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GIANT RACES STILL EXIST IN larger and more commonly seen are over companies started negotiating with

nies started negotiating with the

THE SOLOMON ISLANDS 10 feet tall, but I have come across numer- traditional landowners with memoranda of
by Marius Boirayon © 2003 ous islander accounts with evidence which understanding in order to capitalise on this
supports that they grow much taller than gold. A succession of failed attempts

cience is a progression of discoveries, that. These Giants have very long brown followed, until recent years when Ross
and this is definitely one of the bigger or reddish hair, and when they want to have Mining broke through with a 3% deal for
ones that we will have for a while. a good look at you they pull it aside from the indigenous people.
I'll get into some facts about the Giants of their face with one hand. They have a pro- In 1998, at Gold Ridge in central north-
the Solomon Islands by using the Giants of truding double eyebrow, bulging red eye- ern Guadalcanal where the mine was being
Guadalcanal first as an example. balls, a flat nose and a wide-gapped mouth. built, they got going with their bigger type
The Giants of Guadalcanal live inside the From the large hairy type, they range down of mining bulldozers pushing in roads and
huge tropical rainforest jungle mountain in size with lessening amounts of body clearing the mine area. The mine borders
ranges of Guadalcanal. They have vast hair. The smaller versions, although bigger the Giants' territory, and it would appear
cave systems running the length of the than normal human beings, are like wild that the Giants are quite territorial. On one
entire island. I have come across many men living in the jungle and are not as particular occasion, one of these huge bull-
Guadalcanal people who believe these hairy as the big ones. This is the way the dozers broke down, with one of the pins on
Giants can go from east to west through Guadalcanal Islanders describe them. the blade attachment rendered useless. As
these cave systems without seeing the light Invariably when they see these small Giant, it was late in the afternoon, they decided to
of day, and many believe that their popula- half-human people, they make efforts to drop the blade there and take the bulldozer
tion numbers in the thousands. kill them. These smaller versions are lower back to the workshop to do the repairs
The Guadalcanal Islanders also believe down in the Giants' social order, living pre- overnight so they could continue the next
there is a huge city of them underneath the dominately outside their cave systems in day.
big mountains of the island. Mount Tatuva the jungle, although all three types are When they returned the next morning,
is definitely one of this city's main found in the island's jungle. the blade had disappeared. All the boys
entrances; and if anyone ever wished to I must point out that the Solomon became confused. How could such a heavy
film these Giants, the villages closest to the Islanders don't understand that the Giants object vanish? Mind you, we're talking
mountain, where they are also seen are something big to the rest of the world. about 10 tonnes plus! So they started
regularly, is a good starting point. But that Whether by intentional design or not, it is scouting around in the bush and happened
is not required, because they are all over appropriate that the Solomon Islands' slo- to notice gigantic footprints, around three
the place and are seen on a daily basis gan is "The Place That Time Forgot". feet in length, close by where they'd left the
somewhere on the island. Guadalcanal is rich in gold—a fact that blade. They found the blade some 100
To my understanding, there are three dif- the Europeans discovered centuries ago. metres away on a small hill. From further
ferent species or types of these Giants. The Thirty years ago, various gold mining footprint investigation, they deduced that


