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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

f @hindustantimes t @httweets i @hindustantimes l @hindustantimes
n VOL. Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Decisive decade for the India says UK vaccine AIR MARSHAL

rule is ‘discriminatory’ AIR FORCE CHIEF

world: Biden at UNGA Rezaul H Laskar

[email protected]

NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday

urged the UK to change a policy
NEW DELHI: The Union govern-
ment on Tuesday announced
that Air Marshal Vivek Ram
Chaudhari will take over as the
next chief of the Indian Air Force
(IAF) after Air Chief Marshal
Yashwant Raj
[email protected] Biden calls for global cooperation requiring visiting Indian nation-
als to quarantine even if they are
RKS Bhadauria retires on Sep-
tember 30.
WASHINGTON: In his first speech In his first UN address since taking office, US President Joe Biden said fully vaccinated, describing it as Chaudhari is currently serv-
at the United Nations General the world must move quickly to address the festering issues of Covid-19, “discriminatory”. ing as IAF’s vice chief.
Assembly (UNGA) since taking climate change and human rights abuse. What he said on... The issue was raised by exter- The government has followed
office, US President Joe Biden on nal affairs minister S Jaishankar the seniority principle in
Tuesday said it was “a decisive ...AFGHANISTAN: We've ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan during a meeting with his British appointing Chaudhari to the top
decade for our world” which will and as we close this era of relentless war, we're opening a new era counterpart Liz Truss on the job. He will be most senior IAF
“quite literally determine our of relentless diplomacy margins of the UN General officer the day Bhadauria retires.
futures”, as he vowed to pivot Assembly in New York late on An experienced pilot, Chaudhari
from post-9/11 conflicts and take ...CLIMATE CRISIS: ...COVID-19: US will announce additional Monday. has logged more than 3,800
a global leadership role on crises In April, I commitments as we seek to advance the The issue of vaccine certifica- hours of flying on a variety of
ranging from climate to the Cov- announced the fight against Covid-19 and hold ourselves tion has emerged as a fresh irri- External affairs minister S Jaishankar with British foreign fighter planes such as MiG-21,
id-19 pandemic. United States accountable around specific targets on three tant in bilateral ties as Indian secretary Liz Truss in New York on Tuesday. ANI MiG-29 and Sukhoi-30. He flew
The high-level segment of the will double our public key challenges -- saving lives now, vaccinating the nationals who have received air defence missions during the
76th UNGA began in New York international financing to world, and building back better. both doses of Covishield, the October 4. cine certification. 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan.
on Tuesday. help developing nations local variant of Britain’s Astra- Foreign secretary Harsh The basic issue, Shringla said, Chaudhari will take over the
tackling climate crisis. ...TENSIONS WITH CHINA: We are not
Biden called on UN member seeking a new Cold War or a world divided Zeneca vaccine, will be consid- Shringla told a media briefing on is that Covishield is a licensed top job at a critical time — the
Today, I'm proud to
states to work together to con- into rigid blocs ered as unvaccinated and will Tuesday that India could con- product of a UK company that is armed forces are working out
announce that we'll
front common challenges such work with the Congress
have to quarantine for 10 days sider imposing “reciprocal manufactured in India, and five the details of the theaterisation
as the climate crisis and Covid-19 ...ISRAEL-PALESTINE: The commitment of under new British travel rules measures” against countries that million doses of the vaccine have model to best utilise the mili-
to double that
and underscored his commit- the United States to Israel's security is without that will come into effect from don’t accept the country’s vac- continued on →9 tary’s resources. →P5
number again, including
ment to multilateralism, citing question. But I continue to believe that a
for adaptation efforts, to
the elevation of the Quad group two-state solution is the best way to ensure Israel's
make the United States
with India, Australia and Japan future as a Jewish democratic state, living in peace
the leader of public
to summit-level engagement and alongside a viable, sovereign and democratic
climate finance
said the Indo-Pacific was among Palestinian state
the most consequential regions POLLS: MAHA ₹100-CRORE
in the world.
UN general assembly, the US
President defended the messy NEVER BEEN MORE MINISTERS’ MEET DISCUSS ROLE TO GUV FOR NOD Faisal Malik Earlier this week, Koshyari
end to the Afghanistan war, said MUMBAI: The Maharashtra gov- had requested Thackeray in a MUMBAI: Maharashtra transport
America was ready to compete DIVIDED: UN CHIEF CANCELLED IN INDO-PACIFIC ernment has sent the ordinance [email protected]
letter to consider the demand of minister Anil Parab has filed a
with China economically and UNITED NATIONS: The world has NEW DELHI: The secretariat of NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nar- to provide reservation to OBCs in MUMBAI: Maharashtra governor BJP’s women legislators for a defamation suit against Bharat-
ideologically but was not seeking never been more threatened or the Saarc informed the grouping endra Modi and French Presi- local body elections to governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari and special session to discuss the iya Janata Party (BJP) leader
to relaunch another Cold War, more divided, and is facing the Tuesday that a planned meeting dent Emmanuel Macron on Bhagat Singh Koshyari for a final Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi issue of women security, against Kirit Somaiya in the Bombay
and reaffirmed support for mul- “greatest cascade” of crises, UN of foreign ministers in New York Tuesday reviewed bilateral col- approval. The ordinance can be (MVA) are engaged in a letter the backdrop of the Sakinaka high court (HC) on Tuesday for
tilateral bodies such as the UN Secretary General Antonio this week has been cancelled. An laboration in the Indo-Pacific to promulgated only after the gov- tussle over the Sakinaka rape case. In response, Thackeray allegedly making “malicious and
and World Health Organization Guterres said in his address at official letter sent to the eight keep the region stable, rules- ernor’s approval. An official said and death case with chief minis- wrote back to Koshyari, saying mala fide” statements, and
that were attacked and aban- the UNGA Tuesday. “I am here countries said it had received based and free of any hegem- Koshyari raised a query on the ter Uddhav Thackeray telling that since violence against demanded monetary damages of
doned by his predecessor to sound the alarm: The world diplomatic correspondence from ony, a statement from the Prime ordinance, but there was no offi- Koshyari his move to join the women was a national issue, the ₹100 crore. The Shiv Sena minis-
Donald Trump. must wake up. We are on the Nepal that stated the informal Minister’s office said after a tel- cial confirmation. “In case of a opposition in demanding a spe- latter should request Prime Min- ter has also requested HC to
Biden said that in his view, the edge of an abyss — and moving meeting of foreign ministers ephonic conversation of the two query by governor, the state will cial session of the state legisla- ister Narendra Modi and Union direct Somaiya to tender an
world is at an “inflection point in in the wrong direction... We face “will not take place” because of leaders, amid Paris’ criticism of send its response in a day or ture to discuss the incident is home minister Amit Shah to call unconditional apology, contend-
history”. the greatest cascade of crises in the “lack of concurrence from all AUKUS (Australia-UK-US) part- two,” said another official from “lethal for parliamentary democ- a four-day special session of the ing that his reputation has been
continued on →9 our lifetimes,” he said. →P12 member states”. →P6 nership. →P6 the chief minister’s office. →P4 racy”. continued on →9 damaged by the BJP leader. →P4

Disciple arrested for abetment day
CITY TODAY after akhara head Giri found dead
MUMBAI: The monsoon made a PRAYAGRAJ: Police on Tuesday chief minister Yogi Adityanath India, and mahant (chief priest)
comeback in the city this week, arrested a disciple of influential promised to spare no culprits of the Bade Hanuman Temple in
with an overcast sky, strong Hindu seer Narendra Giri on and the Opposition demanded Prayagraj — was found hanging
winds and widespread rain charges of abetting the latter’s an inquiry. from a ceiling fan in his room in
(along with isolated heavy alleged suicide and formed an Giri — the president of the the Baghambari Gaddi Math in
showers) being observed across 18-member special investigation Akhada Parishad, the largest Prayagraj on Monday evening.
the Mumbai Metropolitan team to probe the death even as congregation of Hindu seers in →FULL REPORT, P8
Region (MMR) on Tuesday
evening. The India Meteorologi-
cal Department (IMD) has said
that isolated heavy showers are
likely to continue on Wednes-
day, placing Mumbai, Thane,
Palghar and Raigad districts
under a ‘yellow category’ storm
warning alert. →P3

Richa Banka
[email protected]

NEW DELHI: A priest accused of

raping and killing a nine-year-
old Dalit girl near Delhi canton-
ment on August 1 tried to destroy
evidence by throwing his phone
and the victim’s footwear and
bedding into the pyre built to
forcibly cremate her, said Delhi
Police in its charge sheet.
The main accused and his
three alleged accomplices also
tried to bribe the victim’s mother
and father and offered them
continued on →9

₹8,546 CR IN LEGAL,
COSTS IN 2018-20’
NEW DELHI: The Union govern-
ment has received preliminary
details of “abnormally” high
legal expenditures by e-com-
merce giant Amazon India in
2018-19 and 2019-20, which
amounts to ₹8,546 crore, two
people said, and added that the
spends were being investigated.
Amazon India, which said the
finding was based on “mislead-
ing representation” from statu-
tory filings, has been in the spot-
light after a report by the Morn-
ing Context on Monday said the
company’s US parent is investi-
gating bribery allegations. →P11
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

Page One Plus


Taliban expand J&K: 2 pilots killed in 3 of family found dead in ‘Backstabber Pawar Religious structures
all-male Cabinet Army chopper crash waterlogged home in WB can’t be our guru’ protection bill cleared

The Taliban expanded their interim Cabinet by The Basavaraj Bommai-led BJP government on
naming more ministers and deputies on Tuesday, but Tuesday managed the passage of the Karnataka
failed to appoint any women, doubling down on a Two pilots were killed on Tuesday when an Army Ahead of the local body polls in Raigad district Religious Structures (Protection) Bill, 2021, just one
hard-line course despite the international outcry that helicopter crash-landed on a hill in Shiv Garh Dhar early next year, differences among the Maharashtra day after it was proposed and then tabled in the
followed their initial presentation of an all-male area, near Patnitop tourist resort in Udhampur A man, his wife, and their 11-year-old son were electrocuted to Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance partners have emerged Lower House of the ongoing monsoon session of the
government lineup earlier this month. The district of Jammu and Kashmir, officials familiar with death on Tuesday inside their waterlogged house in West Bengal’s as senior Shiv Sena leader Anant Geete attacked state legislature. The bill, which will now be tabled in
international community has said that it will judge the matter said. The incident took place at around North 24 Parganas district, even as their four-year-old son watched the Nationalist Congress Party’s (NCP) Sharad Pawar and the Upper House, was passed amid clamour within
the Taliban by their actions, and that recognition of a 11am when the chopper, a Cheetah, was on a routine horrific incident sitting on a bed nearby, police officials said. Police stated that the party chief who backstabbed the the assembly legislators across the aisle, including
Taliban-led government would be linked to the training sortie. The two pilots – Major Rohit Kumar identified the victims as Raja Das, 35, Poulami Das, 32 and their elder son Congress cannot be their “guru”. In an the BJP, sought to get clarifications on the scope of
treatment of women and minorities. In their previous and Major Anuj Rajput – were found critically injured Subho. Heavy rains, triggered by a cyclonic circulation, continued to lash embarrassment to the Sena, Geete further said that the bill and its intent to protect religious structures
rule of Afghanistan in the late 1990s, the Taliban had and rushed to the nearest medical facility where they Kolkata and its surrounding areas for the second consecutive day even MVA was an “adjustment” for power. However, the from being demolished as per the 2009 Supreme
barred women from schools, work and public life. succumbed later, the officials added. “Today, during a as large areas remained inundated in knee-deep to wait deep water. party has downplayed the statement and said Pawar Court order. The bill primarily provides protection to
Taliban government spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid training sortie in Patnitop area, Indian Army’s “Their ground floor flat was waterlogged. Raja was trying to charge his was a national leader and Geete’s statement all religious structures that came up on public land
held out the possibility of adding women to the Cheetah Helicopter crash landed in Shiv Garh Dhar mobile phone standing in ankle deep water. As soon as turned on the reflected his personal opinion. Raigad gram before commencement of the law. It means that the
Cabinet “at a later time”. He also said they’re making area in Udhampur district. Two pilots were injured power, he got electrocuted. His wife rushed to save him and got panchayat is scheduled to go to polls in February, and authorities would not be able to demolish religious
rules for allowing teen-age girls and women to and evacuated to the hospital but they could not electrocuted too. Later, Subho tried to rescue his parents and also got Geete, who was elected as the Lok Sabha member for structures on public land unless there is a specific
return to schools and jobs in line with Islamic law, but survive,” defence spokesperson Lt Col Devender electrocuted,” said a police officer. The three were rushed to local six terms, has not been in good terms with NCP’s court order for demolition of a religious structure,
did not say when that might happen. →P12 Anand said. →P6 hospital where the doctors declared them dead on arrival. HTC local unit in the district. →P4 reading of the bill shows. HTC


CIA officer shows

Trudeau wins key elections, but fails to get majority
Havana syndrome Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party secured victory in hotly contested parliamentary elections against a rookie
symptoms: Report Conservative leader, but failed to get the majority he wanted in a vote that focused on the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rezaul H Laskar have dramatic implications: the WHAT THE NEW PARLIAMENT LOOKS LIKE ‘A BITTERSWEET CLOSE FIGHT BY
[email protected]
CIA director’s schedule is tightly
held and there are deep con-
The new parliament is set to get only minor changes from the outgoing one. The
Liberals had won or were leading in 158 seats (+3), far short of the 170 needed for a
NEW DELHI: A member of CIA cerns among US officials about majority, while the opposition Conservatives were heading for 119 (+0), according Experts noted that it was not the Erin O'Toole was elected
director Bill Burns’s delegation how the perpetrator would have to preliminary results from Elections Canada. victory Trudeau had hoped for. Conservative leader in August
reported symptoms consistent known about the visit and been Majority Mark (170 seats) 2020 and was relatively unknown
2 “Trudeau lost his gamble to heading into the election. His
with the mysterious Havana syn- able to plan for such an aggres-
(0) get a majority so I would tightly managed campaign and
drome and had to receive medi-
cal attention during his visit to
sion,” the CNN report said.
The person who experienced 25 34 say this is a bittersweet socially conscious platform have
India this month, according to a the symptoms in India received (+1)
(+2) victory for him. Basically, made his party unexpectedly
CNN report on Tuesday. immediate medical attention on we are back to square one... competitive.
The incident set off alarm returning to the US. Trudeau and the Liberals "Tonight, Canadians did
bells within the US government A CIA spokesperson declined 5 2 saved their skin and will not give Mr Trudeau the
and left Burns “fuming”, accord- to comment on the incident 158 119 stay in power, but many majority mandate he
ing to one of three sources cited related to Burns’ visit to India. (+3) 24 32 (0) Canadians who didn't want wanted... In fact, Canadians
by CNN. This is the first media There was no immediate respo- this late summer, pandemic sent him back with another
report regarding a US official nse from Indian officials either. 155 119 election are probably not minority at the cost of
being afflicted by Havana syn- The US administration has
drome in India. said very little officially about amused.” $470 million and deeper
Some CIA officials “viewed the the Havana syndrome, a myste- —DANIEL BÉLAND, political divisions."
chilling episode as a direct mes- rious illness that has afflicted SEATS* science professor, McGill —ERIN O'TOOLE, leader,
sage to Burns that no one is safe, American spies and diplomats University, Montreal Conservatives
including those working directly and was first reported in Cuba in Liberal Independents Green NDP Bloc Conservative
for the nation’s top spy”, two late 2016. Since then, similar Party party quebecois party
people told CNN. cases have been reported from Source: Elections Canada (99% votes counted) *337 seats in the outgoing parliament
Burns and his team met Russia, China, Austria, and sev- l A total of 17 Indo-Canadians, including NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and
National Security Adviser (NSA) eral other countries. defence minister Harjit Sajjan, won in the snap polls.
Ajit Doval and top members of
the National Security Council
CNN reported that the incident
in New Delhi was the second time JUSTIN TRUDEAU’S PANDEMIC GAMBIT l All three Indo-Canadian ministers – HARJIT SAJJAN, ANITA ANAND and
BARDISH CHAGGER – in the dissolved Cabinet emerged
Secretariat during the visit to in less than a month that cases of THAT DID NOT YIELD A CLEAR MANDATE victorious. Sajjan was re-elected despite the cloud
India on September 7. From Havana syndrome have affected Trudeau called the snap polls last month, hoping to parlay a smooth Covid-19 vaccine of misconduct allegations hanging over the
India, the delegation travelled to foreign trips by top US adminis- rollout into a new mandate to steer the nation's pandemic exit and pass his agenda Canadian Forces and the government’s
Pakistan, where Burns met army tration officials. Last month, vice without opposition support. But after a bumpy five weeks of campaigning, the gamble handling of the situation in Afghanistan
chief Gen Qamar Bajwa. Burns’s president Kamala Harris’s visit to did not pay off. He ended up with no clear majority and a repeat of the closely fought JAGMEET SINGH’s New Democratic Party
visit to India was kept under tight Vietnam was delayed when mul- 2019 result, which resulted in the one-time golden boy of Canadian politics barely appeared set to get 25 seats (+1), and the
wraps and there was no official tiple US personnel reported clinging to power without a majority. influencial leader retained his status as
word from both sides on the trip. symptoms just ahead of her trip.
The CIA chief travelled to Very little has appeared in pub- “You are sending us back to work with a clear kingmaker, able to help Trudeau pass
legislation in exchange for his
India and Pakistan to discuss the
way forward in Afghanistan fol-
lic about the illness despite the US
intelligence community undertak-
mandate to get Canada through this pandemic... party’s policies. Singh
lowing the Taliban takeover of ing an investigation into the mat- I hear you when you say you just want to get promises more social
the country on August 15 and the ter, including a 100-day probe into back to the things you love and not worry about spending to be offset by
higher taxes for the very
installation of a hardline setup
that includes several members of
potential causes that began this
summer. Much of the speculation
this pandemic or an election.” wealthy and MNCs.
the Haqqani Network. has centred on the illness being
“The situation in India could possibly caused by microwaves.


In Firozabad outbreak, no succour at first port of call

district headquarters. in the meantime.” Just ten steps screened on a daily bases. Of While we may be short staffed, (OPD) is getting at least 150
Ashni Dhaor
“Out of 540, 480 beds are away, a barren plot is filled with these, around 10 blood samples but our diagnostic facilities are patients every day, of which
[email protected]
occupied as of now of which stagnant water, covered with gar- for dengue are sent to Lucknow fully functional. This area mostly 80-90 are suffering from fever.
FIROZABAD: Since the last week confirmed dengue patients are bage, insects and mosquitoes. for testing as per signs and gets patients of skin diseases. The hospital here has a total of
of August, queues outside Firo- 131,” said Dr Sangeeta Aneja, Every second household has symptoms of the patient,” said Since we do not have a pediatri- eight doctors, of which four are
zabad’s State Autonomous Medi- principal of SAMC. at least three members suffering Dr Yadav. cian, we cannot handle pediatric appointed under SAMC but
cal College (SAMC) don’t seem to In India, rural health infra- from fever. “We are scared for When asked about cleanliness cases and refer them to the deputed at the district hospital.
end. With wailing children cra- structure is three-tiered, a sub- our children after we read around the PHC, he said, “The SAMC. For fever in adults, if the “There are 157 beds at the hos-
dled in arms, distraught parents centre to cater to four villages or reports of ‘mystery fever’ in the premises inside the PHC are our platelet count is above 20,000, pital, of which 154 are occupied
stand patiently for hours, hoping a population of 5,000, a primary area. We do not have much responsibility and that area is we admit them and try to stabi- -- 34 by Dengue patients, 95 by
to consult a doctor. health centre (PHC) for a cluster income and can only afford to go completely clean”. lise them but if the condition fever patients, and rest by other
Their descriptions of the chil- of villages and 30,000 popula- to a government hospital. We The Firozabad CMO admitted deteriorates, we have to refer illnesses. The trauma centre at
dren’s symptoms differ – fever, tion and a community health rush to the district hospital even that none of the health centres, them to the district hospital,” the hospital has 25 beds of which
vomiting, chills – but their expe- centre (CHC) for the block – if my children develop a cough CHC, PHCs or sub-centres have said Dr Yogendra Singh, medical four are vacant and others are
rience with rural health care is around 120 villages or 120,000 as there is no government health pediatricians on staff. “Which is superintendent. occupied with trauma patients,”
common: an overstretched, or people. Firozabad has nine clinic nearby,” said Pappu Singh, why the medical officers there The CHC is located in Basnat said Singh.
shut, local health centre in their blocks. The National Health Mis- a daily wager. cannot handle fever cases Nagar village and is surrounded HT found OPDs swamped with
village forcing them to travel to sion (NHM) guidelines say each The National Health Mission among children. As a result, the by open, filthy drains and unsan- patients and filthy open drains
the city to save their loved ones. CHC should serve as a referral (NHM) guidelines say subcentres Patients wait outside a shut health sub-centre at Humayunpur in patients come to SAMC. We will itary conditions. Shah Alam, a buzzing with mosquitoes and
Government records say at centre for four PHCs. should provide services related to Firozabad last Thursday. SUNIL GHOSH/HT try to resolve the issue at the ear- villager who lives across from flies right outside Singh’s office.
least 61 have died in Firozabad maternal and child health, family liest,” he said. the CHC, said local residents Patients crowded outside the
since August 20. A central team HEALTH SUBCENTRE, welfare, nutrition, immunisation, go to the PHC for their treatment fever patient. Our PHC caters to usually prefer to go to the district building with white slips in their
has blamed a combination of NAGLA PICHIYA diarrhoea control and communi- and get medicines and other about one lakh population in the CHC, DEEMADAI hospital in cases of critical ill- hands, waiting for hours for their
dengue, scrub typhus, and lepto- The health subcentre at Nagla cable disease control. Chief med- consultations for the doctor. But area,” said Dr Pallavi Yadav, medi- The 30-bed facility is 10km from nesses. “The adults of the village turn to see a doctor. The adminis-
spirosis. A spot check by HT Pichiya, a small village 5km from ical officer Dinesh Kumar Premi now as our children are getting cal officer at the PHC. the district hospital. When HT have been going to the CHC in tration blamed infighting for the
found the first port-of-call for vil- the district hospital and SAMC, said, “I am aware that the sub- affected with Dengue, we have to visited the centre at around 2pm, case of mild fever or cough. poor conditions. Singh said he
lagers were shut or hopelessly has been shut for two years, said centre at Humayunpur is shut take them to SAMC,” said Inayat PHC, USIYANI it had four-five patients. Govern- However when it comes to our got the hospital cleaned regularly
overstretched -- a health sub- local villagers. An auxillary nurse and one ANM is posted here. I Khatun, a resident. The one-bed facility is 9km from ment guidelines say a CHC needs children, we do not go to the but some areas may have been
centre shut for two years and midwife (ANM) has been using have recently taken charge and NHM says a PHC is to be the district hospital. It is sur- four medical specialists -- sur- CHC as they ask us to go to left out. “The hospital is overbur-
functioning as the home of a the centre as her home, living will look into this matter”. manned by a medical officer rounded by empty plots and geon, physician, gynecologist SAMC. In order to save time, we dened with patients as four of my
nurse, a primary health centre here with her family. The prem- supported by 14 paramedical stagnant water, covered with and pediatrician -- supported by straightaway take our children subordinates do not take my
functioning with a third of the ises are surrounded by narrow PHC, HUMAYUNPUR and other staff. It acts as a refer- green moss and buzzing with 21 paramedical and other staff. there without consulting the orders, being from the medical
medical staff required, a com- by-lanes covered with black slush. The Primary Health Centre ral unit for six sub centres and mosquitoes and flies. The medi- But at Deemadai, there is only CHC,” he said. college and hence the workload is
munity health centre with just “I was given permission to live (PHC) at Humayunpur, a small needs 4-6 beds for patients. cal officer, Dr Deependra Yadav, one regular physician, who also on the other four doctors here,”
one doctor and an overstretched here by the previous CMO,” said village in Firozabad, is about “Our PHC has one bed, one said the PHC staff is conducting doubles up as the medical super- SN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, he added.
district hospital where bureau- Meenu, the ANM living at the 5km from the district hospital. medical officer, one staff nurse, medical camps in nearby villa- intendent. Another doctor has FIROZABAD Premi said he was aware that
cratic tangles worsened already subcentre. When asked for the The two-bed centre is flooded one lab technician and six ANMs ges to screen fever patients. been deputed at the CHC under The hospital, which is the dis- four of Singh’s subordinates did
unsanitary conditions. reason behind this arrangement, with fever patients, most of under whom 24 ASHAs are work- “We cater to a population of the non-communicable diseases trict hospital of Firozabad, is not comply with his orders. “As
Due to this, parents and chil- she said, “This subcentre is used whom are referred to the district ing across the villages conducting about 2.5 lakh people and have programme. Importantly, there located behind SAMC and caters they are appointed by the medical
dren often found poor or non-ex- to conduct vaccination on one hospital or medical college for door to door survey to gather been conducting medical camps is no pediatrician – crucial to to patients across the district. college, there is a conflict among
istent medical care in their villa- day of the month and sometimes blood tests, as this service is not fever data. We are getting around in nearby villages as per instruc- catch fever cases among chil- Hansraj Singh, the hospital’s the staff at the hospital. I have
ges, and patients were often criti- health officials hold their meeting available at the PHC. 100 patients in the OPD every day tions of the health department. dren. “We get about 150-200 OPD chief medical superintendent, recently taken charge and will
cal by the time they reached the here. I take care of the subcentre “Most of the nearby villagers and the only bed is occupied by a 800 fever patients are being patients here on a daily basis. said the outpatient department resolve this issue soon,” he said.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 03
My Mumbai
Heavy rain likely today: IMD
Maha sees 3,131 new Covid-19 MUMBAI: The monsoon made a
comeback in the city this week,
with an overcast sky, strong
winds and widespread rain
(along with isolated heavy show-
MUMBAI: Train services on

