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Module 3


Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

TLE – Grades 7/8
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary for Curriculum: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Week 4-6 : Lesson 1

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Maintaining, cleaning, sanitizing tools, equipment and paraphernalia

is important because if it will be stored incorrectly without proper hygiene procedures, the
bacteria you're trying to eliminate will grow right on or in them, and may cause health problem
to the patient you’re taking care of.

Similarly, the cost of regular maintenance is very low when it is compared to the cost of
a major breakdown. The main purpose of regular maintenance is to ensure that all tools,
equipment and paraphernalia required for caregiving are operating at 100% efficiency always.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Clean tools, equipment and paraphernalia after use

2. Store tools, equipment and paraphernalia in the appropriate area
3. Check tools, equipment and paraphernalia regularly for orderliness/tidiness
4. Carry out routine maintenance as per Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Vocabulary List

Abrasive harsh or hurtful in nature

Bulb a rubber which is squeezed to inflate the cuff

Countertop a flat surface on top of a cabinet or display case as in a kitchen

a fabric that is wrapped around a patient’s arm

Descale to remove hard deposits in water

Dispenser something that gives out

Ear Tubes attach the earpieces to the main body of the stethoscope

Earpieces placed into the ears and transmit sounds directly into them

Funnel a tube or pipe used for pouring liquid or powder into an opening

Plate the metal part of an iron which touches the clothes for pressing

Reservoir a receptacle for storing a fluid

Submerge to place under water

also called acoustic tubes, connect ear tubes to the chest piece
(diaphragm or bell)
allows air in to inflate the cuff when the bulb is squeezed, then can be
unscrewed to release the air and remove the cuff.

a type of vinegar which is more commonly used to clean and disinfect,

White vinegar
rather than for food

Learning Outcome 1
Perform aftercare activities for tools, equipment, and


Direction: Write True if the statement is correct, or False if it is incorrect.

__________1. Before attempting to clean any electrical device, it is a must that

you turn it off and unplug from the outlet.

__________2. Blender base may be plastic or steel, but both deserve proper


__________3. The removable pieces of the food processor should not be washed

with water.

__________4. White vinegar is very useful as a cleaning agent.

__________5. The cuff (sphygmomanometer) should not be washed with water.

Refer to the Answer Key.

What is your score?

What’s New?

Let’s start with this video, watch and learn!

Lesson Information
Read Lesson Information closely and find out how much
you can remember. Then do Self-Check, Activity and Task
Sheet 1.1 to know how much you have learned.


In dealing with tools, equipment, and paraphernalia, attention to details is the best
means to prevent future problems from happening. It is a must, therefore, that tools, equipment
and paraphernalia are properly cleaned and stored after usage. In addition, a maintenance
schedule should be in place to make sure that they will operate efficiently.
As a future caregiver, it will be to your advantage if you check them daily to help avoid
jams, leakages, or breakdowns. It is, of course, necessary that you follow the usage and
maintenance instructions from the manufacturer. It would be wise also to keep the same for
future reference.
Now, it is time for you to get going and walk your way through the following steps that
you must carry out to ensure that your tools, equipment and paraphernalia will work properly.

Cleaning an Air pot

1. In cleaning any electrical device, it is basic to always turn it off and unplug. If you don't
have an electric air pot with a power button,
continue with the rest of the process.

2. Take the container to a sink and open the

lid. If there is any remaining liquid inside, pour out
and set aside the pot to let it cool.

3. Rinse the inner lining with hot water.

Clean the inside with a sponge-head bottle
cleaner to remove any loose deposits and then
rinse again.

4. Put hot water and two to three drops of mild dish detergent to the dispenser. Wait for
about 8-10 minutes and then clean the inside with a sponge-head cleaner. Wash the
dispenser with water making sure to remove all detergent residues.

5. Put hot water and 2 tablespoon of vinegar inside the air pot to descale at least once a
month. Let the solution stay in the air pot for 1 hour. If mineral deposits are seen,
descaling may be done right away.

6. You may now close the lid and dispense some of the
solution out of the spout to clean it also. This will clear
any buildup in it. Open the lid. Clean the interior again
with a sponge-head cleaner. Pour the water out and
wash the interior again with water.

7. Put clean hot water into the air pot, close the lid and
dispense the water out the spout. This will rinse the
spout of the traces of vinegar. Open the lid and pour
out remaining water.

