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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth


The Warwick MBA

Assignment Cover Sheet

Submitted by: 1067227, 1067110, 1067106, 1067126,

1067324, 1067111, 1067269, 1067396

Date Sent: 8 December 2010

Module Title: Market Analysis

Module Code: IB9040

Date/Year of Module: 2010/2011

Submission Deadline: 8 December 2010

Word Count: 2478 words

Number of Pages: 29 pages

Question: HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis

and Growth Strategy

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

1067227, 1067110, 1067106, 1067126,
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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

08 / 12 / 2010

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Group 4

Market Analysis
and Growth
Market Analysis
and Growth
Analysis and
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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

Market Analysis and Growth


Group 4

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1067324, 1067111, 1067269, 1067396

08 / 12 / 2010

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

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HTC Android Smartphones: Market

Analysis and Growth Strategy

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
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Assignment Cover Sheet

The Warwick MBA


Table of Contents

TOC \o "1-2"

2. Executive summary
HTC Corporation is a one of the leading manufacturers of sSmartphones. The

company’s sSmartphone business has experienced accelerated accelerating

growth over the past year. HTC’s partnership with Google to develop the Android

ecosystem is responsible for this growth.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Today, the company is known for its innovation and research. However, the HTC

brand still has a weak image compared to its competitors like Apple,and

Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung and Sony. HTC is now focusing on developing its

brand image to potentially grow its market share. This report reviews the current

marketing strategy for HTC Android phones. It analyses the marketing mix for

HTC and reviews the areas of weaknesses and opportunities to build upon.

Finally, the report provides some recommendations for the future strategy for

HTC. :

in key areas listed belowThese are to:

• Expand market presence into emerging markets with good intellectual

property laws, namely India and Brazil, but not China.

• Promote HTC at a younger market segment than existing Smartphone

customers to date, focussing on its lower price compared to the Apple

iPphone. This will mean developing a new market niche, gaining first

mover advantage and building long-term brand loyalty among consumers.

• Develop and showcase new applications development that shows value

from enhanced functionality, especially those for the target

demographicenterprise solutions.

• Maintain HTC’s core value of iInnovation by promoting new features and

functionality, customisability and design qualities.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
This future strategy would be essential for long-term sustainability for the
company.Target segments
pplications development

ASecurity enhancement

Brand awareness

1. Introduction

2.1. HTC profile

HTC Corporation, a Taiwanese company, is a powerful producer of handsets. Its

main focus is to push the boundaries of innovation in mobile phones (HTC, 2010).

HTC has a wide footprint in America, Europe and Asia-Pacific with its

headquarters in Taoyuan, Taiwan (HTC, 2010). At the end of 2009, HTC had

8,249 employees globally (Datamonitor, 2009). The company recorded revenues

of USD 4.4,379.6 million billion during the financial year ending December 2009

(FY2009), a decrease of 5.2% over 2008 (Datamonitor, 2009). See Appendix 1 for

HTC Revenues by Geography.

In Q2 2010, HTC became one of the top 10 mobile phone companies (feature and

sSmartphone inclusive) selling 5.9 million units with a market share of 1.8%

(Gartner Newsroom, 2010a). Figure 1 shows the top 10 companies in the mobile

market in Q2, 2010.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

Figure 1: HTC took the eighth position for mobile devices sold in Q2 2010 (Gartner
Newsroom, 2010a).

For the sSmartphone business alone, HTC has experienced a surge in its market

share by 73.3% in the last year and currently holds a market share of about 4.8%

(IDC- Press Release, 2010).

2.2. HTC brand development and position

According to HTC (2010), its mission is:

“To become the leading innovative supplier of mobile information and

communication devices by providing value-added design, world-class

manufacturing and logistic and service capabilities.”

In 1997, HTC started its business as a laptop Original Equipment Manufacturer

(OEM) called High Tech Computers. Soon after, HTC repositioned itself as a PDA

OEM ( 朱宜芳 , 陳妘佳 , 陳芷萱 , 2009). Having already acquired a reputation as a

world-famous PDA manufacturer, the company wanted to develop its”HTC“brand

nameown elf as a prominent consumer brand for phones rather than as a phone

manufacturer for other mobile brands. Since 2002, after first launching the

Microsoft sSmartphone, the company has introduced several HTC-branded

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
products globally (HTC, 2010). Today, the HTC brand is famous recognised for its

innovation in sSmartphones.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

2. Industry and product analysis

2.1. Our chosen product category

Today, under its own HTC brand, the company has launched many sSmartphones

using Android or Windows Mobile operating systems. The main focus for this

report will be the HTC Android phone business. The main reason for this

selection is the potential growth for businessAndroid phonethis market.

