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Subject : CDI 4
Subject Code: Traffic Mgt. &Accident Investigation
w/Driving Instructor’s Name and Contact Info:
Placement: Pre-final 2021-2022 PCMS Jonathan B Valdeviezo, (Ret.), MPM, RCrim, MSCrim
October 27 , 2021 Email: [email protected]
Mobile Number: 09612049157
Messenger Account: Temp Exenforce


In the Philippines, Traffic Law Enforcement is governed by RA 4136. All other traffic ordinances by local government units
e based on this law or act and/or these ordinances should not contradict any provisions of said law/act. For
comprehensive reading and understanding, please see the appended RA 4136.
A. Words and phrases Used in R.A. 4136. As used in Act, the following words and phrases are defined for better a
common understanding:
1. Motor Vehicle. Shall mean any vehicle propelled by power other than muscular power using the public highways but
excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers sprinkles, lawn mowers. bulldozers, graders, forklifts amphibious
trucks, and cranes t not used in public highways vehicles which run only on rails or tracks and tractors a s and traction
engines of all kinds used excuse agricultural purposes
Trailers having any number of was were intended to be propelled by attachment to move shall be classified as separate
motor vehicle with no power rating.
2. Passenger Automobiles. Shall mean all pain tie vehicles of types similar to those usually known under the following
terms: touring car, command car, speedster sports car, roadster, jeep, cycle car (except motor wheel and s tar small
outfits which are classified with motorcycles), coupe landaulet, closed car, limousine, cabriolet and sedan
The distinction between “passenger truck” and “passenger automobile" shall be that of common usage: Provided that a
motor vehicle registered for more than nine Passengers shall be classified as trucks. Provided further, that a truck with
seating compartment at the back not used for hire shall be register under special “S” classification. In case of dispute the
Commissioner of LTO shall determine classification t which any special type of motor vehicle. belongs
3. Articulated Vehicle. Shall mean any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and so attached that part of the
trailer rests upon the motor vehicle and a substantial part of the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne by the motor
vehicle. Such trailer shall be called as "semi-trailer."
4. Driver. Shall mean every and any licensed operator of a motor vehicle
5. Professional Driver. Every and any driver hired for driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private use or for
hire to the public. Any driver driving his own motor vehicle for hire is a professional driver.
6. Owner. The case one of a motor-vehicles, in whose name such vehicle is duly registered with the LTO The owner of a
government-owned motor vehicles de head of the office or the chief of the Bureau to which the said motor vehicle
7. Dealer. Every person, association, partnership, or corporation making, manufacturing, constructing, assembling
remodeling, or setting up motor vehicles; and every such entity acting as agent for the sale of one or more makes styles,
or kinds of motor vehicles, dealing in motor vehicles living the sale of one or more makes, styles of kinds of motor vehicle,
dealing keeping the in stock or selling same or handling a view to trading same.
8. Garage. Any building in which two or more motor vehicles, ether with or without out drivers are kept ready for hire to
the public, but shall not include street stands, public service stations, or other public places designated by authority as
parking spaces for motor vehicles for hire while awaiting or soliciting business.
9. Gross Weight. The measured weight of a motor vehicle plus the maximum allowable carrying Capacity in
merchandise, freight and/or passengers, as determined by the Commissioner of the LTO.
10 Highways. Every public thorough public thoroughfare, public boulevard, driveway, avenue, park, alley and Callejon,
but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities or other similar institutions.
11. Parking or Parked. Shall mean that a motor vehicle is parked or parking if it has been brought to a stop on the
shoulder or proper edge of a highway, and remains in active in that place or close thereto for an appreciable period of
A motor vehicle which properly stops merely to discharge passenger or to take in a waiting passenger, or to do und a
small quantity of freight with reasonable dispatch not be considered as parked the motor vehicle again moves away
without delay.
12 Tourist. A foreigner who travels from place to place for pleasure or culture.
B. Selected Provisions of R.A. 4136. The following provisions RA 4135 are the most common rules and regulations
violated road users. For further readings and clarifications, please read the appended RA 4136.


