Tome of Legends

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The Tome of Legends

Introduction | BORING STUFF 1

Primals Paths
Hellish companions
Path of the Hellrager Starting at 14th level, your rage is so intense that it can cause
Deep inside you is something not of this world. A dark ire that the fabric of reality to wear thin around you. While you are
burns with all the intensity of hell itself. It calls to be let out, to raging, you can choose to roll a d100 at the start of your turn.
be unchained. But you've come to control it. Mostly. On a roll of 20 or lower, you summon a demon or devil of your
You are a Hellrager that can enter a battle rage so ferocious choice with 30 feet of you.
that it causes others to easily mistake you for a horrid devil. The CR of the summoned creature can be up to 5. The
The more you ight and kill, the deeper the rage gets, and the maximum CR increases to 6 if you have the baleful eyes bene its,
more of your mortal form peels away, till eventually you or no then to 7 if you have the True form bene it.
longer mortal, but cannot be considered a iend. The summoned creature is not under your direct control and
Whether is was forced upon you as a curse or your bloodline will act on its own accord. If it takes an action you don't like,
can be traced back to some hellish abomination, you don't hide you can use a bonus action on your turn to frighten it away
that dark lame inside you as if it were something shameful. No, from that course of action. It will disappear if you rage ends or
you use it as a weapon to kill your enemies and leave the you are outside of combat for at least one minute.
survivors scarred with the memory of ighting a monster face to
face. Hell form Table
True form's wrath damaged/
When you choose this path at 3rd level, the dark ire deep
damaging Benefit
inside you causes your mortal form to slowly fall apart while 0 Hell forged muscles. Fire, not blood, fuels your
you are raging, revealing what you truly are, or capable of muscles and your veins glow brightly beneath
your skin. Your speed is increased by 10 feet and
your jumping and leaping distances are doubled.
While you are raging, each time you deal damage to an
enemy creature, or suffer at least 5 points of damage, your 4 Baleful eyes. Your eyes begin to alight with a
mortal forms peels away a little and you gain one level on the
seething hatred, allowing you to see clearly in
darkness, magical or otherwise, up to 120 feet.
hell form table and gain the bene it shown. You gain the irst
bene it of this table when you irst enter into your rage. 6 Demonic fury. Once on your turn, when you use
At 7th level, the damage that you need to suffer in order to
your reckless a ack feature, you can re-roll the
damage dice of your a ack once.
gain a level on the hellform table increases to 7; then to 10 at
15th level. All damage needed to gain a level is calculated after 8 Brimstone flesh. You skin hardens and becomes
to stuff of the planes below. You gain resistance
to cold, fire and lightning damage.
Once you gain a bene it from the hell form table, you keep it
until you inish a long rest where it resets. You only gain your 10 Raging Balefire. Parts of your body begin to catch
hell form bene it while you are raging.
on fire. Creatures that start their turn within 10
feet of you take fire damage equal to half your
Impenetrable fury 11 Fiendish resilience. Your cons tu on becomes
Starting at 6th level, if you are forced to make a wisdom,
otherworldly. You gain advantage on all saving
intelligence, or charisma saving throw, while raging, you can throws made against magical effects.
use your reaction to gain advantage on the roll. If you have the
iendish resilience bene it, then you can re-roll one of the dice
13 True form. Only a ny string of your persona
allows you to s ll be called a person. Your size
once. increases to large and your rage damage bonus is
doubled. You also gain immunity to either cold,
Scattering charge fire, or lightning damage; your choice.
Starting at 10th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn
move up to your move speed to a point you can see. As you
move, any creature that is within 10 feet of that point must
make a wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + your Strength
modi ier + your pro iciency modi ier. Path of the Stout Arm
On a failed save, a creature must use their reaction to move When it comes to ranged warfare, they often say that power is
10 feet away from that point. If they can't use their reaction, or nothing without accuracy. There are a few stubborn individuals
have already used it, they are frightened of you until the end of out there who believe the exact opposite is true. They surmise
your next turn. On a successful save they do not move and are that you could hit a man with a pebble, but the only way to have
not frightened of you. The DC increases by 1 if you have the any real effect is the throw that pebble with enough power to
baleful eyes bene it. penetrate his skull and leave an exit wound.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
inish a short or long rest.

Tome of Legends | Primal Paths 1

Those who follow the path of the Stout arm do not shun
accruacry. Rather, they have spent much of their time practicing
throwing weapons with as much power and accuracy as
physically possible; speci ically in that order. They throws are
powerful enough to knock a soldier clean off his feet, and trolls
to stumble.

Powerful throwing arm

Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this subclass, you can
propel objects with incredible power. You can add your rage
damage bonus to ranged attacks made with thrown weapons,
and you can use your strength instead of your dexterity for the
attack roll.
Additionally, while you are raging, if you hit a creature with a
ranged weapon attack made with a thrown weapon, you can
force them to make a Strength saving throw with a DC of 8 +
your Strength modi ier + your pro iciency modi ier. One a failed
save they are either knocked prone or pushed up to 10 feet
away from you.

Tunnel vision
Starting at 6th level, you can use your bonus action to ignore
everything else and focus on a single target you choose. Until
the start of your next turn, you can triple your rage damage
bonus against that target.
However, while this is happening, you can not make attacks
against other targets, all attack made against you have
advantage, and you temporarily lose the bonuses from your
danger sense feature.

Forceful reposition
Starting at 10th level, you can throw your allies, or your
enemies, with all the ease of tossing a stone. As a bonus action,
you can throw an ally you can reach that is of the same size as
you or smaller up to 15 feet in a direction of your choice.
Alternatively, you can use an action to throw them twice that
distance. Creatures that are two sizes smaller than you or
smaller, such as a small creature compared to a large one, can
be thrown an additional 10 feet.
If you attempt to use this feature on an enemy, you must irst
succeed on a contested grapple check, otherwise you cannot
throw them and the action is wasted.

Giant's throwing arm

Starting at 14th level, you can turn normal everyday objects
into dangerous projectiles. While you are raging, ranged
weapon attacks you make with thrown weapons recieve the
ben its of your brutal critical feature.
Additionaly, if you make a ranged weapon attack with
anything that would be thrown, even if it is improvised, the
attack deals an additional 1d10 damage. The effective and
maximum ranges of thrown weapon you use is also increased
by an amount equal to 5 times your barbarian level.

Tome of Legends | Primal Paths 2

Bardic Colleges
Searing Passions
College of the Blazing Strings Starting at 14th level, your raw emotion acts as a powerful
The sound of music can be a calming thing to the ears of those kindling to the ires you create. You gain resistance to ire
who understand it. It can take the edge off of those heavy damage, and any ire damage you deal ignores resistances, and
emotions that threaten to turn mortal minds mad. But Bards of treats immunity as resistance.
the Blazing strings needs it for another reason. They were born
with great sorcerous power but lacked the ability to control it,
presenting a clear and constant threat to those around them.
But with the power of music, they can focus their energies
into their songs and ballads and create a wonderful display of
their power that can inspire and audience with a brilliant show
of arcane lights. Or burn down the performance hall as they
focus the truly terrifying power within them through the sound
of their instrument.

