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Norman Rockwells



Norman Rockwelus

Written by Beryl Frank
Designed by Steve Barber

New York
Illustrations reprinted under license from
the Estate of Norman Rockwell.

Copyright £ 1989 Estate of Norman Rockwell

Photographic material courtesy of

The Norman Rockwell Museum at
Stockbridge, Stockbridge, MA
Created and manufactured by arrangement with
Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.

Copyright @ 1989 Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.

This 1989 edition is published by Ottenheimer
Publishers, Inc. for Crescent Books,
distributed bv Crown Publishers, Inc.,
225 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003

All rights reserved.

Printed and bound in Hong Kong.

ISBN 0-517-67898-5
h g f e d c b

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rockwell, Norman, 1894-1978.

Norman Rockwell's America American family. :

p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-517-67898-5
1. Rockwell, Norman, 1894-1978 — Themes, motives. 2. Family in
art. I. Title. II. Title: American Family.
ND237.R68A4 1989
759.13— dc20


Growing Up
Love and Marriage

The Family
The Children
On Becoming
& W


Couple in Buggy (1925)


/\lthough his work encompassed more than half a century, Norman

Rockwell did not merely chronicle the times. He chronicled feelings.
When he painted scenes of American family life, he portrayed them with
more than just a touch of humor. He depicted American family life as a
pleasant, simple way of life. Mother remained at home. Father went to
work. The children enjoyed all of the problems and delights that came
with growing up.

Children were often showcased in many of Rockwell's paintings. Little

boys swam at the "No Swimming" hole. Little boys played baseball. Little
boys went fishing and little boys watched Daddy shave. Little girls had
equal time —
there was the child putting her dolls to bed and the tomboy
who played marbles with the boys. There was the little girl transformed
into a young miss by her first prom dress.

By 1932, Rockwell was a father himself. His work reflected his own inter-
est in family life. He had a kindly, but realistic approach to his subject,
whether that subject might be Father disclosing the facts of life to son, or
Mother reading bedtime stories to the little ones.

Usually, Rockwell illustrations posed one or two figures against a compat-

ible background, and in the early days of his work, employed live models.

Later in his career, he became proficient with the camera, which became a
primary aid to his work. He no longer required that a model hold a pose
for long periods of time. The camera captured in an instant the look that
Rockwell wanted. He was then able to make his figures appear less posed
and more natural.

Norman Rockwells work reflected the Great Depression, World War II

and 1950s suburbia. He did not attempt to record the mini-skirts of the
'60s, Beatlemania, or even the romance of the Kennedy family in the
White House. He did, however, paint a wonderful portrait of John F. Ken-
nedy for the Saturday Evening Post in 1963.

Each of the decades in which Rockwell painted was different. He pro-

duced the major portion of his work between 1930 and the 1970s. These
decades differed considerably from one another, and in many ways. The
Jitterbug was not the Twist. Flappers did not wear poodle skirts. Teens did
not cuddle up in Model Ts at the drive-in. But boys and girls still went to
high school proms. Father was the breadwinner. Mother baked cookies
and held the fabric of family life together.

Rockwell did not update his material for the 1970s, either, although he
continued to create art in that decade. Instead, his work still highlighted
the ideal American family He pointed a kindly finger at the foibles of
family members in his gentle manner.

Although much of his work depicts idyllic, small-town life, Rockwell

occasionally portrayed urban grime. While a picture might be titled
"WALKING TO CHURCH," the path that the family takes exposes a
nearby city street. The family have donned Sunday best. As they
make their way to church, the path has taken them by a seedy rooming
house and the Silver Slipper Grill, where the newspaper and milk bottles
still stand outside on the step. Dirt and debris cover the sidewalk. But

such details are absorbed by the onlooker only upon closer inspection.
They merely add color to the scene.

This family album shows children growing up in the 20s and 30s, court-
ing and marrying in the 30s and 40s, bringing up their family in the 50s
and ends with a nostalgic look at grandparents. Norman Rockwell's abil-
ity to tell a story clearly and succinctly makes his work so alive, and the
stories he tells are universal.

Although his family background was English, Rockwell was American to

the tip of his paint brush, as was his American family. His art had a uni-
versal yet simple quality Doubtless, in decades to come, future genera-
tions will still smile kindly upon this great illustrator's work.


Home for Christmas (1967)




Chapter 1
Growing Up

The Family Album

Nclorman Rockwell paintings and illustrations are like a family photo-

graph album. The wonderful part is that one can watch his own family in
this album. Even the flavor and charm of the ail-American hometown
found an outlet through a Rockwell painting. Although certain details
may confine a scenario to a certain time, the characters are timeless and
the family remains today — along with the same happiness and charm
just as it was in all the years of the Rockwell pictures.

Family albums capture different members at various moments in their

lives. This album shows Moms and Dads growing up, courting, getting

married and raising their own families. It seems that in no time at all they
become Grandmas and Grandpas. Stroll through the years in this album:
it is sure to bring back memories of a special person or a special time. This

album captures images of people we all like, and each page provides a
new glimpse into what family life is all about.

A Norman Rockwell Family
/\merican as apple pie" is an apt expression describing Rockwell's
family. The great illustrator captured the feelings of adults and children
alike. His pictures reflect occasions that took place from Maine to Florida,

from New York to California indeed, all across this great country. Little
boys played marbles on the farm as well as in the city. Little girls loved
their dolls, and devoted mothers and fathers still tuck their little ones into
bed at night.

One interpretation of a family group of people of common ancestry.

is a
Another might be a group of individuals living under a single roof and
perhaps under one leader. Norman Rockwell did not require anyone to
provide his concept of the American family; he already understood it well
and portrayed it lovingly.

two parents, assorted children, ador-

Rockwell's pictorial family included
ing grandparents, and generally a dog and a cat. Grandparents always
spanned the generation gap, and often served as the catalyst in Rockwell's
family. Great holiday celebrations took place at the grandparents' house,
and even a simple family dinner was a great treat. Great-grandparents
even appear in this family album, thanks to the longevity of pioneer
stock. Great-grandparents had even more stories and treasures to share.


Rural Vacation (1938)




Boy at Barber (1918)

Childhood Memories

llow old should a boy be before he has his first haircut and when should
buy their first spring bonnet by themselves? These are questions that
no two mothers would answer alike. One mother may take her son to the
barbershop when he is a year old, while another will cherish the curls of
her son until he himself objects to them. Choosing that first bonnet all by
yourself was a treat to be savored a long time, even if Mr. Terwilliger at the
general store became impatient.


Little girls have always played with baby Even those girls who were

devoted tomboys usually had a doll or two. Certainly one of the most
famous of all dolls flaunted golden curls that set the style for little girls
throughout the United States. It was a high compliment to a little girl to be
told, "You look just like Shirley Temple!"

