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August 4th, 2:00PM
@ Menomonie Theater Guild

August 6 & 7, 6:00PM
(Wee Newsie Auditions 5:00PM)
@ Menomonie Theater Guild

October 11-13, 18-20
@ The Mabel Tainter


Katie Shay Julee Reckin-Thierer Dominique Stewart Mark Pruett

Rita Black

“Now is the time to seize the day,

Stare down the odds and seize the day.
Minute by minute, that’s how we win it.
We will find a way.”
- Seize the Day

Based on the real-life Newsboy Strike of 1899, this new Disney musical tells the story of Jack Kelly,
a rebellious newsboy who dreams of a life as an artist away from the big city. After publishing
giant Joseph Pulitzer raises newspaper prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack and his fellow
newsies take action. With help from the beautiful reporter Katherine Plumber, all of New York City
soon recognizes the power of the underdog.
All of these roles require dancing and solo singing except for Darcy and Bill (unless doubled as
newsies). Many roles are non-gender specific; please audition for whichever role(s) you like!

JACK KELLY, the charismatic leader of the Manhattan DAVEY, Les’s straight-laced, bright big brother starts
newsies, is an orphaned dreamer and artist who yearns selling newspapers to help his family earn a living, but
to get out of the crowded streets of New York and make becomes swept up in the fervor of the strike. A leader in
a better life for himself out West. Fiercely protective of his his own right who is learning to use his voice to uplift oth-
best friend, Crutchie, and strongly loyal, Jack isn’t afraid to ers, Davey is the brains of the resistance.
use his voice to attain better conditions for the working
kids of New York City. Though living on the streets has LES, Davey’s cheeky younger brother, is inspired by the
given him a tough-guy exterior, Jack has a big heart and freedom of the newsies and loves their independent
can demonstrate a sweet vulnerability – especially when lifestyle. A precocious and natural newsie, Les is an
it comes to bantering with a certain female reporter. Must intuitive salesboy and a pint-sized charmer. He should
have a great pop tenor voice and sense of physicality. present as younger than the other newsies.

KATHERINE PLUMBER, an ambitious young reporter, SPOT CONLON, the proud leader of the Brooklyn newsies,
works hard to make a name for herself as a legitimate boasts an intimidating reputation and a short singing solo
journalist in a time when women aren’t taken seriously. in “Brooklyn’s Here.”
Quick, funny, and resourceful, she boldly captures the voice
of a new generation rising in her coverage of the newsies’ NEWSIES, including ALBERT, BUTTONS, ELMER,
strike. While she generally has no time for cocky, streetwise FINCH, HENRY, IKE, JO JO, MIKE, MUSH, RACE,
young men, she makes an exception for Jack Kelly. Though ROMEO, SPECS, SPLASHER, and TOMMY BOY, are
she only has a brief dance solo in “King of New York,” some of the hard working kids of New York City who go
Katherine should have a great contemporary pop voice with on strike for a livable wage. These roles also play SCABS,
a high belt - diction is key. GOONS, BROOKLYN NEWSIES, and others as needed.

CRUTCHIE is a dedicated newsie with a bum leg. Though he DARCY & BILL, are the upper-class kids of publishers
walks with the assistance of a crutch, Crutchie doesn’t let it who side with the newsies. These roles also play
defne him; when in a jam, Jack Kelly’s best friend relies on a POLICEMEN who assist Snyder and turn against the
goofy-sweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience. Crutchie newsies in the fight that concludes Act One.
is the heart of the resistance. Though his movement will
suggest his bum leg, Crutchie should still be included in the WEE NEWSIES are additonal newsies, under the age of 9.
dance numbers. Wee Newsies sing with the ensemble in select numbers.


With the exception of the stage manager,
these are singing and dancing roles.

MEDDA LARKIN, inspired by vaudeville performer Aida

Overton Walker, this big-voiced saloon singer and star of the
Bowery offers her theater as a safe haven for the newsies.
An astute entertainer with great comic delivery, she’s a
good friend to Jack and stands frmly behind the newsies in
their fight for justice. Medda may play other roles as needed.

