BD-DethiHSGVo ng1-LuuHaedit9 2021

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MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH (đề chính thức)

Full name:……………………. Class:….


Name: Andrea Brown
Address: 24 1............................ Road Postcode: 2. ............................
Phone: (mobile) 3. ............................
Heard about company from: 4............................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Pick-up: Wed 6th July

Date and time: 1. ............................
Name of passenger: Sam William
Pick-up point
No.&street: 2. ............................ Willowside bank Town: 3. ............................
Postcode: 4. ............................
Mobile contact: 5. ............................
Destination: Heathrow – terminal 5

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Part 2: Fill in the blank

Welcome to the Fiddy Working Heritage Farm. This open-air museum gives you the
experience of (1).................................................................................. in the English
countryside at the end of the nineteenth century. So you’ll see a typical farm of that period,

and like me, all the staff are dressed in clothes of that time.

I must give you some (2).................................................................................. before we go any

further. As it’s a working farm, please don’t
(3).................................................................................. the animals . We have a lot here, and
many of them are breeds that are now quite rare.

And do stay at a (4)...............................................................from the tools : some of them have

(5)............................................................ which can be pretty (6)...................................., so
please don’t (7)....................................them. We don’t want any accidents, do we?

The around is very uneven, and you might slip if you're wearing sandals so I'm glad to see
you're all wearing (8)....................................- we always advise people to do that.

Now, children of all ages are very welcome here, and usually even very young children love
the (9)........................................................................, so do bring them along next time you

I don’t think any of you have brought dogs with you, but in case you have, I’m afraid they'll
have to stay in the (10)...................................., unless they’re (11)..................................... I’m
sure you’ll understand that they could (12)..................................................................on a farm.

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.


I/ Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following
1. A. agency B. complex C. bankruptcy D. exchange
2. A. scarcity B. foreigner C. creditable D. deposit
3. A. interview B. shortage C. supportive D. applicant
4. A. optimistic B. humanity C. commercialize D. biology

5. A. sympathetic B. mysterious C. competitive D. immediate
6. A. passenger B. possession C. popular D. property
7. A. specify B. service C. transaction D. transit
8. A. individual B. certificate C. biology D. apartment

II/ Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
9. A. Ethiopia B. South Korea C. North America D. Thailand
10. A. resolution B. introduction C. politeness D. conversation
11. A. chimpanzee B. refugee C. interviewee D. committee
12. A. electric B. entertain C. plentiful D. negotiate
13. A. enclosure B. incline C. exacerbate D. eradicate

III/ Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the
given one
14. "Have you ever been to Japan?" he asked me.
A. He asked me if Japan was visited by me.
B. He asked me if I had ever been to Japan.
C. He wanted to know whether had I been to Japan.
D. He told me if I had gone to Japan.
15. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
A. My French friend had difficulty to drive on the left.
B. My French friend is not used to driving on the left.
C. My French friend is used to driving on the left.
D. My French friend has no problems with driving on the left.
16. “My teacher gave me this exercise yesterday,” said the girl.
A. The girl said (that) her teacher had given her this exercise yesterday.
B. The girl said (that) her teacher had given her that exercise the previous day.
C. The girl said (that) her teacher gave her this exercise yesterday.
D. The girl said (that) my teacher gave me this exercise yesterday.
17. People say that prevention is better than cure.
A. It is said that prevention is better than cure.
B. Prevention is better that cure is said by people.
C. Prevention says to be better than cure.
D. That prevention is said is better than cure.
18. Well, this tea is too hot for me to drink now.
A. I wish I couldn't drink this tea. B. I wish this tea were hot.
C. I wish this tea was hot. D. I wish this tea wouldn't be too hot.
19. “What do you think Steve is doing in the garden?” she asked.
A. She asked what was Steve doing in the garden.
B. She asked what Steve is doing in the garden.
C. She asked what Steve was doing in the garden.
D. She asked what is Steve doing in the garden.
20. He asked me: "Why didn't you come to class yesterday?"
A. He asked me why I hadn't come to class yesterday.
B. He asked me why I didn't come to class the day before.
C. He asked me didn't you come to class the day before.
D. He asked me why I hadn't come to class the day before.
21. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice.
A. We had a meal in a nice restaurant.
B. The restaurant where we had the meal was so nice.
C. The restaurant served nice meals.
D. It was such a nice meal in the restaurant.
22. I don't remember that I met him in London.
A. I remember to meet him in London.
B. I don't remember meeting him in London.
C. I remember meeting him in London.
D. I remember not meeting him in London.
23. I don't really want to visit the art gallery.
A. I'd rather not visit the art gallery.
B. If I were you, I wouldn't visit the art gallery.
C. I am not allowed to visit the art gallery.
D. The art gallery is too far for me to visit.