cases; experts call for caution

ers) being observed across the the Central Railway
Mumbai Metropolitan Region (CR) were disrupted for
(MMR) on Tuesday evening. The one hour on Tuesday
India Meteorological Depart- afternoon. A locomotive of
ment (IMD) has said that iso- People walk amid the rain at a goods train failed on the
lated heavy showers are likely to Andheri, on Tuesday. tracks near Asangaon
continue on Wednesday, placing VIJAY BATE/HT PHOTO railway station at 2.05pm.
Surendra P Gangan { GROUND REPORT } Mumbai, Thane, Palghar and The goods train was
[email protected] Raigad districts under a ‘yellow afternoon. removed from the railway
18 yrs, above can avail category’ storm warning alert. According to a spokesperson tracks after an additional
MUMBAI: Even as the past 10 mobile vax facility Though the day started off with the IMD’s regional centre in engine was attached and
days have witnessed a drop in THANE: The Thane Municipal without much rain (the IMD’s Mumbai, widespread light to the train was moved after
the daily caseload of the Covid-19 Corporation’s (TMC) four monitoring station in Santacruz moderate rains will continue for an hour. Train services
cases in the state, the experts mobile vaccination facilities received 6.6mm of rain during the next two days in intermittent resumed at 3.10pm. Two
have cautioned with a potential have been extended for those the night), the intensity of show- spells and will subside there- local trains and two
spurt in the cases in the next two above 18 years of age from ers picked up for a short while in after. A low-pressure area is outstation trains were
weeks because of the crowding Tuesday. “As there are only a the afternoon, with Santacruz expected to pass over the Bay of detained near Asangaon
during the Ganesh festival, few above 45 years of age left receiving 37.2mm of rain in the Bengal sometime early next due to the engine failure
which ended on September 20. to get vaccinated, we have nine hours ending 5:30pm Tues- week, and rainfall activity will of the goods train. HTC
On Tuesday, the state reported decided to extend facility to day. Several other monitoring regain intensity around then,
3,131 new infections and 70 youngsters,” said Naresh locations in the city and suburbs, IMD said.
deaths taking the case tally to Mhaske, Thane mayor. HTC Thane, Navi Mumbai and Kaly- In September thus far, the city the IMD said it is very likely that
6,527,629 and the toll to 138,616. an-Dombivli, too saw between has recorded a total of 536mm of seasonal rains may cross the
Mumbai reported 357 new cases TMC to conduct vax 20mm to 40mm of rain in a rain in 21 days, as against the 3,000mm mark by the end of
and one death, while Ahmedna- three-hour period on Tuesday normal of 229.7mm. Officials at September. HTC
gar in western Maharashtra drive in Yeoor daily
reported the highest, 605, cases THANE: Contrary to the initial
on Tuesday. scepticism among the tribal
State’s daily caseload of Cov-
id-19 cases has dropped to aver-
population of Yeoor, around
41.15% have been vaccinated
age 333 cases in the past ten days
between September 11 and 20
till now. Thane Municipal
Corporation will conduct
MAN ARRESTED Court raps state, CID for
(total 33,319 cases) against the
average of 414 during September Beneficiaries wait to get inoculated at a vaccination camp at Valia College, Andheri (West), on
vaccination drives daily in
Yeoor. Among vaccinated
FOR STABBING failing to appoint prosecutor
1-10 (total 41,369 cases). The
number of deaths in 10 days
Tuesday. Meanwhile, BMC on Tuesday said it will design a logo that will be put up outside housing
societies in the city where all residents are fully vaccinated. VIJAY BATE/ HT PHOTO
population in Yeoor, 6.84%
have been fully vaccinated. HTC
PARENTS The last judge has observed that
Vinay Dalvi
from September 11 to 20 dropped PALGHAR: A 22-year-old stock- he was incapacitated before the
[email protected]
to 485 against 748 in the first 10
days of the month. In Mumbai
too, the daily caseload average in
‘Fear of stigma forces caregivers to hide identities’ broker who was on the run for
two years for allegedly hitting
his parents with a hammer and
MUMBAI: The sessions court on
Tuesday rapped the state crime
agency,” the court asked. The
court asked the counsel for
Yunus’s mother to file a status
the past 10 days dropped slightly Rupsa Chakraborty Among the respondents, 56% fast by accelerating their vehi- mental health crisis among the then stabbing them with a investigation department (CID) report by the next date about the
to 418 from 434 in the first 10 were females, while 46% were cles. Even my relatives walk HCWs and make recommenda- screwdriver and knife over los- and the state government for pending matters before various
[email protected]
days of the month. The deaths males who were primarily in the away when they see me.” tions to the central government. ing ₹38,000, at their Nallasopara their apathetic approach in courts and also asked the state
reported in the city in past 10 MUMBAI: Apart from battling age group between 20 and 40 “Some HCWs reported that “I am not able to take care of home on January 29, 2019, has appointing a special public pros- CID to update it in the matter of
days were, however, high at 47 the novel coronavirus, health- years (84%). they also had to conceal their my two-year-old baby and leav- been arrested on Monday night ecutor for the trial in Khwaja appointment of special public
against 34 between September 1 care workers (HCWs) attending identities to prevent any social ing her was difficult for me. My from Kolkata. Yunus custodial death case. prosecutor by next date and
and 10. to patients are facing another Stigmatisation of HCWs harassment as captured in the kids are angry with me, and now According to police, after the “The approach of the investi- adjourned matter to October 27.
Divisional commissioner of challenge – stigma. This often Since the outbreak of the pan- statement below. There were whenever I call my daughter, she attack, the accused Janmesh gating agency has been lackadai- On December 2, 2002, a bomb
Western Maharashtra Rad- forces the caregivers to hide demic, the overwhelmed HCWs also some who reported stigma does not talk to me. They are Pawar changed into fresh sical in such a serious offence went off in a BEST bus parked
hakrishna Game has warned their identity in order ‘to prevent have been working round the from their own families,” reads angry because I have to leave clothes, leaving behind the like custodial death case,” near Ghatkopar railway station,
people on the beginning of the any social harassment’. This has clock. Despite this, in repeated the study. them again and again. My elder bloodstained ones, the weapons observed the court. during the evening rush hour,
third wave from Ahmednagar. been revealed in a pan-India instances, they are being sub- Dr Beena E Thomas from the daughter is studying in Class 9, and left the building on his The trial against four police- killing two and injuring over 50
“We still have a high number of study conducted by the Indian jected to stigmatisation and har- department of social and behav- and as a mother, I should pro- motorcycle. Pawar’s father, Nar- men including suspended cop people. The Mumbai crime
active cases. People are crowd- Council of Medical Research assment. ioural research, National Insti- vide her more time in this grow- endra, 53, is a stockbroker, while Sachin Vaze, implicated in the branch, of which Vaze was part,
ing for wedding ceremonies, (ICMR) across 10 cities. The Citing a particular instance, tute for Research in Tuberculo- ing up stage, but I am unable to his mother Namrata, 50, worked case, has been held up since picked up a few persons includ-
funerals and do not follow Covid study has also revealed various the study has published an inter- sis, Chennai who is the main cor- do so,” a 43-year-old nurse was as an infant masseuse. 2018, shortly after it began, for ing Yunus on December 25. Dr
appropriate behaviour. If this other reasons that are affecting view of a 55-year-old male respondent of the study said that quoted in the study. Namrata died succumbed to the want of a special public pros- Abdul Mateen, who was also one
continues, I fear that the third the mental health of the HCWs. ambulance driver who was there is a need to sensitise the ICMR has suggested improv- her injuries during treatment, ecutor. of the accused, had revealed that
wave may begin from the dis- The ICMR has conducted the responsible for ferrying patients public. “The stigmatisation adds ing the working environment for while Narendra survived, and is “We don’t want you to just fol- he had heard Yunus being
trict,” he said. study of 967 participants from to hospitals. Sharing his experi- to the mental health of the HCWs, allowing them breathing the complainant in the case. low up and write letters or take beaten and claimed that Yunus
Dr Shashank Joshi, member the 10 cities —Bhubaneswar ence, he said, “When people see already exhausted and burn out space, filling the staff crunch and RAM PARMAR concrete steps for a speedy trial. had likely died on January 6.
of the state-appointed task force (Odisha), Mumbai (Maharash- me, they say “here comes HCWs. More focus should be providing them more time with
of doctors said, “It is a good sign tra), Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Corona!.” They (neighbours) paid on educating people,” she facilities.
that there is no rise in the num- Noida (Uttar Pradesh), south would close their doors and win- added. “There is a need for a more
ber of cases from the beginning
of the festival. But we will have
to wait for two more weeks to get
Delhi, Pathanamthitta (Kerala),
Kasaragod (Kerala), Chennai
(Tamil Nadu), Jabalpur (Madhya
dows if they saw me coming
from a distance. At marketpla-
ces, people cover their faces
HCWs need psychological
support system
holistic approach by focusing on
community engagement and
support groups in each organisa-
State nod to launch 2nd PIL OBJECTS TO
an idea if there would be any
spurt in cases.”
Pradesh), Kamrup (Assam) and
East Khasi Hills (Meghalaya).
when they see me. They would
cross me or supersede me very
ICMR conducted his study to
find out the main reasons for the
tional structure,” said Dr
inquiry against Singh JUHU AIRPORT
Vijay Kumar Yadav submitted in April by police MUMBAI: The Bombay high
inspector BR Ghadge. In his court (HC) has held that it will be


[email protected]
complaint, Ghadge accused hearing the public interest litiga-
MUMBAI: The Maharashtra gov- Singh of corruption and taking tion (PIL) which has challenged
‘Element of inducement missing from case’ ernment has given the go-ahead money for postings of senior the construction of the Metro 2B

for delimitation begins Vinay Dalvi is no possibility of the accused

tampering with the evidence.
cer has taken care of recording
statements of witnesses under
to the state anti-corruption
bureau (ACB) for another open
inquiry against former Mumbai
inspectors. Singh did not answer
phone calls and messages for his
comment. ACB can now call wit-
line passing through SV Road
near the Juhu airport. The PIL
alleges that the Metro line vio-
[email protected]
Mehul R Thakkar given permission to several The court granted bail to Kun- section 164 of Code of Criminal Police commissioner Param Bir nesses, suspects, record their lates the funnel area stipulations
municipal corporations includ- dra, who was arrested in July Procedure. The server, laptops, Singh over corruption charges, statements and issue lookout cir- of the airport and will endanger
[email protected]
ing Mumbai civic body to go MUMBAI: The metropolitan by the Mumbai crime branch and mobiles of Viaan Indus- people aware of the matter said. culars. Under open inquiries, the lives of civilians and flight
MUMBAI: To prepare for the ahead with the delimitation magistrate court that granted along with his Information tries are in custody. In such cir- ACB is conducting a separate ACB carries out preliminary passengers permanently.
upcoming civic polls in February process. bail to businessman Raj Kun- Technology head Ryan Thorpe, cumstances, it cannot be said inquiry against Singh on the probes against government The PIL has contended that
2022, the Brihanmumbai Munic- Vishwas Mote, from the dra on Monday, has observed on a surety of ₹50,000 each on that there is a possibility of complaint of police inspector employees, scrutinises their the no-objection certificate
ipal Corporation (BMC) has BMC’s election department, said, in its detailed order that the Monday. tampering with the evidence. Anup Dange, who has alleged transactions, financial dealings, (NOC) granted by the authorities
started the process of verifica- “Preliminary preparations are element of inducement, a Additional chief metropoli- The court said if statements of that Singh demanded ₹2 crore to see if they have amassed any did not take into consideration
tion for delimitation (redrawing) going as per the directions of the prime ingredient of cheating, tan magistrate, Sudhir B Bhaji- witnesses were perused, then for reinstating him through a assets disproportionate to their the potential threat the over-
of boundaries of the 24 adminis- state election commission.” appears to be missing from the pal observed that the crime element of inducement which relative when he was under sus- known sources of income. If an ground Metro line will pose and
trative wards. The BMC is also Post verification, the data will case. The court also took into branch has filed a 4,000 pages is a prime ingredient of cheat- pension last year. offence is indicated, ACB regis- hence seeks orders against the
expected to increase the number be sent to the state election com- consideration that the investi- charge sheet that has 64 wit- ing appears to be missing from The latest inquiry against ters an FIR under the Prevention same. HC posted hearing of the
of booths from 7,000 to 10,000 mission which will later call for gation is completed and there nesses. The investigation offi- case of the prosecution. Singh is based on a complaint of Corruption Act. PIL to October 4. KAY DODHIYA
to ensure social distancing while public suggestions and objec-
conducting voting. tions. The process is being done
The BMC currently has 227 considering the pattern of
corporators who are elected rep- migration of citizens, develop-
resentatives across 24 adminis- ment, redevelopment in wards
trative wards formed on the of the city, and the data is
basis of the census conducted in expected to be ready by mid-
2011. The census for 2021 was October. After the suggestions
delayed amid the pandemic. and objections, the BMC will also
Delimitation is undertaken to conduct a lottery for reservation
ensure that all electoral wards of the administrative wards.
largely have the same amount of The term of the current
population. The state election elected representatives ends on
commission had last month March 7, 2022.

Increasing seating capacity

in domestic flights to 85% a
positive move, say experts
Neha LM Tripathi which will increase the passen-
ger numbers. “We urge the gov-
[email protected]
ernment to allow more bubble
MUMBAI: After the aviation min- flights with fewer travel restric-
istry recently increased the seat- tions to more and more coun-
ing capacity in domestic flights tries. As an industry, our objec-
to 85%, travel demand has tive should be to be at full sched-
picked up. According to airlines uled service by summer for all
and industry experts, increasing international destinations,”
the seating capacity will keep IndiGo said. “We forecast book-
increasing due to the upcoming ings to increase by over 25% by
festive season. Moreover, with the end of September 2021. The
the airfare cap being removed trend will only be upward mov-
and travellers starting to fly ing thereon,” said Gaurav Bhatia,
more, airlines expect the air traf- executive director, Bird Group-
fic to be back to pre-Covid levels that owns Amadeus (a software
by the end of this year. for tickets reservation) in India.
“We expect domestic air travel However, according to rating
to reach pre-pandemic level by agency- CRISIL, air traffic in the
December 2021,” a spokesperson domestic sector will not be back
for IndiGo, India’s largest airline to pre-Covid levels before March
by market share, said. 2022. “We are still at least two
Another important factor, quarters away from getting back
according to industry experts, is to pre-Covid levels in the domes-
that with Canada and the US eas- tic route, Jagannarayan Pad-
ing their travel restrictions for manabhan, director- transport
Indians, the international mar- and logistics, Crisil Infrastruc-
ket is gradually opening up ture Advisory said.
04 My Mumbai
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

OBC quota in local body polls: Parab files ₹100-cr

defamation suit
MUMBAI: Bombay high court
(HC) has refused to accept ‘astro-
logical incompatibility’ as a valid
reason for a Badlapur resident to
resile from his promise to marry
his girlfriend and get himself
Ordinance sent to Guv for nod against Somaiya
HT Correspondent
[email protected]
nothing but diversionary tactics
by him [Parab].” He did not wish
to comment any further.
cleared of the charge of rape Faisal Malik within the 50% ceiling. To make MUMBAI: Maharashtra trans- Over the past few months,
under the guise of false promise it possible, the state rural devel- port minister Anil Parab has Somaiya has been alleging that
[email protected]
of marriage. opment department will issue filed a defamation suit against Parab had built “illegal” resorts
Avishek Mitra, 33, had moved MUMBAI: The Maharashtra gov- an ordinance to amend two leg- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Dapoli at Ratnagiri as well as
HC after an additional sessions ernment has sent the ordinance islations — Maharashtra Zilla leader Kirit Somaiya in the an “unauthorised” office on the
judge at Dindoshi rejected his to provide reservation to the Parishads and Panchayat Sami- Bombay high court (HC) on Maharashtra Housing and Area
plea for discharge from the rape Other Backward Classes (OBC) tis Act, 1961 and Maharashtra Tuesday for allegedly making Development Authority
case, filed by police on the basis in the local bodies elections to Village Panchayat Act for zilla “malicious and mala fide” state- (Mhada) land in Bandra (East).
of a complaint lodged by his girl- Governor Bhagat Singh Koshy- parishads, panchayat samiti ments, and demanded mone- On September 14, Parab had
friend, a Borivli resident. ari for final approval. and gram panchayats tary damages of ₹100 crore. sent Somaiya a notice, seeking a
She alleged that the two knew The ordinance can be prom- The state believes they will be The Shiv Sena minister has written apology, ceasure from
each other since 2012 as they ulgated only after the gover- able to secure around 90% seats also requested HC to direct levelling further allegations and
worked together at a five star nor’s approval. of the OBC community with the Somaiya to tender an uncondi- deletion of all the tweets
hotel in Mumbai and during the Last week, the state decided ordinance. tional apology, contending that wherein the BJP leader has
course the accused exploited her to promulgate an ordinance to However, it is not clear when his reputation has been dam- made accusations against him.
emotionally to have physical make amendment to the legisla- the Raj Bhavan will clear the aged by the BJP leader. He also Parab had warned that failing
relationship with him, under tions to provide political reser- ordinance. sought a permanent injunction this, he would file a defamation
false promise of marriage. She vation to the OBC community in The Apex court order came against the former BJP parlia- suit worth ₹100 crore, the notice
added that when she conceived, local bodies without breaching in connection with the bypolls mentarian from making or pub- against Somaiya, the notice
the accused forced her to abort, the 50% reservation cap man- in district council elections. The lishing any such statement read. Somaiya had not
claiming that he wanted to dated by the Supreme Court. state election commission has against him in the future. responded to Parab’s notice.
marry her, but two years later. The decision was taken in the already declared bypolls in six Parab’s lawyer Sushma Singh In the suit, Parab has listed
However, she said, from Decem- state cabinet meeting held on district councils on October 5. confirmed to HT that the suit instances wherein the BJP
ber 2012, he started avoiding her Wednesday. The new ordinance is unlikely was filed on Tuesday. leader has levelled allegations
and on December 28, she lodged An official said Koshyari has to be useful for the byelections Responding to the defama- against him on various social
a police complaint. As the assist- raised a query on the ordinance, as the schedule is already tion suit, Somaiya said, “This is media platforms.
ant commissioner of police but there was no official confir- declared, said a senior MVA
referred them for counselling, mation about it. “In case of a minister.
the accused appeared along with query by the governor, the state On March 4, the Supreme Court ruled that the reservation in favour of the OBCs in local bodies Koshyari and the MVA gov-
his parents on January 4, 2013
and unconditionally agreed to
marry her. Two days later, the
government will send a
response in a day or two,” said
another official from the chief
should not result in exceeding the 50% mandated cap in quota.

islature within six weeks, failing data, based on which the reser-

ment and hence it was decided

ernment have been locked in a
bitter tussle for quite some time.
The governor is yet to clear the
Sena hits out at BJP for
complainant withdrew her com-
plaint, but to her surprise, on
minister’s office (CMO).
An ordinance is a temporary
which it lapses.
On March 4, the Supreme
vation for the community will
be fixed and also allowed the
to take ordinance route to save
the OBC reservation.
12 names approved by the state
cabinet in November last year to
‘using’ central agencies
January 18, the accused wrote to law approved by the governor Court ruled that the reservation state election commission to According to the decision, the be appointed as the members of MUMBAI: Maharashtra’s ruling against the state. In an editorial
the counsellor backtracking (on the advice of the state gov- in favour of the OBCs in local hold local bodies polls without Scheduled Caste and Scheduled the legislative council. Shiv Sena on Tuesday hit out at in its mouthpiece Saamana, the
from marriage. The complainant ernment), when the state legis- bodies should not result in having reservation for OBCs. Tribe communities will con- Every six years, 12 members the Bharatiya Janata Party Sena referred to BJP state pres-
then filed a fresh complaint. The lature is not in session. An ordi- exceeding the 50% mandated This could prove politically tinue to get political reservation are nominated to the Upper (BJP) for allegedly using cen- ident Chandrakant Patil and
accused moved HC after the trial nance becomes a permanent cap in quota. It has directed the damaging for the Uddhav quota based on their population House of the state legislature by tral agencies such as the said some of the party leaders
court rejected his plea. Act (the law of the land) on state to appoint a dedicated Thackeray-led Maharashtra in each district, while the OBCs the governor on the recommen- Enforcement Directorate and think the ED, the CBI “are in
KANCHAN CHAUDHARI being approved by the state leg- commission to collect empirical Vikas Aghadi (MVA) govern- will get the remaining quota dation of the state government. Central Bureau of Investigation their pocket”. HTC

Shiv Sena seeks CBI probe into seer’s death Backstabber Pawar can’t KIRIT SOMAIYA
strangulated in Uttar Pradesh.” bhoomi movement and his well. The manner in which
Swapnil Rawal
[email protected]
The leader of former BJP ally
sought a CBI probe into Giri’s
death, in line with the demand
death was “suspicious” and
even though it was being called
a case of death by suicide, his
Narendra Giri’s suspicious
death has come to light, I think
someone has strangulated Hin-
be our guru: Sena leader AGAINST MIN
MUMBAI: Shiv Sena on Tuesday by some other political followers believed it to be a dutva in Uttar Pradesh. This HT Correspondent in the government, which is
attacked the Bharatiya Janata parties. case of “murder”. case should also be probed by functioning properly…He MUMBAI: Bharatiya Janata Party
[email protected]
Party (BJP)-led Uttar Pradesh Sena leader and chief “When Sadhus were killed by CBI (Central Bureau of Investi- (Geete) is not connected with the (BJP) leader Kirit Somaiya has
government over the death of spokesperson Sanjay Raut said a mob in Palghar, that time the gation). The mysterious death government; some leaders may lodged a complaint against
seer Narendra Giri under mys- Narendra Giri was an “impor- BJP called it an attack on Hin- should be probed independ- MUMBAI: Ahead of the local have personal opinions.” Maharashtra rural development
terious circumstances, and tant seer”, who was at the fore- dutva and hue and cry was ently,” Raut said in New body polls in Raigad district Political observers feel Geete minister Hasan Mushrif with the
claimed that “Hindutva was front of Ayodhya-Ram Janma- raised from Uttar Pradesh as Delhi. early next year, differences is trying to revive his political Enforcement Directorate (ED) in
among the Maharashtra Vikas significance in the party. Mumbai on Tuesday. Somaiya

Aghadi (MVA) alliance partners Reacting to Geete’s statement, has accused the Nationalist Con-
have emerged as senior Shiv Tatkare said, “The statement gress Party (NCP) minister of
Sena leader Anant Geete seems to have come out of frus- ₹100-crore corruption in Appa-
attacked Nationalist Congress Anant Geete also said MVA is tration. It does not matter what saheb Nalawade sugar factory at
Party’s (NCP) Sharad Pawar and an “adjustment” for power. he says, as it is akin to spitting on Kolhapur’s Gadhinglaj through a
stated that the party chief who the sun. Pawar saheb is a private firm allegedly owned by
backstabbed the Congress can- raising questions on Congress national leader and the creator his relative.
OBITUARIES not be their “guru”. In an embar- president Sonia Gandhi’s nation- MVA. [Chief minister] Uddhav ji Somaiya has said that the
rassment to Sena, Geete further ality to lead the party. has been steering the alliance sugar factory was taken over by
VING MEMO Goodbye A Treasure, To a better life The Final said MVA is an “adjustment” for Geete further stated that Sena ably.” Tatkare further said, Brics India Private Limited, in
Mr. Big Guy! Not A Trophy. and afterlife. Voyage. power. However, the party has needed to focus on keeping “Don’t know where he (Geete) which Mateem Hasin Mangoli,


downplayed the statement and power at the local level in areas was for two years after he was the minister’s relative is a ben-

said Pawar is a national leader where it is traditionally strong. the Lok Sabha defeat. I was a wit- ami owner. He said that the fac-

ER and Geete’s statement reflected “As long as this government is ness when he had humbly tory was given to Brics to operate
R May angels his personal opinion. functioning, it will go on. If we touched Pawar saheb’s feet and for 10 years in 2014 without fol-
protect you! In the 2019 general elections, part ways, our home is Shiv expressed gratitude for the alli- lowing any bidding process.
Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino, Geete was defeated by NCP’s Sena. And we will have to stick ance after Uddhav ji was elected Somaiya said that 7,185 shares of
Killing you for Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino,
Our greed let Poached to Dear Rhino, Sorry for choosing
Dear Rhino, Sunil Tatkare from Raigad. with our party and need to as the leader of the Assembly.” the sugar factory are held by SU
you down. our supposed We hunted you Who was
increase someone's Killed so that fertility. down for selfish your horns over “NCP was formed after back- strengthen our party. We don’t State Congress chief Nana Pat- Corporation, a shell company
your life. poached for his
sexual stamina. someone could reasons. glorious horn. stabbing Congress. No matter need to think about the Aghadi ole said, “We agree to what he used by Mushrif to park the
I pray you find feel powerful.
Let your sacrifice how many titles the world may (alliance). That the party leader- (Geete) said about the alliance. money, while 98% shares of the
kinder hearts I hope that today So sorry that you You trusted us and
and warmer Your sacrifice be a symbol of
I promise to be are treated this believed in us. Yet we
give him (Pawar), he cannot be ship will handle, but [we] need to It’s not a natural alliance but the sugar factory are held by the
you reside at a love and kindness
spirits in your place, more
strengthens my kind to the ones way! Hoping failed you. Poaching you our guru. Our guru is only (late think of retaining power in local three parties came together in a Mushrif family.
new place. resolve to protect to you in the for money and
peaceful &
your living future.
you are leaving people grow
medicinal myths that
Sena founder) Balasaheb Thack- bodies in our areas. The senior certain political condition. Soni- Mushrif rubbished the allega-
protected. behind. a heart instead of your protectors became eray. MVA is merely an adjust- leaders of the party will take a aji Gandhi had clarified that we tions. “The factory had been
brethren. so much greed. the predators.
ment for power,” said Geete, call on what should be done at joined the alliance to keep BJP taken over by Brics in 2012 till
while speaking at a party func- the state level,” Geete added. out of power. The leadership had 2020 and is now being run on
Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a
tion in Raigad on Monday. Sena leader Sanjay Raut, also said the three parties were cooperative basis by more than
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Pawar had formed NCP in while speaking to the reporters coming together to serve peo- 60,000 farmers as its sharehold-
Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral June 1999 along with PA Sangma in Delhi, on the issue said. ple’s interests.” Patole, however, ers. The Maharashtra State Cen-
and Tariq Anwar after they were “Pawar is a national leader, and said he does not agree with tral Cooperative Bank had
By Rohit Mukherjee By Simble Johnny By Sunny Joshi By Anuj Rathod By Akash Brahmbhatt By Ritu Raja By S.B Singh
expelled from the Congress for at this moment, we are together Geete’s statement on Pawar. refused to hand over the factory
to any private entity. My family
or I have nothing to do with it.”


Dear Rhino, LB M R
IL For a life You will be ’R
You suffered to


cut short. deeply missed.



cure our pain.



