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Name: Noeson B.

Tecson Date: April 15, 2020

Case Study
(Chapter 1)

Keeping Up with IT
Samuel is in his mid-40s and has worked for Andres Enterprises for almost 20
years. Samuel has seen the enterprise grow from just over 20 employees when he
started to work for the enterprise to over 200 today. Even though Samuel has been
promoted over the years and his responsibility has increased, he has recently become
worried about his future at the enterprise. This has something to do with his uneasiness
in the use of computers. For the past five years, this was not much of a concern since
computers were not used in any HR applications. But with the Internet gaining so much
popularity especially in its application in the field of HR, Samuel is starting to be
restless. He feels he is no longer young to learn the new technology aside from the fact
that he is having a hard time understanding the system. Because Samuel is so far
behind his colleagues when it comes to using the new technology, he is shy to ask for
help. To make matters worse, a memo was issued by the head of HR informing
everyone to actively use the HRIS in different HR functions, including the processing of
applicants, payroll computations, and the employees’ benefits administration.

Help Samuel solve his problem by following the steps below:

1. State Samuel’s main problem.
-Samuel’s problem is that he think he is not young enough to learn the new
technology together with the difficulty of understanding the system as well. Now
it is mandated for them to use the technology in any processing situation that
makes it even worse for him.
2. Discuss the areas of consideration following the guide below.
Samuel’s Strengths: He is already knowledgeable within the company because
of his experience for a long time. Experience will make him more expert within
the company.
Samuel’s Weakness: But with the integration of IT in the administration and
using it on daily basis makes him jobless, because he has the difficulty when it
comes to use this technology. Inferiority will build to Samuel.
Possible Opportunities for Samuel: This is the opportunity to Samuel to earn
with ne innovations, ne processes and ne was in helping the company to grow. It
will give also opportunity for Samuel to cooperate with young employees and
also give them some learning as well.
Possible Threats for Samuel: Possible threats for Samuel is that to build more
inferiority and have no willingness to learn from this new technology and much
even worse is to be fired or resign with the job.

3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum of

three) to help Samuel overcome his problem.
a. Giving task to Samuel that the use of this new technology is minimized
within his capability.
b. Providing Samuel with IT Equipment’s to learn it easily.
c. Give Samuel’s training in using this new technology and providing him
some assistance within his colleagues.
4. State your recommendation based on your ACA.
Give time for Samuel to adjust to the new technology in the company, providing
him with trainings to learn this things and not really giving him task that hardly
involved with this new equipment’s but rather giving him a job with his expertise.

5. Discuss the implementation of your chosen recommendation following the guide

Specific Activity Person Time Frame Budgetary
Responsible Requirements
Trainings Staff 1-2 Months Computer and

Case Study
(Chapter 2)

Reyes Department Store

Based on the review of the store, Nicole, the general manager concluded that
one of the first things she has to attend involves developing the job description of her
store supervisors. During her first few weeks on the job, Nicole found herself asking one
of her supervisors, Jet, why he was violating what she knew to be part of the company
policies and procedures. Jet’s only response was that he was not aware of that policy
and was not aware it was part of his job.
Nicole knew that a job description, along with the set of standards and
procedures that specify what was to be done and done to do it, will go a long way
toward alleviating the problem.
Discuss the process that Nicole should follow to solve this problem.
In order to solve the problem, Nicole must see to it that she knew what are
the job description of her supervisors under his jurisdiction. Providing it to them
or giving orientation to them as a reminder will solve not only the current problem
but also the other problems that will come up in the future.
Nicole can provide trainings to his supervisors on how they can enhanced
their capacity to do their work successfully. She can also provide them technical
assistance so that she can assess what is the problem and they can solve it
She can also remind her supervisors about their duties and responsibilities
like setting goals for performance and deadlines in ways that comply with
company’s plans and vision, organizing workflow and ensuring that employees
understand their duties or delegated tasks and monitoring employee productivity
and providing constructive feedback and coaching. If the supervisors are not
really doing their jobs properly or violating the policy intentionally then Nicole can
give fair sanctions that will to other supervisors to do their job properly.
Case Study
(Chapter 3)

