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4 Thrones

A solitaire game created by Kurt Bieg

The following are rules for playing 4 Thrones, a single player card game, with a standard deck
of 52 playing cards.

Setting Up
Before getting started, remove the Jokers and make sure the deck is thoroughly shuffled.

Once the deck is shuffled deal 4 cards face up in a 2 x 2 grid. These four cards represent the four
thrones, or piles, that you may place cards on.

Next place the deck in a spot that will be easy and comfortable to reach.

Once you are set up, you're ready to play.

Getting Started
Flip one card from the deck face up on the table and either place the card on a throne or skip it.
Continue to draw one card from the deck until either there are no more cards in the deck or until
you can no longer place the current card on a throne or skip it.

Placing Cards
You may place the current card, face up, on one of the four thrones if it follows these rules:

1. You may place any higher value card on any lower value card.
2. Aces are both the highest value card and the lowest value card, so, for instance, you can
place an Ace on a King, and then you can place a 2 on the Ace.
3. Face cards are special, in addition to placing higher cards on them, they will make
exceptions for lower value cards:
1. Jacks: you may place any lower card of any suit on a Jack.
2. Queen: you may place any lower card of Hearts or Diamonds on a Queen.
3. King: you may place any lower card of Spades on a King.
4. When placing a face card on a throne it is important remember that face cards do
not have suits, so even though you may have a Jack of Spades, you may not place
it on a King.

2013, Kurt Bieg, All Rights Reserved

4. You may not place equal cards together.

What about face cards again?

The face card exceptions may seem arbitrary at first, but think of them as people, that's what I
thought about when I made it. Every card is a person with a value of reputation. Maybe the 2 is a
lowly beggar, while a 10 is the town tax collector. Each time you place a person on the throne they
are in power of one of the 4 kingdoms. The face cards then represent people with such high
reputation that they become ... difficult. So, the Jack doesn't want power, he'd rather stay in the
shadows and stay out of the spotlight so he's willing to give up the throne to just about anyone.
The Queen only wants love (Hearts) or money (Diamonds). And the warmongering King only
wants soldiers with swords (Spades). Aces are assassinations/anarchy, they can happen to
anyone, and when they do, anyone can have a shot at the throne.

At the start of every game you have three skips. You may skip the current card anytime by placing
it face down and sliding it back under the deck of cards so it is now the last card in the deck. Once
you have skipped 3 cards you may not skip any more until you start a new game.

If you successfully place all the cards in the deck on the four thrones you have won. If there are
still cards that haven't been placed on a throne and you cannot place the current card, and you are
out of skips, you have lost. Reshuffle and start again.

Other Platforms
4 Thrones is available for iOS and Android, for more information visit


2013, Kurt Bieg, All Rights Reserved


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