Fiery Cantrips
When you join the college of Blazing strings at 3rd level, you
know the control lames and create bon ire Cantrips. These
count as bard cantrips to you and dont count against the
number of cantrips you know.

Mote of Flames
At 3rd level, you've learned to control your destructive
potential by creating a small mote of ire that appears when you
play music.
When you roll initiatve, or begin to play music, you can place
your mote of lames within 10 feet of you. The mote hovers 5
feet off the ground and sheds bright light around it up to 20 feet
with 10 feet of dim light beyond that. On your turn, you can use
a bonus action to move the mote up to 25 feet in any direction.
Once you've moved it, you can choose and spend one of your
bardic inspirations to have it make a ranged spell attack against
a target you can see within 30 feet of it. The attack deals ire
damage equal to what you roll on the inspiration die + your
Charima modi ier.
The mote remains until you are out of combat or so long you
continue to play music.

Ballad of the inferno

Starting at 6th level, you can spend a bonus action to begin
performing a ballad of the inferno. While you are performing
this ballad, you can use an action to cast a spell that deals ire
damage, and only ire damage, either through your self or your
mote of lames.
However, you can only cast an amount of spells with a
combined total number of spell slots equal to your bard level.
For example, you could only cast three 2nd level burning hands,
or two third level ireballs over the course of the ballad's
duration. Once you hit this limit, the ballad ends.
You cannot cast any other kind of spell while you are
performing the ballad, and the ballad also only lasts up to a
minute, or until you end it as a bonus action, or you become

Tome of Legends | Bardic Colleges 3

Divine Domains
Dragon's hide
Cleric: Metallic Domain At 6th level, you gain the natural physical toughness of dragon
The dragon gods are mighty beings that hold the loyalty of kind, allowing you to face your enemies with all the con idence
some of the most powerful creatures in existence. But their a dragon would.
in luence is not limited to just those mighty beings. Lesser While you are not wearing any armor, your ac is 10 + your
followers of Bahamut, the god of metallic dragons, are just Constitution + your Wisdom modi ier. You can use a shield and
dedicated to the destruction of evil, and to acting against the still gain this bene it.
machinations of the chromatic dragons and their queen as their You also gain resistance to the damage type of your chosen
draconic patrons. In pursuit of this, Metallica domain clerics are dragon's breath weapon.
granted powers that emulate those abilities most iconic to
dragons. Divine Strike
The variety of metallic dragons and the ideals and At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes
motivations that they live by can have a great in luence on the with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
cleric that wishes to embody them in their clerical duties. A creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal
cleric who takes after a silver dragon will be more friendly and an extra 1d8 damage. This damage is the same as your chosen
open to all; while a cleric who takes after a bronze dragon will dragon's breath weapon. When you reach 14th level, the extra
be more belligerent and wrathful towards their enemies. damage increases to 2d8.

Metallic domain spells Dragon form

Cleric Level Spells Starting at 17th level, you can spend a 9th level spell slot in
1st identify, sleep order to cast the shapechange spell. However, you can only
transform into an adult version of the dragon color you chose
3rd alter self, ray of enfeeblement
when you cast the spell this way.
5th fear, fly For example, if you chose gold dragons, you turn into an
7th confusion, polymorph adult gold dragon when you use this feature.
9th modify memory, wall of force

Draconic teachings
At 1st level, when you choose this domain, you learn how to
speak draconic and one other language of your choice. In
addition, you choose which color of dragon you choose to
represent in your clerical duties to Bahamut. This tells you
what ideals you will follow and which breath weapon you get
when you reach 2nd level in this class.
Color weapon Damage Ideals
Brass 15 cone Fire Conversa on and
Nego a on
Bronze 30 line Lightning Freedom and War
Copper 30 line Acid Trickery and Humor
Gold 15 cone Fire Jus ce and Vigilance
Silver 15 cone Cold Virtue and Friendship

Channel Divinity: Dragon's Breath

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity to
unleash a breath attack.
As an action, you bring your holy symbol to your lips and
summon the wrath of a dragon, and let loose a breath weapon
whose area and damage type are described in the color of
dragon you chose. Each creature your breath weapon hits must
make a dexterity saving throw against your spell DC. On a failed
save they take 3d6 damage of the chosen color or half as much
on a successful save.
You number of d6s you roll for this ability damage increases
by 1d6 at 5th level, then again at 8th, 11th and 14th level.

Tome of Legends | Divine Domains 4

Druid Circles
Darkness: You can hide where others can't. You count as
Circle of Nightmares being in complete darkness while in dim light, and you count as
being in dim light while in bright light.
Druids of the circle of nightmares often hail from regions that a
Hunger: You can smell if creatures, other than you or your
rife with horri ic monsters, and unspeakable terrors. They
allies, are within 120 feet of you. You don't know their exact
understand through rough experience that the best way to ight
location, but you can sense if there is one, a few, or many
to unnatural is to is to become unnatural themselves. Druids of
creatures. You can also smell if they are wary or on guard.
this circle corrput the power of their wildshape to turn into
Malice Creature you damage with weapons and spell attacks
horri ic parodies of beasts that they use to ight the
cannot take the dash action, and their jumping and leaping
monstrosities and aberrations that would otherwise overpower
distances are halved until the end of their next turn.
They can turn their beastforms into slavering, every-hungry
monsters that regenerate from eating the lesh of their Monstrous Wild Shape
Starting at 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at
enemies. Or they can turn their beastforms into dark,
the same time to transform into a beast of up to CR 5.
undetectable shadows that stalk from the darkness and
If you do this, hostile creature within 30 feet of you, that can
ambush even the most perceptive of foes. Yet still others turn
see you, must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
into beasts forms of sadistic, cackling beasts who claws cause
they become frightened of you until the end of their next turn
unimaginable pain and who can sense weakness and suffering.
and must spend their turn taking the dash action and moving
away from you.
Nightmarish Wild Shape
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you can use Wild
Shape on your turn as a bonus action, rather than as an action. Ultimate nightmares
Starting at 14th level, your beast form gains a magical bene it
Additionally, you can choose a form of nightmare that you
based on the nightmare you chose at 2nd level.
want to manifest in your beast form. Choose one of the
Darkness: Creatures you wild shape into double their
following types of nightmares below. Creatures you wild shape
movement speed while in complete darkness.
into take on a horrid appearance based on the nightmare you
Hunger: Creatures you wild shape into can grapple targets
choose and gain an additional feature in addition to any others
they hit with any kind of bite attack.
they have.
Malice: The irst time a creatures you wild shape into hits a
Darkness: Your beast form is hard to see and even harder to
creature with an attack on their turn, the attack causes the
spot, invoking the fear of darkness and the unknown. Creatures
target to bleed. This causes the target creature to take the same
you wild shape into have advantage on stealth checks, and they
damage dealt by that attack again at the start of their next turn.
can make one additional attack against a creature that is
surprised when they irst make an attack against them.
Hunger: Your beast form takes on a slavering, voracious
demeanor that invokes the fear of being eaten. Creatures you
wild shape into gain a +10 bonus to their walking or lying
speeds, and once per turn, when they deal damage with any
kind of bite attack, they gain temporary hit points equal to the
damage dealt. Additional damage dealt by abilities or spells
other than the bite attack is not counted when gaining these
Malice: Your beast form exudes a grinning, sadistic
countenence, invoking the fear of pain and torture. Creatures
you wild shape into can tell if another creature is below or
above half their maximum hit points. If they are below half,
then they can re-roll all 1s and 2s once on any damage rolls
they make against them.
Regardless of what nightmare you pick, your beast form
gains a bonus to its hitpoint maximum equal to twice your
druid level and its uses your spell attack bonus on all of their

Dark Aspects
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in beast form count as
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
immunity to non magical attacks and damage.
Additionally, both you and your beast gain a magical bene it
based on the nightmare of you chose at 2nd level.