8. You now have to wipe the lid and exterior of the

dispenser with a slightly damp, lint-free cloth and
then wipe it dry with a cloth. If you notice stains in
the exterior, add one or two drops of mild detergent
to the cloth and wipe the exterior. Rinse with
another cloth and then wipe dry.

9. It is important that you wipe the countertop where

the air pot is placed.

Cleaning a Blender
1. Clean the funnel and blender lid with liquid soap and
water. Rinse well with water and use a clean towel to
dry them.
2. Put about ¾ hot water into the blender jar and squirt a
small amount of dish soap about ½ teaspoon. You
might want to add a tablespoon of baking soda to the
water also to remove odor and stains. This will also aid
in loosening tough food particles.
3. Turn on the blender and let it run at high speed for
about 20 seconds. Doing this works well to get the
blender clean.
4. If there are really sticky and dried messes in your
blender, repeat the second and third steps a few times
until the mess is dissolved.

5. You need to rinse well the jar with hot water and towel
dry carefully, or you may turn it upside down on a clean,
dry towel or dish strainer to air dry.

6. If your blade assembly is removable, remove it and
rinse it with hot water. Wipe it dry with a clean towel.
Make sure that it is completely dry. Of course, you have
to be very careful when doing this so that you will not
cut yourself while drying the blades.
7. Remove the dirt of a steel base blender with glass
cleaner or a mixture of half vinegar and half water
placed in a spray bottle. All you have to do is spray it
on and wipe with a soft cloth.
8. If your blender base is plastic, you can use a damp
soapy rag, or an all-purpose kitchen spray cleaner, or
a mixture of baking soda and water.
9. It is acceptable to use a damp rag to wipe the electric
cord also. But you have to be sure to unplug the base
first. In addition, be sure not to get the electric plug wet.
10. It is important that you wipe the countertop where the
blender is placed.
11. Protect the blender with a fabric cover.

Cleaning a Coffee Maker

1. Make a mixture of one-part white vinegar and

two parts water. The amount of mixture depends
on the size of the coffee pot.
2. Put the mixture into the reservoir of coffee
3. Turn on the coffee maker and let the vinegar-
water mixture cycle through.
4. This time, turn off the coffee maker and let the
pot cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Pour the solution into the sink and rinse the pot.
6. Perform two cycles with the coffee maker with
cold water. Doing this will wash away the
vinegar-water solution out of the coffee maker.
7. It is important that you wipe the countertop
where the coffee maker is placed.
8. Protect the coffee maker with a fabric cover.

Cleaning and Storing an Electric Knife

1. Turn off and unplug the electric knife.

2. The blades are not required any regrinding as the
blades always remain sharp due to the constant two-
way friction.
3. There is no service part inside the unit. No
lubrication is needed.
4. Disconnect it from the mains before cleaning.

5.Dismantle the blades and wash them with hot soapy
water. Rinse the blade well and wipe with a clean cloth.
6.Clean the housing with damp cloth followed by a dry
one. Do not use abrasive cleaning materials.
7.Do not immerse the appliance in the water or other
8.Dry it through before storing or next operation.

Cleaning and Storing an Electric Opener

1. Unplug the electric can opener.

2. Because the parts are small and difficult to clean, use a
toothbrush and a mild detergent to remove food particles left
after opening cans.
3. Wipe with a dry and clean cloth and lubricate the cutter with a
light oil. Make sure to wipe away excess lubricant to make
certain that it does not transfer to the components of the can
that will be opened next.
4. Place the can opener inside its box and store in a kitchen

Cleaning and Storing a Food Processor

1. Turn off and unplug the food processor.

2. Take the parts of the food processor apart. Take them all
apart so that you get all the little pieces of food removed.
All the removable pieces of the food processor can be
washed in warm water with a mild dish soap. Scrub the
parts of the processor with abrasive cleaners or soft
brush. Be careful with the blades. They should not soak
in water but be gently wiped down first thing to reserve
3. Using a damp cloth, wipe down the base/motor area. Do not submerge this in water. Of
course, you should not pour water over the base/motor unit. If you encounter stubborn
stains, wipe it with a clean cloth using mild dish soap,
or a baking soda paste may be able to lift out the
4. Dry the pieces of the processor completely. Put it
back together and store. If you use your food
processor on a regular basis, store it on a countertop
or in another accessible location.
5. It is important that you wipe the countertop where the
food processor is placed.
6. Protect the food processor with a fabric cover.

