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I. Listen and complete the application form below. (10 points)

 Full name: Louise Cynthia Jones
 Address: Apartment 1, (1) …………..…………….…Street, Highbridge
 Post code: (2)………………………………..….………………………..
 Telephone: 9835 6712 (home) (3)………………………………. (work)
 Driver's licence number: (4)……………………………………………
 Date of birth: (5)…………………………..……………………………
II. Listen and choose the correct answer to the questions. (10 points)
1. Gavin moved into his apartment____________.
A. a week ago. B. two weeks ago. C. three weeks ago.
2. Gavin's apartment is located on the ____________.
A. ground floor. B. second floor. C. third floor.
3. How much do a fridge and a stereo system cost?
A. $1150 B. $ 4000 C. $1600
4. And how many watches does Garvin have?
A. one. B. two C. three.
5. The total annual cost of insurance is______________ .
A. $ 164 B. $194 C. $184
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. most B. remote C. costly D. control
2. A. chef B. machine C. Chicago /Sh/ D. psychology /k/
3. A. scissors /z/ B. missing /s/ C. necessary D. cassette
4. A. scenery B. media C. recent /i/ D. heroic /e/
5. A. bushes B. headaches C. researches D. wishes
IV. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others. (10 points)
1. A. of’ficial B. mi’nority C. in’ventor D. ‘stationery
2. A. di’versity B. popu’larity  C. disap’pointed  D. mauso’leum (lăng mộ)
3. A. di’vide B. re’main C. com’prise D. ‘publish
4. A. ‘valuable B. enter’tain C. ‘honesty D. ‘mountainous.
5. A. ‘fashionable B. ‘marvelously C. e’ternally D. ‘territory
V. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks. (40 points)
1. I wish I ______ you some money for your rent, but I am broken myself
A. can lend B. would lend C. could lend D. will lend
2. She can’t afford that book because she has________ money.
A. a lot of B. few C. a. little D. little.
3. The pigeon is the ____________of peace.
A. symbolize B. symbolically C. symbol D. symbolic
4. Just think, ______ two years’ time, we’ll be 18!
A. under B. over C. after D. in
5. The music at the party was very loud and could __________from far away.
A. be heard B. hear C. be heared D. have heard
6. Minh is new to English, he should attend the ____________ class.
A. beginner B. intermediate C. advanced D. new
7. Cattle and sheep are grazing in the _________.
A. bridges B. rivers C. fields D. meadows
8. Does Mr. Ba bring his farm ________ to the local market every day?
A. productivity B. products C. production D. producing
9.  “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to ______ great care of it.”
A. bring B. take C. keep D. make
10. My mother bought me a _________ skirt on my 15 birthday.
A. beautiful French flowered cotton B. cotton French beautiful flowered
C. flowered beautiful cotton French D. beautiful flowered French cotton
11. George: “_____________.”
Michelle: “Thank you for your compliment.”
A. You’ve done your work B. This is a present for you
C. I’m glad that you’re well again D. You look pretty in this dress
12. Would you like tea or coffee? – I’d__________ have some tea.
A. like B. prefer C. rather D. better
13. He was the first person _______ the fire.
A. discover B. to discover C. discovering D. discovered
14. You will have to_______your holiday if you feel too tired.
A. put down B. put out C. put off D. put up
15.  “Why don’t you sit down and ____________?” 
A. make yourself at home B. make it your own home
C. make yourself at peace D. make yourself at rest
16. You had to go home right after the farewell party last night,_______ ?
A. didn't you B. hadn't you C. weren’t you D. did you
17. Tommy: "I'm sorry. I won't be able to attend your wedding". - Mary: “____________”.
A. Great B. Sounds like fun C. Oh, that's annoying D. Well, never mind
18. His sister is always leaving her umbrella on the bus. She is very____________ .
A. kind - hearted (lươn thiện) B. narrow- minded (hep hòi)
C. open - minded (cởi mở) D. absent – minded (lơ đễnh)
19. _______, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Difficult as the homework was B. Thanks to the difficult homework
C. Despite the homework was difficult D. As though the homework was difficult
20.  “Never be late for an interview, __________ you can’t get the job.” 
