Glossary: © B Burlington Books

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Introduction hospital /ˈhɒspɪtl/ ospitale, erietxe

apple /ˈæpl/ sagar hot /hɒt/ bero (it’s ~: bero egiten du)
bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ okindegi hotel /həʊˈtel/ hotel
bathroom /ˈbɑːθruːm/ bainugela ice /aɪs/ izotz
bedroom /ˈbedruːm/ logela ice cream /ˈaɪs kriːm/ izozki
beef /biːf/ behiki jacket /ˈdʒækɪt/ jaka
bookshop /ˈbʊkʃɒp/ liburu-­denda jeans /dʒiːnz/ galtza bakeroak
bowl /bəʊl/ katilu jewellery /ˈdʒuːəlri/ bitxiak
bracelet /ˈbreɪslət/ eskumuturreko juice /dʒuːs/ zuku
bread /bred/ ogi kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ sukalde
café /ˈkæfeɪ/ kafetegi knife /naɪf/ laban
cake /keɪk/ tarta, pastel lamb /læm/ arkume (haragi)
cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl/ zereal(ak) library /ˈlaɪbrəri/ liburutegi
chair /tʃeə/ aulki lightning /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ tximista; oinaztarri
cheese /tʃiːz/ gazta living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ egongela
chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ oilasko make-up /ˈmeɪkʌp/ makillaje
chips /tʃɪps/ patata frijituak museum /mjuˈziːəm/ museo
church /tʃɜːtʃ/ eliza necklace /ˈnekləs/ lepoko
cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ zinema onion /ˈʌnjən/ tipula
cloud /klaʊd/ hodei orange /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ laranja
coat /kəʊt/ beroki park /pɑːk/ parke
cold /kəʊld/ hotz (it’s ~: hotz egiten du) plate /pleɪt/ plater
cooker /ˈkʊkə/ sukalde (suak eta labea) port /pɔːt/ portu, kai
cool /kuːl/ fresko (it’s ~: fresko egiten du) potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ patata
cup /kʌp/ katilu, kikara rain /reɪn/ euri
cupboard /ˈkʌbəd/ armairu ring /rɪŋ/ eraztun
curtain /ˈkɜːtn/ gortina rug /rʌZ/ alfonbra
department store /dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː/ saltoki handiak sandals /ˈsændlz/ sandaliak
desk /desk/ idazmahi serviette /sɜːvɪˈet/ ahozapi
dining room /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm/ jangela shirt /ʃɜːt/ alkandora
dress /dres/ soineko shoes /ʃuːz/ oinetakoak
dry /draɪ/ siku, lehor shopping centre /ˈʃɒpɪŋ sentə/ saltoki-­gune
earrings /ˈɪərɪŋz/ belarritakoak shorts /ʃɔːts/ praka motzak
egg /eɡ/ arraultza shower /ˈʃaʊə/ dutxa
fizzy drink /ˈfɪzi drɪŋk/ gasdun edari sink /sɪŋk/ konketa (komunean); harraska (sukaldean)
fog /fɒZ/ laino snow /snəʊ/ elur
fork /fɔːk/ sardexka socks /sɒks/ galtzerdi
fridge /frɪdʒ/ hozkailu sofa /ˈsəʊfə/ sofa
glass /Zlɑːs/ edalontzi soup /suːp/ zopa
glasses /ˈZlɑːsɪz/ betaurrekoak spoon /spuːn/ koilara
gloves /Zlʌvz/ eskularruak sports centre /ˈspɔːts sentə/ polikiroldegi
ham /hæm/ urdaiazpiko steak /steɪk/ (haragi-)xerra
handbag /ˈhændbæZ/ poltsa storm /stɔːm/ ekaitz
hat /hæt/ kapela, txapel suit /suːt/ traje

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sun /sʌn/ eguzki nearby /nɪəˈbaɪ/ hurbil
sunglasses /ˈsʌnZlɑːsɪz/ eguzkitako betaurrekoak order pizza /ɔːdə ˈpiːtsə/ pizza eskatu
supermarket /ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt/ supermerkatu paint /peɪnt/ margotu
sweater /ˈswetə/ jertse pavement /ˈpeɪvmənt/ espaloi
table /ˈteɪbl/ mahai playground /ˈpleɪZraʊnd/ jolastoki
temperature /ˈtemprətʃə/ tenperatura poetry /ˈpəʊətri/ poesia
thunder /ˈθʌndə/ trumoi(ak) post office /ˈpəʊst ɒfɪs/ posta-bulego
toast /təʊst/ tostada(k) roundabout /ˈraʊndəbaʊt/ errotonda, biribilgune
toilet /ˈtɔɪlət/ komun see a show /siː ə ˈʃəʊ/ ikuskizun bat ikusi
tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ tomate sight /saɪt/ leku interesgarri; ikuskizun
train station /ˈtreɪn steɪʃn/ tren-geltoki stop sign /ˈstɒp saɪn/ stop seinale
trainers /ˈtreɪnəz/ kiroleko zapatilak take a trip /teɪk ə ˈtrɪp/ bidaia bat egin
trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/ prakak take tours /teɪk ˈtʊəz/ txangoak egin
T-shirt /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ kamiseta town square /taʊn ˈskweə/ herriko / hiriko plaza
umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/ euritako traffic light /ˈtræfɪk laɪt/ semaforo
warm /wɔːm/ epel (it’s ~: bero egiten du) zebra crossing /zebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ oinezkoen pasabide,
wet /wet/ busti; heze zebra-­bide
wind /wɪnd/ haize
unit 2
unit 1 aeroplane /ˈeərəpleɪn/ hegazkin
above ground /əˈbʌv ɡraʊnd/ lurzoru-mailatik gora atlas /ˈætləs/ atlas
amusement park /əˈmjuːzmənt pɑːk/ jolas-­parke boat /bəʊt/ itsasontzi; txalupa
bank /bæŋk/ banku busy /ˈbɪzi/ jendetsu
bridge /brɪdʒ/ zubi calculator /ˈkælkjuleɪtə/kalkulagailu
bus stop /ˈbʌs stɒp/ autobus-geltoki compass /ˈkʌmpəs/ konpas
car park /ˈkɑː pɑːk/ aparkaleku, parking dictionary /ˈdɪkʃənri/ hiztegi
community centre /kəˈmjuːnəti sentə/ gizarte-egoitza drive /draɪv/ gidatu; eraman / autoan joan
corner /ˈkɔːnə/ izkina, kantoi electric bike /ɪˈlektrɪk baɪk/ bizikleta elektriko
crew /kruː/ talde exhibition /eksɪˈbɪʃn/ erakusketa
environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ ingurune feel like /ˈfiːl laɪk/ irudi izan, iruditu
exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ hunkigarri ferry /ˈferi/ transbordadore, ferry
exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ ariketa fisikoa egin flash drive /ˈflæʃ draɪv/ USB unitate
explore /ɪkˈsplɔː/ esploratu get around /ɡet əˈraʊnd/ mugitu; (toki batean zehar) ibili
factory /ˈfæktri/ lantegi glue /Zluː/ itsasgarri, kola
go abroad /Zəʊ əˈbrɔːd/ atzerrira joan helicopter /ˈhelɪkɒptə/ helikoptero
go bowling /Zəʊ ˈbəʊlɪŋ/ txirloetara jolastu laptop /ˈlæptɒp/ ordenagailu eramangarri
go camping /Zəʊ ˈkæmpɪŋ/ kanpaldira joan licence /ˈlaɪsns/ baimen, lizentzia
go ice skating /Zəʊ ˈaɪs skeɪtɪŋ/ izotz gainean patinatzera lorry /ˈlɒri/ kamioi
joan map /mæp/ mapa; plano
go out /Zəʊ ˈaʊt/ atera microscope /ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp/ mikroskopio
go sightseeing /Zəʊ ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ/ leku interesgarriak bisitatu minivan /ˈmɪnivæn/ monobolumen
hike /haɪk/ ibilaldia egin motorbike /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/ moto
join a group /dʒɔɪn ə ˈZruːp/ talde baten kide egin paintbrush /ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ/ pintzel
leave /liːv/ utzi; joan paints /peɪnts/ margoak
market /ˈmɑːkɪt/ merkatu, azoka; azoka txiki projector /prəˈdʒektə/ proiektore
mayor /meə/ alkate ride /raɪd/ gainean ibili; -­z ibili / joan
memories /ˈmeməriz/ oroitzapen sail /seɪl/ (ontzi bat) gidatu; gobernatu

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scissors /ˈsɪzəz/ guraize, artazi parent /ˈpeərənt/ guraso

scooter /ˈskuːtə/ moto, motor, Vespa pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ pilotu
ship /ʃɪp/ itsasontzi ready-made /ˈpCXilMX/ aurrez prestatu
stapler /ˈsteɪplə/ grapagailu salesperson /ˈseɪlzpɜːsn/ saltzaile
tablet /ˈtæblət/ tableta singer /ˈsɪŋə/ abeslari
take /teɪk/ hartu (garraioa); eraman son /sʌn/ seme
taxi /ˈtæksi/ taxi stepdaughter /ˈstepdɔːtə/ alabaorde
textbook /ˈtekstbʊk/ testuliburu stepfather /ˈstepfɑːðə/ aitaorde
train /treɪn/ tren stepmother /ˈstepmʌðə/ amaorde
tram /træm/ tranbia stepson /ˈstepsʌn/ semeorde
underground /ˈʌndəZraʊnd/ metro tour guide /ˈtʊə gaɪd/ gida turistiko
up to /ˈʌp tuː/ -­raino waiter /ˈweɪtə/ zerbitzari
wheel /wiːl/ gurpil war /rG/ guda
whiteboard /ˈwaɪtbɔːd/ arbel zuri wife /waɪf/ emazte

unit 3 unit 4
actor /ˈæktə/ aktore accident /ˈæksɪdənt/ istripu
alarm clock /əˈlɑːm klɒk/ iratzargailu alone /əˈləʊn/ bakarrik
aloud /əˈlaʊd/ ozen, ozenki ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/ anbulantzia
artist /ˈɑːtɪst/ artista arrive /əˈraɪv/ heldu
astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/ astronauta break a leg /breɪk ə ˈleZ/ hanka apurtu
author /ˈɔːθə/ autore call for help /kɔːl fə ˈhelp/ laguntza eskatu
back in time /ˈbæk ɪn taɪm/ denboran atzera (travel ~: carry /ˈkæri/ eraman; eroan
denboran atzera bidaiatzea) climb onto /ˈklaɪm ɒntə/ igo
break /breɪk/ atsedenaldi compete /kəmˈpiːt/ lehiatu
brown bread /ˈbraʊn bred/ ogi integral dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ arriskutsu
businessperson /ˈbɪznəspɜːsn/ enpresari, enpresaburu disease /dɪˈziːz/ gaixotasun
career /kəˈrɪə/ karrera (profesionala) fall /fɔːl/ erori
cleaner /ˈkliːnə/ garbitzaile find your way /faɪnd jɔː ˈweɪ/ bidea topatu, orientatu
contest /ˈkɒntest/ lehiaketa finish line /ˈfɪnɪʃ laɪn/ helmuga
daughter /ˈdɔːtə/ alaba first-aid kit /ˈfɜːsteɪd kɪt/ lehenengo sorospeneko botikin
dentist /ˈdentɪst/ haginlari forget /fəˈZet/ ahaztu
driver /ˈdraɪvə/ gidari get down /Zet ˈdaʊn/ jaitsi
firefighter /ˈfaɪəfaɪtə/ suhiltzaile get lost /Zet ˈlɒst/ galdu
food rationing /ˈfuːd ræʃənɪŋ/ elikagaien murrizketa give up /Zɪv ˈʌp/ errenditu; utzi, laga
granddaughter /ˈZrændɔːtə/ biloba, iloba hard /hɑːd/ zail
grandparent /ˈZrænpeərənt/ aitona, aitite hiker /ˈhaɪkə/ ibiltari, txangozale
hold /həʊld/ eutsi
grandson /ˈZrænsʌn/ biloba, iloba
hurt /hɜːt/ mindu
hairdresser /ˈheədresə/ ileapaintzaile
injure /ˈɪndʒə/ zauritu; lesionatu
husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ senar
kill /kɪl/ hil
knock /nɒk/ jo, kolpatu
lie down /laɪ ˈdaʊn/ etzan
mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ mekanikari
lose /luːz/ galdu
musician /mjuːˈzɪʃn/ musikagile
navigate /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ gidatu, orientatu; zuzendu
nephew /ˈnefjuː/ iloba, loba (gizonezkoa)
parasail /ˈpærəseɪl/ parabela egin
niece /niːs/ iloba, loba (emakumezkoa)
post /pəʊst/ publikatu, ipini (Interneten)
nurse /nɜːs/ erizain
prevent /prɪˈvent/ saihestu, eragotzi
occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/ gertakari

