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This is Total Quality Management Project Report. Human resource is the most
important factor for any organization and success of any Organization is depending
upon its resource .If human resource of organization is not happy with the
organization. It will adversely affect the organization.

The higher degree of commitment toward work will improve productivity and will
decrease rejection cause due to human factor.

 So to make the people happy is the responsibility of the organization. So this study
is helpful to measure the level of commitment toward work and to know the factor
affecting the commitment level .

1. Quality means fit ness for use.

2. Quality means productivity, competitive cost, and timely  delivery, total

customer satisfaction.

3. Quality means conformance to specification and standard.

4. Conformance to requirements.

5. Quality is what the customer says

6. Quality means getting every one to do what they have agreed to do and to do it
right the first time and every time.

It means all the people of the organization are committed to product quality by
doing right things right,  first time, every time by  employing organization resource
to provide value to customer.


 It is the process designed to focus external/internal customer expectation
preventing problems building  ,commitment to quality in the workforce and
promoting to open decision making.

Every one associated with the company is involved in continuous improvement, in
all functional area, at all level.

Customer express and implied requirement is met fully.

Executive are fully committed

Decision in a planned way.

To maintain existing lever of quality.

To   improve existing lever of quality.

Effective utilization of resource.

 1.Delight the customer

2. Management by fact

3. People based management

4. Continuous improvement

5. Strong leadership

6. Quality system measure& record

7. Team work, Team accountable, correct problem

8. People oriented technology, speed.


1. Commitment                         2. Comptence

3. Communication                     4. Continuous improvement


General worker attitude toward the company.

General  worker attitude toward the supervisor.

Lever of satisfaction toward job standard.

The lever of consideration the supervisor shows to his subordination.

The workload  & work pressure level.

The treatment of individual by the management

The lever of  worker’s satisfaction with the salaries

The level of worker pride in the company  and its activity

Worker reaction to the formal communication network in the organization.

Intrinsic  job satisfaction level of the worker.

Worker attitude toward the fellow worker.

I have studied on impact of employee’s commitment toward. I have explained

In the company, they already have implemented TQM so through this study, I
measured the degree of implementation in the organization and what are the factor
that are affected the commitment lever and to check how much they are satisfaction
with the TQM implement.

For this purpose, I have made the questionnaire which consisting of multiple-choice
questions. I have collected the data from them and after that I have tabulated them
and interpreted them and give the recommendation.

Focus of the problem:

The main emphasis will be on to find out quality employee’s commitment toward
their work as a result total quality implementation.

Review of Existing literature:

Many people have work on this topic. They sum up various finding. They found
that apply TQM has directly increased their morale; increase the satisfaction lever
and commitment toward their work. These are the finding of various researchers.

Several articles have been published in different journals , magazines and

But  the effect of TQM on employees commitment in the company has so far  not
undertaken.  This project has been done first time in the company.

~Employees of the organization may hide the fact.

~The management did not agree to disclose all the confidential data.

~Number of respondents are very less, so clear conclusion can’t be



The objectives of this study are:

1.To find the degree of TQM implemented in the organization.

 2.To study the level of commitment of employees toward their work.

3. To find out factor influencing the commitment.

Research methodology is a way to solve the research problem in a systematic
manner. It may understand as a science of studying how the research is done
significantly. The methodology may differ from problem to problem, yet the basic
approach towards the research remains the same. The sequence or steps followed
have been explained as under: 


The universe is the employee working at mill. I have selected 100 employee
40 FROM THE STAFF,60 FROM THE WORKER for the survey.


This research is of EXPLORATARY RESEARCH DESIGN .I have used the

questionnaire method for collecting the data.


Data collection:

This data is primary data, which I have been collected with the help of
questionnaire. I have prepared a questionnaire on the basis of the factors
responsible for employee’s commitment in the organization.

MACRO ANALYSIS (Inferences &Interpretation)

The detailed analyses of the results are explained below:


Most of the staff member and worker feel that organization is quality conscious
toward the employees. This also increases their commitment toward the work and
toward the organization.

Some of the employee’s feel that thy have proper information about the policies,
practices followed in the organization. But some of employees feel that there is no
proper communication.