Recruiting a New Production Manager

Javier’s Enterprises manufactures a variety of food products. Analisa Rafol had

been the production manager for the past two years after being promoted to the
position. Unfortunately, she is failing in her job. She has been with the company since it
started 18 years ago and because of her exceptional performance record, she had been
promoted many times.
Javier’s Enterprises started as family business and has followed a policy of
promotion from within to motivate employees and give them new opportunities to learn
and grow.
The company is continuing to expand into foreign markets and it is essential that
the production department adopts the latest technology and production processes.
Top management is convinced that the job demands someone who has been
educated in manufacturing technology and who has at least two years of experience.
They are divided, however, on how to handle this problem.
One executive thinks the job should be given to one of the production
supervisors who is bright and capable and could probably acquire the knowledge and
skills needed to be a good production manager and still preserve the company’s
tradition of promoting from within.
Another executive thinks the company should advertise the job to solicit a large
number of applicants with excellent qualifications.

Answer the following questions:

1. How valuable is the tradition of promotion from within and how disruptive will it be
deviate from the tradition? What are the advantages and risks of promoting from
within in this situation?
Internal recruitment will support employees in advancing their own talent,
which in turn increases retention and can improve performance. When one
employee succeeds, everyone benefits. Promoting internally is known to have a
positive effect on staff morale because it’s a concrete indicator that your
organization rewards for high performance. And with higher performance comes
the opportunity for new or additional responsibilities, for the employee to move to
a department of interest, or get promoted, so if they are going to change it there
is also risks for the morale of the other employees. Like for example, even
though internal hiring may offer incentives for staff and motivate high
performance, it can also increase competition, which can negatively impact
culture and team performance. Employees may feel the need to compete with
each other to get ahead, which can cause interpersonal conflict. This may be
exaggerated between employees who feel as though they’re a great fit for your
open positions but aren’t promoted. Advancement opportunities may cause other
employees to get impatient. If employees believe that the only way they’ll get
promoted is when someone leaves a more senior position, they may start looking
for other opportunities with faster advancement.
2. As head of HR, how are you going to handle the problem of the incumbent
production manager, Analisa Rafol, considering she rose from the ranks because
of exceptional performance record?
Noted from the performance of Analisa Rasol, it was already proven that
she is already competent managers but because of the expansions that
will be made by the company, now is the time that she can give her
experiences to other managers that the company will hired. Yes it is true
that sometimes a company needs revitalization. Bringing in new
candidates from external avenues can provide the company with new
perspectives and ideas that may support the company’s growth and
advancement but there will always be some uncertainty about how
external candidates will blend in (or not) with your current work culture.
Sometimes, candidates seem great on paper and in the interview, but end
up creating rifts in the corporate culture. Hiring for culture fit is a critical
piece when you're hiring external candidates.
3. If the company decides to recruit from the outside, what are the best external
recruiting sources for finding a new production manager?
The company can provide announcement online for hiring externally with
job interview and with experiences as production manager. Considering
what are the goals of the company what are the goals are for the role:
what’s the impact you want this person to have in the organization?
Retention rates, performance, and company culture might be positively
impacted by promoting from within, but if you need an injection of new
ideas to change course, an external hire might be the catalyst for
significant change.
Case Study
(Chapter 4)

Test Scores versus Letter of Recommendation

Vangie Villela, the personnel officer of Caffmaco Feeds, quickly realized

the dilemma she faced as she received the application file of Angel Joy. Angel
Joy had applied for a position at the sales and marketing department because
several openings in that department still remained. However, Vangie was unsure
whether Angel Joy would be able to learn the job and do it well.
Angel Joy’s application indicated that she was a recent commerce
graduate who never had a full-time job. Her best recommendation was a letter
from Mr. Max Ditangan, the general manager of the company. Max described
Angel Joy as an excellent worker and “the kind of person our company ought to
employ.” Angel Joy had been a babysitter for the Ditangan family and lived on
the same street.
Although Angel Joy’s application and letter of recommendation were very
positive, Vangie doubted that she would succeed at the department. Her test
scores were way below the normal cutoff levels.
Angel Joy probably would be a very pleasant and cooperative employee
and hiring her would please Mr. Ditangan. But could she do the job?