Dear Rhino, Wall collapse in year-old daughter with a a lower court in 2016. As
snatched you Thane, none hurt
leather belt and pushing
her on the floor after she
CBI sought time to file its
reply, HC adjourned the GANGSTER NAIK’S
We will always
remember you.
Rest In
Peace! Dear Rhino,
away from us. THANE: Portions of around
five-feet-tall boundary wall
forgot to bring her five-
year-old brother, who had
hearing by two weeks. HTC KIN LET OFF
You were hunted Dear Rhino,
Dear Rhino, Killing you for our
of Greenwood Society at been out to play, back to Bhima-Koregaon Vinay Dalvi
Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino, down for a mere
whose glory was We took your life supposed fertility. Hiranandani Estate in house on Saturday. HTC
snatched by
Your life was cut
short for our
hangover. for our own thrill.
Thane collapsed on case: Court rejects [email protected]
This is as much of
Let your sacrifice
Tuesday evening amid Man escapes as gun Shoma Sen’s bail plea MUMBAI: A sessions court on
Once upon a time How far can we go I always feel we can Are we taking 10 heavy rains in the city. The MUMBAI: A special NIA Tuesday acquitted Ashwin Naik
a promise as an be a symbol of
I sincerely wish oath to one of the
the rhinos roamed
free and majestic.
for our own fun?
We don’t even
stoop to any level to
justify our
steps ahead or 100
back when it comes love and kindness regional disaster develops glitch court on Tuesday rejected – brother of late gangster Amar
that as you begin mightiest blink an eye to you in the
creatures on earth It’s so disheartening adventures. You had to humanity? management cell has THANE: A 28-year-old man, the bail plea filed by Naik – and his seven aides who
your final voyage to see their before exploiting to give your life future.
to rhino heaven, - Superstitious beliefs
WE WILL NOT DO magnificence bow someone for our because someone should never be a undertaken temporary who was chased by four professor Shoma Sen – were booked in a 2015 abduction
look back at this THIS ANYMORE. down to the petty desires. considered it a
planet with reason for some barricading at the spot as a men over personal enmity, arrested in Bhima- and extortion case under the
Rest in peace. superstitions of the May you rest in sport. Shame on us! innocent animal to
forgiveness. poaching industry. peace big guy. precautionary measure. had a narrow escape after Koregaon case – on health stringent provisions of the
sacrifice its life!
There are no injuries in the the gun from which one of grounds. The court, Maharashtra Control of Orga-
Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a incident. HTC the accused fired at him however, granted bail nised Crime Act (MCOCA) and
Part of Part of Part of Part of Part of Part of Part of
The Unsung The Unsung The Unsung The Unsung The Unsung The Unsung The Unsung developed a glitch. Later, extension to activist Rona the Arms Act. The others acquit-
Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral Funeral
4 try to kill friend the four were arrested by Wilson for three days. The ted in the case are Pramod Kelu-
By Uzma Begum By Nishtha Kumar By Sunil Goklani By Anadi Sah By Namita Rani By Anamika Dahiya By Rekha Seth
the Diva team of Mumbra court also rejected the pleas skar, Prathamesh Parab, Janard-
THANE: Vartak Nagar police police. HTC filed by other accused – han Sakpal, Rajesh Tambe, Avin-
arrested four persons in an Gautam Navlakha, Hany ash Khedekar, Milind Parab and
attempt to murder case on Five gates of Bhatsa Babu and Surendra Gadling Suraj Govardhan.
Never too late to In our hearts Crossing Tuesday. The four assaulted – seeking a copy of the draft As per the prosecution’s case,
You will be
Saddened by
your demise. say goodbye! their friend with a chopper dam opened charges. HTC in December 2015, Naik through
the Bridge.

remembered. forever!
over a petty issue and THANE: With incessant his seven aides had kidnapped a
Dear Rhino, seriously injured him. HTC rainfall in the catchment Dadar-based builder and alleg-
You left this areas of Thane district on edly demanded ₹50 lakh from

Earth because of Tuesday, the Bhatsa Dam him. The builder requested that
fertility myths. Your life mattered. 40-ft-whale carcass has overflown into Bhatsa he needed some time to think.
It always will.
Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino, found in Vasai River. After Tuesday’s rain, He then approached Dadar
We took your life Dear Rhino, We chose greed PALGHAR: On Tuesday, a five gates were opened after police. The builder then agreed
Our superstitions Dear Rhino, Dear Rhino,
for our own thrill. Your life was caused you over care. highly decomposed carcass water levels increased by to meet Naik to hand over the
You had to give You were killed
pleasure for us! your life. your life for our trying to cure us. of a 40-foot-long whale 1.50 metres around 6pm. HTC money. Naik, who is paralysed
I always feel we can fake myths.
stoop to any level to
Are we taking 10 I’m sorry that our washed ashore at Mardes waist down, waited for him in a
How far can we go steps ahead or 100 It’s deeply greed could not
justify our back when it comes
The rate at which Unless we educate prevent your
beach in Vasai. Forest Dr Dabholkar car. When he accepted ₹50 lakh,
adventures. You had for our own fun? rhinos are poached people, rhinos will
saddening to know
We don’t even to humanity? that so many people innocence. May officials said the whale may the police detained him and
to give your life
because someone blink an eye Superstitious beliefs
is alarming. Let us
not believe in myths
keep giving their
lives! You can’t take
still believe in the you find kinder have died in August and murder: Accused later, his alleged aides were also
before exploiting should never be a lies that the glorious
considered it a
sport. someone for our reason for some
that have no basis in
reality. It is
a life for your own
life problems, that is
Rhino horns are the
hearts in your new
reached ashore during high moves HC for bail picked up.
petty desires. May innocent animal to important to be cure for cancer. tide. RAM PARMAR MUMBAI: Virendrasinh Naik’s advocates argued that
sacrifice its life! far from humanity!
Shame on us! you rest in peace kind!
big guy. Tawade, an accused in the there was hardly any evidence
Man arrested for 2013 murder case of against him and most of the wit-
Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a Scan & Be a rationalist Dr Narendra nesses had turned hostile and
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
Part of
The Unsung
beating daughter Dabholkar has approached that the accused had been
MUMBAI: Chunabhatti the Bombay high court, framed in the case. After hearing
By S.B Singh By Sushila Anand By Anupama Verma By Anant Ramakrishnan By Aparna Ghosh By Roshan Garg By Mridha Anand police arrested a man for appealing against the the arguments, sessions judge
allegedly beating his 15- rejection of his bail pleas by RR Bhosale acquitted the eight
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 05
My India
Centre names Air Marshal NIA QUIZZES 10
Chaudhari as next IAF chief FUNDING
Neeraj Chauhan
[email protected]
Rahul Singh project in France. details of the theaterisation plan
He has commanded important and brushed aside IAF’s reserva- NEW DELHI: The National Investi-
[email protected]
fighter bases in his military career tions. gation Agency (NIA) has ques-
NEW DELHI: The Union govern- including a front-line base in Asset split, leadership and dilu- tioned 10 individuals associated
ment on Tuesday announced that Kashmir. tion of the powers of the chiefs are with banned Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI),
Air Marshal Vivek Ram Chaud- Chaudhari will take over the top key concerns for the IAF on the Jammu and Kashmir in connec-
hari will take over as the next chief job at a critical time -- the armed theaterisation move, as previously tion with a terror funding case,
of the Indian Air Force (IAF) after forces are working out the details reported by HT. people familiar with the matter
Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria of the theaterisation model to best Chaudhari takes over months said on Monday.
retires on September 30. utilise the military’s resources, and ahead of the scheduled induction The questioning comes weeks
Chaudhari is currently serving he will also oversee several key of a key weapons system being after NIA on August 8 carried out
as IAF’s vice chief. projects to sharpen the IAF’s com- imported from Russia to raids at 56 locations linked to the
The government has followed bat potential. strengthen India’s air defence group in Jammu and Kashmir. In
the seniority principle in appoint- Air Marshal VR Chaudhari “He has his work cut out for architecture. India is set to begin all, 10 individuals linked to JEI,
ing Chaudhari to the top job. He MINISTRY OF DEFENCE VIA WIKIMEDIA him and I am sure he will a great the induction of the S-400 Triumf most of them senior office-bearers,
will be most senior IAF officer the COMMONS job,” said former IAF chief Air air defence missile systems have been questioned in national
day Bhadauria retires. An experi- Chief Marshal Fali Major (retd). ordered from Russia for ₹39,000 capital Delhi during the past week
enced pilot, Chaudhari has logged the IAF was inducting its new The current theaterisation crore in October 2018. India is buy- about the source of funds, utiliza-
more than 3,800 hours of flying on Rafale fighter jets at Ambala, and model, which has the full backing ing five S-400 missile systems tion of funds, key players in India
a variety of fighter planes such as operationalising them at the earli- of the government, seeks to set up capable of destroying a variety of and links with Pakistan, a person
MiG-21, MiG-29 and Sukhoi-30. est was a top priority amid the bor- four new integrated commands aerial threats, including enemy aware of the matter said on condi-
He also flew air defence mis- der row with China in the Ladakh for synergy in operations -- two fighter jets and missiles, at a range tion of anonymity.
sions during the 1999 Kargil war sector. land-centric theatres, the Air of 400km, with the first deliveries According to NIA, JeI’s Kash-
with Pakistan. He earlier held the appointment Defence Command, and the expected by the year-end. mir chapter raised donations in
He was commissioned into the of IAF deputy chief at the Air National Maritime Theatre Com- Chaudhari’s appointment also India and abroad, ostensibly for
air force’s fighter stream in Headquarters in Delhi and steered mand. The air force has had some comes at a time when the indige- charity, but diverted the funds
December 1982. Before taking a raft of key procurements to reservations about the model that nous (light combat aircraft) Mk-1A raised to finance violence and
charge of his current appointment sharpen IAF’s combat edge. came out in the open in July, when jet project is set to enter a critical secessionist activities. In a state-
as vice chief, Chaudhari was the As deputy chief, he was closely Bhadauria argued at an event that phase. State-run plane maker Hin- ment issued after the raids in
Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief associated with the Rafale pro- it was critical to first get the struc- dustan Aeronautics Limited August, NIA said the funds raised
of the operationally critical West- gramme -- he was the head of the ture right. Speaking separately at (HAL) has set a March 2022 dead- by the group “are also being chan-
ern Air Command (WAC). He bilateral high-level group monitor- the same event, chief of defence line to carry out the first flight of nelised to proscribed terrorist
commanded WAC at a time when ing the progress of the fighter jet staff General Bipin Rawat gave out the fighter jet. organisations such as Hizb-ul-Mu-
jahideen (HM), Lashkar-e-Taiba
(LeT) and others through well
organised networks of JeI cadres”.

Assam, Nagaland CMs take part in Naga peace talks People aware of the details said
more Jamaat functionaries will be
called for questioning in the com-
Alice Yhoshü chief minsters and Mishra, uled to meet the working com- ing days as NIA looks to unearth
the latest in a line of interlocu- THE PEOPLE SAID mittee of seven Naga nationalist the terror-funding network, links
[email protected]
tors who is a retired special FUTURE MEETINGS political groups with whom the with separatist leaders, madrasas
KOHIMA: The Naga peace talks director of the Intelligence COULD TAKE PLACE central government had signed run by the organisation and for-
received a fillip on Tuesday, Bureau. an “agreed position” in 2017. eign trips by its office-bearers.
when the chief ministers of “At Dimapur today, we held a IN DELHI NEXT. HT The latest developments tak- The Jamaat-e-Islami came into
Nagaland and neighbouring discussion with NSCN(IM) COULD NOT ing place in Nagaland since existence in 1941, spearheaded by
Assam met with negotiators of representatives in presence of INDEPENDENTLY Mishra’s arrival a few days after Moulana Abul Alla Madoodi and
the Indian government and the Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio about Governor RN Ravi was trans- with its headquarters at Lahore.
Isak Muivah-led National the ongoing pece talks with GoI CONFIRM ferred to Tamil Nadu have led to After Partition, JeI Hindi separated
Socialist Council of Nagalim (Government of India)....We are THIS. expectations of an early resolu- from this body and established its
(NSCN-IM) in Dimapur. keen that the ongoing peace tion to the decades-old Naga headquarters in Rampur, Uttar
Three important meetings talks fructify into concrete (IM), who declined to be named. issue. However, it is unclear Pradesh. Its Kashmir chapter,
took place in Nagaland’s most results soon,” Sarma tweeted on The people said future meet- how New Delhi will balance two established in 1945, started follow-
populous city: between repre- Tuesday evening. Although ings could take place in Delhi separate understandings with ing directions from Pakistan’s JeI
sentatives of NSCN-(IM) and details of the meetings were not next. HT could not independ- NSCN (IM) and the seven other after J&K’s accession to India. JEI,
New Delhi’s emissary AK immediately known, they were ently confirm this. groups. There is also the cease- J&K, was banned in February 2019
Mishra, between Nagaland chief “positive” and the consultations Naga peace talks were stalled fire agreement with the Niki after the Pulwama terror attack in
minister Neiphiu Rio and his will continue, according to peo- in October 2019. Sumi-led faction of the NSCN 2019, in which 40 Indian troopers
Assamese counterpart Himanta ple aware of the matter, includ- Mishra, who will be in Naga- (Khaplang) on September 8 last were killed and which brought
Biswa Sarma, and between the ing representatives of NSCN land till September 23, is sched- year. India and Pakistan to war.
06 My India
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021


Afghanistan, China may

AUKUS won’t impact
top agenda of PM’s US visit CONCURRENCE’
HT Correspondent
[email protected]
Quad agenda: Shringla
Rezaul H Laskar
to the issue of nuclear prolifera-
tion”. He said there is also no
NEW DELHI: The secretariat of [email protected] link between the Malabar naval
Rezaul H Laskar
the South Asian Association for exercise and the Quad, just “as
[email protected]
Regional Cooperation (Saarc) NEW DELHI: The new security there is no link between the
NEW DELHI: The situation in informed the grouping on Tues- alliance between Australia, the AUKUS and the Quad”.
Afghanistan and its impact on day that a planned meeting of UK and the US has no link with The Malabar exercise is con-
extremism and terrorism, foreign ministers in New York the Quadrilateral Security Dia- ducted by the navies of India, the
China’s assertive actions across this week has been cancelled logue and will have no impact on US and Japan, and Australia has
the region, and ways to enhance because of “lack of concurrence” the functioning of the grouping, joined the drills for the second
India-US cooperation, especially among member states. foreign secretary Harsh Shringla Harsh Shringla consecutive year in 2021.
in areas such as defence, trade The grouping that brings said on Tuesday ahead of the Shringla said the Quad has
and energy, are expected to fig- together Afghanistan, Bangla- first in-person Quad Summit. the Quad nor will it have any come a long way as a grouping,
ure in Prime Minister Narendra desh, Bhutan, India, the Mal- Shringla’s remarks, the first impact on its functioning,” he from initially holding meetings
Modi’s interactions in the US this dives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri official response to AUKUS from added. of senior officials to organising a
week. Lanka has been largely mori- the Indian side, came against the The new alliance was meeting of foreign ministers in
Besides holding his first bund since its 19th annual sum- backdrop of widespread specula- unveiled last week by Australian 2019, and moving to a virtual
in-person meeting with US Presi- mit, which was to be held in tion on whether the new security Prime Minister Scott Morrison, summit in March this year. “As
dent Joe Biden at the White Islamabad in 2016, was cancelled alliance would dilute the Quad’s British Prime Minister Boris we go along, I think we have
House in Washington on Sep- after an attack on an Indian agenda or affect the working of Johnson and US President Joe already found a lot of common
tember 24, Modi will participate Army camp at Uri that was the grouping that brings Biden against the backdrop of ground,” he said.
in the maiden in-person summit blamed on Pakistan-based ter- together India, Australia, Japan China’s assertive actions across The Quad has also adopted a
of the Quadrilateral Security Dia- rorists. The strained relations and the US. the Indo-Pacific, and its first ini- “positive and proactive agenda”
logue, or Quad, on the same day between India and Pakistan had “Let me make it clear that the tiative is aimed at equipping with an array of initiatives at the
as part of his September 22-25 also affected Saarc’s functioning, Quad and the AUKUS are not Australia with nuclear-powered global level to address contem-
visit to the US. A Taliban fighter stands guard as Afghan women protest for their rights in Kabul on September 3. AFP which operates on the principle groupings of a similar nature,” submarines built with technol- porary issues such as the Cov-
Modi is expected to meet US of consensus. India has sought to Shringla told a media briefing ogy from the US and the UK. id-19 pandemic, supply of vacci-
vice president Kamala Harris of a comprehensive strategic its standing on the world stage At the Modi-Biden bilateral broaden regional cooperation ahead of Prime Minister Naren- France, a close strategic ally of nes to Indo-Pacific nations, new
and hold bilateral meetings with partnership and the holding of following the debacle in Afghan- meeting, the Indian side is through other groupings that dra Modi’s visit to the US, during India, reacted angrily to the new and emerging technologies, the
Australian Prime Minister Scott the maiden 2+2 dialogue of istan. expected to present its proposals exclude Pakistan. which he will participate in the alliance as it resulted in Austra- climate crisis, infrastructure,
Morrison and Japanese Prime defence and foreign ministers. While the US has faced criti- to take forward cooperation in An official letter sent by the maiden in-person Quad Summit lia scrapping a nearly $90-billion maritime security, education,
Minister Yoshihide Suga – the Besides taking forward the cism from around the world for several key areas, including peo- Saarc secretariat to the foreign on September 24. deal to build 12 French-designed and humanitarian assistance
other members of the Quad – on vaccine partnership unveiled in the handling of its drawdown in ple-to-people exchanges, travel ministries of the eight countries The Quad is a “plurilateral conventional submarines. and disaster relief.
September 23. He will also hold a March at the first virtual Quad Afghanistan, the Indian side is and mobility, H-1B visas, Covid- on Tuesday said it had received a grouping of countries with a Responding to a question on “The Quad will deal with all
meeting with top American busi- Summit, the Indian side is keen to focus on the way forward 19-related supply chains, vaccine note verbale or unsigned diplo- shared vision of their attributes whether there are any nuclear issues that would further its
ness leaders the same day in expecting progress on collabora- in dealing with developments in production, emerging technolo- matic correspondence from and values” and the four mem- proliferation-related concerns objectives of seeing our common
order to drum up trade and tion in new and emerging tech- the war-torn country, including gies, consolidating defence coop- Nepal’s foreign ministry that bers have a shared vision of the regarding AUKUS, Shringla said vision of an Indo-Pacific region
investments as part of India’s nologies, including the setting of the possible use of Afghan soil eration by fully operationalising stated the informal meeting of Indo-Pacific as a free, open, Australia had already clarified that is free, open and inclusive.
post-Covid recovery efforts. standards and norms, and meas- for acts of terrorism and keeping the foundational agreements, foreign ministers, which was to transparent and inclusive that it would be working on From that perspective, the Quad
After his engagements in ures to ensure a free and open an eye on Pakistan’s role in the and energy, the people said. be held on the margins of the UN region, he said. nuclear-propelled submarines will function and will do what it
Washington, Modi will travel to Indo-Pacific against the back- situation, the people said. Foreign secretary Harsh General Assembly in New York “On the other hand, AUKUS is but “it would not have any takes. The effort is to move on
New York to address the UN drop of China’s aggressive The situation in Afghanistan Shringla told a media briefing on on September 25, “will not take a security alliance between three nuclear weapons and, as such, areas that would seek to co-opt
General Assembly on September actions. is expected to focus in both the Tuesday that Modi and Biden are place” because of the “lack of countries. We are not party to will not be in contravention with and enable the Quad to cooper-
25. His speech to the world body “China is the elephant in the Quad Summit and the Modi- expected to focus on bolstering concurrence from all member this alliance. From our perspec- any of Australia’s or interna- ate with our Indo-Pacific part-
is expected to focus on post-pan- room that will come up in the Biden meeting, and the talks are trade and investment, strength- states”. tive, this is neither relevant to tional commitments with regard ners,” Shringla said.
demic recovery, terrorism, espe- meetings. There is a growing expected to help in fashioning ening defence and security col- Besides the strained relations
cially in the context of develop- realisation among all Quad greater clarity on issues such as laboration and boosting the stra- between India and Pakistan,
ments in Afghanistan, people- members about the challenges the status of the setup created by tegic clean energy partnership. there had been a question mark
centric development, and posed by China, whether it is in the Taliban in Kabul. “The bilateral meeting will over the meeting because of the
reforms of the UN, people famil-
iar with developments said on
condition of anonymity.
terms of trade actions against
Australia or its activities in the
South China Sea,” one of the peo-
The Indian side is setting a lot
of stock by UN Security Council
resolution 2593, which was
also feature the current regional
security situation following
recent developments in Afghani-
status of Afghanistan following
its takeover by the Taliban last
month. In recent years, the
2 pilots killed in Army SEARCH OPS ON
New Delhi is looking forward
to substantial outcomes from the
ple cited above said.
The US pushed for the holding
passed last month when India
held the rotating presidency of
stan, our stakes as a neighbour
and a longstanding and a pre-
strains in India-Pakistan ties
have reflected at the Saarc for- chopper crash in J&K INFILTRATORS,
Quad Summit because India cur-
rently has strong strategic part-
of the Quad Summit in order to
overcome uncertainty created by
the body, and sets out a frame-
work for preventing the use of
ferred development partner of
Afghanistan,” he said. “In this
eign ministers’ meetings. In
2019, Pakistan foreign minister
nerships with all the three other Suga’s sudden recent decision to Afghan soil for terrorism, taking context, we would undoubtedly Shah Mahmood Qureshi had HT Correspondent
members of the grouping, espe- step down over the criticism of action against UN-sanctioned discuss the need to stem radical- boycotted his Indian counter-
[email protected]
cially the relationship with Aus- his handling of the Covid-19 cri- groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, ism, extremism, cross-border part’s speech at the Saarc meet
tralia, which has been signifi- sis. It is believed this was part of and ensuring an inclusive gov- terrorism and the dismantling of to protest changes in the special SRINAGAR: The army operation
cantly upgraded with the forging US efforts to address criticism of ernment in Kabul. global terrorist networks.” status of Jammu and Kashmir. to track down a group of infiltra-
tors, who may have sneaked into
Uri in Baramulla district, entered
third day on Tuesday, said offi-
voice calls and internet were sus-

PM, Macron talk cooperation in Indo-Pacific Major Rohit Kumar and Major Anuj Rajput

Ravi Krishnan Khajuria Visuals shared on social

pended in the area from Monday
afternoon, they added.
The army had inputs that a
Rezaul H Laskar Indo-Pacific region, and the tion in all areas, particularly in media showed the wrecked heli- group of infiltrators have sneaked
[email protected]
[email protected]
important role that the India- the economic sphere, will be copter on a hill with some vil- into Uri via Gawahalan village
France partnership plays in pro- boosted, it added. JAMMU: Two pilots were killed lagers trying to pull out the taking the cover of darkness and
NEW DELHI: French President moting stability and security in The two leaders expressed on Tuesday when an Army heli- injured pilots. thick foliage, people familiar with
Emmanuel Macron telephoned the region”. “grave concerns” over the situa- copter crash-landed on a hill in “The chopper crashed on a the matter said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi They also discussed regional tion in Afghanistan. “The author- Shiv Garh Dhar area, near Pat- hill. Search parties were rushed Defence spokesperson Col
Gauri Lankesh on Tuesday to discuss coopera- issues, including developments in ities in power must cut their ties nitop tourist resort in Udham- to the area but dense fog and Emron Masavi said that suspi-
tion in the Indo-Pacific region Afghanistan, and “shared their with international terrorism, pur district of Jammu and rains hampered rescue opera- cious movement was detected
LANKESH CASE: SC against the backdrop of France’s
anger over the creation of a new PM Narendra Modi, French
concerns about possible spread
of terrorism, narcotics, illicit
allow humanitarian organisa-
tions to operate throughout the
Kashmir, officials familiar with
the matter said.
tions,” a senior J&K police
officer said, preferring anonym-
along the LoC on the intervening
night of September 18/19. “Search
INDICATES IT MAY security alliance by Australia, the president Emmanuel Macron weapons and human trafficking”, country and respect the funda- The incident took place at ity. of the area is still under progress,”
UK and the US. and the need to ensure human mental rights of Afghan women around 11 am when the chopper, Offering his condolences to he said on Tuesday.
SET ASIDE PART OF Modi tweeted after the call that tember 15 and its first initiative is rights. and men. Evacuation operations a Cheetah, was on a routine families of the deceased, lieu- The operation is going on and
K’TAKA HC ORDER he and Macron had discussed
“closer collaboration between
aimed at equipping Australia
with nuclear-powered subma-
“The leaders agreed to main-
tain close and regular consulta-
should continue unhindered,” the
readout said.
training sortie. The two pilots --
Major Rohit Kumar and Major
tenant governor Manoj Sinha
tweeted: “I salute the courage
high alert has been issued around
the camps located in the area,
Abraham Thomas India and France in the Indo-Pa- rines built with American and tions, in the spirit of the India- The two sides will maintain Anuj Rajput -- were critically and supreme sacrifice of our especially messages have been
cific” and the situation in Afghan- British technology. France Strategic Partnership, regular discussions to coordinate injured and rushed to the near- braveheart Army officers Major passed to both Rampur and Uri
[email protected]
istan. “We place great value on France was upset by the crea- which both countries cherish at upcoming events, especially est medical facility where they Rohit Kumar & Major Anuj Raj- brigade commanders to remain
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court our Strategic Partnership with tion of the alliance as it led to the deeply,” the statement added. the G20 and COP26 on climate succumbed later, the officials put who laid down their lives in on high alert, said the officials.
on Tuesday “tentatively” indicated France, including in the UNSC,” scrapping of a $90-billion pro- The readout from the French change, and continue joint added. the line of duty at Patnitop, Uri is close to the Line of Con-
that it might set aside a part of the the prime minister said. gramme to build 12 French-de- president’s office said the two actions against the pandemic. “Today, during a training sor- Udhampur. My thoughts and trol (LoC) and shortest routes for
Karnataka high court order A readout from the French signed submarines. France has sides would act jointly in the Macron welcomed India’s deci- tie in Patnitop area, Indian prayers are with the bereaved infiltration, however there is
quashing the charge sheet in the president’s office said the two recalled its envoys to Australia Indo-Pacific within the frame- sion to resume vaccine deliveries Army’s Cheetah Helicopter families in this hour of grief.” three tier security in the area
journalist Gauri Lankesh murder leaders “reaffirmed their shared and the US because of the “excep- work of the Europe-India rela- to COVAX, the readout said. crash landed in Shiv Garh Dhar Northern Army commander which has prevented infiltration
case. commitment to act jointly in an tional gravity” of the situation. tionship and European initiatives External affairs minister S area in Udhampur district. Two Lt Gen YK Joshi was also among in the past. The Army’s 15 Corps
Hearing a plea by the slain open and inclusive Indo-Pacific”, India has publicly sought to in the region. Jaishankar also met his French pilots were injured and evacu- those who paid tributes to the commander, Lt General DP Pan-
journalist’s sister on the high with this approach aimed at pro- distance itself from AUKUS Macron reiterated “France’s counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian ated to the hospital but they deceased pilots and offered con- day told media persons on Mon-
court order quashing charges of moting “regional stability and the because of its strong strategic commitment to contributing to on the margins of the UN General could not survive,” defence dolences to their families. day that there have been two suc-
harbouring the murder accused rule of law, while precluding any relations with Australia, France strengthening India’s strategic Assembly on Tuesday. spokesperson Lt Col Devender On August 3, two pilots were cessful attempts of infiltration in
under the Karnataka Control of form of hegemony”. and the US. autonomy, including its indus- “A comprehensive discussion Anand said, killed after an army helicopter Kashmir and one group was neu-
Organized Crime Act (KCOCA), AUKUS, a security alliance A statement from the external trial and technological base, as with FM @JY_LeDrian on While Major Rohit Kumar crashed into Ranjit Sagar Dam tralised in Bandipore and opera-
2000, the court said: “The high between Australia, the UK and affairs ministry said Modi and part of a close relationship based Afghanistan, Indo-Pacific and hailed from Noida West, Major lake near Pathankot. The body tion to track down another group
court has dealt with the matter the US, was unveiled by the lead- Macron “reviewed the increasing on mutual trust and respect”, the other contemporary issues,” Jais- Anuj Rajput was a resident of of one fallen pilot is still miss- is underway.
lightly by quashing the charge ers of the three countries on Sep- bilateral collaboration in the readout said. Bilateral coopera- hankar tweeted. Panchkula district. ing. This year there has been signif-
sheet without analysing it. This is icant drop in infiltration attempts
a serious thing. You cannot quash on the LoC in north Kashmir
the charge sheet just like that”. especially from Uri, Nowgam,
The bench of justices AM
Khanwilkar, Dinesh Maheshwari NIA raids 8 locations in { CHAR DHAM YATRA } Tanghdar, Keran, Machil and
Gurez sectors, said the officials