Grocer with Girls Bonnet (1924)

Dolls were dressed and coiffed to resemble their human counterparts.
They all sported blonde curls. They all smiled broadly. Many of their cos-
tumes came directly from those worn by the little actress in her movies.
One doll displayed a costume authentic right down to Civil War panta-

Many handy needlewoman created her own stylish dresses for her
daughter's dolls. Lucky was the little girl whose doll's dress matched her
own! The mother who had made both dresses was rewarded with a
sunny smile and generous hug.

Children have always looked to their heroes throughout the gradual proc-
ess of growing up. Superman and his activities as a law-abiding man of
steel have provided inspiration for many a young boy trying to develop
biceps. Nancy Drew inspired many a young girl to thoughts of daring.

The comics in the newspaper were also avidly read by the young people,
who devoured strips from "The Dragon Lady" and "Etta Cinders" to "Joe
Palooka" and "Prince Valiant."



Boy Looking Through Telescope (1922)

After school, on a cold winter's day, sledding from the top of the tallest
hill in the neighborhood was great fun. The sound of metal runners slid-

ing along the ice was thrilling, and an occasional spill into the snow only
added to the excitement.

Four Boys on a Sled (1919)


Sing Loudly in the Sun (1937)


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When spring arrived, the ever-popular game both on and off the school-
yard playground was marbles. The boys played in a circle, aiming their
"shooters" at those round balls of glass. Occasionally a girl was reluctantly
allowed in, but for the most part, marbles was a boys' game.

Fishing and baseball filled many hours. Swimming and idle time rounded
out summer davs. A child's world was filled with wonder; manv hours
could be consumed watching an anthill.

While the little girls played with their boys played with their
dolls, little

puppies. Norman Rockwell depicted all sorts of dogs —

usually accompa-

nied by a little boy. Shep, Tiny, Boots, Socks, Rocky the names were as
varied as the bloodlines of the dogs. Show dogs didn't appear in a young

man's life he needed a rough-and-tumble companion, ever faithful and
ever ready.

Even when the young man decided to become Charles Atlas, his faithful
pet was nearby. The effort may have tested everyone else in the family, but
it never seemed to bother the dog. A boy and his dog were special.

Children loved summer, winter, spring and fall, for that matter each —
season brought its own special activities. A child was never without a
thing to do or a friend for company.


Boy Lifting Weights (1922)


Family Entertainment

Jljarly family entertainment was provided by family members and

friends. Perhaps a musical fete was the entertainment of the day. Most of
the time it was imagination alone that provided all the fun.

Folks listened to the radio frequently and they read books. Sometimes
there was a live show movie theater. What a thrill (and scare) for the
at the
lucky fellow from the front row who was chosen as the Magician's assist-
ant. He had tales to tell for months after that appearance.

Little boys and each evening with

girls invariably anticipated story-time

bated breath. Fairy tales and such classics as Mother Goose provided
entertainment for the whole family when Mother read aloud before a
toasty fire. Heroes and ogres continue to captivate young audiences.

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Bedtime (1923)
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The Magician (1916)

Family fun as presented by Norman Rockwell did not include a television

set although there were radios. The entire family listened together to
such programs as "One Man's Family" "Jack Benny" and "Jack Arm-
strong, the All American Boy"

The family read comic strips such as "Little Orphan Annie," and
"Leapin' Lizards" became a common expression. And many of the inven-
tions that first appeared only in the comics are in use today. The space
program certainly became more than a figment of the cartoonist's imagi-

School Days

Iveading, writing and 'rithmetic may incorporate computer science now-

adays, but feelings do not change. Summer vacations grow tedious in
August, and the anticipation of a new school year sets many young hearts
aflutter. New shoes, new clothes and new adventures are shared bv everv-

one in the family. These things never seem to change. The first day of
school is still an important one to children.

But one thing that did seem to change a lot was the teacher! In first grade,
she was such a tall creature! But by twelfth grade, Miss Jones seemed to
have shrunk considerably!

Ifour family album included pictures of school, it would show the change
from one-room schoolhouses with slates, communal desks, inkwells and
a pot-bellied stove. How tempting it was to sit behind a girl with braids

reaching her waist especially if those braids were honey yellow, and
your inkwell had just been filled!

But time marches on. Long yellow braids may still be with us, but slates
have been replaced by computers, calculators, and chalkboards in restful

Schoolteacher, Mother and Little Boy (1935)


Spectators at a Parade (1921)


1 atriotism was important and was strongly reflected in Norman Rock-

well's work. Pride in our country was the rule throughout the United

Such holidays as Memorial Day and the Fourth of July were cause for a
family outing. Father dressed up in his starched collar and necktie and, of
course, wore a Mother wore a hat and the children shared in the

excitement, even in their Sunday best. The subsequent informality of the

20th century did not touch the family until after Norman Rockwell died.

The Social Graces

Little boys and girls must be educated in the ways of society. Often this
was easier said than done! Most young people were subjected to dancing
classes anytime between the ages of ten and thirteen. Here, boys were
scrupulously taught how to approach a young lady on the dance floor.
Certain young ladies seemed eternally popular and were constantly


Boy Sending Dog Home (1920)



Dad as a Young Boy (1918)

Vie Wallflower (1920)

asked to dance. Perhaps the young wallflower would blossom into a
comely, lovely lass, but dancing class was pure torture for her. Most of the
girls towered over the little boys —
who fought valiantly against getting
dressed and coming in the first place!

Boys fussed every time they had to prepare for dancing class. Somehow,
though, authority always prevailed. Eventually, they began to enjoy them-
selves, as did their fairer partners.

Itwas during the early stages of learning the social graces, where
Cupid first shot many an arrow into a young heart —
and love dawned on
a smitten boy or girl. When it happened to both at the same time, it could
begin to rival even the fun of the fishing hole with the fellows!
The little boy may have been totally involved in fishing, swimming or
skating. He may not have cared about washing his hands or combing his
hair. His interests were generally bound up with the fellows. He hated

Mother, however, was an exception among the female race. She was too
much a part of his life for him to dislike. But he had no use for his sisters,
his female classmates or anyone at all of the female gender — with the pos-
sible exception of his dog. One other exception to this aversion to the
female race was perhaps a classroom teacher. It was possible for a young
and attractive teacher to command the reverence of some of her little boys.

Little boys and little girls soon became young men and young women.
And so it naturally followed that couples fell in love —with all the trim-
mings. Daydreaming young men and moon-struck young women
became magically transformed into an engaged couple.


Maid with Movie Magazine (1922)


The Ouija Board (1920)


Chapter II

Love and Marriage

The Magic of Romance

1 aim-reading, fortune and gypsies have always been popular

with young lovers. The desire to know what the future holds was and con-
tinues to be a strong one. Even the age-old daisy-petal proverb "He loves —
me; he loves me not" — is still recited today

Romance and youth go hand in hand and the young are perpetually
impatient to know how everything will turn out.

"Will he ask me to the dance?"

"Will he be granted leave soon?"

"Will he be true to me alone?"

Such questions were sometimes referred to the mystical Ouija Board,

which many people considered to be a window to their future. Although
it was only a game, people took comfort in the "answers" spelled out by

the Ouija Board. People of all ages played with it and its popularity
endured many years.