IV/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. Write A, B, C, or D

in the space provided.
24. My mother always tries to ______ perfection in everything she does.
A. accomplish C. attain
B. gain D. manage
25. The director was not at work, so the vice director took the ______ himself and confirmed
the deal.
A. initiative C. task
B. issue D. biscuit
26. If she ______ as honest as you believe, she wouldn’t have done that.
A. would be C. were
B. would have been D. have been
27. This new job is a golden ______ and far too good to turn down.
A. chance C. position
B. opportunity D. time
28. Judging from the noise it is making, the dishwasher is on its last ______.
A. feet C. breath
B. legs D. resort
29. “Did the kids enjoy the circus?”
“Absolutely! The clown got them ______ all the time”
A. to be laughing C. laughing
B. laugh D. to laugh
30. “Why was Lena upset?”
“The moment she ______ into the party, she saw someone wearing a similar skirt.”
A. had walked C. walked
B. was walking D. walking
31. “Have you heard that John has just been given the scholarship?”
“Yes, but intelligent though he is, he has no basic ______.”
A. knowledge C. education
B. common sense D. quality
32. Now come on, stop shouting. You’re ______ a fuss about nothing.
A. doing C. having
B. getting D. making
33. Several of the passengers got a little rowdy and started behaving ______ complete idiots.
A. like C. as
B. alike D. such as

24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box below.
Write your answer in the space provided. (9 pts)

make out tune in dip into take up

turn out
work out bring round do without go about

34. Don’t forget to ______

tune in tomorrow at 8.15 to find out who killed Lady Stone in the last
episode of our Radio Mystery series.
35. It is said that Isaac Newton work
outthe law of gravity after he’d been hit on the head by an
36. It’s not quite the sort of book you’d want to read from cover to cover, but it’s quite
interesting to ______ now and then.
37. My time is fully ______ with gardening.
38. I could hear voices, but I couldn’t ______
make outwhat they were saying.
39. The house they had offered us turns
out to be a tiny flat.
40. If they can’t get it to us in time, we’ll just have to ______.
41. Despite the threat of war, people ______ their business as usual.
42. They didn’t like the plan at first, but we managed to _____
bring them______.

34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42.

VI. Complete the following passage by filling each blank with the suitable form of the
word given. Write your answer in the space provided. (10 pts)

Many people remember the men’s 100 metres final in the 1992
Olympics for Linford Christie’s astonishing look of (43)………….determination
Christie was (44)……………. ready for winning and this gave him
an advantage over his (45)………….
competitor In top-level sport it is now the
mental (46)…………of
capability athletes that have the biggest impact on who
wins and loses. When suffering from stress, athletes can experience
a sudden, dramatic (47)………….
lost of performance. Nowadays, they are under
more stress than ever. The (48)……………
finacial stakes are high- if you win a
gold medal in a main event at today’s Olympics, you can confidently
expect to become a millionaire, but if you lose, you get nothing.
Sports psychologists teach athletes to replace negative (49)……………..with
positive ones. Some athletes use (50)……………...
breathing exercises and think about
certain words to help them relax and stop (51)……………themselves thinking of THEY
destructive things which could affect their performance.

43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

48. 49. 50. 51. 52.


I. Fill each blank with the most suitable word. Write your answer in the space provided.
(10 pts)

Until recently, the "science of the future" was supposed to be electronics and artificial (53)
______. Today it seems more and more (54) likely
intelligence ______ that the next great breakthroughs in
technology will (55) ______brought through a combination of those two sciences with organic
chemistry and genetic engineering. (56) This
______ combination is the science of biotechnology.
Organic chemistry (57)______
enables us to produce marvelous synthetic materials. However, it is
still difficult to manufacture anything that (58) ______
has the capacity of wool to conserve heat
and also to absorb moisture. Nothing that we have been able to produce so far comes
anywherenear the combination of strength, lightness and flexibility that we find in the
bodies of ordinary insects.
Nevertheless, scientists in the laboratory have already (60)______ in "growing" a material that
has many of the characteristics of human skin. The (61)______
next step may will be "biotech
hearts and eyes" which can (62)______
replace diseased organs in human beings. These will not be
rejected by the body, as is the case with organs from humans.
53. 54. 55. brought about 56. 57.
58. 59. 60. succeeded 61. 62.

II. You are going to read a magazine article about diabetes. Choose from the list (A-G)
the sentence which best summarises each part (63-67) of the article. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write
A-G in the space provided. (5 pts)

A. There is no reason why diabetics should not enjoy a normal life.

B. The B.D.A. is at the public’s disposal.
C. Weight control and regular exercise play an important role in a diabetic’s life.
D. Insulin injections are widely used, but they are not very helpful.
E. Diabetes is the result of inadequate insulin being produced.
F. Some foods help to keep blood sugar down.
G. High-fat foods should be avoided.

(0) ___E____

Most of the functions in the human body are controlled by hormones. Insulin, a
hormone produced by the pancreas, controls the amount of sugar in the blood which is then
used by the body to generate energy. The insufficient production of insulin leads to a common
disorder called diabetes.