Most of the facts related with the organization are hided by the management from
the employees.

Most of the employees feel that they don’t get rewarded for their good

Most of the staffs member feel that their performance is properly measured in the

The suggestions I have given for the betterment are explained below:

     It is very important to provide the opportunity to the employees of the

organization to express their ideas or whatever they want to express.

     Management should clear their vision mission and goals towards the
employees in the organization.

     Management should involve the workers representatives in managerial

activities so that the transparency could be maintained and through this they
can win the confidence of the employees.

     Management should give due importance to mental relaxation &social

cultural development of an employees who strives hard for the company.

     Reward or Praise/appreciation works as magic for an individual and

motivates them for work.

      Role clarity of each position should be defined and based on that individuals
can plan their work accordingly.

     Self-potential system should be encouraged.

     There are regular review  and comparison of current & past performance to
detect gradual deterioration in the strategy.

     Proper cooperation should be necessary  in the company. 




Do you think the organization is quality conscious toward employees?

 YES                             NO

Does the organization have the certification of ISO 9000?

YES                             NO

Is the organization providing quality assurance system & operation?

YES                             NO

Does the organization have quality circle?

YES                             NO

How many people are involved in quality circle?

Below 10      above 10      above 15     can’t say

How frequently the organizations have the meeting of quality circle?

Weekly        biweekly        monthly      yearly

Do you about the agenda of information or any other   information?

 YES                             NO

Are the organization is going for the quality audit?

YES                NO              can’t say

Does your organization have quality information system?

YES                NO              can’t say

Are the information system is regularly updated?

YES                NO              can’t say

Do you think the organization used bench marking, if any, please tell me the
name of the benchmark organization?

YES                NO              can’t say

If yes, then

           Org.        Area



Does the organization is going for the brain storming session?

YES             NO               don’tknow

Are you practicing the 5’s Japanese philosophy ?

YES                             NO

Does the organization have the certification of ISO 14000 or any other, if any
please mention?

 YES             NO               don’tknow

Are you practicing the six sigma for the error control?

YES             NO               don’tknow

A formal career planning process exist in the organization

Strongly Agree                Strongly disagree    

Don’t know Agree                    Disagree

There is a shared vision of where your business is growing?

Strongly Agree                Strongly disagree    

Don’t know Agree                    Disagree

Employees are kept updated with changes in job skills & job designs?

Strongly Agree                Strongly disagree    

Don’t know Agree                    Disagree

Formal or informal method is followed for employees feedback and acting on

that feedback?

Strongly Agree                Strongly disagree    

Don’t know Agree                    Disagree

Does the organization provide right environment to apply your knowledge from
new programs to the job?
Very much                      Some whatLittle             

Not at all

Do you feel that the organization is a good place to    work?

Yes             No              Sometimes

Do you feel comfortable with rules and policy of the organization?

Yes                  No              Sometimes

What types of relations are you having with your superior, peers and

Good                                  Average                   Poor

       If bad then why it is so?

     They are not cooperating.

     Their behavior is not good

     There is no proper communication.

     All above

Do you feel that you can get ahead in the org. if you make an effort?

Yes             No               Sometimes

Do you get any reward on your good performance?

Yes             No               Sometimes

Do you find that your performance is properly measured in the organization?

 Yes            No               Sometimes

Do you find that your job makes the best use of your abilities?

Yes             No               Some Times

Thank you for your kind co-operation.

(Micro Analysis)
The analysis according to the objectives are explained below:

        Do you think that this organization is QUALITY conscious toward


A.   Yes

B.    No

  Staff % Workers %
A 87 65
B 13 25

This shows that about 87% staff and 65% worker agreed that organization is quality
conscious toward employees.

Does the organization have the certification of ISO 9000?

A.   Yes

B.    No

  Staff % Worker %
A. 100 67
B. 0 33

This shows that 100% staff  and 70% worker said that the organization have the
certification of ISO 9000.

Is the organization provide quality assurance  system& operation

A.   Yes

B.    No

  Staff % Worker %
A. 80 58
B. 20 42

This shows that 80% staff& app.65% worker think that organization providing
quality assurance system &operation.

Does the organization have the quality circle?