Tome of Legends | Druid Circles 5

Martial Archetypes
At 18th level, you can use an action to the chain lightning spell
Storm Heart without expending a spell slot, using your constitution as your
These ighters are a form of magic user called a half-spark. spellcasting ability. Once you do so, you can't do so again until
They are people who are talented in one speci ic area of magic: you inish a long rest.
and their talent is in lightning. They bene it from a magical
phenomenon that causes their body to be able to store a
massive electric charge, and release it as easily as they would a
Martial Archetype - Witchblade
A witchblade is a martial practitioner who has chosen to mix
breath of air. This makes them very dangerous ighters, and
arcane power into their ighting maneuvers. They don't cast
even lovers; because if they are not disciplined enough all it
spells as an individual art separate from the swinging of their
takes in small lare of emotion and the person standing closest
weapons. Instead, they meld the two practices together to
to them may be struck by lightning.
create a devastating whirlwind of steel intermixed with sudden
casts of low power, but potent, spells that easily hand the
Storm Surge advantage to the person using them.
At 3rd, when you choose this archetype, your talent with
lightning manifests. It gives you the ability to accelerate and
enhance your body beyond what is normally possible using the Blade-spells
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn Blade-
energy you can create. At the start of your turn, you can expend
spells, a rapid ire form of spell craft that is designed to be used
a storm surge to gain one of the following bene its until the
in tandem with swinging a weapon.
start of your next turn.
Blade-spells You know all the blade-spells which are
Increase your speed by 15ft. detailed at the end of this subclasses description. Unless stated
Gain advantage on dexterity checks and saving throws. otherwise, you cast blade-spells by exchanging one of the
Each time a creature hits you with a melee attack, they attacks you make when you take the attack action.
suffers 1d8 lightning damage. You can only cast one blade-spell per turn, and you can cast
up to 4 blade-spells, regaining any expended uses of these
You can do this a number of times equal to your Constitution spells when you inish a short or long rest. You gain an
modi ier(minimum 1) and You regain all expended storm additional use of your blade-spells when you reach 7th level,
surges when you inish a short or long rest. and another at 15th level.
Though they do not use spell slots, blade-spells count as 0th
Perfect Grounding level spells for the purpose of countering or dispelling.
Starting at 7th level, you look forward to getting hit by lighting. Blade-Dice. Whenever you cast a blade-spell, it will ask you
You gain resistance to lighting damage; and if you take 15 or to roll a set of blade dice. You do this by rolling 2d4. You gain a
more lightning damage after resistances are calculated you bene it or deal damage based on what you rolled.
regain a storm surge. Saving Throws and spell attacks. Some of your blade-
Additionally, if a creature within 20ft of you takes lighting spells require your target to make a saving throw to resist the
damage, you may use your reaction to halve the lightning blade-spell's effects. The saving throw DC is equal to 8 + your
damage they take rounded up. You then suffer the same amount pro iciency bonus + your intelligence modi ier. Melee spell
of lightning damage. attacks use your normal attack modi ier.

Arcing Strikes Magical mastery

Bt 10th level, you have learned how to release your energy in a At 3rd level, you gain pro iciency in arcana if you do not already
very precise manner, arcing it from one point to another. The have it. If you do, or you would gain pro iciency from another
irst time you hit a creature on your turn after using your storm source later, you gain expertise in arcana, allowing you to add
surge ability, you may deal lightning damage to another your pro iciency modi ier twice when making arcana skill
creature within 20 feet of the target equal to half of any checks.
bludgeoning, piercing, slashing and/or lightning damage you
dealt with the attack. Blink Dancer
At 18th level you may target two creatures with this feature At 7th level, you can shift into and out of existence for a
instead of one. moment. Anytime you cast a blade-spell, you can move teleport
up to 10 feet before you cast it.
Ride the Lightning
Starting at 15th level, you can use the power in your body in Greater Blade-dice
order to lift you off the ground. As an action, you can spend a Starting at 7th level, when you roll your blade dice, you roll d6s
use of your Storm surge in order to gain a lying speed equal to instead of d4s. At 10th, you roll d8s, then d10s at 18th level.
your movement speed for 10 minutes. You can hover when
lying this way.

Storm Born

Tome of Legends | Martial Archetypes 6

Spell Eater
Starting at 15th level, you can consume magical energy off of a
spell cast at you. If you are forced to make a saving throw to
avoid the effects of a spell that was cast using a spell slot of 1st
level or higher, and you succeed on the save, you regain one use
of your blade-spells.

Blast Make a melee spell attack. If the attack hits, roll your
blade dice. The target takes force damage equal to the
amount rolled and is pushed back 15 feet and knocked prone.
Displace: Make a melee spell attack. If it hits, the target must
make a charisma saving throw. On a failed save they are
teleported to a space you can see within 15 feet.
Deflect: If you are hit with a weapon or spell attack, you can
use your reaction to roll your blade dice and reduce the
damage you take by an amount equal to what you rolled.
Distract: Roll your blade-dice. You create an illusory copy of
yourself that suddenly moves in a random direction. Each
hostile creature your are within melee range of must make
an intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, they must
spend their reaction attacking the illusion. If they do, they
take psychic damage equal to the amount you rolled.
Flash: Choose a creature within 10 feet of you and roll your
blade dice. The target must make a Constitution saving
throw. On failed save they take radiant damage equal to the
amount your rolled and are blinded until the end of your next
Reflect If you are hit with a melee weapon or melee spell
attack, you can use your reaction to cause the attacking
creature to make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
they instead make the attack against the closest creature
within reach other than you or itself, randomly choosing if
there is more than one.

