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Senior High


Practical Research 2
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Stating Research Question
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education, Division of Palawan School

Division Superintendent:
Natividad P. Bayubay, CESO VI
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents:
Loida Palay – Adornado, PhD
Felix M. Famaran

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Elena T. De Vega

Editors: Corazon A. Quintos, Kristine Hemor
Illustrators: Christian Charles Lester D. Doblados
Management Team: Aurelia B. Marquez
Rodgie S. Demalinao
Rosalyn C. Gadiano

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Schools Division of Palawan

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Stating Research Question

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Module on Stating Research Question!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher,
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints
in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st-century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in
the body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

In view to the new normal world we are facing, this

module was created to answer that education
should not stop for our learners.

This Practical Research 2 Module for Quarter

1 is all about Stating Research Questions. With this we
are trying to allow our learners to work
independently in discovering through simple and enjoyable
activities/ experimentation that are
aligned to the competencies that they should learn.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use

this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.


For the learner:

Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Stating Research Question!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in the

This part includes an activity that aims to

What I Know check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
What’s In the current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be

What’s New introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.

This section provides a brief discussion of the

What is It lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent

What’s More practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers
to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.

This includes questions or blank

What I Have Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

This section provides an activity which will

What I Can Do help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.


This is a task which aims to evaluate your

Assessment level of mastery in achieving the learning

In this portion, another activity will be given

Additional Activities
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.
Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful
learning and gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can
do it!


What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master in identifying the inquiry and stating the problem of
research. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module deals with stating Research Questions

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. State research questions

What I Know

Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letters of your answers of
the correct answer.

1. If research questions are not formulated or have no direction the

researcher will not know what to do with the data that will be gathered.
a. True c. sometimes true
b. False d. sometimes false

2. Research questions express clearly the specific direction or focus of the

research problem or inquiry.
a. True c. sometimes true
b. False d. sometimes false

3. Research questions are a temporary answer to the research problem.

a. True c. sometimes true

b. False d. sometimes false

4. Research questions should be broad.

a. True c. sometimes true
b. False d. sometimes false

5. Research questions should be specific.

a. True c. sometimes true
b. False d. sometimes false

6. Research questions specify the scope and the method in collecting and
analyzing data.
a. True c. sometimes true
b. False d. sometimes false

7. Relations research questions are about the nature and manner of _______
between or among variables.
a. Connection c. differences
b. Opposition d. similarities

8. Causal research questions are ________ behind the effects of the

independent variables on the dependent variable is the focus of these
types of research questions.
a. Results c. reasons
b. Product d. outcome

9. Research questions must show the following EXCEPT:

a. Organization c. Direction
b. Order d. Objective

10. Descriptive research questions are asking about the listed items below
about the subjects or participants EXCEPT:
a. Kind c. Qualifications
b. Answer d. Categories

11. Which of the following is a descriptive research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of
students and their study habits?


12. Which of the following is a relation research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of
d. What the significant difference between the academic performance of
students and their study habits?

13. Which of the following is a causal research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of
students and their study habits?

14. Deductive approach to quantitative research questions goes from

a. General ideas to specific ideas
b. Smaller ideas to bigger ideas
c. Simple ideas to complex ideas
d. Specific details to broader details

15. Inductive approach to quantitative research questions goes from

a. Bigger ideas to smaller ideas
b. General ideas to specific ideas
c. Specific ideas to general ideas
d. Broad ideas to detailed ideas


1 Stating Research Questions

What’s In

Simple Recall
Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer by writing four statements about the
background of the study. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

of the Study


Research is an opportunity for us to ask questions about almost

everything. As the Chinese proverb said we will not remain fools if we ask
questions. Therefore, research gives us the chance to learn as much as we
can through the research question.

What’s New

Activity 1 : Table Analysis

Directions: Below are different tables about research questions. Be able to

write as many statements as you can about the research
questions, types of quantitative research questions, and
approaches in quantitative research questions using the entries
in the tables.

Research Questions
• Specify the • Give focus to • Guide the
scope and the the research appropriateness
method in • of the decisions
collecting the
and analyzing researcher
data made

Types of Quantitative Research Questions

Descriptive Relation Causal
• kind, • nature and • reasons
qualifications, and manner of behind the
categories of the connection effects of the
subjects or between or independent
participants among variable on
• variables the



Approaches in Quantitative Research Questions

Deductive Inductive
• from bigger ideas to • from smaller ideas to
smaller ideas bigger ideas

What is It

• The specific or sub questions, called Research Questions to specify the

scope and the method in collecting and analyzing data, give you the right
direction in your research.

• The research questions formulated give focus to the research as well as

guide the appropriateness of the decisions the researcher made.

• A quantitative research problem can generate a set of research questions

or sub-problems that fall under any of these types of research questions:

1. Descriptive research questions- ask questions on the kind,

qualifications, and categories of the subjects or participants.

2. Relation questions – are questions about the nature and manner of

connection between or among variables.

3. Causal questions – reasons behind the effects of the independent

variable on the dependent variable is the focus of these types of
research questions.

• There are two approaches to quantitative research questions

1. Deductive approach – goes from bigger ideas such as theories or
concepts to smaller ideas.

2. Inductive approach – focus on description of things to prove. Central

to this approach are specific details to prove the validity of a certain
theory or concept.