A.   Yes

B.     No

  Staff % Worker %
A. 87 46
B. 13 54

It shows that app.90% staff & 46% worker agreed with the statement . 54%
workers said they don’t know about this.

How many people are involved in the quality circle?

A.   Below 10                              B.Above 10          

C. Above 15                             D. Can’t say

  Staff % Worker%
A. 22 36
B. 54 28
C. 14 22
D. 10 14

It shows that about 54% staff says there are above 10 member in the quality

How frequently the organization have the meeting of quality circle ?

A. Weekly             B. Biweekly

C. Monthly            D. Yearly

  Staff % Worker%
A. 17 35
B. 57 42
C. 26 23
D. 0 0

It shows that app.60 % staff & 42%  worker says organization  have the
biweekly meeting of quality circle.

Do you know about the agenda of information or any other  information?

A.   Yes

B.    No

  Staff % Worker %
A. 60 14
B. 40 86

Above graph shows that 60% staff   say that

they know about the agenda of the information  but 86% worker say they don’t
know about this.

Are the organization s going for the quality audit?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Can’t say

  Staff % Worker %
A. 85 26
B. 10 24
C 5 50

Above shows that  85% staff &26% worker says that organization is going for
quality audit but 50% worker says they don’t know about the quality audit.

Does the organization s have quality information system?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Can’t say

  Staff % Worker %
A. 95 15
B. 0 31
C 5 54

Above shows that  95% staff  says that organization have quality information 
system &54 % worker says they don’t know about this.

Are the information system is regularly updated?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Can’t say

  Staff % Worker %
A. 69 55
B. 11 11
C 20 34

About 70 % staff & 55% worker says that organization regularly updated.

Do you think the organization s used benchmarking?

D.   Yes

E.    No

F.    Can’t say

  Staff % Worker %
A. 30 8
B. 25 0
C 45 92

This shows that 95%staff says that organization have quality information system
but 54% worker say they don’t  know about this.

Does the organization s is going for brain storming session?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Don’t know

  Staff % Worker %
A. 70 3
B. 13 0
C 17 97

Above table shows that 70%staff agreed  with the statement.but 97% worker say
they don’t  know about this.

Are the organization is practicing the 5’s Japanese philosophy?

A.   Yes

B.    No

  Staff % Worker %
A. 90 26
B. 10 74

It shows that about the 90% staff and 26% worker says they are practicing this
but 74% workers don’t know about this.

Does the organization has the certification of ISO 14000 ?

A.   Yes

B.    No
C.   Don’t know

  Staff % Worker %
A. 100 53
B. 0 16
C 0 31

It shows that  all of the respondent of staff & most of the worker category says
that organization have ISO 14000.

         A  formal planning process exist in the organization?

A.   Strongly agree

B.    Strongly disagree

C.   Don’t know

D.   Agree

E.    Disagree

  Staff % Workers %
A 18 7
B 12 30
C 20 46
D 30 7
E 20 10

It shows that  about 50% of the respondent are agree with the statement but in
worker category most of them are either disagree or don’t know.

 There is a shared vision of where the business is growing?

A.   Strongly agree

B.    Strongly disagree

C.   Don’t know

D.   Agree

E.    Disagree

  Staff % Workers %
A 22 7
B 5 13
C 25 40
D 45 13
E 3 27

It shows that  about 50% staff of the respondent are agree with the statement
but in worker category app.60%  disagree with the statement.

Employees are keep updating with change in the job skill & job design?

A.   Strongly agree

B.    Strongly disagree

C.   Don’t know

D.   Agree

E.    Disagree

  Staff % Workers %
A 10 3
B 5 15
C 10 13
D 55 45
E 20 24

It shows that  app. 70% respondents are agree with the statement .

Formal& informal method is followed for employees feedback & acting on

that feedback?

A.   Strongly agree       B. Strongly disagree  C. Don’t know

D.Agree                     E. Disagree

  Staff % Workers %
A 15 2
B 5 21
C 0 7
D 70 40
E 10 30

Above table shows that app. 80% respondents of the staff and 45% from
worker said that there are proper feedback system. are  agree with the
statement .

Does the organization provide right environment to apply knowledge from

new programs to the job?