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rescue /ˈreskjuː/ erreskatatu, salbatu run towards /ˈrʌn təwɔːdz/ -­ra korrika egin
rocky /ˈrɒki/ harritsu sky /skaɪ/ zeru
safe /seɪf/ seguru (stay ~: seguru egon) smile /smaɪl/ irribarre egin
slip /goBU/ irristatu, labaindu star /stɑː/ izar, astro
stand up /stænd ˈʌp/ zutunik egon suggest /səˈdʒest/ iradoki, proposatu
survive /səˈvaɪv/ biziraun tree /triː/ zuhaitz
train /treɪn/ entrenatu; prestatu watch out for /ˈwɒtʃ aʊt fə/ kontuz ibili …-­rekin
trend /trend/ tendentzia; moda wetlands /ˈwetləndz/ zingirak
versus /ˈvɜːsəs/ kontra
weather conditions /ˈweðə kəndɪʃnz/ eguraldi unit 6
win /wɪn/ irabazi arrest /əˈrest/ atxilotu
be born /biː ˈbɔːn/ jaio
unit 5 birth /bɜːθ/ jaiotza
believe /bɪˈliːv/ sinetsi catch /kætʃ/ hartu, harrapatu
bishop /ˈbɪʃəp/ apezpiku celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ ospatu
canyon /ˈkænjən/ kanoi companion /kəmˈpænjən/ lagun, adiskide
climb up /ˈklaɪm ʌp/ igo; eskalatu criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ kriminal; gaizkile
conqueror /ˈkɑɒŋkərə/ konkistatzaile death penalty /ˈdeθ penəlti/ heriotza-zigor
countryside /ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd/ mendialde, landa detective /dɪˈtektɪv/ detektibe, ikertzaile
cry /kraɪ/ negar egin die /daɪ/ hil
drop /drɒp/ erortzen utzi disappearance /dɪsəˈpɪərəns/ desagerketa
emperor /ˈempərə/ enperadore evidence /ˈevɪdəns/ froga
enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ disfrutatu; gustatu examine /ɪZˈzæmɪn/ aztertu
essay /ˈeseɪ/ idazlan fall in love /fɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv/ maitemindu
expect /ɪkˈspekt/ espero fingerprint /ˈfɪŋZəprɪnt/ hatz-­aztarna
field /fiːld/ zelai footprint /ˈfʊtprɪnt/ aztarna
get inside /ɡet ɪnˈsaɪd/ sartu get a job /Zet ə ˈdʒɒb/ lana lortu
grass /Zrɑːs/ belar get divorced /Zet dɪˈvɔːst/ dibortziatu
ground /Zraʊnd/ lurzoru get married /Zet ˈmærɪd/ ezkondu
hike /haɪk/ ibilaldi graduate /ˈZrædʒueɪt/ graduatu
humpback whale /ˈhʌmpbæk weɪl/ xibarta grow up /ˈZrəʊ ʌp/ hazi
hunt /hʌnt/ ehiza have a baby /hæv ə ˈbeɪbi/ ume bat eduki
jungle /ˈdʒʌŋZl/ oihan inherit /ɪnˈherɪt/ oinordetzan hartu, jarauntsi
laugh /lɑːf/ barre egin investigate /ɪnˈvestɪZeɪt/ ikertu
leaf / leaves /oAc / li:vz/ hosto(ak) involve /ɪnˈvɒlv/ ekarri; eragin
let /let/ utzi, baimendu land /lænd/ landa(k), lur(rak)
lose /luːz/ galdu leave school /liːv ˈskuːl/ ikasketak utzi; ikasketak bukatu
make a mistake /meɪk ə mɪˈsteɪk/ erratu, akats bat egin move in /ˈmuːv ɪn/ etxez aldatu
manchineel tree /ˈmæntʃɪniːl triː/ zuhaitz / mantzanilla murder /ˈmɜːdə/ hil, erail
hilgarria police officer /pəˈliːs ɒfɪsə/ polizia
moon /muːn/ ilargi prison /ˈprɪzn/ kartzela, espetxe
path /pɑːθ/ bide prove /pruːv/ frogatu, demostratu
planet /ˈplænɪt/ planeta punishment /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ zigor
powerful /ˈpaʊəfl/ ahaltsu, boteredun robbery /ˈrɒbəri/ lapurreta
rainforest /ˈreɪnfɒrɪst/ oihan tropikala security guard /sɪˈkjʊərəti Zɑːd/ zaindari; zinpeko begirale
remember /rɪˈmembə/ gogoratu separate /ˈsepəreɪt/ banandu
rock /rɒk/ harri solve /sɒlv/ konpondu

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spy /spaɪ/ espioi thick /θɪk/ lodi; tapitu

steal /stiːl/ lapurtu thin /θɪn/ fin, mehe; argal
succeed /səkˈsiːd/ lortu, arrakasta izan thirsty /ˈθɜːsti/ egarri (be ~: egarri izan)
surname /ˈsɜːneɪm/ abizen tiny /ˈtaɪni/ txiki-­txiki
trust /trʌst/ fidatu trendy /ˈtrendi/ moderno, modan dagoen
weapon /ˈwepən/ arma unique /juˈniːk/ bakar, aparteko
wedding /ˈwedɪŋ/ ezkontza upload /ʌpˈləʊd/ igo (Internetera)
wide /rOX/ zabal
wonderful /ˈwʌndəfʊl/ bikain, primerako
unit 7 worried /ˈwʌrid/ kezkatuta
afraid /əˈfreɪd/ ikaratuta, beldurtuta (be ~ to / of:
…en beldur izan)
angry /ˈæŋZri/ haserretuta (get ~: haserretu) unit 8
boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ aspergarri agree /əˈZriː/ adostu; ados egon
calm /kɑːm/ lasai average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ batezbesteko
careful /ˈkeəfʊl/ arduratsu; zuhur (be ~: kontuz ibili) awareness /əˈweənəs/ kontzientziazio
choice /tʃɔɪs/ aukera borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/ maileguan hartu
counsellor /ˈkaʊnsələ/ aholkulari bring /brɪŋ/ ekarri; eraman (~ attention to: arreta ipini)
difficult /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ zail, konplikatu charity /ˈtʃærəti/ ongintzarako erakunde
educated /ˈedʒukeɪtɪd/ jantzi, hezi, eskolatu clean up /ˈkliːn ʌp/ garbitu
famous /ˈfeɪməs/ ospetsu collect /kəˈlekt/ batu; bildu; jaso
frightening /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ izugarri, ikaragarri, beldurgarri damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ kalte egin, galdu, hondatu
hope /həʊp/ espero izan disagree /dɪsəˈZriː/ ados ez egon
horrible /ˈhɒrəbl/ latz, oso txar donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ eman
huge /hjuːdʒ/ itzelezko, sekulako; berebiziko endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒə/ arriskuan ipini
hungry /ˈhʌŋZri/ gose (be ~: gose izan) finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ bukatu, amaitu
interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ interesgarri garbage /ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ/ zabor; hondakin
look /lʊk/ itxura glass /ɡlɑːs/ beira
lucky /ˈlʌki/ zorioneko (be ~: zorte onekoa izan) hear /hɪə/ entzun (~ about: -­ez enteratu)
modern /ˈmɒdn/ berri, oraingo, moderno keep /kiːp/ gorde; mantendu
narrow /ˈnærəʊ/ estu kindness /ˈkaɪndnəs/ ontasun
neighbour /ˈneɪbə/ auzokide lend /lend/ mailegatu, utzi
nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ urduri neighbourhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/ auzo
noisy /ˈnɔɪzi/ zaratatsu peacefully /ˈpiːsfəli/ lasaitasunez
normal /ˈnɔːml/ normal, ohiko pick up /pɪk ˈʌp/ hartu, jaso
old-fashioned /əʊldˈfæʃnd/ zaharkitu, modan ez dagoen plant /plɑːnt/ landatu, erein
polite /pəˈlaɪt/ ondo hezi pollute /pəˈluːt/ kutsatu
present /ˈpreznt/ gaur egungo, oraingo poor /pɔː/ txiro
pretty /ˈprɪti/ polit preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ babestu; mantendu; gorde
provider /prəˈvaɪdə/ hornitzaile promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ hitzeman
quick /kwɪk/ azkar, arin recycle /riːˈsaɪkl/ birziklatu
quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ lasai; isil reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ gutxitu
research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ ikerketa (do ~ on: … ikertu) repair /rɪˈpeə/ konpondu
rude /ruːd/ lotsagabe (it’s ~: heziketa txarrekoa izan) return /rɪˈtɜːn/ itzuli; bueltatu
shock /ʃɒk/ ikaratu, izutu reuse /riːˈjuːz/ berrerabili
simple /ˈsɪmpl/ erraz, sinple rubbish collection truck /rʌbɪʃ kəˈlekʃn trʌk/ zaborra
site /saɪt/ web-orrialde biltzeko kamioi
slow /sləʊ/ motel, geldo sell /sel/ saldu

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 5

sort /sɔːt/ sailkatu stream /striːm/ transmititu (zuzenean)
successful /səkˈsesfl/ arrakastatsu (become ~: toothbrush /ˈtuːθbrʌʃ/ hortz-­eskuila
arrakastatsu izan) toothpaste /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ hortzetako pasta
throw out /ˈθrəʊ aʊt/ bota touchscreen /ˈtʌtʃskriːn/ ukipen-­pantaila
turn off /tɜːn ˈɒf/ amatatu towel /ˈtaʊəl/ eskuoihal
turn on /tɜːn ˈɒn/ piztu transfer /trænsˈfɜː/ lekualdatu, transferitu
vegetable garden /ˈvedʒtəbl ɡɑːdn/ ortu video game /ˈvɪdɪəʊ ɡeɪm/ bideo-jolas
volunteer /vɒlənˈtɪə/ borondatez lan egin; boluntario izan washing machine /ˈwɒʃɪŋ məʃiːn/ garbigailu
waste /weɪst/ alferrik galdu Wi-Fi /ˈwaɪfaɪ/ Wi-­Fi
wildlife /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ basabizitza, fauna (~ organisation:
ingurumena babesteko erakunde)
unit 9
air conditioner /ˈeə kəndɪʃənə/ aire girotu
brush /brʌʃ/ eskuila; pintzel
charger /ˈtʃɑːdʒə/ kargagailu
code /kəʊd/ programatu, kodifikatu
deliver /dɪˈlɪvə/ banatu, eraman
entertainment /entəˈteɪnmənt/ dibertsio, dibertimendu
everyday /ˈevrideɪ/ eguneroko
external hard drive /ekstɜːnl ˈhɑːd draɪv/ kanpoko disko
extract /ekˈstrækt/ erauzi, atera
file /faɪl/ artxibo; karpeta
fold /fəʊld/ tolestu
hairdryer /ˈheədraɪə/ ile-­lehorgailu
helpful /ˈhelpfl/ lagungarri
houseplant /ˈhaʊsplɑːnt/ barruko landare
install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ instalatu
kettle /ˈketl/ urak irakiteko ontzi
key /kiː/ giltza
keyboard /ˈkiːbɔːd/ teklatu
lamp /læmp/ lanpara
mascara /mæˈskɑːrə/ errimel
memory card /ˈmeməri kɑːd/ memoria-txartel
microwave /ˈmaɪkrəweɪv/ mikrouhin
monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə/ monitore
mouse /maʊs/ sagu
package /ˈpækɪdʒ/ pakete
part /pɑːt/ zati
pillow /ˈpɪləʊ/ buruko
printer /ˈprɪntə/ inprimagailu
record /rɪˈkɔːd/ grabatu
rubbish bin /ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn/ zakarrontzi
screen /skriːn/ pantaila
shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ xanpu
soap /səʊp/ xaboi
speakers /ˈspiːkəz/ bozgorailu
store /stɔː/ gorde, biltegiratu

6 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

Speaking Glossary
Greetings and introductions Talking about trips
How are you? /haʊ ˈɑː juː/ Zer moduz zaude? How often do you take trips? /haʊ ɒftən duː juː teɪk ˈtrɪps/
I’m fine, thanks. /aɪm ˈfaɪn θæŋks/ Ondo nago, eskerrik asko. Zenbatero egiten dituzu bidaiak?
This is … . /ˈðɪs ɪz/ Hau da … . Where do you usually go? /weə duː juː uːʒʊəli ˈgəʊ/
Nola joaten zara normalean?
Nice to meet you, … . /naɪs tə ˈmiːt juː/ Pozten naiz zu
ezagutzeaz, … ., Urte askotarako, … . What do you do on your trips? /wɒt duː juː ˈduː ɒn jɔː trɪps/
Zer egiten duzu bidaietan?
Are you new here? /ɑː juː ˈnjuː hɪə/ Berria zara hemen?
Who do you go with? /huː duː juː ˈgəʊ wɪð/
I’m from … . /ˈaɪm frɒm/ …-­koa naiz.
Norekin joaten zara?
Pleased to meet you, … . /pliːzd tə ˈmiːt juː/ Pozten naiz zu
Where do you stay? /weə duː juː ˈsteɪ/ Non geratzen zarete?
ezagutzeaz, … ., Urte askotarako, … .
Welcome to our school. /ˈwelkəm tuː aʊə skuːl/ Ongi etorri
gure eskolara. Choosing school items
I’d like you to meet … . /aɪd ˈlaɪk juː tə miːt/ Gustatuko What are you doing? /wɒt ɑː juː ˈduːɪŋ/ Zertan zabiltza?
litzaidake zuk … ezagutzea. What are you looking for? /wɒt ɑː juː ˈlʊkɪŋ fɔː/
Zer bilatzen ari zara?
Classroom language How much is it? /haʊ ˈmʌtʃ ɪz ɪt/ Zenbat balio du?
How do you spell … ? /haʊ duː juː ˈspel/ Nola da letraz Why don’t you get that? /waɪ dəʊnt juː ˈZet ðæt/
letra …? Zergatik ez duzu hori erosten?
What page are we on? /wɒt ˈpeɪdʒ ɑː wiː ɒn/ Zein orrialdetan How about this one? /haʊ əbaʊt ˈðɪs wʌn/ Zer iruditzen
gaude? zaizu hau?
When’s the … exam? /wenz ðiː ˈ… ɪZzæm/ Noiz da …-­eko What’s the item number? /wɒts ðiː ˈaɪtəm nʌmbə/
azterketa? Zein da gauza horren zenbakia?
Who knows the answer? /huː nəʊz ðiː ˈɑːnsə/ Nork daki What else do you need? /wɒt ˈels duː juː niːd/
erantzuna? Zer gehiago behar duzu?
Can I borrow a … ? /kæn aɪ ˈbɒrəʊ ə/ Utziko didazu … bat?
Where’s your … ? /ˈweəz jɔː/ Non dago zure …? Talking about a photo
Who’s in the photo? /huːz ɪn ðə ˈcNWN/ Nor ateratzen da
Giving information
What are they doing? /wɒt ɑː ðeɪ ˈduːɪŋ/ Zer egiten ari dira?
Where can I get … ? /ˈweə kæn aɪ Zet/ Non erosi / lortu
dezaket …? Where are they? /weə ˈɑː ðeɪ/ Non daude?
Try … . There are some … there. /traɪ ˈ… . ðeə ɑː sʌm ˈ… ðeə/ Do they look happy? /duː ðeɪ lʊk ˈkæUi/ Pozik daudela
… saiatu. … batzuk daude hor. dirudi?
Which do you recommend? /wɪtʃ duː juː rekəˈmend/ Zein What else can you see? /wɒt ˈels kæn juː siː/ Zer gehiago
gomendatuko zenidake? ikus dezakezu?
Is it hard to find? /ɪz ɪt ˈhɑːd tə faɪnd/ Zaila da topatzea?
No, not at all, it’s … . You can’t miss it. /nəʊ nɒt æt ˈɔːl, ɪts … .
juː ˈkɑːnt mɪs ɪt/ Ez, ez, … dago. Ez duzu galbiderik.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 7

