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British Cavalry and Mounted Divisions


1st Cavalry Division: (August 1914)

1st Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
5th Dragoon Guards
11th Hussars
1st Signal Troop
2nd Cavalry Brigade
4th Dragoon Guards
9th Royal Lancers
18th Hussars
2nd Signal Troop
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
3rd Signal Troop
4th Cavalry Brigade
Composite Regiment of Household Cavalry
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
3rd Hussars
4th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
D Battery
E Battery
III Brigade Ammunition Column

VII RHA Brigade:
I Battery
L Battery
VII Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st, 8th, 9th, & 10th
HQ 1st Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
27th (H.T.)
1st Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
57th (M.T.)
58th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Ammunition Park (ASC):
45th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division: (September 1915)
1st Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
5th Dragoon Guards
11th Hussars
I Battery, RHA
1st Signal Troop
2nd Cavalry Brigade
4th Dragoon Guards
9th Royal Lancers
18th Hussars

H Battery, RHA
2nd Signal Troop
9th Cavalry Brigade
15th Hussars
19th Hussars
1st Bedfordshire Yeomanry
1st Warwick Battery
9th Signal Troop
VII RHA Brigade:
VII Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
1st, 3rd & 9th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st, 10th, 39th
HQ 1st Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
27th (H.T.)
1st Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
57th (M.T.)
58th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
1st Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
45th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division: (June 1916)
1st Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
5th Dragoon Guards
11th Hussars
I Battery, RHA

1st Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Company
1st Signal Troop
2nd Cavalry Brigade
4th Dragoon Guards
9th Royal Lancers
18th Hussars
H Battery, RHA
2nd Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Company
2nd Signal Troop
9th Cavalry Brigade
15th Hussars
19th Hussars
1st Bedfordshire Yeomanry
1st Warwick Battery
9th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Company
9th Signal Troop
VII RHA Brigade:
VII Brigade Ammunition Column
Light Armored Cars:
No. 8 Battery (M.M.G.)
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
1st, 3rd & 9th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st, 10th, 39th
HQ 1st Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
27th (H.T.)
1st Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
57th (M.T.) & 58th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
1st Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
45th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division: (June 1917)
1st Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
5th Dragoon Guards
11th Hussars
I Battery, RHA
1st Cavalry Machine Gun Company
1st Signal Troop
2nd Cavalry Brigade
4th Dragoon Guards
9th Royal Lancers
18th Hussars
H Battery, RHA

2nd Cavalry Machine Gun Company
2nd Signal Troop
9th Cavalry Brigade
15th Hussars
19th Hussars
1st Bedfordshire Yeomanry
Y Battery, RHA
9th Cavalry Machine Gun Company
9th Signal Troop
VII RHA Brigade:
VII Brigade Ammunition Column
Light Armored Cars:
No. 8 Battery (M.M.G.)
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
1st, 3rd & 9th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st, 10th, 39th
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 1st Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
27th (H.T.)
1st Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
57th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
1st Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
45th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division: (March 1918)
1st Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
5th Dragoon Guards
11th Hussars
I Battery, RHA
1st Cavalry Machine Gun Company
1st Signal Troop
2nd Cavalry Brigade
4th Dragoon Guards
9th Royal Lancers
18th Hussars
H Battery, RHA
2nd Cavalry Machine Gun Company
2nd Signal Troop
9th Cavalry Brigade
8th Hussars
15th Hussars

19th Hussars
Y Battery, RHA
9th Cavalry Machine Gun Company
9th Signal Troop
VII RHA Brigade:
VII Brigade Ammunition Column
Light Armored Cars:
No. 8 Battery (M.M.G.)
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
1st, 3rd & 9th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st, 10th, 39th
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 1st Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
27th (H.T.)
1st Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
57th (M.T.)
1st Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
2nd Cavalry Division: (September 1914)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
D Battery, RHA
3rd Signal Troop
5th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
12th Royal Lancers
20th Hussars
E Battery,RHA
5th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
III Brigade Ammunition Column

Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
2nd & 5th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
7th & 8th
HQ 2nd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
424th (H.T.)
2nd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
46th (M.T.) & 413th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
50th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division: (September 1915)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
D Battery, RHA
3rd Signal Troop
4th Cavalry Brigade
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
3rd Hussars
1st Queen's Own "O" Hussars
J Battery, RHA
4th Signal Troop
5th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
12th Royal Lancers
20th Hussars
E Battery,RHA
5th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
III Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:

Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
2nd & 5th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
7th & 8th
HQ 2nd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
424th (H.T.)
2nd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
46th (M.T.) & 413th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
2nd Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
50th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division: (June 1916)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
D Battery, RHA
3rd Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
3rd Signal Troop
4th Cavalry Brigade
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
3rd Hussars
1st Queen's Own "O" Hussars
J Battery, RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
4th Signal Troop
5th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
12th Royal Lancers
20th Hussars
E Battery,RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
5th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
III Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
2nd & 5th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
7th & 8th
HQ 2nd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
424th (H.T.)
2nd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
46th (M.T.) & 413th (M.T.)

2nd Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
2nd Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
50th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division: (June 1917)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
D Battery, RHA
3rd Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
3rd Signal Troop
4th Cavalry Brigade
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
3rd Hussars
1st Queen's Own "O" Hussars
J Battery, RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
4th Signal Troop
5th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
12th Royal Lancers
20th Hussars
E Battery,RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
5th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
III Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
2nd & 5th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
7th & 8th
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 2nd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
424th (H.T.)
2nd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
46th (M.T.) & 413th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):
2nd Cavalry Division Ammunition Park (ASC):
50th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division: (March 1918)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
4th Hussars
5th Royal Irish Lancers
16th Lancers
D Battery, RHA
3rd Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
3rd Signal Troop

4th Cavalry Brigade
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
3rd Hussars
1st Queen's Own "O" Hussars
J Battery, RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
4th Signal Troop
5th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
12th Royal Lancers
20th Hussars
E Battery,RHA
4th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
5th Signal Troop
III RHA Brigade:
III Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
2nd & 5th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
7th & 8th
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 2nd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
424th (H.T.)
2nd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
46th (M.T.) & 413th (M.T.)
2nd Cavalry Division Auxiliary (Horse) Company (ASC):

3rd Cavalry Division: (October 1914)

6th Cavalry Brigade
3rd Dragoon Guards
1st Royal Dragoons
10th Hussars
C Battery, RHA
6th Signal Troop

7th Cavalry Brigade
1st Life Guards
2nd Life Guards
Royal Horse Guards
K Battery, RHA
7th Signal Troop
XV RHA Brigade:
XV Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
6th & 7th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
13th & 14th
HQ 3rd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
81st (H.T.)
3rd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
73rd (M.T.) & 414th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Ammunition Park:
76th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Division: (September 1915)
6th Cavalry Brigade
3rd Dragoon Guards
1st Royal Dragoons
1/North Somerset Yeomanry
C Battery, RHA
6th Signal Troop
7th Cavalry Brigade
1st Life Guards
2nd Life Guards

1st Leicestershire Yeomanry
K Battery, RHA
7th Signal Troop
8th Cavarly Brigade
Royal Horse Guards
10th Hussars
1st Essex Yeomanry
G Battery, RHA
8th Signal Troop
IV RHA Brigade:
IV Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
6th, 7th, & 8th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
13th, 14th, & 20th
HQ 3rd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
81st (H.T.)
3rd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
73rd (M.T.) & 414th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Divisional Auxiliary (Horse) Company
3rd Cavalry Ammunition Park:
76th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Division: (June 1916)
6th Cavalry Brigade
3rd Dragoon Guards
1st Royal Dragoons
1/North Somerset Yeomanry
C Battery, RHA
6th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
6th Signal Troop
7th Cavalry Brigade
1st Life Guards
2nd Life Guards
1st Leicestershire Yeomanry
K Battery, RHA
7th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
7th Signal Troop
8th Cavarly Brigade