BOWERY BEAUTIES are female performers at Medda’s

Theater. These roles also play HANNAH, Pulitzer’s
secretary; NUNS, CUSTOMERS, and others as needed.
These are non-dancing roles with solo singing.

JOSEPH PULITZER, a pompous businessman through and Unless otherwise doubled with the newsies ensemble,
through, owns the World and is concerned solely with the the following are all non-singing, non-dancing roles.
bottom line. Katherine’s no-nonsense father, Pulitzer doesn’t
sympathize with the strikers, but he does eventually – and WIESEL, or “Weasel,” runs the distribution window
grudgingly – respect Jack. for the World and knows most of the newsies by name.
Assisted by the intimidating Delancey brothers, who
SEITZ, editor, advises Pulitzer, but ultimately admires the keep order by any means necessary, Wiesel is
kids’ newspaper. This role also plays the STAGE MANAGER Pulitzer’s disgruntled paper-pusher. Wiesel also plays
who introduces Medda’s act. The GUARD who removes the newsies from Pulitzer’s
BUNSEN, Pulitzer’s bookkeeper, comes up with the idea to
raise the newsies’ price per paper. This role also plays the OSCAR & MORRIS DELANCEY, toughs who work at
PHOTOGRAPHER, who takes the triumphant photo of the the distribution window for the World, take the side
newsies at the end of “Seize the Day.” of the publishers in the strike and are known to use
their fists to make a point.

These are all non-singing, non-dancing roles.

SNYDER, the crooked and sinister warden of The Refuge, a flthy

and horrible orphanage, is concerned only with catching enough
kids to keep his government checks coming.

The MAYOR of New York City rebuffs Pulitzer’s attempts to

shut down the newsies’ strike.

NUNZIO, Pulitzer’s barber, also plays MR. JACOBI, who allows

the newsies to congregate in his restaurant to plan their strike
– when he doesn’t have any paying customers, that is, and the
role of GOVENOR TEDDY ROOSEVELT, a well-respected life-
long public servant, who inspires Jack to stand up to Pulitzer.
This is a great role for character acting!

August 4th, 2:00PM

August 6 & 7, 6:00PM
Wee Newsies @ 5:00PM

@ Menomonie Theater Guild


An optional, pre-audition workshop will be offered to assist in preparation for auditions by practicing
songs and choreography from the show, choosing monologues, and learning basic audition etiquette.
Those interested in Wee Newsies do not need to attend the workshop.

Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes that you can move in, and bring a water bottle!



Your audition will consist of three parts*:

(1) Vocal audition. This is a pre-selected song that you have prepared. We will sing through a song as
a group, and then you will sing individually. Any additional songs will be at the discretion of the

(2) Dance audition. Our choreographer will teach a short dance routine. You will learn and
perform in groups. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes that you can move in, and bring a
water bottle!

(3) Acting audition. This is a pre-selected monologue that you have prepared. You will have a few
minutes to rehearse at the auditions, and then you will perform. Any additional scenes will be read at
the discretion of the directors.

*If you are auditioning for a non-singing, non-dancing role, you will only have an acting audition.


Children under the age of 9 are encouraged to audition for Wee Newsies from 5-6PM August 6th or
7th. These roles will participate in select scenes and musical numbers, and will focus on teaching
stage presence, teamwork, and character development. The Wee Newsies will have a lighter rehears-
al schedule than the Main Cast. Auditions for Wee Newsies will consist of a group exercise and song
taught at auditions (no preparations necessary).

How many roles will be cast, and what ages?

Around 40 roles are planned. Ages could vary from 6 to 60!

What kind of commitment is required from the cast?

Newsies is a high-energy, dance-heavy show, and we will do our best to live up to its Broadway
performances. That being the case, most roles require large responsibilities, with rehearsals at least 2-3
times a week to start for most main cast members. If you are auditioning for a lead role, you should be
prepared to make this show a priority!

Will we be doing New York accents?

Yes, although not every character will have an accent. The easiest way to learn an accent is to listen to
it over and over again. YouTube clips of the show are excellent resources to get started. We will be
working on finding the right voice for each role at rehearsals.

When will rehearsals be?

See the Audition Form in this packet for details about rehearsals.

If I’m auditioning for more than one MAIN character, should I learn more than one song and monologue?