1. Exceeding Registered Capacity (Overloading). Passengers, freight or cargo load of a motor vehicle should not be more
than its registered carrying capacity. Conductors of public utility trucks or buses are held liable for the overloading of
vehicles under their charge.
All passenger automobiles for hire are required to have the registered passenger capacity marked plainly and
conspicuously on the sides thereof in letters and numerals not less than 5 cms. in height. Motor trucks for passenger or
freight, private or for hire, shall have the registered passenger or freight gross and net weight capacities marked plainly
and conspicuously on the sides thereof in letters and numerals not less than 5cms in height (Sec. 33)
2. Cargo Carrying Devices. The construction of devices for carrying cargo at the rear or sides of trucks maybe allowed,
subject to the approval of the commissioner but the total net weight of the device, including cargo must not exceed 100
Kls. (Sec 32.a).
3. Riding on Running Board. It is strictly prohibited except for conductors collecting passenger fare (Sec 32, c).
4. Riding on Top of the Motor Vehicle. Passengers shall not be allowed to ride on top of the motor vehicles, but baggage
or freight may be carried on me of the truck, provided that the weight thereof is not more than 20 kilos per square meter
distributed in such a way not to endanger passengers the vehicle’s stability (Sec 32.b).
5. Required Motor Vehicle Accessories. Every motor vehicle when operated on a traffic way should have the following
specified accessories (See Art IV, Sec 34, para a-l of RA 4135 as appended for the specifications of these accessories):
a. Tires of MVs
b. Brakes
(b-1) Horns
c. Headlights
d. Tail Lights
e. Stop Lights
f. Motorcycle and Other vehicle lights
g. Lights When Parked or Disabled
h. Windshield Wiper
i. Use of Red Flag
J. Mufflers
6. Hitching on to a Vehicle. The following practices are prohibited:
a. Hanging on to or riding on the outside or rear end of any vehicle.
b. Holding on to any moving vehicle whether on foot or otherwise.
c Driver allowing any person to hang on to or ride outside of or at the rear end of the vehicle (Sec. 51).
7. Driving While under the Influence of Liquor or Other Prohibited Drugs (Sec. 53).
8. Obstruction of traffic by operating a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct, block, or impede the passage of
another vehicle is prohibited. This prohibition applies even when discharging or loading passengers (Sec. 54).
9. Duties of Driver in Case of Accident. In the event that any accident should occur as a result of the operation of a motor
vehicle upon a highway, the driver shall observe the following:
a. Stop immediately.
b. Show his driver's license to inspecting traffic law
c. Give his true name and address, including that of the enforcer. owner of the vehicle. d. Assist injured persons.
e. Take measures to protect belongings of passengers.
f. Report the accident (Sec. 55).
10. When could a driver leave the area of accident without being held liable for HIT-AND-RUN?
a. His life is in imminent danger of being harmed by other persons by reason of the accident;
b. He surrenders to proper authority, and
C. He summons the assistance of a physician or nurse to aid the victim.


R.A. 4136 mandates that all motor vehicles shall be registered s oner before the designated District Offices of the Land
Transportation Office Law enforcement officers should keep ourselves abreast with the proper procedures of registering
vehicles for them to easily identity unregistered motor vehicles or motor vehicles having expired registrations.
On the other hand, motor vehicle owners as well as divers should be aware of the provisions of motor vehicle registration
t necessary deals and penalties whenever registration ted apprehensions occur. Again, for complete information see
ended R.A. 4136.
A. Classification of Registered Motor Vehicles
1. Private (not for hire) – These are motor vehicles used for the personal use of their owners.
2. Public Utility Vehicles PU aka Sore - These are registered primarily for the conveyance of passengers and e
commercial goods, i.e., passenger jeepney taxi cabs, etc.
3. Government These are motor vehicles owned by government offices and are used for official purposes only.
4. Diplomat These are issued to foreign diplomats and consuls assigned in the Philippines.
B. Plate Numbers - Upon registration, motor vehicles are assigned with plate numbers. The letter and numeral prefixes
as the assigned colors are based on the date and place of registrations and purpose of the registered motor vehicle.