1. Should Vangie disregard the test scores and hire Angel Joy? Explain your
Since Angel Joy was commerce graduate and her scores were way below the
normal cut offs level. It was clearly that she is not qualified for the job.
2. Would it be kind to hire or not to hire Angela Joy?
If Vangie is leveling the situation whether she can hire Angel Joy or not, giving
the chance that she can get favor to Mr. Ditangan. She must explain to his
managers that it is not bad to take recommendations but looking on his test
scores, she can’t disregard the reality that she is not qualified.
3. What is your recommendation to help Vangie solve this problem?
With the given situation she can talked to Mr. Ditangan that if they desperately
want Angel Joy to hire in the company despite of the low score, they can allow it
first as temporarily employee, not regular, giving her time to explore and prove
that she is qualified enough due to her performance in the company. Then based
from her performance, there is no doubt what would be the decision of Vangie if
she can hire or not Angel Joy.
Case Study
(Chapter 5)

On-the-Job Training at Buenaobra’s Machine Shop

Buenaobra’s Machine Shop employs about 300 people. During the summer
months, production volume significantly increases and the company needs to hire about
40 new employees to handle the heavy workload. Most of these new employees are
college and high school students who are on summer vacation.
All newly hired employees are asked to fill up the company’s application form
then instructed to go directly to the manufacturing site ready to start in their first day of
work. They receive no orientation. The workers are shown to a workstation and after a
minimum amount of on-the-job training, they are expected to start performing the jobs.
Most of the jobs are quite simple and hence, training is competed within 5 to 10
The company has had an excellent experience with the students over the years.
Much of the success can be attributed to the older workers coming to the aid of the new
employees when trouble or difficulties arise.
One summer, the company experienced a rash of injuries to its employees.
Although most of the injuries were minor, the company felt it imperative to conduct a
series of short training programs on safe material-handling techniques. The company
was at a loss as to who should conduct the training. Out of desperation, the president
asked Jonathan Andres, one of the first line supervisors to conduct the training.
Jonathan had recently attended a training program on safety and was active in the Red
Cross. Jonathan reluctantly agreed to conduct the training.
In the first training session, Jonathan nervously stood up in front of 14
employees, many of whom were college students and read his presentation in a
monotone voice. His entire speech lasted about 7 minutes.
After Jonathan’s speech, the employees immediately returned to work. By the
end of the day, however, everyone in the plant had heard about the training fiasco and
all, except the president, were laughing about it.

Help the company president solve the problem by following the steps below:
1. State the main problem of Buenaobra’s Machine Shop.
The president asked Jonathan Andres, one of the first line supervisors to
conduct the training. Jonathan had recently attended a training program on
safety and was active in the Red Cross. Jonathan reluctantly agreed to conduct
the training even though Jonathan is not as good speaker that time.

2. State the different areas of consideration following the guide below:

Strengths of the Company:
The company has had an excellent experience with the students over the years.
Much of the success can be attributed to the older workers coming to the aid of
the new employees when trouble or difficulties arise.
Weaknesses of the Company:
During the time of losses due to some injuries, they don’t have qualified
employees to conduct safety trainings. People who are capable to train or to
orient new employees.
This is an opportunity for the company to assess what are there strengths and
weaknesses. What might be the other factors that can affect the flow of their just
like their current situations. Even though they have excellent experiences
through the years it was visible that they lack of safety trainings and precautions.
It is very important that safety first is always priority and they must provide it
carefully not just provide any actions immediately out of desperations because it
will just add more problem.
The new employees will think that their supervisors are not capable of their job.
They might think to change their company eventually.
3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum of
three) to help the company president overcome the problem.
Don’t forget to state the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.
a. Orientation of the new employees with the current situation of the
company by the president itself. He is much capable of doing it because
the respect of new employees are always there.
b. The president might provide another sets of trainings with more capable
speakers or trainings so that it can fill up the fiasco of the former trainings.
c. If the president that the former speaker is qualified enough but with just
lack of self-confidence. He can help Jonathan to be more capable
speakers I the front of possible more employees in the future. It will help
not only to take care the former fiasco trainings but it will also change the
perceptions of the new employees to Jonathan and for the company.

