New

What if you are placed in each of the situation given below, how
would you manage to triumphantly surpass the challenges of your
life? Kindly discuss what actions would you take to overcome each of
the given situations.

Situation 1:
You are studying in public school and currently enrolled as Grade 11
student. Your mother told you the other day that you are not going to finish Senior
High School anymore because she cannot afford to give you your daily allowance.
Your mom’s decision is against your will. What best move will you do to avoid
dropping out from school?

Situation 2:
You are freshman college student. You are also given the chance for
scholarship grant by being a varsity player. You met a good-looking man/young
lady. You immediately find him/her attractive and wanted to be in a relationship
with him/her. How would you control yourself knowing that you have to prioritize
your studies well?

Situation 3:
You are a working student and currently at your last year in college. Your
adviser reminded you to concentrate on your study for he will not give any special
considerations to working students to be fair with the other students. How would
you manage to meet his expectations?

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

What is It
Why Be Capable and Responsible Adolescent
Activities in What’s New was set for you to intentionally and primarily reveal
your sense of responsibility over things.

If you have come up with reasonable ideas through weighing things and
considering other matters, it is an indicator that you have developed a good sense of

Responsibility is any moral, legal, or mental obligation or duty that is directly

or indirectly entrusted to you by the people around from which you are held
accountable for whatever consequences or circumstance that may arrive in the

Responsibility is part of growing up. We are being taught and trained to

develop a great sense of responsibility, so that we will be capable to face the
consequences of our own actions. As they say, “nobody can clean his/her own mess
but himself/herself alone.”

Being capable and responsible adolescent means having a harmonious

lifestyle. A person, performing his/her own sets of duties and accountabilities, can
make a great impact to the community. Being a concrete example, he/she could be
emulated by the community, eventually serving as the key for the positive
transformation of the society.

8 Common Responsibilities of Adolescents

An adolescent like you must be familiar and have a wider understanding on

your sets of responsibilities which have become the norms for you to be considered
a responsible person. Below are some of the common obligations that are expected
from an adolescent like you.

1. Show respect to elders.

Paying respect to elders would be one of the most valuable thing an
adolescent can do in the critical stage when kids are still trying to develop
good manners.

2. Take care of the younger ones.

Preparing adolescents to become a responsible adult of the future
really starts within the family by merely taking care of their siblings. It
serves as training ground for them to become a loving and caring parents in
the future.

3. Study well.
Studying hard is one’s personal obligation. Parents are only extending
their assistance to their children so that as they take their turn in the society
they will find it easy to perform their role responsibly and live a bright future.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

4. Avoid engaging to bad vices.

One must also distance himself/herself from bad vices and practices.
for these activities mislead him/her from the principles and teachings of
his/her parents and/or school and draw him/her away from his/her
dreamed success.

5. Establish a good identity.

Living with good identity will help one see all his/her potentials and
love himself/herself more. A lot of people will start to like working with
him/her and this would mean learning more.

6. Earn the trust of the people around.

Gaining the trust of the people that surround you is the fulfilling
result of creating your own identity. Having people’s appreciation is just one
of the wonderful effects of being trustworthy.

7. Distinguish good company from bad influence.

It is your level of willpower that helps you concretized your success.
However, your choice of company might hinder your strong will to become
successful so learn to choose your company well.
8. Know yourself better.
Knowing yourself is being able to identify your strongest characteristic
traits and personality. Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your
abilities and capabilities is of great advantage for you to become genuinely
responsible and later on be a fulfilled individual.

Ways to Become Capable and Responsible Person in

Preparation for Adult Life

Getting teenagers ready for their life ahead becomes the duty of the whole
society. There are numbers of suggestions and teachings on how you can really turn
into a responsible individual. Below are some of the common ways on how we can
establish sense of responsibility within ourselves.

Know your priority

Putting the most important things at the top of your priority is the best
strategy for you to have a good sense of direction. Having this enables you to
identify your goal and keep your concentration on it.