A. otherwise B. unless C. or so D. if not
VI. There is a mistake in the underlined parts of each sentence. Identify your answer by circling the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D and then correct it. (10 points)
1. That math problem is too difficult for him and his friends to solve it.
2. I read something about Taranrino's new film on that magazine. -> in that
3. It is advisable that one should have one's teeth checked regularly.
4. Norman doesn't know everything but he talks as if he knows everything. -> knew
5. Building thousands of years ago, the ancient palace is popular with  modern tourists. -> built
VII. Give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets (10 points)
1. My little sister (read) _______________ Sleeping Beauty several times. Has read
2. I saw Maggie at the party. She (wear) ______________ a very beautiful dress. Was wearing
3. I was made (answer) _____________all the questions by the teacher. To answer
4. Look at the policeman over there. You (stop) _______________if you try to cross the road now. Will be
5. Were I (improve) _______________my English speaking skill, I would easily get that job. To improve
VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given word. (10 points)
1. He doesn‘t agree with the _________ that there is life on other planets. belief believe
2. You must keep on working with him no matter how much you ________. disagree agree
3. I try not to remember this ________ experience that only leaves me with unhappy thoughts. fright
4. The boy __________ asked for permission to go out with his friends. repeatedly repeat
5. The thief found the door__________and broke into the house. unlocked lock
IX. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in each numbered blank in the following passage.
Many of the things we do ____(1)____ on receiving information from other people. Catching a
train, making a phone call and going to the cinema all involve information ____(2)____stored, processed
and communicated. In the past this information had to be kept on paper ____(3)____, for example, books,
newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is put ____(4)____ computers. Computers play
an important role in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realizing it. ____(5)____ the use of
computers in both shops and offices. Big shops have to deal with very large ____(6)____ of information.
They have to make sure that there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy, they need to be
able to reorder before ____(7)____ run out, to decide which things are selling well and go on. All these
processes are performed quickly and efficiently by computers. A lot of office work in the past involved
information on paper. Once it had been dealt with by people, the paper was ____(8)____ for future
reference. This way of working was never ____(9)____ easy or fast. A computer system is much more
1. A. to depend B. depending C. depended D. depend
2. A. that has B. has C. is D. that is
3. A. in the case of B. in the form of C. in preparation for D. in search of
4. A. on B. in C. by D. with
5. A. To be considered B. To consider C. Consider D. Be considered
6. A. amount B. number C. numbers D. amounts
7. A. stocks B. items C. purchases D. cargoes
8. A. thrown away B. torn off C. put aside D. recycled
9. A. particularized B. particular C. particularly D. particularity
10. A. effective B. skillful C. capable D. formal
X. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to the questions.
I know that it is my job to make sure that everything goes well for the tourists and I feel I work hard for the
company. I cannot be blamed for last week. I met the group at the airport and took them to the coach. The
coach driver was a bit annoyed because the flight was late. But it wasn't far to the hotel and everyone was
looking forward to their dinner. We hadn't used the Hotel Riviera before but our normal one had a
conference in it so it was fully booked. When I announced our arrival at the reception desk, they said they
were full. I had booked rooms for the group but the manager said they were cancelled by phone a few days
before. He insisted that he recognized my voice and that I had made the phone call. We had a bit of an
argument but they obviously didn't have enough rooms. In the end, the manager phoned hotels in the town
and found rooms for everyone, but in four different hotels. By this time, the coach had gone, so we had to
get taxis and some of the tourists started to get very angry with me. I still don't know who made that phone
call but it definitely wasn't me…
1.  What is the writer trying to do?
A. argue B. explain C. apologize D. complain
2.  Who was the text written to?
A. one of the tourists B. the writer's employer
C. the hotel manager D. the coach company
3.  Why weren't any rooms available at the Hotel Riviera?
A. conference was taking place there.
B. There were more people in the group than expected.
C. Someone had forgotten to book them.
D. Someone had said they were not needed.
4.  What happened in the end?
A. The tourists got angry with the hotel manager.
B. The tourists couldn't stay together.
C. The writer found other hotels with rooms.
D. The writer called the coach driver back.
5.  Which of the following diaries was written by one of the tourists?
A. Someone had made a mistake with our hotel booking and the hotel had given our rooms to other
B. The hotel we were taken to wasn't good enough so we asked to change to a different one.
C. We got to the airport and had to wait for the coach. So it was really late when we got to the hotel.
D. The coach driver took us to the wrong hotel and they know nothing about us.
XI. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word in the following passage. (20 points)
Most people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their (1)_______. Scientific research shows that
it can (2)________ many kinds of diseases. In (3)________, many people who smoke get lung cancer.