A.   Strongly agree  B.Strongly disagree   C. Don’t know

D.   Agree   E.  Disagree

  Staff % Workers %
A 5 5
B 75 28
C 10 13
D 7 46
E 3 8
Above table shows that 75% staff and 50% from worker said that organization
provide the right environment to apply knowledge to the job Proper feedback
system.  are  agree with the statement .

Do you feel that this organization is a good place to work?

A. Yes

B.    No

C.   Can’t say

  Staff % Workers %
A 80 58
B 5 36
C 15 8

It shows that 80% staff&58% worker agreed with the statement.

Do you feel comfortable with the rules and policies of the organization?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Some times

  Staff % Worker %
A. 55 47
B. 20 40
C. 25 13

It shows that the employees of the staff category are more satisfied with the
rules and policies of the organization then employees from the workers

        What type of relations are you having with your superiors, peers and

A.   Good

B.    Average

C.   Poor

  Staff Workers
A. 90 34
B. 10 50
C. 0 16

It shows that most of the employees from the staff category are having good
relationships with their superiors. But most of the workers are having only
satisfactory relationships.

        If bad, then why it is so?

A.   They are not co-operating with you

B.    There behavior is not good

C.   There is not proper communication.

D.   All of the above

A. 10
B. 27
C. 18
D. 45

It shows that most of the worker take misbehaviour from their superior.

Do you feel that you can get ahead in the organization if you make efforts?

A.   Yes        B. No       C. Sometimes

  Staff Workers
A. 45 24
B. 25 72
C. 30 4

This shows that most of the workers feels that they cant get ahead in the
organization if they work hard but the attitude of employees of staff is just opposite.

        Do you get reward on your good performance?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Sometimes

  Staff % Workers %
A. 30 22
B. 65 68
C. 5 10

This shows that most of the staff members or workers have not get reward
in the organization on their good performance.
Do you feel that your performance is measured properly in the organization?

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Sometimes

  Staff % Workers %
A. 45 26
B. 40 67
C. 15 7

Most of the staff members thinks that their performance is properly

measured in the organization but the workers feels just opposite of it

        Do you find that your job makes the best use of your abilities?

 (For Managers)