Cleaning and Storing Food Tongs

1. Wash food tongs as soon as you are finished using it to prevent food particles from
sticking to it
2. Wipe it dry with a clean cloth.
3. Since you will frequently use food tongs, store it inside a kitchen cabinet drawer.

Cleaning and Storing Microwave Oven

1. Unplug the microwave oven.

2. In a microwave –safe bowl, mix ½ cup of water and
½ cup of vinegar (white vinegar, apple cider or any
type of vinegar will do). Put the bowl inside the
oven and cook on high for about 2 minutes. The
mixture of water and vinegar will aid in removing
dirt and foul odors from the inside of the oven.
3. Remove the bowl from the oven. As you open the
oven, be very careful because steam will be
coming out. Also the bowl will be most likely very
4. Remove the splattered grease and food
inside the oven using a sponge.
5. Wipe the outside of the oven with water and
mild detergent.
6. Wipe the oven dry with a clean cloth.
7. It is important that you wipe the countertop
where the oven is placed.
8. Protect the oven with a fabric cover.

Cleaning an Iron (Flat Iron)

1. Clean inside of the iron (for steam iron).
If your iron automatically descales water using a
replaceable filter, you just have to make sure to replace
your filter on the recommended schedule. Some irons
may need to be descaled manually. Mix one part of
water and one part of vinegar and pour into the water
chamber of the iron. The iron will steam out this
solution. Then repeat the process this time with plain

2. Clean non-coated sole plates.

Use baking soda or metal polish cleaner to clean the
sole plate. Use extra fine steel wool for plates that need
extra help. However, this should only be done as a last

3. Clean non-stick sole plates.

Use clean soft cloth, warm water and mild detergent for non-stick coated irons. For non-
stick coated irons, clean with a soft cloth, warm water, and mild detergent. Always wait
until your iron is completely cool and unplugged before cleaning it. Never use an abrasive
cleaner because it will wear away the coating on your iron.

Do not panic when a plastic melted on your sole plate, because it can be removed! Put a piece of
aluminum foil on the ironing board and sprinkle it with salt. Ironing over the salt and foil will help loosen
the plastic. Do not try to scrape the plastic off with metal tools. This may permanently damage the sole
plate. If the vent holes of your iron have become blocked with starch or buildup, you may clean them
with cotton buds dipped in a 1 to 1 ratio of water and vinegar.

Cleaning and Storing an Ironing Board

1. Remove the ironing board cover and pad.

2. Wipe the entire ironing board down with a
damp cloth. Since most ironing boards are
made of metal, be sure to dry the board
thoroughly to prevent rust.

3. Spot clean the ironing board cover with a

slightly damp cloth. Most ironing board
covers re coated with a scorch and stain
protectant, so cleaning should be easy.

4. Replace the ironing board's cover by

stretching it evenly on top of the ironing
board and making sure it doesn't form any
wrinkles that could leave marks on clothes.
Be sure the surface of the ironing board is
completely dry before reattaching the pad
and cover.
5. Fold down the ironing board and store in a
place where it will be safe from bumping and falling.

Cleaning and Caring for a Washing Machine

1. Wipe the top, front and sides of the washing

machine with spray cleaner and paper towels.
2. Wipe the underside of the lid with spray cleaner
and a couple of paper towels.
3. It is time to clean the basin or the container of the
washer. Fill it with hot water, 2 cups of lemon or
lime juice (for rust problems) or 2 cups of vinegar
for odor problems. If both problems are present,
you have to run a cycle of each.

4. For the second time, fill the washer with hot water
on the largest load setting. Put 2 cups of bleach to
the water to help in removing stains. Run a wash
and rinse cycle.
5. Fill the washer with plain water and run one more
cycle to rinse away any residue.
6. Clean the bleach dispenser by soaking it in a
bucket of warm water. When the buildup has
loosened, remove the dispenser from the pad and
place on a paper towel. Wipe away any remaining
dirt with the use of spray cleaner and paper towels.

7. Dry the dispenser and return to the original place in the machine.
8. Clean the outside of the hoses with a cloth and spray cleaner.
9. When the washer has completely dried, place its lid back. Mop the floor specially the
portion where the washer stands.

You may use a vacuum with hose attachment to clean under the washer. Dusts tend to accumulate in
this place. Be extra careful when doing this taking into account the cords and electrical outlet areas.