Doctors believe that it may also cause lung cancer in people who do not (4)_________. Nonsmokers often
breathe in the smoke from (5)_________ people’s cigarettes. This is secondhand smoking. People are
becoming very aware of the danger of (6)________ smoke. As a result, they have passed laws that prohibit
(7)________ from smoking in many public places. Besides, many government tend to put taxes on cigarette
(8)________ as to discourage people from smoking. With all the concerted efforts (9)________by the
authority and non-smokers, we can look (10)_________ to the world without smoking.
XII. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (10 points)
1. I won't be able to go on holiday if my parents don't give me the money.
2. “I can’t go to the movies with you tomorrow”
Mary said to John.......................................................................................................................
3. She has only recently started wearing glasses.
She didn’t…………….……………………………………………………………………………
4. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to find my way.
Had ...............................................................................................................................................
5. I am sure that someone has been following me.
Someone …………………………………………………………………………………………
XIII. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the given word.
Do not change the given word. (10 points)
1. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong sooner
No……………………………………………………………………. went wrong
2. On business trips, I prefer driving home to staying in a hotel overnight prefer
On business trips, I’d …………………….……………..…….. in a hotel overnight
3. My views on this subject are exactly the same as yours. difference
There ………………………………………….. my views on this subject and yours.
4. It is thought that the accident was caused by human error been
The accident ……………………………..………………….. by human error
5. The romantic novel was very interesting and I read it twice. so
It was…………………………………………….……………………….… it twice.
I. Part 1. You will hear a conversation between a boy, Marcus, and a girl, Catherine, about their homework.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, write T for true and F for false if incorrect.
You will hear the recording twice. (10 points)
1. Catherine finds it hard to understand why Marcus has so much homework.
2. Catherine thinks visiting the museum was a good experience for Marcus.
3. Catherine offers to show Marcus the maths homework she has already done.
4. Marcus worries that his teacher might be angry if Catherine helps him.
5. After talking to Catherine, Marcus feels more confident about his homework.

II. Part 2: You will hear a recorded message about hotels in the National Park. For each question, fill in the
missing information in the numbered space. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS
for each answer . You will hear the recording twice. (10 points)


The Marston Hotel
Good for people who (1) …
If you ask, the hotel will make you a (2) …
The Bristol Hotel
Phone number: (3) …
The Ferndale Hotel
Good view of (4) : …
Firtrees Hotel
Price of a double room 185 (5)  …
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling A, B, C
or D. (6 points)
1. A. friends B. opinions C. picnics D. computers
2. A. chimpanzee B. interviewee C. refugee D. committee
3. A. suggestion B. conversation C. resolution D. introduction
IV. Choose the word that has different stress pattern by circling A, B, C, or D. (4 points)
1. A. optional B. official C. seperate D. localize
2. A. economic B. inspiration C. volunteer D. communicate
V. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. There should be some questions that have more
than ONE correct answer. Circle the letter(s) you choose. (70 points)
1. Student: “...... .” _ Teacher: "No worries. Come in, please.”
A. I’m late B. I want to come in. C. I'm sorry I'm late. D. I've just arrived.
2. It was not until late 1960s......on the moon.
A. that Americans walked B. did Americans walk
C. when Americans walked D. when did Americans walk
3. The firefighters tried to …… the fire, but all the things were ruined.
A. put off B. put away C. put out D. put aside
4. Let’s raise the fund for the poor, ......?
A. should we B. won't we C. will we D. shall we
5. They live in a very......populated area of Italy.
A. sparsely B. scarcely C. hardly D. barely
6. The prices at the garage I use are very.......
A. logical B. reasonable C. rational D. acceptable
7. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a
A. childlike B. childish C. childhood D. childless
8. Lan: “How do you find Hanoi?” Justin: "......-
A. Are you living here? B. I got a map from the tourist office.
C. It’s a beautiful city. D. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.
9. Nha Trang, …. last year, is excellent for holiday – makers.
A. we visited B. which we visited C. that we visited D. visited
10. Nobody knows why the picture disappeared, ….?
A. don’t they B. does it C. doesn’t it D. do they
11. Trang: “Thank you very much for inviting me to your house."
Susan: "......"