A.   Yes

B.    No

C.   Sometimes

A. 55
B. 30
C. 15

 It shows that most of the staff members are feels that their job makes
the best use of their abilities.
Oakland (1989) argues that “TQM needs to gain ground rapidly and become a way of life
in many organizations” (p. 15). However, Total Quality Management (TQM) cannot become a
way of life in organizations immediately. Time is needed in order to integrate the appropriate
quality principles and techniques into the culture of the organization (Goetsch & Davis, 1994).
Time, however, is not the only resource that TQM requires. Human resources are equally
important for TQM success. Therefore, it could be said that people’s awareness of quality is
central to TQM’s purpose. For Crosby (1984), quality awareness is not just promoting quality
within an organization, but it is also spreading information around. He also points out that quality
awareness extends to the way in which managers act and talk about quality. Thus, quality
awareness begins from management and spreads throughout the entire organization. Nevertheless,
research evidence (Morgan & Murgatroyd, 1997) has shown that quality awareness is sometimes
limited. Moreover, quality messages can be interpreted differently by managers working in
different national business contexts. How can TQM become “a way of life” within an organization
when managers are not really aware of it? Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the
extent to which managers in a specific national context are aware of the TQM approach. 41 The
Qualitative Report March 2007
This article presents the results of a qualitative study that was carried out in the Greek
service industry. It draws on eighteen (18) interviews that were conducted with managers working
in the specific industry. The purpose for using qualitative techniques was to dig beneath the
quantitative data of the study, examining the meaning that respondents gave to the concepts of
TQM, and their views of its links with wider individual and organizational processes. Also, the
qualitative research gives more evidence towards Greek managers’ understanding of the “soft”
side of TQM. The significance of this side of TQM to the Greek service industry is associated
with two main reasons. Firstly, the majority of Greek service organizations concentrate in
adopting “hard” management practices and systems towards their willingness to improve quality
(Vouzas, 1997, 2004). A prime example is the wide adoption of ISO 9000 systems. Moreover, this
is linked to the second reason of the significance of the “soft” aspect of TQM, which is the
critique that TQM is accepted by many authors and management thinkers. This critique is very
well-represented by a group of literature that is called the Contingency approach to TQM
(Psychogios, 2005). This approach sees TQM from a more pragmatic point of view rather than
arguing that TQM is either an ideal management model with universal application (Goetsch &
Davis, 1994; Oakland, 1989) or a new and sophisticated method for work
intensification/exploitation (Braverman, 1974; Delbridge, Turnbull, & Wilkinson, 1992; Sewell &
Wilkinson, 1992). The contingency approach suggests that TQM’s implementation and its impact
depend on the ability of organizations to adopt and apply its “soft” concepts and ideas
(Psychogios). In other words, this approach does not see TQM negatively or positively, rather its
view depends on several individual, organizational, and national contexts.
In this respect, the major argument of the article is that although the acronym of TQM and
some of its concepts and practices are known by our interviewees, actual awareness of its “soft”
side is often superficial and people have a relatively poor understanding of it. Managers tend to
see TQM from a technical point of view, being aware only of the importance of its “hard” aspects.
This paper is organized in six sections. The first section of this paper examines the
meaning of TQM. The second and the third sections analyze the “soft” and “hard” sides of TQM
in more depth. The fourth part summarizes the literature on managers’ awareness towards TQM
approach. The next section describes the methodology used in the present study. The fifth section
analytically presents and discusses the findings, whilst the final section comes up with major
conclusions concerning the application of TQM in the Greek service industry.
The Meaning of TQM
A baseline technical definition of what TQM is all about has been given by the American
Federal Office of Management Budget Circular (cited in Milakovich, 1990, p. 209), “TQM is a
total organizational approach for meeting customer needs and expectations that involves all
managers and employees in using quantitative methods to improve continuously the
organisation’s processes, products and services.” Alexandros G. Psychogios and Constantinos-Vasilios
Priporas 42
In addition, the American Federal Office of Management (cited in Morgan & Murgatroyd,
1997) defines TQM as,
…a total organizational approach for meeting customer needs and expectations
that involves all managers and employees in using quantitative methods to
improve continuously the organization’s processes, products, and services. (p. 7)
According to the latter definition TQM is not merely a technical system. In fact, TQM is
associated with the organisation itself, which is also a social system. Pike and Barnes (1996) argue
that organizations are not only technical systems, but also human systems. In addition, Oakland
(1993) states that TQM is an attempt to improve the whole organisation’s competitiveness,
effectiveness, and structure. For Dale (1999),
TQM is the mutual co-operation of everyone in an organisation and associated
business processes to produce products and services, which meet and, hopefully,
exceed the needs and expectations of customers. TQM is both a philosophy and a
set of management guiding principles for managing an organisation. (p. 9)
From the above definitions, we can identify two important aspects that comprise TQM:
management tools and techniques as well as management concepts and principles. The techniques
refer to what has been referred to as the “hard” aspects of TQM, while the principles refer to the
“soft” side.
The “Hard” Side of TQM
Deming (1986) has stated that “in God we trust - all others must use data.” This statement
emphasizes the importance of management techniques, tools, and systems that compose the
“hard” side of TQM. Using the definition given by Goetsch and Davis (1994) management tools
are means of “collecting and displaying information in ways to help the human brain grasp
thoughts and ideas that, when applied to physical processes, cause the processes to yield better
results” (p. 382). The quality management literature provides a wide range of quality management
tools, techniques, and systems. Some of them are quite simple, while others are more complex.
Table 1 shows the “hard” aspects of TQM most commonly found in Quality Management
Literature. 43 The Qualitative Report March 2007
Table 1
“Hard” TQM Practices Identified in Quality
Management Literature TQM Techniques, tools and
Statistical Process Control
ISO 9000 series
Pareto Analysis
Matrix Diagram
Tree Decision Diagram
Critical Path Analysis
Fishbone or Ishakawa Diagram


G. Basson

1 University of Pretoria, South Africa


The paper addresses the development of a model for reciprocal relationships inside and
between independent parties participating towards a common objective. The principles of
Total Quality Management (TQM) are considered and five dimensions of application are
distinguished. These dimensions are horizontally from the contractor to the external client,
vertically upwards inside the contracting party, vertical downwards inside the contracting
party, horizontally inside the contracting party and horizontally from the client to the external
contractor, respectively.