J&K after IED recovery 18 pilgrims with fake e-passes sent back
and CT Ravikumar reserved its
verdict on the plea.
Gauri Lankesh was shot dead
in Bengaluru in September 2017.
On April 22 this year, the high J&K using the pseudo-acronym Kalyan Das
risk during the Char Dham
Yatra. After Monday’s incident,
Ravi Krishnan Khajuria
court had quashed charges made
[email protected]
TRF (The Resistance Front) so as [email protected] police have increased the vigil to CHIEF EQUATES
by a Special Investigation Team to maintain plausible deniabil- catch anyone trying to take the
against Mohan Nayak of provid- JAMMU: The National Investiga- ity,” a NIA spokesperson said in DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand Police yatra with fake or forged docu- TMC TO TALIBAN
ing shelter to the murder accused tion Agency (NIA) on Tuesday a statement. “The conspiracy by have caught and turned back 18 ments,” said the officer, request-
under KCOCA. conducted searches at eight loca- LeT was aimed at causing (an) pilgrims trying to undertake the ing anonymity. KOLKATA: The newly-appointed
Lankesh’s sister Kavitha Lank- tions across Jammu and Kash- explosion in Jammu using the Char Dham Yatra with fake The government will “strictly Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
esh, a filmmaker, had petitioned mir in connection with the IED. NIA re-registered the case passes, authorities said on Tues- implement the standard operat- Bengal unit president, Sukanta
the apex court against the high recovery of a 5.5kg improvised on July 19. NIA had earlier day, rekindling memories of ing procedure (SOP) on Char Majumdar on Tuesday said that
court’s order. explosive device (IED) which arrested three persons in this mass fake Covid-19 tests during Dham Yatra”, said Satpal Maha- he will fight against the “Taliban-
“Tentatively, we are indicating was dropped using a drone in case,” the spokesperson added. the Kumbh Mela earlier this year raj, Uttarakhand’s minister of isation of the state” by the ruling
that we will quash the last part of Jammu on June 27. The raids were conducted that undermined efforts to con- religious affairs and culture. Trinamool Congress .
the high court judgment as once On the same day, two drones with the assistance of J&K Police trol the spread of the pandemic. “We are happy that the yatra Referring to the post-poll vio-
the charge sheet is quashed, noth- had also targeted an Indian Air and the Central Reserve Police Police said the 18 people were has started after the high court lence incidents in the state,
ing remains for the investigating Force facility in Jammu with Force. Several digital devices and caught on Monday at a check allowed it, though with certain Majumdar alleged that many
agency to find out whether you explosives, leading investigators other incriminating materials post at Sonprayag in Rudra- The premises of the Badrinath shrine, one of the Char Dham sites, conditions. However, at the BJP supporters were killed by
are a member of the organized to suspect the role of Pakistan- were recovered during the prayag district, some 24 km being sanitised on September 17. HT PHOTO same time, we will not leave any members of a minority commu-
crime syndicate under KCOCA,” based Lashkar-e-Taiba terror searches, the NIA spokesperson from Kedarnath, one of the four stone unturned to ensure that nity. He didn’t name the commu-
the Supreme Court bench said. group and its newly-created arm said. One Nadeem-ul-Haq was shrines of Hinduism. The other from neighbouring states were documents of the pilgrims trav- the SOP (standard operating pro- nity. “This was never Bengal’s
The SIT had taken approval in the Valley -- The Resistance caught by police when he was three are Badrinath, Gangotri caught at Sonprayag, where the elling to Kedarnath. cedure) is strictly implemented culture...though political clashes
from Karnataka’s additional Front -- behind the aerial attack. heading towards the Valley after and Yamunotri. The pilgrimage pilgrimage to Kedarnath actually “After Monday’s incident, the amid the ongoing pandemic,” are not new... With the coopera-
director general of police on The searches in Doda and picking the IED in Bathindi on began on Saturday under strict starts.It was the first such inci- administration has become said Maharaj. “Only those hav- tion of my predecessors and the
August 14, 2018, to invoke sections Kishtwar districts of Jammu June 27. However, the target for Covid-19 restrictions, with some dent since the yatra started on more alert in the backdrop of the ing the required documents will central leadership, I will con-
under the KCOCA against Nayak. province and Anantnag, Baram- the IED blast is not yet known as 42,000 people issued mandatory Saturday,” he said. alleged Covid test scam in Harid- be allowed to visit the shrines.” tinue my fight against the tali-
A probe by the agency had ulla, Kulgam and Srinagar in Haq was reportedly only e-passes. The pilgrims told police that war Mahakumbh,” a police offi- The Char Dham Yatra, which banisation of the state” Majum-
revealed that Nayak was in close Kashmir Valley on Tuesday were directed to collect the explosive The 18 people were carrying they obtained the e-passes from cer privy to developments said. attracts about 40 lakh pilgrims dar said, addressing party lead-
touch with Amol Kale, the main held following inputs suggesting device, officials said. e-passes that were discovered to a cyber cafe in their neighbour- Some 100,000 fake rapid tests annually, was put on hold by the ers and the media at the BJP
accused in the murder. Kale is the involvement of a few people According to people familiar be fake after the authorities ing areas. “They claimed they allegedly conducted during the Uttarakhand high court on June state office.
also facing a probe in connection from these areas in the IED with both incidents on June 27, didn’t find their names in the list didn’t know that the e-passes Kumbh Mela in April-May 28, citing Covid concerns. The Reacting to Majumdar’s alle-
with the murders of political recovery case. probe agencies suspect the of people accredited by the Char were fake,” said Agrawal. sparked widespread criticism of pilgrimage was given the gation, TMC Raj Sabha member
activist Govind Pansare at Kolha- “Investigation revealed that drones flew in from a village Dham Devasthanam Manage- The district top cop said the state administration. At the go-ahead on September 16 but Sukhendu Sekhar Roy said, “The
pur in Maharashtra in February Pakistan-based handlers of pro- across the border through tech- ment Board, Rudraprayag super- police turned them back and time, the Uttarakhand high court with several restrictions Talibanisaton he is talking about
2015, and noted Kannada writer scribed terror outfit LeT and nical help provided by the Paki- intendent of police Ayush issued directions to personnel at came down heavily on the gov- The Char Dham Devasthanam can be seen in BJP-ruled states.
MM Kalburgi in August 2015 in their associates based in J&K are stan Army and its Inter-Services Agrawal said. all six barriers in Rudraprayag to ernment. Management Board has so far Majumdar should check the
Dharwad, also in Maharashtra. planning terrorist activities in Intelligence (ISI) wing. “The 18 people who had come thoroughly check all required “We don’t want to take any issued over 42,000 e-passes. facts first.” HTC
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 My India 07
150.5 million tonne kharif BJP MAY DROP
OVER 50% OF AAP vows job quota for Goa
residents before state polls
foodgrain output projected TO BLUNT ANTI-
INCUMBENCY Gerard de Souza
[email protected]
came to a standstill after the
Supreme Court in February
tonne than the five-year average Smriti Kak Ramachandran 2018 cancelled the renewals of
Zia Haq
oilseeds production of 20.42 mil- 88 operational mining leases
[email protected] [email protected]
lion tonne. India will still have to PANAJI: Delhi chief minister and and asked that they be issued
import edible oils, as it routinely NEW DELHI: After changing Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) afresh, the Covid-19 induced
NEW DELHI: India has projected does, to meet domestic demand. chief ministers in Gujarat and national convener Arvind Kejri- lockdown has adversely affected
a record foodgrain output of The data also estimated Uttarakhand, the Bharatiya Jan- wal on Tuesday announced one the tourism industry. Kejriwal
150.5 million tonne from sum- record sugarcane output of ata Party (BJP) is looking to drop job for each family in Goa and assured a monthly remunera-
mer crops (2021-22) despite an 419.25 million tonnes. as many as half of the sitting leg- 80% reservation in private sec- tion of ₹5,000 to families
erratic monsoon, up 4% from the “The estimates will undergo islators to blunt anti-incum- tor jobs for local residents if his dependent on the two industries
previous year, official estimates revision later, but they point to bency in the states going to polls party forms the next govern- Arvind Kejriwal till these sectors are normalised.
on Tuesday showed. good harvests. However, the in 2022, said party functionaries ment in the state. Taking a dig at the ruling
The government’s first of the trends are more or less similar as aware of the details. Kejriwal, who made similar create job opportunities here. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in
four quarterly estimates of food earlier. Cereals tend are higher In the previous assembly elec- promises in poll-bound Uttara- You need an honest government the state for allegedly “copying”
production, a key indicator of the than non-cereals,” said Abhishek tions, the party had dropped khand on Sunday, also assured with good intentions,” he said. the AAP’s governance model by
country’s farm sector that Agrawal of Comtrade, a com- 15-20% of the sitting MLAs, but monthly income supports for “Government jobs are promising free water and door-
employs half of all Indians, modities firm. the figure could be much higher unemployed youths and those reserved for Goans with 15 years step services scheme of his gov-
pointed to plentiful harvests of The latest kharif output fig- this time given public dissatis- dependent on mining and tour- of domicile... we will bring a law ernment, Kejriwal said: “Why
rice, coarse cereals, maize, ures show India’s agriculture faction over a host of govern- ism industries. to reserve 80% private jobs for vote for ‘duplicate’ when you
higher pulses, oilseeds, etc. sector appears to have emerged ance issues, said a senior party Addressing reporters here, Goan youth. We will ensure can vote for the ‘original’?”
Farm-produce output and unscathed during the second functionary. Assembly polls will the Delhi chief minister said employment to one youngster Reacting to Kejriwal’s
agricultural gross domestic Farmers reap a kharif harvest in eastern Rajasthan. HT FILE PHOTO Covid-19 wave, just as it had dur- be held in Punjab, Manipur, unemployment was one of the per household, and a monthly announcements, BJP leader and
product (agri GDP) was robust in ing the first outbreak in 2020. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, biggest issues facing the state stipend of ₹3,000 till that hap- former MP Narendra Sawaikar
2020-21, too, when the wider food prices crashing, which be nearly 34 million tonne, In 2020, when the country Goa, Gujarat and Himachal Pra- and the Covid-19 pandemic has pens,” he added. said: “It is easy to say anything.
economy came to a standstill hurts farmers’ incomes. higher by 2.11 million tonne than faced a recession, agriculture desh in 2022. “In several states, added to the woes. The AAP chief arrived in the These are hollow promises. The
due to strict Covid-19 restric- Still, these are early projec- the five-yearly average produc- was the only sector to record the party has carried out ground “Corona has made people state on Monday for a two-day people of Goa have seen the
tions, pointing to resilience of tions subject to revision when tion of 31.89 million tonne. positive growth. It grew 3.4% in surveys to assess the mood. unemployed, people have gone visit, to drum up support for his work done by the BJP govern-
the rural sector. final production figures at the According to Tuesday’s offi- the June 2020 quarter, when the MLAs were also asked to submit bankrupt. For many years, Goa party ahead of polls in February ment over the last nine-and-a-
Robust food output will likely end of the harvest season cial data, the production of overall economy shrank 24.4%. their report cards of the work has not had mining, there was next year. He also tried to woo half to ten years and will vote on
keep a lid on food inflation. become available. According to pulses is estimated to be 9.4 mil- When all-India growth returned done in the last five years, which unemployment on that front the people dependent on mining the basis of that.”
Overall inflation levels of the so-called first advance esti- lion tonne, largely the same as to positive territory in the were tallied with the party’s own too. Many youngsters are forced and tourism sectors, the major In the 2017 polls, the AAP had
between 4-6% offer the Reserve mates 2021-22, rice output is esti- last year. Pulses are among a December 2020 quarter, expand- findings. Those whose perform- to leave the state. We have to recruiters in Goa. While mining drawn a blank.
Bank greater flexibility in adjust- mated to be 107.04 million ton- clutch of items that tend to stoke ing 0.4%, agriculture grew ance has not been up to the
ing its monetary policies to keep nes, up 5 million tonne from the food prices, along with oilseeds higher at 3.9%. Two years of mark will not be repeated,” the
the country’s nascent economic previous year. or edible oil. Summer oilseeds back-to-back normal monsoon functionary said, requesting
recovery on track. However,
gluts in some items tend to send
Coarse cereals output, such as
oats and pearl millets, are set to
are pegged at 23.39 million
tonne, higher by 2.96 million
(2019 and 2020) was also to
record farm output.
The legislators are being
assessed on parameters such as
Centre drops proposal for uranium
the spending of local area devel-
opment funds, projects done to
empower the marginalised, and
mining in T’gana forests amid stir
their contribution to the big- Srinivasa Rao Apparasu NEITHER THE the proposal.

Speaker seeks report on members’ attendance ticket Seva Hi Sangathan pro-

gramme — the party’s welfare
programme launched during
[email protected]

HYDERABAD: The Union minis-

“After thorough deliberation
and discussions, the FAC recom-
mends that the proposal may be
Saubhadra Chatterji other panels. secretary general of Lok Sabha, P the pandemic. Surveys were try of environment and forests OF WILDLIFE HAD closed, in absence of proper rec-
Apart from that, a committee Sreedharan. done across constituencies (MoEF) has withdrawn the pro- ommendation of the state gov-
[email protected]
has also been formed to look into But officials ruled out online where people’s feedback on the posal to allow Atomic Minerals
RECOMMENDED ernment,” the FAC said.
NEW DELHI: To streamline the the rules that govern the func- meetings. “Online meetings can government’s performance was Directorate for Exploration and THE PROPOSAL In May 2019, the AMDER
functioning of parliamentary tioning of the panels “and sug- compromise the non-partisan sought. “The Covid-19 pandemic Research (AMDER) to undertake south central region at Hydera-
committees through better par- gest changes that are necessary character of the panels and their came with an unprecedented survey and exploration of Ura- said. bad, a unit of the Department of
ticipation, the office of Lok in light of the developments in secrecy,” said another senior challenge. While the govern- nium ore in Nallamala forest According to the official, the Atomic Energy, sought permis-
Sabha Speaker Om Birla has recent years”. official on condition of anonym- ment did its bit by ramping up areas, following strong protests proposal for exploration of Ura- sion to conduct survey and
asked for a detailed report on the Insiders feel there are other ity. the health infrastructure, ensur- from locals and environmental- nium mining in the Nallamala exploration for Uranium ore in
attendance of members in these more important issues to con- Biju Janata Dal MP and chair- ing vaccination and scaling up ists, besides objections from the forests was considered by the the Nallamala forests and the
committees in the last financial Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla sider, such as the overlap of sub- man of the labour standing com- medical supplies, the party also state government, state forest FAC in its earlier meetings held FAC gave in-principle approval
year, according to a circular jects of different panels, quorum mittee, Bhartruhari Mahtab said, did its bit by organising relief department officials said on on May 22, 2019 and also on for the same in principle agree-
released on Monday. than standing committees and relaxation, and uniform rules for “There are many issues that work. The party president (JP Tuesday. April 23, 2020. ment in May.
Birla’s office wants to know the attendance of MPs in those all panels. might require a relook at the Nadda) had asked each state The decision, which came up Subsequently, the FAC The AMDER sought to drill
how many meetings were held meetings. “Several things have hap- rules. Most important is how unit to carry out campaigns to for discussion at the meeting of deferred the proposal seeking 4,000 boreholes in the tiger
by both department-related The Speaker’s office wants to pened particularly in the wake of long the panel proceedings will feed the needy, assist those who Forest Advisory Committee clarity in recommendation from reserve as part of survey for Ura-
standing committees and other closely monitor the attendance Covid-19. Many panels couldn’t be held in-camera. There is a lost their jobs and ensure 100% (FAC) of the MoEF as an addi- the state government. The obser- nium deposits. Within no time,
panels “and the number of sit- of MPs as officials have been told meet regularly and some MPs debate that while MPs work very vaccination in their respective tional agenda item on August 16, vations of the FAC were commu- environmentalists with the sup-
tings attended by each member”. to furnish weekly reports. This had demanded online meetings. hard in these panels, it is not booths under the Seva Hi San- was conveyed to the Telangana nicated to the state government, port of locals launched a Save
It also wants to know the “total has come at a time when there is But if there is any change in the reflected through the media. gathan campaign. The work government last week, an official which replied that, neither the Nallamala movement to build
number of sittings held during talk of shuffling the panels and a House rules, it has to be done by After all, the secrecy clause is done by the MLAs will also be in the state forest department state board of wildlife nor the pressure on the government to
the current term” of panels other plan to shift absentee MPs to the Rules panel,” said former usually to protect the executive.” counted,” said the functionary. familiar with the development government has recommended drop the proposal.

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2021


Akhara head’s disciple held U.P. TEEN RAPED IN

EXPRESSWAY: COPS In old draft, JPC proposed
for abetment, UP forms SIT Hemendra Chaturvedi
[email protected] to back some safeguards
HT Correspondent An 18-member special investi- AGRA: A 14-year-old girl was
[email protected]
gation team has been formed for allegedly raped in a moving pri- Deeksha Bhardwaj THE JPC HAS BEEN that will be presented to Parlia-
this and will be headed by Colo- vate bus when she was travelling ment for legislation.
PRAYAGRAJ: Police on Tuesday nelganj circle officer (CO) Ajeet with her family on the Yamuna [email protected] LOOKING INTO THE As far as the ability of the gov-
arrested a disciple of influential Singh Chauhan and will also Expressway on the intervening NEW DELHI: The draft report of DRAFT LAW SINCE ernment to seek exemptions, the
Hindu seer Narendra Giri on have Daraganj CO Astha Jaiswal night of Monday and Tuesday, the joint parliamentary commit- 2019 AND WAS committee said section 35 of the
charges of abetting the latter’s apart from members of the Pray- police said. tee (JPC) on the data protection Act should include the test for
alleged suicide and formed an agraj crime branch. “Statements Based on the complaint by the bill, drawn up when it was
GIVEN SEVERAL “just, fair, reasonable and pro-
18-member special investigation of sewadars and disciples at the girl’s mother, a first information headed by Bharatiya Janata DEADLINE portionate procedure” to curb
team to probe the death even as math will be recorded,” said report (FIR) was lodged against Party (BJP) MP Meenakshi EXTENSIONS any misuse. Any requests to
chief minister Yogi Adityanath Prayagraj senior superintendent two support staff of the bus at Lekhi, was finally circulated last override protections to personal
promised to spare no culprits of police Sarvshrestha Tripathi. Shikohabad police station of Fir- week among the members of the data would require the govern-
and the Opposition demanded The police scanned Giri’s cell- ozabad, they added. panel as a summary of proceed- be applied irrespective of any ment meet the tests of necessity,
an inquiry. phone and found a video of him According to the FIR, a ings, people aware of the matter other law governing contractual proportionality and legitimate
Giri -- the president of the reportedly shot before he died in 30-year-old woman was seated said. relations between a data fiduci- state action as laid down in the
Akhada Parishad, the largest which he said the same things as in front of the Kanpur-bound The report was in penultimate ary and a data principal in so far Puttuswamy judgment, the sum-
congregation of Hindu seers in found in the suicide note. bus with her 14-year-old daugh- stages and some of its key sug- as they relate to the contours of mary added.
India, and mahant (chief priest) The note itself was widely cir- ter, and 18-year-old niece when gestions -- while still under dis- the bill. A proposal to allow data prin-
of the Bade Hanuman Temple in Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath pays tribute to culated on social media. In that, the incident took place. cussion -- may likely be retained It will supersede other laws, cipals to choose how their data
Prayagraj -- was found hanging Narendra Giri in Prayagraj on Tuesday. PTI the seer admitted to having The woman alleged that two in the report that will now be including the information tech- will be handled after their death
from a ceiling fan in his room in attempted suicide on September staff on the bus, identified as drawn up under the new chair- nology act and even the tele- was also included, the person
the Baghambari Gaddi Math in complaint by Pawan Maharaj, a as someone who always tried to 13 but changing his mind at the Bablu and Anshu, offered her person, BJP’s PP Chaudhary, the graph act, experts said, if the rec- mentioned above said.
Prayagraj on Monday evening. staffer at the math who reported make every religious event in last minute. The note also con- liquor when she went inside one people said on condition of ano- ommendations are accepted and Asked if the IT Act had failed
A purported suicide note by the note to the authorities. Prayagraj a mega success befit- tained the will of the seer, of the AC cabins. After she threw nymity. included in the final legislation. to regulate intermediaries,
the seer named his disciple and “He (Anand Giri) is being ting the grandeur of the city. including the succession plan at the glass out of the window, The JPC has been looking into The summary report also says Supreme Court lawyer NS Nap-
the Math’s de-facto number 2, brought to Allahabad for further “I would request all to refrain the akhada. Bablu caught hold of her hand the draft law since 2019 and has the Information Technology Act pinai said it was a possibility.
Anand Giri, Bade Hanuman probe,” additional director gen- from unnecessary statements in Samajwadi Party president and broke her bangles. When been given several deadline was unable to manage social “But for this, the IT Act has to be
Temple priest Aadya Tiwari, and eral (law & order) Prashant this sensitive case and allow the Akhilesh Yadav also paid trib- she moved out of the cabin, she extensions -- the latest being due media intermediaries, and that reviewed for amendments. But-
his son Sandeep Tiwari of har- Kumar said, adding that evi- investigating agencies to pro- utes to the late seer and found her daughter was missing to a change in several members, “the Act had not been able to tressing shortfalls in IT Act
assing him, said police. dence in the case was being col- ceed responsibly. A five-member demanded a judicial probe into from the seat, she added. including the chairperson, after regulate social media platforms through a data protection law
Anand Giri was taken into lected. An “unbiased and trans- team [of doctors] will conduct a his death by a sitting high court “My daughter was seen com- Lekhi was inducted as a minis- adequately because the Act has may not be the solution,” she
custody in Haridwar on Monday parent” probe into the matter is post-mortem on the body on judge. A lawyer named Sunil ing out of another cabin and was ter. The report drafted at the not been able to keep at pace said.
night and arrested after several on and the state police is capable Wednesday. The culprits will not Choudhary also wrote to the in tears. She said that one of the time was yet to be circulated for with the changing nature of the Nappinai added that the pro-
hours of interrogation, said of handling the case, the officer be spared,” Adityanath said. chief justice of the Allahabad staff, Anshu, outraged her mod- final inputs by members despite social media ecosystem”. posed Section 35 has drawn the
police. said. About the veracity of the The CM also said a team of high court, seeking a Central esty,” the FIR stated quoting the their demands. The Personal Data Protection most flak.
Additional director general of purported suicide note, Kumar senior police officers, including Bureau of Investigation probe, woman. As per the summary now Bill, 2019 has general provisions “Sometimes I feel that many
police (Prayagraj zone) Prem said forensic experts were look- the ADG, inspector general and requesting the letter to be “Both the accused got off the shared, the report proposed to regarding social media plat- other important concerns get
Prakash said a case under Sec- ing into it. deputy inspector general of treated as a PIL. bus.Teams are being sent to nab treat social media platforms as forms and intermediaries and overlooked due to the focus on
tion 306 (abetment to suicide) Adityanath visited the ashram Prayagraj and the divisional The Congress demanded a the accused from the spots publishers -- a move that would the committee felt the need to this provision. The PDP 2018 had
was lodged against Anand Giri at and paid his last respects to the commissioner, will oversee the timebound inquiry into the where they got down,” said AK make them liable for content immediately regulate such plat- a similar provision but exemp-
Georgetown police station on a late seer and remembered him investigation. death. Shukla, SSP (Firozabad). posted by users -- and to add forms. tions were only permissible
back the condition of “just, fair, The person mentioned above through parliament enacted law.
reasonable and proportionate” said the “designated intermedia- Even that was considered a dilu-
in Section 35, which deals with ries are working as publishers of tion. That any executive act or

Channi arrives in Delhi, discusses cabinet expansion exemptions that the government
can claim in accessing personal
data, one of the people cited
the content, owing to the fact
that they have the ability to
select the receiver of content and
procedure has to be “just fair
reasonable or proportionate” is a
sine qua non (it is obvious),” she
and his team separately. a clean break from the previous above said. also exercise control over the said. “If that is an addition being
HT Correspondent With less than five months to go setup,” a person familiar with the This was of particular con- access to any such content proposed, it does not really pro-
[email protected] for the assembly elections in the matter said, preferring anonymity. cern because the bill cleared by hosted by them, therefore, a tect against misuse, but merely
state, Channi and Sidhu are keen The names doing the rounds for the government allowed for the mechanism must be devised for reiterates the obvious.”
CHANDIGARH: Punjab chief min- to expand the council of ministers inclusion in the cabinet include government to claim an exemp- their regulation”. Nappinai highlighted that the
ister Charanjit Singh Channi, his to accommodate some people Inderbir Singh Bolaria (Amritsar tion as long as it felt it was “nec- Many of these are part of clubbing of personal and non-
two deputies Sukhjinder Singh from the group that took on south), Amrinder Singh Raja War- essary or expedient” to do so in a changes being considered by the personal data is untenable.
Randhawa and OP Soni, and state former chief minister Captain ring (Gidderbaha), Pargat Singh particular set of circumstances, JPC, which is studying the per- “Assuming that PDP and NPD
Congress president Navjot Singh Amarinder Singh. They also want (Jalandhar Cantt), Sangat Singh such as those relating to national sonal data protection bill, sent to have now been possibly com-
Sidhu met the central leadership to get cracking on an 18-point Gilizian (Urmar) and Madan Lal security. it for further deliberation after pressed into a single enactment,
of the Congress in Delhi on Tues- agenda drawn up by the central Jalalpur (Ghanaur). Gilzian, who The test of “just, fair, reasona- parliamentarians objected to the the same is not entirely unwel-
day to discuss the expansion of the leadership to deliver on the poll has been seeking due representa- ble and proportionate” was part version introduced in Parlia- come but to do so as in Sec. 91 of
state cabinet, said people aware of promises made by the party in tion for backward classes in the of the first version of the law, ment in 2019, the officials said. PDP 2019 is completely unsus-
the details. 2017. cabinet, had made a personal which was presented as the rec- The final report of the JPC is tainable. If the errors of that pro-
The party high command was “The new cabinet will see the request to Rahul Gandhi for inclu- ommendation of the Srikrishna yet to be tabled in Parliament vision have been carried over,
represented by AICC general sec- induction of a few new faces by sion in the new cabinet when he Committee. and the committee has now the same is likely to be afflicted
retary (organisation) KC Venugo- keeping out some of those who was in Chandigarh to attend the The summary, the people sought until the winter session with the malaise of excessive
pal and AICC Punjab incharge were part of the Amarinder Singh oath-taking ceremony of the new cited above said, also proposed to submit its report. To be sure, delegation of parliamentary
Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi with PPCC chief Navjot Singh Harish Rawat. Rajya Sabha mem- cabinet and involved in controver- chief minister and his two depu- to refer the 2019 Bill as the data the central government will powers to government authori-
Sidhu at Punjab Bhawan in New Delhi on Tuesday. RAJ K RAJ/HT PHOTO ber Ambika Soni also met Channi sies to give it a fresh look and make ties on Monday, the people said. protection bill, 2021 and that it decide the final shape of the bill ties,” she said.