Tome of Legends | Martial Archetypes 6

Monastic Traditions
At 17th level, you can forcefully push the life force out a
Way of the Crimson Soul creature and use it to harm or heal other creature around it.
The way of the crimson soul teaches its practitioners to control When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend
the life force that lows within themselves and and all other 4 ki points to deal 4d10 necrotic damage to the target. You can
creatures. Masters of its teachings do not manipulate blood as then cause up to 6 creatures within 15 feet of the target to
much as their title would suggest; instead manipulating the either regain half as many hitpoints or take half as much
positive and negative energies that give or imitate life. necrotic damage.
The simplicity of this school is often underestimated as it
only takes a touch from these monks in order to tear away a
creature's constitution or reinforce it ten fold. The art of
Way of the Iron Typhoon
When a Kensei wields a blade, they are legendary for the deadly
creating open, two way canals is dif icult to master as as such it
precision that they wield their weapons with. But there are a
takes only weeks for a student to understand how to steal life,
few out there who have shunned the elegance of a smaller
but it takes years in order to do the reverse. As a necessity, the
weapon and have instead taken up the challenge of wielding
teachings of the crimson soul always include wisdom and
great weapons with all the grace and power of a mighty
humbleness as their most important lesson as the power to
steal life with a touch can become addicting to those with too
much of an ego.
Great weapon with Great precision
At 3rd level, when you chose this tradition, choose a melee
Siphoning Strikes weapon that has the heavy property. You gain pro iciency with
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you gain the ability
the weapon if you don't already have it. This weapon counts as
to heal yourself by simply striking a creature and siphoning
a monk weapon for you. Many of this tradition's features work
some of its life energies. Whenever you hit a creature with an
only with your heavy weapons. When you reach 6th, 11th, and
unarmed attack, you can spend a ki point to regain hitpoint
17th level in this class, you can choose another type of weapon.
equal to the amount you rolled on the martial arts die plus 1.
You do not regain hit points with this ability if you target a Sweeping wind: If you are wielding a heavy weapon that
construct an undead or a creature that has temporary hit does not have the reach property, you can target up to two
points. creatures that are within reach when you make an attack
with your heavy weapon. If you do this, you do not add your
Positive/Negative Transfer ability modi ier to the damage rolls.
At 6th level, you you've become pro icient transferring the low Steel Fanged Viper: If you are using a heavy weapon that
of life energies within yourself and giving it to creatures you has the reach property, you can spend a ki point to increase
touch. You can now choose to take necrotic damage in order to the reach of your heavy weapon by 5 feet until the start of
cast certain spells without expending a spell slot or needing your next turn.
spell components. These spells and the amount of necrotic Weapon guard If you are using your heavy weapon, and
damage you take when you cast them are shown below. You use you use patient defense, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
your Ki save DC in place of spell save DCs.
At 6th level, you extend your ki into your heavy weapon,
Necro c granting the following bene its.
Damage Spell
3d8 bestow curse Magic edge: Your attacks with your heavy weapons count
as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
4d8 life transference (ignore this spells damage
to you) immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
Impact Strike: Whenever you hit a target with an attack
4d8 animate dead
with your heavy weapon, you may spend up to 3 ki points to
5d8 revivify attempt an impact strike. The target must make a strength
saving throw or be pushed back 10ft for each ki point spent.
Necrotic damage dealt by this ability cannot be reduced in
any way. If you are reduced to zero hitpoint by this ability, the Shattering Momentum
spell fails and you fall unconscious. At 11th level, whenever you attack a target with your heavy
weapon you can spend 2 ki points to mark the target for one
Thousand Lives Endurance minute. The next time you hit the marked creature with your
At 11th level, If you would be reduced to zero hit points, you heavy weapon, you add an additional d6 to your weapon
can reduce your maximum hit points by 2d12 in order to damage roll. Each time you hit them with an attack afterward,
remain standing at 1 hitpoint. You can do this as many times as you add one additional d6 to the attack to a maximum of 3d6. If
you want, but each time you do so you roll an additional d12. you miss an attack, end your turn without making an attack
Finishing a long rest restores your missing maximum against the marked target, or attack a different target, you reset
hitpoints, a greater restoratino spell will restore half of them. the extra damage to 1d6.

Life Scattering Palm

Tome of Legends | Monastic Traditions 7

If you do this, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving
Unstoppable Strikes
At 17th level, whenever you make an attack with your heavy throw at the end of your turn. On a failed save, you take one
weapon and miss, you can spend a ki point and roll the weapon point of exhaustion. Each time you use this feature, the DC of
damage you would have done if you had hit and deal half the the saving throw increases by three.
damage to the target. The attack still counts as having missed
for the purposes of on hit triggers and effects.

Way of the Kinetic Fist

The way of the kinetic ist teaches that power is best
accompanied by speed. Masters of this tradition are blindingly
fast as they use ki to propel themselves to superhuman speeds
in order land punches and kicks with the earth shattering
power of their momentum.

Swift as a river
Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you can
use your step of the wind ability without expending any ki
points. You can do this a number of times equal to your wisdom
modi ier, and regain all uses of this ability when you inish a
long rest.

Plunging Iron strikes

At 3rd lvel, you can move with sudden bursts of speed to put
kinetic power behind your punches.
Once per turn, you can make an unarmed attack against a
creature as if you had a reach of 15 feet. However, you must
move adjacent to the target of the attack if you are not adjacent
to them when you make the attack. This movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks, and attacks you make when you
move this way deal extra bludgeoning damage equal to half
your monk level.

Kinetic Dive
At 6th level, you gain an alternative way to you use your slow
fall feature. If you fall from a height of at least 30 feet, then you
may choose to do a kinetic dive instead of falling slowly. When
you land, you still reduce damage as normal, but each creature
within 10ft of you must make a dexterity saving throw or take
1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10ft you fell (to a maximum
of 10d6) and be knocked prone. On a successful save, they take
half damage and are not knocked prone.
The radius of the dive's impact increases by 10 feet and the
damage die increases to a d8 if you fall from more than 100

Lightning Mind
Starting at 11th level, you have mastered the ability to slow
your perceptions, causing things to move at an incredibly slow
pace around, allowing you to use your speed to greater
advantage. You can take up to three reactions each round
instead of one. However, you must spend a ki point to perform
each reaction after the irst. You can only use one reaction per

