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Asynchronous Activity, Readings in Philippine History

05 December 2020

Instruction: Fill-out the matrix with historical details based on the accounts of Pigaffeta
and Filipino authors as regards the description of Pre-colonial Philippines. Comment on
the similarities and differences. What do you think accounts for the said similarities and
differences? Use the matrix below.

Particulars Pigafetta’s Filipino Similarities What accounts

Account Historian’s and/or for the said
Account Differences Similarities and
Political These according to - According to Similarities: - I think the
Antonio Pigafetta’s Alvin Aguinaldo, the - Both Pigafetta reason why Pigafetta
book “First Voyage barangay was the and Filipino saw Filipinos as
Around The World”: typical community in Historian Authors thieves or somehow
the whole say that the liberal in a way that
- Each one of archipelago. It was Philippines were no one rules us
those people lives the basic political ruled by a Datu or a because they first
according to his own and economic unit king but since the met Filipinos as
will, for they have no independent of country is an thieves since when
seignior similar others. Each archipelago; there they arrived at
embraced a few are different Datu or Marianas Island;
- They use no hundreds of people kings for each Filipinos stole from
weapons, except a and a small territory. locality them.
kind of a spear Each was headed by - Both Pigafetta
pointed with a a chieftain called the and Filipino
fishbone at the end. rajah or Datu. Historian Authors - When it comes
says that Filipino to the reason
- They exhibited uses weaponry Pigafetta describing
great signs of - According to during Pre-colonial Filipino as having
pleasure at seeing us. Henry Futencha, the limited sources of
We purchased all primary duty of the Differences: weaponry is maybe
those articles from Datu was to rule and because Pigafetta
them. Their seignior govern his subjects - At first, Pigafetta met Filipinos as
was an old man who and to promote their describes Filipino thieves; he had a
was painted [i.e., well-being. In times that they have no certain impression
tattooed]. He wore of peace, he was the seignior, that’s why that Filipinos were
two gold earrings chief executive, they became thieves not yet civilized.
[schione) in his ears, legislator, and judge. but then when he Then Filipino
211 and the others And, in times of went to Samar, he Historian authors
many gold armlets conflict, he was the met a king who ruled saw that our
on their arms and supreme commander a lot of men. While ancestors has
kerchiefs about their of the warriors. In on Filipino different weaponry
heads. Western Visayas it Historians Account, before Pigafetta and
was not uncommon they described Magellan came
- They were full for the Datu to be the Filipino that has because they have
of men, and their Babaylan, as well. strong leadership and primary sources of
king was in the larger The very influence even though the Datu these weapons in
of them, being seated and mystical ability is not a woman there museums or a place
under an awning of of the babaylan, were still localities where there store the
mats. When the king especially if he was a that in Visayas that artifacts of pre-
came near the man, made him the was ruled by a colonial weapons of
flagship, the slave most likely candidate women. Filipinos
spoke to him. The for community
king understood him, leadership. - When it comes
for in those districts to weaponry,
the kings know more - According to Pigafetta described
languages than the Marivir Montebon, Filipinos as not
other people. He Pre-colonial civilized and they
ordered some of his Filipinos also used have limited sources
men to enter the larger cannons made of weaponry that’s
ships, but he always of iron and why fishbone was
remained in his resembling culverins used as a defense.
balanghai, at some that provided heavier While on Filipino
little distance from firepower. They Historians Account,
the ship until his own were sometimes it shows that Filipino
men returned; and as mounted on a boat or knows how to use
soon as they returned fortification that can different weapons
he departed. Showed be wheeled, allowing and they have a lot of
the gunner to quickly different types of
- The king's men track a moving weaponry during the
stood about us in a target. The iron pre-colonial period.