Have focus
Prioritizing things out leads you to set your eyes to the most important
things. This will maximize your strong determination to accomplish your goals.
This will give you a clear mind and a clear objectives as well. Having focused on one
thing delivers you from being efficient in your task/s by applying effective

Be decisive
Being responsible is equal to being decisive. Decision making is one of the life
skills that teenagers must have. Our life depends on how well we decide on things.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
We must learn to be assertive to arrive with the best decision we could come up
with by carefully weighing things and considering the logic implied in the situation.

Work diligently
Taking time to do your work need not to be imposed to you rather you should
have the initiative to do each. Diligently working entails joyful atmosphere and
graceful aura. A lively spirit would always keep you blessed with ton of energy and
enthusiasm to work hard without complaining.

Don’t count at all

A real hard-working person does not count his/her duties instead he/she
works with the goal of finishing all the tasks. This character trait will let you have
the right spirit to become responsible individual and build camaraderie with your
colleague developing sense of reliability within you.

Stay humble
Having not to count what you have successfully accomplished will help you
keep your feet on the ground. In some other circumstance, humility may also mean
being able to acknowledge your imperfections; and apologizing for it is a clear
manifestation that the virtue of sense of responsibility is little by little being
accepted by your system and principles.

Love your duty

If diligence can bring out lively spirit in you, your love towards your sets of
obligations brings out all your undiscovered strengths. Loving your duty keeps your
day bright and will help you forget boredom even with the tasks commonly hated by

Dedicate time
Loving your duty is not complete without dedicating your time. Being
responsible individual also requires you to dedicate enough amount of time. It is
when you dedicate your time that all your effort will be materialized.

What’s More
Activity 1.1 Understanding Ways to Become Responsible
Direction: Write Yes if you agree with each of the statement and No if you do not.
______ 1. Sets of responsibility are given to a person at a very young age. ______ 2.
Responsibility is any set of obligations entrusted to every person. ______ 3. As a
person becomes mature, he/she becomes capable of taking responsibility.
______ 4. All of us are capable of being responsible.
______ 5. Being responsible will help one grow into a mature person
and achieve more.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

Activity 1.2 Self-Check

Evaluate how capable you are with the each of the given statements using
the scale below.

3 – Very Much Capable 2 – Slightly Capable 1 – Not capable

No Statements 3 2 1

1. I am capable of making my plans for the whole week.

2. I am capable of accomplishing the activities or tasks I set

for the week as I planned them.

3. I am capable of making sound decisions.

4. I am capable of proving myself to others.

5. I am capable of making other people trust me.

6. I am capable of learning new things on my own.

7. I am capable of seeing my own mistakes.

8. I am capable of correcting my mistakes.

9. I am capable of changing my point of view as I find the

need to do so.

10. I am capable of pulling myself together whenever I feel

so down.

Guide Questions

1. To what statement/s did you give yourself the lowest rating? The highest rating?
Explain your assessment.
2. How do you find your assessment towards your capabilities? 3. How can your
knowledge of your own capabilities be carried out as you take responsibilities in the


Activity 1.3 Steps of Becoming Responsible

In this activity you are to list the steps on how you can be capable and
responsible adolescent who is ready to face adult life. Name the four most
relevant and effective means that you have applied in your life. Use the stair
diagram below. Explain your concept using the guide questions.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
Guide Questions

1. What is so special with the steps you have mentioned in your diagram above? 2.
How can these steps be of great help in making you responsible and confident
adolescent facing adulthood?

What I Have Learned

I am pretty sure you have gained so much from this module. Please feel free
to complete the phrases below.
From this module, I fully understand that for me to become a responsible
individual requires me to be ________________________________________. From this
day on, I will try to value _________________________________ so that I will

What I Can Do
After understanding the ways on how to become capable and responsible
adolescent, try to look forward and see how well you will prepare yourself in the
future. You are to prepare a matrix indicating your plans for the next 10 years.
Kindly use the template below. (Take the first example as your guide)
Year Activity/ies Strategies

2020-2021 Graduated in SHS I will study hard and

finish all my










CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which among the statements below present the ways to become responsible?
a. Join different social gatherings.
b. Engage in a serious relationship.
c. Take care of the younger siblings.
d. Stop schooling and start working.

