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2 Test

1 Complete the sentences, replacing the underlined words with an expression
containing the word in brackets.
1 The bad weather delayed the departure of our flight. (back)
The bad weather ________ ________ the departure of our flight.
2 My little brother always behaves in a silly way. (fool)
My little brother always ________ ________.
3 The tourist was taking a risk when he tried to take a photo of the shark. (fire)
The tourist was ________ ________ when he tried to take a photo of the shark.
4 The rain arrived and stayed for the day, so we couldn’t go out. (in)
The rain ________ ________ for the day, so we couldn’t go out.
5 We started our journey early to avoid the traffic. (off)
We ________ ________ early to avoid the traffic.
6 Josy laughed when we tricked her. (joke)
Josy laughed when we ________ ________ ________ on her.
7 I’m saving some money every month for a car. (aside)
I’m ________ ________ some money every month for a car.
8 I didn’t understand the message on my answerphone so I listened to it again.
I didn’t understand the message on my answerphone so I ________ ________
9 The school bus lets us get out outside our house. (down)
The school bus ________ ________ ________ outside our house.
10 If he uses his opportunities well, the company might offer him a promotion.
If he ________ ________ ________ right, the company might offer him a
Marks: __ /10
2 Complete the text.
Last Wednesday David was serving a customer in the bank when two masked men ran
________ the bank firing guns. They told everyone to lie face 2________ on the
floor, and one of them headed 3________ the manager’s office. He pushed the
manager 4________ the door to the safe. ‘Open it!’ he shouted, but the manager
refused. The robber set 5________ him at once, but David intervened and offered to
open the safe. He walked 6________ the safe, then put his hand on the dial. The rest
of the staff realized that David was playing for 7________ until the police arrived, so
they played 8________ with his plan. Five minutes later the bank robbers were
arrested. David said he had managed to play it 9________ because of his 10________
Marks: __ /10
3 Read the text and complete the sentences.
The Paralympic Games
The Paralympic Games are for athletes with physical and visual disabilities. They
happen every four years. Since 1988, the Paralympics have happened in the same city

Aim High 2 Unit Test 2 1

as the Olympic Games. The first official Paralympic Games were held in Rome in
1960. Four hundred athletes took part. Since then, the event has grown in popularity.
In Beijing in 2008, over 4,200 athletes participated. The Norwegian skier Ragnhild
Myklebust holds the record for winning the most Paralympic medals. From 1988 to
2002 she competed in a variety of events, winning 22 medals, including 17 golds.
Ragnhild Myklebust lost the use of her legs through polio, so she skis in a sitting

1 The Paralympic Games are held every ________ years.

2 The first Paralympics were held in ________ in 1960.
3 Nowadays, more than ________ athletes take part in the Paralympics.
4 Ragnhild Myklebust comes from ________.
5 Her disability was caused by the illness ________.
Marks: __ /5

4 Read the text again and answer the questions with a complete sentence.
1 Who takes part in the Paralympic Games?
2 Where do the Paralympics happen?
3 How many athletes took part in the first Paralympics?
4 Why is Ragnhild Myklebust important?
5 What is her disability?
Marks: __ /15

5 Find and correct the mistake in each line.
1 In 1996 David Beckham score one of the best
2 goals in history. It were the first match of the
3 season and Manchester United played
4 Wimbledon. Beckham’s team were wining
5 2–0. Beckham was receiving the ball near
6 the halfway line and look up to see the
7 state of play. He seen that the Wimbledon
8 goalkeeper Neil Hutton didn’t be in goal. He
9 was kicking the ball with his right foot and
10 it flied over Hutton’s head into the net.

1 ____________ 6 ____________
2 ____________ 7 ____________
3 ____________ 8 ____________
4 ____________ 9 ____________
5 ____________ 10 ____________
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit Test 2 2

6 Complete the mini dialogues with the affirmative or negative past simple or
past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Why didn’t you take an umbrella? (rain)
Because it ____________.
2 Why did Hannah wake up? (hear)
Because she ____________ a noise.
3 Why did he send the students home? (wear)
Because they ____________ jeans.
4 Why did the teacher get angry? (do)
Because we ____________ our homework.
5 Why didn’t you get up? (forget)
Because I ____________ to set my alarm clock.
6 Why did you leave the cinema? (like)
Because we ____________ the film.
7 Why didn’t your father answer his mobile? (drive)
Because he ____________ his car.
8 Why didn’t Mark stop? (see)
Because he ____________ the traffic lights.
9 Why didn’t you lend me your dictionary? (use)
Because I ____________ it.
10 Why did they lose the match? (play)
Because they ____________ very badly.
Marks: __ /10

Language skills
7 Complete the dialogue.
Tony Do you 1________ any team sports, Ben?
BenYes, I do. I 2________ basketball.
Tony I don’t play any team sports, but I 3________ athletics and I
________ swimming once a week. Do you play basketball often?
BenYes, I do. In fact, there 5________ a match yesterday.
Tony 6________ you win?
BenYes. The players on the other team 7________ very good.
Tony How many people are in your team?
BenThere are twelve of us, but one of our players 8________ an
accident during yesterday’s match.
Tony What 9________?
Ben 10________ he was running, he fell and broke his arm.
Marks: __ /10

8 Complete the mini-dialogues.

Dialogue 1
A When does your sister play badminton?
B 1_____________________________________________________
She doesn’t play badminton during the week.
Dialogue 2
A Do your friends prefer doing sport or watching sport?

Aim High 2 Unit Test 2 3

B _____________________________________________________
They don’t like doing sport.
A 3_____________________________________________________?
B I enjoy volleyball and swimming.
Dialogue 3
A 4_____________________________________________________?
B David Beckham. I think he’s great.
Dialogue 4
A 5_____________________________________________________?
B My father watches sport on TV every day!
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit Test 2 4

9 Write an article about a famous person from the past who you admire. Write
about 140 words. Organize your writing into four paragraphs:
• Write about their family life.
• Write about their early years and education.
• Write about their greatest achievements.
• Write about why you admire them.
Marks: __ /20
TOTAL: __ /100

Aim High 2 Unit Test 2 5

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