1. Private or not for hire MV - Green with white background on newer vehicles, the first letter usually indicates the region
where the vehicle is registered. For example, beginning with TN the vehicle is registered in the National Capital Region
2. Public Utility Vehicles or for-hire MVS - Black with yellow background usually begin with either the letter "N" or "p Dr Tor
"U" in NCR. Since 1995, they always have either V, "W", or " in the middle of the letter block. Older license plates starting
with "N" and "p" may have other letters in the middle of the block, although the "W" "X" "Y" letters are also present (from
late 70s NVA-101 to early 1995 NYZ-999).
3. Government MVs - Red (maroon) with white background usually starts with letter "S.
4. Diplomatic or other exempted MVS - Blue characters on a white background plates reserved for diplomats, embassy
and consulate officials, country ambassadors and some expatriates such as scientists and researchers at the International
Rice Research Institute (IRRI), in the form of five or six digits.
a. Ambassadors plates are always "1000" and have the country they represent at the bottom of the plate. These plates
have a small decal on the bottom left part with a "CM".
b. 1001--9999: a small decal on the bottom left part, displayed as "C" for "diplomatic corps" 10000--25999: embassy
vehicles a small decal on the bottom left part displayed as "OEV" for "other exempted vehicle"
5. Trailers - These have Yellow or green plates that mostly have either "U" (Private) or "Z" (For Hire) in the middle of the
letter block.
6. Electric vehicles - orange plates are used (white symbols on orange background)
7. Motorcycles - Private motorcycles have green characters on a white background with the letters "MC stamped on the r
left-hand corner next to the registration sticker. Usually the format AA 1111, but with the rise in the number of motorcycles
on the road, the 1111 AA format has also come into use.
8. Tricycles - Private has Green characters on a white background with the letters MC stamped on the upper left-hand
corner next to the registration sticker. This Is very rare since tricycles are usually bought for for-hire. For the public utility, it
has black characters on a yellow background with the letters TC stamped on the upper right-hand corner next to the
registration sticker.
9. Department of Tourism (DOT) accredited vehicles - These are usually tour buses and airport taxis which are issued
with plates that look similar to those of private vehicles, but have yellow highlights mixed with the green color and share
the same first letter of current PUVs plates. A must special sticker indicating that they are DOT-accredited is placed on the
rear windows
10. Optional Motor Vehicle Special Plates (OMVSP) - A project of the LTO since 2004, in the form of 3-letter 2-number.
e.g. DGD 24
11. Personalized (Vanity) plates - Anyone desiring to have his own personalized must consider the following:
a. Uniqueness - the plate does not have a registered duplicate anywhere else in the Philippines.
b. It should not have the same format as government vehicles
C. Price-
(1) Premium Edition (Ex. 111 ABC) - PhP 15,000.00
(2) Select Edition (Ex. DARLIT) PhP 10,000.00
12.Commemorative plate – These special plate numbers are issued for specific purposes such as fund-raising for
government projects and programs.
C. Dimensions and medium.
1. Tagalog: which measures 390 x 140 mm
2 Characters are stamped on an aluminum plate which then applied with reflectorized paint ar is
3. Previously numerous watermarks of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) logo as well as a small logo of the plate
manufacturer were stamped on the plate which was replaced in 2003 with a reflectorized, printed color sticker of the
statue to Jose Rizal.
4. In 2008, all plates are produced by a sole, privately funded manufacturer in Manila,
5. Slogan on the bottom plate usually reflects the goals campaign of the incumbent President which was began under
President Fidel V. Ramos.
a. Fidel V. Ramos - "Philippines 2000"
b. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo - "Matatag na Republika" (Strong Republic)
6. Until 2004, plates also bore the word "Pilipinas" at the bottom
7. Common Inscription
a. FILIPINAS (the most common inscription; 1981-1995, 2001, 2002-2003, 2004-present)
b. PHILIPPINES 2000 (1995-2000)
C. ANGAT PINOY 2004 ("Raise Pinoy 2004"; 20002001
d. PERLAS NG SILANGAN ("Pearl of the Orient";2001
e. MATATAG NA REPUBLIKA (2003-present)
8. Typeface. Numerous typefaces are used but the current typeface was first implemented in 1981 which is loosely based
on the Australian plate system with sone slight variations on the front design since then.
D. Geographical Designations of Plate Numbers. Geographical Designations of registered motor vehicles can be
determined by the beginning letter.
“A’ – Region 1 (Ilocos Region) COR (Cordillera Region)
“B” - Region 11 (Cagayan Valley Region)


“C” - Region III (Central Leon Region), Superseded by “R” in 2003.