Currently, Android phones make up 25% of the market share in sSmartphones

(b, 2010NewsroomGartnerSee Figure 2). This has been projected to rise to over

29% by 2014 (Gartner Newsroom, 2010b).

Figure 2: Share of 2010 Q3 sSmartphone sales to end-users by operating system

(Gartner Newsroom, 2010b)

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Market environment for sSmartphones

In order to understand the factors affecting this industry, a PESTLE analysis has

been conducted to gauge the market environment.

• Political fFactors

The sSmartphone industry is quite reliant on the development of the telecom

industry. Smartphone companies need to lobby governments to ensure that the

telecom infrastructure is developed actively (Wang, C.C., 2009).

Economic fFactors

Mobile phones, as consumer products, are affected by the economic situation in

a country. As seen from Figure 3, the growth rate for mobile phones business

dropped dramatically in 2008. In an economic downturn, in most countries, the

demand for sSmartphones will fall significantly as people would either keep using

their existing phones or would purchase cheaper feature phones as

sSmartphones are more expensive.

Figure 3: Global mobile phones market value: $ billion, 2004-2008 (Datamonitor, 2009)

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Social fFactors

Smartphones are a fashion identity. Figure 4 shows a market analysis of mobile

and sSmartphone users (Fortune Tech, 2009). According to this demographic

analysis, sSmartphone users tend to be male, aged 30-45, college educated and


Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 44: Market analysis of mobile and sSmartphone users
(Fortune Tech, 2009)

Technological fFactors

In this industry, innovation is the key for differentiation. Many companies will

patent their technology thereby creating barriers to entry. In addition, Android,

the open source operating system (OS), has created a surge in applications

development for sSmartphones.

• Legal fFactors

Regulatory bodies within countries might restrict certain product usage creating

obstacles for market growth. But at the same time, a country with strong patent

protection law is healthy for market competition. Countries like China face

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
difficulties in enforcing such laws making it difficulty for top brands to grow their


• Environmental fFactors

. )09Datamonitor, 20(Radiationto the adoption of emission guidance by the

International Commission on Non-Ionizingedstringent laws relatare subjected to

manufacturersMobile In the EU, manufacturers are also subject toto ‘WEEE

Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment’ (WEEE) legalisation, forcing them to

develop environmentally friendly production practices. This has helped many

companies develop a “green” image. Consumers too, are becoming more

“green” conscious and opt for brands that are perceived as being more

environmentally friendly.

1. Current mMarketing sStrategy

To understand the current marketing strategy for HTC, it is necessary to evaluate

the company characteristics, the product marketing mix and the external forces

affecting HTC.

1.1. SWOT analysis

• Strengths

As a company, HTC’s main asset is its strong focus on research and

development. With about one quarter of its staff employed in research and

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
development activities, HTC has several state of the art innovation centres.

(Datamonitor, 2009).

The flexibility and openness of the Android (OS)systemngoperatiencourages

innovation and enriches the applications experience available to end-users.

Android OS has proved to attract many developers away from the iPhone due to

Apple’s restrictive software development kit (SDK).

• Weaknesses

Despite the global advertising campaign it launched in 2009, HTC still suffers

from a weak brand image in comparison to its competitors (e.g. Nokia, Apple,

BlackBerry, Sony) (Datamonitor, 2009).

Being an open source, the Android applications domain is currently very loosely

controlled. This might jeopardize the security of the system by allowing

potentially ill-intentioned suppliers to inject viruses and malware in the system

(Datamonitor, 2009).


The staggering growth in demand for sSmartphones in emerging economies is a

strategic window that HTC should exploit. (Datamonitor, 2009).

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
The professional/corporate users’ segment remains elusive for many

sSmartphone companies, with the notable exception of Blackberry. HTC can

create a differential advantage in this segment over Apple, whose applications

have not yet provend to be enterprise ready.

• Threats

Like every player in the marketplace, HTC is not shielded from innovative strides

made by competitors. TDisruptive technological advance developments haves

the capacity to upset the market balance in favour of any of the competitors. A

comprehensive analysis on threats is detailed in Section 4.3.

1.1. Marketing mix

• Product

Some key features for HTC Android phones are listed below.

a. Fast 1 gigahertz processor, 8 megapixel camera, advanced touch-screen

technology (Westley C., 2010)

b. 2010)

c. Augul J.B, JHighly customizable phone and GPS navigation (Goliath,

2010Spoonauer, 2010)

For more features comparisons, please see Appendix 2.