the Giants had not carried it there but had window to a tree, the Premier said, "About Luti Mikode is well known by the people
thrown it, or had got it there some other that high"—which I estimated to be over 15 around Guadalcanal as "the Chief of the
way. feet and which would be consistent with Giants". The story about how he changed
Some years ago, as a retired helicopter the 3–4-foot-long footprints they had the Giants' attitude about eating the
pilot/engineer I was asked by the chief heli- described. Guadalcanal people about a century ago is
copter pilot of an American fishing fleet Apes and monkeys cannot breed with just extraordinary. Luti Mikode's educa-
which had helicopters to look after their Homo sapiens. So where do I think the tion of the Giants—to the effect that the
spare parts requirements, as Australia is Giants came from? I believe they are a Guadalcanal people had hearts, minds and
closer to the Solomons than Guam. The surviving species of hominoid that had feelings like themselves, and were not to be
job lasted six weeks and I was handsomely branched off well before Neanderthal man eaten—resulted in inter-clan wars amongst
paid for my little effort. and developed through evolution to be the Giants. I have recorded this widely
The office I set up was just opposite the what they are today. The Guadalcanal peo- known and most fascinating story and have
old Guadalcanal provincial headquarters, ple also believe that the Giants were there proven it to be true.
and at lunchtime I would sometimes go before they were. Apparently their gene The Guadalcanal people's language and
across the road and have a few beers there pool allows them to breed with the local the Fijian language are very close. There
with the then Guadalcanal Premier and the people. are over a hundred words in common,
Finance Minister, Victor. It was during Why are they so secretive and meaning that a Guadalcanal person can go
one of these lunchtimes that they told me universally so shy about being seen or to Fiji and speak Fijian within a week and
of an encounter with Giants that they'd had known about? I'm sure that within the vice versa (as my good friend and partner
some months beforehand. Both the Peter Casi found out when he and his
Premier, who is now a national min- band of musicians did a tour there).
ister, and Victor, who is again a The Guadalcanal Giants' language
Guadalcanal minister, had decided to Ezekiel Alebua, a once is very similar to the dialect of the
go to Gold Ridge to survey the area Guadalcanal people.
of the proposed gold mine. In mid- Prime Minister and the previous It is well known that Giants do
afternoon they got into their twin-cab Guadalcanal Premier, told me of a not like fire, possibly because of
Toyota Hilux and drove up there. burial cave in east Guadalcanal that their long hair. Some months ago,
It's quite a drive, and after passing Ezekiel Alebua told me of an inci-
a few villages on the way they his father took him to when he was dent that happened on the
arrived at the mine area. A bulldozer a child. Within that cave, there is a Weathercoast, south Guadalcanal,
had carved out a road, but, as it rains in 2000 during the tension.
frequently, the road around the side perfect Giant skeleton laid out that Five Tangarare men had gone
of a hill had become slippery and the is around 15 feet in length. hunting pig with their bows and
Hilux slipped off the road's edge and arrows, and during their hunt they
became bogged. They made some lost track of time. As it was getting
effort to get the 4WD vehicle back late and the weather was ominously
up onto the road, but then decided to turning to rain, they decided to
walk back to the last village they had next decade we'll find out the answer to build a sago palm hut quickly and camp the
passed and get a bunch of boys to come this question. night. They were sitting around a fire with-
and help them pull it out. It is my belief that the reason why the in the hut, with the rain pelting down out-
Obtaining 30-odd men, they walked Solomon Islanders' population is far side, when a huge hand and arm came
back. As they were rounding the last cor- smaller than it should be is because the through the hut's wall. An inquisitive
ner from where the 4WD was bogged, they Giants of the islands considered the local Giant had leaned over the hut and was feel-
saw their vehicle back up on the road with people as food to be eaten. ing around for what was inside. The five
two huge Giants standing there, one in Eyewitnesses who have been captured men started screaming and using sticks
front of it and other behind. The first reac- and released have told me that it is just like from the fire to beat the monstrous hand
tion for all of them was to run away, daytime inside the mountains. There is a away. Horrified, they ran straight through
screaming in absolute fear. They told me lighting system within the Giants' cave the back wall of the hut, into the darkness
that when they got the courage up some dwellings that has no obvious light source, of the bush. When they found each other
half-hour later, they returned to find the such as bulbs and lamps. the next morning down on the coast, they
Giants had left. Guadalcanal and Malaita have literally realised they had dispersed several kilome-
I asked how tall the Giants were. They hundreds of caves with Giant artefacts tres apart.
told me that the taller of the two was the within. Ezekiel Alebua, a once Prime There is a World War II mystery that has
one that had lifted the front of the vehicle Minister and the previous Guadalcanal never been solved about why initially there
up onto the road. They said that when they Premier, told me of a burial cave in east were no Japanese to resist the Allied Forces
inspected the footprints, they could see that Guadalcanal that his father took him to at Red Beach and Henderson Airfield.
each Giant had picked up the vehicle by when he was a child. Within that cave, This was uncharacteristic of the Japanese
putting one foot on the road and the other there is a perfect Giant skeleton laid out who, on other island campaigns, had
near the vehicle. Pointing out through the that must be around 15 feet in length. always fought to the very last. When the