Royal Horse Guards
10th Hussars
1st Essex Yeomanry
8th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
G Battery, RHA
8th Signal Troop
IV RHA Brigade:
IV Brigade Ammunition Column
Light Armored Car
No. 7 Battery
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
6th, 7th, & 8th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
13th, 14th, & 20th
HQ 3rd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
81st (H.T.)
3rd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
73rd (M.T.) & 414th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Divisional Auxiliary (Horse) Company
3rd Cavalry Ammunition Park:
76th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Division: (June 1917)
6th Cavalry Brigade
3rd Dragoon Guards
1st Royal Dragoons
1/North Somerset Yeomanry
C Battery, RHA
6th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
6th Signal Troop
7th Cavalry Brigade
1st Life Guards
2nd Life Guards
1st Leicestershire Yeomanry
K Battery, RHA
7th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron

7th Signal Troop
8th Cavarly Brigade
Royal Horse Guards
10th Hussars
1st Essex Yeomanry
8th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
G Battery, RHA
8th Signal Troop
IV RHA Brigade:
IV Brigade Ammunition Column
Light Armored Car
No. 7 Battery
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
6th, 7th, & 8th
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
13th, 14th, & 20th
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 3rd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
81st (H.T.)
3rd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
73rd (M.T.) & 414th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Divisional Auxiliary (Horse) Company
3rd Cavalry Ammunition Park:
76th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Division: (March 1918)
6th Cavalry Brigade
3rd Dragoon Guards
1st Royal Dragoons
10th Hussars
C Battery, RHA
6th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
6th Signal Troop

7th Cavalry Brigade
7th Dragoon Guards
6th Inniskilling Dragoons
17th Lancers
K Battery, RHA
7th Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
7th Signal Troop
Canadian Cavarly Brigade
Royal Canadian Dragoons
Lord Strathcona's Horse
Fort Garry Horse
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Brigade
1st Canadian Cavalry Brigade Machine Gun Squadron
Canadian Signal Troop
IV RHA Brigade:
IV Brigade Ammunition Column
Engineer Field Squadron:
Divisional Signals Squadron:
Cavalry Field Ambulances:
6th, 7th, & 7th Canadian
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
13th, 14th, & "A" Canadian
Divisional Employment Company:
HQ 3rd Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps (ASC):
81st (H.T.)
3rd Cavalry Supply Column (ASC):
73rd (M.T.) & 414th (M.T.)
3rd Cavalry Divisional Auxiliary (Horse) Company

1st Mounted Division: (August 1914 - England)

Eastern Brigade
Suffolk Yeomanry
King's Own "RR" Norfolk Yeomanry
Essex Yeomanry
1st South Midland Brigade
Warwickshire Yeomanry

Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Worcester Hussars
2nd South Midland Brigade
Royal Buckhinghamshire Hussars
Berkshire Yeomanry
Queen's Own "O" Hussars
Nottinghamshire and Derby Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Hussars
Derby Hussars
6th Norfolk Cyclist Battalion
6th Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
6th Royal Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
25th Company, London Cyclist Battalion
Royal Horse Artillery:
Essex Battery & Ammunition Column
Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
Berkshire Battery & Ammunition Column
Nottinghamshire Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
London Wireless Signal Company
Southern Wireless Signal Company
1 Section, Scottish Cable Signal Company
1 Section, Scottish Cable Signal Company
Eastern Field Ambulance
1st South Midland Field Ambulance
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
Nottinghamshire and Derby Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Section
1st South Midland
2nd South Midland
Nottinghamshire and Derby
Army Service Corps (ASC)
Eastern T and S Column
1st South Midland T and S Column
2nd South Midland T and S Column
Nottinghamshire and Derby T and S Column
1st Mounted Divisional ASC
1st Mounted Division: (March 1915 - England)
Eastern Brigade
Suffolk Yeomanry
King's Own "RR"
Norfolk Yeomanry
2nd K.E. Horse
South Wales Brigade
Pembroke Yeomanry
Montgomery Yeomanry
Glamorgan Yeomanry
Welsh Border Brigade
Shropshire Yeomanry
Chester Yeomanry
Denbighy Hussars