HTC has been very successful in gauging the kind of features customers would

want in a sSmartphones. It hasThey have been able to convert these

expectations into reality through innovation in its their products. For

exampleusing, using HTC smart software, users can trace the location of their

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
HTC phones using a computer. Also, users can stop the phone ringing by simply

flipping the phone.

• Place

The current focus for HTC phone sales is primarily in America followed by Europe

and thenAsia (Datamonitor, 2010).

Please see Appendix 1 for HTC Revenues by geography.

• Promotion

HTC‘s products are promoted through retailers and service providers. The strong

relationship between HTC and service providers impinges on the way its products

are displayed and advertised. Therefore HTC sSmartphones enjoy high visibility

in retailer’s store and service provider’s booklets.

Mass promotion is conducted via the Internet (e.g. HTC website, Social

Networking Ads, Industry forums) whereas promotion aimed at high-level

managers relies on articles in specialised periodicals like The Financial Times,

The Wall Street Journal and Tthe Economist.

Refer to Appendix 4 to 6 for promotions campaigns.

• Price

HTC Android phones are priced around USD 179 for the most popular models.

HTC is therefore in a similar pricing bracket with competitors like Motorola (USD

199) and Samsung (USD 179). However HTC Android phones are much cheaper

than the highly branded Apple iPhone (USD 300). (Goliath,

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
20102010Spoonauer,). The pricing for phones is further made competitive

through relationships with service providers.

For more price comparison, please see Appendix 3.

It is important for HTC to move towards a service model for long-term

sustainability. Hence any future strategy must incorporate the extended

marketing mix elements – pProcess, pPhysical eEvidence and pPeople.

1.1. Porter’s five forces analysis

• Bargaining pPower of cCustomer

HTC customers comprise of retailers, service providers and end-users. Service

providers and retailers have a strong influence on HTC. Their willingness to add

HTC products to their portfolios and their capacity to entice users through phone

discounts and multiple service offerings magnifies the bargaining power of these

service providers and retailers (Chip, 2010). The single end-user influence on

HTC is negligible. However, as a collective, these end-users set new trends –

thereby influencing the company – by exercising their buying preferencesthe

companyset new trends thereby influencing by exercising their buying

preferences can collectiveend-users as a seheHowever, t (ECIN, 2010).

• BBargaining pPower of sSuppliers

Phones are normally assembled using components from various suppliers. The

intellectual property for these components is owned by the OEM`s (in this case,

HTC). This structure allows HTC to quickly switch between different suppliers to

meet demand. For example, when HTC faced supplier problems with its AMOLED

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
displays, it switched quickly to Super LED displays (Computerbild, 2010). Thus

the supplier bargaining power is quite minimal.

HTC and Google are in a symbiotic relationship. HTC is keen to develop its

market through Android phones while Google is able to promote Android and

other services like Google Maps (Winfuture, 2010). Both parties have an interest

in developing the Android ecosystem.

Threat of Nnew eEntrants

The sSmartphone market being highly competitive has a significant threat of

new entrants. Some of the potential barriers that could work in HTC’s favour are

listed below.

a. Economiecs of scale and cCapital rRequirements

Due to high manufacturing costs, to reach a break-even point, significantly

high quantities of phones have to be sold in the market.

b. Differentiation

Technology patents are a barrier for new entrants (Heise, 2010). Only

Developing developing new technology might can help overcome this barrier.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
c. Access to distribution

New entrants need to establish relationships with service providers. Selling

products via the Internet is possible but raising public awareness limits selling

opportunities (The Wall Street Journal, 2010).

Threat of sSubstitute pProducts

PDA, tablets, mobile phones etc. are based on similar architecture and are

converging into the same segment. So there is a risk that the demand of

sSmartphones can be absorbed by a substitute such as a web-enabled tablet.

• Competitive rRivalry within iIndustry

Existing competitors are the biggest challenge in the market. This is the biggest

force in play. Brand development and innovation areare key to sustainability

(Heise, 2010).

This entire analysis can be summarised using the Spider diagram (see Figure

5)Please refer to Figure 5 for the analysis summary.

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 55: Porter's five forces diagram for HTC Android smartphones


SMarketing strategy for future growthThis chapter explores the best opportunities for

future growth.