In each dimension, every party or individual considers the other as its “client” in respect of
services and relationships based on the principles of TQM. This model is then superimposed
on the delivery of services and the management of relationships inside, as well as between
businesses in a commercial context or as parties on a project.

Keywords: total, quality, management, project, dimensions, relationships, services


Very few businesses, if any, operate in an isolated vacuum, most operate through a proactive
interplay with the environment. Similarly, very few are absolutely self-sufficient in providing
their services or products to external clients or customers. The latter process, to a lesser or
larger degree, entails collaboration with other companies, being it only as suppliers of
supporting items or intimate participation to reach the fina l result. In all cases where services
or products are delivered through a combined effort by independent legal entities or are
supplied on a “one-to-one” basis to single clients, relationships and the management thereof
are of paramount importance towards the achievement of a mutually satisfactory final

Similar circumstances apply to the planning and execution of projects. In the case of projects,
especially construction projects, the multiplicity of entities involved is even more pronounced.
This increases the demand for and importance of any technique or methodology which
enhance s coop eration between parties partaking as members of the team. The major
differences between business and project environments are the long versus short term
characteristics of their operations, respectively, rendering the application of any system to its
full extent infinitely more difficult in the case of projects due to the time constraint.

It is against this background that a model for relationships between participating entities is
developed by extending the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM). This model
should be suitable for application to collaborating companies in either a business or project
context. The application to projects would be more opportune due to the multiplicity of
stakeholders, but also more difficult due to their short durations.



The theory of Total Quality Management (TQM) is well-developed, well-known and well-
entrenched in its application inside and between various types of companies. Only a brief
overview will thus be included to serve as a reference to the extension thereof, the latter being
the real objective of the paper.

TQM can be considered as the mature stage of quality management. TQM is a culture that
requires a total commitment to customer satisfaction through continuous improvement and
innovation in all aspects of business [4]. It is reached when a culture of quality is established
and becomes entrenched at all levels of an organisation. Management dedication should filter
down to everybody, compelling them to be not only involved, but to become fully committed
to quality.

TQM has a strong client or customer orientation and the objective is to continually satisfy or
exceed customer requirements in respect of all products and services or it can be viewed as
“… a philosophy, a set of tools and a process whose output yields customer satisfaction and
continuous improvement” [1]. Defects are prevented through care and motivation, rather than
policing and detection, leading to delivery to the expected standard the first time, every time.
Due to the self -driven nature of TQM results are achieved at optimised durations and costs.
The central theme thus becomes continuous improvement of the quality of services delivered
by not only meeting, but exceeding requirements and impacts positively on customer or client

These relations are protected and built upon as primary and all-embracing focus in the
delivery of services and/or products.

The five dimensions of TQM

The model presented in the following paragraphs apply TQM to the various dimensions or
interfaces encountered between and inside companies involved in achieving the same
objective, being it in a business or project context. The different dimensions proposed are
depicted schematically and numbered in figure 1. Each arrow represents the delivery of a
service or product in terms TQM principles by the one party to the other as indicated by the
direction of the arrow.

First dimension

The first dimension is horizontally from the service delivering entity or contractor to the
external service receiving entity or client. It coincides exactly with the classical theory of
TQM, i.e. service excellence from the provider (supplier) towards the client or customer

Second dimension

This dimension depicts the internal behaviour by employees to their top management
according to TQM principles. It should be viewed on a level-by-level basis, where each lower
level considers the next higher level as its client and is committed to provide services
vertically upwards in typical TQM fashion.

The fulfilment of TQM in this dimension is a strong (indispensable) prerequisite for the
delivery of TQM compatible services by top management to the external client in terms of
first dimension, defined above.



Gert Basson

Figure 1: The five dimensions of TQM

Third dimension

In this case, top management considers its employees internally as their clients and acts
towards them in harmony with the prescriptions of TQM. It should, again, be viewed on a
level-by-level basis, filtering vertically downwards through the organisation.