Talking about a TV programme Talking about the past
Was there anything good on TV last night? /wɒz ðeə ɛnɪθɪŋ Here’s something you probably didn’t know. /hɪəz sʌmθɪŋ
Zʊd ɒn tiːˈviː lɑːst naɪt/ Bazegoen zerbait ona telebistan juː prɒbəbli dɪdnt ˈnəʊ/ Hemen bada agian zuk ez zenekien
bart? zerbait.
Was it a … ? /ˈwɒz ɪt ə/ Bazen … bat? I believe you. /aɪ bɪˈliːv juː/ Sinesten dizut.
What was it about? /wɒt wɒz ɪt əˈbaʊt/ Zeri buruzkoa zen? That’s right. /ðæts ˈraɪt/ Hori da.
Were there any famous actors in it? /wɜː ðeə eni feɪməs Well, here’s something else. /wel hɪəz sʌmθɪŋ ˈels/
ˈæktəz ɪn ɪt/ Bazegoen aktore famaturik? Ondo, beste gauza bat.
What was your favourite scene? /wɒt wɒz jɔː ˈfeɪvərɪt siːn/ I can’t believe that. /aɪ kɑːnt bɪˈliːv ðæt/ Ezin dut hori sinetsi.
Zein izan zen zure eszena gogokoena? Really? What happened? /ˈrɪəli wɒt ˈhæpənd/ Benetan?
Zer gertatu zen?
Getting information
What do you know about the community centre? /wɒt Asking about the past
duː juː nəʊ əbaʊt ðə YLˈlqImLWi gCmWL/ Zer dakizu gizarte- Where did you (live)? /ˈweə dɪd juː lɪv/ Non (bizi) zinen?
egoitzari buruz?
What … did you (live on)? /wɒt ˈ… dɪd juː lɪv ɒn/ Zein …
What do you do there? /wɒt də juː ˈduː ðeə/ Zer egiten da / (bizi) zinen?
duzu hor?
How many … were there? /haʊ meni ˈ… wə ðeə/
… isn’t for me. What else is there? /ˈɪznt fə miː wɒt ˈels Zenbat … zeuden?
ɪz ðeə/ … ez da niretzat. Zer gehiago dago?
Was there … ? /ˈwəz ðeə/ Bazegoen …?
Maybe you’d like that? /meɪbiː juːd ˈlaɪk ðæt/ Agian hori
What was your favourite … ? /wɒt wəz jɔː ˈfeɪvərɪt/
gustatuko litzaizuke?
Zein zen zure … gogokoena?
I don’t really like … . /aɪ dəʊnt rɪəli laɪk ˈ…/ … ez zait asko
I think I’d prefer a class. /aɪ θɪŋk aɪd prifɜː ə ˈklɑːs/ Uste dut Comparing and contrasting pictures
klase bat nahiago nukeela. What are the pictures of? /wɒt ɑː ðə ˈpɪktʃəz ɒv/
Any suggestions? /eni səˈʤCsʧənz/ Gomendioren bat? Zerenak dira argazkiak?
How about a … class? /haʊ əbaʊt ə ˈ… klɑːs/ Zer deritzozu Both pictures are of … . /ˈbəʊθ pɪktʃəz ɑː ɒv/
… klase bati buruz? Argazki biak … dira.
I hear … . /aɪ ˈhɪə/ … ulertuta / entzunda daukat. Can you describe them? /kæn juː dɪˈskraɪb ðem/
Deskribatu ahal dituzu?
That’s not a bad idea! /ðæts nɒt ə bæd aɪˈdɪə/ Ez da ideia
txarra! It’s … in the first picture and it’s also … in the second
picture. /ɪts … ɪn ðə ˈfɜːst pɪktʃə ənd ɪts ɔːlsəʊ … ɪn ðə
I’d like to try something new. /aɪd laɪk tə traɪ sʌmθɪŋ ˈnjuː/
sekənd pɪktʃə/ … da / dago lehenengo argazkian eta …
Zeozer berria frogatzea nahiko nuke.
ere bigarrenean.
When is the class? /wen ɪz ðə ˈklɑːs/ Noiz da klasea?
What are the differences? /wɒt ɑː ðə ˈdɪfrənsɪz/ Zein dira
I think it’s on … . /aɪ ˈθɪŋk ɪts ɒn/ Uste dut …etan dela? ezberdintasunak?
There’s a … in the first picture, but in the second picture,
there’s a … . /ðeəz ə … ɪn ðə ˈfɜːst pɪktʃə bʌt ɪn ðə sekənd
pɪktʃə ðeəz ə/ … bat dago lehenengo argazkian, baina
bigarren argazkian … bat dago.
Are they pictures of the same place? /ɑː ðeɪ ˈpɪktʃəz ɒv ðə
seɪm pleɪs/ Toki berekoak dira argazkiak?

8 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

speaking glossary

Describing the past Comparing people

Were you sleeping at … last night? /wə juː sliːpɪŋ æt ˈ… lɑːst She isn’t … and she isn’t … . /ʃiː ɪznt ˈ… ænd ʃiː ɪznt/
naɪt/ Lo zeunden bart …etan? Hura ez da … eta hura ez da … .
What were you doing last … at … ? /wɒt wə juː ˈduːɪŋ lɑːst … She is … than … , but she is … than … . /ʃiː ɪz ˈ… ðæn …
æt/ Zer egiten ari zinen joan den …an …etan? bʌt ʃiː ɪz … ðæn/ Hura … baino … da, baina … baino
Who were you sitting next to in your … lesson yesterday? … da.
/huː wə juː sɪtɪŋ nekst tuː ɪn jɔː ˈ… lesn jestədeɪ/ Nor zegoen Her hair is … than … . /hɜː ˈheə ɪz … ðæn/ Bere ilea …
eserita zure alboan …(e)ko klasean atzo? baino … da.
What was your … wearing yesterday? /wɒt wɒz jɔː ˈ… weərɪŋ Her clothes are … than … . /hɜː ˈkləʊðz ɑː … ðæn/
jestədeɪ/ Zer zeraman zure … jantzita atzo? Bere arropa … baino … da.
Was … talking to you … ago? /wɒz ˈ… tɔːkɪŋ tuː juː … əZəʊ/ She is … than all the other celebrities in the photos. /ʃiː ɪz
… zurekin hitz egiten ari al zen orain dela …? … ðæn ɔːl ðiː ʌðə sɪˈlebrɪtiz ɪn ðə fəʊtəʊz/ Bera beste
pertsona ospetsu guztiak baino … da.

Comparing abilities
Can you … well? /kæn juː ˈ… wel/ Badakizu ondo …? Doing a survey
Yes, I can. /jes aɪ ˈkæn/ Bai. What makes you nervous? /wɒt meɪks juː ˈneːvəs/
No, I can’t. /nəʊ aɪ ˈkɑːnt/ Ez. Zerk ipintzen zaitu urduri?
Could you … well five years ago? /kʊd juː ˈ… wel faɪv jɪəz How often do you get angry? /haʊ ˈɒfən duː juː Zet æŋgri/
əZəʊ/ Bazenekien … orain dela bost urte?
Zer maiztasunekin haserretzen zara?
Yes, I could. /jes aɪ ˈkʊd/ Bai. Do you enjoy noisy parties? /duː juː ɪnˈdʒɔɪ nɔɪzi pɑːtiz/
Festa zaratatsuak gustatzen zaizkizu?
No, I couldn’t. /nəʊ aɪ ˈkʊdnt/ Ez.
What helps you to feel calm? /wɒt helps juː tə fiːl ˈkɑːm/
Zerk laguntzen zaitu lasai sentitzen?
Talking about a book What do you do when people are rude to you? /wɒt duː juː
Can you recommend a book for me? /kæn juː rekəmend ə duː wen piːpl ɑː ˈruːd tə juː/ Zer egiten duzu inor zurekin
ˈbʊk fə miː/ Gomenda diezadakezu liburu bat? lotsagabea denean?
What kind of books do you like? /wɒt kaɪnd ɒv ˈbʊks duː juː
laɪk/ Zer motatako liburuak gustatzen zaizkizu?
Asking for help
I usually read … . /aɪ ˈjuːʒuəli riːd/ Normalean … irakurtzen Would you mind … ? /wʊd juː ˈmaɪnd/ Axola litzaizuke …?
I’d be happy to help. What’s the problem? /aɪd biː ˈhæpi tə
You should read … . /juː ʃəd ˈriːd/ … irakurri beharko zenuke. help wɒts ðə ˈprɒbləm/ Laguntzeko pozik nago. Zein da
What’s it about? /wɒts ɪt əˈbaʊt/ Zeri buruzkoa da? arazoa?
It’s about … . /ɪts əˈbaʊt/ …-­i buruzkoa da. Can you … ? /ˈkæn juː/ … ahal duzu?
Who are the main characters? /huː ɑː ðə meɪn ˈkærəktəz/ Certainly. /ˈsɜːtnli/ Bai, noski.
Nor dira protagonistak? Could you help me with … ? /kʊd juː ˈhelp miː wɪð/ …ekin
The main characters are … . /ðə meɪn ˈkærəktəz ɑː/ lagunduko al zenidake?
Protagonistak … dira. Of course. How can I help? /ɒv ˈkɔːs haʊ kæn aɪ ˈhelp/
Bai, noski. Nola lagundu dezaket?
I need some help … . /aɪ ˈniːd sʌm help/ …(r)ekin laguntza
pixka bat behar dut.
No problem. /nəʊ ˈprɒbləm/ Arazorik ez.
Thanks. /θæŋks/ Eskerrik asko.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 9

Describing a city
Are you having a good time? /ɑː juː hævɪŋ ə ˈZʊd taɪm/
Ondo pasatzen ari zara?
What time is it there? /wɒt taɪm ɪz ɪt ˈðeə/ Zer ordu da hor?
What’s … like? /wɒts ˈ… laɪk/ Nolakoa da …?
It’s a / an … city. /ɪts ə/ən ˈ… sɪti/ Hiri … da.
What else do you like about the city? /wɒt ˈels duː juː laɪk
əbaʊt ðə sɪti/ Zer gehiago gustatzen zaizu hiritik?
There are a lot of … . /ðeə ɑː ə ˈlɒt ɒv/ … asko dago.
Like what? /laɪk ˈwɒt/ Zer bezala?
So how are you getting around? /gN haʊ ɑː juː Zetɪŋ əˈraʊnd/
Eta nola joaten zara toki batetik bestera?
Mostly … . /ˈməʊstli/ … nagusiki.

Asking for information

Could you tell me more about it? /kʊd juː tel miː ˈmɔː əbaʊt
ɪt/ Konta diezadakezu gehiago honi buruz?
What condition is it in? /wɒt ˈkəndɪʃən ɪz ɪt ɪn/ Zein
baldintzatan dago?
Why are you selling it? /waɪ ɑː juː ˈselɪŋ ɪt/ Zergatik saltzen
How much do you want for it? /haʊ mʌʧ duː juː ˈwɒnt fə ɪt/
Zenbat nahi duzu honen truke?
Can I come and see it? /kæn aɪ kʌm ænd ˈsiː ɪt/ Ikustera joan
Is … good for you? /ɪz ˈ… Zʊd fɔː juː/ Ondo datorkizu …?

Describing items
When do you use this item? /wen duː juː ˈjuːz ðɪs aɪtəm/
Noiz erabiltzen duzu artikulu hau?
Where is it? /ˈweə ɪz ɪt/ Non dago?
Does it use electricity? /dʌz ɪt juːz ɪlekˈtrɪsɪti/
Elektrizitaterik erabiltzen du?
What does it do? /wɒt dʌz ɪt ˈduː/ Zer egiten du?

10 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

grammar appendix
Jabetza-­adjektiboak 2 Rewrite the sentences with the saxon genitive form
of the words in brackets.
my nire
1 Her necklace is beautiful. (Hannah)
your zure
his haren (gizonezkoaren)
her haren (emakumezkoaren) 2 Its name is Max. (the dog)
its haren (gauza edo animaliaren)
our gure
3 Their project is excellent. (the students)
your zuen

their haien
4 His sunglasses are in the kitchen. (Lewis)
• Zerbait norena den adierazten dute.