A. Not all mine B. Don’t mention it.
C. It’s my pleasure. D. You’re welcome.
12. When he came to the counter to pay, he found that he had … cash.. . his credit card with him.
A. either/ or B. neither/ nor C. both/ and D. not/ yet
13. It is necessary that everyone .........aware of the protection of the environment.
A. is B. be C. are D. to be
14. Never in my life .........such an intelligent boy.
A. I have met B. I haven't met C. have I met D. haven't I met
15. Smoking has been …. from all offices
A. abandoned B. given up C. banned D. prevented
16.: ........ too late last night, we would not be so tired by now.
A. When staying up B. Had we not stayed up
C . Unless we stayed up D. If we hadn’t stayed up
17. much money she spends on her clothes, she never looks well-dressed.
A. Despite B. Without C. Regardless D. No matter
18. The girl ….. father is a farmer won the first prize in the IOE Examination last year.
A. whom B. whose C. who D. which
19. I didn't understand what he was saying because I hadn't read his book.
A. If I had read his book, I would have understood what he was saying.
B. I wouldn’t have understood what he was saying if I hadn’t read his book.
C. It was had to understand his book so I didn’t understand what he was saying.
D. I couldn’t understand his book because I didn’t read it.
20. How he got home last night is still a mystery to me.
A. I am eager to know how be got home last night.
B. I know a little about how he got home last night.
C. I know nothing about how he got home last night.
D. I am curious about how he got home last night.
21. Although he was able to do the job, he wasn't given the position.
A. He was given neither the job nor the position.
B. Because be couldn’t do the job, he wasn’t given the position.
C. He got the position despite being unable to do the job.
D. The position wasn’t given to him in spite of his ability to do the job.
22. “Stop making noise or go out of the room!” said the lady to the kids.
A. The lady said that if the kids wanted to stay in the room, they had to stop making noise.
B. The lady requested the kids to go out of the room and make noise outside.
C. The lady didn’t want the kids to be in the room.
D. The lady was angry and she forced the kids out of the room.
23. The demand was so great. They had to reprint the book immediately.
A. They demanded that the book be reprinted immediately.
B. The book would be reprinted immediately since the demand was great.
C. So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.
D. They demanded to reprint the book immediately.
24. ……. working very hard, he failed the test.
A. Despite B. In spite of C. Though D. Although
25. The bride didn't turn up. The wedding was cancelled.
A. The bride turned the wedding into a mess since she got lost.
B. The bride cancelled the wedding by running away.
C. They postponed the wedding since the bride didn't turn up.
D. The wedding was not carried out since the bride didn’t come.
26. Lucy was late for class this morning because the alarm clock didn’t ….
A. go off B. ring off C. get off D. take off
27. I suggest that she …… well for the first term examination.
A. prepared B. should prepare C. prepare D. prepares
28. The more he tried to help her, ……. she seemed to appreciate it.
A. less B. the less C. lesser D. the lesser
29. “What do you think about my idea, Tom?”, said Tuan.
A. Tuan asked Tom what he thinked about his idea.
B. Tuan asked me what I thought about his idea.
C. Tuan asked Tom what he thought about his idea.
D. Tuan asked me what I thought about my idea.
30. Something ……… happened or they would be here by now.
A. must B. must have been C. must have D. must be
31. Their students wish that there ….. a swimming pool in their school so that they could learn to swim
every day.
A. were B. be C. is D. are
32. I’m … swimmer as my sister.
A. better B. good as C. not so good D. not as good
33. His car is red beautiful. It’s made in Italy.
A. He has a red beautiful Italy car. B. He has a beautiful Italian red car
C. He has a beautiful red Italian car D. He has a red beautiful Italian car.
34. A farmer always copes with many difficulties of weather, he also has to work hard from early morning
…… night.
A. till B. to C. still D. until
35. I’m allergic to most canned food. That’s why I always look for something fresh and
A. chemical free B. air- tight C. environment friendly D. home- brewed
VI. Identify the error in the following sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (10 points)
1. Wearing school uniforms discourages students to be proud of their school because the uniforms
bear their school’s name.
2. You should stop to smoke because it is very harmful for your health.
3. At this time next year, we will have completed the course.
4. The large number of unemployed are trying to go to big cities to find work and earn money for
their families.
5. Viet Nam Airline regrets to inform passengers that flight VN 245 to Hanoi is postponed because
the bad weather.