As mentioned in Section 2.2, the company is driven by innovation. This should be

maintained as the core focus for HTC’s future strategy. By launching the first 4G

Android phone in key markets like the US, HTC has become a pioneers and has a

first-mover advantage (Electronista - Gadgets for Geeks, 2010). This ability of

HTC to bring and innovativetechnologically-advanced products to market rapidly

will help the company compete with key players in the market. By patenting

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
itsinnovative phone interfaces, HTC will also be able to create a successful

differential advantage, which will help the company further build on its image as

industry leaders in innovation.

1.1. Brand awareness

The Google partnership has helped HTC improve its market visibility. Using this

to its advantage, HTC has launched several sSmartphones under its own brand.

The company has become a trendier more people-centric phone developer

(Forbes, 2009). By engaging with Google on Android development and colluding

with service providers, HTC will be able to further develop its brand awareness.

HTC has already designated 2010 as its ‘Brand Year’ (Taipei Times, 2010). In the

next few years, HTC should concretise its brand further by developing a service-

oriented model in tandem with its products to offer a unique customer

experience. strong brands like Blackberry and Apple on an equal

footing.compete withcompany help theThis will

1.2. Security enhancement

As a member of the Open Handset Alliance, HTC is committed to promoting the

Android ecosystem. (HTCPhones, 2010). As discussed earlier, being an open

source system, Android is susceptible to security issues. HTC phones using

Android version below 2.2 have been found to have security flaws (PhoneArena,

2010). HTC should focus on developing a security layer to sit alongside the

Android system to makes its products more robust. a people-centric phone

developer. ebecomto journey the company’s This will be key in

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Market Analysis and Growth
HTC Android Smartphones -
1.3. Applications development

One of the key selling points for sSmartphone’s is its ability to enhance the user

experience through applications. Apple has been very successful by offering

‘Apps for Everything’ through its Apps Store on the iTunes platform. HTC has

realised the importance of this key service. Peter Chou, CEO of HTC recently

mentioned that it was no longer enough for HTC phones to be ‘skin-deep’ but it

was necessary to become ‘bone-deep’ (FT –HTC App Store, 2010). HTC should

therefore focus on developing its own unique array of applications, which will

enhance the user experience and build brand loyalty.for its customers. This will

also help HTC to develop a brand loyalty for its product offerings in the long run.

Target segments


pg 47)

Adapted from Dibb (for HTCCompetitive Strategies: Figure 6Based on the analysis,

several strategies have been identified. The key ones are highlighted in yellow in Figure


ProProductPresentNewMarketPresentNewBuilding Gen-X market shareDeveloping

enterprise solutionsDeveloping Gen-Y market + Emerging

countriesDiversification - tablets
1067227, 1067110, 1067106, 1067126,
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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

Emerging economiecs are predicted to lead the growth for sSmartphones

(Datamonitor, 2010). This is an opportunity for HTC. The company can

aggressively grow its market in areas like India and Latin America by developing

relationships with local service providers, promoting its products through various

media channels and offering excellent customer service. This will ensure

sustained growth for HTC as Europe and US reach saturation.

Figure 6: Competitive Strategies for HTC (Dibb, S. Simkin, L. Pride, W.M. and Ferrell,
O.C., 2006, p.47)

Currently only 22% of Generation -Y users have a smartphone (refer to Figure 4).

Furthermore, t

within the Android development community, requiring extensive stakeholder

engagement at a cross-industry level.
Entering the enterprise market would mean advancing into a highly significant

market sector, however it would mean entering into direct competition with

market-leaders Blackberry. Open source software has generally failed to

compete in the enterprise sector due to lack of professional technical support

services for applications, which commercial Enterprise providers like Microsoft

can give. Therefore, open source enterprise applications must be seen as part of

a wider movement
1067227, 1067110, 1067106, 1067126,
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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
The concept of the Blue Ocean Strategy (Chan Kim, W. and Mauborgne, R., (2005), Kim

and Mauborgne (2005), would suggest that value maximisation comes from being the first to

market in a new space with no existing competition. Therefore, developing a new market in the young

demographic, by positioning HTC as providing 'an affordable iPphone' should be the priority

marketing strategy. Channels and messages hannels C

.groupmature business-oriented userof a to the requirements cateringFinally, as

discussed in Section 4.1.3, HTC can develop strong secure enterprise solutions

Smartphone would help to grow this market.

sthe raised brand status of owning an HTC , activitiesThrough continuous brand

developmentusers from this demographic. engage . HTC should also make use of

its trendy website to sSmartphones at affordable prices-packed andTo tap this

market, HTC needs to develop an effective marketing campaign along with

service providers by promoting their features.Smartphone (refer to Figure

4)susers have a YCurrently only 22% of Generation-

for reaching Generation Y 'digital natives' will demand a strategy that capitalises on social media

networks (Weber, L. 2007).See Weber, L (2007) Marketing to the social web: how

digital customer communities build your business, John Wiley & Sons, New York


These will vary according to the territory. In the UK and EU, the recommendation will be to

develop a commercial relationship with’’ - the

leading online youth community for nightclub and music listings. The equivalents in other key

target markets (e.g. Brazil and India) will need to be researched and utilisedromote via

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
social media channels that are dominant for that territory, e.g. Orkut in Brazilin

order to p.