Allied Forces arrived, they were expecting There is also evidence of a lost South be found in the 1,000-square-kilometre
to lose one in two men, but instead there West Pacific civilisation scattered across area of tropical jungle mountains west of
was no one to be found. different parts of Malaita. Around a moun- Mount Popomanaseu.
At The Borderline, very near Mount tain near Mount Mala in north Malaita's It is my dream that one day soon these
Austin, further up the road past the interior is a perfectly fitted large stone remarkable people will be recognised and
Japanese Memorial there are three block wall and path spiralling around the that we may all benefit from the
Guadalcanal tribes. The Simba is one of mountain. This path leads to a flat area on knowledge. ∞
those tribes, and living not far from them is top of the mountain, where another large
an old Giant couple, a male and a female. stone block wall separates to a higher split- About the Author:
Any of the tribes up that way will tell you level flat area where an "altar" can be Marius Boirayon was born in Australia
all about them; it's common knowledge. found. Some hundred metres further on is and raised from the age of five in the
The area is rich with many stories per- a burial site that has a perfectly flat, Highlands of Papua New Guinea. He
taining to the local tribes' tumultuous his- approximately 18 x 6 x 1–foot stone upon completed his senior education in
torical relationship with the Giants, but so it. The bush people further away from that Queensland and then joined the Royal
is everywhere else on Guadalcanal and, for area say that a Ramo of great importance is Australian Air Force (RAAF). After service
that matter, everywhere else in the buried there. There are also hieroglyphic in the RAAF, he spent some years working
Solomon Islands. inscriptions chiselled into these stone block for various companies flying mainly in the
The Giants inhabit all the larger islands walls. outback of Australia as an aeroplane/heli-
of the Solomons, but they are known by In Kwaio, a place where my wife is copter pilot engineer. In 1995, he decid-
ed to go to the Solomon Islands to live.
different names on each of these islands. from, obelisks with strange inscriptions
Marius is currently in Australia raising
However, "Moo-Moo" (like the cow noise) upon them can be found deep in the bush.
funds for an expedition to the Solomon
is the universal Solomon Islander name for In an area of Kwara'ae, north of Kwaio, Islands. Interested persons can contact
these huge people. there is a large burial place in the jungle him by mail at PO Box 148, Eudlo, Qld
Choiseul, an island 300 kilometres long with thousands of Giant Ramo skeleton 4554, Australia, by email at solomon-
by 80 kilometres wide at the western bones scattered upon the ground. A hut in [email protected], or via the web-
extremity of the Solomons, apparently has one village not far from this area has as one sites or
just as many Giant people as Guadalcanal of its main support poles a Ramo femur; alter-
has living in its interior. When you bone measuring nearly eight feet in length! natively, they can contact his colleague
observe the map, you'll notice there is not On Guadalcanal, the Giants are common John Mapson by email at mapsun@
one village in the interior of Choiseul—and knowledge to all of the local people, and
there is a very good reason for that. due to past interactions they play a major Marius Boirayon's article, "The Dragon
The island of Santa Isabel has big Giants part in the history, culture and folklore of Snake: A Solomon Islands UFO Mystery",
still living there in two different areas, but the people. The Guadalcanal Giants can is also published in this issue.
their population is far
fewer than that of
Guadalcanal. Central
northeast and central north
are the two areas where
they can be found on that
island, but just ask anyone
there and they will steer
you in the right direction.
Makira, which is east of
Guadalcanal, has only the
small, super-strong dwarf-
like Giants, which can also
be found on Guadalcanal.
In 1996, there was a front-
page picture of one of
these four-foot "Chowa-
Chowa" in the Solomons
Star newspaper.
Malaita has a very rich
history with these giant
people. The Ramo of
Malaita are the same as the
Giants of Guadalcanal,
although reportedly
culturally different.


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