“D”- Region IVA (CALABARZON) and IV-8 (MIMAROPA) Superseded by “V” in 2000
“E”- Region V (Bicol Region)
“F” - Region VI (Western Visayas Region
“G” - Region VII (Central Visayas Region). Superseded by “Y” in 2004
“H”- Region VIII (Eastern Visayas Region)
“I”- Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) and ARMM
“K”- Regions X and XI11 (Northern Mindanao and CARAGA) –
“L” - Region XI (Davao Region)
“N” -NCR, 1981-1982, 2009-2010 (with increments of "1", 0, and "0")
“P” - National Capital Region, 1982-1991, 2010-2011 (with increments of "1", "0", and "Q"
“R” -Region III (Central Luzon Region), overflow Series for Private since 2003
“S”- Government-owned (Red Plate) Vehicles
“T”- National Capital Region, 1991-1995, 2011-2012 (with increments of "T", "O", and "Q")
“U"- National Capital Region, 1995-1997-2012 presents (with increments of "I", "O", and "Q")
“V” - Regions IV-A (CALABARZON) and IV-B (MIMAROPA), overflow Series for Private since 2000
“W” - National Capital Region, 1997-2001.
“X”- National Capital Region, 2001-2005 "- Region VII (Central Visayas Region), overflow series for Private since 2004
“Z” National Capital Region, 20052009
E Approximate Year of Issuance
1. National Capital Region
1981 NA NE, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NL NM NN, NP, NR. NS
1982 NT, PA
1983 PE PC PO
1984 PD, PE, PF
1985 PF, PG
I986 PH
1987 PJ
1988 PK, PL
1989 PM PN, PP
1990 PR, PS, PT
1991 TA, TB, TC
1992 TD, TE, TF
1993 TG, TH, TJ, TK, TL TM, TN, TP, TR, TT
1994 1995 UA(A-B), TS, UA(C-onwards), UB, UC, UD, UE
1996 1997 UF, UG, UH, W, UK, UL, UM, UN UP, UR, US, UT, UU, WA, WB
1998 WC, WD, WE, WG, WH, WJ, WK, WL WF
1999 WG, WH, WJ, WK, WL
2000 WM, WN, WP, WR
2001 WS, WT, XA, XB
2002 XC, XD, XE, XF, XG
2003 XH, XJ, XK, XL, XM
2004 XN, XP, XR, XS
2005 XT, ZA, ZB, ZC
2006 ZD, ZE, ZF, ZG
2007 ZH, Z), ZK, ZL
2008 ZM, ZN, ZP, ZR, ZS
2009 ZT, N-(I), N-CO), N-(Q), NI
2010 NO, NO, P-(I), P-(0), P-(Q), PI
2011 PO, PO, T-(I), T-(0), T-(Q), TI
2012 TO, TO, UI, U-(I)
2013 UO
NOTE: (Wikipedia) 1, O and Q are previously not used to avoid confusion with the numbers “1” &. “0”. with the exhaustion
of the T series in 2009, they are already used by reverting to the old N series. A new serial scheme is implemented using
these characters, instead of the third letter coming into series (e.g. after ZAA-999 has been reached, ZAB- 101) the
middle letter is the one being replaced (e.g. after NAI- 999 series has been exhausted, NBI-101 will follow). After all the
possible combinations with I, O and Q as third letter for the same starting letter have been used, I, O and Q are used as
middle letters the third letter is being replaced (e... After NZQ-999 has been used, NIA-101 will follow), the reverted letter
is exhausted (e.g. After PQZ-999 has been used, TAI-101 will follow.
e.g. NA-101, NQZ-544, PXO-296. POQ-481, TIW-329, TOH S24, UEP-207, UME-615, UOR-S14, UOS-201-
2. Provincial Plate Numbers
Region 1/CAR AA, AB, AC (A-N)