You are welcome to, but it is not necessary to prepare more than one of each. The directors may ask you
to read or sing for another part at auditions, in which case you would be given time to practice.

Other questions?
Contact Director Katie Shay at
[email protected]
Choose ONE song below that best fits the role(s) you wish to audition for. Also consider
your own vocal range and style when choosing a song. Sheet music for each song can be
found in this packet. You can find examples of the songs on YouTube or Spotify.


Vocal range top: A4 Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: Bb2 Vocal range bottom: C3

Santa Fe The Bottom Line

Something To Believe In
The World Will Know
Vocal range top: E5
DAVEY Vocal range bottom: F3
Vocal range top: A4
Vocal range bottom: D3 That’s Rich

Seize The Day

Vocal range top: Bb3
CRUTCHIE Vocal range bottom: Db3
Vocal range top: A4
Vocal range bottom: C3 King of New York
Watch What Happens (Reprise)
Letter From The Refuge

Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: A3 Brooklyn’s Here
King of New York
Watch What Happens
Something To Believe In
Santa Fe
The World Will Know
Seize the Day
Letter From the Refuge
Watch What Happens
The Bottom Line
That’s Rich
Watch What Happens Reprise
Brooklyn’s Here
King of New York

Choose ONE monologue below that best fits the role(s) you wish to audition for. Please
consider diction, volume, character traits, and motivation.
Memorization is preferred but not necessary.

(1) The World newspaper owner and mogul, JOSEPH PULITZER, speaks to his staff about how he
plans to increase his profits.

Gentlemen, the World is in trouble. Our circulation is down for the third quarter in a row. Whoever
said “War is hell” wasn’t trying to sell newspapers! People, just a modest adjustment can fatten the
bottom’re not thinking this through! Right now we charge the newsies fifty cents for a
hundred papers. But if we raised their price to sixty cents per hundred...every single newsie would
have to sell twenty-five more papers just to earn the same as always. It’s genius! And to those who
say it may be rough on those children, I say I’m giving them a real-life lesson in economics. I couldn’t
offer them a better education if they were my own!

(2) Newsie leader, JACK KELLY, pleads with the scabs who are threatening to work during the

Listen, fellas...I know somebody put ya’s up to this. Probably paid ya some extra money, too. Yeah?
Well, it ain’t right. Pulitzer thinks we’re gutter rats with no respect for nothin’, includin’ each other.
Is that who we are? Well, we stab each other in the back, and yeah that’s who we are! But, if we
stand together, we change the whole game. And it ain’t just about us. All across this city there are
boys and girls who ought to be playin’, or going to school. Instead, they’re slavin’ to support
themselves and their folks. Ain’t to crime to bein’ poor, and not a one of us complains if the work we
do is hard. All we ask is a square deal. Fellas...for the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop,
factory, and slaughter house in this town, I beg you...throw down your papers and join the strike.

(3) Ambitious young reporter and daughter of Pulitzer, KATHERINE PLUMBER, tries to convince
Jack how to win the war on her father.

Really, Jack? Really? Only YOU can have a good idea? Being boss doesn’t mean you have all the
answers, just the brains to recognize the right one when you hear it. The strike was your idea. The
rally was Davy’s. And now MY plan will take us to the finish line. Deal with it. (Holds up paper.) “The
Children’s Crusade: For the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop, factory, and slaughterhouse in
New York, I beg you...join us!” With those words, the strike stopped being just about the newsies.
You challenged a whole generation to stand up and demand a place at the table. Think, Jack, if we
publish this - my words with one of your drawings, and if every worker under twenty-one read it
and stayed home from work...or better yet, came to Newsies Square, we would have a general city-
wide strike! Even my father couldn’t ignore that!

(4) JACK rallies the newsies to strike against the newspaper moguls.

Alright, here’s the deal; if we don’t sell papes, then NO ONE sells papes. Nobody gets to that window
until they put the price back where it belongs. You heard Davey, we’re on strike! We shut down this
place like them workers shut down the trolleys.

(5) KATHERINE interviews the striking newsies.

The only thing I’m following is a story. A rag-tag group of ragamuffins wants to take on the
kingmakers of New York. Think you have a chance? Question too difficult? I’ll rephrase: will the
richest and most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven’t got a
nickel to their name?