(63) __________
Having diabetes does not mean giving up all your favorite foods and eating differently
form family and friends. However, a sugar-free diet still remains the cornerstone of the
treatment of diabetes. Nowadays, doctors recommend that people with diabetes should
continue their lives as usual, but should follow a well-balanced and healthy diet.
(64) ________________
The British Diabetic Association has published guidelines to assist people who need to
follow a special diet. The B.D.A recommends controlling body-weight, reducing fat
consumption and eating more fruit, vegetables and starchy food. If there is a need to lose
weight, realistic short-term targets are most helpful. Aiming for a slow but steady weight loss
of one kilogram per week is ideal, until the desired weight is achieved. Including more
exercise in your daily routine, and checking your weight once a week are also recommended.
(65) _____________
It is also advisable to avoid cooking meals using large amounts of fat- choose lean meat
or low-fat items instead. Removing the skin from chicken and using fat-free milk are also
good ways of reducing fat in the diet. Moreover, cutting down on the amount of butter and
cheese by using the low-fat versions is recommended. Biscuits and cakes are also high in fat
(66) ___________
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is highly recommended. Beans and lentils contain
a considerable amount of a certain type of fiber which helps to slow down the rise of blood
sugar levels after meals. Choosing brown bread and flour instead of white, and high-fiber
breakfast cereals, is also appropriate.
(67) ___________
Diabetics should be able to enjoy normal and healthy lifestyles once they decide to
follow the B.D.A. guidelines. The experts of the Association are always available to provide
further information on this matter.

63. 64. 65. 66. 67.

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions.
Write A, B, C or D in the space provided. (8 pts)

For centuries, people have searched for a way to replace dead and decaying teeth with
comfortable false teeth. Many materials have been used to make a set of false teeth. The teeth
themselves should be made from a hard and durable material. They should be secured to a soft
material, making them easy to wear. In the last two decades, dentists succeeded in making
durable false teeth that are comfortable, too.
Two thousand years ago, the Etruscans made teeth out of animal bone and gold. These
materials were used-with varying degrees of success-up to the 1700’s. When 24 George
Washington was president, ivory from animals such as elephants became a popular material
for false teeth. Doctors and inventors also tried silver, pearl, and agate, but teeth made from
these materials were very expensive. Perhaps the most successful material was porcelain,
invented by a Frenchman about two hundred years ago. White, strong, and resistant to decay,
porcelain is still used today for making single teeth.
Besides finding a material for the teeth, inventors also had to find a way to secure them
in a person’s mouth. People tried wire, springs, and many kinds of glue to accomplish this. In
most cases, however, discomfort and the likelihood of the teeth falling out plagued the person
who wore them.
Around 1844, an American dentist named Horace Wells used laughing gas to put people
to sleep before working on their teeth. This innovation made dental work a lot less painful.
Soon after, an inventor created the first form of rubber. This was important to dentistry
because teeth could be attached to the rubber, and the rubber could be molded to fit the shape
of the mouth. With these two developments, dentists could work without causing pain and
could fit teeth more carefully. False teeth have become more available and comfortable since
then, and dentists have continued to improve the making and use of false teeth.
68. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. Horace Wells C. False teeth
B. Gold and bone D. The Etruscans
69. The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to ______.
A. teeth C. materials
B. people D. dentists
70. The word “varying” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by the word:
A. constant C. changeless
B. fluctuating D. stable
71. Porcelain was invented after the first use of _______.
A. rubber for holding for holding teeth in place B. laughing gas
C. ivory for making teeth D. electric drills
72. When was rubber found to be a useful material for false teeth?
A. after laughing gas was used to put patients to sleep __________.
B. while George Washington was president
C. before a Frenchman invented porcelain
D. while the Etruscans were making teeth of bone and gold
73. Which paragraph would complete best for the following sentence?
“It is unimaginable what will come next.”
A. Paragraph 1 C. Paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4
74. The word “molded” in the fourth paragraph means ________.
A. formed into a shape C. to form an organic growth
B. to make an ornament D. the fitting of a shoe

75. The word “resistant” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by the word _______.
A. prone C. insusceptible
B. hearty D. sassy
68. 69. 70. 71.
72. 73. 74. 75.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
eight words, including the word given. Write the sentence in the space provided. (10 pts)

76. You really don’t have to phone me when you’re away on holiday. OBLIGATIOIN
- You ………...……………………………………………………when you’re on holiday.

77. It was such a sunny day that none of us wanted to do any work.
- None of us ……………………………………………………
felt like working because it was such a sunny
78. My father was disappointed to hear the news that the match had been cancelled.
- News of the cancellation of the match …………………………………….
79. Everyone expects a lot of people to attend the concert of that well-known band.
- A huge crowd …………..…………………………… of that well-known band
80. Lots more students have been studying English online this year.
- There ………………………….. the number of students studying English online this year.
81. We never imagined that you might get a scholarship.
- It …………………………………………………you might get a scholarship.
82. You may borrow my bike as many times as you like. RESTRICTIONS
- There are …………………………………………. you may borrow my bike.
83. Peter is very busy now that his company has just been set up.
- Peter …………………………………that his company has just been set up.
84. Lan assured me that she fully intended to complete the project.
- Lan said she………………………………….. the project.
85. The plan has no chance of succeeding as it wasn’t well thought-out.
- Not being well thought-out, the plan…………………………………………………..


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