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Mark Scheme (Provisional)

Summer 2021

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Biology (4BI1) Paper 2B
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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Summer 2021
Question Paper Log Number 67077
Publications Code 4BI1_2B_2106_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021
General Marking Guidance
• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.
Question Answer Mark
1(a) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2
• so that sperm can swim / can reach egg / otherwise they
cannot swim / otherwise they cannot reach egg / eq (1)
• can fertilise egg / fertilisation can occur / (if abnormal) will
not fertilise egg (1)
• so (initial) fertility is not reduced / or (if abnormal) fertility
of these men will (already) be reduced (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(b)(i) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following 2
• thickens / maintains, uterine wall / lining /
endometrium / maintains pregnancy / eq (1)
• inhibits FSH production / prevents more
eggs maturing / eq (1)
• inhibits LH production / prevents ovulation / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(b)(ii) 1
• male sex hormone / increase male hormone level (1)

• because progestin reduces testosterone / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(b)(iii) 1
• testes / testicles (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(c)(i) 1
• reduce sperm production / eq (1)
Question Answer Mark
1(c)(ii) 1
• to measure if sperm count fell / below 1 million per cm /

fertility dropped / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(c)(iii) 1
• prevent fertilisation / eq, as sperm production may be
above 1 million per cm3 / still high / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(d) 1
• to ensure sperm production stays below 1 million per cm3
/ stays low / eq (1)

• to see if, the treatment / progestin works / lowers sperm

production (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• 98.4 x 320/100 = 314.88 Allow 1 mark for 2

• = 320 - 315 or 1.6 in working

• 5 (2) Allow 5.1 or 5.12

100 - 98.4 = 1.6 % award

full marks for
1.6 × 320 / 100 = 5.12 = 5 (2) correct answer no
Question Answer Mark
1(f) An answer that includes any 4 of the following points 4

(For / positive about method)

• reduces pregnancy / 98.4 % work / (very) effective / eq (1)

• 75% / most men / partners / couples, happy to continue (1)

• do not need to be remember to take / eq (1)

• does not require surgery / reversible (1)

• no need for women to take hormones (1)

(Against / negative about method)

• side effects / acne / mood disorders / skin infections / skin

irritation / eq (1)

• does not protect against STI / named disease / eq (1)

• suppression phase takes a long time / 26 weeks / eq (1)

• may not be reversible / reduce long term male fertility /

may take time to reverse / eq (1)

total =16 marks

Question Answer Mark
2(a) An answer that makes reference to two of the following 2
• cytoplasm (1)
• ribosomes (1)
• cell membrane (1)
• DNA (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(b)(i) The only correct answer is B bacteria are pathogens 1

A is not correct because it is not possible to conclude that

the bacteria are decomposers

C is not correct because it is not possible to conclude that the

bacteria are microscopic

D is not correct because it is not possible to conclude that the

bacteria are non-living

Question Answer Mark

1(b)(ii) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 4
• vaccination / inoculated (1)
• (same) antigens / (same) protein (on bacteria) (1)
• secondary immune response (1)
• memory cells (1)
• (make) large numbers antibodies / (make)
antibodies produced fast / soon / eq (1)

Total = 7 marks
Question Answer additional Mark
Number guidance
3(a)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following 2

• extension / pointed / elongated / eq (1) Allow from

• increased surface area / diagram
increased surface area to volume ratio (1)

Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
3(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to one of the 1
following points:

• involve (movement of) water (only) (1) Allow


• must pass through cell membrane (1) Allow


Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
3(b)(i) An explanation that makes reference to three of 3
the following points:

• more water taken up in light (1) Allow converse

• more water lost in light (1) Allow converse

• evaporation from leaves creates a

transpiration stream / transpiration pull /
sets up water potential gradient / eq (1)
Allow converse
• stomata open in light (1)

• (more water is taken up than lost

because) water used to fill cells / growth / Ignore refs to
turgor/ photosynthesis (1) temp
Question Answer additional Mark
Number guidance
3(b)(ii) An answer that makes reference to two of the
following points: 2
• humidity / moisture (1)
• temperature (1) Ignore CO2

• wind / air flow / eq (1)

• time (1)