2. Which among the items below should you AVOID to become responsible?
a. Parents' advice
b. Bad companies
c. School activities
d. Household chores

3. Why is it important for adolescent to become responsible?

a. It is a way to get wealthy.
b. It is a way to gain friends.
c. It is a way to become popular.
d. It is a way to have a bright future.

4. Which among the items below does NOT lead to becoming responsible?
a. Set one’s priorities in life.
b. Dedicate time in doing all the tasks.
c. Become reliable doing things for others.
d. Forget the tasks which are hard for one to accomplish.

5. Which among the items below helps one to become responsible?

a. Be tactful
b. Be generous
c. Working regularly
d. Working diligently

6. Below are the participation of the parents in letting their child/children

become responsible EXCEPT
a. Send them to school.
b. Look for their set of friends.
c. Train their child/children to pay respect to elders.
d. Assign household chores for them to accomplish.

7. How should one accept his/her responsibility?

a. Be easygoing
b. Be pessimistic
c. Be affectionate
d. Be broad-minded

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

8. Why should one be held accountable for his/her responsibility?

a. It will give him/her another problem to solve.
b. It will make him/her regret all his/her actions.
c. It is an opportunity for him/her to become more responsible. d. It is
a chance for him/her to pass his/her obligation to others.

9. Below are the reasons why one should be very responsible in his/her studies
a. Studies make one rich in the future.
b. It is a means of paying the kindness of their parents.
c. It is a means of meeting a lot of people who can help you in the future.
d. Studies give any individual the opportunity to gain a better way of living.

10. Why should an adolescent be asked to take care of his/her siblings?

a. It is a means of discovering one’s abilities.
b. It is part of our obligation to the community.
c. It serves as a way to lessen the tasks of the parents.
d. It serves as training ground for one to become responsible parents
in the future.

11. Why does showing respect to elders become the responsibility of

adolescents? a. They are the ones to replace the adult.
b. They are the role model of younger kids.
c. They are the right people to replace their parents.
d. They are the only person who understand their siblings.

12. What is likely to happen if an adolescent did NOT learn to become responsible?
a. He/She might find life difficult.
b. He/She might not enjoy his/her life.
c. He/She will obtain a happy marriage.
d. He/She will obtain a good career in the future.

13. What is likely to happen if one does NOT know how to prioritize things?
a. He/She will not succeed in life.
b. He/She might have unclear goals.
c. He/She will hate accepting duties.
d. He/She might get satisfying results.

14. What way is BEST for parents to train their child/children to become
a. Dictate what they have to do all the time.
b. Trust them and wait until they seek their help.
c. Leave them alone and let them be independent.
d. Give them tasks and guide them as they fulfill each.

15. How can one’s humility become his/her way to become responsible?
a. He/She will be able to acknowledge his/her fault.
b. He/She will be able to gain sympathy of other people.
c. He/She will be able to seek the assistance of other people.
d. He/She will be able to realize that it is hard to become responsible.

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7

Additional Activities
Now that you have gained a complete understanding of the different ways of
becoming capable and responsible adolescent as well as its importance, you should
understand that you must take the responsibility of examining yourself and take
actions to improve.

In order to do that you are to prepare a list of all your weaknesses and state
your plans on how to improve each.

Kindly list down the ten most important things that you wish to improve after
two or three years. Use the template below.
Weaknesses Ways To Improve My Skills










CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
5. Yes
4. No
3. Yes
Answer 2. Yes
1. No
Key 15. b
14. c Activity 1.1.
13. d
12. c
11. d
10. c
c 9.
15. a
8. b
7. b 14. d
6. a 13. b
5. d 12. a
11. b 10.d
4. d
3. d 9. d
8. c
7. d
6. b
5. b
4. d
3. d
2. d 1. c
References What I Know
Expected answers for What's
1. d
Assessment 2. b
Ways to Become a Responsible Adolescent Prepared for Adult Life: (2016).
OurHappySchool Your Online Entertainment Magazine, 15 June, 2020 adolescent-

CO_Q1_Personal Development SHS
Module 7
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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