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 My India 09
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GUV... Koshyari and the MVA have amber, green traffic light sys- with the UK at the highest levels, The US President has faced ing a dispute with Iran over its nology rules, two divergent and politicians. Days later, police
Parliament to discuss the same. been locked in a bitter tussle for tem” to a single red list of coun- including by Shringla and Jais- criticism and questions at home nuclear program. He vowed to approaches in the development arrested the main accused,
A week ago, a delegation of quite some time. tries and “simplified travel meas- hankar, in recent months. and abroad about the pullout of defend US ally Israel but said a of artificial intelligence - and 55-year-old Radhey Shyam and
BJP women legislators met Last year, Koshyari wrote to ures” for arrivals from around Experts have weighed in on international troops from two-state solution with the Pal- ultimately two different military his three associates, Kuldeep
Koshyari and urged him to direct the chief minister about reopen- the world. the controversy, urging regula- Afghanistan, including from estinians is still needed but a dis- and geopolitical strategies,” Singh, Salim Ahmed and Laxmi
the state government to convene ing places of worship in the state Under the rules, only people tory authorities around the allies and partners such as India, tant goal. He said the US wants Guterres said. “This is a recipe Narayan.
a two-day special session of the amid the raging Covid-19 pan- who have got both shots of a world to accept the World and of the chaotic evacuation “sustained diplomacy” to resolve for trouble. It would be far less “Accused Radhey Shyam
state legislature to discuss vio- demic outbreak and asked if double dose vaccine such as the Health Organization’s emer- marked by the killing of 13 US the crisis surrounding North predictable than the Cold War.” threw his own mobile phone
lence against women. Following Thackeray, who is also the presi- Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer or gency use listing to recognise troops and about 200 Afghan Korea’s nuclear and ballistic (that also had porn content),
this, Koshyari wrote a letter to dent of the ruling Shiv Sena, had Moderna or the single shot Jans- coronavirus vaccines. civilians. Ten people were killed missile programs. North Korea With inputs from agencies bedding of the takht (Where he
the chief minister and said that “suddenly turned secular”. sen vaccine “under an approved “We cannot have multiple in a US drone strike during that has rejected US overtures to and Kuldeep raped deceased)
he could consider the demand. Thackeray also reminded the vaccination program in the UK, *classes* of vaccines for travel. period who turned out to be engage in talks. PRIEST... and foot wear of the deceased in
Thackeray responded with a governor that secularism was Europe, US or UK vaccine pro- The Multilateral Leaders Task civilians, including seven chil- Discussing oppression of ₹20,000 to stifle the charges, the the burning pyre of the deceased.
strongly-worded four-page letter one of tenets of the Constitution gramme overseas” will be con- Force ‘calls on all regulatory dren, and not Islamic State- racial, ethnic and religious police charge sheet added, quot- The traces of the mobile phone
and referred to the cases of rape that he swore upon while taking sidered fully vaccinated. People authorities around the world Khorasan operatives as the US minorities, Biden singled out ing statements from the victim’s have been found in the ash lifted
and murder of women in BJP- oath as Maharashtra governor. who have received these jabs in the acceptance of the initially described them. China’s Xinjiang region where parents. “….all four accused by the forensic team from the
ruled states such as Uttar Pra- The governor is yet to clear Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, WHO Emergency Use Listing The US President went on to rights groups estimate that one threatened the parents of the pyre of the deceased,” the police
desh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and the 12 names approved by the Barbados, Bahrain, Brunei, procedure’,” Gita Gopinath, the reiterate the importance of million Uyghurs and other eth- deceased and by taking advan- said in its charge sheet.
Jammu and Kashmir (a Union state cabinet in November last Canada, Dominica, Israel, Japan, chief economist at the Interna- working together with other nic minorities have been tage of their poverty, illiteracy The charge sheet accuses the
territory) and said that the issue year to be appointed as the Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, tional Monetary Fund, said in a countries and multilateral bod- interned in camps. and their affiliation to an four people of rape, wrongful
was not only limited to Sakinaka. members of the legislative coun- Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, tweet on Saturday, a day after ies. Over the last eight months, UN Secretary-General Anto- oppressed section of society, confinement, murder, destruc-
In the letter sent to Koshyari on cil. Every six years, 12 members South Korea or Taiwan will also the UK’s new rules were he said, he prioritised “rebuild- nio Guterres, who begins a sec- they managed to oppress their tion of evidence, and under Pro-
Monday, Thackeray also pointed are nominated to the upper be considered fully vaccinated, announced. ing our alliances, revitalizing our ond five-year term at the helm of thought process and forcefully tection of Children from Sexual
out that the government and house of the state legislature by the UK added. partnerships, and recognizing the world body on January 1, cremated the deceased,” read the Offences (Pocso) Act and the
Mumbai Police acted swiftly in the governor on the recommen- UK recognises the Oxford-As- DECISIVE... they are essential and central to warned earlier of the dangers of charge sheet, filed by police on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
the case and the culprits were dation of the state government. traZeneca vaccine that is mar- He said the US will double its America’s enduring security and the growing gap between China August 28. HT has seen the doc- Tribe Prevention of Atrocities
arrested soon after the incident. Koshyari was a senior BJP keted by AstraZeneca as Vaxze- financial commitment on cli- prosperity”. He spoke of NATO and the United States, the ument. Act.
“As the governor you have leader before his appointment as vria, but not Covishield. In mate aid and spend $10 billion to and EU, which also faced wither- world’s largest economies. The Dalit girl was found dead On September 9, a local Delhi
expressed concern over violence governor. He was also chief min- August, phase 2 /3 trials by fight hunger. ing criticism and harsh words “I fear our world is creeping in a crematorium near Purani court took cognisance of the
against women in the backdrop ister of Uttarakhand. Serum Institute of India estab- “We’ll stand up for our allies from Trump. towards two different sets of eco- Nangal village on August 1, charge sheet, summoning the
of Sakinaka case. We are also lished the bio-equivalence and our friends and oppose “We elevated the Quad part- nomic, trade, financial and tech- sparking protests by activists accused on September 29.
concerned about the same. But INDIA... between the doses. The findings attempts by stronger countries nership among Australia, India,
the matter is not limited only to even been supplied to Britain at of the trial was released as pre- to dominate weaker ones, Japan and the United States to
Sakinaka, in fact it is a nation- the request of the UK govern- print by The Lancet. whether through changes to ter- take on challenges ranging from
wide problem and hence the ment, and used by the National Congress MP and former min- ritory by force, economic coer- health security to climate to
entire women community is Health Service. ister Shashi Tharoor said he had cion, technical exploitation or emerging technologies,” Biden
looking at you with big hope. “Therefore, non-recognition cancelled a planned book tour of disinformation. But we’re not said of the Quad, which is sched-
Thus, I want you to demand of Covishield is a discriminatory Britain to protest against the seeking – I’ll say it again – we are uled to hold its first in-person
from Prime Minister Narendra policy and does impact on those rules. “It is offensive to ask fully not seeking a new Cold War or a summit meeting on Friday, with
Modi and Union home minister of our citizens travelling to the vaccinated Indians to quaran- world divided into rigid blocs,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
Amit Shah to call a four-day spe- UK,” he said. tine,” he said. Biden said. “The United States is Australia’ Scott Morrison and
cial session of the Parliament to “Urged early resolution of Shringla said India had ready to work with any nation Japan’s Yoshihide Suga at the
discuss it in detail. Sakinaka case quarantine issue in mutual inter- offered some partner countries that steps up and pursues peace- White House. The first summit
can also be discussed during the est,” Jaishankar tweeted after his the option of mutual recognition ful resolution to share challen- of the group was held virtually in
same session,” stated Thackeray meeting with Truss. of vaccine certification. ges even if we have intense disa- March at President Biden’s initi-
in his letter. Shringla said the minister “Obviously, as we go along, we greement in other areas.” ative, elevating engagement of
“In the Delhi incident, not raised the issue “strongly” with will have to see how it goes. But Biden stressed a decidedly the group rapidly from the level
only the culprits killed the vic- Truss and was given certain if we don’t get satisfaction, we contrasting theme in his speech of officials to ministers.
tim, they even burnt her body. assurances “that this issue would be within our rights to to Trump’s America First Though the US President did
The incident happened in the would be resolved”. impose reciprocal measures,” he approach as he called for coun- not name China, it formed the
national capital where entire The UK said on Monday it is said. tries to work together. Citing the backdrop for chunks of his FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT, INDIA
union ministry sits,” Thackeray working with India on the recog- Shringla said the Covid-19-re- death and devastation brought speech. Arguing that the world
wrote in the letter. nition of Covid-19 vaccine certifi- lated travel restrictions of the US on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the faced a choice between those DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
He also pointed out that cation issued by Indian authori- policy had been gradually liber- American President said “our who support western demo- MINISTRY OF FINANCE
Mumbai Police had acted swiftly ties following criticism of the alised and India’s category shared grief is a poignant cratic values and authoritarian GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
and arrested the suspects in no new travel restrictions, suggest- within the American policy had reminder that our collective regimes like China, he said: “The
time. “I have directed that the ing that the recognition of the been upgraded. He noted, for future will hinge on our ability to future belongs to those who give Notice Inviting Bids for Selection of Consulting Agency for
case will be tried in a fast track certificates themselves is an instance, that visas for Indian recognise our common human- their people the ability to Establishing a Project Management Unit (PMU) for Financial
court. I have also strictly issue to be worked out. students were being speeded up ity, and to act together… I believe breathe free, not those who seek
directed the police to give A British high commission by the US. we must work together as never to suffocate their people with an
Intelligence Network 2.0 of Financial Intelligence Unit, India
utmost priority to women secu- spokesperson said: “We are Going forward, a number of before”. iron hand authoritarianism.” Tender Ref. No. 9-56/2020/ISMG/FIU-IND/Vol. 2
rity and take all the necessary engaging with the government Indian professionals are Defending his decision to end “The authoritarians of the
steps…Government is doing its of India to explore how we could expected to be given American the Afghanistan war, he said: world, they seek to proclaim the Financial Intelligence Unit-INDIA invites bids for selection of Consulting
job hence your directive to con- expand UK recognition of vac- visas and it was “positive news” “We’ve ended 20 years of conflict end of the age of democracy, but Agency for Establishing a Project Management Unit (PMU) for Financial
vene a special session to discuss cine certification to people vacci- that fully vaccinated people in Afghanistan. And as we close they’re wrong.” Intelligence Network 2.0 to assist FIU-IND in management, governance,
the issue can create a new con- nated by a relevant public health would be allowed to travel to the this period of relentless war Overcoming global challenges
troversy. Honorable Governor’s body in India.” US, he said. we’re opening a new era of “will hinge on our ability to monitoring and administering of the aforesaid Financial Intelligence Network
support to the demand made by The new UK rules, which The Indian side was especially relentless diplomacy of using the recognize our common human- 2.0 (FINnet 2.0). The RFP can be downloaded from the CPP portal (www.
those who are against the gov- were unveiled on Friday, were upset by the new rules as vacci- power of our development aid to ity”, Biden said. and FIU-IND website ( from
ernment can be lethal for parlia- described by Britain as an effort nation-related travel restrictions invest in new ways of lifting peo- Biden added that he remains
mentary democracy,” he added. to change the current “red, had been repeatedly taken up ple up.” committed to peacefully resolv-
September 24, 2021.
davp 15314/11/0001/2122
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
India’s financial
UK is wrong system gets a reset
on vaccines With a bad bank, lower
rates, and account
An entire way of doing business cheaper as well as more widespread
was reset as India Inc was forced to credit. India is leading the world in
embrace digitalisation and formalisa- public digital goods, and China’s
Its position on the entry of Indian travellers aggregators, the country tion more thoroughly. The earlier recent crackdown on walled data gar-
mechanism of inflating invoices, set- dens is a doffing of the hat. Sooner or
into the country is illogical and harmful is ready for a ting up projects with next to no real later, America will follow, despite all
cleaner credit cycle equity, and, if things went south, the the entrenched lobbies.

ravellers to the United Kingdom (UK) will not sovereign picking the tab, was no But, in the here and now, bank bal-
be considered fully vaccinated if they have

ndia’s non-performing assets longer viable. Equally, siphoning off ance-sheets remain damaged. IBC has
received their coronavirus vaccines in India (NPAs) increased at the begin- large sums from minority sharehold- led to some clear gains, and we now
ning of the last decade because ers made less sense now because of even have a prepackaged version for India cannot fully copy either the Anglo-American model of capital mark-
from next month. According to the UK’s new of the natural turn of the busi- better transnational vigilance as well micro, small and medium enterprises. ets, nor can we copy the East Asian-Continental European model of banks
travel rules, only people from European Union ness cycle, but also because as limits on spending huge sums in The idea of not immediately having a having very close ties to industry and unions because our society is far
nations, the United States and 17 other countries are much of the underwriting was cash domestically. bad bank was based on more heterogeneous HEMANT MISHRA/ MINT
done based on political due diligence Demonetisation led to a avoiding moral hazard — if
allowed to skip mandatory home isolation and rather than commercial due dili- lot of cash entering the banks know they will be together and floating an asset recon- onto the property ladder while sys-
testing requirements on arrival. The rule has gence. As we entered a strong dollar banking system, but some bailed out by having their struction company (ARC), with the tematically building an equity portfo-
justifiably triggered angry reactions. India is, after cycle globally from 2011-12 to 2020-21, of the benefits were worst assets bought with government giving a limited guaran- lio as well as reducing risks through
the chickens came home to roost with wasted for two reasons. reasonable or no haircuts, tee for the paper (security receipts) insurance.
all, one of the largest manufacturers of vaccines for the pandemic being the final kick. One, the then Reserve
years, the credentials of its industries are on solid Harsh Gupta they will have zero incen- that this National Asset Reconstruc- India cannot fully copy either the
A new reformist and anti-cronyist Bank of India governor, tive to do any diligence. tion Company Limited will issue, may Anglo-American model of capital
government in 2014 ironically wor- Urjit Patel, let the rupee Madhusudan That is a valid fear but, well be just what the doctor ordered. markets first because financial liter-
footing, and one of the vaccines being used was
sened things in the short-term. Infla- strengthen inordinately in right now, we are at the ARC will remove almost $30 billion of acy remains an issue here (and indeed
developed by none other than one of England’s most tion targeting, the Insolvency Bank- 2017-18 without seeing other end of the spectrum NPAs from the system in two phases, globally), nor can we copy the East
renowned institutions: the University of Oxford. The ruptcy Code (IBC), the Real Estate through inflation pressures — this — economic-financial sadism and and because the said debt will be Asian-Continental European model of
UK’s inexplicable position will erode goodwill in Regulatory Act and the Goods and gravely hurt exports and industry. He masochism. owned by one entity, the further reso- banks having close ties to industry
Services Tax increased uncertainty, should have, instead, built up The pandemic has given us an lution through IBC is likely to be and unions because our society and
India, especially since it has no scientific basis. even though they were growth reserves. Two, the increase in per- opportunity to make a clean start, and faster. The government guarantee is a polity is far more heterogeneous.
Why does the UK government then not trust enhancers in the long-term. sonal peak income tax rates in 2019 we must grab it with both hands. reasonable $4 billion, is time-bound, Thankfully, we do not have to
India’s vaccination drive? One theory is that neither We also overdid the checks and bal- was another stick, when a carrot was Already, lower bond yields have par- and may not even be used but is abso- choose — while we will learn from
ances on public sector lending, and required to improve compliance. tially repaired bank treasuries to lutely critical. It may be a more effi- everyone, we will craft our own way
of the vaccines widely used in India — Covishield and some good solvent businesses entered Nonetheless, the bold steps out- some extent (lower yield means cient use of capital than more direct based on our genius, away from false
Covaxin — have been authorised by the UK’s the spiral of illiquidity even as many number the mistakes. Corporate tax higher bond prices). If we are to build bailouts, though that cannot be ruled binaries, and let others discuss the
regulator. If this is indeed the reason, it is illogical. underlying frauds were exposed. rates were cut and a bunch of aggres- trillions of dollars worth of infrastruc- out. Depending on how this evolves, Indian model of finance. And that
Credit growth stalled and the NPA sive reforms have continued right ture in this decade, then we will need we may have to readjust a bit. model just received a big reboot over
Covishield, which accounts for close to 90% of doses ratio worsened, with non-performing through the pandemic. India’s Unified all hands on deck — developmental Healthy financial intermediation the last few months.
given in India, is the same vaccine as Oxford- to gross loan ratio crossing around Payment Interface is being taken financial institutions, capital markets allows, for example, the young who
AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria, which the UK recognises. 10% in 2018, a number last seen in global, and the equally revolutionary (INVITs, REITs where the government are rich in human capital but not Harsh Gupta Madhusudan is the co-au-
2002. Despite some fiscal and mone- account aggregators idea will lead to is also liberalising), and, of course, financial capital to borrow from those thor of A New Idea of India, and an inves-
The bio-equivalence between the two products has tary easing pre-Covid-19 (around tax and payment meta-data being healthy private and public banks. who have the latter. It allows the poor tor by profession
been established in Phase 2/3 clinical trials (The 2019), it was clearly not enough. used for better analytics, and, hence, A consortium of banks coming and the neo-middle class to climb The views expressed by personal
Lancet is carrying out a peer review). In fact,
according to a July 9 statement by the UK’s

15 years after SC’s order,

parliamentary under-secretary, Nadim Zahawi, even
Vaxzevria doses made by Covishield-maker Serum { ALOK SHARMA } COP-26 PRESIDENT
Institute of India are recognised in the UK. A second,
and more likely, theory is that the problem lies in
Covid-19 vaccine certificates issued by India. This
was alluded to by UK officials on Monday, and it
police reforms languish CoP-26 [is] our last, best chance
seems to be the problem with several other n the 15th anniversary of Police and members of the public, but it refrained to keep 1.5 degrees in reach...
countries. For instance, Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka have used the Pfizer vaccine, but are not on
the UK’s travel list.
O Reforms Day, here is a question — from doing so. Meanwhile, other reports by
why hasn’t the Supreme Court (SC)’s Julio Ribeiro, K Padmanabhaiah and VS Mali-
order on police reforms, delivered on math lie in the archives, largely ignored.
September 22, 2006, been implemented yet? These reports incorporated changes sug-
& so avoid the worst effects of
climate change. Governments,
In any case, the controversy once again highlights What are the impediments to reforms aimed gested by another report of National Police
at making the police more efficient, free from Commission (1977), also lying in the archives. business, civil society... all
the world’s struggles with vaccine equity. As it is,
have a role to play.
extraneous influences, and responsive to peo- Is there hope? It is unrealistic to expect
not everyone has access to doses. Many who need ple’s needs? CMs to allow autonomy to the police beyond
to travel for work, study or be with family overseas The first direction of the SC was the selec- a certain degree. In every democracy, the
tion of a police chief from a list of three sen- police function under a mayor or an elected
face high costs that come with confirmatory tests ior-most officials, prepared by the Union Pub- government, and in ours, where grassroots
and isolation. This includes Indians going to the UK. lic Service Commission (UPSC), and second, politics constantly hovers round thanas,
The controversy will also lead to diminished trust ensuring a fixed tenure for officers in opera- kachahris and tehsils, it’s difficult to conceive

The WTO threat to

tional posts. The court then directed the con- of a police force that is impervious to political
between the two countries. India, where the largest stitution of a Police Establishment Board overtures.
volumes of vaccines are made in the world, is (PEB), comprising the director-general of But reforms are not only about tenures and
among nations that hold the key to ending the police (DGP) and senior officers, to issue autonomy. Despite the fixed two-year tenure
pandemic. It is important that the UK takes a
more reasonable position, and opens its
doors to vaccinated Indians.
transfer orders of officers below the deputy of the Central Bureau of Investigation chief,
superintendent of police (DSP)-rank and for- the organisation’s actions, in some cases, have
mulate proposals for DSPs and
above. These orders were meant
smacked of political bias. In a
democracy, the police must act as
Indian agriculture’s
to give autonomy to the police.
Putting the imprimatur firmly
of a people’s police, the reforms
also envisaged constitution of a
per the law of the land and should
be accountable to the public.
To achieve the prime minister’s
vision of a SMART and efficient
support price regime
The real deficit in the State Security Commission (SSC) Yashovardhan police, the IPS leadership must ommerce minister Piyush Goyal, It is here that India’s MSP-based procure-

health care system

headed by the home minister
and comprising the leader of the
Opposition, senior officials and
members of the public to over-
Azad sound the bugle, calling for wide-
ranging reforms within the sys-
First, the chiefs should stamp
see police role and functions. A police com- out the misuse of the Unlawful (Activities)
C while addressing the informal minis- ment system runs into rough weather vis-à-
terial meeting of a group of 33 coun- vis WTO rules. The MSP at which India pro-
tries (G-33), remarked that the Agree- cures rice and wheat has to be compared with
ment on Agriculture (AoA) at the World the fixed external reference price (ERP) — an
Trade Organization (WTO) is riddled with average price based on the base years 1986-88.
plaint authority to entertain complaints Prevention Act and Sedition Act. Second, the imbalances and tilted against developing Since the fixed ERP hasn’t been revised in the

new report by the World Health Organiz- against the police was also to be set up at the police must not pander to communal or caste countries. The minister is right. last several decades at WTO, the difference
ation (WHO) and the Public Health Foun- district and state levels. And finally, to make interests. Third, crimes against women An area of concern for India and other between MSP and fixed ERP has widened due
dation of India (PHFI) has revealed that the police more professional and focused, should be taken as top priority. Four, speeding developing countries is the lack of policy to inflation. For instance, according to the
investigation and law and order functions up processes, innovating and ensuring a space in AoA to run a food security pro- Centre for WTO Studies, India’s ERP for rice,
India’s health system struggled during were to be separated with different officers wider public interface should be the hallmark gramme that is sponsored by price support. in 1986-88, was $262.51/tonne and MSP was
Covid-19 because the country doesn’t have an adeq- handling them. of the reformed approach in the digital age. India runs a food security programme where less than this. Consequently, India, unlike sev-
uate number of trained health personnel. For exam- The reforms stumbled at the first test. No And finally, cutting out the deadwood and tak- the government procures food eral developed countries, didn’t pro-
chief minister (CM) would let go his or her ing stringent action against lawless elements grains from farmers at an adminis- vide trade-distorting subsidies then.
ple, the nurse-doctor ratio is 1.7:1, and that of allied power to choose the DGP, to gain the latter’s within the force are also imperative. tered price (minimum support price However, India’s applied adminis-
health workers to doctors is 1:1. India’s High-Level loyalty. The CMs’ claim is their right, since In terms of process, DGPs must set out a or MSP), which is higher than the tered price for rice in 2015-16 stood
Expert Group on Universal Health Coverage recom- police is a state subject. The idea of fixed ten- bold and purposeful agenda for their annual market price. The food grains so at $323.06/tonne, much more than
ures is anathema to politicians, babus and conferences, which should be open to the procured are stored and distributed the 1986-88 ERP. When this differ-
mends a nurse-doctor ratio of 3:1. even some senior cops because it takes away public, with agenda items also invited from through the public distribution sys- ence is accounted for in AMS, India
The State’s focus has been on building physical their power to wield authority. PEBs face the the public. The display of police expertise may tem to the poor. It serves the twin will overshoot its de minimis limit.
brunt of their ire, with informal orders com- be an internal affair but the outcomes should objectives of offering remunerative Ranjan This, in turn, makes India vulnerable
infrastructure and buying equipment. To be sure,
ing from the top to tweak the transfer list. A be for all to see. prices to farmers and providing sub- to a legal challenge at WTO.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken of the year ago, a state earned the dubious distinc- Institutionally, the ministry of home affairs sidised food to the underprivileged. Arguably, India can move away
need for health workers at all levels, but this will take tion of one set of station house officers (SHOs) is unwieldy and obsolete for new-age policing. The stockholding and distribution com- from price-based support to its farmers to
time to translate into reality. The second problem is orders passed on note-sheets of a set of state An internal security ministry must be carved ponents of the food security programme are income-based support, which will not be
legislators, only to be cancelled for the posting out, to be manned by professionals only and not affected by AoA because they fall under trade-distorting under AoA, provided income
the focus on tertiary care instead of primary and of another set of SHOs on note-sheets of supervised by the national security adviser the “green box”, which covers those meas- support is decoupled or not linked to produc-
secondary health care centres, and a focus on the another set of legislators. and home minister. ures that have no or minimal trade-distort- tion. However, given the political salience
number of specialised health care professionals No government takes the formation of an Wide-ranging reforms also call for closer ing effect. However, the procurement of attached to the MSP-based procurement
SSC, which would ensure immunity to the interaction with corporate India, industry, food grains at MSP falls under the “amber regime, underlined by the ongoing farm agita-
when India also needs frontline medical professi- police from political pressure, seriously. And Indian Institutes of Technology, universities, box”, which covers those measures that are tion, it is not possible for India to dump or
onals. Third, India produces only 13 new medical it is the same story with the police complaints NGOs, retired professionals, and startups, trade-distorting. One of the objectives of even dilute the current system.
graduates (doctors and nurses) per annum per authority, which has a mere advisory role. among others, to enhance capability in deal- AoA is to cut trade-distorting domestic sup- Currently, India has a temporary relief in
The only SC direction, which has indeed ing with online crimes, Artificial Intelligence, port that member-countries provide to agri- the form of a peace clause, agreed in the 2013
100,000 persons, compared with more than 55 in been implemented, is the separation of inves- training, modern weaponry, law and order, culture. In this regard, WTO member-coun- WTO ministerial conference at Bali, and
developed countries. More than 30% of the doctors tigation and law and order functions because attitudinal changes and in dealing with crimes tries are required to compute Aggregate strengthened later. The peace clause, subject
and 50% of the nurses are not part of the workforce. this does not directly hurt politicians and against women. Measurement of Support (AMS), which is to certain conditions, bars countries from
bureaucrats, though a serious human There are welcome signs from a few Mem- the total of product-specific support (such as bringing forward legal challenges against
The government is setting up 157 new medical colle- resource crunch is proving to be a great hin- bers of Parliament calling for surveillance price support to a particular crop) and non- price support-based procurement for food
ges and 50 nursing institutions, likely to produce drance. reforms and parliamentary oversight of intel- product-specific support (such as fertiliser security purposes.
about 22,500 doctors and 2,000 nurses every year. And therein lies the story of reforms, bur- ligence agencies. Similarly, think-tanks, civil subsidy). However, the need is to find a permanent
ied under mounds of files in the home minis- society, NGOs and academia too should raise Under Article 6.4(b) of AoA, developing solution. Procurements done for food security
This implies, a PHFI calculation shows, that even if try. Justice KT Thomas, while reviewing the their voice in support for wider reforms. The countries such as India can provide a de mini- purposes should be exempted from inclusion
100% of the new graduates join the workforce, it will progress of reforms, was aghast at the ingen- time is ripe to enact the Model Police Act, mis level of product and non-product domes- in AMS, provided such food grains are pro-
take more than 10 years to add 250,000 professionals ious ways adopted by the states to skirt them. 2006, to usher in new-age policing to match tic subsidy. This de minimis limit is capped at cured transparently and not diverted for
The SC watches helplessly as states pass acts the vision of a new India. 10% of the total value of production of the export. India, as part of G-33, should bargain
to the existing health workforce (170,000). To accel- or executive instructions ignoring the court’s product, in case of a product-specific subsidy; hard for this at the WTO’s 12th ministerial
erate the pace, India must build more institutions key directions. The Centre could have enacted Yashovardhan Azad is chairman, DeepStrat. He is a and at 10% of the total value of a country’s conference later this year.
for producing professionals and create a conducive the Model Police Act, 2006, prepared by Soli former Central Information Commissioner and a agricultural production, in case of non-prod-
Sorabjee, senior Indian Police Service (IPS) retired IPS officer who has served as secretary, secu- uct subsidies. Any State support more than Prabhash Ranjan is professor and vice-dean, Jindal
environment, with adequate pay packages, to attract and Indian Administrative Service (IAS) offi- rity and special director, Intelligence Bureau the de minimis limit is trade-distorting, and Global Law School, OP Jindal Global University
and retain the best talent in the workforce. cers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) The views expressed are personal thus has to be accounted for in AMS. The views expressed are personal