Kinetic Extremes
At 17th level, you can push your body well beyond it limits to
move even faster for short bursts. When you use your Falling
stone strikes feature, you can choose to increase the reach of
your unarmed attacks to 30 feet and to be able to make three
attacks when you take the attack action.
Sacred Oaths
The Living Inevitable
Oath of the Grim Hunt Starting at 15th level, You can no longer be charmed or
The Oath of the grim hunt is a calling that requires its followers paralyzed, and you can't be sensed or scryed upon by divination
to seek out and destroy the many evils the stalk the mortal magics unless you want to be.
realms. Often called Grim knights, or Knight Slayers, these
hunters dedicate themselves, body and soul, to hunting down Divine Monstrosity
the monstrous, the wicked, and the mutated, destroying them At 20th level, you can can take the form of a divine monster for
with a burning, merciless prejudice. one minute as if under the effects of the shapechange spell. The
divine monster has the same statistics as a Planetar (MM 17),
Tenets of the Grim Hunt though it lacks the Innate Spellcasting and Healing Touch traits.
Kill the monster, burn the cult: Seek and destroy the You choose what this form looks like, and the form cannot be
monsters that seek to feast on the woes of mortals, and end dispelled by magic.
the lives of their mortal followers. Additionally, while transformed, you radiate an aura of
Defy the dark ones: Evil persists because it lays seeds. menace while you're not incapacitated. The aura extends 30
Destroy the foundations of the dark gods power and wipe feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover.
their names from the histories. Hostile creatures within the aura can't regain hit points, and
Be ever prepared: Your enemy never rests, but you must lose resistance to any damage types.
never be unable to answer the call. Abstain from drink, and Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
gluttony. Keep your body strong, and your will unbreakable. inish a long rest.
No mercy for the wicked: Your enemies lack empathy and
mercy. Have none and show them none. Oath of the Unconquered
Oath Spells Unconquered Paladins are soldiers who dedicate themselves to
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. defending the ideals of freedom and prosperity and ighting
those who would use strength and violence to subdue and rule
Oath of the Grim Hunt Spells the weak. Commonly called Bulwark knights, mountain Knights,
Paladin Level Spells and The Unbroken, these soldiers stride into battle with
3rd hunters mark, faerie fire defensive magics alight, making them mobile fortresses that
5th see invisibility, hold person can withstand the wrath of kings, emperors, and gods.
9th dispel magic, magic circle
Tenets of the Unconquered
13th locate creature, elemental bane Defend the Weak. When walls and shields are not enough,
17th hold monster, scrying you must be there to be the bulwark against destruction.
Vanquish Tyranny. Tyrants cause misery in their
Channel Divinity ambitions. Deny them their dreams whether they be of the
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two heavens or the hells.
Channel Divinity options. Kindle Courage. When there is doubt, you must be an
Hunt's End: Whenever you hit a creature with a melee anchor for the courage and will of those around you.
attack, and use your divine smite feature, you can use your Challenge the strong. You are unbreakable! Show no fear,
Channel Divinity to increase the damage dice of the smite to and take little caution. The despot is your nemesis, and you are
d10's instead of a d8's. If the target is an aberration, iend, theirs.
undead, or monstrosity, the die increases to a d12.
You can then re-roll any of the damage dice once. Oath Spells
Merciless Crippling: As an action, you can use your You gain the following oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
channel divinity to horribly cripple a creature with divine
Paladin Level Spells
power. Choose a creature within 60ft of you. They must succeed
on a wisdom saving throw or have their lying and burrowing 3rd compelled duel, shield
speeds are reduced to 0, and their movement speed halved for 5th warding bond, enlarge/reduce
one minute 9th beacon of hope , wind wall
13th resilient sphere, freedom of movement
Beacon of cleansing
Beginning at 7th level, whenever you or a friendly creature 17th passwall, wall of stone
within 10 feet of you is under the effects of a spell or other
effect that allows it to repeat a saving throw at the end of each Channel Divinity
of its turns, it can repeat the saving throw at the start of its turn When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two
instead, possibly ending the effect early. Channel Divinity options.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Tome of Legends | Sacred Oaths 8

Adamantine Bulwark. Anytime you take damage from an
attack or spell, you can use your reaction and your channel
divinity to reduce all damage you take by an amount equal to
three times your paladin level.
Unstoppable Charge. You can spend an action to use your
channel divinity to move up to your speed in a straight line. You
can move through enemy creatures, and the irst enemy
creature of up to one size larger than you or smaller that you
come in contact with must succeed on a strength saving throw
or take bludgeoning damage equal to 2d8 + your paladin level,
and be forcefully moved along with you until you inish your
movement. Each other creature whose space you - or the
creature you are pushing - pass through during this action must
succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

Aura of Iron
Beginning at 7th level, you emanate so many protective magics
that the air shimmers with de lective power. You and friendly
creatures within 10 feet of you reduce all damage taken by an
amount equal to your Charisma modi ier (minimum 1). You
reduce damage this way before resistances have been
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Living Fortress
At 15th level, you have come to embody many qualities of an
actual fortress. You can no longer be forcefully moved by spell
effects, or by abilites used by creatures that are one size larger
than you or smaller. Additionally, allies who are within 5 feet of
you, and are of your size or smaller, gain the bene its of half

Unbreakable Defender
At 20th level, you can use an action to create an additional,
secondary layer of armor made of solidi ied radiant energy that
appears over your form. For one minute you gain the following
bene its:

If an attack or spell that deals damage would damage you

for 15 hit points or less, you ignore it.
Anytime a hostile creature makes a ranged attack against an
allied creature within your Aura of Iron, you can roll a d6.
On a 4 or higher, you become the target of the attack instead.
Allied creatures within 30ft of you always gain the bene its
of half cover.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
inish a long rest.

Tome of Legends | Sacred Oaths 9

Ranger Conclaves
At 7th level, you've learned to keep your enemies at a good
Lunar Sniper Conclave distance, even in the middle of combat. If you take damage from
Lunar Snipers are a night loving hunter who ind comfort in the a melee attack, you can use your reaction to teleport up to 20ft
pale light of the moon and the shadows of the night sky. They away. If the creature that attacked you is marked with a Mark of
are predators who come alive when on the hunt, bearing an Selene, you can make a ranged attack against them as part of
inhuman level of patience that allows them outlast any prey the reaction, after you teleport.
they so choose to follow.
Whats more, hiding from them is just as bad as option as Whispers of Ishtar
running from them as the magic they carry allow to to chase At 11th level, the moon has given you the ability to see as it can
even the fastest of enemies and the lunar magics they bear and give your bow the power to strike where ever it can rest. As
allows them to see into the darkest of places. an action, you can ready a special ranged attack with a bow or
crossbow. While you have this attack readied, you know the
exact location of every creature within 300ft of you even if they
Lunar sniper magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you are behind full cover or invisible. You can then make the ranged
reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the lunar sniper attack at any time, no action required.
spell table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you but doesn't The attack ignores full cover, and the radiant power of the
count against the number of ranger spells you know. attack allows it to penetrate up to 10ft of stone or 2ft of metal.
If the attack hits, the target takes additional radiant damage
Lunar Sniper Spells equal to your ranger level.
Ranger Level Spell Creatures who are hidden from divination magic, or have at
least 15ft of stone between you and them are not revealed to
3rd Expeditious Retreat
5th Invisibility Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
9th Clairvoyance inish a short rest.
13th Divination
17th Far Step
Pheobe's Clairvoyance
At 15th level, you regularly receive knowledge from the moon,
telling you about the past present, and future. This gives you
Eyes of Astarte many a moment of deja vu. You can no longer be surprised.
At 3rd level, the darkness is no longer an obstacle to your Additionally, whenever ever creature makes an attack against
senses. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and you, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. On a 3 or 4, you take
nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet. half damage. On a 5 or 6, the attack misses, regardless of its roll.
You also gain an excellent, pinpoint vision which allows you
to see out to a mile with enough clarity to read the cover of a
book at that distance.

