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A. COMPETITION IN THE INDUSTRY - Smartphone manufacturers are investing

heavily in improved touch screens and e-
reader software

B. THREATS OF NEW ENTRANTS - Start-up costs are high

- Encouraged by government
subsidies and support, colleges and
universities are adapting their resources for

- Government legislation in the and

country encourages capital investment in
new technologies by offering subsidies and
tax-breaks to new set-ups.

C. BARGAINING POWER OF - Price comparison websites have

SUPPLIERS increased in number

- Another e-reader manufacturer has

signed an exclusive deal with a publishing

D. BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS - Two suppliers of e-reader chips

have merged

E. THREATS OF A SUBSTITUTE - Students have easy, and cheap,

PRODUCT access to books: online videos and paper-
based learning materials


2. Develop marketing strategies for the e-book reader manufacturer to improve

its competitive position in the e-reader market.

1. Through Facebook adds: Facebook is the perfect place to target your eBook to a specific
audience. Facebook Ads allow you to create sidebar or News Feed ads targeted at your exact
demographic. You get to decide the number of people who will be exposed to your Ad and the
budget you’re prepared to spend based on your lead value. by creating the targeted audience
2. Click pop-up : Website pop-ups can be used to promote all types of content on your website
and blog, including eBooks. You can use exit pop-ups to capture potential leads on their way
out the door, entry pop-ups to grab them on their arrival or a scroll or timed popup as they
browse and read down the page. Each of these pop-ups is a great promotion technique, but our
favorite popup for eBooks is the click popup. A click popup is activated when a visitor clicks on a
designated link, image or word. that is creating a click pop up for your eBook.

3. Guest Contribution: Writing content and contributing to other blogs is another great, though
under-utilized, way to promote your eBook. Many people don’t realize the power of spreading
your name around the internet as a guest poster.

4. Re targeting adds: Re targeting allows you to show specific ads to people who’ve already
visited your website, but failed to convert. This means they didn’t complete their purchase or fill
out their personal info to make them a lead. Re targeting provides you with the perfect
opportunity to promote your eBook. One valuable benefit of re targeting is that you can track
those who were and still are very interested in your products or services. You know they’re
interested so you’re targeting an audience who already has knowledge and is warmed to your

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