North Midlands Brigade
Staffordshire Yeomanry
Lincoln Yeomanry
Welsh Horse
6th Norfolk Cyclist Battalion
6th Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
6th Royal Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
25th Company, London Cyclist Battalion
Royal Horse Artillery:
Essex Battery & Ammunition Column
Glamorgan Battery & Ammunition Column
Shropshire Battery & Ammunition Column
Leicester Battery & Ammunition Column
117th Heavy Battery
41st Siege Battery
Signal Service:
Eastern Signals Troop
South Wales Signals Troop
Welsh Signals Troop
North Midland Signal Troop
S. Cd. A.T. Signal Company
Scottish A.T. Signal Company
London Wireless Signals Section
Eastern Field Ambulance
South Wales Field Ambulance
Welsh Border Field Ambulance
North Midland Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Section
South Wales
Welsh Border
North Midland
Army Service Corps (ASC)
Eastern ASC
South Wales ASC
Welsh Border ASC
North Midland ASC
1st Mounted Divisional ASC
1st Mounted Division: (November 1915 - England)
South Wales Brigade
Pembroke Yeomanry
Montgomery Yeomanry
Glamorgan Yeomanry
Welsh Border Brigade
Shropshire Yeomanry
Chester Yeomanry
Denbighy Hussars
2/1/South Wales
2/1/Pembrooke Yeomanry
2/1/Montgomery Yeomanry
2/1/Glamorgan Yeomanry
2/1/Welsh Horse
2/1/North Midlands Brigade

Staffordshire Yeomanry
Lincoln Yeomanry
Welsh Horse
6th Norfolk Cyclist Battalion
6th Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
2/6/Royal Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
25th Company, London Cyclist Battalion
2/25/London Cyclist Battalion
Royal Horse Artillery:
Glamorgan Battery & Ammunition Column
Shropshire Battery & Ammunition Column
Essex Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Glamorgan Battery & Ammunition Column
Leicester Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Leicester Battery & Ammunition Column
117th Heavy Battery
2/Devon Heavy Battery
Signal Service:
South Wales Signals Troop
Welsh Signals Troop
North Midland Signal Troop
2/1/South Wales Signal Troop
2/1/North Midland Signal Troop
1st Mounted Divisional Signals Squadron
South Wales Field Ambulance
Welsh Border Field Ambulance
2/1/South Wales Field Ambulance
2/1/North Midland Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Section
South Wales
Welsh Border
2/1/South Wales
2/1/North Midland
Army Service Corps (ASC)
South Wales ASC
Welsh Border ASC
2/1/South Wales ASC
2/1/North Midland ASC
1st Mounted Divisional ASC
1st Mounted Division: (May 1916 - England)
2/1/Eastern Brigade
2/1/Suffolk Yeomanry
2/1/King's Own "R.R." Norfolk Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
2/1/North Midland Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Liecester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
2/1/South Wales
2/1/Pembrooke Yeomanry
2/1/Montgomery Yeomanry
2/1/Glamorgan Yeomanry
2/1/Welsh Horse

2/1/Welsh Border Brigade
2/1/Shropshire Yeomanry
2/1/Chester Yeomanry
2/1/Denbighy Hussars
Royal Horse Artillery:
2/1/Shropshire and Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
2/1/Eastern Signals Troop
2/1/North Midland Signals Troop
2/1/South Wales Signal Troop
2/1/Welsh Signal Troop
1st Mounted Divisional Signals Squadron
2/1/Eastern Brigade Field Ambulance
2/1/North Midland Brigade Field Ambulance
2/1/South Wales Brigade Field Ambulance
2/1/Welsh Brigade Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Section
2/1/North Midland
2/1/South Wales
Army Service Corps (ASC)
2/1/Eastern A.S.C.
2/1/North Midland A.S.C.
2/1/South Wales A.S.C.
2/1/Welsh A.S.C.
1st Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
1st Cyclist Division: (July 1916 - England)
1st (2/1/Highland) Brigade
2/1/Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
2/1/Lovat's Scouts
2/2/Lovat's Scouts
2nd (2/2/South Western) Brigade
2/1/Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry
2/1/Rouan North Devon Hussars
2/1/West Sommerset Yeomanry
3rd (2/1/North Midland) Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
4th (2/1/South Wales) Brigade
2/1/Pembroke Yeomanry
2/1/Montgomery Yeomanry
2/1/Glamorgan Yeomanry
Signal Service:
1st Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
4th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop

1st Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
1st Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
2nd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
3rdMounted Brigade Field Ambulance
4th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps (ASC)
1st Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
4th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
1st Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
1st Cyclist Division: (September 1916 - England)
1st Cyclist Brigade
2/1/West Somerset Yeomanry
2/1/Lovat's Scouts
2/2/Lovat's Scouts
2/25/London Cyclist Battlaion
6/Infantry Works Company
2nd Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Pembroke Yeomanry
2/1/RoyalNorth Devon Hussars
2/1/Glamorgan Yeomanry
6th Suffolk Cyclist Battalion
3rd Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
2/7/Welsh Cyclist Battalion
4th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
2/3/Co. of London Yeomanry
6th Norfolk Cyclist Battlaion
Signal Service:
1st Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
4th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
Cyclist Divisional Signal Squadron
Northern Signal Company (A.T.)
1st Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
2nd Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
3rd Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
4th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps (ASC)
1st Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
4th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.

Cyclist Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Division: (September 1914- England)
1st South Midland Brigade
Warwick Yeomanry
Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Warchester Hussars
2nd South Midland Brigade
Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry
Nothinghamshire and Derby Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
London Brigade
1/Co. of London
1/City of London
3/Co. of London
Royal Horse Artillery:
I Brigade
Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
II Brigade
Berkshire & B. H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Nottinghamshjire Battery & Ammunition Column
A. H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
1st South Midland Signal Troop
2nd South Midland Signal Troop
Nottinghamshire and Derby Signal Troop
London Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
1st South Midland Field Ambulance
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
Nottinghamshire and Derby Field Ambulance
London Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st South Midland
2nd South Midland
Nottinghamshire and Derby
Army Service Corps:
1st South Midland A.S.C.
2nd South Midland A.S.C.
Nottinghamshire and Derby A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Division: (May 1915 - Egypt)
1st (1st South Midland) Brigade
Warwick Yeomanry
Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Warchester Hussars
2nd (2nd South Midland) Brigade
Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry

3rd (Nothinghamshire and Derby) Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
4th (London) Brigade
1/Co. of London
1/City of London
3/Co. of London
Royal Horse Artillery:
I Brigade
B Battery H.A.C. & Ammunition Column
II Brigade
Berkshire & B. H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Nottinghamshjire Battery & Ammunition Column
A. H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
1st South Midland Signal Troop
2nd South Midland Signal Troop
Nottinghamshire and Derby Signal Troop
London Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
1st South Midland Field Ambulance
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
Nottinghamshire and Derby Field Ambulance
London Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
A (1st South Midland)
B (2nd South Midland)
C (Nottinghamshire and Derby)
D (London)
Army Service Corps:
1st South Midland A.S.C.
2nd South Midland A.S.C.
Nottinghamshire and Derby A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Division: (August 1915 - Gallipoli)
1st (1st South Midland) Brigade
Warwick Yeomanry
Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Warchester Hussars
2nd (2nd South Midland) Brigade
Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry
3rd (Nothinghamshire and Derby) Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
4th (London) Brigade
1/Co. of London
1/City of London
3/Co. of London
Signal Service:
2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron

1st South Midland Field Ambulance
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
Nottinghamshire and Derby Field Ambulance
London Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
2nd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Division: (September 1915 - Gallipoli)
1st Composite Mounted Brigade
1st South Midland Regiment
Warwick, Yeomanry
Gloucester Yeomanry
Worcester Yeomanry
South Midland Regiment
Buckinghamshire Yeomanry
Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry
5th Yeomanry Regiment
Hertfordshire Yeomanry
2/Co. of London Yeomanry
2nd Composite Mounted Brigade
3rd Nottinghamshire & Derby Regiment
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
4th London Regiment
1st Co. of London
1st City of London
3/Co of London Yeomanry
1st Scottish Horse Mounted Brigade
1/Scottish Horse
2/1/Scottish Horswe
3/1/Scottish Horswe
1st Highland Mounted Brigade
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
1/Lovat's Scouts
2/Lovat's Scouts
1/Kent Field Company
2/Kent Field Company
Signal Service:
2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
London Field Ambulance
Scottish Field Ambulance
Highland Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
2nd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Division: (After Reorganization
December 1915 - Egypt)
1st (1st South Midland) Brigade
Warwick Yeomanry
Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Warchester Hussars