Marks of Selene
Starting at 3rd level, you can mark targets for death and remain
patient to strike at a greater advantage later.
As an action, you can mark up to three creatures within 120ft
of you. Creatures you mark this way emit a soft glow only you
can see. This gives you a +5 bonus on Perception checks made
to spot them and advantage on all attacks made against them.
The marks last for up to 8 hours.
The irst time hit a creature marked this way on your turn,
you deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to them. At 11th
level, this increases to 2d8 damage.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
inish a long rest

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Dance of Diana

Tome of Legends | Ranger Conclaves 10

Roguish Archetypes
You must concentrate on this banishment as you would
Raven's Shadow concentrate on a spell. If you lose concentration, or if the
You have taken an oath much like the ones taken by the minute passes, the creature reappears in the space it left or in
paladins. One deity or another now sponsors your oath and has the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
chosen to forgive you for your past sins. In return you are now Once you successfully use this feature on a creature, you can't
bound to the role of holy assassin, dedicated to destroying do so again until you inish a short or long rest.
those things that are most evil.
With your already remarkable skills, you are given a small
piece of divine power that allows you to smite the unwary
War Jester
Most rogues prefer the shadows to hide themselves. But a
vampire, or the ambitious lich with radiant power.
strange few known as war jesters thrive on attention and the
distraction they can bring. They use a wide variety of strange
Oath Bound Assassin and often theatrical tricks and elements to confuse an enemy,
Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this archetype, you gain
and leave openings for their allies to strike where the defenses
pro iciency in religion and arcana.
have been distracted.
In addition, you are blessed with greater sight with which to
hunt your prey. You can see normally in darkness, both magical
and non magical, to a distance of 120 feet. Jester First
At 3rd level, you know how to put on a brilliant performance
that will keep all eyes on you. You gain pro iciency in
Mark of the Raven performance and deception if you do not have it already.
Starting at 3rd level, you can mark a creature within 60 feet of
Additionally, whenever you are performing, any creature that is
you as a bonus action. While the creature is marked, you gain
watching you has a penalty to Wisdom(perception) checks
the following bene its against them until they die, or you are
equal to your charisma modi ier.

You don't need advantage on the attack roll to use your Laughing Blade
Sneak Attack. At 3rd level, you know how to royally piss things off. Whenever
Any attack roll you make against the marked target is a you deal sneak attack damage to a creature with a melee attack,
critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. you can force the creature suffer disadvantage on all attacks not
You can choose to have your sneak attack damage be dealt made agasint you until the end of its next turn. Additionally, the
as radiant damage to that target. next attack against the creature not made by you has advantage
until the start of your next turn.
Once you use this bonus action, you can’t do so again until If you use this feature on the same creature two or more
you inish a short or long rest. times within the same day, they can attempt to make a DC 8 +
your pro iciency + your charisma modi ier wisdom saving
Divine Senses throw to resist the effects of this feature.
Starting at 9th level, you attain the gifts necessary to stalk evil
into the darkest of dens. You can cast detect good and evil
Trickster's Entrance
without expending a spell slot. At 9th level, you learned sometimes angering everything you
You can do this a number of times equal to your charisma see is not the safest act. So you've now learned the litte bit of
modi ier. You regain all expended uses when you inish a long magic to help get you out of, or into, those nasty situations. As a
rest. bonus action, you disappear in a puff of smoke and gain the
bene its of the invisibility spell until the start of your next turn.
Enshadowed mind You can use this feature a number times equal to your
Starting at 13th level, your mind becomes an impenetrable charisma modi ier. Your regain all expended uses after you
darkness. You gain advantage on any saving throw you would inish a long rest.
make against divination or enchamntment magics. Additionally,
you can no longer be frightened or charmed.
Dance of Daggers
At 13th level, you are quick with a joke and even quicker with a
Banishing backstab blade. You gain a special reaction that you can take on every
At 17th level, when you deal sneak attack damage to a creature, creatures turn, except your turn. Whenever an ally attacks a
you can force them to make a Charisma saving throw with a DC creature with advantage and you are within your weapon's
of 8 + your Charisma modi ier + your pro iciency modi ier. On a reach of the target creature, you can make melee weapon attack
failed save, the creature is magically banished to a harmless against the same creature. These extra attacks cannot deal
demi-plane for one minute. On a successful save, the creature sneak attack damage, and the weapon you use must have the
can’t be banished by this feature for 24 hours. light or inesse property.

Tome of Legends | Roguish Archetypes 11

Deadly Distraction
At 17th level, you really know how to make a good opening.
Whenever you use your laughing blade feature against a
creature, you mark them until the start of your next turn.
Whenever an ally hits the marked creature while you are within
5 feet of it, you can use your reaction to cause the attack to
become a critical hit. Once you use this feature on a creature,
you cannot use it on the same creature again until you inish a
long rest.

Tome of Legends | Roguish Archetypes 12

Sorcerous Origins
Lineage Scion
Vampiric Bloodline Starting at 18th level, you age very slowly. For every ive years
Your innate magic comes from a dark part of your ancestral that pass, you age only one year.
past. You have a direct familial connection to a vampire, and its Also, you can use your ancestral regeneration on your turn
power has shown itself most in you. It is not a curse that you while you are unconscious or in mist form. If you do this, your
have, but the blood in your veins that connects you to them. turn ends afterwards and you roll d4 instead of d6s for the
Having this origin is a secret that is often kept secret at all healing.
costs as many folk will point at those with vampiric blood in
them and cry evil. Indeed many who trace their lineage to such
creatures turn to evil in order to survive in a world that Sorcerous Origin: Fallen
despises them. This is their choice, however, and you can
choose to become what you want.
Celestial Bloodline
The power of your bloodline may mark you as evil, but it Your power comes from an ancestor that once called the
does not control you. heavens their home. For some reason however, they fell from
grace and became a fallen celestial. Their actions since have led
Vampiric Ancestry to your birth and as you became aware of your magical talent
From 1st level, when you choose this subclass, your Vampiric you noticed that there was a touch of the divine in it; as well as
ancestry grants you the bene its that are shown below. a touch of the damned.

You know the primal savagery cantrip, and it deals necrotic Power of Duality
instead of acid damage. It counts as a sorcerer cantrip to you Starting at 1st level, you know the bane and bless spells. They
and does not count against the number of cantrips you do no count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
You can cause a creature to re-roll a successful saving throw Dual Halo
made against being charmed by sorcerer spells you cast. You At 1st level, you can use a bonus action to summon a dark and
can't do this to the same creature again for seven days. divine halo to loats above your head for 1 minute. It gives you
You don't need to sleep in order to gain the bene its of a long the following bene its:
rest. Instead you can spend four hours doing simple non-
strenuous tasks such as reading a book, writing a letter, or You gain resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.
painting a picture. You can use a bonus action to allow a creature you can see to
make a saving throw against an affect that allows a saving
Ancestral regeneration throw to be made to end the effects.
At 1st level, your bloodline gives you incredible regenerative You can use a bonus action to cause a creature that can see
power. You have a pool of regeneration represented by a you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC.
number of d6's equal to your sorcerer level. Unless they succeed, they are frightened of you until the end
As a bonus action, you can spend a number of those dice of your next turn. Once a creature suffers this effect, it has
equal to your charisma modi ier or less(Minimum 1). You advantage on this saving throw for the next 24 hours.
regain hit points equal to the total amount rolled. You regain all
expended dice when you inish a long rest. Once you summon your dark halo you can't do so again until
If you are in direct sunlight, roll d4s instead of d6s. you inish a long rest.