Love and romance are ageless, and exist in every generation. The young
people depicted by Norman Rockwell are timeless and even today
embody the spirit of youth. Rockwell's pictures lovingly portray the reality
of the many phases of youth and romance.

And Life Goes On

VV hen and romance blossomed into marriage, the young couple
had many things to attend to. Not least among these was planning their
life together. The hopes and dreams of every couple were full of the best

ideas in the world. And the whole world could tell they were meant for
each other.

The wedding plans started with the marriage license. In the 1930s a mar-
riage license cost a paltry fee, and the prospective bridegroom proudly
laid out that sum after he and his bride signed the papers. Perhaps they
both took a blissful minute to stare at the license that would unite their

At the Altar

li Who can help smiling at the stars in the young couple's eyes as they
take their wedding vows together? As he places that ring on her finger,
they both understand that it represents a commitment for life, and their

future looks rosy to them.

All the planning that went wedding day shows: bridesmaids look
into the
lovely in brilliant colors, ushers and the best man look serene and hand-
some . . . and, of course, the bride and groom are both radiant with hap-

Wedding changed much. The long white gown is still the

fashion hasn't
traditional attire for the bride —
completed, in bygone years, by a pretty
picture hat. Nowadays, she dons a veil of translucent illusion. But one
thing will never change: every bride is ravishing on her wedding day!


Girl Reading Palm (1921)



Overhead Lovers (1936)


Immediately after the wedding reception, the newlyweds departed for

theirhoneymoon. The bride sported the requisite suit, punctuated by a
matching hat, pocketbook, gloves and shoes.

That final, frivolous gesture of bouquet-throwing has endured. The lucky

girl who catches it, custom says, will be the next one to marry.

The rice thrown at the bride and groom has traditionally invoked fertility,
and the pair were joyously sprinkled with it before they departed together
for a week or two of paradise.

After their honeymoon, the pair settled down and made a home for them-
selves. When money was especially tight during the days of the Depres-
sion, it was not uncommon for the newlyweds to occupy a room in their
in-laws' house until they found a place of their own to call "home."

This communal living could put many strains on the new marriage, but it

also gave the young couple an opportunity to observe a long-time mar-

riage in the works. Sometimes they left the shared household with resolve
never to act like their hosts. It was a bonus when they felt they had gained
insight into long-term relationships.

When young people were lucky enough to acquire a house of their

own, they had the fun of settling in together. Furniture had to be shifted
around and argued about and, most importantly, all those wedding
. . .

presents needed to be put away!

The Gifts

1 he placemats that Aunt Sarah crocheted were carefully

set of linen
tucked away, along with the antique candlesticks that came from Aunt
Jane and Uncle Ed. As was often the case, these had already passed
through generations of earlier newlyweds, who wanted "the children" to
enjoy them now. These items were hard to put away, and always seemed
to become pretty enough, in later years, to find a very special place in the

At Home Together

V^/ne of the most difficult situations for the bride was hubby's interest in
business. After all, her business was the marriage. He, however, had to
tend to the more mundane chores in life — supporting her!

Burned toast? If it happened, it was nonetheless served ceremoniously on

the new china. A tablecloth alwavs graced the table in those earlv vears,
and the two were coiffed and shining when they greeted one another first

thing in the morning.

If the bride was very lucky, she had a wringer washer — and it was consid-
ered ultra-modern was equipped with rubber wringers. These gad-
if it

gets spewed the clothes into a waiting tub of rinse water, and the process
was repeated as many were required to rinse out
times as the bride felt

the clothes. This modern home laundry was a vast improvement over the
wash-board ritual of earlier davs.

More changes were to take place in the laundry room of the home. Even-
even the rubber wringers were entirely done away with as modern
washers and dryers came into being. Clotheslines displaying an assort-
ment of laundry became a thing of the past. But didn't those sheets smell
wonderful after they had blown in a soft spring breeze?


The Breakfast Table (1930)

Fun Outdoors

Lyomesticity flew out the window when the young people wanted to
have fun. Perhaps she had never put on a pair of ice skates before. With
him as the teacher, though, there were always thrills along with the spills.
Skating on an open pond or in an ice rink was a great experience for cold
weather-lovers. That steaming hot chocolate afterward was the best drink
ever, and it warmed the hands as love warmed the hearts.

She not have liked the idea of hubby going fishing without her. At
the same time, she did not relish the idea of sitting for hours in a boat,
along with the smelly wiggly bait, with a rod and reel waiting to feel a
tug on her line.

But whether or not she wanted to go, she packed a lunch for the day on
the water. Perhaps another couple could be persuaded to join the fun.
And guess who caught the fish?

What happened to the fish that was caught? The men had to promise to
clean them, or else the fish got tossed back into the water. If the young
couples dined on the freshly-caught fish, that meal tasted like heaven to



The Novice Skater (1920)


Couple Uncrating Turkey (1921)

The First Holiday

lreparing for the first holiday dinner or that important meal for guests
was a frightening prospect for the new wife. Certainly anything so big as
the turkey sent by Aunt Mary and Uncle Bob was intimidating!

Somehow, the first dinner was cooked and served and the indulgent
guests enjoyed it in spite of the mistakes. Rockwell's brides inevitably
learned the rules of entertaining, however, just as they learned the rules
for so many other aspects of family life.

! —

The First Fight

Who actually remembers that first fight? What prompted it, anyway?
Did she with yet another breakfast conversation con-
finally lose patience
sisting entirely of monosyllabic grunts from behind the newspaper? Were
parents or in-laws interfering? Were the two beginning to learn of their
political differences?

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Man and Woman Seated Back to Back (1920)

She wept through the day and vacillated between being very angry and
very frightened. He went off to work in a grumpy mood and woe to —
any co-worker who inquired after the young couple's wedded bliss!

Whatever set off the first fight, the young couple did get over it. Making
up was both a pleasure and a relief. There are problems in any marriage
and then, just as now, how they are faced makes all the difference. It
becomes a sunnier day, even if it is raining, after a fight is resolved.

Settling Down

/\s the seasons passed and time went on, the young married couple
began to follow their own individual inclinations. He may have taken to
hiking. He gathered his gear — and the family dog— and an
set out for
hour or so of solitude. He probably reflected on the weather, the times and
the enduring quality of his marriage. She, on the other hand, probably
preferred shopping to walking. Perhaps she was an industrious bargain-
hunter who always found wonderful purchases that added so much to
their home.

Man Hiking with Dog (1935)

Brass Merclmnt (1934)

Years fly by in that chapter of life Those fresh-faced

called Marriage.
youngsters who fell in love were transformed into mature men and
women whose love endured countless pleasures and pressures, argu-
ments and changes throughout the years.



First of the Month (192.

^H I

Qiapter III

The Family


LJad be a dad. He started out like his father,

certainly didn't start out to
and his grandfather, a young boy with dreams and plans of many things.
One of the things that he chose was to become a husband and father,
acquiring that honored name.