• J abeak garen elementuaren (izenaren) aurretik doaz beti,
5 Their sandwiches are on the table. (the children)
horren generoa nola numeroa kontuan izan barik:
my class, my books (nire gela, nire liburuak).
• 3 . pertsona singularrean hiru forma ezberdin daude, jabea
gizonezkoa (his), emakumezkoa (her) edo neutroa (its) den To be aditza orainaldian
azaltzeko. To be aditzak “izan” eta “egon” esangura du batez ere.
• Baiezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are. Orainaldian hiru aldaera
1 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive dituen aditz bakarra da. Hitz egiterakoan, hala ere, gehiago
erabiltzen dira forma laburtuak.
1 Celia has got long hair. hair is dark. She is my friend. (Bera nire laguna da.)
2 I love chocolate cake. mother also loves it. • Ezezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are + not partikula edo n’t
3 Rob and Sam are my friends. house is near laburbildua (is nahiz are formei itsatsia joan daiteke hau; ez,
ordea, am formari).
my house.
I’m not a good swimmer. (Ez naiz igerilari ona.)
4 I’ve got a cat. eyes are green. • Galderazkoa: Am / Is / Are + subjektua.
5 You are in my class. What’s name? Are you in my class? (Nire klasean zaude?)
6 We’ve got a big family. house is big, too. • E
 rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + am / is /
are ala ’m not / isn’t / aren’t.
Genitibo saxoia Is he your cousin? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
(Bere lehengusua da? Bai. / Ez.)
• Jabetza adierazten du. Pertsonekin, animaliekin eta
herrialdeekin erabiltzen da. Izen bati apostrofoa (’) eta s bat Erabilerak
gehitzean datza. Definizioak eta gertaera Edinburgh is in Scotland.
the girl’s house (neskaren etxea) orokorrak (Edinburgo Eskozian dago.)
the dog’s eyes (txakurraren begiak) Sentimenduak eta They are surprised.
Finland’s culture (Finlandiako kultura) egoerak (Harrituta daude.)
• Izena plurala eta erregularra bada edo s batez amaitzen I am thirteen years old.
bada, ’ gehituko dugu besterik gabe; baina plural irregularra Adina
(Hamahiru urte ditut.)
bada, ’s.
Lanbideak, erlijioak eta He is an engineer.
the animals’ shelter (animalien babeslekua) nazionalitateak (Hura ingeniaria da.)
the men’s clothes (gizonen arropa)
How much is it? It’s 20 euros.
• I zen berezia s batez bukatzen bada, ’ soilik edo Prezioak
(Zenbat da? 20 euro dira.)
osterantzean ’s gehi diezaiokegu.
It’s eight kilometres long.
Thomas’ / Thomas’s house (Thomasen etxea) Neurriak
(Zortzi kilometro neurtzen du.)
 auzekin o f preposizioa erabiltzen da, eta ez genitibo
• G
It is warm and sunny.
saxoia. Eguraldia
(Bero eta eguzkitsu dago.)
the weight of the bag (poltsaren pisua)

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 11

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be. 5 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form
1 Mum in the bathroom. of to be or have got.
2 you at home? 1 A: Holly at home?
3 I (not) at the sports centre. B: No, she basketball practice today.
4 Alice and Molly here. 2 A: Where you?
5 Mr Robson in his office? B: I at the shopping centre.
6 Erin and I (not) at the shopping centre. 3 A:  you an extra
7 her hair brown or black?
B: Yes, I three pens.
8 Purple my favourite colour.
4 A: It cold. The temperature is 28°C.
B: Good, because I a jacket.
Have got aditza
Have got aditzak “eduki” esan nahi du. Guk duguna
adierazten du, edo, zerbait deskribatzean, zerbait horrek There is / There are
dituen ezaugarriak.
• Baiezkoa: subjektua + have (’ve) got edo has (’s) got. Zenbakarriak Zenbakaitzak
We have got a dog. (Txakur bat daukagu.) There is a car.
Baiezkoa There is milk.
• Ezezkoa: subjektua + have / has + not (n’t) + got. There are pencils.
The girl hasn’t got pets. (Neskak ez dauka maskotarik.) There isn’t a dog.
Ezezkoa There isn’t coffee.
• Galderazkoa: Have / Has + subjektua + got. There aren’t birds.
Has he got a tablet? (Badauka tabletarik?) Is there a bike?
Galderazkoa Is there salt?
• E
 rantzun motzak: izenordain subjektua + have / has ala Are there windows?
haven’t / hasn’t (got gabe) erabiltzen dira. Erantzun Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Have you got a white shirt? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. motzak Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
(Badaukazu alkandora zuririk? Bai./Ez.)
• B
 aiezkoa: There is forma (edo There’s forma laburtua)
izen zenbakarri singularrez edo izen zenbakaitzez
4 Write sentences with the words below and the correct jarraitua joaten da. There are forma izen zenbakarri
form of have got. pluralekin bakarrik joan daiteke. “… dago” eta
“… daude” esangura dute.
1 Heidi / green eyes / ?
• E
 zezkoa: There is / There are + not partikula

(There is not / There are not) edo n’t laburtua (
2 I / a new handbag / . There isn’t / There aren’t).
• Galderazkoa: Is / Are + there.
3 we / not / eggs / . • E
 rantzun motzak: there + is / are baiezkoetarako
erabiltzen da, eta there + isn’t / aren’t ezezkoetan.

4 you / a computer / in your room / ?
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

there is or there are.
5 our flat / a small kitchen / .
1  a sports centre near my
house. I go there three times a week.
6 Elliot / not / a coat / . 2 a supermarket in this area?
3  two beautiful parks in my
town. I like going for walks there.
4 The flat has got a big kitchen, but
a dining room.
5 cups on the table?
6 There is juice, but fizzy drinks.

12 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 1
Artikuluak eta kuantifikatzaileak, 1 Choose the correct answer.
How much / How many 1 There is an / a / some bus stop near my house.
Izen zenbakarriekin eta zenbakaitzekin. 2 Look at a / many / the traffic light. It’s red.
Hiztunari ezaguna zaion izen baten aurrean
the 3 There is an / a / the apple in your bag.
erabiltzen da.
-­a, -­ak, -­ek We have got a car. The car is red. 4 My mum buys many / some / a fruit at the market every
Izen zenbakarri singularrekin. week.
Hiztunari ezezagun zaizkion izenen aurrean joaten 5 There are the / many / much people in the town square.
a / an da.
6 My street hasn’t got any / much / some roundabouts.
a bakery, an umbrella
bat 7 We haven’t got any / some / much water – only half
baina a unicorn
Baiezko esaldietan: a litre.
Izen zenbakarri pluralekin eta zenbakaitzekin.
Galderetan: 2 Complete the sentences with the words below.
Galderan adierazitako eskaintzaren edo eskaeraren
some erantzuna baiezkoa izatea espero denean. many l a l an l some l the l any l much
batzu(e)k There are some flowers. 1 There isn’t amusement park in this city.
pixka bat edo I’ve got some money.
(itzultzeke) 2 My brother works in factory.
Would you like some water?
Ezezko esaldietan eta galderetan: 3  people visit London every day.
Izen zenbakarri pluralekin eta zenbakaitzekin. 4 There aren’t spaces in the car park.
any There aren’t any houses. 5  zebra crossing is over there.
(batere) …-­rik
I haven’t got any homework.
6 She hasn’t got jewellery – only one
Are there any tomatoes?
(batere) …-­rik necklace and two rings.
Have you got any rice?
Izen zenbakarri pluralekin. 7 Are you hungry? I want pizza.
asko Many shops are open.
Ezezko esaldietan eta galderetan: 3 Complete the questions with How much or How many.
Izen zenbakaitzekin. Then answer the questions to make them true for you.
asko I haven’t got much time. 1  houses are there on your road?
Was there much food?

Izen zenbakaitzekin. 2  does an ice cream cost at your
To be aditzarekin doanean, zerbaiten local shop?
How much … ? prezioa galdetzeko erabiltzen da.

Zenbat? How much tea do you need?
How much is it? 3  classrooms are there in your
Izen zenbakarri pluralekin. school?
How many … ?
Zenbat? How many kids are there?
4  students are there in your class?

5  time does it take to go from
your house to school?

6  water do you drink every day?

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 13

Present Simple aditz-­denbora 1 Choose the correct answer.
Egia orokorrei buruz hitz egiteko, deskribapenak egiteko, ohiko 1 Katie paint / paints pictures in her art lesson every week.
edo eguneroko ekintzak komentatzeko, gustuak eta iritziak 2 Sally and John live / lives in Australia.
adierazteko, eta egitarauei eta ordutegiei buruz hitz egiteko.
3 My friends don’t go / doesn’t go camping every summer.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + aditzoina (to gabeko infinitiboa)
pertsona guztietan, 3. pertsona singularrean izan ezik; 4 We always explore / explores new places when we are
azken horri -s gehitzen zaio. on holiday.
I meet my friends every weekend. 5 Jenny don’t usually order / doesn’t usually order pizza.
(Nire lagunekin geratzen naiz astebururo.)
 onako kasu hauetan, -s gehitu ordez, -es bukaera gehitzen
H 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
zaie: Use the Present Simple.
- ss, sh, ch edo x batez bukatutakoei: pass - passes,
1 The art students sometimes (go)
wash - washes, watch - watches, mix - mixes
to museums.
- o batez bukatutakoei: do - does, go - goes
- Kontsonantea + y bukaeradunei, y hori i batez ordezten zaie: 2 Jane (exercise) every morning.
study - studies, carry - carries 3 Ethan and I (not work) on Saturday
• E zezkoa: subjektua + do / does + not (n’t) + aditzoina. afternoon.
He doesn’t speak German. (Berak ez du alemanez hitz egiten.) 4 My brother and I often (watch) TV
• G alderazkoa: Do / Does + subjektua + aditzoina. after school.
Do you sing in a band? (Taldean abesten duzu?)
5 Tina usually
 aldera galdetzaile batez osatuta badago, hori doa lehenbizi,
(not go out) in the evenings during the week.
eta ondoren do / does.
When do you visit your grandparents? 6 Kevin often (study) with me.
(Noiz bisitatzen dituzu zure aitona-­amonak?)
• Erantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present
do / does ala don’t / doesn’t. Simple.
Does she play football? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 1 Kelly and Paul / go abroad / every summer
(Futbolean jokatzen du? Bai. / Ez.)

• P resent Simple aditz-­denborarekin honako denbora-­esamolde
hauek joaten dira maiz: every day / week / year (egunero, 2 what / Sam / usually / do / on holiday
astero, urtero), once / twice a year (urtean behin / bitan), on +
asteko egun bat pluralean, at night (gauean), in the morning
3 Mark / enjoy / playing football
(goizean), in the summer (udan), etab.
Esaldiaren hasieran edo bukaeran ager daitezke guztiak;
bukaeran, hala ere, sarriago ikusiko ditugu. 4 when / the tour / begin
We go to the mountains in the summer.

(Udan mendira joaten gara.)
 onako maiztasun-­adberbio hauek ere maiz erabiltzen dira
• H 5 who / you / often / see / on Sundays
Present Simple aditz-­denborarekin: always (beti), usually
(normalean), often (maiz), sometimes (batzuetan), rarely
(gutxitan) eta never (inoiz ez). Adberbio horiek ekintzaren 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the
maiztasuna adierazten dute. Aditzaren aurrean kokatzen dira, Present Simple. Then match the sentences to the questions
baina to be aditzarekin badoaz, horren ondoren kokatzen dira.
in Exercise 3.
She often plays cards. (Bera karta-jokoan aritzen da maiz.)
Their car is always clean. (Haien autoa garbi dago beti.) not travel l start l take l not like l meet
a No, he sport.
b I usually my friends Gary and Toby.
c N
 o, they usually
in August.
d He tours of historical sights.
e It at 10.30 am.