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Executive Editor: SACHIN KALBAG
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 11
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Adani plans $20 billion Govt lens on Amazon for

FISCAL TO 9.7% ‘unusual’ legal fee spends
Asit Ranjan Mishra
[email protected]

NEW DELHI: The Organisation

push into clean energy Rajeev Jayaswal
[email protected]

NEW DELHI: The Union govern-

ment has received preliminary
gation after a whistle-blower
said lawyers associated with the
company bribed officials. “The
online retailer is looking into the
conduct of its legal representa-
for Economic Co-operation and The group also plans details of “abnormally” high tives in India after allegations of
Development (OECD) has pared Sustainability quotient legal expenditures by e-com- corruption come to light,” the
its growth forecast for India by to triple its renewable The investments in green energy come amid pressure on companies reliant on fossil fuels to merce giant Amazon India in report said.
20 basis points to 9.7% for this power generation cut carbon footprint to fight climate change. A glance at Adani’s push into clean energy and its two financial years (2018-19 and Reuters citing its sources
fiscal, citing continuing risks 2019-20), which amounts to reported on Monday that Ama-
from the pandemic. capacity over the recent acquisitions: ₹8,546 crore, two people aware zon had been investigating the
The Paris-based organization next four years of the development said, and matter for about two months
also raised its inflation forecast
for India by 50 basis points to
5.9% for this fiscal and by 70
Kalpana Pathak $ 20 bn $ 12 bn 4,920 MW 5,124 MW added that the spends were
being investigated. The com-
pany, however, said expenses
after a complaint was received
about the dealings of Amazon
India legal team employee Rahul
[email protected]
basis points to 5.5% for the year categorised as legal, include fees Sundaram with an outside coun-
after. MUMBAI: Adani Group will INVESTMENTS AMOUNT spent OPERATIONAL RENEWABLE for several professional consult- The company said expenses sel working for the firm.
“The risk of lasting costs from invest $20 billion in clean energy in renewable on acquisition renewable energy ancy services. categorised as legal fee include Citing unnamed people aware
the pandemic also persists. The generation, component manu- energy over of over 50 energy generation Amazon India, which said the those for several professional of the matter, The Morning Con-
output shortfall from the pre- facturing, transmission and dis- next 10 years assets in past 8 generation capacity being finding was based on “mislead- consultancy services. REUTERS text said the legal fees paid to the
pandemic path at the end of tribution over 10 years, chair- ing representation” from statu- outside lawyer was in part “fun-
2022 in the median G20 emerg- man Gautam Adani said. The
years capacity built tory filings, has been in the spot- ings on legal fees in a section of nelled into bribing government
ing-market economy is projected size of the investment rivals fel- light after a report by the Morn- the media, we clarify that the officials”. Sundaram has been
to be twice that in the median low billionaire Mukesh ing Context on Monday said the line item is actually termed legal suspended, the report added.
G20 advanced economy, and Ambani’s $10 billion push into company’s US parent is investi- and professional expenses that Reacting to the report, an
particularly high in India and green energy over three years. gating bribery allegations. includes not just the legal costs Amazon spokesperson on Mon-
Indonesia,” OECD, the 38-mem- “Over 75% of Adani’s capital One of the people cited above, but also the costs related to other day said: “We have zero toler-
ber intergovernmental organiza- expenditure until 2025 is in who works in one of the minis- professional services such as ance for corruption. We take
tion, said in its latest interim eco- green technologies,” Gautam tries dealing with matters relat- outsourcing, tax consultants, allegations of improper actions
nomic outlook issued on Tues- Adani said, adding that the complexes, and specialty chemi- duce the world’s cheapest green amounting to about $12 billion,” ing to the economy, said about customer research, logistic sup- seriously, investigate them fully,
day. OECD had in June cut group is the world’s largest solar cals units in Gujarat, a direct energy mirrors the ambitious he said. half-a-dozen Amazon India port services, merchant and take appropriate action. We
India’s growth projection for the power producer if generating, challenge to Reliance Industries. vision of Ambani, who on Sep- On the company’s digital busi- group companies paid “legal onboarding services, customer are not commenting on specific
fiscal to 9.9% from 12.6% esti- under construction, and con- Adani Group also plans to tri- tember 3 said India could make ness, Adani said the group’s fees” to the tune of ₹5,126 crore service cost, etc. For instance, for allegations or the status of any
mated in March as a resurgence tracted projects are included. He ple its renewable power genera- green hydrogen the most afford- plans for airport-centred growth in 2018-19 and ₹3,420 crore in the year ended March 31,2020, investigation at this time.”
of covid cases and lockdowns was speaking at the JP Morgan tion capacity over the next four able fuel option by bringing include metropolitan develop- 2019-20, compared to just ₹27 the legal fee was INR 52 Cr, from The second official mentioned
threatened to stall the country’s India Investor Summit. years to 63% of its total portfolio down its cost to $1 per kg within ments that span entertainment crore in 2017-18. the total legal and professional above said the government has
nascent economic recovery. Adani’s investment plans from 21% now. By 2030, the a decade. Green hydrogen, used facilities, e-commerce and logis- “The abnormally high expenses of INR 1,967 cr,” the also received a formal complaint
According to OECD data, come close on the heels of simi- group aims to power all data as fuel in industry and automo- tics capabilities, aviation-de- expenditure as legal fee certainly spokesperson said. on this matter from Confedera-
India is the worst hit among lar green energy initiatives of centres with renewable energy biles, has little or no carbon pendent industries and smart raises doubts, especially when A spokesperson of commerce tion of All India Traders (CAIT)
major economies, with its real rival Ambani, who is setting up and make its ports net carbon emissions. city developments. the government has received ministry did not respond to and was looking into it. CAIT –
GDP in the June quarter 15% an integrated, renewables zero by 2025. Adani added that the group is Over the next two decades, written complaints from various email queries. representing about 70 million
lower than the pre-pandemic energy ecosystem in Gujarat. “Our renewables portfolio has now India’s largest private sector Adani said, India will have the people, including association of HT on Tuesday reported that domestic retail stores – wrote to
forecast and around 7% lower The mega investments in reached our initial target of 25 power producer, the largest pri- biggest and youngest middle the local retailers. The matter is the government could investi- Union commerce minister Piy-
than the December quarter. green energy come amid pres- gigawatts a full four years ahead vate port operator, the largest class that ever existed and will under examination, and if gate alleged diversion and mis- ush Goyal urging him to institute
For FY23, OECD reduced sure from governments and of schedule. This puts us well on private airport operator, the be among the world’s top four required, appropriate agency use of the fund in paying bribes an enquiry by the Central Bureau
India’s growth projection by 30 investors on companies reliant track to be the world’s largest largest private consumer gas and countries in terms of market may investigate it,” a second per- in India. “The government of of Investigation (CBI).
basis points to 7.9%. on fossil fuels to cut their carbon renewable power generating electric utility business, the larg- capitalization. “This is leverage son, another government offi- India has a zero tolerance An industry expert, who has
“High-frequency activity indi- footprint to fight climate change. company by 2030,” Adani said. est private electric transmission from which we must benefit.” cial, said. towards corruption of any kind,” been engaged with an American
cators, such as the Google loca- Adani also recently Adani has 4,920MW of opera- company and the largest infra- India, he said, will be driven by An Amazon India spokesper- the first official mentioned above firm, said the US law —the For-
tion-based measures of retail announced its entry into petro- tional renewable energy genera- structure developer in renewa- homegrown companies and son said the expenditure did not said. eign Corrupt Practices Act
and recreation mobility, suggest chemicals through Adani Petro- tion capacity and another bles. those international businesses relate only to legal fees: “Given a According to the report by (FCPA)—is stringent on such
global activity continued to chemicals Ltd. The company will 5,124MW under execution. “In just the last eight years, we that are truly committed to being misleading representation of a The Morning Context on Mon- matters and companies avoid
strengthen in recent months, set up refineries, petrochemicals The group’s ambition to pro- have acquired over 50 assets and acting local. line item from our statutory fil- day, Amazon opened an investi- circumventing it.
helped by improvements in
Europe and a marked rebound
in both India and Latin Amer- { THE CROSSWORDS }
ica,” the report said.
OECD said global GDP has
now surpassed the pre-pan-
{ GAUTAM ADANI } CHAIRMAN, ADANI GROUP At least 4 investors CRYPTIC CLUES PUZZLE 16000 ©Gemini Crosswords 2018 All rights reserved

demic level, but output and

P Across
employment gaps remain. “The
economic impact of the Delta
variant has so far been relatively If the crisis in 2001 was eye Ramky stake 1 It is nominally unsuitable for an inhabitant (8)
5 Enjoy a match (4)
9 Political corruption in the nursery? (5)
mild in countries with high vac-
cination rates but has lowered
the bursting of the dot- Anirudh Laskar
about investments aimed at pro-
tecting the environment. A 10 Reports from the front? (7)
near-term momentum else- com bubble, and if in [email protected] potential deal would be the larg- 11 No prime consideration (12)
where and added to pressures on est in the environmental services
global supply chains,” it said. 2020 the crisis was the MUMBAI: Singapore’s state industry in India. 13 He tries to prevent ill-feeling (6)
Inflation has risen sharply in
the US, UK, Canada and some
pandemic, we now have investor Temasek Holdings and
Canada’s Brookfield Asset Man-
“The valuation of Ramky
Enviro has gone up significantly,
14 Drapes carelessly strewn (6)
17 Classical part of Paris? (5,7)
emerging-market economies but to confront the crisis agement are among at least four with companies around the
20 Indian rain-maker (7)

remains relatively low in many global investors looking to buy world increasingly focusing on
other advanced economies, par- of climate. US private equity firm KKR and ways to prevent environmental 21 Health-giving drink (5)
ticularly in Europe and Asia, Co. Inc.’s 60% stake in Ramky damage due to the nature of
22 A way through on foot (4)
OECD said. Enviro Engineers for at least $1 their businesses,” the person
billion, two people directly cited above said. 23 Shining example of top military wear (5,3)
aware of the matter said. The remaining 40% stake in
This follows the Hyderabad- Ramky Enviro is held by Ayo-

Mkts recover from Monday’s losses based company abandoning a

plan for a public listing to offer
an exit to KKR, the people said,
dhya Rami Reddy, founder and
chairman, Ramky Group, with
businesses spanning infrastruc-
1 She comes up almost radiant! (4)
2 Trade in the streets (7)
1 Catastrophe (8)
1 Deceive (4)
requesting anonymity. ture, environmental services, 3 and 12 Down: You’d rather not be in this choice 5 Resound (4) 2 Sleep (7)
Nasrin Sultana grande chairman Hui Ka Yuan Shares in Asia-Pacific were “The fresh plan is to monetize pharmaceuticals and consult- position (2,3,5,2,1,7) 9 Vertically (5)
wrote to employees that the mixed as Japan’s Nikkei closed the stake by selling it to a clutch ancy services. 3 Bear out (12)
[email protected] 4 Spectacles used by marksmen (6) 10 Defeat decisively (7)
company is confident it will 2.17% lower, while Hong Kong’s of other global investors, irre- “There are at least four large 4 One or the other (6)
MUMBAI: Stock markets made a “walk out of its darkest Hang Seng index rose 0.5%. spective of the IPO which was global investors who are willing 6 Freezing some confectionery (5) 11 Noisy and unruly (12)
6 Division of long poem (5)
sharp rebound on Tuesday, moment” and deliver projects Markets in mainland China and earlier being planned by Ramky to invest in Ramky Enviro. Tem- 7 Balanced mixed diet that rounds off the day (8) 13 Public discussion (6)
recouping nearly all of Mon- as pledged. He also said the South Korea were closed on Enviro in which KKR would asek Holdings and Brookfield 8 Combines with a number in involved
7 Go beyond (8)
day’s losses, as fears of conta- debt-laden developer would ful- Tuesday for a holiday. have sold its stake through a sec- Asset Management are in talks 14 In short supply (6)
perorations (12) 8 Fall heavily (4,1,7)
gion from China’s troubled fil responsibilities to property According to Vinod Nair, ondary market window,” one of to buy a chunk of KKR’s stake in 17 Moment of decisive
Evergrande Group receded. buyers, investors, partners and head of research at Geojit the two people said, referring to Ramky. Additionally, two other 12 See 3 Down 12 Zealous supporter (8)
change (7,5)
However, investors remained financial institutions. Financial Services, domestic the earlier plan for an initial marquee private equity firms 15 Dilapidated (3-4)
15 It clears one’s vision - to humbug? (7) 20 An English cheese (7)
cautious ahead of the US Fed- The BSE Sensex gained indices staggered during the public offering. may also come in. The current
eral Reserve’s two-day meeting 514.34 points or 0.88%, ending early trading session; however, KKR wants to exploit a grow- discussion pegs the proposed 16 Revolutionary artist? (6) 21 Lying flat (5) 16 Things to be done (6)
that starts on Tuesday night. at 59,005.27, while the Nifty positive trends in the global ing global penchant for compa- transaction at around $1 billion 18 Medicine that may be mixed with gin (5) 22 Poverty (4) 18 To rear (5)
In an effort to revive battered rose 165.10 points or 0.95% to markets helped Indian equities nies offering environmental ser- for KKR’s entire stake,” the sec-
19 Retainer for a writer (4) 23 A guarantee (8) 19 Resist attempts at (4)
confidence in the firm, Ever- close at 17,562. rebound in the second half. vices amid a wider awareness ond person said.


Lenders expect an increase in home loan disbursals Cryptic Quick

Shayan Ghosh Shaktikanta Das was named gov- mortgage rate to 6.5% for a lim- quite aggressively and has been
ernor in December 2018, the ited period. Other banks have aided by the low interest rates
[email protected]
Reserve Bank of India has low- Festive cheer also joined the bandwagon by owing to excess systemic liquid-
MUMBAI: Lenders expect a surge ered the repo rate by 250 basis Home loan rates are now either tweaking interest rates or ity.
in home loan disbursals during points (bps). where deposit rates were in waiving processing fees. Punjab While home loan rates have
the festive season, with mort- With an eye on festive early 2019. National Bank announced last been cut to nudge demand,
gage rates touching decadal lows demand, SBI, the country’s larg- Interest rate (%)
week that it would offer home experts believe such rates are
because of flush liquidity and est lender, has for the first time loans at 6.6%, while Bank of Bar- not sustainable in the long run.
Feb 2019 Sep 2021
drought in business lending. offered credit score-linked home oda rates begin at 6.75%. HDFC “These are festive offers, and I
Anticipating demand for loans at just 6.70%, irrespective 8.7 said it would offer home loans believe interest rates will
home loans, State Bank of India, of the loan amount. 6.7 6.8 6.5* starting at 6.7% during the fes- harden, and liquidity will come
Punjab National Bank, Bank of While deposit rates have also 5 tive period. down. I suspect that the banking
Baroda, and private lenders declined since the start of the With a home loan and loan industry CD ratio is below 70%.
Kotak Mahindra Bank and Hous- easing cycle, home loan rates against property (LAP) book of So, when you have so much { WEATHER } ALMANAC TEMPERATURE IN
ing Finance Development Corp. saw sharper cuts. For instance, ₹55,623 crore, Kotak Mahindra liquidity, some banks will be TEMPERATURE HIGH LOW
Today is 22nd FOUR METROS
SBI SBI 1-2 year RBI September 2021
(HDFC) have announced attract- SBI’s latest rates are 200 basis Bank has been active in the seg- inspired to do credit in certain
ive home loan rates, which the points cheaper than the prevail- home term repo ment. According to Ambuj areas,” Shyam Srinivasan, chief
l13 Safar 1443 Delhi
Ashwina, Krishna
lenders claim are because of ing rate of 8.7% in February 2019, loan deposit rate Chandna, president (consumer executive of Federal Bank, said
33°c I 26°c
Paksha, 2
speedier monetary policy trans- narrowing the gap between cur- *Prior to rate cut of 25 basis points assets) at Kotak Mahindra Bank, in an interview last week. l Samvat 2078 Mumbai
on 7 February 2019 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 29°c I 25°c
mission. rent lending and deposit rates. Source: SBI, RBI this is a long-term play, and What has added to this frenzy Generally Generally Generally
Sunset: Wednesday
at 06:34 p.m. Kolkata
Home loan rates are now “We are expecting at least while the 6.5% rate is specifically is the lack of demand for corpo- cloudy sky with cloudy sky with cloudy sky with
heavy rain heavy rain light rain Sunrise: Thursday 29°c I 26°c
where deposit rates were in early ₹60,000 crore home loan dis- for the festive period, it will con- rate loans, leading to banks look- at 06:27 a.m.
2019. While deposit rates have bursements from now to 31 SBI is not alone in this rate- tinue to be competitive on pric- ing at other avenues to grow Moonrise: Thursday Chennai
37°c I 26°c
also declined since the start of March,” C.S. Setty, managing cutting spree in anticipation of ing home loans. their loan books. Data from RBI 29°c I 25°c 28°c I 25°c 29°c I 25°c at 08:15 p.m.
Moonset: Friday
the easing cycle, home loan rates director (retail and digital bank- the festive season. Private lender The bank, Chandna said, has showed that loans to industries at 09:06 a.m.
have seen sharper cuts. Since ing), SBI, said over the phone. Kotak Mahindra Bank slashed its been growing its mortgages grew 1% from a year earlier.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

[email protected]

LONDON: Johnson & Johnson

said on Tuesday that a booster of
its one-shot coronavirus vaccine
provides a stronger immune
response months after people
L-R: Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro arrives with his wife Michelle Bolsonaro for the UNGA; Peru’s President Pedro Castillo greets others; UK PM Boris Johnson greets Jeff Bezos and his partner at the UK’s diplomatic residence in NYC. AGENCIES receive a first dose. J&J said in
statement that an extra dose -
given either two months or six

World is facing a dead end: UN chief

months after the initial shot -
revved up protection. The results
haven’t yet been published or
vetted by other scientists.
While the single-dose vaccine
remains strongly effective, “a
booster shot further increases
protection against Covid-19 and
At UNGA, Antonio BOLSONARO KICKS is expected to extend the dura-
tion of protection significantly,”
Guterres warns about UP A STORM, TELLS Dr. Paul Stoffels, J&J’s chief sci-
climate crisis, Covid U.N. HE’S AGAINST entific officer, said.
J&J said it has provided the
vaccine inequity; and
calls on US and China
COVID VACCINE data to regulators including the
US Food and Drug Administra-
to engage in dialogue PASSPORTS tion, the European Medicines
Agency and others to inform
Agencies decisions about boosters.
[email protected]
Agencies Cashier killed for telling
[email protected] NEW YORK: Brazilian President customer to wear mask
Jair Bolsonaro told the United Germany reacted with shock on
NEW YORK: United Nations Sec- Nations General Assembly on Tuesday after a 20-year-old pet-
retary-General Antonio Guterres Tuesday that his government rol station worker was shot dead
warned that the world is hur- was against health passports but by a customer angry about being
tling towards ecological destruc- backed the drive to vaccinate asked to put on a mask while
tion, sounding a bleak opening people against Covid-19. buying beer. The killing on Sat-
tone to the annual UN General “We support the vaccination urday in the town of Idar-Ober-
Assembly meeting in New York. efforts,” said Bolsonaro, widely stein is believed to be the first in
Speaking a day after conven- criticised for his handling of the Germany linked to the govern-
ing world leaders to ratchet up pandemic in Brazil where the ment’s coronavirus rules.
climate commitments, Guterres coronavirus disease has killed The row started when the
said on Tuesday that the “cli- more than 590,000 people. cashier, a student, told the cus-
mate alarm bells” are “ringing at “However, my administration tomer to put on a face mask, as
fever pitch”. Calling current has not supported a vaccine or required in all German shops.
global efforts insufficient, he health passport or any other vac- After a brief argument, the man
forecast a “hellscape of tempera- cine-related obligation,” he said left. The suspect returned later,
ture rises” if emissions aren’t cut in New York. “pulled out a revolver and shot
more than currently planned. Bolsonaro was the first world him straight in the head”, prose-
“We are weeks away from the leader to speak at the high-level cutor Kai Fuhrmann said.
UN Climate Conference in Glas- meet after UN Secretary General
gow, but seemingly light years Antonio Guterres opened the
away from reaching our targets,” debate with an address.
Guterres told world leaders at
the hybrid event where leaders
On Monday, UK PM Boris
Johnson stressed the impor-
including US President Joe Biden tance of coronavirus vaccines SUMMER EMITTED
and Brazilian President Jair Bol- during a meeting with Bolson-
sonaro are speaking in person aro. As journalists were ushered RECORD AMOUNT
but others will appear by video.
“We must get serious. And we
out of the room at the start of the
bilateral meeting, Johnson said,
must act fast.”
There were also hints of opti-
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during the 76th session of the General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, US. REUTERS “Thanks everybody, get Astra-
Zeneca vaccines.” Johnson told
mism on the climate front. “I think we’re going to get it their populations. dead end to destruction.” While nomic, trade, financial and tech- “We need dialogue. We need Bolsonaro, “I’ve had it twice.” Agence France-Presse
Speaking on the sidelines of an done by COP,” Kerry told report- “This is a moral indictment of millions around the world go nology rules, two divergent understanding.” The Brazilian leader pointed at [email protected]
event on the subject at the UN on ers. “The US will do its part,” he the state of our world. It is an hungry, Guterres said, they see approaches in the development The summit featured the first himself and said “not yet”.
Monday, US climate envoy John said. “I’m not hoping. I’m telling obscenity. We passed the science “billionaires joyriding to space”. of artificial intelligence - and speech to the world body by US PARIS: Wildfires in Siberia,
Kerry expressed confidence that you to stay tuned to the presi- test. But we are getting an ‘F’ in ultimately two different military President Joe Biden, who has North America and around the
world leaders will meet a target
of raising $100 billion in climate
aid to developing nations before
the UK hosts two weeks of cli-
dent’s speech.”
Guterres also decried the
global vaccine inequity that has
left rich countries with surplus
Ethics,” the UN chief said.
Reviewing the mistrust and
lack of unity that he says have
undermined global efforts to
‘Recipe for trouble’
The United Nations chief urged
the United States and China to
engage in dialogue, warning of
and geopolitical strategies,”
Guterres said.
“This is a recipe for trouble. It
would be far less predictable
described a rising and authori-
tarian China as the paramount
challenge of the 21st century.
Chinese President Xi Jinping
Mediterranean caused record
levels of planet-warming CO2
emissions this summer, the EU’s
Earth monitoring service said on
mate talks - known as COP26 - in doses and considering booster address Covid-19 and climate, an increasingly divided world. “I than the Cold War. To restore is also set to address the United Tuesday.
Glasgow, Scotland, beginning on shots even as developing nations Guterres said, “Instead of the fear our world is creeping trust and inspire hope, we need Nations but by video in light of Abdulla Shahid hails scientists Globally, forests going up in
October 31. have barely started vaccinating path of solidarity, we are on a towards two different sets of eco- cooperation,” he said. Covid restrictions. flames emitted more than 2.5
billion tonnes of CO2 - equiva-
lent to India’s annual emissions
from all sources - in July and

UK charges third Russian Af names more ministers,

August alone, the Copernicus
Atmosphere Monitoring Service
(CAMS) reported. More than half
of CO2 emissions from wildfires

agent over Novichok attack but still no women in govt

in July came from North Amer-
ica and Siberia.
Heatwaves, drought condi-
tions, and reduced soil moisture
Associated Press interpretation of Islam, had conditions for recognition, say- amplified by global warming
Agencies possible step to detain them and matic ties between Britain and barred girls and women from ing there was no reason for with- have contributed to unprece-
[email protected]
face justice,” she told parlia- Russia that were already schools, work and public life. holding it. “It is the responsibil- dented fires in three continents.
[email protected]
ment. strained by the 2006 radiation KABUL: The Taliban expanded At a news conference on Tues- ity of the United Nations to rec- Even the Arctic Circle was on
LONDON: Britain on Tuesday Patel’s warning came after poisoning of Alexander Litvin- their interim cabinet by naming day, Taliban government spokes- ognise our government [and] for fire, releasing some 66 million
warned three Russian intelli- prosecutors said there‘s evi- enko. The announcement of a more ministers and deputies on man Zabihullah Mujahid held other countries, including Euro- tonnes of CO2 from June
gence officers wanted for a 2018 dence to charge a third Russian third suspect came as Europe’s Tuesday, but failed to appoint out the possibility of adding pean, Asian and Islamic coun- through August, with nearly a
Novichok attack on a former man with the attack on Sergei top rights court ruled that Rus- any women, doubling down on a women to the cabinet at a later tries, to have diplomatic rela- billion tonnes from Russia as a
double agent in the English city Skripal and his daughter Yulia. sia was responsible for the mur- hardline course despite the time, but gave no specifics. He tions with us,” he said. whole over the same period.
of Salisbury that they face arrest Counterterrorism detectives der of Litvinenko, a dissident international outcry that fol- also said the Taliban are prepar- “What stood out as unusual
and prosecution if they ever said it was in public interest to former agent who accused Pres- lowed their initial presentation ing rules for allowing teen-age School ban for girls will were the number of fires, the
leave their home country. charge Denis Sergeev who went ident Vladimir Putin before his of an all-male government girls and women to return to be un-Islamic: Pak PM size of the area in which they
UK home secretary Priti Patel by the alias “Sergey Fedotov”, death. lineup earlier this month. schools and jobs in line with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran were burning, their intensity,
said Britain “will not tolerate with conspiracy to murder. Moscow rejected the court’s The international community Islamic law, but did not say Khan believes stopping women and also their persistence,” said
such malign activity” and said it Skripal and his daughter claim as well as renewed British has said that it will judge the Tal- when that might happen. and girls from attending school Mark Parrington, senior scientist
applied for an Interpol notice to were left fighting for their lives allegations the Kremlin was iban by their actions, and that Mujahid defended the latest in Afghanistan will be an un-Is- and wildfire expert at CAMS.
detain and extradite all three after the attack in 2018 while a behind the Skripal attack. “We recognition of a Taliban-led gov- additions to the cabinet, saying lamic move, according to the Fires started raging across
from abroad if given the chance. cop probing the case fell ill and resolutely condemn all attempts ernment would be linked to the they included members of ethnic BBC. In an interview with the northeastern Siberia in June and
“Should any of these individ- a woman who came into con- by London to shift responsibil- treatment of women. minorities, such as the Hazaras. broadcaster, Khan pointed out only started to abate in late
uals ever travel outside Russia, tact with the nerve agent later ity onto Moscow,” said foreign In their previous rule of He said the deputies were cho- that for the Taliban government August and early September, the
we will work with our interna- died. ministry spokeswoman Maria A photo of Sergey Fedotov, Afghanistan in the late 1990s, the sen for their technical skills. to be get recognition, it first satellite-based monitoring ser-
tional partners to take every The incident soured diplo- Zakharova. provided by British police. AP Taliban, who adhere to a harsh He bristled at international needs to respect human rights. vice reported.