1st South Midland Signal Troop
2nd (2nd South Midland) Brigade
Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry
2nd South Midland Signal Troop
3rd (Nothinghamshire and Derby) Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
Nothinghamshire and Derby Signal Roop
4th (London) Brigade
1/Co. of London
1/City of London
3/Co. of London
London Signal Troop
5th Brigade
Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/Co. of London
2nd Mounted Division: (January 1916 - Egypt)
1st (1st South Midland) Brigade
Warwick Yeomanry
Royal Gloucester Hussars
Queen's Own Warchester Hussars
1st South Midland Signal Troop
2nd (2nd South Midland) Brigade
Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
Berkshire Yeomanry
2nd South Midland Signal Troop
3rd (Nothinghamshire and Derby) Brigade
Sherwood Rangers
South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry
Derby Yeomanry
Nothinghamshire and Derby Signal Roop
4th (London) Brigade
1/Co. of London
1/City of London
3/Co. of London
London Signal Troop
5th Brigade
Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/Co. of London
Royal Horse Artillery:
I Brigade
A Battery H.A.C. & Ammunition Column
B Battery H.A.C. & Ammunition Column
II Brigade
Berkshire & B. H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Nottinghamshjire Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:

2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
1st South Midland Field Ambulance
2nd South Midland Field Ambulance
Nottinghamshire and Derby Field Ambulance
London Field Ambulance
Mobile Veterinary Sections:
1st South Midland
2nd South Midland
Nottinghamshire and Derby
Army Service Corps:
2nd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd/2nd Mounted Division: (6 March 1915 - England)
2/1st Nottinghamshire & Derby Brigade
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/1st South Midland Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry
2/1/Royal Gloucester Hussars
2/1/Queen's Own Worcester Hussars
2/2nd South Midland Brigade
2/1/Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Berkshire Yeomanry
2/1/Queen's Own "O" Hussars
2/1st London Brigade
2/1/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
2/3/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/Nottinghamshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Berkshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/A, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
2/1/Nottinghamshire Signal Troop
2/1/South Midland Signal Troop
2/2/South Midland Signal Troop
2/1/London Signal Troop
Medical Service:
2/1/Nottinghamshire Field Ambulance
2/1/South Midland Field Ambulance
2/2/South Midland Field Ambulance
2/1/London Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
2/1/Nottinghamshire A.S.C.
2/1/South Midland A.S.C.
2/2/South Midland A.S.C.
2/1/London A.S.C.

3rd (formerly 2nd/2nd) Mounted Division: (April 1915 - England)
2/1st Nottinghamshire & Derby Brigade
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/1st South Midland Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry
2/1/Royal Gloucester Hussars
2/1/Queen's Own Worcester Hussars
2/2nd South Midland Brigade
2/1/Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Berkshire Yeomanry
2/1/Queen's Own "O" Hussars
2/1st London Brigade
2/1/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
2/3/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/Nottinghamshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Berkshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/A, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
2/1/Nottinghamshire Signal Troop
2/1/South Midland Signal Troop
2/2/South Midland Signal Troop
2/1/London Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
2/1/Nottinghamshire Field Ambulance
2/1/South Midland Field Ambulance
2/2/South Midland Field Ambulance
2/1/London Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
2/1/Nottinghamshire A.S.C.
2/1/South Midland A.S.C.
2/2/South Midland A.S.C.
2/1/London A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Division: (July 1916 - England)
9th (2/1st Nottinghamshire & Derby) Brigade
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
10th (2/1st South Midland) Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry
2/1/Royal Gloucester Hussars
2/1/Queen's Own Worcester Hussars
11th (2/2nd South Midland) Brigade
2/1/Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Berkshire Yeomanry
2/1/Queen's Own "O" Hussars