Apart from a conventional TQM relationship, it extends further to the training and
empowerment [1 & 2] of subordinates to take decisions and assume responsibility through
knowledge and recognition. This, in turn, renders participation through brainstorming
possible, leading to reciprocal advantages and motivation. It also includes the creation and
fostering of an enabling environment towards all employees to deliver services provided in
terms of the second dimension possible and optimising it.

The third dimension thus becomes a prerequisite for the realization and optimization of the
second dimension and the second for the first, as stated above.

Fourth dimension
The fourth dimension entails horizontal relationships between members of the personnel. “In
TQM the view is taken that each person or departmental activity within the organization
affects another and is, in turn, affected by others. As each person or department receives
output from another, it makes the said person or department a customer of the other” [3].

In this dimension each employee views its fellow employee as his/her client, acting according
to the principles of TQM, the one towards the other.

This dimension enhances the third and second dimensions internally to strengthen the first
dimension externally.

Fifth dimension

The fifth dimension can be defined as intra-organisational maturity in TQM. It is reached

when all participating parties or companies are internally fully developed to the fourth
dimension of TQM and reciprocating it externally between one another, i.e. the client now
also considers the service provider as its client or customer in respect of their relationship. It
results in the culmination of TQM in intra-group context.

This dimension or level opens up vast possibilities of beneficial co-operation between a group
of entities to create a multi-organisational unit catering proactive ly in the demands of the
external environment.

Application to companies

Having achieved the fifth dimension of TQM in an interlinked group of companies may lead
to the advancement from symbiosis to consortia, partnering and, eventually, to alliance
arrangements between them in rendering mutually dependent services to communities or
consumers at large.

It creates an unsurpassable vehicle towards success for all parties involved, although each
retains its individual autonomy, a prerequisite, obviously, being the full development to TQM
by each participating entity .

Application to projects
In the case of companies supplying services or products, development towards the fifth
dimension of TQM, and the logical extension thereof into more formal arrangements, may
take an appreciable time as all relationships may not be absolutely mandatory due to the
higher level of self-sufficiency of many entities and, being “on-going” concerns, time may not
be as “of the essence” as on projects with stringent time constraints.

On projects, especially construction projects, a multi -disciplinary project team is , mostly, a

given. The respective disciplines or functions, on most projects, also represent separate legal
entities. This creates an ideal launching pad for the application of TQM up to the ultimate
dimension. The challenge, obviously, lies in the early commitment of all parties to
participation according to all dimensions of TQM and rapid progress towards the fifth
dimension to enable the group to reap the benefits on a specific project.

Collaboration based on the TQM principles of service delivery and relationships will lead to
mutual trust between the parties. Mutual trust, in turn, may lead to the intra-group application
of central planning (even to theory of constraint or critical chain principles), “open -book”
negotiations in case of variations, optimisation through value engineering, benefit sharing as an
alliance, etc., all of which will contribute to a project “machine” with inexhaustible motivational

Repeated collaboration in this fashion may lead to more “permanent” arrangements between all
or some of the participants, as indicated for companies in the previous section. The latter
enhances their impact on the environment as a group.


The objective of the paper is stated as the develop ment of a model to enhance relationships
between participating parties striving to achieve a common goal. The goal may be in an “on-
going” business or “temporary” project milieu .

The theory of TQM was summarised as a methodology to achieve service excellence by and
between companies or individuals. It was then extended by means of a sketch and the definition
of five dimensions of application inside and between organisations.

The result is a simple, yet, powerful model explaining, extending and applying TQM to both the
business and, especially, the project environments. It enhances relationships and serves as a self-
energising motivational vehicle inside and between these entities.


Hradesky, J.L. 1995. Total Quality Management Handbook. New York: McGraw -Hill, Inc.

Joubert W., Cruywagen J.H., Basson G.A.J. (2005): Will the implementation of a total quality

management system benefit South African construction companies? South African Journal of Industrial
Engineering, Volume 16, no. 1, May 2005, p29-40
3. Joubert W. (2002): The implementation and maintenance of a total quality management system in
South African construction companies . Unpublished MSc (Project Management) treatise, University of

4. Logothetis, N. 1992. Managing for Total Quality: From Deming to Taguchi and SPC/N. Hertfordshire:
Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.

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