4. State your recommendation based on your ACA.

My recommendations is to provide another set of trainings to the new employees
with capable speakers but also giving training to the trainers for the future
benefits that within their company they have qualified trainers/speakers for future
5. Provide a conclusion or detailed action plan to implement your recommendation
using the guide below:
Specific Activity Person Time Frame Budgetary
Responsible Requirements
2nd wave of The President and Within 2 days New employees
orientation for new trainer’s only
Trainings for Prospect At least 1 week Prospect trainers
trainers speakers/trainers of the company
in the future
Case Study
(Chapter 6)

Why the Need to Change

Artermio was appointed CEO of Rafol’s Enterprises upon the death of his father.
The company went public under the leadership of Artemio and had to adapt to being
open and transparent to outside investors. There were pressures from the shareholders
to reduce costs and increase profits. In response, Artemio implemented cost-cutting
measures including downsizing by means of enforcing early retirement of employees
who he felt could not cope in the move to digitize the operation of the business.
As expected, most of the employees were not happy and this affected the morale
of their employees. Artemio sought the assistance of Ely Buenaobra, the VP of HR. Ely
suggested a comprehensive program wherein it is not just the managers who would be
evaluated based on achieving results but even the employees by means of
demonstrating to their employees that their performance affects company results. This
in turn will show to the shareholders that the company’s primary objective is to increase

1. Do you agree with the proposal of Ely? Explain your answer.

I think that is okay, because it is not merely enough that the managers can only
decide who are the employees based from their results that can go to early
retirement. By this comprehensive program the company can explain to their
employees what is the ultimate objectives of the company and why they are
doing the early retirement, its because of two mainly reasons, for those wo can
hardly cope up to digitize operation and proving shareholders theirs primary
objectives. In this way employees will be motivated that they will do their best to
learn and to cope up with the trend and will also increase their performance,
knowing that based from their performance they can have early retirement or can
or until they reach their age of retirement.
2. If you were an employee of Rafol’s Enterprises, how would you react to the new
evaluation system that will measure your performance vis-à-vis predetermined
outcomes or objectives?
I can understand the evaluation system of the company since there are many
competitions today. They are just doing this for the benefit of the company. Now
as the employee of the said company, this will just help me to be motivated to do
my job well and be successful. I am determined to do my best so that it will not
just result for a long stay for the company but also to have promotion within the
company in the future. All employees are motivated that anytime if they are not
performing well could be their last chance to work at the company and can be
fired or have early retirement.
3. Who should be involved in developing employee outcomes/objectives?
It should be the all employees are involved in the developing of the outcomes
and objectives so that they have also the idea if they are capable of doing the
task for any specific requirements. Even though the managers can suggest great
idea and the president is the one that can approved the said evaluation systems,
it is fair that they have consulted at least the employees, they have oriented what
are the requirement/ areas that they must perform well.
Case Study
(Chapter 7)

Employee Layoffs at the University Medical Center

The University Medical Center is a medium-sized, 300-bed capacity hospital in

Dasmariñas City. The facilities have grown gradually over the years and considered one
of the largest in the city. Although it is unionized, it has never experienced an employee
layoff since its inception.
Sister Lallaine Buenaobra, the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital for eight
years, presented a rather bleak financial picture during the most recent quarterly
meeting of the board of directors or BOD. This, according to her, is the result of the
declining occupancy rate brought about by the opening of the biggest government
hospital in the province. This has affected the income of the hospital posting a net loss
in its latest income statement. Such declines have not been unusual for this industry
because of increasing competition. So far, the only response to these changes has
been a tightening of requirements for equipment and supply purchases. The projected
deficit for the coming year is around P1,300,000.00 unless some additional revenues
are identified or some additional savings found. The BOD’s recommendation is
employee layoffs, which according to the board is the only realistic alternative. They
recommend laying off up to 25% of the hospital’s employees.
Melinda Dumael, the HR director of the hospital was given the task to implement
the recommendation of the board.

Help Melinda and Sister Lallaine solve this problem by following the steps:
1. State the main problem of the hospital.
Loss of occupancy rate in the hospital and low income of the hospital.
2. State the different areas of consideration following the guide below.
Strengths of the Hospital:
They have more experiences in operation of the hospital through the years and
they many employees (doctors and nurses)
Weaknesses of the Hospital:
Since the loss of occupancy rate it seems to be that they don’t have plans or
solutions/alternative courses of actions or ACA on how they are going to deal
with the upcoming competitions from other hospitals that might be constructed
near in their hospital.
It is now their opportunity to do some actions with regards to their employees
skills and abilities with further adjustments of their equipment’s in the hospital
providing the best aide that they can give to their patients. Knowing the skills and
abilities of the hospital to serve faithfully within their job description will improved
the moral of the hospital to the people.
Case Study
(Chapter 8)