14 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 2
Present Continuous aditz-­denbora 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
• Baiezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are + -ing bukaera daraman Use the Present Continuous. Then choose the correct
aditza. answer.
I am reading a great book. (Liburu oso on bat irakurtzen ari naiz.) 1 I (save) my homework on a
 onako kasu hauetan, -ing bukaera gehitzerakoan, ortografia-­
H calculator / flash drive at the moment.
arau hauek jarraitu behar dira: 2 T
 he boys (not play) computer games /
- e mutuaz amaituek e galdu egiten dute: live - living textbooks because they are at basketball practice.
- Silaba bakarrekoek, bokal batez + kontsonante batez 3 We (look) at a flower petal through
bukatuek (w, x edo y izan ezik), kontsonante hori bikoizten
a projector / microscope now.
dute: run - running
4 I (not take) my scissors / compass
- Bi silaba baditu, bigarrena azentuduna eta bokal batez +
kontsonante batez amaitua (w, x edo y izan ezean), azken to school today. I haven’t got a maths lesson.
kontsonantea bikoizten dute: refer - referring 5 Tony (not have) lunch / juice right
- ie amaiera dutenei, ie amaiera y bilakatuko zaie: lie - lying now. He’s in a lesson.
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are + not partikula edo n’t
laburbildua (is nahiz are formei itsatsia joan daiteke hau; ez, 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the
ordea, am formari) + -ing bukaera duen aditza. Berbaldian Present Continuous.
ohikoagoa da forma laburbildua.
not work l write l not talk l look l put
She isn’t eating at a restaurant.
(Hura ez da ari jatetxe batean jaten.) 1 The teacher on the whiteboard
• G
 alderazkoa: Am / Is / Are + subjektua + -ing amaieradun at the moment.
aditza. 2 We the tablets in the cupboard
Are you watching a film? (Pelikula bat ikusten ari zara?)
right now.
 aldera galdetzaile batez osatuta badago, hori doa lehenbizi, eta
3 My laptop at the moment.
ondoren am / is / are.
What is she doing? (Zer egiten ari da?) 4 I at a map of Europe now.
• E
 rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + am / is / are 5 I to my friend right now.
ala ’m not / isn’t / aren’t.
Is your father cooking? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present
(Zure aita sukaldatzen ari al da? Bai. / Ez.)
Continuous. Then match the questions to the answers.
Erabilerak 1 you / explore / the city / now
Hitz egiten ari garen unean I am riding my bike.
gertatzen ari dena azaltzeko (Bizikletan ibiltzen ari naiz.)
2 what / your friend / do / right now
People are talking about the news.
Denboraldi bateko ekintzak
(Jendea berriei buruz hitz egiten
ari da.)
3 your parents / work / at the moment
In the picture, the man is reading
Argazkiak deskribatzeko a book. (Argazkian, gizona liburu
bat irakurtzen ari da.) 4 your teacher / use / the projector / right now
• P resent Continuous aditz-­denborarekin sarri ikusiko ditugu
honako denbora-­esamolde hauek: now (orain), at the moment 5 who / speak / at the moment
(une honetan), right now (oraintxe bertan), today (gaur),
these days (egun hauetan), this week (aste honetan), etab.
Guztiak joan daitezke esaldiaren hasieran edo amaieran, baina, a Ms Larson. d Yes, he is.
normalean, amaieran joan ohi dira.
We are buying the train tickets at the moment. b No, they aren’t. e She’s exercising.
(Treneko txartelak erosten ari gara une honetan.) c Yes, I am.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 15

Present Simple / Present Continuous 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the
aditz-­denboren arteko aldea Present Simple or Present Continuous. Then answer
• P resent Simple denbora erabiltzen da ohiko ekintzez hitz the questions so they are true for you.
egiteko; Present Continuous denbora, kontrara, hitz egiteko 1 how / you / usually / get / to school
unean gertatzen ari dena deskribatzeko.
I usually eat vegetables, but today I’m eating meat.
(Normalean barazkiak jaten ditut, baina gaur haragia jaten ari
naiz.) 2 your mum / drive / to work / today
Present Simple denbora erabiltzen da istorio batean edo film
batean gertatutakoa kontatzeko.
The girl finds a box and opens it.
(Neskak kutxa bat aurkitzen du, eta zabaldu egiten du.) 3 you and your friend / chat / right now

• P resent Continuous denbora, berriz, argazkiak deskribatzeko

erabiltzen da, irudian agertzen den eszena orain gertatzen ari
balitz bezala deskribatzen baita. 4 your English teacher / always / give / homework
In these pictures, I am learning to surf.

(Argazki hauetan, surf egiten ikasten ari naiz.)

Aditz estatikoak
5 what app / you / often / use
Aditz estatikoak erabiltzen dira gustuak, sentimenduak eta

desioak, buruko ekintzak, jabetza eta pertzepzioa adierazteko.
Egoerak adierazten dituzte, eta ez ekintzak; horregatik, ez dira
Present Continuous aldiarekin erabiltzen. 6 what / you / have / for lunch / today
S he likes my new house. (Berari nire etxe berria gustatzen zaio.)
I don’t understand you. (Ez zaitut ulertzen.)

1 Choose the correct answer. 4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1 Adam drives / is driving a lorry at the moment. Make any necessary changes.
2 Jenny never takes / is taking a taxi to school. 1 My friends don’t go out every night. (right now)
3 Tom doesn’t go / isn’t going abroad every year.
4 The girls walk / are walking to school together every 2 Nick is shopping at the market at the moment.
morning. (often)
5 My brother and I don’t ride / aren’t riding our bikes
right now. 3 Is your mum cooking at the moment? (every day)
6 I talk / am talking to Ben at the moment.
4 I usually take the tram to school. (now)
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
5 Josh doesn’t exercise every day. (at the moment)
1 Joanna (visit) her grandma
right now.

2 My dad (sail) in his boat every

3 Kevin and Tony (not play)
basketball at the moment.
4 Peter and his sister always (travel)
around town on the tram.
5 I (not meet) my friends right now.
6 Paul usually (not run)
in the morning.
16 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books
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# Unit 3
There was / There were 3 Complete the questions with Was there or Were there.
Then answer the questions so they are true for you.
Zenbakarriak Zenbakaitzak
1  any ice cream for dessert
There was a car.
Baiezkoa There was milk. yesterday?
There were pencils.
There wasn’t a dog. There wasn’t
There weren’t birds. coffee. 2  eggs for breakfast this
Was there a bike? morning?
Galderazkoa Was there salt?
Were there windows?
Erantzun Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. 3  rain last night?
motzak Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.

• B
 aiezkoa: There was izen zenbakarri singular batez edo
4  any homework yesterday?
izen zenbakaitz batez jarraitua doa. There were izen
zenbakarri pluralekin bakarrik joan daiteke. There is eta
There are formen lehenaldiko aldaerak ditugu; horregatik, 5  any friends at your house
“… zegoen” eta “… zeuden” esangura dute. last weekend?
• E
 zezkoa: There was / There were + not partikula

(There was not / There were not) ala n’t laburbilduarekin
(There wasn’t / There weren’t).
• Galderazkoa: Was / Were hasieran + there.
4 Write affirmative, negative and interrogative
sentences with the words in the chart below.
• E
 rantzun motzak: baiezkoan there + was / were ipintzen
Use the correct form of there was or there were.
da eta there + wasn’t / weren’t ezezkoan.
a snake on TV last week
1 Choose the correct answer. any good films in the town square last night
many people in Florida yesterday
1 It was cold yesterday. There wasn’t / There weren’t
a terrible hurricane for dinner on Monday
any people on the beach. any ships in the park two weeks ago
2 There was / There were three cats in my garden any beef in the port several years ago
yesterday morning.
3 There was / There were a football match on TV 1
last night.
4 There wasn’t / There weren’t any pizza at the party
yesterday afternoon.
5 There wasn’t / There weren’t any juice in the fridge.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 6
there was or there were.
1  any cars in the car park.
It was empty.
2  a documentary on TV
last Saturday. It was excellent.
3  a stapler on my desk,
but now it’s not there.
4  some funny pictures
in the magazine.
5  any music at my
grandparents’ party last week.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 17

Past Simple aditz-­denbora baiezkoan 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + -ed bukatutako aditzarekin, aditz Use the Past Simple affirmative.
erregularren kasuan, eta pertsona guztiek forma bera dute. 1 Mark is an artist. He (paint) this
Aditz irregularrek ez dute inongo araurik jarraitzen, eta, beautiful picture.
horrenbestez, buruz ikasi behar dira lehenaldiko formak.
2 I (go) to the dentist yesterday.
31-32 orrialdeetan dagoen zerrenda kontsultatu dezakezu.
He cleaned the floor. (Zorua garbitu zuen.) 3 Tony (start) playing the guitar
They heard some noises. (Zarata batzuk entzun zituzten.) three years ago.
 onako kasu hauetan, oinarrizko formari -ed bukaera gehitu
H 4 The baby (cry) last night.
aurretik, arreta jarri behar zaie ortografia-­arau hauei:
5 My sister and I (clean) our rooms
- Aditza silaba bakarrekoa bada eta bokal 1+ w, x edo y ez yesterday afternoon.
den kontsonante 1 badu amaieran, kontsonante hori
bikoizten da: 6 Mike (run) a marathon two weeks
stop - stopped plan - planned ago.
- Bi silabakoa bada, bigarrena azentuduna eta bokal 1 +
kontsonante 1 bukaeran (w, x edo y izan ezean), azken 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below.
kontsonantea bikoizten da: Use the Past Simple affirmative.
prefer - preferred permit - permitted
take l drive l fly l write l buy l play
- Kontsonantea + y amaieraduna bada, y hori i bilakatuko
da: 1 Scott and Nick tennis together
worry - worried try - tried two hours ago.
- e mutuaz amaitzen bada, -d hartuko du soilik: 2 I a new coat last week.
bake - baked live - lived
3 Three helicopters over our house
Erabilerak an hour ago.
Iraganeko ekintzak I read your message. 4 Jenny the train yesterday evening.
adierazteko (Zure mezua irakurri nuen.)
5 My favourite author a new book.
Iraganeko une zehatz The train left at 1 pm.
batean egin genuena (Trena arratsaldeko ordubatean 6 My mum me home from school
adierazteko atera zen.) yesterday.
Iraganeko elkarren segidako I had dinner and went to bed.
ekintzak kontatzeko (Afaldu nuen eta oheratu egin 3 Write the words in the correct order to make
nintzen.) sentences. Use the Past Simple affirmative.
Beste denbora batean In the past, people wrote letters.
gauzak nola ziren (Iraganean, jendeak gutunak 1 walk / yesterday / Paul / to school
kontatzeko idazten zituen.)
• P ast Simple aditz-­denborarekin erabiltzen diren denbora-­ 2 last week / the new restaurant / open
esamolde ohikoenak hauek dira: ago (orain dela) denbora-­
esamoldearen amaieran, last night / week / month / year
(bart / joan den astean / hilean / iaz), at + ordua, on + 3 the film / five minutes ago / begin
asteko eguna edo data, in + urtea, in the past (iraganean),
yesterday (atzo), etab. 4 drink / I / three cups of coffee / this morning
Guztiak perpausaren hasieran nahiz bukaeran joan daitezke;
bukaeran, ordea, ohikoagoak dira.
I finished school in 2018. 5 dinner together / Jessica and her grandfather /
(Eskola 2018an bukatu nuen.) last night / have
• Have got aditzaren lehenaldiko baiezko forma had (got
gabe) da.
✓ We had an exam yesterday. ✗ We had got an exam yesterday. 6 last night / watch / a very good film / we
(Azterketa bat eduki genuen atzo.)

18 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 4
Past Simple aditz-­denbora ezezkoan 3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative.
•  Ezezkoa: subjektua + did not edo didn’t + aditzoina.
She didn’t help me. 1 not clean / yesterday / the windows / the cleaner
(Ez ninduen lagundu.)
• Have got aditzaren lehenaldiko ezezko forma didn’t have da.
2 to the church / take / in the morning / the tourists /
We didn’t have an exam yesterday.
(Atzo ez genuen azterketarik izan.)
the tour guide

1 Write negative sentences with the correct form of 3 after 10 minutes / get / the ambulance / there
the verbs in bold and the words in brackets. Use the
Past Simple. 4 a first-aid kit / not take / yesterday / the climbers
1 I left my phone here yesterday. (umbrella)
5 in / wait / we / a safe place
2 Gary broke his leg. (arm)
6 favourite song / not sing / the singer / my
3 They sailed on the St Lawrence River. (River Thames)

4 I bought a laptop. (tablet) 4 Write sentences with the words in the chart so they are
true for you. Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative.

5 We took the underground. (tram) I last year

my arm
our maths give two months
an accident
teacher go ago
6 Leslie’s parents hiked in the mountains. (grandparents) us
my friend (not) break this year
dinner together
my have yesterday
grandparents abroad
visit last weekend
my family homework
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. last summer
Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative.
1 Zoe (not call) for help. 1
2 I (make) a pizza last night. 2
3 You (not walk) the dog this 3
afternoon. 4
4 She (not have) a shower this 5
morning. 6
5 Uncle Zack (drive) me to the
6 I (tidy) my room yesterday.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 19

Past Simple aditz-­denbora galderazkoan 2 Write questions for the answers in bold to complete
the dialogue. Use the Past Simple.
•  Galderazkoa: Did + subjektua + aditzoina.
Did you bring your coat? (Berokia ekarri zenuen?) 1 A:
Galdera galdetzaile batez osatuta badago, hori doa lehenbizi, B: I flew to Ethiopia on 15th January.
did baino lehen. 2 A:
When did you arrive? (Noiz heldu zinen?) B: I went to Ethiopia to teach children there.
• Erantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + did ala
didn’t. 3 A:
Did he open the door? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. B: I stayed in a little village.
(Atea zabaldu zuen? Bai. / Ez.) 4 A:
• Have got aditzaren lehenaldiko galderazko forma Did + B: Yes, I worked with two other students.
subjektua + have … egiturarekin eratzen da.
5 A:
Did you have an exam yesterday?
B: Yes, I worked hard, but I had a good time.
(Azterketarik eduki zenuen atzo?)

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

1 Write questions with the words below. Then match the Use the Past Simple.
questions to the answers.
win l not hurt l rescue l talk
1 they / stand up / when the president came in not compete l carry

1 Matt in the race because
2 you / find / your way / easily he was ill.
2 Janet the tennis game?
3 when / your niece / arrive 3 The firefighters the family.
4 you all these bags?
4 he / forget / your birthday 5 What you and Eve
5 where / she / get lost 6 The runner fell, but he his leg.

6 what / they / buy
4 Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets.
Then answer the questions.

1 What you (do) after
a On Monday.
school yesterday?
b Some paints and paintbrushes.

c Yes, they did.
2  you (use) an atlas in
d In the forest. your last geography lesson?
e Yes, he did.
f No, we didn’t. 3  you (go) to the
hairdresser last month?

4 What time you (arrive)
home from school yesterday?

5  you (take) a trip
last year?