Question Answer Mark

3(c)(i) 1
potometer / bubble potometer / volume potometer (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(c)(ii) An answer that makes reference to three
of the following points: 3
• measure distance bubble moves (1) • measure volume
lost from beaker (1)
• calibrate (scale) / calculate volume by
multiplying distance by (cross • use scale on beaker
sectional) area / eq (1) / note volume
before and after
time period (1)

• use reservoir to reset / eq (1)

• repeats (to calculate mean) (1)
• ref to measuring / stated time (1)

Total = 12 marks
Question Answer Additional Mark
Number guidance
4(a) 3
• unfiltered increase of 28.5g

• growth rate in unfiltered 28.5 ÷ 180 = 0.158 Allow 1 mark

for 28.5 or 10 kg
• 0.214 - 0.158 = 0.056 (3)
Allow 1 mark
for ÷ 180
or 38.5-28.5 = 10 kg
Allow 0.0556 or
10 ÷180 = 0.056 allow 0.05 recurring 0.055 recurring
for 3 marks

Award full
marks for
answer without

Question Answer Mark

4(b) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following 3

• (in unfiltered water there is) less growth / eq (1)

• less oxygen (1)

• less respiration (1)

• more disease / damage gills / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

4(c) 1
• species / type / mass of fish (at start) / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

4(d) 1
• use a net /cage / shoot predators / make noise / eq (1)

Total = 8 marks
Question Answer Mark
5(a) 1

Question Answer Mark

5(b)(i) 1
The only correct answer is C 7.5

A is not correct as is not 2.5

B is not correct as is not 4.5

D is not correct as is not 8.5

Question Answer Mark

5(b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 2

• lower / eq (1)

• denatured / change in shape of active site / eq (1)

• urea does not bind (into active site) / fewer E/S

complexes / eq (1)
Question Answer additional Mark
Number guidance
5(c) A description that makes reference to five of the 5
following points:

• nitrogen fixing / fixation (1)

Allow nitrogen
• (nitrogen fixing / fixation) nitrogen gas to to nitrates /
ammonia (1) amino acids /eq

• nitrifying / nitrification (1) eg nitrifying

• (nitrifying / nitrification) ammonia to nitrite / convert nitrate
nitrite to nitrate / ammonia to nitrate (1) to nitrogen gas
scores mp 3
but not mp 4

• denitrifying /denitrification (1)

• (denitrifying /denitrification) nitrate to nitrogen

gas / reduces nitrogen available to plants / eq (1)

Total = 9 marks
Question Answer Mark
6(a)(i) 1
The only correct answer is C

A is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in A

B is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in B

D is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in D

Question Answer Mark

6(a)(ii) 1
The only correct answer is D

A is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in A

B is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in B

C is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in C

Question Answer Mark

6(b)(i) 1
• osmoregulation (1)

Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
6(b)(ii) 1
• removal of metabolic waste / waste from Ignore waste
chemical reactions (from cells) (1) removal

Question Answer Mark

6(c) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 4
• collecting duct (1)

• impermeable / less permeable / no change in permeability

/ eq (1)

• less water reabsorbed / water is not reabsorbed / less

water back into blood / eq (1)

• more urine produced / dilute urine produced / more water

lost / dehydration / eq (1)

• blood concentration increases / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark
6(d)(i) • increases permeability of collecting duct (wall) / 1
becomes permeable / will now be permeable / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

6(d)(ii) An answer that makes reference to the following 2

• decrease (volume) / less urine / eq (1)

• increase concentration / eq (1)

Total = 11 marks
Question Answer Mark
7(a) 1
• population (1)

Question Answer Mark

7(b)(i) 2

Species Field A Field B

Number of Percentage Number of Percentage
each (%) each (%)
plant of each plant of each
species species
daisy 19 76 15 32
dandelion 4 16 18 38
buttercup 2 8 14 30
total 25 47

Scores one mark for 4 and 2 (1)

Scores one mark for 32(%) (1)

Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
7(b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to two of the 2
following points:

• (although) both / A and B, have 3 different Allow

species / same number of species / eq / (1) converse

• B (is more diverse) because it has more even /

similar numbers of each species / eq (1)
Question Answer additional Mark
Number guidance
7(c) An explanation that makes reference to the 2
following points:

• named mineral / nitrate / magnesium (1) Allow other

correct named

• correct function / amino acids/ protein / award mp 2

chlorophyll / photosynthesis /eq (1) only if correct
mineral given

e.g. Nitrogen
for amino acids
is one mark

total = 7 marks
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