circle with swords, cannon at Rajah
daggers, spears, and Sulayman's house
bucklers. was about 17 feet
long and was made
out of clay and wax
Economic These according to - According to Similarities: - I think the
Antonio Pigafetta’s Tina S. Clemente, reason why Pigafetta
book “First Voyage the economic history - Both Pigafetta saw our ancestors as
Around The World”: of the Philippine and Filipino a poor country was
Islands had been Historian Authors because of his first
- Those people are traced back to pre- talk about how the impression that
poor, but ingenious colonial times. The Philippines is rich in Filipinos were
and very thievish, on country which was resources like gold thieves. Also,
account of which we then composed of and foods especially Pigafetta says in his
called those three different kingdoms those foods that travelogue that we
islands the islands of and thalassocracies came from coconut. are rich in resources
Ladroni [i.e., of oversaw the large such as coconuts,
thieves]. number of merchants Differences: palm trees, seafood,
coming to the islands and so on because
- The captain- for trade. Indian, - The first arrival they also
general seeing that Arab, Chinese, and of Pigafetta in the experienced how to
they were reasonable Japanese merchants Philippines, he make it like making
men, ordered food to were welcomed by already had an milk. They were
be set before them these kingdoms, impression that we invited by the natives
and gave them red which were mostly are a poor country to make milk out of a
caps, mirrors, combs, located by since they were coconut.
bells, Ivory, riverbanks, coastal robbed by Filipinos.
bocasine, and other ports, and central While Filipino
things. When they plains. The historians described - While Filipino
saw the captain's merchants traded for Filipino as a civilized historians says that
courtesy, they goods such as gold, country since we had we traded long
presented fish, ajar rice, pots, and other already traded our before Pigafetta
of palm wine, which products. The barter goods long before came because they
they call uraca, figs system was Pigafetta came into had primary sources
more than one palmo implemented at that our country. of they have what
long, and two time and the pre- they called the Barter
cocoanuts. They had colonial people system which was
nothing else then but enjoyed a life filled implemented at that
made us signs with with imported goods time and the pre-
their hands that they that reflected their colonial people
would bring umay or fashion and lifestyle. enjoyed a life filled
rice, and cocoanuts with imported goods
and many other - According to that reflected their
articles of food Maximo M. Kalaw, fashion and lifestyle
within four days the pre-colonial
Filipinos had already
- Coconuts are the established trading
fruits of the and diplomatic
Palmtree. Just as we relations with
have bread, wine, oil, countries as far away
and milk, so those as the Middle East.
people get Instead of cash, our
everything from that ancestors exchanged
tree. precious minerals,
manufactured goods,
- When the natives etc. with Arabs,
wish to make oil, Indians, Chinese, and
they take that several other
cocoanut, and allow nationalities. During
the marrowy this period, many
substance and the foreigners
water to putrefy. permanently settled
Then they boil it and here after marveling
it becomes oil-like at the beauty of the
butter. When they country and its
wish to make people.
vinegar, they allow
only the water to
putrefy and then - According to
place it in the sun, Gabriel S. Casal et. al
and vinegar results on "Kasaysayan: The
like (that made from]Earliest Filipinos",
white wine. Milk can the earliest coin was
also be made from it made of gold. It’s no
for we made some surprise that most
- Zubu was the Filipinos had no
largest and the one knowledge of
with the most trade. money, but instead
were trading through
- When one of our gold. In author
men went ashore for Angelita Legarda’s
water, one of those essay “Small
people wanted to Change,” she noted
give him a pointed that early Spanish
crown of massy gold, chroniclers noted
of the size of a that Filipinos then
colony for six strings were already experts
of glass beads, but at evaluating the
the captain refused to quality of gold
let him barter so that
the natives should
learn at the very
beginning that we
prized our
merchandise more
than their gold