6 What you (have)
for dinner last night?

20 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books
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# Unit 5
Past Continuous aditz-­denbora baiezkoan 2 Match A to B to make sentences. Then complete the
sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + was / were + aditza -ing bukaerarekin.
I was swimming in the sea. (Itsasoan igeri egiten ari nintzen.) Continuous affirmative.
 ukaerako -ing gehitzeko ortografia-­arauak 15. orrialdean A
daude. 1 At midnight, I (look)
Erabilerak 2 At 4.00, we (walk)
Lehenaldiko une zehatz 3 Leaves (fall)
I was reading a book.
batean gertatzen ari ziren
ekintzak adierazteko
(Liburu bat irakurtzen ari nintzen.) 4 At 9.00, Dad (cut)
Lehenaldiko ekintza luze eta They were cooking while / as 5 Beth (hold)
aldibereko bi edo gehiago we were cleaning the house. B
deskribatzeko, while edo (Sukaldatzen ari ziren, etxea
as bitartez lotuta garbitzen ari ginen bitartean.) a across the field. d from the trees.
• P ast Continuous aditz-­denborarekin, hauek dira gehien b the grass. e a snake.
erabiltzen diren denbora-­esamoldeak: ago (orain dela) c at the stars.
denbora-­esamoldearen amaieran, at + ordua, yesterday
morning / afternoon (atzo goizean / arratsaldean), last night 3 Write sentences with the words in the chart below.
(bart), all day (egun osoan) eta abar. Esaldiaren hasieran nahiz
Use the Past Continuous affirmative.
bukaeran ager daitezke, baina gehiagotan ikusiko ditugu
I write computer games
They were studying for the test yesterday afternoon.
the students listen to music
(Azterketarako ikasten ari ziren atzo arratsaldean.) my sister surf a video
my parents sleep messages
1 Choose the correct verb in brackets to complete the my friend play the web
sentences. Use the Past Continuous affirmative. the cat make under the sofa

1 Chris and I in the

countryside at 2.00. (hike / compete) 1
2 I birds all morning. 2
(win / watch) 3
3 The girls on the grass. 4
(lie / carry) 5
4 Frank the mountain at 8.00. 6
(arrive / climb)
5 The cat in a tree all night. 4 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use the Past
(train / sit) Continuous affirmative.
6 Dad and Mum the house eat l shine l sit l tell l have
at 5.00. (clean / lose)
A Beautiful Saturday Morning
I t was a beautiful day. The sun 1.
and the sky was blue. At 10.00, my friends and I
a picnic in the countryside.
We 3.
on the grass under a big
tree and we 4. our sandwiches.
Amy 5.
us some stories about
her adventures in the rainforest. Did those things
really happen to her? I’m not so sure, but we were all

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 21

Past Continuous aditz-­denbora 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the Past
ezezkoan eta galderazkoan Continuous. Then match the questions to the answers.
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + was / were + not edo n’t + aditza -ing 1 they / work / in the field / at 5.00 am
We weren’t watching a film.
(Ez ginen film bat ikusten ari.) 2 you / sit / on the grass
• G
 alderazkoa: Was / Were + subjektua + aditza -ing
bukaerarekin. 3 where / you / hike
Was he sleeping? (Lo egiten ari al zen?)

Galdera galdetzaile batez osatuta badago, hori doa lehenbizi,
was / were baino lehen. 4 why / Jennifer / cry
What were you doing in the park?
(Zer egiten ari zinen parkean?) 5 Mum / hold / her handbag
• E
 rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + was / were

ala wasn’t / weren’t.
Were you working on your project? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. 6 who / Mr Evans / talk to
(Proiektuan lan egiten ari zinen? Bai. / Ez.)
a In the rainforest.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the b Yes, she was.
Past Continuous negative.
c His daughter.
enjoy l hike l listen l hold l cry l take
d Yes, they were.
1 The children the show. e She was watching a sad film.
2 The baby was sleeping. She . f No, I wasn’t.
3 I gave you instructions, but you
. 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
4 The tourists a tour at 9.00. Use the affirmative, negative or interrogative form
of the Past Continuous.
5 Bob in the countryside in
the afternoon. 1 The people (laugh). They
didn’t think the comedian was funny.
6 I her hand.
2 What Kelly (wear)
2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. yesterday?
Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative. 3 Sid didn’t get up. He (lie)
1 laugh / my funny stories / my friends / at in bed all morning.
4  you (ride) your
electric bike at 3.00?
2 his motorbike / Les / at midnight / not ride
5 I (use) any paints – just a

3 yesterday morning / not train / the athletes /
6 Cathy and I (hike) in the
for the competition
canyon. It was beautiful.

4 the hill / at 6.00 am / I / climb up

5 talk / her new book / the author / about

6 at 4.00 / you / at the corner / not wait

22 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 6
can 2 Write questions with the words below and can.
Can aditz moduzkoak zerbait egiteko trebezia edo gaitasuna Then answer the questions.
(jakin) eta zerbait egiteko edo gertatzeko aukera (ahal izan) eta 1 monkeys / fly
baimena eta mesedeak eskatzeko (ahal izan) esangura du.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + can + aditzoina. Moduzko aditza
denez, ez du 3. pertsona singularrean -s bukaerarik hartzen.
She can swim very well. (Oso ondo igeri egiten du.) 2 an elephant / jump
I can go to the park later. (Parkera joan naiteke beranduago.)
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + cannot edo can’t laburtua + aditzoina.
I can’t visit my grandparents this week. 3 dogs / swim
(Ezin ditut nire aitona-­amonak bisitatu aste honetan.)

• G
 alderazkoa: Can + subjektua + aditzoina.
Can you open the door? (Atea zabaldu dezakezu?)
Erantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua +
•  4 a snake / kill / a mouse
can ala can’t.
Can you speak Italian? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
(Italieraz hitz egin dezakezu? Bai. / Ez.)

could 3 Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t.

1 We go for a hike on Saturday
Could aditz moduzkoak iraganeko trebezia edo gaitasuna eta
zerbait egiteko aukera adierazten ditu. because it was raining.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + could + aditzoina. Moduzko aditza 2 I swim when I was three years old
denez, ez du 3. pertsona singularrean -s bukaerarik hartzen. because my dad taught me.
He could ice-skate when he was three years old. 3 Carl move in because the flat wasn’t
(Izotzaren gainean patina zezakeen hiru urte zituenean.)
Ezezkoa: subjektua + could not edo couldn’t (bigarrena
4 Sean is very musical. He play the
izanik ohikoena) + aditzoina.
I couldn’t catch the train this morning. piano when he was four years old.
(Ezin izan dut trena hartu gaur goizean.) 5 We go to the museum because it
• G
 alderazkoa: Could + subjektua + aditzoina. was closed.
Could he run a marathon in the past?
(Maratoi batean korrika egin zezakeen iraganean?) 4 Write questions with the words below and could.
• E
 rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + could Then answer the questions.
ala couldn’t. 1 people / drive / cars / in the 15th century
Could you read when you were four years old? Yes, I could. /
No, I couldn’t. (Irakur zenezakeen lau urte zenituenean?
Bai. / Ez.)
2 your grandparents / watch / TV / when they were
1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t so they are 20 years old
true for you.
1 I climb up a tree.
2 My friend play football well. 3 you / use / a mobile phone / when you were four
3 I cook a meal. years old
4 My English teacher speak Italian.
5 I sail a boat.

6 I make videos. 4 people / see / films in the cinema / in 1960

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 23

must / mustn’t 1 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.
• Baiezkoa: subjektua + must + aditzoina. Obligazioa eta 1 The lesson starts at 9.00. We be late.
zerbait egitea beharrezkoa edo komenigarria dela adierazten 2 Professional athletes train every day.
du, “behar izan” esangura baitu. Moduzko aditza denez, ez du
3 Detectives look for evidence.
3. pertsona singularrean -s bukaerarik hartzen.
He must work on his project. 4 We make any mistakes.
(Bere proiektuan lan egin behar du.) 5 You drive a car without a licence.
• Ezezkoa: subjektua + must not edo mustn’t forma laburtua 6 We haven’t got any fruit. I go to the
(bigarrena izanik ohikoena) + aditzoina. Debekua adierazten
market today.
du, baimendua ez dagoena, eta zerbait ezin dela egin ez
delako komeni edo ez delako zuzena.
You mustn’t use your phone while driving. 2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct
(Ezin duzu telefonoa erabili gidatzen ari zaren bitartean.) form of should.
[debekatuta dago] 1 I / wear / this dress / to the party / ?
You mustn’t tell him my secret.

(Ezin duzu nire sekretua kontatu.)
[ez da zuzena] 2 you / not leave / school / before age 18 / .
• Galderazkoa: Must + subjektua + aditzoina. Kasu honetan,
must moduzkoak obligazioa edo beharra adierazten du. 3 they / take / a first-aid kit / .
Hala ere, moduzko aditz hau ez da askorik erabiltzen
Must he do the test? (Azterketa egin behar du?) 4 he / try / to get a job / .
• E rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + must.
Must I clean this? Yes, you must. (pertsona-­izenordain
5 how / we / solve / this problem / ?

should 6 you / not swim / here / .
Should moduzko aditza aholkuak emateko edo jasotzeko
erabiltzen da eta egin behar litzatekeena adierazteko.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + should + aditzoina. Moduzko aditza 3 Choose the correct answer.
denez, ez du 3. pertsona singularrean -s bukaerarik hartzen.
1 I can / could / must go home now. It’s late.
She should study more.
(Gehiago ikasi beharko luke.) 2 The police shouldn’t / couldn’t / mustn’t find any
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + should not edo shouldn’t era laburtua evidence.
(bigarrena ohikoena izanik) + aditzoina. 3 You’re tired. You should / could / must lie down and
You shouldn’t eat junk food. rest.
(Ez zenuke zabor-­janaririk jan behar.)
4 I mustn’t / can’t / shouldn’t see Kim. Where is she?
• G
 alderazkoa: Should + subjektua + aditzoina.
Should we wait in the waiting room? 5 Can / Could / Should I move in with Leroy? What do
(Itxaron-gelan itxaron beharko genuke?) you think?
• E
 rantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + should 6 You mustn’t / couldn’t / must ride an electric bike.
ala shouldn’t egitura erabiliko dugu. You’re only 12!
Should I leave now? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t. 7 I should / can / must run 10 km in 50 minutes.
(Joan beharko nintzateke orain? Bai. / Ez.)
8 Could / Should / Can you do a triathlon when you
were young?

24 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 7
4 The streets in the modern parts of town are
Adjektiboen konparatiboa
(wide) the streets in the
Gauzak, animaliak, pertsonak eta abar konparatzeko, maila old part of town.
konparatiboan erabiltzen dira adjektiboak.
5 I think physics is (difficult)
Gehiagotasun konparatiboa (baino …-­ago) gauzak, animaliak,
pertsonak eta abar konparatzeko erabiltzen da, bata besteak biology.
gainditzen duenean alderdiren batean. Eratzeko adjektiboaren 6 Comedies are (funny)
luzeran fijatu behar gara: action films.
1. Silaba bakarrekoa edo y bukaera duen bikoa bada, laburtzat
jotzen da eta -er bukaera gehituko zaio. Ondoren, than 2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form
partikula eramango du. of the adjectives below.
These books are cheaper than those notebooks.
athletic l confident l safe l creative l dark l big
(Liburu hauek koaderno horiek baino merkeagoak dira.)
Honako kasu hauetan, -er gehitzean adjektiboa aldatu 1 Derek’s hair is black and his sister’s is brown. Derek’s
egiten da: hair is his sister’s.
- Bokal batez + w, x edo y ez den kontsonante batez 2 My father runs and exercises at the gym, but
bukatutako silaba bakarrekoa bada, kontsonante hori I prefer watching sport on TV. My father is
bikoizten da: thin - thinner me.
- Kontsonantea + y amaieraduna bada, y hori i batez
3 Riding a bicycle is riding
ordeztuko da: lucky - luckier, dry - drier
a motorbike.
- e mutuaz amaitzen bada, -r bakarrik gehituko zaio:
nice - nicer 4 Whales are sharks.
2. Bi silaba edo gehiago baditu, adjektiboa luzea da, eta orduan 5 Artists are usually
konparaketa honela eratzen da more + adjektiboa + than. salespeople.
She is more famous than her brother. 6 Mia isn’t shy, but her brother is. Mia is
(Bere neba baino ezagunagoa da.)
her brother.
Adjektibo irregularrak
Inolako araurik jarraitzen ez dutenez, buruz ikasi behar dira hauen 3 Write sentences with the words below and the verb
konparaziozko eta superlatibozko formak. to be. Use the comparative form of the adjectives.
Adjektiboa Konparatiboa 1 Carrie / careful / Ron
good (on) better
bad (txar) worse
2 the yellow curtains / long / the white curtains
far (urruneko) farther / further
little (gutxi) less
3 my friend / clever / me

1 Complete the sentences with the comparative form
of the adjectives in brackets. 4 I / quiet / you

1 The weather in Sweden is

(cold) the weather in Greece. 5 dolphins / intelligent / turtles
2 My father is usually (calm)
my mother. 6 Mrs Parker / kind / Ms Burke
3 This article is (interesting)
the other one.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 25

4 Write sentences comparing the items below. Use the 2 Complete the sentences with the possessive
comparative form of the following adjectives. pronouns below.
exciting l hot l interesting l beautiful ours l hers l mine l his l yours

1 winter / summer 1 This phone isn’t . I think it’s Tammy’s.

2 Are these steaks ? Did you and
2 a butterfly / a spider Harold order them?

3 Celia left her handbag on the chair. It’s

3 football / basketball
4 Vivian’s boyfriend bought a scooter. The blue scooter

is .
4 science-fiction films / crime films
5 We’re using these paintbrushes, but they aren’t

Jabetza-­izenordainak 3 Replace the words in bold with possessive pronouns.

mine nirea, nireak 1 The horses are Greg’s.

yours zurea, zureak 2 The electric bike is my electric bike.