He's been called by many different names throughout the years — Sir,

Father, Papa, Dad, Daddy —

but whatever he was called, he still had cer-
tain jobs to do. Whether he used a straight pen with an inkwell, a ball
point pen, or a computer, Father had to manage the family finances.

The urban father had to contend with such items as the milk bill, the meat
bill and the department store bills. In the early years, he may not have

had the option of using plastic money, but there were still bills and they
had to be juggled until they could be paid. The rural father also had bills
to pay. Although he may not have had the same high food bills as his
urban cousin, he still had to account for such items as feed bills for the
stock, clothing for the children and household necessities that he could
not provide himself.

Both the fathers shared a need for medical care, transportation, gifts for
birthdays and holidays, and the thousand expenses that pop up

unexpectedly. Fathers traditionally were considered the breadwinners of

the family.


IVlother grew up hoping and wishing for manv things, just as her coun-
were expected to become
terpart in Father had. Little girls of early times
wives and mothers, but many a girl harbored many, many wishes and
desires that she hoped would come true. The most important, of course,
was to become a wife and have a happy, healthy family.

If was the Rock of Gibraltar for the family and stood for strength, it
was Mother who offered the creature comforts. She was the hidden
strength behind Father and she lavished comfort and love upon all those
who were under her care.

Mother cried when she was happy and she smiled a great deal. She
cooked, baked, sewed and did all the domestic chores that kept the house
running smoothly.

Dreams in the Antique Shop (1923)


A, .t the start of World War II, the family faced some big changes. 1941
was the year of saying goodbye to soldier sons and husbands: sailors and
marines saluted their families as thev
left the homestead. Women went to
work for their country

Aunt Rosie became Rosie the Riveter in the defense plant, but she contin-
ued to have fun as well. Her work at the plant helping manufacture war
goods took her away from her usual routine, but she found time to enjoy
movie stars, dating and all the usual feminine pursuits.

Uncle Joe joined the Navy and left his girlfriend behind. Everyone shared
the letters she received, and looked forward to the day Joe would return.
As for Joe, he showed Marie's picture to anyone who came near one —
crew member or another usually got trapped into listening to his ode to
Marie's sterling qualities.


Rosie the Riveter (1 943)

Sailor Dreaming of Girl Friend (1919)

Girls with Letters (1942)
Saturday Night

Saturday night was Date Xight. All week long the question flew: "Do
vou have a date yet?" The luckv ones did. The others whiled away the eve-
ning with popcorn and friends.

Younger girls and bovs listened to the radio at home on Saturday nights.
Radio's entire listening public clapped hands in time to "Deep in the

Heart of Texas." Everyone sang "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and swayed

to the rhythm of "And the Angels Sing."

Movie magazines were popular and it was quite the thing to write to a
favorite star and request an autographed photo. This activity took up time
on many a Saturday night for the dateless. Celebrities and movie studios
supplied glossy photographs for countless starstruck young ladies.

Woe to the voung man who distributed his attentions too freely. He found
himself without a date for Saturday night and at least two very disgruntled
female friends. Two young ladies could be the best of friends until love
struck. Oh mv —
then what rivals! Sometimes the voung man lost both
girls — and this was before Women's Lib!


Two Girls with Movie Star Photo (1938)

Getting Together

ilolidays provided a large part of family fun. They were as much a

delight to Norman Rockwell as they still are to us today Family fun
means being together. Quiet or boisterous, with large numbers of family
members, or just a few, any holiday created an opportunity for a celebra-

Christmas Homecoming (1 948)

tion. Certainly the happiest times for most families were the holiday get-
togethers. When Christmas arrived and a loved one surprised everyone
with a visit, there were hugs and kisses all around. Many occasions pro-

vided a reason for family celebrations the usual holidays, and the special
reasons a family feels like celebrating.


Freedom from Want (1943)

Do Times Change?

leople say that times change but then, people have always said that
times change. Norman Rockwell's world had certain constants. One of
these was to worship together at church. This was an important part of
family life.

There was an air of anticipation as the family dressed and walked to

church. There was joy in singing the well-known hymns and comfort in
the words of the sermon —
although it was usually a little too long!

Surely the wonderful dinner after church made up for the length of the
sermon! Chicken with gravy and hot biscuits was a favorite. But whatever
the main course was, dessert was one of the specialties. Lazy Sunday
afternoons were quietly whiled away as some napped, some read and
some daydreamed through the hours.

One aspect of life to deal with at any age is gossip.Many a young man or
woman faced an angry family heard who from so-and-so who heard
from so-and-so that Johnny or Jane supposedly misbehaved in a public
place. Gossip has become the province of newspapers and magazines
these days —
the old-time gossipers never realized how far and wide their
talents would be lauded!

But one thing has not changed: the ideal family is still a universal unit.
Father is still Father, and Mother remains the hub of the wheel. The family
still enjoys picnics and cookouts, and the thrill of the birth of new pup-


There are many pages to be turned in this family photograph album by

Norman Rockwell. He portrayed the greatest triumphs as well as the tini-
est delights in the life of a family.

And the world goes on. The fresh-faced young couple who started our
trip through this album became parents, with all the terrors and joys of
family life, and we move to another aspect of this family album.

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The Gossips (1948)



Becoming Parents (1950)


Chapter IV
The Children

The Next Generation

Dirth is a miracle reflected in the faces of new mothers and fathers. As

they gaze for the first time upon their own
bundle of life, the
little new
parents see their future. Joy and pride are two words that always apply to
new parents.

It was, after all, children that made a family what it was, and this was the
common goal for the husband and wife. As soon as they could afford
it — and sometimes before — the young people began the project.

It required the same nine months to create a baby that it does today, and
the young parents-to-be spent many happy hours before the fireplace
chatting together about clothes and names, and planning the future.

young husband invaria-

After rushing his wife to the hospital, the frantic
bly spent several hours in the waiting room, pacing back and forth as his
wife gave birth in the remote chambers of the hospital. Only after the
baby was born was the young father told whether he had a little daughter
or son. A nurse ultimately carried a tiny figure swathed in blankets out to
the waiting room and said to the father
— "Here's your new little baby!"

The joy of birth was a miracle to the young couple. The tiny delicate gar-
ments tirelessly stitched by the young mother during her months in wait-
ing were finally slipped over the new baby's little head for the trip home!

When the baby came home, the new parents had to adjust to the addition
to the family That little bundle of joy made its presence known right away.

One major adjustment was that now diapers appeared to rule their lives.
One of the new mother's first jobs was to learn to keep ahead in the diaper

A miracle was only one step in the new direction of

called diaper service
the future. The disposable diaper had begun to rival the disposable paper
handkerchief for a place in modern homes.

The disposable diaper signalled the end of safety pins and rubber pants
for babies. At first, mothers were reluctant to use them, but many
delighted new mothers were relieved to welcome disposable diapers into
the lives of babies. Even hospitals began using the new disposable prod-
uct in place of the cumbersome cloth diaper. Disposable became the word
of the day and parents stopped at nothing in order to provide the best for
the newest member of their family.