Region 11 BA, BB (A-N)

Region III CA CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG, CH, CJ (AE)
Region IV DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DG (A-V)
Region V EA (A-U)
Region VI FA, FB, FC (A-S)
Region VII GA, GB, GC, GD (A-D)
Region VIII HA (A-M)
Region X/XIII KA, KB
Region XI LA, LB, LC (A-E)
Region XII MA (A-W)
Region I/CAR AC (P-onwards), AD, AE
Region II BB (P-onwards), BC
Region III CJ (F-onwards), CK, CL, CM, CN, CP, CR (A-E)
Region V EA (V-C), EB, EC
Region VII GD(E-onwards) GE, GF, GG. GH, GJ, GK
Region VIII HA(P-onwards) HB
Region IX/ARMM JA (W-Z), JB
Region X/XIII KB (M-onwards), KC
Region XI LC (F-onwards), LD
Region XII MA(X-Z), MB
Region 1/CAR AE AF (A-D)
Region II BC BD BE
Region III CR (F-onwards), CS, CT, RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ
Region IV VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, (A-E)
Region V BC, ED
Region VI FE, FF, FG (A-M)
Region VII GL, GM, GP, GS GT, YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH
Region VIII HB, HC
Region X/XIII KC, KD, KE
Region XI LD, LE, LF, LG, LH
Region XII MB, MC, MD, ME
“2010 – Present”
Region I/CAR AF(E-onwards)
Region II BE
Region III RK, RK, RM
Region IV VE (F-onwards), VF
Region V ED
Region VI FG (N-onwards) FH
Region VII YH, YJ, YK
Region VIII HC, HD
Region X/XIII KE, KF
Region XI LH
Region XII ME, MF
F. Schedule of Registration - Registration of motor vehicles should be done annually which follows the numerical
suffixes of their plate numbers.

Last Digit of Plate Number Middle Digit of Plate Number Weekly Deadline

1-Jan 6 - Jun 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2- Feb 7 -Jul 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
3-Mar 8 - Aug 4 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
4 – Apr 9 - Sep 6 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
5 – May 0 - Oct 7 29 30 31
Note: Vehicles may be registered one month in advance of weekly deadline. For motorcycles, use the 3rd digit.


Example: Plate Number - TNG 984

The above motor vehicle shall be registered in April every year because the last digit is "4" and the day of registration falls
in April 15-21 since the middle digit is "8".
G. Letter Prefixes on Plate Numbers. The letter prefixes indicates:
1. Place of initial registration of the motor vehicle;
2. Year of initial registration and the possible year model the registered motor vehicle could be determined from the order
of the letter prefixes, i.e., the higher the letters the late the year of registration and year model of the motor vehicle.
Example: Vehicle 1 - PLT 255 Vehicle 2 - TNU 636
Between the above motor vehicles, Vehicle 1 w registered earlier than Vehicle 2 and possibly, Vehicles model is later than
Vehicle 1.
H. Protocol Plate Numbers. These are special plate number for high-ranking government officials as manifestation of
courtesy towards them or their respective positions or offices. These plates are blue D or DD plates reserved for the top
government official of the Republic of the Philippines
1- President
2 - Vice President
3- Senate President
4 - Speaker of the House of Representatives
5- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
6 -Cabinet Secretaries
7- Senators
8 - Representatives (Congressmen)
9-Associate Justices of the Supreme Court
10- Presiding Justice and other Justices of the Court of Appeals, Solicitor-General (OSG formerly 13.)
11 - Chairman of the Commission on Elections 12 - Cabinet Undersecretary
13 - None currently
14-Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Chief of the Philippine National Police
16 - Regional Trial Court Judges
17 - First Level Courts (Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court in Cities and Shari'ah Circuit
courts), added by Memorandum Order No. 297 signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on March 2, 2009

Ref: Traffic Management and Accident Investigation as2 nd Edition by DARLITO BERNARD G. DELIZO, Ph D CE


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