Finally, entering the enterprise market would mean advancing into a highly significant market

sector,sector; however it would mean entering into direct competition with market-leaders

Blackberry. Open source software has generally failed to compete in the enterprise sector due to lack

of professional technical support services for applications. Therefore, open source enterprise

applications must be seen as part of a wider movement within the Android development community,

requiring extensive stakeholder engagement at a cross-industry level.

These recommendations will ensure long term sustainability for HTC’s

smartphone business.

.ensuring long-term sustainabilityalong with focussed target segment campaigns

would help the company compete in the market and grow its market sharerand

development and b. Innovationstrategydevelop a strong marketing However, in

order to sustain this growth it is essential to d HTC growth over the past year.

The Android development has fuelleConclusion


Appendix 1. HTC revenues by geography

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

* Domestic operations revenue calculated by subtracting export revenues from

total revenues.

(Datamonitor, 2010)

Appendix 2.Feature comparison table on sSmartphones

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

(Phandroid, 2009)

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Appendix 3.Price comparison table on sSmartphones

(ibrii, 2010)

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Appendix 4.HYPERLINK


magic-has-been-discontinued-in-the-uk/"HTC magic

event in the UKHTC magic event in the UK

(Eurodroid, 2009)

Appendix 5.HYPERLINK



promotionsHTC promotions videos

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

(Ubergizmo, 2010)

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Appendix 6.HYPERLINK
magic-has-been-discontinued-in-the-uk/"HTC online
promotionsHTC online promotions

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth

(, 2010)


Chan Kim, W. and Mauborgne, R., 2005. The Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard:

Harvard Business School Press

Chip, 2010. HTC Desire: Netzbetreiber-Angebote zu teuer [online]

(Published on 19 April 2010). Available at:

teuer_42413970.html [Accessed 27 November, 2010]

Computerbild, 2010. AMOLED-Engpass: HTC stattet Smartphones mit

Super-LCDs aus [online] (Published on 27 July 2010). Available at:

stattet-Smartphones-mit-Super-LCDs-aus-5495001.html [Accessed 27

November, 2010]

1067227, 1067110, 1067106, 1067126,
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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
Datamonitor, 2009. Global Mobile Phones: Industry Profile [online]

(Published on December 2009). Available at:

650D59E93C56 [Accessed 26 November, 2010]

Datamonitor, 2010. HTC Corporation: Company Profile [online]

(Published on 9 September 2010). Available at:

80DC33BF7F54 [Accessed 26 November, 2010]

Dibb, S. Simkin, L. Pride, W.M. and Ferrell, O.C., 2006. Marketing Concepts and
Strategies. 5th ed. Mason: Charles Hartford.
ECIN, 2010. Online-Kaufentscheidungen gezielt beeinflussen [online]

(Published on 1 July 2010). Available at:

[Accessed 27 November, 2010]

Electronista - Gadgets for Geeks, 2010. HTC Evo 4G launches to surprising

lineups [online] (Updated on 4 June 2010). Available at:

evo.4g.demand/ [Accessed 26 November, 2010].

Eurodroid, 2009. Vodafone: HTC Magic has been “discontinued” in the UK

[online]. Available at:

magic-has-been-discontinued-in-the-uk/ [Accessed 28 November, 2010], 2010. HTC Smart Phone Promotion [online]. Available


Promotion.shtml [Accessed 28 November, 2010]

Forbes, 2009. HTC’s Design Future [online] (Updated on 21 September

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HTC Android Smartphones - Market Analysis and Growth
2009). Available at:

smartphone-design-technology-wireless-htc.html [Accessed 26

November, 2010]

Fortune Tech, 2009. How are iPhone owners different? Forrester counts

the ways [online] (Published on 12 June 2009). Available at:

forrester-counts-the-ways/ [Accessed 26 November, 2010], 2010. HTC to target online app store [online]

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