Social These according to

Antonio Pigafetta’s - According to Similarities: - The reason why
book “First Voyage Maximo M. Kalaw, both Pigafetta and
Around The World”: the Bayanihan or - Both Pigafetta Filipino Historian
spirit of kinship and and Filipino Authors describe our
- The inhabitant camaraderie that Historian Authors ancestors as
of that island entered Filipinos are famous show in their hospitable, value
the ships and stole for is said to be taken writings that friendship or
whatever they could from Malay Filipinos are camaraderie is
lay their hands on so forefathers. hospitable, value because, in
that we could not Hospitality is a friendship or Pigafetta’s book, he
protect ourselves… common camaraderie, and himself experiences
The natives very denominator in the they both show that how well our
deftly stole from us Filipino character when Filipinos are ancestors socialize
the small boat and this is what socializing, they with them and how
distinguishes the were good with their they value
- They Filipino. visitors. They treat camaraderie. When it
approached the ships them the same as comes to Filipino
showing us fish, they treat their Datu. Historians, it was
feigning that they - According to given in our history
would give them to Bonita Montina - Both Pigafetta that Filipinos were
us; but then threw Jusay, Social and Filipino hospitable and
stones at us and fled Structure of Filipino: Historian Authors maybe that is also the
The noble class is show in their reason why we are
- Those Ladroni called the Maginoo; writings that our colonized by other
[i.e., robbers] the freeman class is ancestors have a countries. Moreover,
thought, according to called the Timawa; social structure or these values were
the signs which they the warrior class is hierarchy during pre- passed from
made, that there were called the Maharlika, colonial periods, generation to
no other people in the and the indentured such as Maginoo, generation, and up
world but class is called the Timawa, Maharlika, until now, it’s part of
themselves. Alipin. and Alipin. Though us Filipino that when
these social we have a visitor; we
- Those people structures were not try to accommodate
became very familiar - According to named clearly in them well.
with us. They told us Alvin Aguinaldo, Pigafetta’s books; he
many things, their Social Classes defines them by - Then when it
names and those of Before the coming of describing them on comes to unequal
some of the islands Spanish colonizers, how they interact treatment, it was
that could be seen the people of the with one another shown in Pigafetta’s
from that place. philippine because it shows book. Since Pigafetta
archipelago had which are the noble came from Europe,
- (March 18, already attained a class and which are discrimination
Samar) When those semi-communal and the slaves. against women is
men reached the semi slave social considered normal
shore, their chief system in many parts Differences: for them. While on
went immediately to and also a feudal Filipino Historian
the captain-general, system in certain - In Pigafetta’s authors show that
giving signs of joy parts, especially in book, it shows that women were given
because of our Mindanao and Sulu, women do not work equal opportunities
arrival. where such a feudal in the fields. It shows before Pigafetta
faith as Islam had that women do is stay came. In fact, women
- He embraced the already taken roots. in the house, do are more superior
captain-general to The Aetas had the household chores, than men because
whom he gave three lowest form of social and prepared food. It they are the child-
porcelain jars organization, which reflects that men are bearer and since they
covered with leaves was primitive more superior to are not colonized by
and full of raw rice, communal. women. While on the other countries
two very large orade, perspective of before they don’t
and other things. The - In most aspects Filipino historian have these norms
captain-general gave of life, pre-colonial authors, they about unequal
the king a garment of women enjoyed the showed us that privilege for women.
red and yellow cloth same rights, women have the
made in the Turkish privileges, and same rights,
fashion, and a fine opportunities as did privileges, and
red cap; and to the men,” wrote activist opportunities as did
others (the king's nun Mary John men.
men), to some knives Mananzan in her
and others mirrors. essay “The Pre-
colonial Filipina.”
- Before the king She also recounted
took the cup to drink, how if females were
he raised his clasped to marry, they didn’t
hands toward the lose their names, and
sky, and then toward in fact, among the
me; and when he was Tagalogs, if the
about to drink, he woman was
extended the fist o especially
his left hand toward distinguished (in
me (at first I thought class or
that he was about to achievement), the
strike me) and then husband takes the
drank. I did the same name of the wife.
toward the king. Females were also
They all make those made to take charge
signs one toward when it comes to
another when they finances and
drink. landholdings, and
contracts with
- the king told Chinese merchants
through the slave that were even required
he desired to be to have women’s
"casi-casi" with him, signatures because
that is to say, brother. women were proven
When those kings reliable.
wished to see one
another, they both
went to hunt in that
island where we
were. The name of
the first king is Raia
Colambu, and the
second Raia Siaui.

- The women do
not work in the fields
but stay in the house,
weaving mats.
Baskets, and other
things needed in their
houses from palm
leaves. They wat
cocoanuts, camotes,
birds, figs one palm
in length, sugar cane.
And flying fish,
besides other things