The Unsatisfied Department Chair

Dr. Ronald Pancho is chairperson of Business Management Department

in the College of Business Administration at a large university in Dasmariñas
City. He has been a member of the department for 15 years and a full professor
for 1 years. Last summer, he was asked to assume the position of the chair after
a screening committee conducted interviews and reviewed resumes of all the
prospective candidates for the position.
Dr. Panco was very excited about the new challenge and has begun
several innovative projects to enhance faculty research. The teaching function in
the department has always been first rate while research has been weak. Dr.
Panco has continued to be very productive, publishing three articles for a
national journal and two books.
The university’s policy is that salary increases are based on length of
service and merit Dr. Panco had developed a very sophisticated performances
appraisal system for his faculty to help him quantify salary recommendations. His
point system considers and weighs different items in the areas of teaching,
research, and service. Teaching and research were given weighs of 40% each,
with service at 20%. Dr. Pancho felt he had good documentation for all hs
Dr. Pancho submitted his recommendation to Dean Lacap and was
pleased when all these recommendations were accepted.
Dr. Pancho then submitted his own annual report detailing his
accomplishments as chair as well as his more personal accomplishments. From
his perspective, he felt he deserved at least a 15% increase since his department
had made major strides in a number of areas while the other department had
made major strides in a number of areas while the other departments had been
standing still in status quo. Moreover, none of the other chairs were
professionally active on the national level and none had published in the past
year. His teaching evaluations were also outstanding for the past five years.
Dean Lacap sent out letters to all department chairs in May and Dr.
Pancho was shocked to learn that his salary increase was just 7%. He received
information through the “grapevine” that all the chairs had received the 7%
increase. He also learned from one of the other chairs that the dean always gives
the chairs equal percentage increases each year. Contrary to the official
university policy, there were no distinctions based on merit.
Dr. Pancho was visibly upset about what he considered to be a major
inequity. He then called the dean’s secretary to schedule an appointment to
discuss the situation with Dean Lacap.

Help Dean Lacap and Dr. Pancho solve this problem by following the
steps below:

1. State the main problem of Dr. Pancho.

Despite of his commendable performances on becoming the chair and
expecting for an increase of 15%, he was just giving on a 7% increase with
the same increase of the other chairs that did not perform well.
2. State the difference areas of consideration following the guide below.
Strengths of Dr. Pancho
He is well motivated in his job and do a lot of innovations.
Weaknesses of Dr. Pancho
He is well determined and expected realistically with the increase that he
expected to happen to him but the result, he was very disappointed.
The opportunities is to seek for the correction of the implementation of the
policy that they have in the company with regards of salary increase.
3. If did not solved properly it will result for the affection of morale of the
employee and might resign in the future.
4. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum
of three) to help Dean Lacap solve the problem raised by Dr. Pancho. State
also the advantages and disadvantages of each ACA.
a. I think that Dean Lacap must review the requirements that he used in
giving Dr. Pacho such increase.
b. If there is acceptable reason for such increase he must explain it well to
Dr. Pacho.
c. If he was wrong then it must be corrected immediately so that it can solve
4. State your recommendation based on your ACA.
They must talk to it privately and then explain what is the reason for giving such
not expectable salary increase for Dr. Pacho. If there is acceptable reason that
Dr. Pacho must receive a salary increase then it must be reverse.
5. Provide a conclusion or detailed action plan to implement your recommendation
using the guide below:
Specific Activity Person Time Frame Budgetary
Responsible Requirements
Must a Review of All employees 2-3 months Research, service
the qualified and
employees for commendable
salary increase. accomplishments.
Case Study
(Chapter 9)

The Employee’s Pregnancy

Cristina Andres is the supervisor of a department in a small manufacturing

company of precision tools. Four operators who are mostly men, except Ching who is
five months pregnant, competently operate the machinery at the production department.
She had been there when Cristina was hired and has maintained an excellent work
The job requires very little physical exertion and most of the time, employees
simply have to push buttons. Occasionally, however, it is necessary to lift boxes
associated with work. Ching’s fellow workers had been doing this for her during most of
her pregnancy but one day, all were extremely busy and no one had time to help her.
Thus, a bottleneck was created. Cristina Andres reprimanded Ching for not keeping the
work flowing steadily.
On the next day, Ching walked into the office of the supervisor and told her that
she had read that lifting heavy objects might cause miscarriage. She requested that the
supervisor assign another worker to do all of the lifting of her. She also wanted other
workers to refrain from smoking for fear it might harm her baby. The supervisor was
caught off-guard by her request and did not know who to follow. Perhaps she should be
sent home on an unpaid leave of absence, or maybe, she could transfer her to another
job where lifting was not required, but this would mean a reduction in Ching’s pay by
P35.00 per hour. All of these thoughts raced through her head as stared up the ceiling
in her office hoping a solution would magically appear. After a few more moments of
silence, Cristina Andres looked at Ching’s and said “I better check with my boss on this