12th (2/1st London) Brigade
2/1/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
2/3/Co. of London Yeomanry
2/1/Nottinghamshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Berkshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/A, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
9th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
10th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
11th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
12th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
9th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
10th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
11th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
12th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
9th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
10th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
11th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
12th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
1st (formerly 3rd) Mounted Division: (September 1916 - England)
1st Mounted Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/Buckinghamshire Hussars
2nd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry
2/1/Montgomery Yeomanry
2/1/Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
3rd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Queen's Own West Kent Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
9th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/3/Queen's Own "O" Hussars
2/1/Nottinghamshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Warwick Battery & Ammunition Column
2/1/Berkshire Battery & Ammunition Column
2/A, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
1st Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
9th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
3/2/Mounted Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:

1st Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
2nd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
3rd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
9th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
1st Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
9th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
1st Mounted Division: (November 1916 - England)
1st Mounted Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/Buckinghamshire Hussars
2nd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
3rd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Queen's Own Yeomanry
2/1/Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
5th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/3/Queen's Own "O" Hussars (Cyclist Battalion)
2/8/Essex (Cyclist Battalion)
2/A, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
2/B, H.A.C. Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
1st Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
5th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
1st Mounted Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
1st Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
2nd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
3rd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
5th cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
1st Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
9th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
1st Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
1st Mounted Division: (May 1917 - England)
1st Mounted Brigade
2/1/Warwick Yeomanry

2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/Buckinghamshire Hussars
2nd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
3rd Mounted Brigade
2/1/Queen's Own Yeomanry
2/1/Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
5th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
7/Devon (Cyclist Battalion)
6/Royal Sussex (Cyclist Battalion)
303rd Battery & Ammunition Column
396th Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:
1st Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
3rd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
5th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
1st Mounted Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
336th (East Anglian) Brigade Field Ambulance
337th (East Anglian) Brigade Field Ambulance
338th (Lowland) Brigade Field Ambulance
339th (Lowland) Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
1st Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
3rd Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
9th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
1st Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
The Cyclist (formerly 1st Mounted) Division:
(October 1917 - England)
11th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/Buckinghamshire Hussars
7/Devon (Cyclist Battalion)
12th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
13th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Queen's Own Yeomanry
2/1/Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
303rd Battery & Ammunition Column
396th Battery & Ammunition Column
Signal Service:

11th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
12th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
13th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
1st Cyclist Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
11th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
12th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
13th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
11th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
12th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
13th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
1st Cyclist Divisional A.S.C.
The Cyclist (formerly 1st Mounted) Division:
(January 1918 - England)
5th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/South Nottinghamshire Hussars
2/1/Derby Yeomanry
2/1/City of London Yeomanry
11th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Sherwood Rangers
2/1/Buckinghamshire Hussars
7/Devon (Cyclist Battalion)
12th Cyclist Brigade
2/1/Staffordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Leicester Yeomanry
2/1/Lincoln Yeomanry
303rd Battery & Ammunition Column
396th Battery & Ammunition Column
2/2/Lancaster Heavy Battery
2/1/Warwick Heavy Battery
563rd Hunts. Works Company
Signal Service:
5th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
12th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
13th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
1st Cyclist Divisional Signal Company
Medical Service:
336th (East Anglian) Brigade Field Ambulance
337th (East Anglian) Brigade Field Ambulance
339th (Lowland) Brigade Field Ambulance
126th Sanitary Section
Army Service Corps:
5th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
12th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
13th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
1st Cyclist Divisional A.S.C.
60th Railhead Supply Detachment