3 This room is the teachers’ room.
his berea, bereak (gizonezkoarenak)
4 This dog is my dog and my sister’s.
hers berea, bereak (emakumezkoarenak)
5 This boat is Ms Harrison’s.
ours gurea, gureak
yours zuena, zuenak
4 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct
theirs haiena, haienak possessive pronouns.
• J abeak garen elementua ordezkatzen dute, eta 1 A: Can you give the glue to Susan?
jokatzerakoan jabearekin soilik datoz bat. B: Why? Is it ?
This maths book is yours.
2 A: Is this your flash drive?
(Matematikako liburu hori zurea da.)
B: Yes, it’s .
• B
 atzuetan, itzultzerakoan, izenordain indargarriak ere erabil
ditzakegu euskaraz. 3 A: Have you and Kay got sandwiches?
Those pencils aren’t mine. They’re hers. B: Yes, these sandwiches are .
(Arkatz horiek ez dira nireak. Bereak [neskarenak] dira.)
4 A: Has Richard got a motorbike?
• 3 . pertsona singularrean bi forma daude: maskulinoa (his)
eta femeninoa (hers). Ez dago forma neutrorik. B: Yes, the red motorbike is .
5 A: Are there water bottles for the students?
1 Choose the correct answer. B: Yes, the bottles on the table are .
1 D
 id Mr and Mrs Peters buy this house? Is it ours / his /
2 Did you paint this picture? Is it mine / yours / hers?
3 I bought the ham sandwich for Sandra. It’s hers / his /
4 The fingerprints on the desk are not the criminal’s,
but the fingerprints on the door are yours / his /
5 M
 y husband and I bought this company. It’s ours /
theirs / yours now.
6 M
 y sister gave me her bicycle, so now it’s yours /
mine / hers.

26 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 8
be going to 2 Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets.
Use be going to. Then match the questions to the answers.
Infinitiboa + “t(z)era joan” esangura du.
• Baiezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are + going to + aditzoina. 1  you (celebrate) your
We are going to adopt a dog. (Txakur bat adoptatzera goaz.) birthday with your family?
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + am / is / are + not (n’t) + going to + 2 When Max (arrive)?
aditzoina. 3  Carol (compete) in
I’m not going to participate in the competition. the race tomorrow?
(Ez noa txapelketan parte hartzera.)
4  your parents (drive)
• Galderazkoa: Am / Is / Are + subjektua + going to + aditzoina.
Is she going to look for a new job? to London on Sunday?
(Hura lan berri bat biltzera joango da?) 5 What show you (see)
Erantzun motzak: pertsona-­izenordain subjektua + am / is /
•  tonight?
are ala ’m not / isn’t / aren’t. 6 How many pizzas Dad
Are you going to arrive tomorrow? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. (order)?
(Bihar helduko zara? Bai. / Ez.)
Erabilerak a Four. d Yes, I am.
b No, she isn’t. e On Tuesday.
Gure egitasmoei eta He’s going to visit his uncle.
erabakiei buruz hitz egiteko (Bere osaba bisitatzera joango da.) c Mamma Mia. f Yes, they are.
Look at those clouds. It’s going to
Zerbait gertatuko dela
adierazteko, aztarnak
rain. 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below.
(Ikusi hodei horiek. Euria egingo Use be going to.
aurrean baititugu
not ride l buy l not take l investigate l have
 e going to egiturarekin honako denbora-­esamolde hauek
• B
erabili ohi dira: later (beranduago), soon (laster), this afternoon / 1 We lamb for dinner tonight.
evening (gaur arratsaldean, gaur iluntzean), in + urte bat, tonight 2 I a new dining room table.
(gaur gauean), tomorrow (bihar) next week / month / year
3 Rick and I a trip this year.
(datorren astean / hilabetean / urtean), in the future
(etorkizunean), on + asteko egun bat edo data bat, etab. 4 He his scooter to work because
Guztiak perpausaren hasieran zein amaieran joan daitezke. it’s raining.
They are going to buy a new bike tomorrow. 5  Detective Wilson this
(Bizikleta bat erostera joango dira bihar.)

1 Choose the correct verbs in brackets to complete the 4 Write two affirmative, two negative and two interrogative
sentences. Use be going to. sentences with the words in the chart below. Use be going to.
1 I these old computers next the city
week. (finish / repair) I return to the shopping
next month
the teacher explore centre
2 Larry his electric bike. (sell / this afternoon
Dean and I hike our tests
volunteer) the boys
on Saturday
volunteer in the canyon
3 We this rug. (not keep / Mum drive a group
this week
not hear) you join at the animal
4 My parents money from the
bank. (promise / borrow) 1
5 I this necklace. (not buy / 2
not carry) 3
Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 27
Present Continuous etorkizun zentzuarekin 2 Write questions with the words below. Use the
• P resent Continuous (2. gaian ikusi den bezala) hitz egiteko Present Continuous with future meaning. Then
unean gertatzen ari dena deskribatzeko erabiltzen da. answer the questions so they are true for you.
Am / is / are + -ing bukaeradun aditzaz osatzen da, eta, 1 what / you and your friends / do / this weekend
bukaera hori zuzen gehitzeko, ortografia-­arau batzuk

jarraitu behar dira (She’s sleeping, We are sitting, etab.).

 aina, horrezaz gain, Present Continuous aditz-­denborak
• B
etorkizun zentzua du, etorkizun hurbilean gertatuko diren 2 your best friend / come / to your house / today
aldez aurretik finkaturiko ekintzak iragartzeko ere
erabiltzen baita.
I am painting my house next week.

(Nire etxea datorren astean margotuko dut.) 3 you and your family / go / abroad / next summer
• P resent Continuous arruntarekin duen aldea denbora-­
esamoldeetan datza. Hots, etorkizun zentzua duena,
ekintza noiz gertatuko den adieraziko digun etorkizuneko
denbora-­esamoldeaz lagunduta doa: at + ordua, this 4 your maths teacher / give / your class / a test /
afternoon / evening (gaur arratsaldean / iluntzean), on + next week
asteko eguna edo data, in + hilabetea, tomorrow (bihar),
next week / month (datorren astean / hilean), in ten

minutes (hamar minutu barru), later (beranduago, gero),
soon (laster, denbora gutxi barru), etab. 5 what / you / have / for dinner / tonight
The plane is leaving in ten minutes.
(Hegazkina hamar minutu barru aterako da.)

• B
 e going to egiturarekin duen aldea zera da, ez dihardugula
intentzioaz soilik, ziurtasun osoz gertatuko den zerbaitez
baizik, aldez aurretik finkatua baitago. Etorkizuneko zentzu 3 Match A to B to make mini-dialogues. Then complete
horrekin, batez ere, mugimendu-­ aditzak erabiltzen ditugu. the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the
We are travelling to Argentina next summer. Present Continuous with future meaning.
(Argentinara bidaiatuko dugu datorren udan.) A
[ziurra da]
1 Where the tourists
(go) tonight?
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. 2 What you (cook) for
Use the Present Continuous with future meaning.
dinner tomorrow?
not go l arrive l meet l not take l leave 3  Jeremy (fly) to
not play Moscow on Monday?
1 I Dennis in the town square 4 Where the students
in 15 minutes. (volunteer) next week?
2 The girls basketball this 5  Dr Gardener (work)
afternoon. at the hospital next Thursday?
3 Carla the house at 10.00. B
4 Your cousin in Rome a I (make) Chinese food.
tomorrow afternoon.
b At the beach. They
5 Dad and Mum out this (participate) in a clean-up.
c T he tour guide (take)
6 I my brother to the park them on a ghost tour.
d No, she (give) a lecture
at a convention.
e No, he (travel) by train.

28 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

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# Unit 9
will 2 Write questions with the words below. Use will.
Then match the questions to the answers.
• B
 aiezkoa: subjektua + will + aditzoina. Pertsona guztiekin
forma bera du. 1 people / live / on other planets / in the next century
I will be at the office all day.
(Bulegoan egongo naiz egun osoa.)
2 there / be / more crime / in the future
• E
 zezkoa: subjektua + will not ala won’t + aditzoina.
We won’t leave you alone. (Ez zaituztegu bakarrik utziko.)
• Galderazkoa: Will + subjektua + aditzoina. 3 Julia / finish / the race
Will you travel in first class? (Lehenengo klasean bidaiatuko
4 what / happen / to these animals
• E
 rantzun motzak: izenordain subjektua + will ala won’t.
Will the elections be in April? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.
(Hauteskundeak apirilean izango dira? Bai. / Ez.) 5 when / the temperature / go down
Etorkizuneko ekintzak eta They will come later.
gertaerak iragartzeko (Gero etorriko dira.)
a We will take them to a shelter. d On Wednesday.
I think you will pass the test. b Yes, she will. e Yes, there will.
Gure ustez gertatuko dena
(Azterketa gaindituko duzula c No, they won’t.
uste dut.)
Bat-­bateko erabakiak
I like it. I’ll get it!
(Gustatzen zait. Erosiko dut!)
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
Use the correct form of will.
• W
 ill egiturarekin be going to egiturarekin erabiltzen diren 1 When you (be) home?
denbora-­esamolde berak erabiltzen dira. Hasieran nahiz
2 I’m sure you (enjoy) the
bukaeran ikus ditzakegu guztiak; maizago, ordea, bukaeran.
I will invite my friends next week. concert.
(Nire lagunak datorren astean gonbidatuko ditut.) 3 They (not get) divorced.
4 This work (not endanger)
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use will. the animals.
damage l not be l agree l not make l have l lend 5 I think he (return) next month.

1 I’m afraid the storm the trees.

4 Write two affirmative, two negative and two
2 I’m going to do this project, but it interrogative sentences with the words in the chart
easy. below. Use will.
3 Don’t worry. I you the money.
I solve the test
4 You fun playing this video game.
the detective win the crime
5 I’m sure my parents with me. the students rescue the race
6 She any mistakes. the lion kill the way
you pass the antelope
the firefighter find the child


Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 29

Lehenengo baldintza 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
Adierazitako baldintza betez gero zer ondorio izango diren Use the First Conditional.
adierazteko erabiltzen da. 1 If my mum (get) a job in
Baldintzako perpausak mendeko perpaus batek (baldintza London, we will move there.
adierazten duena) eta perpaus nagusi batek (ondorioa adierazten 2 If I need help with my project, I
duena) osatzen dituzte. (phone) you.
Baldintza: if + Present Simple
3 We will stay home if it (rain).
Ondorioa: will + aditzoina
4 If you don’t wear a coat, you
Baldintzaren perpausa badoa lehenik, koma idatziko dugu
nagusiaren eta mendekoaren artean. (be) cold.
•  5 The dog (feel) frightened if
If I have time, I will cook dinner. there is thunder.
(Denbora badaukat, afaria prestatuko dut.) 6 Tyler won’t get a good job if he
I will cook dinner if I have time. (not graduate).
(Afaria prestatuko dut denbora badaukat.)
• E
 zezkoa: baldintzazko aditza ezeztatuko dugu, ondorioa edo
3 Match A to B. Then complete the sentences with the
verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
If you don’t come, I will be sad. (Etortzen ez bazara, triste
egongo naiz.) A
If you come, I won’t be sad. (Etortzen bazara, ez naiz triste 1 I (not make) a mistake
2 I (watch) the documentary
If you don’t come, I won’t be sad. (Etortzen ez bazara, ez naiz
triste egongo.) 3 If you (not use) a microscope,
• G
 alderazkoa: Will + subjektua + perpaus nagusiko predikatua 4 If Molly (not save) her work,
+ mendeko perpausa. 5 If Noah (arrive) by 9.00,
Will you go to work tomorrow if you are ill?
(Lanera joango al zara bihar, gaixo bazaude?) 6 Maya (be) happy
• E
 rantzun motzak: izenordain subjektua + will ala won’t B
erabiliko dugu.
a she will lose it.
 ill you send it to me if I give you my address? Yes, I will. / No,
I won’t. (Bidaliko didazu, nire helbidea ematen badizut? Bai. / Ez.) b I will wait for him.
c if it is interesting.
1 Choose the correct answer. d if I am careful.
1 If I have Wi-Fi, I send / will send you a message. e if you come to her birthday party.
2 If you buy / will buy some houseplants, the room will f you won’t see it.
look pretty.
3 Y
 ou won’t hear the music if you don’t turn on / 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
won’t turn on the speakers. Use the First Conditional.
4 I transfer / will transfer these files to you if you need 1 If you (study) hard, you
them. (pass) the exam.
5 I f she doesn’t use soap, her hands don’t be / 2 Maisy (feel) better if she
won’t be clean. (take) this medicine.
6 If you are / will be hungry, I’ll make you a sandwich. 3 If it (be) warm, we
(go) to the beach.
4 If Owen (not repair) the
computer, I (take) it to a
5 You (fall) if you
(not be) careful.