VII. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the blank. (20 points)
People appear to learn in different ways. Some people expect to make mistakes in their studies and
are capable (1)…benefiting from their mistakes. They don't mind (2)… by their teacher and indeed often ask
to be corrected.
Others, however, dislike making mistakes. They try to avoid (3)… anything which they might do
badly. They would rather (4)… something in small steps and be sure they have got it right (5)… attempt to
do a task based on a subject they don't feel they have finished (6)… yet.
Both ways of learning seem to be (7)… valid, but a combination of the two may be the best solution.
In (8)… to learn effectively, students have to remember to take risks sometimes. But they also have to feel
comfortable and secure with what they are doing so as not to become (9) …. All students should at least
think about questioning the way that they approach (10)….
1. A. for B. of C. from D. with
2. A. correcting B. being corrected C. to correct D. to be corrected
3. A. to do B. having done C. doing D. to have done
4. A. to perfect B. perfecting C. perfect D. be perfected
5. A. to B. from C. that D. than
6. A. explore B. to explore C. exploring D. being explored
7. A. equally B. equal C. unequal D. unequally
8. A. desire B. accordance C. comparison D. order
9. A. immotivated B. unmotivated C. demotivated D. non-motivated
10. A. learning B. to learn C. learned D. to be learning
VIII. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of
blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit.
It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, if you’ve just eaten and what sort of drinks
you’ve had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.
In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you are below the legal
limit, you could be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.
It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a
heavy drinking session in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next
morning, or you could even find that you’re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you’ve had a few drinks
at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put over the legal limit.
In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had the more certain they were
that they could drive a test course through a set of moveable posts … and the less able they were to do it!
So the only way to be sure you’re safe is not to drink at all.
Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents. One thirds of the drivers killed in the road accidents has
levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of
death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breathalyzer test have
a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.
It is important to remember that driving after you’ve been drinking doesn’t just affect you. If you’re
involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure.
1. The amount of alcohol a person can drink before reaching the legal limit is
A. 800 milligrams of pure alcohol. B. approximately three standard drinks
C. different for different people D. exactly proportional to body weight
2. When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving?
A. When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all
B. When you have drunk at least three drinks before driving
C. Only when tests show that you have 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood
D. When the police think that you have been drinking from the way you are driving.
3. When you have been drinking heavily in the evening, the next day you might be ….
A. still drunk until lunchtime B. unable to drive until the evening
C. over the legal limit in the morning D. unable to drive all day
4. Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents that …
A. most drivers who died in these acidents have been drinking
B. most young men died in drink- related accidents than in any other way.
C. drinking affects people’s eye- sight
D. one in three drivers drink heavily
5. What does this article urge you to remember particularly about driving after drinking?
A. You put many other people at risk. B. You are putting yourself in danger
C. You may hurt another road – user. D. You may be taken to court by the police
IX. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. (20 points)
Speech is one of the most important (1) ……of communicating. It consists of far more than just
making noises. To talk and also to be (2) …… by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have
to use combinations of (3) …… that everyone agrees stand for particular object or idea. Communication
would be (4) …… if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very important.
The basic (5) ……of English is not very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to (6) ……it quite
well. But the more words you know, the more ideas you can (7) …… and the more precise you can be about
their exact meaning. Words are the (8) …… thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way
we say the words is also important. Our (9) …… of voice can express many motions and (10) ……whether
we are pleased or angry, for instance.
X. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown so that the meaning will stay the same. (20
1. Driving on the left feels strange to her.
She is not used ………………………………………………………………….………………….
2. “ What will you do with your plan to raise fund for the poor tomorrow?”, he said.
He …………………………………………………………………………………….……………..
3. I didn't see her again for ten years.
It …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Please don't make our teacher annoyed by such silly questions.
I'd rather …………………………………………………………………….…………………….
5. As soon as she comes back home from school, she helps her mother do the housework.
Hardly …………………………………….…………………………………………………………
6. People think that the prisoner was recaptured while drinking in the pub.
The prisoner ………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. We couldn't understand him because he spoke so quickly.
If he hadn’t ………..……………………………………………..…………………………………
8. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
Despite ………………………………………………………..………………………………….......
9. Minh regrets not paying much attention to the lecture.
Minh wishes………………………………………………..……………………………………….
10. Whatever subject you choose makes no difference to me.
It doesn’t ……….…………………………………………..………………………………………
XI. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the advantages of life in the countryside.

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