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Name: Perky Daffodil Jayme                        Course/ Year/Sec.: BAEL-3              Date: 10/13/21

A. Complete the table below by supplying the missing data about Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive

Stage Age Significant Event that Happened Goal and

Range Achievement
Sensorimotor 0-2 yrs Towards the end of this stage the general symbolic Object
old function begins to appear where children show in permanence
their play that they can use one object to stand for
another. Language starts to appear because they
realise that words can be used to represent objects
and feelings.
Preoperational 2-6 yrs By 2 years, children have made some progress Symbolic
old towards detaching their thoughts from the physical thought
world. However, they have not yet developed logical
(or 'operational') thought characteristic of later

Concrete 7-11 A major turning point in the child's cognitive Logical

Operational yrs old development because it marks the beginning of logical thought
or operational thought. This means the child can work
things out internally in their head (rather than
physically try things out in the real world).
Formal Ages Children can follow the form of a logical argument Scientific
Operational 12 and without reference to its content. During this time, reasoning
up people develop the ability to think about abstract
concepts, and logically test hypotheses.
This stage sees emergence of scientific thinking,
formulating abstract theories and hypotheses when
faced with a problem.

B. Choose any story that you have read/watched about families. Use the matrix below to relate
the characters to Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development.


     Inside Out
Title of the Story/Teleserye/Movie
Write a brief summary of your chosen story below.
Inside Out is a thought provoking film, not just because of the emotional depth of its
story and its artful storytelling, but because of its compelling psychological subtext and
its original message about the role sadness plays within society.It implied that, as
Riley grows up, her mind becomes more sophisticated in the way it deals with
her emotions. This development of her emotional intelligence to handle complex
emotions and the expansion of her islands of personality lends itself to analysis
using Jean Piaget’s model of cognitive development. Each of these readings is
equally fascinating in their own right, although they pose their respective
conceptual and interpretive challenges.   

Character Connection to Piaget’s Theory

Ex.   What cognitive development stage is this?
Father  Cite instances why you say he/she is in this stage.(Ex. What he thought of,
how he thought, what was his/her reaction/attitude?)

Niece (12 yrs  Formal Operational

old)  I have noticed a lot of sudden changes. She’s more like a little adult
Wella right in front of me doing tik tok videos and having her own modules
done too. Involvement in community or school activities is pretty well
 Her activities are systematically planned
 She do her works without her parent telling her 
 In time her siblings are having fights, she'll always be the one to mend
it out. 

Nephew (10  Concrete Operational

yrs old)  Onyot (his nickname) is keen, he would just blurt out how his ate’s
John clothes and hairstyle are not appealing to look at.
 He loves to play with his barkadas and go to seashore for his  leisure
 He has anger issues that cause him to lash out at times, but he
eventually learns to control it.

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