30 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

Irregular Verb Li
be /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ izan, egon
beat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ jo
become /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ bihurtu, bilakatu
begin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ hasi
bend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ tolestu
bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apustu egin
bite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ kosk egin
bleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ odola jario
blow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ putz egin
break /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ apurtu
bring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ ekarri
build /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ eraiki
burn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ erre
buy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ erosi
catch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ harrapatu, hartu
choose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ aukeratu
come /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ etorri
cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ kostatu
cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ moztu
dig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ aitzurtu, zuloa egin
do /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ egin
draw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ marraztu
dream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ amets egin
drink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ edan
drive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ gidatu
eat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ jan
fall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ erori
feed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ elikatu
feel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentitu
fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ borrokatu
find /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ aurkitu
fly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ hegan egin
forget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ ahaztu
forgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ barkatu
freeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ izoztu
get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ lortu; iritsi
give /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ eman
go /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ joan
grow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ hazi
hang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ eseki
have /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ eduki, izan
hear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ entzun
hide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ ezkutatu
hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ jo, kolpatu
hold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ eutsi
hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ zauritu, min eman, min izan
keep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gorde, mantendu
know /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ jakin, ezagutu
lay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ jarri; zabaldu
lead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ zuzendu, gidatu
learn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ ikasi
Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 31
leave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ utzi; irten
lend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ prestatu
let /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ baimena eman, utzi
lie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ etzan
lie /oO/ (regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ gezurra esan
light /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ piztu
lose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ galdu
make /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ egin, ekoitzi
mean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ esan nahi
meet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ ezagutu; (-­kin) bildu
overcome /NdL'YJl/ overcame /NdL'YMl/ overcome /NdL'YJl/ gainditu, menderatu
pay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ ordaindu
put /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ jarri, ipini
quit /YrBW/ quit/quitted /YrBW/'YrBWBX/ quit/quitted /YrBW/'YrBWBX/ -­i utzi
read /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ irakurri
ride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ gainean ibili
ring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ deitu (telefonoz)
rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ jaso, altxatu
run /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ korrika egin
say /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ esan
see /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ ikusi
sell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ saldu
send /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ bidali
set /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ ezarri, ipini
shake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ eragin, astindu
shine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ distiratu
shoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ tiro egin
show /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ erakutsi
shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ itxi
sing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ abestu
sink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ urperatu, hondoratu
sit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ eseri
sleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ lo egin
smell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ usaindu
speak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /'gULHYLm/ hitz egin
spell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ letreiatu
spend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastatu; igaro (denbora)
stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ zutik egon
steal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ lapurtu
stick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ itsatsi
sting /gWBn/ stung /gWJn/ stung /gWJn/ ziztatu, eztenkatu (intsektua)
sweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ erraztatu
swim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ igeri egin
take /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ hartu; eraman
teach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ irakatsi
tear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ urratu, zartatu
tell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ esan, kontatu
think /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ pentsatu
throw /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ jaurti; bota
understand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ ulertu
wake up /rMY 'JU/ woke up /rLHY 'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/ esnatu
wear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ jantzita eraman; jantzi
win /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ irabazi
write /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ idatzi
32 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books
progress check translation exercises

Unit 1 Unit 4
1. Zenbatero egiten duzu ariketa fisikoa? 1. Zer ordutan heldu ziren zure gurasoak atzo?

2. Nire etxetik hurbil autobus-geltoki bat dago. 2. Suhiltzaileak familia erreskatatu zuen.

3. Badago aparkalekurik azokatik hurbil? 3. Ez nuen lehen sorospeneko botikinik hartu.

4. Nire lagunekin ateratzen naiz larunbatero. 4. Edalontzia eskutik erori zitzaion.

5. Amy maiz doa izotzaren gainean patinatzera neguan. 5. Lesionatu zinen labaindu zinenean?

Unit 2 Unit 5
1. Samen aita ez da ari kamioia gidatzen gaur. 1. Emakumeak mendia eskalatzen ari ziren?

2. Zer motatako margoak erabiltzen ari zara? 2. Txakurra korrika zihoan katuarengana?

3. Helikoptero batean hegan egiten ari naiz orain. 3. Filma dibertigarria zen, eta pertsona guztiak barre
egiten ari ziren.

4. Nire anaia, normalean, Vespan doa lanera.
4. Hostoak zuhaitzetik erortzen ari ziren.

5. Normalean ez dugu taxi bat hartzen, garestia delako.
5. Umeak ez zihoazten oinez bidean zehar.

Unit 3
1. Dendan saltzaile bat zegoen.
Unit 6
1. Detektibeak froga gehiago aurkitu behar ditu.

2. Nire alaba dentistarenera joan zen.
2. Zorua aztertu beharko lukete, froga gehiago bilatzeko.

3. Abeslariak abesti zoragarri bat abestu zuen.
3. Zure urtebetetzea larunbatean ospa dezakegu.

4. Bazegoen musikaririk festan?
4. Bill eta Amy ezin izan ziren ezkondu joan den urtean.

5. Aitona-amonek New Yorkera eraman zuten Adam.
5. Poliziek ezin dute arma aurkitu.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 33

Unit 7 Unit 9
1. Zapata marroiak zapata beltzak baino zaharkituagoak 1. Grabatuko du abesti hau?

2. Noiz bueltatuko didazu ile-lehorgailua?
2. Hura beste mutilak baino zaratatsuagoa da.

3. Ez badu garbigailua konpontzen, berri bat erosiko
3. Lehenengo ariketa bigarren ariketa baino dugu.
errazagoa da.

4. Uste dut artxiboak kanpoko disko gogor batean
4. Haien pisua gurea baino modernoagoa da. gordeko ditudala.

5. Zure arropa nirea baino modernoagoa da. 5. Programa jasotzen badut, gaur instalatuko dut.

Unit 8
1. Ikasleek basoa garbituko dute datorren astean.

2. Ordenagailu zahar hauek emango dituzue?

3. Zer eramango duzu festara larunbatean?

4. Hark ez du proiektua bukatuko gaur.

5. Ez ditut zuhaitzak landatuko bihar.

34 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

writing guide
My favourite actress is Jennifer
Brainstorming Lawrence. I first saw her in the film
• Idatzi behar duzun gaia ulertzen duzula ziurtatu. The Hunger Games and I thought
• Egin ezazu gaiarekin lotutako ideien zerrenda eta she was great.
idatzi burura etorritako guztiak, gramatikaz eta
ortografiaz arduratu gabe. Jennifer Lawrence was born in
• Ondoren, irakurri ideia-­zerrenda eta aukeratu Louisville, Kentucky, US on 15th
garrantzitsuenak. August, 1990. When she was 14
years old, she decided to be an
actress. She started her acting
TESTUAREN ANTOLAKETA career in the television comedy
Paragraph structure series The Bill Engvall Show. After
Paragrafo batek hiru zati ditu: that, she appeared in several
films and received awards for
• Lehen esaldia (opening sentence), gaia aurkezten
her performance. After Lawrence
duena. body
starred in the film Winter’s Bone,
• Paragrafoaren gorputza (body of paragraph), she became famous. In March
informazio garrantzitsua emanez ideia nagusia 2011, Lawrence received the part
zabaltzen duena. of Katniss Everdeen in the film
• Azken esaldia (closing sentence), ideia nagusia The Hunger Games. At age 22, she
laburbiltzen duena eta beste hitz batzuekin received the Academy Award for
errepikatzen duena. her performance in the romantic
comedy Silver Linings Playbook.
Later, she also received Golden
Dan is my best friend. opening sentence Globe awards for her roles in the
He’s from Australia. He’s tall and films American Hustle (2013) and
he’s got short blond hair and body of paragraph Joy (2015).
blue eyes. He’s strong and
athletic. We both love sport. I think Jennifer Lawrence is a
fantastic actress. She is a real star
We always have a great time together. closing sentence and I am sure she will win many
more awards for her acting.
Text organisation
Testu bat hiru paragrafotan zatitzen da. Paragrafo
bakoitzak funtzio bat du: IDATZITAKOA ERREPASATU
• Lehen paragrafoak (opening) gaia aurkezten du. Checking your writing
• Testuaren gorputzak (body) gaia garatu eta
informazio gehiago ematen du. Hitz-­ordena: subjektua – aditza
(Word order: subject – verb)
• Azken paragrafoak (closing) gaia laburtu eta
ondorioa azaltzen du. • Esaldi bateko subjektua aditzaren aurrean kokatzen
He is your friend. We like holidays.
s v s v
• Galderetan subjektua aditzaren ondoren doa, edo
aditz laguntzailearen eta nagusiaren artean.
Is he your friend? Do you like holidays?
v s aux s v

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 35

Hitz-­ordena: adjektiboak Denbora-­preposizioak
(Word order: adjectives) (Prepositions of time)
• Normalean, izenen aurrean doaz. Preposizio desberdinak erabiltzen dira orduen eta festa-­
clever students long hair aldien aurrean, egunen eta daten aurrean, hilabeteen,
adj n adj n urtaroen, urteen eta egun zatien aurrean. Garrantzitsua
Eta to be aditzaren ondoren ere bai. da kasuan kasuko preposizio egokia erabiltzen jakin
dezazun. Begiratu arretaz honako adibide hauei:
The students are clever. My hair is long.
v adj v adj • at orduak: at four o’clock
• Adjektibo bat baino gehiago daudenean, honako hau da festa-­aldiak: at Christmas
hurrenkera: iritzia (o), tamaina (s), kolorea (c). • on asteko egunak: on Tuesday
She’s got a beautiful, tiny black kitten. datak: on 12th June
o s c on Christmas Day
• in hilabeteak: in March
Hitz-­ordena: adberbioak urtaroak: in summer
(Word order: adverbs)
urteak: in 2015
• Adverbs of manner: modu-­adberbioak aditzaren atzean egunaren zatiak: in the morning
doaz. Salbuespenak: at the weekend
You sing beautifully.
at night
v adv
• Adverbs of degree: kantitate-­adberbioak adjektibo baten
Letra larria
edo beste adberbio baten aurretik jartzen dira.
(Capital letters)
She is very tall. You sing quite nicely.
adv adj Letra larriz idazten dira:
adverb of degree adverb of manner
• pertsona izenak eta tituluak:
• Adverbs of frequency: maiztasun-­adberbioak aditzaren Albert Anderson, Ms Kate Simmons, Dr Belman
aurrean joan ohi dira.
• zenbait leku-­izen; esate baterako, hiri, herrialde,
He rarely watches TV in the evening.
kontinente, eraikin ospetsu, museo, etab.:
adv v
Paris, Italy, Europe, Buckingham Palace,
Baina aditza to be denean, orduan adberbioa ondoren the Metropolitan Museum
joango da.
• herritartasunak: Japanese, French, Swedish
Summer is always fun.
• egunak: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday
v adv
• hilabeteak: June, May, February
• esaldi baten lehen hitza:
Hitz-­ordena: denbora-­esamoldeak
My name is Melanie.
(Word order: time expressions)
• I pertsona-­izenordaina: I am British.
• Denbora-­esamoldeak esaldiaren hasieran edo amaieran • hizkuntzak: English, Thai, German
joan daitezke; ohikoagoa da, ordea, amaieran joatea.
• liburu-­ nahiz pelikula-­izenen, abestien, festa-­aldien
We drove to the lake yesterday.
eta ordenagailu-­jokoen hitz garrantzitsuak:
time expr
The Lord of the Rings
• Hasieran doazenean, koma erabiltzen da, esaldi nagusitik Avatar
banantzeko. Say a Prayer
Yesterday, we drove to the lake. Easter, Christmas
time expr SimCity

36 Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books

writing guide

Juntagailuak Sekuentzia-­lokailuak
(Linking words) (Connectors of sequence)
Bi ideia edo gehiago lotzen dituzten hitzak dira. Gertakari-­segida kontatu nahi dugunean, hitz hauek
• and (eta): antzeko bi perpaus edo ideia lotzen ditu. erabiltzen ditugu, gertatu ziren ordena adierazteko:
The blanket is black and the pillows are pink. • first (lehenik, lehenik eta behin)
• or (edo): bi ideia ezberdin lotzen ditu. • then (gero, jarraian)
We walk to school or we go on a bus. • next (jarraian)
• but (baina): bi ideia kontraesankor lotzen ditu. • after that (gero, [horren] ondoren)
I like the pillows, but I don’t like the blanket. • finally (bukatzeko, azkenean)
• so (beraz): aurretik esandako zerbaiten ondorioa First lokailuak lehenengo zer gertatu zen adierazten
adierazten du. du, eta finally lokailuak, aldiz, azkena gertatutakoa.
I forgot my textbook, so my teacher will be angry. Thursday was a great day. First, I got 100% in my
English test. Then, Greg invited me to a party. Next /
After that, my class won the football match. Finally,
Puntuazioa in the evening, my parents and I went to a Chinese
(Punctuation) restaurant for dinner. Thursday was a special day.
• Puntua (.) baiezko eta ezezko esaldien bukaeran
erabiltzen da. Jabetza-­adjektiboak eta izenordeak
 He has got a sandwich. He hasn’t got a salad. (Referencing)
• Koma (,) hitzak edo ideiak banantzeko erabiltzen da. Lehendik aipatu diren izenei erreferentzia egiteko
Normalean, ez da and juntagailuaren aurrean erabiltzen. erabiltzen dira, berriro izenok errepikatu beharrean.
I’ve got lemons, onions, apples and strawberries. Holly is a salesperson. She works at a department
• Galdera-­ikurra (?) galderen amaieran bakarrik kokatzen da. store.
Have you got a red car? Lucy has got a pink notebook. She can’t find her
• Harridura-­ikurra (!) ere esaldi-­amaieran bakarrik doa; notebook.
emozioak eta sentimenduak adierazteko eta zerbait Our cousins live in Rome. We visit them every summer.
bereziki nabarmentzeko erabiltzen da.
Wow! You’ve got blue rice!
• Apostrofoa (’) jabetza adierazteko erabiltzen da, eta bi hitz (Synonyms)
era laburtuan lotzeko.
These aren’t my shoes. They are Tom’s. Idazterakoan, sinonimoak erabiltzen dira hitzak ez
errepikatzeko edo testua interesgarriagoa egiteko
• Komatxoak (“ ”) jendeak esandakoa hitzez hitz jasotzeko asmoarekin.
erabiltzen dira. Koma erabiliko da esandakoaren eta
The exam was hard.
igorlearen artean.
Yes, it was quite difficult.
Ingelesez, koma komatxoen barruan doa (“… with me,”
he said); euskaraz, aldiz, kanpoan (“… nirekin”, esan zuen).
“Please come with me,” he said.

Teamwork 2 Basque © B Burlington Books 37

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