Maternity Scene (1958)


The First Six Weeks

1 he new baby was so tiny, so helpless and so perpetually awake at

. . .

night when the parents wanted to sleep! The little creature required fre-
quent feeding, frequent changing and frequent burping. There were
many sleepless nights. Mother was nap in the afternoon
rarely able to
and the new Dad could only play with the baby after work. If a father
didn't get home until 6:30 every evening, he didn't see much of his
child — each day felt like a year to the new Daddy anxious to come home
to his baby daughter or son!

Before discipline became less rigid, babies' lives were rigorously sched-
uled. They were fed every four hours without fail, their naps were strictly
regulated, they were brought outdoors at specific times to take the air, and
were generally subjected to the routine established for them.

Along came a revolutionary advancement in the world of babies. A new

method advocated permitting babies to eat whenever they wanted. Disci-
pline, in general, began to loosen up.

The universal cry from grandparents "I never heard of such a thing!"
confused many young parents. But babies responded, and generations
have since been reared according to this relaxed method.

The kindly quality of Rockwell's children, as well as that slightly pixie-ish

look that made them appear so human, delighted parents. Each phase of
growth from birth to adulthood, was lovingly chronicled by Norman
Rockwell. He so aptly recreated the joys and tribulations of life. The joy in
the evolution of the family clearly shows in his rendition of the family.

Father Feeding Infant (1957)

Family Tree (1 959)



The Early Months

T he new baby was cherished by everyone in the family. If a baby was the
firstgrandchild on both sides, there was considerable rivalry among the
excited in-laws as to whom the child resembled. Conversations such as
these ensued:

"He looks exactly like Uncle Ed! See how his nose turns up?"

"Why she's the very image of Aunt Jane. Jane was such a stunner
what a lucky little girl!"

"What? This baby looks just like my son did when he was a little


"That round head without a tuft of hair sure reminds me of Harry.

What if people ask me if she is a boy?"

Everyone was convinced that the new baby

looked like someone on their
side of the family The reality of the situation was very simple: no matter
who the baby might resemble, he would develop into an individual with a
special personality entirely his own.

Every day contained a brand-new adventure for the young parents. Each

day they learned something new about their child and as the weeks pas-
sed, they discovered that their baby would indeed not break. Confidence
grew as the child matured and gained independence.

Baby Becomes a Child

J\s months turned into years, the baby became "our child" and new
things began to happen in the house. When the baby rolled over by her-
self and that first tooth clinked on the spoon, the new parents were

At first, the new baby seemed like a toy to cuddle. As Baby grew older,

though, the parents could begin to communicate with a special lan-

guage the language of love. At this stage, the baby might have become
attached to a particular teddy bear or doll, which was affectionately
sucked on or fondled so vehemently that the object lost its identity com-
pletely. Perhaps that bear became only a limp remnant of its former splen-
dor . but it was a beloved companion to the child during long, cozy
. .


The first step was taken, the first sip was maneuvered, and the first mis-
hap endured. It was a happy day for Mommy when she could perma-
nently put away the sterilizer and the bottles and nipples. Her baby was
becoming a child.

The family routine changed and began to revolve around the child's devel-
opment. Time for reading aloud was made early on. Delightful nonsense
rhymes, venerable Mother Goose, and the old stand-bys were standard
reading fare. New imaginary playmates were created from the pages of
the books.

Some authors were soothing, some were plain fun and some were

about animals with personalities who got into all kinds of trouble. The
words in these books were easy, and were often the first words a child
could read. The rhymes were fun for adults to read aloud as well as for
children to hear. The illustrations had a distinct personality all their own.
How many indulgent mothers put a drop of green food coloring into a
bowl of scrambled eggs? How many children actually ate the green eggs?
Whether the youngsters liked the eggs, they loved the books.


Baby's First Step (1958)


The Little Person

A .s
s theperson evolved, few events in the household took place

without an audience. Dad was carefully observed by a captivated toddler.

, _ -*** .^ - Even the most mundane rituals were filled with fascination for the child.

Mother was never left alone for even a moment in the kitchen. It was, after
all, company! Whenever she made cookies or
a child's "job" to keep her
fudge, her little spectator licked the bowl. No amount of explanation could
convince a child that flour was less than delicious. Of course, where
cookie dough or cake icing was concerned, no explanation was needed at

Child on Fathers Shoulders (1953)

Norman Rockwell's 78 th Spring (1971)

Family Fun

i\ new car was a luxury many could not afford during the Depression.

Other forms of transportation prevailed the bicycle, the horse, and even
walking. Everyone found a way to get where they wanted to go. Fortu-
nately, everything they wanted to do was within close vicinity! Trains pro-
vided long distance transportation.

Soon, automobiles became part of the family fun and Sunday rides were
popular. Families had just grown to depend on their car, when the war
years put a definite crimp in traveling with scarce gasoline and rationing.
Again, things returned to normal and the automobile became the main
form of transportation. By the early '60s, the family considered a car
essentialand prices had drastically increased. Today, an automobile is con-
sidered an absolute essential for family living.


Picnics have always —
been popular family outings even when the ants
crawl on the table cloth. Mom traditionally unpacked the picnic basket,
leaving Dad free to explore the wonders of the lake with the youngsters.
Fried chicken and deviled eggs were picnic standbys, and still are.

Norman Rockwell made many things look like fun. Even planting a tree
became a family affair as the men dug the hole for the new tree and
Mother held the tree straight. The family watched the tree grow as the
family grew. One of the first things a family member did upon returning
home after a long separation was to see how much taller the tree had
grown. Proud new parents upon returning to the homestead showed new
babies "their" tree, and a new generation grew up keeping track of how
much taller this family tree had grown.

Family pets were another constant in Norman Rockwell's art. Puppies and
kittens grew up with the youngsters and became valued members of the
family. Nursing a sick dog became the pet owner's responsibility, but the
family comforted the youngster who suffered so with his pet.

Many things have changed since the years chronicled by Norman Rock-
well.The family might watch television and video cassettes now instead
of depending on the movie theatre for entertainment. We can cook in a
microwave oven and wear clothing that evolved from material developed
for a space suit.


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Family Picnic (1962)

The New Generation

1 he biggest change in dolls arrived in 1959 when curvaceous fashion

dolls hit the scene. Suddenly, sophistication took over.Baby dolls were
growing up. Fashion dolls wore their luxurious hair in a pony tail, but it
could be combed and styled according to the young "mother's" wishes.

The new attire ran the gamut from slinky evening gowns to bathing suits
and sportswear. Outfits could even be purchased separately, and it was
not unusual for a collection of outfits to exceed the cost of the original

In 1961 glamorous boy dolls joined the fashion doll families. They also
owned a lot of clothes, and were very macho long before the word was
used. Soldier dolls appeared, although they were not marketed as "dolls."
boys rivaled their
Little sisters in collecting dolls, clothes and all the trim-



The Runaway (1958)


\v .y
Who found the old wood box to use as a lemonade stand? Which entre-
preneur conned Mom into relinquishing lemons, sugar and glasses for an

Selling lemonade is a time-honored occupation for young people. Perhaps

the price has increased in more recent years, but no one ever got rich by
selling lemonade. But whether they made a fortune or not, the salespeople
had fun — and of course they could drink for free when they got thirsty!