(6) DAVEY gives Jack a pep talk.

Look, they got us this time. I’ll grant you that. But then I saw this look on Weasel’s face...he was
actually nervous. And I realized, this isn’t over. We got them worried. REALLY worried. And that’s
what you call a beginning.

(7) CRUTCHIE begins his day by climbing down from Jack’s rooftop penthouse in the sky.

I wanna beat the other fellas to the street. I don’t want anyone should see...I ain’t been walkin’ so
good. Someone gets the idea I can’t make it on my own, they’ll lock me up in The Refuge for good. Be
a pal, Jack. Help me down?

(8) PULITZER faces off with Jack.

You are as shameless and disrespectful a creature as I was told. Do you know what I was doing when
I was your age, boy? I was fighting in a war. It taught me a lesson that shaped my life: you don’t win
a war on the battlefield. It’s the headline that crowns the victor.

(9) MEDDA LARKIN gives Jack advice he doesn’t want to hear.

Here’s everything I owe you for the first backdrop, plus this one, and even a little something extra
just on account’a I’m gonna miss you so. Just tell me you’re going somewhere, and not
runnin’ away. When you go somewhere and it turns out to be the wrong place, you can always go
somewhere else. But if you’re runnin’ away...nowhere’s ever the right place.

(10) LES is livin’ the life and impressing his older newsie friends.

What’s the hold up? I need to let my girl know. We’ve got a date. Yeah, you heard me. Fame
is one intoxicatin’ potion. And this here girl, Sally? She’s a plum. So can we table the palaver* and
get back to business? Will Medda let us have the theater or not?

*’Table the palaver’ means ‘Cut out the small talk and get to the point’. Palaver is pronounced ‘puh-LAV-er’.
Audition #


Please use your most reliable email/ ALL ROLES YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE
phone, as this communication is vital CONSIDERED FOR:
between cast and crew.
EMAIL: ________________________________
PHONE: ________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________
Check here if you will accept ANY role
______________________________ offered you. Please be honest -- this helps
our team streamline the casting process!
AGE: ______ HEIGHT: ______




EXPERIENCE: List relevant music (including choral), dance or gymnastics, or acting

(shows and roles played) experience.





SPECIAL SKILLS: Please list any special skills you may possess, even if it seems whacky!
(Examples: cartwheels, flips, juggling, whistling, sommersaults, splits, musical instrument,




IMPORTANT!! Commitment Info: Rehearsals are tentatively set for Monday - Thursday
evenings, normally 6-9pm, and Sunday afternoons (times can occasionally start early &
run late, especially closer to opening). Some Friday or Saturday rehearsals may be
scheduled as needed.

Regular rehearsals begin Monday, Aug. 12 (1st read thru). All members of the cast must be
available for the orchestra, technical, and dress rehearsals (Oct. 1-10), as well as all
performance dates (Oct. 11-13, 18-20). We may also ask that you be available for
promotional appearances (dates to be determined), costume fittings & work parties.

LIST ALL KNOWN CONFLICTS. Your availability for all rehearsal dates will be assumed
and expected unless you list the date as a conflict. Conflicts that arise during the rehearsal
period need to be cleared by the Director or Asst. Director. Absence at a rehearsal not listed
or excused as a conflict may result in your dismissal from the cast.

CONFLICTS: You must list any and all known conflicts with rehearsals or performances!
(August 12 - October 20) Please list dates/times/activities that may conflict with this
production. If you are unsure, write down your best estimations.





OPTIONAL: Why do you want to be in Newsies?


If I accept a role in MTG’s Newsies, I will make myself available and be on time for all scheduled rehearsals and performances, and all other
commitments listed in the Commitment section of this form. I have listed all known or anticipated schedule conflicts on this form. I will not
be absent unless I have been given prior approval for absence by the Director/Asst. Director. I understand that cast members may be asked
to provide or purchase part of their costume/shoes. I grant permission for MTG to use my likeness and/or personal statements to
publicize the performance. I understand that I rehearse and perform at my own risk.

Please sign here (Parent/Guardian signature if under 18) if you have read and under-
stood the above information:


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