Cultural These according to

Antonio Pigafetta’s - According to Similarities: - I think the reason
book “First Voyage Alvin Aguinaldo, why Pigafetta wrote
Around The World”: there were already - Both Pigafetta that Filipinos have
indigenous spiritual and Filipino nothing to worship is
- They have no traditions practiced Historian Authors because the Datu
worship. They are by the people in the say in their writings itself told them that
tawny but are born Philippines. that our ancestors they don’t worship
white. Their teeth are Generally, for lack of wear clothes anything but they do
red and black, for better terminology according to their something like
they think that is prehistoric people social standing. raising their hands at
most is most are described to be the sky as a sign of
beautiful. The animistic. Their Differences: worshiping “Abba”.
women go naked practice was a While the Filipino
except that they wear collection of beliefs - In Pigafetta’s book, Historian said that
a narrow strip of bark and cultural mores he said that Filipino we have worshipping
as thin as paper, anchored in the idea doesn’t have nature but the
which grows that the world is something to colonizer made us
between the tree and inhabited by spirits worship. The form of think that it was evil
the barke of the and supernatural worship they have is which is possible
palm, before their entities, both good when they look up at because even though
privies. and bad, and that the sky and raised the Datu said to
respect is accorded to their hands. While on Pigafetta that they
- They replied that them through nature the perspective of don’t worship
they worshiped worship thus; they Filipino Historian anything; they still
nothing, but that they believed that their Authors, they said practice something
raised their clasped daily lives have a that the collection of to worship Abba.
hands and their face connection of such beliefs and culture of Then, I think
to the sky; and that beliefs. our ancestors are introducing Pigafetta
they called their god more anchored in the or Magellan’s
“Abba." idea that the world is religion is a way of
- According to inhabited by spirits thinking that they
- They go naked, Maximo M. Kalaw, and supernatural saw our practices as
and some are our ancestors entities, both good different from them
bearded and have possessed a complex and bad, and that or somehow
black hair that working society and respect be accorded unethical for their
reaches to the waist. a culture replete with to them through religion.
They wear small works of arts and nature worship but
palm-leaf hast, as do literature. When the when colonizers
the Albanians colonizers came, came anything else - When it comes
everything deemed obscene, evil to different views on
- There are people contradictory to their or a threat to their clothes, Pigafetta
living near that system had to go. rule were eliminated. only relies on his
island who have Sculptures, texts, observation since it’s
holes in their ears so religious ceremonies, - When it comes the first time he saw
large that they can and virtually to clothing, it was Filipino and their
pass their arms anything else both described by culture. I think
through them. Those deemed obscene, evil Pigafetta and Pigafetta was
people are caphri that or a threat to their Filipino Historian mesmerized by the
is to say, heathen. rule were eliminated. Authors that their clothing of the
They go naked, with clothes define their noblemen and Datu
a cloth woven from social standing than women. When
the bark of a tree - The early pre- however in Filipino Historians
about their privies,colonial clothing of Pigafetta’s book, he Authors describes
except some of the groups such as the only emphasizes the women clothes as
chiefs who wear Tagalogs and clothes of men and somehow prestigious
cotton cloth
Visayans included them wearing a or the same as those
embroidered with
both the baro and tattoo. The exposure noblemen because
silk at the ends by saya made from silk of women is limited there have the
means of a needle. in matching colours. on his travelogue primary source about
They are dark, fat, This style was especially when their clothes during
and painted. They exclusively worn by describing their pre-colonial
anoint themselves
the women from the clothes. While
with cocoanut and upper caste, while Filipino Historians
with beneseed oil, as
those of lower castes write that women
a protection wore baro made from usually wore
pounded white bark jewelry, such as gold
- They are fiber and a floor- necklaces and
goodlooking and length wrap-around earrings, which
delicately formed skirt. Women usually symbolized wealth
and lighter wore jewelry, such as and beauty. In some
complexioned than gold necklaces and tribes, women also
the men; and wear earrings, which wore tattoos
their hair which is symbolized wealth signifying beauty,
exceedingly black, and beauty. In some power, and wealth.
loose and hanging tribes, women also
quite down to the wore tattoos
ground. signifying beauty,
power, and wealth.
- According to
their customs he was - According to
very grandly decked Teodoro Agoncillo
out molto in ordine in his book “History
and the finest of the Filipino
looking man that we People”, the
saw among those Clothing in the pre-
people. His hair was colonial Philippines
exceedingly black, reflected one’s social
and hung to his standing and, in the
shoulders. He had a case of men, how
covering of silk on many enemies they
his head, and wore had killed. In the
two large golden Visayas, for
earrings fastened in example, basic
his ears. He wore a clothing included
cotton cloth all bahag (G-string) for
embroidered with men and Malong
silk, which covered (tube skirt) for
him from the waist to women. The material
the knees. At his side used to make these
hung a dagger, the clothes could
haft of which was indicate the wearer’s
somewhat long and social status, with the
all of gold, and its abaca being the most
scabbard of carved valued textile and
wood. He had three reserved for the
spots of gold on elites. The Visayan
every tooth, and his bahag was a little bit
teeth appeared as if larger than those
bound with gold. He worn by present-day
was perfumed with inhabitants of
storax and benzoin. Zambales,
He was tawny and Cordillera, and the
painted [i.e., Cagayan Valley.
tattooed] all over They usually had
natural colors, but
warriors who
personally killed an
enemy could wear
red bahag. The same
rule applied to the
male headdress
called Pudong. Red
was and still is the
symbol of bravery,
which explains why
the most prolific
warriors at that time
proudly wore red
Bahag and Pudong.


Logical Presentation of Ideas - 3 points

Historical Accuracy - 5 points
Form (presentation, references used, choice of words) - 2 points
Total - 10 points

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