And who can forget telling Mom and Day you were going to run away?
The little suitcase or rucksack held your treasures. Treasures of the most

improbable things but who could leave their best treasures behind?
They were far more important than clean socks and underwear. And
didn't someone always come up with a very good reason to stay around?


Lemonade Stand (1955)



V^hildren will be children, and some things never change. Little people
get into mischief and must be taught, from an early age, how to behave.
A spanking was invariably harder on the mother than on the child and —
strapping six-foot fathers have been known to break out in a cold sweat at
the prospect of spanking their offspring.

But the little ones learned. They said please and thank you at the proper
times,and scarcely suffered the more for the effort. And as they learned,
Mother and Father learned as well. The end of the day brought one of the
greatest pleasures of the day — tucking everyone into bed.
Parents learned their lessons so well, that when the second child came
along, they were far more relaxed and able to deal with situations. Per-

haps the misdeed was punished in the same manner but now Mom and
Daddy realized that this stage would be outgrown, and a childhood error
was bound to happen now and then. Which wise doctor once said that all
first children ought to be born second?

nt mm

Mother Spanking Child (1933)



Freedom from Fear (1943)

: -


The Little Girl

u^he did not particularly care for members of the opposite sex. Of course,

she adored Father but he was, like Mother, an exception. Little brothers
were pests unless they got hurt, or were required for an afternoon of play-
ing house. Usually, though, the little girl played with her own dolls in her
own little imaginary world. She dressed up in Mother's old gowns.

She grew up hoping to become the ultimate girl a high-school cheer-
leader. This gave full range to her blossoming emotions no one can be—
noisier and happier than a cheerleader for the winning team. No one can
be more despondent than a cheerleader for a losing team, either.

Occasionally, beforeromance entered her life, did she permit herself to be

a tomboy. The tomboy had her day in the sun also. Maybe that shiner was
acquired from running into a door jamb, or even from a real fight (much
to Mother's horror and consternation). But she wore it as proudly as any
boy on the block!

Whether she was a tomboy or a little paragon of femininity, that little girl
woke up one day and wanted to comb her hair. She wanted to wear a
fussy dress with ruffles —
and she actually cleaned her fingernails. This
transformation seemed to take place overnight.

It seemed only a moment began

later that the little boy, for the first time,
to consider the female race worthy of his attention. Cupid had aimed his
arrow well — the young man became smitten by his first crush.

He put on a clean shirt, and combed his hair carefully.

If bug bit him during the school season, he was probably spotted
the love
lugging two sets of school books as he accompanied his sweetheart to her

If it was true boy may have proclaimed his love for all the world
love, the
to hear. He probablv sent her an enormous valentine in February or
offered her his very own pet frog. (At this, she very likely screamed and

departed hastily thus setting back the romance for a while!)

The girl, in turn, mav have

covered the inside of her notebook with his
initials. But after the manner of true femininity, she waited to declare her
love until he had made the first move.

Thev called it puppy love — and boys and girls have continued these bitter-

sweet romances Mothers and fathers gently teased the

for generations.
young lovebirds but were always on hand to comfort them when the crush
was over.

Perhaps was during that childhood romance in elementary school that


the bov and girl first became smitten with one another. Perhaps it was the
high school affair that mysteriously dissolved after graduation. Defini-
tions of puppy love vary —
but however we define it, it was thrilling,
frightening and very real.




Girl in Front of Mirror (1955)


The Birds and the Bees

i\s the children —

grew older, their questions grew with them and the
time arrived to inform them about the facts of life. It was Father's duty to
tell the boys, and Mother's to tell the girls.

First childrenwere usually the "experiment" where this great disclosure

was involved. Unless they had heard rumors from older cousins or kids at
school, they had to depend on their parents for the information.

The questions arose . but the answers alwavs came. The children were
. .

truly growing up. They were becoming real adults, and their parents were
proud of them.


The Facts of Life (1951)

The Football Hero

i\\\ high school sports were popular, but football was the king. When
the home team challenged the visiting team, everybody cheered on the
players. The bleachers vibrated with lusty displays of school spirit.

Football gear transformed a young player into a brave, bold hero. Helmets
and shoulder pads made a man out of any boy who donned them, and
the girls trotted after their favorite local heroes in hopes of receiving a

Lucky was the girl who had the privilege of waiting on the field until her
hero showered and changed. Then, off the two of them went to the malt
shop to celebrate. Fountain sodas at the malt shop were popular along —
with the ubiquitous hamburger, of course.

The opening strains of "You Gotta Be a Football Hero" were and — still

are— sung bv boys and girls alike. Romance and mystery continue to sur-
round those tall, square-jawed quarterbacks.

The Recruit (1966)


Cheerleaders (1952)

The First Formal

W ho could ever
invitations came
forget that
in the mail.
awesome first formal dance? Sometimes the
Sometimes a partner was arranged through
some scheming by friendly mothers and what joy if that partner was
. . .

the heart's desire!

For the young man, it was a major decision to choose what to wear. He
seemed to have sprouted inches overnight as he tried on his best suit from
last year. Mother wiped away a tear or two as she realized how quickly her
little boy was growing up.

Who can forget the dancing lessons that had to be taught to the music of
the phonograph? Dancing school never seemed to prepare one for life's
real dances. While girls seemed to have been born dancing, boys had to
learn —
and learning did not come naturally! Perhaps an older sister sud-
denly served a real purpose! Older sisters always knew how to dance to
the latest music.

If was no older sister available, sometimes Mother reminded us that

she had also been young once and knew how to dance. Every now and
then, Mother and Father would seize the moment and strut their own
stuff to a record or two. What an amazing revelation to a young man,
who had never even suspected that his parents had once been young!

For a daughter, the formal dance called for a round of shopping


sprees with Mother in search of the perfect gown. Formal did not always
mean a long dress, however, short party dresses may have been the rule
for the younger set.

Oh, the pride and joy that beamed from father's face when his little girl

entered the parlor in all her evening splendor! This was traditionally an
exciting moment for the whole family, and even little brother refrained
from teasing for this very special night.

These teenage parties rollicked to the strains of live bands or, before disc
jockeys came into being, phonograph records.

A party was deemed depending on who asked

a success or a failure
whom to dance. If a girl's current crush did indeed spend time with her,
the party was a huge success in her eyes. If he flirted with a rival, how-
ever, the girl's pillow might well be wet with tears by the time she fell
asleep that night. The anguish of unrequited love has never changed.

The excitement of the high school prom began with a girl's earliest glim-
mer of curiosity about who might escort her. Whether she hoped for the

arm of Billy, Bob or John, this interim of waiting was thrilling torture!