Civil servants can receive gift from { ON THE RISE } Haryana: Role of Saraswati river in
foreign dignitaries: Centre’s order Food exports rise 21.8% Mahabharata to be taught in schools
Deeksha Bhardwaj
in April-August: Data
by the Department of Personnel THE HSHDB
the gifts are in conformity with Fareeha Iftikhar Officials at the board said the
and Training (DoPT) stated. prevailing religious and social committee submitted its recom-
[email protected]
“Notwithstanding anything practices, but the members The jump in exports of agri- [email protected] CONSTITUTED mendations on Monday. Dhum-
Zia Haq
NEW DELHI: The Union govern- contained in sub-rules (1), (2) need to report to the govern- cultural and processed food NEW DELHI: References of the ‘SARASWATI RIVER man Singh Kirmach, vice-chair-
[email protected]
ment on Tuesday published a and (3), a member of the Ser- ment if the value of such gifts products during the first five Saraswati river from Vedic and SYLLABUS man of HSHDB, said the recom-
gazette notification allowing All vice, being a member of the exceed ₹25,000. The AIS com- NEW DELHI: India’s export of months of current fiscal “is in pre-Vedic texts; its role in the mended topics will be included
India Services (AIS) civil ser- Indian delegation or otherwise, prises Indian Administrative agricultural and processed-food continuation of growth in battle of Mahabharata; medie-
COMMITTEE’ ON in the already existing state gov-
vants to receive and retain gifts may receive and retain gifts Services, Indian Police Services items increased 21.8% in dollar exports witnessed in the finan- val-era Sanskrit text Vamana- AUGUST 26 TO ernment’s books of History and
from foreign dignitaries, over- from foreign dignitaries in and Indian Forest Services. terms between the five months cial year 2020-21”, an official purana that explicitly mentions PREPARE THE Geography. The committee has
riding a five-decade long code accordance with the provisions According to a former DoPT of April and August 2021 com- statement said. Rice exports the history of the river and the also suggested including the
under the conduct service rules. of the Foreign Contribution official familiar with the matter, pared to the corresponding year- grew 13.7% from $3,359 million Harappan-era archaeological
CURRICULUM “role of Saraswati river” wher-
“In exercise of the powers (Acceptance or Retention of the issue was addressed by cir- ago period, beating pandemic- in April-August 2020 to $3,820 site ‘Dholavira’ in Gujarat; are ever Mahabharata or Bhagavad
conferred by sub-section (1) of Gifts or Presentations) Rules, culars and office memoranda, induced disruptions, official data million in April-August 2021, among the topics recommended schools with an aim to make stu- Gita is mentioned in the curricu-
section 3 of the All India Servi- 2012, as amended from time to but now it was incorporated released on Tuesday showed. according to the data. Export of by the Haryana’s ‘Saraswati river dents aware about the mytholog- lum. “The Saraswati played a
ces Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the time,” it added. into the AIS rules. Similar provi- “Quick estimates” of export of fruits and vegetables clocked a syllabus committee’ to be taught ical history of the river. The Har- major role in the selection of
Central Government, after con- At present, under Rule 11, an sions already existed under the products monitored by the Agri- 6.1% growth in dollar terms, in the state schools. yana Saraswati Heritage Devel- Kurukshetra as the place for the
sultation with the Governments AIS member may accept gifts central civil service rules, which cultural and Processed Food while there was a 142.1% jump in The Bharatiya Janata Party opment Board (HSHDB), which battle of Mahabharatha. It was
of the State concerned, hereby from their relatives or friends explicitly dealt with the receiv- Products Export Development export of “other cereals”. Meat, (BJP)-led Haryana government is headed by chief minister Man- chosen because it is situated on
makes the following rules fur- having no official dealings with ing of the gifts, the official said. Authority rose to $7,902 million dairy and poultry products sold had last month announced to ohar Lal Khattar, constituted a the banks of the Saraswati. The
ther to amend the All India Ser- them on occasions such as wed- A second official said the in April-August 2021 from abroad increased 31.1% in the include the history of Saraswati 14-member ‘Saraswati river syl- committee has suggested teach-
vices (Conduct) Rules, 1968,” the ding, anniversaries, funerals notification did not represent a $6,485 million in April-August first five months of the current river in the curriculum for stu- labus committee’ on August 26 ing all of this to our students,”
gazette notification published and religious functions when deviation from existing norms. 2020. fiscal (2021-22), the data showed. dents of classes 4th to 12th in its to prepare the curriculum. Kirmach said.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 13
Rajasthan pull off last-ball victory { STRAIGHT DRIVE }
Amrit Mathur

Punjab’s Arshdeep
takes five wickets but
6’3” tall, makes him even more
welcome. Going as a net bowler
on the limited-over tour of Sri
Virat’s turning
Rajasthan steal win
through Tyagi’s final
Lanka was a step up as well.
On Tuesday, his first three
wickets were set batsmen. Evin
Lewis (36) had a fifty stand with
point: King Kohli
over heroics in Dubai
Shalini Gupta
[email protected]
Yashasvi Jaiswal (49) before he
sliced a shot to cover. Skipper
Samson, at No. 3, fell cheaply to
Ishan Porel. Liam Livingston
to commoner
CHANDIGARH: Rajasthan Royals (25) was next, his hopes of hit- nitially, it didn’t add up. Africa had extensive discus-
needed a miracle to win the
match, and in an incredible
reversal of fortunes produced it
as Punjab Kings equally unbe-
lievably let slip victory from
ting Arshdeep for a boundary
was turned into a brilliant catch
by Fabian Allen, running and
diving at deep midwicket. Che-
tan Sakariya and Kartik Tyagi
I When Kohli spoke about
workload management and
creating space to surrender
the T20 captaincy, it appeared
he was simply cleaning his com-
sions and “cultural reviews” to
frame their cricket’s “vision and
mission” but similar debates
never happened in the BCCI
headquarters. Instead, Kohli
their grasp in a thrilling last-ball provided obliging tail-enders. puter inbox and deleting minor sorted these issues after a prac-
finish in Dubai on Tuesday. RR didn’t do their cause any files, nothing more. tice session. It was Kohli who
With just seven runs to con- favour. Rival skipper KL Rahul It made more sense later decided whether the yo-yo test
jure up a victory after looking hit 49 in a 120-run opening when he gave up the IPL leader- standard should be 17 or 17. 4 or
second best most of the evening, stand with Mayank Agarwal ship. Kohli is the busiest player whether it should be there at all.
Mustafiqur Rahman gave away (67- 43b, 7x4, 2x6) to effectively on the planet, playing and cap- Kohli made fitness non-negotia-
only four runs in the 19th over. kill the contest. But Rahul was taining across all formats and if ble, insisted on improved field-
Young pacer Kartik Tyagi, an dropped by Lewis on 2 at back- he wants to lighten his burden, ing, spoke about “intent” and
India U-19 member who was on ward point and then IPL’s most that’s perfectly fine. declared the team would play
the historic Australia tour as a expensive buy, Chris Morris, But questions swirled about fearless cricket.
net bowler, produced a thrilling drew a mistake from him on 29, the “real” reason for him to step He changed the script by
final over, taking two wickets, only for Riyan Parag, moving down. While many others in the assembling a fast-bowling
conceding just one run and then back, to drop the easy chance. past—from Sunil Gavaskar to attack and dumping spin, and
beating Fabien Allen last ball to Rahul, who became the second Rahul Dravid and Sachin Ten- altered the team’s grammar by
give no run with Punjab Kings Arshdeep Singh of Punjab Kings celebrates the wicket of Evin Lewis of Rajasthan Royals in Dubai on Tuesday. ANI fastest to 3,000 runs in IPL, was dulkar—had given up on cap- deleting the backfoot. Over the
needing two to at least tie the also dropped Chetan Sakariya taincy to focus more on their years, the Kohli formula
game. Arshdeep Singh seemed to have major batting collapse unlike and the Royals camp for Punjab Kings. And that and still didn’t get his first. He game, Kohli’s DNA is different worked. The Indian teams
In an Indian Premier League enacted the second part of his Royal Challengers Bangalore erupted in celebration. team had England stal- and Agarwal fell in the space of and unlike the others men- recent record, specially abroad,
of two parts, bowlers have so far 2021 IPL heroics against former the previous night against Kolk- A member of the vic- warts Jos Buttler and Ben eight deliveries, but Aiden Mar- tioned here, he is a serial leader, is unmatched in its Test history.
relished shaking up the image winners Rajasthan Royals. ata Knight Riders. torious 2018 U-19 World Stokes, both not available kram and Nicolas Pooran the enthusiastic kid in the Kohli is India’s finest Test
of T20 cricket as a batsman’s The 22-year-old Punjab left- In the end, RR managing 185 Cup side, Arshdeep had in the UAE with fast steered the team almost home. front row who always puts up leader, and only three captains
game since the second phase
began in the UAE at the week-
armer captured 5/32, his
maiden IPL fifer to underline
all out made the difference,
unlike Royal Challengers Ban-
given grief to Royals in
the first leg in April as
IPL bowler Jofra Archer too
out injured.
Brief Scores: Rajasthan Royals
185 in 20 overs (A Singh 5/32)
his hand. Kohli doesn’t play
the second lead and power is
in Test history have won more
matches than him.
end. Until Kartik Tyagi’s hero- his rapidly improving career galore collapsing to less than well, bowling the final 2021 Arshdeep is among the beat Punjab Kings (M Agarwal his natural ally. Yet, there are two interesting
ics, it was another U-19 World graph. Rajasthan Royals were at 100. Punjab Kings, looking over and dismissing next line of fast men with 67, K Tyagi 2/29) by 2 runs Media reports citing sides to the King Kohli reign.
Cup starlet who promised to the receiving end of the 6’3” headed for an easy win, were skipper Sanju Samson potential to play for India, TV timings: DC v SRH, 7.30pm, unnamed sources have sug- At one level he is the visionary
hog the headlines. Fast bowler bowler, though they avoided a restricted to 183/4. Allen missed for 119 to clinch a four-run win and being a left-arm bowler and live on Star Sports gested the dressing room was who read the game right,
tense because Kohli was alleg- and like Tiger Pataudi 50
edly aloof and autocratic. Other years before him, in a moment
stories hinted darkly that he had of brilliance, reset the course

Lacking firepower in pace, Indian women lose

no faith in democracy, debate or for Indian cricket. Pataudi
healthy discussion. There is invented the “spin to win”
some evidence to support this formula and focussed on
view. The Anil Kumble-Ravi fielding. Kohli advanced Indian
Shalini Gupta now-fading Shikha Pandey was them have impressed enough to team. He has been outstanding Shastri coach appointment epi- cricket by insisting players must
left out of the XI. make the cut for the big stage. for Indian fast bowlers. Quick sode is well documented; a be athletes first.
[email protected]
The fact that Goswami, who Arundhati Reddy too has been bowlers are coming out from watershed moment in Indian Curiously, Kohli the captain
CHANDIGARH: Once known for made her debut in 2002, has inconsistent with her pace. small places in India and mak- cricket history. Erratic selection isn’t rated as strategically bril-
producing—and being heavily taken 12 wickets in her last eight “Jhulan is past her prime and ing their mark.” issues involving senior players liant.Kohli is best remembered
dependent on—great spinners, ODIs and Pandey two in three I don’t think Shikha is in the Sharma, who took 87 wickets are also too many to list. Every- for leading from the front.
the Indian men’s team owe their games speaks of India’s inability scheme of things at the in 116 ODIs she played for India, thing about the Indian team, For him, between England
recent success to an array of fast to make breakthroughs. moment. So, the coaches need said that the Indian bowlers both good and otherwise in the and now, the cricket pitch has
bowlers instead. The likes of “The kinds of wickets we to work extensively with what lacked a plan in the first ODI past few years has Kohli’s prints changed and a turning point
Jasprit Bumrah, Mohammed have in the domestic tourna- seaming options are available. too. The Australian seamers got all over it. reached. Regarding the T20
Shami, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, ments are suitable for just spin- In five months too, a lot can be Indian wickets with short balls Was King Kohli then deliv- captaincy, the official commu-
Umesh Yadav and Mohammad ners,” former India fast bowler done,” said Sharma with the and pace. The Indians tried to ered a blunt message, his wings nication mentioned succession
Siraj have changed the face of Amita Sharma said, speaking World Cup in mind. use the same tactics, but simply clipped, taught a lesson? planning—but the obvious can-
Indian bowling. about India’s lack of pacers. At the moment, the Indian set did not have the necessary There is much to applaud didate to replace him is a year
The Indian women’s team At 38, Jhulan Goswami is still India’s pace spearhead REUTERS “Fast bowlers are largely there up has no fast bowling coach speed. “The Australians are and admire about Kohli the cap- and a half older. In Test cricket,
could sorely do with a similar to get the shine off from the ball. and no separate training ses- best at playing pull and cut tain. He has shaped Indian if Kohli is a marathon runner,
transformation. The team’s rise department for India and the tively—restricting India to 225 In North India, the conditions sions for the pacers. shots, so the Indians bowled to cricket for nearly a decade, the alternative option is a few
post the 2017 World Cup has lack of support was starkly for 8. Brown, 18, picked up 4 for still favour the quickies but “There should have been a their strength actually,” Sharma given it a new direction and kilometers behind. Still, the
seen strong batters and promis- exposed in India’s nine wicket 33 runs and Darlington 2 for 29 other than that spinners rule.” plan in place to pick a pool of said. “Also, if you insist on play- vision and built a unique team remote has passed from his
ing spinners being unearthed loss to Australia on a bouncy in the first match of a three- Vastrakar, the lanky bowler 10-12 seamers from across India ing bowling all-rounders they culture. He also demanded hands now, and he won’t even
and nurtured, but when it pitch at the Great Barrier Reef match ODI series. from Madhya Pradesh, was and organise special camps for can’t make you win in either strict compliance. have Shastri to back him up
comes to pace, there’s hardly Arena in Mackay. The Austra- On the other hand, the Indian pulled from the attack after she them and also send them to for- Australia or New Zealand.” Perhaps for the first time after the T20 World Cup.
anything to talk about outside of lians, even without their star seamers—Jhulan Goswami, leaked 26 runs in just two overs. eign shores for exposure keep- Brief scores: India 225 for 8 in ever, it was one individual and But Kohli need not be
the 38-year-old Jhulan Gos- bowler Megan Schutt, troubled debutant Meghna Singh and The 21-year-old has now gone ing the global tournaments in 50 overs (M Raj 63; D Brown not A cricket body who decided fussed about all this. He
wami, now nearing two decades India with teenage pacers Dar- Pooja Vastrakar—went wicket- eight ODIs without a wicket. mind,” Sharma said. 4/33, H Darlington 2/29) lost to how the national team will play, remains Indian cricket’s great-
in international cricket. cie Brown and Hannah Darling- less as Australia romped home India has also tested seamers “Look at what Bharat Arun Australia 227/1 in 41 overs (R the brand of cricket to follow est asset—an all-time great of
Goswami almost single- ton—playing in only their sec- losing just a single wicket and like Komal Zanzad and Monica (Indian men’s team’s bowling Haynes 93 not out, A Healy 77, M and the values it will uphold. the game and the boss of all
handedly shoulders the pace ond and first ODIs respec- with nine overs to spare. The Patel in past series but none of coach) has done with the men’s Lanning 53 not out) England, Australia, South three formats.

l That familiar feeling of isolation hits Pakistan cricket again
BCCI extends tender Taliban bans IPL
purchase deadline broadcast; sacks Dhiman Sarkar perception,” was how PCB chair- hard done by. “We go in the with four teams scheduled to and a terror attack in Karachi help from the ICC, the country
for new IPL teams Afghan board CEO [email protected]
man Ramiz Raja reacted. On World Cup now and where we visit. Instead, the former one-day that had led to games shifting to hosted a World XI led by Faf du
MUMBAI: The BCCI has NEW DELHI: The Taliban- Monday, ECB announced that it had one team in our target—our world champions find them- neutral venues. Plessis for three T20s. Sri Lanka
extended the deadline for ruled Afghanistan has KOLKATA: The media advisory wouldn’t be travelling to Paki- neighbours India, they now add selves in the familiar position of Studies have found that host- visited twice in 2019 when a
purchase of tender banned the broadcast of from New Zealand Cricket (NZC) stan either next month with the two more teams—New Zealand being shunned by countries. ing sporting events can get a Rawalpindi stadium ring-fenced
document regarding two the IPL in the country over reached Indian journalists at 2:15 men’s and women’s teams. and England,” he said. This would have been New nation to feel good about and by heavy security staged the
new IPL teams by five days the presence of “female am on Tuesday. It said the Cricket Australia is reconsider- Pakistan toured England last Zealand’s first tour in 18 years. enhance its international stand- country’s first Test since 2009.
“pursuant to request from audience and spectators” England Cricket Board (ECB) had ing next year’s tour and, as a summer when the country was England haven’t been there since ing. “Cricket has been the most Bangladesh played a Test in 2020
interested parties”. Now, in stadiums. Former received “a threatening email domino effect, the scheduled struggling to contain Covid-19 2005, Australia last visited in popular source of public joy (in and later that year, Zimbabwe
those interested to bid for Afghanistan Cricket Board related to NZC”, one which was visit by West Indies too can be and vaccines hadn’t yet been 1998-99 and South Africa finally Pakistan),” said academics Sal- came again. PSL had come home
the new teams have got (ACB) media manager M “treated seriously, investigated, hit, said Raja who took charge rolled out—a Sydney Morning came visiting earlier this year man Yousaf and Fahad Laber. In in 2017 and foreign cricketers
until October 10 to pick up Ibrahim Momand said the and deemed not credible.” this month. Herald report on Tuesday said after a hiatus of thirteen years. a paper that probed whether and coaches didn’t shirk from
the Invitation to Tender. broadcast of IPL matches Hence, the women’s cricket “This Western bloc gets that tour saved the ECB from los- India haven’t been to Pakistan international sports boycott act travelling to Pakistan.
The BCCI has laid down was banned due to possible team’s tour of England would united unfortunately and tries to ing $526 million—and again this since 2006 with Pakistani play- as a social identity threat, Yousaf The build-up to the 2021-22
eligibility criteria where “anti-Islamic” content. The continue. back each other. Who can we year. They hadn’t shirked from ers being barred from the cash- and Laber said cricket played a domestic season thus had gone
the bidder should have a Taliban also sacked the Contrast that to NZC’s reac- complain to?” said the former touring New Zealand either after rich IPL after 2008. “pivotal part in the nation-build- smoothly. Pakistan had again
net worth of over ₹2500 head of the cricket board, tion in Pakistan where it pulled Pakistan batter referring to the the 2019 Christchurch mosque So, although the terrorist ing process in Pakistan.” rolled out the red carpet and a
crores and turnover over replacing him with a out the men’s team hours before successive pullouts. PCB’s losses shootings. attack on the Sri Lanka team bus All that got unhinged after thick security blanket for New
₹3000 crores. Another member of the Haqqani the first ODI. NZC CEO David are expected to be between $15 So, from playing 12 T20Is to and match officials’ entourage in 2009 when Pakistan cricket was Zealand for a tour that would
condition is that a network. Hamid Shinwari White said there was “specific million to $25 million and it is prepare for the World T20, Paki- 2009 led to international cricket forced to move to UAE. have helped change perceptions
consortium cannot be posted on his Facebook and credible threat” but refused likely to seek compensation. stan could head to the competi- being stalled in Pakistan, there Baby steps began to be taken about the country. Instead, as
bigger than three parties. A page that he has been to share information with the Raja said a good performance tion next month having played have been instances prior such in 2015 when Zimbabwe visited, John Lennon sang in ‘Isolation’,
base prize of ₹2000 crores removed on the orders of Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). in next month’s T20 World Cup just one, away to West Indies, as the bombing of the twin tow- but even that trip was blighted they were left feeling that “The
has been set. senior Haqqani officials. “You can take any decision on would be the best way for Paki- this term. This was supposed to ers in New York in 2001, the rise by a terrorist attack. In 2017, Sri world is just a little town/Every-
the basis of security threat and stan to show that it has been be a busy season in Pakistan of the Taliban in Afghanistan Lanka visited Pakistan and with body trying to put us down...”



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SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

Good Samaritan helps poor tribal girls

Sharath all for camps Ram Parmar
[email protected]
tion for the Tennis Cricket Asso-
ciation of India’s national tour-
Cricket Association of Maha-
rashtra and expressed his wish

but with better facilities

nament in October in Mathura. of sponsoring the trip. Sankhe
women’s cricket team from Pal-
The tribal girls, all hailing
from poor families, could not
invited the squad to Boisar, from
where he arranged a bus to
Agencies ghar rural district found a Good gather enough money to reach Nashik. “As Palghar has given
Samaritan in Vaibhav Sankhe, Nashik for the September 23-26 national cricketers like Shardul
[email protected]
who sponsored the team’s trans- selection trials. After being made Thakur, I felt that the Palghar
MADRID : Ronald Koeman Rutvick Mehta port and three-day stay in aware of their plight, Sankhe girls should not be left behind,”
defended his direct tactics after Nashik for the state’s team selec- contacted the secretary of Tennis said Sankhe.
[email protected]
being accused of betraying Bar-
celona’s attacking traditions in MUMBAI : Sharath Kamal,
a 1-1 draw at home to Granada India’s most accomplished table
on Monday. tennis player, says no player
Koeman brought Gerard should have problems in setting
Pique off the bench at Camp aside certain number of days
Nou to play up front alongside every year to attend national
Luuk de Jong, with Ronald camps, but the federation can-
Araujo, another central not crack the whip unless it
defender, also thrown into the develops a proper system first.
attack as Barca sent in 54 The issue of Table Tennis
crosses in search of an equal- Federation of India (TTFI) not
iser. Araujo finally headed fielding No. 1 woman player
home in injury-time after Manika Batra in the upcoming
Domingos Duarte had given Asian championships because
Granada an early lead but the she didn’t attend the national
whistles at the end from the camp has resulted in her peti-
Barcelona fans indicated a tioning the Delhi High Court.
point was not nearly enough. Batra has sought a stay on
“We changed our style a little TTFI’s directive in August that
bit,” Koeman said. “If you see made it mandatory to attend
the list of players, what do you national camps for selection.
do? Play tiki-taki? Tiki-taki Batra, at loggerheads with
when there are no spaces? We TTFI after alleging that national
did what we had to do. We tried coach Soumyadeep Roy asked
to win another way. We don’t her to lose her Tokyo Olympics
have players one-on-one or qualifying match against his
with speed.” personal trainee Sutirtha Muk-
herjee in March, was left out of
Knee injury rules Messi Doha event starting on Sept 28.
out of PSG-Metz game Sharath Kamal, 39, who has
PARIS: Lionel Messi will miss represented India for close to
PSG’s next French league game two decades and is still the top- Manika Batra has moved court against TTFI for axing her from the team for missing camp. REUTERS
at last-placed Metz after a ranked player said camps can-
knock to his left knee. not be compromised at the with their presence. “For me, “Instead of all of us having an have physios, female physios
A scan confirmed “the signs expense of personal training the essential aspect of a national individual fitness coach, why and masseurs for women play-
of bone contusion,” PSG said in time. “How often are they call- camp is to work together and can’t there be one fitness coach ers, sparring partners, etc. We
a statement on Tuesday. ing for the camps: in a year: get better together. Alone, we overseeing us?” Sharath said. need a panel of coaches, at least
Another assessment of Messi maybe 60 days. If you can’t give can’t go too far. Sure, if Manika “Of course, you will have your 1-2 foreign coaches... this is the
will be made in 48 hours. that to your national team, then practices alone, or Sathiyan or personal support staff, and also basic stuff which is necessary.
Messi was taken off in the what can be done? Considering Sharath train in Chennai, they the differences with the The national camp should be
75th minute of his home debut you are playing tournaments for could excel. But nobody else is national staff. Fine, but let your buzzing, where players should
on Sunday, when PSG beat 200 days out of the remaining going to benefit from that. The fitness coach talk to the national want to go,” Sharath said.
Lyon 2-1 in the league. 300, that still gives you 100 days youngsters need to benefit as fitness coach and sort it out, or Till this happens, TTFI
for your personal training. It’s well, and we need to build that your personal coach talk to the imposing rules for selection
Shiva, Sanjeet clinch just about balancing things,” structure for them. You can’t national coach and say, “these would be extreme, he felt.
national boxing gold Sharath said on Tuesday. just say, “OK, I’ve done my part are the things we’ve been work- “These rules are formed for
BELLARY: Rohit Mor stunned Only Sharath and Mukherjee and I’ll walk away”.” ing on, this is where I feel he or more or less one person; the
defending champion Moham- among the four Tokyo-bound For a while now, Batra has she lacks, this is the kind of others are pretty much fine.
mad Hussamuddin but Shiva paddlers attended the entire chosen to train in Pune with training we can think of”. As a Also, if you look at table tennis
Thapa and Sanjeet lived up to pre-Olympic camp in Sonepat. personal coach Sanmay Paran- personal coach, you know the by and large, it is a well-behaved
expectations by clinching gold G Sathiyan trained in Chennai jape, which led to a flashpoint in player much better. So share crop with very few exceptions.
medals in their respective while Batra went from her Pune Tokyo. With Paranjape not get- that. And get done with it.” So you don’t need to be so
weight categories at the men’s training base only for a few days ting on-court access during her That’s where, Sharath harsh. Here, they are whipping
National boxing champion- to train with Sharath, her mixed matches, Batra refused to have believes, TTFI must come in and the lash. As important as camps
ships here on Tuesday. doubles partner in Tokyo. national coach Roy in the provide the set-up. At the pre- are, it’s up to the federation to
Deepak Kumar (51kg), Akash The senior statesman felt coach’s box for her singles Tokyo camp, Sharath said he give us the basics. You can whip
(54kg), Akash (67), Sumit national camps can be an ave- matches. TTFI sent her a show- had to go out of his way to rent a the lash when you have those
(75kg), Sachin Kumar (80kg), nue for the country’s top players cause notice and Batra—her sin- gym, partly funding it himself. things in place. Without having
Lakshya (86kg) and Narender to not only spar with each gles qualification for Tokyo was India has also not had a foreign those things in place, saying you
(+92kg) also secured gold med- other—instead of having to all but secured based on world coach for over two years. need to attend a camp, with a
als by winning their respective search for a partner—but also ranking—made the allegation “It’s important to have the two-day prior notice, is not the
final bouts. help benefit the younger players on Roy. camp but also important to way forward,” Sharath said, .

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twitter user
commented at Taapsee
Pannu’s athletic body,
saying she has a “mard ki
body”, the actor slayed it with

her response saying, “Thank
Sonu Sood
You I really worked hard
for this compliment


Businessman Raj
Kundra leaves after
being granted bail

HAVEN’T Raj Kundra granted
SPENT THE bail two months
after arrest
usinessman and
husband of actor
Shilpa Shetty Kundra,
Kundra threatened
aspiring actors, who hoped
for a break in showbiz.