Misty Escape Purify / Putrefy

Starting at 6th level, when reduced to 0 hit points you are not At 6th level, you can use an action and expend one sorcery
rendered unconscious but instead you (along with all the items point in order to cleanse or de ile something. For example, you
you are wearing) transform into a cloud of mist. While in mist can cause a body of water the size of a small pond to become
form you are immune to all damage, can take no actions other toxic and undrinkable or cleanse it of ilth and poisons.
than to ly with a speed of 30 feet, and must make death saving In addition, allied creatures that receive healing while within
throws as normal. At the end of your next turn, your body 30 feet of you regain additional hit points equal to half your
reforms and you become unconscious if you still have 0 health. sorcerer level. Hostile creatures that receive healing in the
Once this happens, it can't happen again until you inish a same range reduce the amount of hit points they regain by the
long rest. same value.

Night Walker Dark Wings

Starting at 14th level, you are always under the effects of the Starting at 14th level, you gain a pair of dark feathery wings
spider climb spell. which give you a lying speed of 30 feet.

Tome of Legends | Sorcerous Oirigins 13

Divine Menace
At 18th level, when you cause your dark halo to appear, your
lying speed is increased by an additional 30 feet and creatures
that are frightened of you within 60 feet must spend their
action to drop their weapons and their movement to move as
far away from you as possible.

Tome of Legends | Sorcerous Oirigins 14

Otherworldly Patrons
You can summon and dismiss the elder tome into or out of a
Elder Tome harmless pocket dimension as a bonus action. If you later gain
You have made a pact with an entity that holds untold the Pact of the Tome feature, the elder tome counts as your
knowledge of the universe, and it has given you a tome bearing book of shadows.
only a tiny fraction it's consciousness and its knowledge. In this
tome, lost secrets are scrawled in an alien tongue unread by Destructive examination
mortal eyes in millennia. As you learn you must write down as Starting at 6th level, you learn about your enemies as you
much information you gain into in your adventure into the destroy them. Whenever you deal damage to a creature with a
empty pages at the back of this tome so that all the knowledge spell of 1st level or higher, you learn the creature's Damage
you gain is also gained by your patron. In return, they reveal the Vulnerabilities, Damage Resistances, Damage Immunities, and
secrets hidden behind the indiscernible scrawling at the front Condition Immunities.
of the book.
Knowledge is power. And power, slowly revealed to you, is Thought stealer
your reward. Starting at 10th level, you can attempt to steal the knowledge of
a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. As a bonus action,
you can force the creature to make an intelligence saving throw.
Expanded spell list
The elder tome lets you choose from an expanded list of spells On a failed save they lose one memory of your choice that you
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added know they have such as the location of particular object, or the
to the warlock spell list for you. combination to a safe lock. You gain the knowledge stolen.
You cannot steal a memory that the target has had for more
Elder tome spell list than 30 days.
Spell level Spells Once you use this feature on a creature you cannot do it to
the same creature again until you inish a long rest.
1st identify, bane
2nd see invisibility, locate object Omniscient burst
3rd glyph of warding , clairvoyance Starting at 14th level, you can empower your mind to be able to
4th arcane eye, confusion comprehend all the vast records of knowledge stored inside the
tome all at once in order to give yourself a form of divination
5th legend lore, modify memory
through near-perfect estimation.
As an action, you can give yourself the bene its of the
Mind over Manners foresight spell for one minute. While this feature is active, you
Starting at 1st level, when you choose this patron, you can can use bonus action to give a creature that can hear you within
choose to use your intelligence instead of your charisma as 60ft the bene its of the spell until the start of your next turn.
your spell casting ability. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
If you do so, your pro iciency in Charisma saving throws is inish a long rest.
exchanged with Intelligence saving throws. All other warlock
features, abilities, and invocations that would use your
Charisma or Charisma modi ier, now use your Intelligence or The Pale Legion
Intelligence modi ier instead. You have made a pact with a pale legion. Or more precisely, a
pale legion has made a pact with you. 10,000 lost and
The elder tome wandering souls have chosen you as their host. In so doing they
At 1st level, your patron has given you a tome into which you grant you great power over life and death and the experience of
must inscribe the knowledge you gain throughout your many lifetimes in exchange for being able to experience
adventures. The tome also holds great power of its own which existence once again through you.
can be released in times of need. These souls were once people of many different walks of life,
Whenever you inish a long rest you can prepare up to three each soul within a legion has its own story; though the whole of
spells from any spell list into your elder tome. You can then cast the legion will be related in some way. On might have once been
one of the spells you inscribed into the tome using a warlock the citizens of a city that was destroyed by war or disaster.
spell slot. Once you cast a prepared spell, you can't cast that Another might be a grand army that seeks vengeance against a
prepared spell again until you inish a long rest. You can change particular enemy from a long ago battle.
which spells are prepared after you inish a long rest, but the Though a legion may see you as a means to an end, but they
spells you prepare must be of a level you can cast. are often benevolent to their hosts as they grant them
When you reach 11th level in this class, Spells of 6th level or something they are afraid to let go of.
higher can be prepared using this feature, but they must be of a
level that your Mystic Arcanum feature can cast. You can then
cast them by invoking your Mystic Arcanum.