When Billy, Bob or John finally worked up voung

the courage to invite a
lady, the planning began for the big night. Perhaps the young man had a
brand-new suit to wear to the prom, or perhaps the dance was formal and
he had to be fitted for a tuxedo. Certainly he had to select the proper cor-
sage — which entailed discreet inquiries about the color of her dress.

While he called it her "dress," she, of course, deemed it her "gown." She
tried it on innumerable times before the eagerly-awaited evening finally

Prom Dress (1949)

Many young lady asked herself, before that first formal, "Will he
remember the flowers?" As for her date, this question had already been
considered at length.

His mother might suggest the traditional rosebud corsage. If this was to
be a very special date for him, the young man might prefer a more exotic
orchid. Domestic battles have raged over the decision about which flowers
to send.

When the big night arrived and theyoung man approached the doorstep
clutching a box in his quivering hand, the girl was invariably thrilled. Per-

haps the box contained only a modest flower but, through the girl's daz-
zled eyes, it was perfect. If the dance was a success, the corsage was dried,
placed lovingly in a scrapbook, and cherished for years to come.

How quickly that enchanted night flew by! Friends congregated at the
soda fountain after the prom was over, and reflected together on the joys
and woes of high school. Once again, the big scrapbook came out and the
dance program was pressed between its well-thumbed pages .and. .

happy was the girl who had returned home from the prom wearing her
sweetheart's class ring! Whether the immediate plan included work or col-
lege, the time had come to begin to face the real world.


After the Prom (1957)

The Graduate

It seems half a breath is drawn between the day of school and high

school graduation, or so it feels to Mother and Dad! One moment they

confront a scuffed-up little boy or girl without front teeth —
and the next,
they are snapping pictures of the same child in a cap and gown and wav-
ing a diploma!

Boy Graduate (1959)




Tfe Newlyweds (1960)

When the graduate becomes a bride or bridegroom, yet another phase of

family life has ended. This marks the beginning of a new family and a
new generation.

Becoming parents has its ups and downs, and its smiles and tears. Par-
enting hasn't really changed so much after all . . .

"Did you an 80-year-old mother

talk to the children last night?" inquires
about her 60-year-old "kids." The miracle continues, and the life cycle of
Norman Rockwell's American family continues today just as it did then.

Second Holiday (1939)



Chapter V
On Becoming

The Shape of Things

G randparents come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. But even the very
tall ones seem to have shrunk a little by the time grandchildren grow up.

And very small ones always have room on their laps to cuddle little ones.
No matter how big or tiny grandparents are, they adore their grandchil-
dren. The skip in generations seems to bring about a special bond
between the old and the young.



VJrandfathers do a lot of different things. They enjoy tossing a ball

around with a toddler and admiring the catches (and misses) the little
one makes. They watch that toddler become a schoolchild, and together
thev cheer on their favorite team at countless sports events. Grandparents
are equally delighted to behold their little granddaughter as she floats like
a tiny pink cloud through her first ballet recital.

Grandpa had an elaborate morning ritual to perform, and a grandchild

was alwavs welcome to tag along and "help" him. The temperature had to
be commented upon, the weather had to be predicted, the plants had to
be watered (Granddad was very proficient at watering plants), the mail
had to be fetched, and then thoroughly examined at his desk. Grandpa
had a hundred and one responsibilities around the house!

m 4B

or man

Gramps at the Plate (1916)

As grow older, their conversations with grandparents
the grandchildren
become more mature. Granddad has been through it all, and can discuss
football scores just as expertly as skirt lengths. "Why, your Grandma
would never have been caught dead in a skirt that short! Goodness, times
have changed .."he might muse.

If Grandpa was a fisherman, he enjoyed about the ones that got

away. Perhaps he loved telling tales about his childhood. Winters were
colder. Summers were hotter —
and, even back then, it felt wonderful to
take a dip in the pond with the other fellows.



Old Man in Fishing Boat (1930)


Portrait of an Old Woman (1960)




If grandfathers come in lengths, grandmothers come in widths some—

narrow and some wide. Grandchildren are fascinated with pictures of
Grandma as a girl. It is hard to believe that she was ever anything but a

Whatever time of the day one might arrive at Grandma's house, the door
was always open. Grandma would pull down extra cups from the cup-
board and pour cocoa for the newly-arrived guests. Marshmallows
crowned the drinks, and the youngsters could count on a choice of laps
on which to perch. Special treats were part and parcel of grandparenting.

Nothing could begin to compare with the delicious aromas wafting forth
from Grandma's kitchen. Her cakes were always the fluffiest, and her
cookies always tasted "extra special good." Perhaps she even kept a
"secret" jar of special sweets from which any grandchild could grab a
handful without Mom's permission. After all, this was one of the obliga-
tions of being a grandmother: spoiling the youngsters!

Grandparents also had a special way of telling a story that soothed the
troubled spirit of a sleepy, irritable little boy or girl. Sometimes they even

sang a song and the grandchildren loved singing along.

If Grandpa stoically announced, "I don't do diapers," Grandma usually

did everything. She wiped sticky fingers and picked up scattered toys
but rarely did she ever admit that she was Grandparents have tradi-
tionally remained indefatigable, and their grandchildren are invariably
the first, last, and very best of all.


The Name

VJrandpa renting started in the same place that parenting did — the hos-
pital.Proud grandparents are led to the nursery window to admire and
dote on the most beautiful baby ever born.

In Rockwell's dav, the babv was not passed around from relative to relative
until well after the first trip home. Grandma invariably had to wait for the
doctor's permission before she could cuddle the new little addition to the

Ifchoosing the baby's name was important, the names eventually given to
the new grandmother and grandfather were equally important! The first
grandchild generallv bestowed special names when the first attempts at
speech took place.

Anv early word from baby may have provided the inspiration for
Grandpa's little nickname. The grandparents' names depended, of course,

upon what the voungster could actually say and the most dignified
grandmother melted when she heard her child's baby call her.

Whatever they came to be grandparents loved and adored their

grandchildren. And they loved whatever nickname they were given,
because along with that nickname came a very special love.



Man Reading Thermometer (1920)

Proud Moments

liow proud Grandpa was when he could actually do something with

his grandchild! Nothing made him beam more than a jaunt around the
block to show off the baby.

"Grandpa, break that hobby horse!" Grandma might taunt when

she saw the two cowboys furiously galloping together. But the two
laughed their way past Grandma's objections and played on.

Another shared activity was story-telling. At first, the older folks read out
loud to the tots. As the little ones grew older, though, this procedure got
reversed every now and then. Once the child learned to read, Grandma
and Grandpa were impressed with this newly-acquired skill. No one was

prouder than the audience even if they did need to help with an occa-
sional big word or two!

' • '•v''" '


Grandfather Wheeling Baby (1962)

Grandma's Treasures

Dig babv dolls got replacedwith fashion dolls but a lucky— little girl had
a Grandma who had saved one or two of her own dolls.

A doll collection from Grandma might include a foreign doll with a native
costume and two long braids down her back. Another doll may have had
a lovely ceramic face and dainty hands and feet. Her costume might be
trimmed with real lace so that she looked like a creature from another
time and place. The granddaughter who could look at this doll collection
was very fortunate indeed.