What’s More

Activity 1
Directions: Identify whether the following are Descriptive, Relation, or
Causal research questions.
_________________1, What is the relationship between the time spent in
studying and the grades of students?
_________________2. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age,
gender, average family income, and distance of their house from school?

_________________3. What is the impact of social media to the academic

performance of students?

_________________4. What are the effects of Covid19 pandemic to the study

habits of students?

_________________5. Is there a significant difference with the scores of the

respondents during the pretest and posttest?

Activity 2
The following are samples of the research description. Write a research
question for each of them as indicated in the parenthesis.

1. A study was conducted to determine whether the Ethnicity affects the

grades of the pupils in the English subject. (relation)

2. A study was conducted to find out if there is a significant correlation with

the number of members in the family and the academic performance of
students. (relation)

3. A survey was conducted to find out the characteristics of the Tagbanua

tribe in terms of their educational attainment, number of family members
in a household, and average family income. (description)


4. A study was conducted to know the effects of Tiktok to elementary
students. (causal)

5. A study was conducted to find out whether there is a significant

relationship between the reading comprehension and reading speed of
students. (relation)


INSTRUCTIONS: Which of the following are correctly stated as quantitative

research questions? Write the letter of your answers on a separate sheet.

1. a. Are the new teaching strategies effective?

b. To what extent are the new teaching strategies effective?
c. Teachers prefer one teaching strategy than the others. Why?
d. Some teaching strategies are more effective than others. How?

2. a. What is the relationship of tardiness and the academic

performance of students?
b. Should there be a relationship between the tardiness of students
and their academic performance?
c. Why should there be a relationship between the tardiness and
academic performance of students?
d. Is the relationship between the tardiness of students and their
academic performance needed?

3. a. Why do other students have better grades than the others?

b. What is the difference between the grades of students when they are
grouped according to their age and gender?
c. Who among the students have better grades? Those with the same
age or those with the same gender?

d. Other students have higher grades than others. How could it be


4. a. What are the effects of the study habits of students on their

attendance in school?
b. Which of the study habits of students are better? Why?
c. Is it sure that study habits can affect their attendance in school?
d. Can the study habits of students really affect their attendance in

5. a. Why did the students get good grades in the first semester?
b. Why did the students get good grades in the second semester?
c. Are the grades of students better during the first or second
d. What is the significant difference between the general averages of
students during the first and second semester?

6. a. Is online learning for students affecting the expenses of parents?

b. What is the impact of online learning for students on the expenses
of parents?
c. Do the parents believe that online learning for students affect their
d. Can parents avoid the impact of online learning for students?

7. a. Why did most of the students get low grades in the first semester
than in the second semester?
b. What describes the first and second-semester grades of students?
c. Which semester do the students perform well?
d. How many students perform well in the first semester?

8. a. How did online selling help the entrepreneurs during the Covid19
b. What is the extent of the help online selling give to the entrepreneurs
during the Covid19 pandemic?
c. Why did online selling help entrepreneurs during the Covid19
d. Did online selling help the entrepreneurs during the Covid19

9. a. Does internet connection affects online learning?

b. Is online learning affected by the availability of internet connection?
c. Why is online learning affected by the availability of internet


d. What are the effects of the availability of internet connection to

online learning?

10. a. Which test did students get higher results?

b. Which test did students get lower results?
c. Are the test results of the tests valid? Why?
d. What describes the result of the post-test of the Freshmen students
during the admission test?

11. Which of the following is a descriptive research question?

a. What are the causes of the high academic performance of the
b. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, and
grade level?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance
of students and their study habits?

12. Which of the following is a related research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of the high academic performance of the
c. What is the relationship between the tardiness and academic
performance of students?
d. Why is there a need for a relationship between the tardiness and
academic performance of students?

13. Which of the following is a causal research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of the high academic performance of the
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance
of students and their study habits?

14. All are relation research questions except one.

a. What is the significant relationship between reading comprehension
and the ability to solve math word problems?
b. What is the association between the regular exercise and the
achieving slimmer body?


c. What is the relationship between eating fatty foods and high blood
d. What describes the respondents in terms of their educational

15. All are descriptive research questions except one.

a. What describes the frequency of the use of cell phones of the
b. What is the significant relationship between reading speed and
reading comprehension?
c. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the number of
siblings and average family income?
d. What is the extent of the influence of parents to course choice of


Almeida, Adelaida B., Gaerlan, Amelita A., and Manly, Norita E. Research
Fundamentals (Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., 2016) 40-41
Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2, (Rex Book Store,Inc. Sampaloc,
Manila, 2016) p. 38-40
Calderon, Jose F. and Gonzales, Expectacion C. Methods of Research and
Thesis Writing, (National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City, 1993) p.28-29,
183, 185-186
Prieto, Nelia G., Naval, Victoria C. and Carey, Teresita G. Practical Research
2 for Senior High School, (LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro
Manila, 2017) p. 34-35, 37-38
Prieto, Nelia G., Naval, Victoria C. and Carey, Teresita G. Practical Research
1 for Senior High School, (LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro
Manila, 2017) p. 62


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO Palawan

Curriculum Implementation Division Office

2nd Floor Deped Palawan Building
Telephone no. (048) 433-3292

Learning Resources Management Section

LRMS Building, PEO Compound
Telephone No. (048) 434-0099


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