Tome of Legends | Otherwordly Patrons 15

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
Expanded spell list
The Legion lets you choose from an expanded list of spells inish a long rest.
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added
to the warlock spell list for you.
Otherworldy patron: The
The Pale Legion spell list
Spell level Spells
Crimson Malifact
The crimson Malifact is not an entity that can be seen or
1st inflict wounds, sanctuary touched nor is it communicated with by words. Instead, it is a
2nd blur, enhance ability form of a symbiotic curse that seeks out those who seek to
3rd revivify, spirit guardians commit bloodshed. It appears before them in a pool of blood
and offers to give them power unlike they have ever seen.
4th guardian of faith, phantasmal killer
With its power, the host can control his own blood and the
5th legend lore, raise dead spilled blood of his enemies as easily as they could wave their
hands. They control the low of the red liquid as an aquamancer
Aura of the dead might control the water. However, the power given by the
Starting at 1st level, the souls of the dead can experience life Malifact is far more sinister as the only thing it asks in return is
again when they are close to you, though they are invisible to the blood spilled with the power that it offers it's host.
everyone. And though each soul is weak individually, you can
use a bonus action gather them all around you, combining their Expanded spell list
power to create a spectral aura that reaches out to 15 feet The Crimson Malifact lets you choose from an expanded list of
around you. spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
Your aura is visible to everyone when in this state, and it added to the warlock spell list for you.
gives you the following bene its:
Crimson Malifact spell list
Hostile creatures treat your aura as dif icult terrain. Spell level Spells
You can use any spells or abilities that require you to make
melee spell attack, or that have a range of touch, against any
1st sleep, command
creature that is inside of, or adjacent to, your aura. 2nd lesser restoration, blindness/deafness
3rd bestow curse, slow
The aura remains acive even if you are incapacitated, but
disapears if you die or you choose to end it as a bonus action. 4th control water, stone skin
5th contagion, greater restoration
Stories of the Dead
At 6th level, the thousands of souls that make up a legion Blood Drops
contain vast amounts of experience with each soul having its Starting at 1st level when you choose this patron, you gain the
own stories to tell and its own wisdom to share. Whenever you ability to control blood and form Blood drops, which are large
inish a long rest, you can choose up to three skills or tool sets amounts of blood that you control telepathically. You gain a
of your choice. Until the end of your next long rest, you can add blood drop whenever you deal damage to a small or larger
your charisma modi ier to any rolls made using those skills or creature with a spell or attack. Alternatively, on your turn, you
tools. can reduce your maximum health by 1d6 in order to gain one
blood drop(no action required). You can only control a number
Corporeal legion of blood drops equal to your charisma modi ier (minimum 1).
At 10th level, your growing bond with the legion allows them to While you have blood drops, you can use an action to make a
become more and more corporeal, giving them the ability to melee spell attack with them. The attack has a reach of 20 feet,
physically touch the world around them. While your aura is and deals 1d6 slashing damage for each blood drop you are
active, you can interact with objects that are within your aura. controlling. The damage die used for blood drops increases to
You can do things as delicate as picking locks, and move things 1d8 at 7th level, then to 1d10 at 14th level.
that weigh up to ten times your spell level. You cannot gain blood drops from creatures that do not have
Additionally, whenever a hostile creature makes a melee blood, and each blood drop is consumed by your patron an
attack against an allied creature that is inside your aura, they hour after you gain it. Your hit point maximum also returns to
must roll a d4 and subtract the amount rolled from their attack normal when this happens if you reduced it with this feature.
as they are grappled and pulled at by the legion's ghosts.
Blood binding
Legions rally Starting at 6th level, you can use blood drops to control
At 14th level, if your aura is active, you can use an action to call creatures bodies from the inside. Whenever you hit a large or
forth the souls of the living and the dead to stand at your side in smaller creature with your blood drops, you can inject any
battle. For the next minute, your aura extends out to 30ft number of them into the target. While the drops are injected,
around you. You can then choose up to ten creatures in your you can spend an action to begin concentrating on controlling
aura to gain temporary hit points equal to twice your warlock the blood.
level. If a chosen creature is unconscious, it is restored to
consciousness with 1 hitpoint before it is given the temporary
hit points.

Tome of Legends | Otherworldy Patrons 16

While you are concentrating, any creature with blood drops Whenever you attack a creature with your pact weapon
injected into them must make a Constitution saving throw at weapon, that creature cannot make opportunity attacks against
the start of their turn or suffer a number of effects based on you until the start of your next turn.
how many blood drops were injected into them. These effects
are cumulative and last until the start of their next turn. Dutiful Guardians
Prerequisites: 5th level
2 drops: Their speed is halved.
You have gained enough of your own power to manifest the
3 drops: They have disadvantage on all strength and
souls of the dead into a ighting force. You can cast spirit
dexterity checks and saving throws.
guardians once using a warlock spell slot. When cast this way,
4 drops: They can only make one attack on their turn, even
the spirits take the dead, the spell deals necrotic damage
if they would otherwise make more.
regardless of your alignment, and you have advantage on any
5 drops: The creature is paralyzed.
concentration checks to maintain the spell.
Each injected blood drop still counts towards the number of Once you use this invocation, you can't do so again until you
blood drops you can control. Huge and Gargantuan creatures inish a long rest.
treat the number of blood drops injected into them as one less
and two less respectively. This feature does work on constructs Libra In inium
and undead, but not on incorporeal or gaseous enemies such as Prerequisites: Pact of the tome
shadows or ire elementals. Your book of shadows now contains vast amounts of
knowledge, you only need to call upon the tome's vast archive.
Eldritch Clotting Choose two skills. Whenever you make skills checks using those
Starting at 10th level, whenever you take damage from a melee skills you can add your charisma modi ier to the roll even if the
weapon attack, you can use your reaction to cause the blood in already use your modi ier.
your wound to grab the enemies weapon and pin it to a surface You can choose this invocation more than once.
within 5 feet of you. The creature must then make a Strength
check against your spell save DC or it cannot use that weapon Parallel Minds
again until the start its next turn where it must make the check Prerequisites: Pact of the chain, elder tome patron
again. Your familiar gains additional hit points equal to your
If the weapon is apart of the creature's body, such as a ist, warlock level. Additionally, you can cast divination spells
it's speed is reduced to zero until it makes the save. through you familiar, and if the spell would give you a bene it,
both you and your familiar gain that bene it.
Sanguinary Puppets
Starting at 14th level, the number of blood drops you can Parchment Translator
control increases by 2. Additionally, whenever a large or Prerequisites: Pact of the tome
smaller creature dies while it is injected with at least two blood You can now understand all spoken and written languages as
drop, and it leaves a relatively intact body, it remains in the your book of shadows translates the words onto its pages for
initiative order. However, on its turn, it stands back up and you you to read so long as you are listening to or looking at that
control them. You can have it perform any actions you've seen it language. Your book of shadows can also translate your words
perform, or know it can perform. However, it cannot cast spells. for another creature to understand if that creature can read.
A creature resurrected this way doesn't take damage but it
can be destroyed if an attack or other damaging effect would Parchment Medium
otherwise obliterate their body beyond functionality. Prerequisites: 5th level, Pact of the tome
Addtionally, it can only perform a number of actions equal to Your book of shadows can now host the consciousness of a
the number of blood drops they were injected with when they dead creature. You can spend 10 minutes over a dead body and
died. After that, they fall apart and their bodies are no longer transfer the mind of a creature who had been dead for no
usable. longer than 10 years and who had an intelligence score of at
least 8.
While that creature's consciousness is in your tome, you can
Eldritch Invocations speak to it, and it can speak to you by shifting the ink around in
your book of shadows to form words on the page. It has all the
Advised Servant memories it had in life, and is amiable towards you unless is
Prerequisites: Pact of the chain has a reason not to be. The consciousness can lie if it feels it
Your familiar gains additional hit points equal to your needs to. You can only hold the consciousness of one creature at
warlock level. Additionally, when you summon your familiar a time, and they are released after you have had it for seven
you can give it pro iciency in two skills, and have it use your days or you choose to release it.
pro iciency modi ier. Your familiar may then use those skills
under the advice of a soul or two that you partner with them.

Commander's Blade
Prerequisites: Pact of the Blade
You can summon the souls of the dead to act as a bodyguard
for you while you ight.

Tome of Legends | Otherworldy Patrons 17

Spectral Champion
Prerequisites: 14th level.
You can impart the power of wayward souls into another
creature. As an action, you may empower a creature that is
within 30 feet of you, giving them the following bene its for one

They gain temporary hit points equal to half your warlock

level at the start of their turn.
Their attacks deal extra damage equal to your charisma
modi ier in force damage.
If they are knocked unconscious, you may use your reaction
to have them remain standing at 1 hit point. If you do this
more than once, they lose all the bene its of this invocation.

Once you use this invocation, you can do so again until you
inish a long rest.

Tome of Legends | Otherworldy Patrons 18

Arcane Traditions
None Yet

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