Help Cristina Andres and Ching solve this problem the steps below:
1. State the main problem of Dr. Ching
How they are going to solve the problem of support employee for Ching
because he is pregnant or transfer to another job with reduced salary.
2. State the difference areas of consideration following the guide below.
Strengths of the company
They have employees who are capable ad well skilled with the jobs.

Weaknesses of the company

Since the company is manufacturing tools they have workers who are men
and women also but they are capable.

They have opportunity to address the needs of their employees in this special
They don’t have to give leave of absence unpaid or transfer in any job
because it will just results for having low morale in working in this type of
conditions of their workers.
3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum
of three) to help Cristina Andres overcome this problem. State also the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
a. Give Chris a maternity leave with incentives.
b. Give Chris support with other employees that is capable of lifting heavy
c. Transfer her to a section of job temporarily without requiring her to lift
heavy objects within her situations but can get back to normal after the
birth of her child and get back to work.
4. State your recommendation based on your ACA.
Just give her a worker support for the heavy lifting job and give her maternity
leave with incentives.
5. Provide a conclusion or detailed action plan to implement your
recommendation using the guide below:
Specific Activity Person Time Frame Budgetary
Responsible Requirements
Give added Other men worker For the time Conditions
employee to help before she take certificate
her maternity leave
Case Study
(Chapter 10)

Reality Bites in the Labor Movement

For many of our countrymen, a job that will feed them and their families and
provide for a decent roof above their heads is the first step in finding poverty. And for
those who already have jobs, seeking higher wages is the next step to improving their
standard of living.
During the last decades, however, our workers have learned that the route to
receiving higher take-home pays – even if just to keep up with inflation – is not
something that they can get from government, especially with changes in labor laws that
ultimately favoured business.
The decentralization to regional levels of wage boards, for example, that would
hear and grant wage increases had weakened the strong militant labor union movement
of the 1960s and 1970s.
Labor also lost its fight against “contractualization”, which grants legitimacy to the
concept of contract day-to-day work. This ultimately threatened job security of workers
and even led to decimating the ranks of organized labor.
The rise of industrial estates that have the support of local governments
promising the absence of labor problems has bred a docile breed of workers. During the
recent financial global crisis, factory workers accepted without fuss management’s
decision to layoff or reduce work days.

New working environment

This is not saying, though, that our workers are being coerced to accept these
condition. In the electronics industry, for example, workers realize that their livelihoods
are intimately linked with the health of countries that require the production lines to keep
Recently, with Japan’s tsunami and earthquake problems, orders for electronic
components for automobiles and electronic gadgets had temporarily slowed down. Our
affected workers have accepted their resulting fate without rancor.
Perhaps the biggest factor that has changed workers’ views, especially in the
electronics industry, is the more transparent relationship they enjoy with the
management of the companies they work in. The rules are clearly defined, and are
followed in accordance to what the law dictates.

Irrelevant and inconsistent

The face of our domestic labor force and its operating conditions have changed
so much that we are forced to question the relevance and effectiveness, even the
appropriateness, of today’s labor laws. There are about 40 pieces of legislation that fal
under this category.
Instead of opening discussing, for example, the concept of job security and its
significance (or insignificance) in today’s world order, our lawmakers have chosen to
look the other way. Instead, they have tacitly come up with supplemental laws that skirt
around these controversial statuses in an attempt to attract companies to set up their
In many industrial estates, the right to organize and the right to strike are
blatantly disregarded, which is directly in violation of basic tenets in our Constitution.
Also, is there a need for a minimum wage law? Undeniably, experience tells us
that any increase in the minimum wage causes an inflationary cycle in the economy
they ultimately negates any initial benefits that workers get from the few pesos they get.

Insufficient and lacking

In other areas, the state’s executive and legislative houses have been remiss in
protecting our migrant workers, not only when they get into trouble with

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