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On the writing sheet given below, write two scenarios highlighting respect for

human life and truth-telling. Discuss the possible results of upholding and not upholding
the two values.

For your first paragraph, write your scenario. Paragraph two will be the outcome
if you uphold respect for human life, and paragraph three will be the result if you will not
respect human life.

Respect for human life

In a bus, there is a woman and beside her is an old man. The woman is
wearing a pencil skirt and a polo shirt because she was from her work. Then suddenly,
out of nowhere the hand of the old man is slowly moving and thrusting her legs. She
knew that the old man is abusing her.

Before other people respect us we must respect ourselves first. In that

scenario, even he is an old man he still has the guts to abuse the woman. But this
essay is not saying that the old man doesn’t deserve respect but this essay is saying
that “respect is earned, not given”. If you value, the essence of respect to strangers
you will earn credit for your welfare. You naturally see it mirrored in your life when you
give and show love to yourself and other people. The people you are associated with
are starting to respond peacefully and in a friendly way. You are starting to gain a
deeper understanding of yourself and the individuals around you.

Without it, difficulty and dissatisfaction would be filled with emotional relations.
They won't respect us if we don't look after others, and if we don't respect ourselves,
we won't be looked at by others either. If we are not respecting each other, this world
wouldn’t be at peace.


There is a man who has a mistress and now they have their child and his true
family doesn’t have any idea about it. One day, he was with his friend when his wife
saw them in the bar. And then he said to his wife that his friend has a chic in that bar
and they have a child. But the truth is he is the one who has. His wife immediately
called the wife of his friend to tell him about that. But his friend’s wife already knows
that it was her husband who has a mistress.
In the grand scheme, lying just holds society apart. The only thing lying does is
cover up the errors, acts, and thoughts of people, and how will that be beneficial for the
future? Truth is all relative to the speaker and the listener. It can pin you down too,
prisoner. Also, it is stunning but can be hideous as well. It could be structured and it
could be chaotic. This can tie you down, but it can leave you teetering as well. You can
hide it but not forever.
If you keep on lying to other people and you empathize it with other, you are just
making the situation more complicated. Imagine, the people you are involving doesn’t
know that he or she has already an issue. If we don't tell the truth, we have to think
about what we're going to say. Second, when we're not telling the truth, we're
generating low-frequency energy, which in turn acts as a magnet for other things that
vibrate at a similar frequency. So one might expect to experience things like lying to
another, getting ripped off, issues around lack, etc. And finally, I echo some of the
other comments-the lies are going to make their way back in one way or another, it is
going to cause internal stress, and over time we are going to stay in darkness so as
not to shine a light on our deception.

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