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Title of the activity:Learning the letter E with colours

Age group:5 years old

Objectives of the activity:

1. Students will able to recognize the capital letter E
2. Students will be able to identify the sound the letter E makes
3. Students will be able to find objects that begin with the letter E

Materials used for the activity

Steps for the activity:

1. )Preparation(5 minutes)
Teacher asks students to gather and sit in the morning conservation infront of the
teacher (circle time).Next,tell the students that today they will be learning about the
letter E. Ask students if anyone has a name that starts with the letter E. Find an object
around the classroom that begins with the letter E. For example, hold up an
egg. Then, have the students take turns looking around the room for
objects that begin with the letter E.

2. ) Imagination(5 minutes)
Explain to students that E has a long sound and a short sound. Then, hold up
a letter E and have students trace it with their fingers. Remind them to start
at the top, make a big line down, jump back to the top, and make three
little lines.

3. )Progress(10 minutes)
Bring students together for watching video of letter E . Ask your students to explain
what it see on the video. Bring two students to the front of the classroom and
ask them to name things that are the same according to video. Then, instruct them
to fill up the letter E according to the missing letter such as egg,eagle,elbow.

4.)Action(20 minutes)

Next, show the students the letter E and ask them what sound the letter

makes. Give each student a paper with a letter E on it and have each

student properly trace it with his finger. Instruct students to cut out little

squares from the strips of tissue paper that you gave them. Assist with

proper holding of the scissors. Lastly, have students glue the different

colored tissue paper squares onto the letter E.

5.)Closure(5 minutes)

Teacher recaps what about have they learn for the day.Next,remind students of the
letter E words they found earlier in the lesson and encourage them to find letter E
words at home too.Children share what have they learn for the day.

Analyze and evaluate each of the lesson according to the domains selected.

Language development increases through the growth of the children.Teachers should

always pay attention to these developments, since it will determine the learning
process. This can be done by giving a good example to motivate children to learn and
so forth. Teachers are greatly responsible for the success of children’ learning and
should always strive to improve children's potential in order to develop optimally.

Next,language is any form of communication in which a person's thoughts and

feelings symbolized in order to convey meaning to others. Furthermore, language
development starts from the first learn about letter sound until a child is able to speak
a word.

Then,children born without bringing any ability.The child must learn through
conditioning of the environment,the process of imitation,and given reinforcement. An
expert looked at the development of language from the point of stimulus-response,
which saw thinking as an internal process of language begin to accrue from
interactions in the environment. The other one looked at the development of language
from the point of social learning theory. Other argued that children learn by doing,
imitations or simulate a model that meant not having received a reinforcement from

Furthermore,the languange development is that listening.In addition to hear us

talking, children can also be heard from the way of a story book was read in English,
chanting simple or watch a DVD or a video in English. But for the beginning, as
educators we must choose words are few and simple.

Teaching children grammar should be done implicitly through the book that contains
sentences that have same pattern. Suppose if the first page contains the sentence of
past tense, next few pages also past tense patterned. So after a few repetitions children
can get an idea of the sentence when it used the past tense. However, if children are
taught grammar explicitly that with a lengthy explanation about the past tense
complete with formulas to be memorized, then the child will be confused and end up
afraid to write.

Phonic is a method of learning to read through the letters with how to spell one by
one, say "cat" means spelled "keh-e-tea" and read "ket". Each word is broken down
into letters. Because children learn through a spell then requires a longer time to be
read. But excess easier when children have to write down the words they heard. To
facilitate children's learning and reading, we as educators should choose books
appropriate to their level. For example, children who are just starting to read, as
educators we choose books that consist of only one word

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