Grandma probablv told stories about many of her other dolls, too. There
was the one who had her own little chaise-lounge, and the one who stood
as tall as a three-year-old as well. Even little grandsons threw an occa-
sional glance at Grandma's dolls! and fashions may change, but
youngsters will always enjov holding little friends and dressing them and
pretending with them.

Luckv was the child who had a great-grandparent to visit Great-Grand-

mamma remembered an even earlier time, and had such interesting sto-
ries to tell. She could also be very strict about manners, and it seems that
little girls visited more often than little boys. Those teacups were just too

fragile for an impatient young lad!

uc kvS'elJ

The Handkerchiefs (1940)

Twilight Days

In the 1930s, grandparents received both news and entertainment from

the radio. The newspaper was thoroughly read, but every night they set-
tled down near the radio to hear what was going on in their world. Cer-

tainly, one of the highlights of that time and one that Grandpa surely
relayed to any audience that would listen— was the great Joe Louis fight in
1938. 24-year-old Joe Louis fought Max Schmeling in a boxing rematch of
only 124 seconds. Millions of fans listened to the fight on the radio, and
millions heard Arthur Donovan give the countdown and declare Joe Louis
the world's champion.

Ifyou left the room for a glass of milk or a snack, you probably missed the
whole fight! Boxing history was made during those two minutes and —
the grandparents heard it firsthand in their own living room.


Old Couple Listening to Radio (1922)

Soldier and Girl With Letter (1919)

Memories may or may not reside in the attic, when Grandma found an
old letter written in green ink, she recalled those days when Grandpa was
a World War I —
Grandpa always used green ink and there were
plenty of letters from him. Grandma had saved every one, and cherished
those private moments when she stole up to the attic to reread them.

Perhaps Grandma unearthed an old pair of ice skates in that attic. She had
worn them when she was seventeen and the boat lake had frozen. How
poignantly she remembered warming her hands over an open fire and
drinking hot chocolate! The skates were still sleek with elegant high tops

and long laces scarcely worse for the wear, either, after fifty years!

Was that a pair of theater tickets there, in that trunk, to the first stage
show Grandma and Grandpa had attended? How they had both loved
that show! Perhaps Grandma began to hum an old show tune as the
memories tumbled back.

Yet another item in the attic was a pair of tiny white satin wedding shoes
(Grandma was not very big when she got married). The shoes sported a
distinctive platform and a very high heel, with a peculiar strap across the
ankle. Regardless of the grandchildren's reactions to these oddities,
Grandma still considered them the most elegant little slippers she had
ever worn.

The grandchildren might not have understood Grandma's fussing and

bustling about in the attic, but she was having a wonderful time digging

up those memories and the grandchildren were fascinated by the
strange and wonderful things she unearthed.

Fun For All

VV hen propriety allowed it, Grandpa shed his coat and

and went out

on the ballfield with his grandchildren. If several family members were

gathered, many a Sunday afternoon was devoted to a family ball game.

Grandpa fished with a passion in the summertime, and usually had a

story to tell about what fishing life was like when he was a boy. The requi-
site rods and reels, the old creek and the great worm-hunt stories have not

really changed all that much. The thrill of catching a big one excited
Grandpa and his listeners equally. And of course, Grandpa never told
anyone about the naps. Sometimes they were the best part of the fishing

A wry sense of humor kept a smile on Grandpa's face as he shared the

secret of making snow angels with the grandchildren. Then it was on to
the biggest and best snowman ever. The juvenile creator of such a snow-
man had plenty of advice from Grandpa and help from Grandma in pro-
curing an old hat and pipe. Once the outdoor fun was over, Grandma had
steaming mugs of cocoa ready, and the discussion turned to what life was
like "when I was your age."

Grcuidfatlier and Snowman (1919)


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Circuses don't change — those three rings are still full of too much to see!
The animals are enchanting and the man on the flying trapeze never
ceases to amaze everyone. Grandma and Grandpa might have bought a
little too much cotton candy, but they had a wonderful time themselves as
they watched their grandchildren enjoy the wonders of the circus world.
The opportunities for snapshots for the family album during outings were

One could always count on scaring Grandpa at Halloween. He could

never guess who that ghost was! And his exclamations of surprise

always thrilled the child within the costume.

Perhaps Grandpa was a camera buff and whatever camera he used,
Grandpa always preserved on him the wonderful moments of grandpa r-
enthood. Albums were filled with anything from the first baby pictures to
the last grandchild's wedding. Grandchildren could be sure of an ongoing
record of life's special moments. Lucky was the grandchild whose
Grandma wore a corsage and marched down the aisle on Grandpa's arm
on that grandchild's wedding day!




IN ormhn

Grandfather Frightened by Jack-O-Lantern (1920)

Special Love

1 he cyclefrom new-born baby to loving grandparents is one that contin-

ues without end. Norman Rockwell recognized this endlessness and cap-
tured it in his illustrations of the American family. Success, failures, and
foibles are all part of this group so lovingly portrayed in the Rockwell
family album.

As we turn from one page to another, we remember that behind the

smiles and the sadness is one common denominator — a very special love
thatbonds each member of the family to the others. These characters
remain timeless, and the family itself is not so very different today from
Norman Rockwell's family


Utuier the Mistletoe (1919)


Picture Credits:

Triple Self Portrait, I960, endsheets, courtesy of Norman Rockwell Paintings

Old Corner House, Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Trust at
Couple in Buggy, 1925, page 11, courtesy of Harry N. Abrams, Inc.,

New York, New York.

Girl Reading Palm, 1921, page 37, courtesy of Martin Diamond Fine Arts,
New York, New York.
Man Hiking with Dog, 1935, page 46, courtesy of Martin Diamond Fine
Arts, New York, New York.
Two Girls Looking at Movie Star's Photo, 1938, page 57, Private Collection.
Boy Graduate, 1959, page 98, courtesy of Martin Diamond Fine Arts,
New York, New York.
Second Holiday, 1939, page 100, courtesy of Judy Goffman Fine Art,
New York, New York.
Grandfather and Snowman, 1919, page 119, courtesy of Newman Galleries,
Inc., Philadelphia and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Under the Mistletoe, 1919, page 123, courtesy of Martin Diamond Fine Arts,
New York, New York.

Norman Rockwell's

by Beryl Frank

At last, works of Americas beloved Norman

the timeless
Rockwell have been brought endearingly to life on the
pages of this new series. Showcasing the genius of the
great storyteller, each book is replete with Rockwell illus-
trations — —
more than 70 in all many in glorious color.

Both enchanting reminiscences and detailed accounts of

bygone days refresh the memories of those who were
there, and capture the imaginations of those too young to
remember, from childhood, baseball and puppy-love to
fishing, marriage and parenthood, Norman Rockwell's
cherished illustrations continue to embody countless facets
of American life.


o ' 45863"67898" 1

ISBN D-517-b7ATA-5

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