4th Mounted Division: (April 1916 - England)
13th (2/1st Eastern) Brigade
2/1/Suffolk Yeomanry
2/1/King's Own R.R. Norfolk Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry
14th (2/1st South Eastern) Brigade
2/1/Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles
2/1/Queen's Own West Kent Yoemanry
2/1/Sussex Yeomanry
15th (2/1st South Western) Brigade
2/1/Wiltshire Yeomanry
2/1/North Somerset Yeomanry
2/1/Hantsfordshire Yeomanry
16th (2/1st Southern) Brigade
2/1/Queen's Own Doreset Yeomanry
2/1/Hertsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Surrey Yeomanry
Signal Service:
13th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
14th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
15th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
16th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
4th Mounted Divisional Signals Squadron
13th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
14th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
15th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
16th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
13th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
14th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
15th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
16th Mounted Brigade A.S.C.
4th Mounted Divisional A.S.C.
2nd Cyclist (formerly 4th Mounted) Division:
(16 September 1916- England)
5th Brigade
2/1/Suffolk Yeomanry
2/1/King's Own R.R. Norfolk Yeomanry
2/1/Essex Yeomanry (Cyclist Battalion)
6th Brigade
2/1/Wiltshire Yeomanry
2/1/North Summerset Yeomanry
2/1/Hantsfordshire Yeomanry
2/1/Kent (Cyclist Battalion)
7th Brigade
2/1/Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles
2/1/Quee's OwnDorset Yeomanry

2/1/Surrey Yeomanry
7/Devon (Cyclist Battalion)
8th Brigade
2/1/Royal Glooucester Hussars
2/1/Berkshire Yeomanry
2/1/Queen's Own Worchester Hussars
2/8/Essex (Cyclist Battalion)
Signal Service:
5th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
6th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
7th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
8th Cyclist Brigade Signal Troop
2nd Cyclist Divisional Signals Squadron
5th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
6th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
7th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
8th Cyclist Brigade Field Ambulance
Army Service Corps:
5th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
6th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
7th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
8th Cyclist Brigade A.S.C.
2nd Cyclist Divisional A.S.C.

Yeomanry Mounted Division: (July 1917 - Palestine)

6th Mounted (2/South Midland) Brigade
1/Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
1/Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
1/Berkshire Yeomanry
17th Machine Gun Squadron
6th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
8th Mounted (1/London) Brigade
1/County of London (Middelsex Yeomanry)
1/City of London Yeomanry
3/City of London Yeomanry
21st Machine Gun Squadron
1/London Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
22nd Mounted (1/North Midland) Brigade
1/Queen's Own Royal Regiment of Staffordshire Yeomanry
1/Lincolnshire Yeomanry
1/East Riding Yeomanry
18th Machine Gun Squadron
22nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop

XX Horse Artillery Brigade:
Hantfordshire Battery
Berkshire Battery
Leicester Battery
6th Engineering Field Squadron
Yeomanry Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
2/South Midland Cavalry Field Ambulance
1/London Cavalry Field Ambulance
1/North Midland Cavalry Field Ambulance
3/1/North Midland Mobile Veterinary Section
4/1/North Midland Mobile Veterinary Section
3/1/Highland Mobile Veterinary Section
31st Sanitary Sectionary
Yeomanry Mounted Divisional Train
Yeomanry Mounted Division: (March 1918 - Palestine)
6th Mounted (2/South Midland) Brigade
1/Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars
1/Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry
1/Berkshire Yeomanry
17th Machine Gun Squadron
6th Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
8th Mounted (1/London) Brigade
1/County of London (Middelsex Yeomanry)

1/City of London Yeomanry
3/City of London Yeomanry
21st Machine Gun Squadron
1/London Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
22nd Mounted (1/North Midland) Brigade
1/Queen's Own Royal Regiment of Staffordshire Yeomanry
1/Lincolnshire Yeomanry
1/East Riding Yeomanry
18th Machine Gun Squadron
22nd Mounted Brigade Signal Troop
XX Horse Artillery Brigade:
Hantfordshire Battery
Berkshire Battery
Leicester Battery
6th Engineering Field Squadron
Yeomanry Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron
2/South Midland Cavalry Field Ambulance
1/London Cavalry Field Ambulance
1/North Midland Cavalry Field Ambulance
3/1/North Midland Mobile Veterinary Section
4/1/North Midland Mobile Veterinary Section
3/1/Highland Mobile Veterinary Section
31st Sanitary Sectionary
Yeomanry Mounted Divisional Train
Becke, A.F., History of the Great War Based on Official Docu-
ments, Order of Battle of Divisions, His Majesty's Stationary
Office, 1937
Copyright GFN 1992


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