Kundra Raj Kundra, has been l His police custody that
and granted bail by a local court got over on July 23 was
‘BE STRONG in Mumbai on Monday. This
came two months after he
extended by the Bombay
High Court till July 27, after
Kundra ENOUGH TO was arrested by the Mumbai which he was sent to a
PHOTO: Police. He was linked with 14-day judicial custody.

VIRAL the alleged production of l On August 2, the Bombay
BHAYANI pornographic content HC reserved its order on a
Following Kundra’s bail, distributed over bail plea filed by Kundra
Shilpa Shetty Kundra subscription-based mobile and Thorpe claiming that
shared a cryptic post where apps as well as websites. His their arrest was illegal on
she wrote, “There are IT head, Ryan Thorpe, has grounds of no legal notice
always going to be also been released. They served to them. However,
Sonu Sood breaks silence, speaks for the P moments that push you to
the ground. In times like
have been asked to furnish a
surety of ₹50,000 each. As
Metropolitan Magistrate
Court and the Bombay HC
first time after the income tax raid I can’t even these, I truly believe that if
you fall seven times, make
per reports, Kundra became
emotional when he stepped
rejected their pleas.
l On August 13, a team was
get a penny yourself strong enough to out of Arthur Road Jail. formed by the Mumbai
from abroad be able to stand back up Sporting a red teeka and Police Crime Branch for
Rishabh Suri out of ₹18.94 crore collected for the night,” he adds. eight times... (sic)” When having visibly lost weight, he investigation. A few days
[email protected]
helping people, only ₹1.9 crore Addressing the foreign into my she was questioned by the avoided photographers and later, the Bombay HC

abardast” is Sonu Sood’s

was used. “It was not lying
unused, we use it every single
donations worth ₹2.1 crore,
which have violated the FCRA
foundation. crime branch for her
alleged involvement in the
got into a waiting car. granted interim protection
from arrest to Kundra,

Z reply when we ask how

he is doing. He made
headlines when it
was revealed that his
premises and house were raided
by Income Tax officials for
alleged tax evasion. Everything
day. The money is transferred to
hospitals, educational institutes.
We scrutinize, make sure it goes
to a needy person,” he says.
Another allegation was unpaid
income tax dues amounting to
₹20 crore. Sood says he has
norms, Sood says his foundation
does not come under it. “It takes
three years for that. I can’t even
get a penny from abroad into my
foundation. The fund is still with
the crowdfunding platform.
Violation happens when the fund

send them to the platform and

ask them to send that amount.
That money goes directly from
businesses of her husband
earlier, she denied it. A
source said to a portal that
she’s planning on parting
ways with Kundra. On July
29, she had approached the
Bombay HC, seeking
l After an examination at
the JJ hospital, Kundra was
produced before the Killa
Court on July 20.
l The crime branch
reportedly recovered 70
Kamat and extended it
till September 20.
l Last week, Mumbai Police
filed a supplementary
chargesheet, comprising
nearly 1500 pages against
Kundra and Thorpe.
that he did during the past one provided all the required papers. comes to India, and that hasn’t them to the hospital,” says Sood, restraint on media from videos shot by Kundra’s PA, Kundra was termed the
and a half years to help people “I am a law abiding citizen, I’ll happened. If someone needs as he denies any financial dealing publishing “malicious and Umesh Kamat. As per “main facilitator” in the
came under the scanner. make sure what they need will be help, we get all the papers from with the infrastructure company defamatory” content reports, witnesses and pornography racket case.
Fingers were pointed at how provided even in the middle of the hospital, scrutinize them, he is alleged to have links with. against her. complainants revealed HTC

15 years of ruling hearts

Gul Panag: Dor
set the tone for
the kind of roles I
would do later
Juhi Chakraborty What struck me was the
[email protected]
simplicity of the script. It was
not your regular film. I
or may have been the
Impeccable script, talented cast, remember meeting Dibakar

D third film of her

career, but for Gul
Panag, the film, which
Khosla Ka Ghosla lives on
Banerjee for the role, but he
was cocky for a first-time
director and wanted me to
released on this day 15 audition immediately. I told
years ago, remains him, ‘Do you want a good
important as it was a proof RANVIR SHOREY audition or a quick audition?’
of her appetite for I was starting out at that I came the next day and
qualitative cinema. She time and was auditioning a improvised on scenes and
essayed the part of Zeenat, Shreyas lot. It was a difficult decision when I was done, he offered
who takes on the task of Talpade and for Dibakar to cast me, but he me the role. The film faced
saving the life of her a still from trusted me with the role. hurdles, but was a hit when
husband, who is on trial Dor Playing the Punjabi, Delhi ka it released.
for murder. launda was familiar to me. I
“I didn’t realise that it’s remember reading the script
been 15 years already! It’s and thinking how perfect it
(the film) a milestone. It set was. The making was fun, TARA SHARMA
the space I would work in, with all credit to Anupam The film cuts across all age
going forward. Dor was a Kher, who led the cast in groups. It created awareness
reaffirmation that my every way. He inspired and about loopholes while dealing
choices were correct,” entertained us. I struck a with property-related
says Panag. great friendship with him. It matters. It doesn’t feel like
It wasn’t the usual BOMAN IRANI was frustrating to wait for 15 years; I feel it was just
film that many female This film holds a special place the release, especially as the yesterday that we were
actors would do at that in my heart. To play a Punjabi film was important for my shooting for it. We made
time. The 42-year-old
says she wanted to Shreyas Talpade: I wasn’t character was a leap of faith
for me. Jaideep Sahni (writer)
career. some wonderful friends. As it
was a small-budget film, we
steer clear from the
run-of-the-mill the first choice for Dor wanted to cast me, but I
wasn’t keen on playing the
shared the same vanity van
and played many games.
projects and is proud role, as it was a daunting task.
to have Dor on her Juhi Chakraborty Kukunoor. I wasn’t the first NOTE TO Today, I am grateful to him for
resume. “Everybody choice for my character.” READERS: Some having faith in me. Dibakar
said that being an ex- ome films find their way The 46-year-old reveals that Banerjee (director) and

of the coverage
Gul Panag Miss India, I should choose to actors, that’s how Dor the director wanted a senior that appears on Jaideep hand-held me
PHOTO: SUJIT conventional parts. But happened to Shreyas actor. “I’d formed a rapport our pages is through the dubbing process.
JAISWAL/AFP Dor set the tone for the Talpade. Reminiscing about his with Nagesh after Iqbal and I paid for by the Anupam Kher saab was a huge
(inset) a still kind of roles I would do part and collaborating with was like, ‘How can I not be concerned support. When we saw the
brands. No
from Dor later. It’s an incredible filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor part of the film?’ He wanted film for the first time, he was
film, but there was after Iqbal (2005), Talpade, me to play one of the husbands content does or excited about my entry, which
temptation to do other who plays the role of of the two female characters. shall appear in was unbelievable. The film
films too, movies that Bahuroopiya, says, “It’s been 15 After a week, he offered any part of HT helped people cast me in roles
would make me a years already? This is unreal!” Bahuroopiya. to me. He said without it being outside my comfort zone
recognisable face quickly,” He further shares, “I consider since I do a lot of mimicry, I declared as such without trepidation. It had a
she says. it my favourite. With Dor, I might as well use it in the film,” to our valued huge impact on my career.
saw a different Nagesh the actor says. readers. Text by Kavita Awaasthi
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021


SEPTEMBER 22, 2021


GO TREKKING! be a good idea
on Wednesday
Scan here
to visit
With monsoons still around and the pandemic situation getting better, it’d HTTravel

to put on your shoes and explore these scenic trails

Ananya Raghavan caves, rock-cut water cisterns and the
[email protected]
Morbe Dam make the long, strenuous
walk completely worth it. Harshil

ver since the Covid-19 Ashra, a regular trekker, agrees with ▼ Tungareshwar

pandemic hit last year, several this and says, “The views are to die for.
restrictions were imposed If you wish to be surrounded by nature,
on domestic as well as there’s nothing like this place.”
international travel. Like all
travel aficionados, trekkers were TUNGARESHWAR TRAIL
also forced to stay homebound. But A part of the Sanjay Gandhi
since the situation is getting better, National Park, a trek to
many adventure lovers are exploring Tungareshwar is certainly the
small treks near Mumbai and Pune to best way to beat city blues,
enjoy the scenic locales. Here’s a list even if it’s just for a while.
you can choose from: Arjun Shukla, a trekking
instructor, has only
IRSHALGAD TREK wonderful things to say
Irshalgad derived its name from about the trail. “This is a
‘Irshal’, which translates to ‘the top’ simple trek, right up to the
and ‘gad’, which means ‘the fort’. Lord Shiva temple. This 3.5km
Located in Karjat, the trek to the trek on naturally paved stone
Irshalgad Fort is easy to moderately and mud roads with superb flora
difficult. It takes about two hours to and fauna will keep you busy, and
ascend and the descent takes about an you can enjoy the creations of
hour and a half. The breathtaking view nature. During the trek, you cross two
of the high paddy fields, numerous rivulets and during the rains, it’s
thrilling to do the same. Experienced
trekkers can also trek up to the Balyogi
Shri Sadanand Maharaj Ashram, which
is 8km from the temple,” he adds.
Found in the middle of a dense forest,
the Devkund Waterfall trek is nature’s
hidden gem. The trail is famous for its
alluring landscape, filled with sprawling
valleys, dense forests, and some of
the prettiest waterfalls, riverbeds, and
lakes. Ishaan Joshi, a college student
who recently visited the falls with his
friends, says, “The waterfall looks
serene during monsoon. It’s difficult to THE DEVKUND TRAIL IS
come across such a tall and forceful
waterfall near the city, so it’s definitely
a fulfilling experience. The trek is a VALLEYS, DENSE FORESTS,
moderately hard one, considering AND SOME OF THE PRETTIEST Devkund Waterfall
it’s a three-hour trek over slippery PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
ground and slimy rocks. But it does
attract adventure lovers, who love a AND LAKES.
good challenge.”

Ahupe Ghat

Kanheri Caves trail Ahupe Ghat trek

The Kanheri Caves are located
Be mindful of this The Ahupe Ghat trek is a
at the Sanjay Gandhi National
Park in Mumbai. The caves
before you start mesmerising one, as it offers
a breathtaking view of the
served as Buddhist monastic l Wear comfortable clothes lush Western Ghats and its
dwellings for many centuries. It and shoes valleys. Mikail Kazi, who
is a must-visit for history buffs. l Carry a change of clothes; it recently explored this trail,
Shruti Shah, a regular trekker to is essential says, “The trek is moderately
this site, says, “It’s heaven in the l Carry enough water and difficult. The view from the
city. It gives you a spectacular something to munch on top is stunning. You can see
view of Mumbai.” The trek is an l Carry a windcheater for the entire region from up top,
Kanheri Caves PHOTOS: FACEBOOK easy one, so if you’re a beginner, protection from the rain including the lake from where
you must add this to your list. the waterfall begins.”

Air show over Mussoorie open
Is travelling Dal Lake for tourists on
without an As a part of the ongoing Azadi Ka
Amrit Mahotsav that marks the
75th anniversary of Indian If you are planning to visit
itinerary foolish or Independence, Indian Air Force
will have an air show on
September 26. The show will
Mussoorie, here’s some news for
you. As per a fresh order, the
government will allow tourists

adventurous? be conducted over Dal Lake in

Srinagar. Colonel Enron Musavi,
Defence Ministry spokesman,
to visit Mussoorie only on the
weekends. Unvaccinated or
partially vaccinated travellers
In my case, I always travel with an itinerary because I have said, “The event, which is being must show a negative Covid-19
kind of an obsessive personality that wants to ensure I organised in collaboration with test report, not older than 72
capture a place’s history and culture. However, I believe the Jammu and Kashmir hours before their arrival. Tourists
you need to leave wiggle room, empty afternoons that government will be flagged off will have to register on Dehradun
enable you to discover the little nooks and crannies that by Manoj Sinha, lieutenant Smart City only portal, and
make your holiday surprising and spirited! I don’t think it governor of Jammu and Kashmir, provide proof of hotel booking
is foolish either way — a holiday is a personal experience at the Sher-e-Kashmir beforehand. They will also need to
tailored to your own International Conference Centre.” follow all Covid-19 protocols.
personality. I like a mix of
adventure and carefully
planned blow-my-mind PHOTO: FACEBOOK
experiences. The only
foolish thing is Delhi to Jaipur in three hours! A new eco-
forgetting sunblock
and bug spray! As per the latest reports, one will distance is almost the same if one UK updates tourism site in
be able to travel non-stop from
Dhaula Kuan in Delhi to Jaipur in
travels by NH-8 (the current
Delhi-Jaipur highway). But since travel Lucknow
nearly three hours by next June,
taking the Delhi-Gurugram and
the expressway is meant for only
high-speed vehicles and one can restrictions Land behind Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Sohna-Mumbai expressways. travel at a maximum permitted International Stadium, Lucknow,
“The total distance from Dhaula speed of 120kmph, the travel time From October 4, the UK will scrap will be developed into an eco-
Kuan to Jaipur via Sohna and to Jaipur will reduce to three its red and amber travel protocol forest. The area is said to have a
Dausa is around 270km and the hours,” said an NHAI official. lists, keeping a single red list. wide variety of bird species,
Disclaimer: Vaccinated visitors from non-red some listed under Schedule 1 of
The views list countries travelling to the Wildlife Protection Act.
expressed here UK would not have to undergo
are author’s a pre-departure RT-PCR test.
personal. However, India is still missing
from the UK’s expanded list of
countries whose vaccines it
recognises. This means Indians
Shivali Bhammer who had taken Covishield
Contemporary vaccine would still need Covid-19
devotional singer tests before departure and upon
arrival in the UK.
PHOTO: SAKIB ALI /HT Compiled by: Ruchika Garg
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

Entertainment & Promotional Features

time out 03

Making heads turn EPILEPSY

ollywood celebrities
B make appearances all
across the city, and we
are in absolute awe of pilepsy is a condition
their elegance. Radhika
Madan posed for the paps in
a pink satin dress outside an
event in Mumbai suburbs.
Actor Mouni Roy looked
E that affects not only
the affected person,
but also has a deeper
impact on the family
members. It affects the
striking in a shimmery sari. person’s emotional well-
Mira Rajput smiled for the being and takes a toll on their
camera outside a salon in mental health. The treatment a lot better today. Increasing
Bandra, and Ananya Panday approach to epilepsy needs to awareness and caring for
was spotted in the vicinity consider cognitive problems, epilepsy patients can restore
looking super cute in a grey
top and light blue jeans.
psychiatric comorbidities
and psychosocial
their self-confidence and
inculcate a feeling of
Jacqueline Fernandez complications. happiness within them. As Epilepsy and
did make us go gaga over her First Aid Steps it is quoted, “We don’t
airport look. She teamed up • Ensure that the person know how strong we are, seizures carry a
a white shirt with an ankle- lies on the floor. until being strong is the stigma that can
length pleated navy-blue skirt, • Turn the person gently only choice we have.”
and accessorised it with a chic onto one side. There are a range of be frightening to
light brown belt. Sidharth • Loosen ties or anything treatments available for others, who do not
Malhotra and Sussanne around the neck. epilepsy, ranging from oral
Khan were also spotted at the • Clear the area for any medications to surgery. For fully understand
Mumbai airport.
hard or sharp objects.
• Put something soft and
intractable seizures – those
who continue to have
the disorder.
flat under his or her head. seizures with two or more DR. NEERAJ JAIN , MD DM,
Sussanne Khan Sidharth Malhotra • Remove eyeglasses. antiepileptic medications, Additional Professor in Neurology,
• Make note of the time for epilepsy brain surgery offers Seth GS medical college and KEM
which the seizure persists. good relief and they can hospital, Mumbai, Consultant
• Keep yourself and other continue to be seizure free Neurologist, Fortis Hospital,
people calm. with less drugs. Navi Mumbai
Living with epilepsy can be HTC



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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dr Prem Kumar Sharma (Astrologer and Vaastu expert) can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, 40532026 (Sat
to Mon); Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 09716145644 (Last week of every month)


MAR 21-APR 20 JUL 23-AUG 23 NOV 23-DEC 21

A L s
A fixed deposit/insurance Interact with people of Medical tests will rule out
is likely to mature and add other departments to find a serious malady to your
to your wealth. You’re a solution to problems. big relief. You are likely to
likely to get opportunity to Get a fair idea of the exam deal with a grumpy family
bond with your near and dear. Those pattern by going through previous elder admirably. A family property is
owning multiple properties may years solved papers. Don’t overstrain likely to come in your name. Making
decide to put some on the block. yourself doing intense workouts. plans for a vacation is on the cards.
LOVE FOCUS: You manage to iron out LOVE FOCUS: Don’t let your romance LOVE FOCUS: Expect lover to lavish
differences in your relationship. lose its magic; get innovative! oodles of love on you today.
Lemon Blue Yellow

(Left to right)
Traditional themes by
Kailavani Bhosale,
APR 21-MAY 20 AUG 24-SEP 23 DEC 22-JAN 21
watercolours by

T I c
Meenal Goel, and Your support may help a Excellent day is foreseen You will have a leg up on a
porcelain painting family elder to get rid of for people under this sign. workplace competitor.
by Nirmala Dutta dark moods. A competitor Money loaned to someone Don’t leave school work
at work may bury the is likely to be returned in pending, if you want to
hatchet, become your friend. Keep a full. Seniors at work will appreciate keep up with the class. Applying for a

watch on your kids’ online activities. your desire to improve your skills. home loan is indicated for some.
LOVE FOCUS: Starting a romantic affair Attending a yoga camp is indicated. Remain financially secure.
with someone you have recently met LOVE FOCUS: Your romantic mood will LOVE FOCUS: A romantic getaway with
is possible. be fully reciprocated by partner. spouse is possible today.

Saffron Peach Violet


MAY 21-JUN 21 SEP 24-OCT 23 JAN 22-FEB 19

Exceptionally happening
day is foreseen for people
under this sign. A new
business you had been l
Becoming a member of
your company’s core
group will be a feather in
your cap. You will add to a
Positive feedback about
your product will help
business grow. Efforts put
in studies now will greatly

HUMAN SPIRIT working hard to get will come to you.

Some of you can invest in property.
LOVE FOCUS: Today, you and partner
can do something exciting together.
your reputation by scoring over your
peers in a school competition.
LOVE FOCUS: Those looking for love
may find the day most promising.
benefit you in the future. Air travel is
indicated for some.
LOVE FOCUS: You are likely to go as per
your partner’s plan for the day.
An ongoing art exhibition in the city celebrates the triumph of the Turquoise Magenta Lavender

artistic mind in a year riddled with Covid-19 woes CANCER SCORPIO PISCES
JUN 22-JUL 22 OCT 24-NOV 22 FEB 20-MAR 20
Navneet Vyasan too, the period opened up a An acrylic

[email protected]
world of human compassion. painting A close relation is likely to Do what’s expected of you In this competitive world,
“The last one and a half year by Richa visit. Overcoming legal to curry favour with boss. it’s best to keep your cards

s the city slowly gets was like no other in living Bansod hurdles in a case may take Seniors at school are likely close to your chest. Get
back on its feet, the memory. Fear and grief have time. You can travel to to help you complete an your house shipshape, if
artistic flair that it stalked us at every turn, even another city just to have a look at assignment. You may have to wait for you want a well-paying tenant. Your
always exhibited is though the pandemic confined your property there. Don’t feel hurt property rates to slide to purchase. request for a raise may get turned
rediscovering its us to our homes. But there by the judgmental attitude of people. LOVE FOCUS: Ex-flame may try to down and upset you.
space. The Abhivyakti Project were inspiring stories of LOVE FOCUS: Partner looks reserved come back to you, but it is best not to LOVE FOCUS: Too much work kills
Art Exhibition that will take courage, hope, and the today, find out why. open a closed chapter. passion, remember that.
place at the Nehru Centre Art indomitable human spirit, LUCKY NUMBER: 1 LUCKY COLOUR: LUCKY NUMBER: 8 LUCKY COLOUR: LUCKY NUMBER: 4 LUCKY COLOUR: Dark
Gallery, Worli, till September too,” she says. Maroon Purple Turquoise
27, houses over 100 paintings For Bansod, the calling was
by multiple artists that spiritual as well. She shares,
capture and celebrate the “One turns inwards to find
human spirit. courage and comfort. The art { CALVIN AND HOBBES I BILL WATTERSON }
For Richa Bansod, a doctor depicts this in myriad ways.”
by profession, the lockdown As for Hasurkar, the fact that
was a period of tireless work. different art forms are getting
“It was a difficult period, to be under one roof is a
where no answers were triumph of the artistic spirit.
forthcoming,” she says, adding “This art was put together
that art was her perfect during the trying times of the
companion during the pandemic. The Abhivyakti
pandemic period. “There had Project combines different
to be a calming force that expressions and styles into
would soothe the pain of one unique exhibition. There
inability to help, when will be over 100 paintings –
medications prove to be acrylic, watercolour and
ineffective,” she explains. porcelain, on display, and for
For artist Anita Hasurkar, purchase,” the artist says.
04 showbiz MUMBAI
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

‘WHEN I Sinner Man

STARTED singer
Sarah Dash
OUT, I FOUND passes away
over the last
Kunal Kapoor admits that PHOTO: SUBI

15 years, content has changed drastically

Rishabh Suri aspirational NRI characters wearing a
[email protected]
particular kind of clothes, everything
was shot outside India. Those were

e has been in the Hindi film characters I didn’t get, I was looking
industry for 17 years and for ones that were more relatable and
done 15-odd films, which is flawed. What’s happened in the last
not too many, surprisingly. few years is that more of these
But, actor Kunal Kapoor characters are being written,” says
insists it was a well-thought-of Kapoor, crediting content creators for
decision. writing them and the audience for
The 43-year-old, who made his accepting them. P eteran singer Sarah Dash
debut with Meenaxi: A Tale of Three
Cities (2004) says, “When I started off,
two things happened. One, when you
Recently, he found such
a role in the web show The Empire, in
which he played Mughal Emperor
Back then, V is no more. She was 76
when she breathed her
last. Confirming the news of
are successful, everybody wants to box Babur. And, he has been receiving hero was a Dash’s death, her R&B/rock
you and cast you in similar roles,
which was something I did not want to
praise for it. “The way he was written,
he was very flawed, not somebody who
hero, and villain group Labelle’s namesake Patti
LaBelle issued a statement to
do. Secondly, the content in the was strong. He was weak and was a villain. Billboard. “We were just
industry has changed a lot in the last 15
years. When I was starting out, I found
vulnerable, too. If a character like this
would have been written 15 years back,
There was onstage together on Saturday
(September 18) and it was such
the characters very unrelatable.” it would have been in a different way. nothing in a powerful and special
He goes on to say that roles back That, to me, was something I was moment. Sarah Dash was an
then were divided into plain good and looking for. The response has been
between. awesomely talented, beautiful
bad. “Hero was a hero, villain was a overwhelming. We expected it to get a KUNAL KAPOOR, Actor and loving soul who blessed
villain; there was nothing in between. good response, but this has really my life and the lives of so many
Every film made was about surprised us,” he concludes. others in more ways than I can
say. I could always count on
her to have my back,” she said.

No mask com
Born August 18, 1945 in
Trenton, NJ, Dash created a

pulsion in
Juhi Chakraborty vocal duo called the Capris
[email protected]
before relocating to
Philadelphia in the mid-60s. It

the UK did w
urrently, actor Aahana was there that she teamed up

C Kumra is in the UK, filming

a crime thriller. While she
is thrilled that she is finally
able to travel for work, there’s orry
with Nona Hendryx, Patti
LaBelle and Sundray Tucker as
members of a quartet called
The Ordettes. When Cindy

Aahana Kum
something that’s deeply worrying Birdsong replaced Tucker, the
her about this trip. “It’s different group changed its name to The

(here) from India. People are out Bluebelles in 1962. Apart from
and about not wearing masks as it’s achieving fame in the band,
not made mandatory by the Dash also made her name as a
government,” she shares. “I was solo singer. ANI
scared when I stepped out for the
first time. But [I understand that]
here (in the UK), almost 75% of the BORN AUGUST
population is vaccinated. But [I feel] 18, 1945 IN
we should not let our guards down,
even post the vaccination.”
The 36-year-old, who is fully DASH CREATED
vaccinated, feels blessed to have a A VOCAL DUO
change of location. “It has been a
welcome change after two years
of the pandemic. It’s nice to be CAPRIS.
out and shooting in a different
country,” says Kumra, who had
contracted Covid-19 in May.
The actor is also making the P
most of her work trip, which she
calls work-cum-vacation. “I’ve also As there’s a growing concern
We should not
had a couple of off days to meet about the rise in Delta variant cases, let our guards
up with family and friends, watch Kumra admits that her family was waiting for things to be alright.
plays, grab drinks and have dinner. initially quite worried for her. “They You’ve to push the envelope and down, even post
I’m being careful about not going were (worried) initially when I was take the risk if you want to work. the vaccination. PHOTO:
to crowded places as I don’t travelling, but they’re fine now. So, it’s scary with the new cases on INSTAGRAM/
want to put my unit at risk,” the They have also realised that one has the rise, but I guess we’re fine at AAHANA KUMRA, AAHANAKUMRA
Lipstick Under My Burkha (2016) to go forward with things and one the moment,” she ends on a Actor
actor shares. can’t just keep sitting at home positive note.

Harvey Weinstein again

pleads not guilty to
sexual assault charges
Shah Rukh
Khan in a
still from

SC stays order directing

F to pay com p ensation
for excluding Jabra Fan
he Supreme Court has stayed the only for promotional purposes, and the isgraced Hollywood Mark Werksman, argued that

T National Consumer Disputes

Redressal Commission (NCDRC)
order directing Yash Raj Films (YRF) to
production house was under no
obligation to include it in the film. It
also argued that it is not a service
D mogul Harvey Weinstein
has once again denied
the 11 counts of rape and
none of the prosecutors’ allega-
tions have been proven so far
and hence they should not be
pay a compensation of ₹10,000 to a provider and the complainant availed sexual assault charges levelled allowed in trial. Werksman
consumer who was aggrieved by the ‘services’ of the cinema hall, not that of against him. On Monday, a also said that his client cannot
exclusion of the song Jabra Fan from the production house. wheelchair-bound Weinstein walk and needs eye surgery.
Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Fan (2016). Zaidi claimed her children did not appeared in LA Superior Court Weinstein’s next court date
A bench headed by Justice Hemant have food on the night when they went for a brief hearing, where he is scheduled for October 25.
Gupta also issued a notice on Monday to watch the film in a theatre, because pleaded not guilty to sex-re- For the unversed, Weinstein
to Afreen Fatima Zaidi, who had filed a they were disappointed that the song lated criminal counts. was found guilty last year in
complaint in the NCDRC. was not played. This, she added, led to a According to CNN, during New York of first-degree
The complainant alleged that she spike in their acidity levels and the latest court hearing, criminal sexual act and third-
was cheated, as the song Jabra Fan, subsequently, hospitalisation. prosecutors revealed they degree rape. He is serving a
which featured in the promos and YRF argued that mere non-inclusion are seeking to admit other 23-year prison sentence in New
trailers, was not a part of the film. of the song has not caused any loss to evidence of alleged sexual mis- York, but has been transferred
YRF’s counsel contended before the the complainant, and that the claims conduct currently under seal. to California for the court
apex court that the song was meant are exaggerated. ANI Weinstein’s defence counsel, hearings lately. HTC

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