Cleaning and Storing a Bottle Sterilizer

1. Remove the racks of the sterilizer. Wipe

the interior with a clean, damp sponge.
2. Put 1 cup of white vinegar into the
3. Turn on the sterilizer and allow it to run
through its cycle. When the cycle is
done, unplug the sterilizer and allow it to
cool down, then pour any remaining
liquid down the sink.
4. Wash the interior well with cool water
and use a clean sponge to remove any build-up that came loose as a result of the
cleaning process.
5. Plug again the sterilizer and add the regular amount of water you use for normal
sterilization. Run a cycle with just this water. This will remove the remaining traces of
vinegar from the unit.
6. Unplug the sterilizer, let it cool down and then pour any remaining liquid down the sink.
Rinse the sterilizer one last time with cool water and a sponge. Put back the racks inside
the sterilizer.
7. When the sterilizer has cooled down completely, place it in a kitchen cabinet .

Cleaning and Storing a Sphygmomanometer

1. You may clean the aneroid gauge, valve,

and inflation bulb by wiping with slightly
dampened cloth or alcohol pad.
2. Integrated One-Piece Cuff: You may
safely clean the cuffs with a damp cloth
(70% alcohol or 0.5% bleach solution may
be used) or washed in warm water (140°F
/ 60°C maximum) with mild detergent.
Before laundering the cuff:
1. Take off the inflation bulb and
valve from the cuff.
2. Make sure to close off the end of
the tubing with tube plug accessory
3. Also, close off the cuff port with cuff port.
Laundering the cuff.
1. When using a washing machine, use gentle cycle, warm water, and mild
2. Completely air dry the cuff and reassemble the components.
3. Keep the unit in its protective case after cleaning/using.

Cleaning and Storing a Stethoscope

1. If you need to disinfect your stethoscope, you may wipe it with

a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution.
2. Wipe down stethoscope starting at the earpieces (which helps
prevent the spread of ear infections if you are not the only
person using it), continuing down the tubing, and ending
around the bell and diaphragm. Take the diaphragm apart to
remove dust, lint, or debris and clean it well before
reassembling it.
3. Store the unit in its protective case after using.

Do not immerse the stethoscope in water or in any liquid. Also, to
maintain the good condition of your stethoscope, do not subject it to any
sterilization process.

Cleaning and Storing a Thermometer

1. Clean the tip of the

thermometer by using
isopropyl alcohol and
2. Wipe away any
lubricant from the digital
thermometer with a
tissue or a paper towel.
3. Store the unit in some
protective case when
you don’t use it.

What is it?

SeIf-Check #1.1

Direction: Identify the what is being describe according in the cleaning and
storing instruction.

__________1. a type of vinegar used for cleaning than for food

__________2. part of a blender which may be plastic or steel

__________3. very useful in wiping most tools and equipment

__________4. harsh or hurtful in nature

__________5. used to protect devices specially from dust

Whats more?
Enrichment Activity

Activity Sheet #1.1

Direction: Watch these videos by following the given links. Then, write a reaction
paper indicating your observations and opinions on the proper way of caring for a
particular tool, equipment or paraphernalia. You may use the questions below as
your guide in preparing your activity.


Guide questions:

1. Was the process correctly done? Explain your answer.

2. Was there any part in the video/s that tell/s you that there is something wrong? What
part was it? Why did you come up with this observation?
3. What was your favorite part in the video/s? Why do you like it?
4. What is the best tip given by the demonstrator/s?

What have I learned?

Task Sheet #1.1

Direction: Take your own pictures showing the different processes in cleaning,
caring for, and storing caregiving tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. Then, make
a portfolio out of these picture compilations coupled with notations explaining each
picture taken. Choose only three (3) tools, equipment, or paraphernalia available in
your house.

Post - Test

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct, or False if it is incorrect.

__________1. Blender base may be plastic or steel, but both deserve proper


__________2. White vinegar is very useful as a cleaning agent.

__________3. The removable pieces of the food processor should not be washed

with water.

__________4. The cuff (sphygmomanometer) should not be washed with water.

__________5. Before attempting to clean any electrical device, it is a must that you

turn it off and unplug from the outlet.

Answer Key


1.TRUE 1.White Vinegar 1.TRUE

2.TRUE 2.Base 2.TRUE
3.FALSE 3.Paper Towel 3.FALSE
4.TRUE 4.Abrasive 4.TRUE
5.TRUE 5.Fabric Cover 5.TRUE

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