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5-2-3 Karma Cleansing Exercise

This Life in Yoga school of yoga finds four types of patterns embedded in people. These
include reactions to events, unfulfilled wishes, going against the flow, and personality
elements. Technically, in the Hindu system the first three are referred as Karmas and the
last is called Vaasanas. For the sake of convenience, later in this document, they are
collectively referred to as karmas. These patterns are psychic impressions similar to the
way programs lodge themselves in magnetic medium. This exercise is designed to
gradually remove these patterns to enable a higher level of spiritual awareness.

In the five types of exercises that this school follows (physical, breath, sound vibration,
mental and observation), this technique is the fourth and is one of the more subtle
techniques used. It requires faith to enable mental affirmation. Therefore, this higher
form of yoga is not appropriate for those who are uncomfortable with placing faith in
anything that they cannot see or directly verify. It is best for them to stick to physical,
breath and sound vibration until their own experiences make them want to try this.

Karma Cleansing is a thought based (mental) exercise that works to cleanse the energy
channels. It is the power of the intention in the thought that makes it work. For the first
4 weeks, the exercise changes each week, and thereafter it stays the same as the fourth
week exercise.

1. Basic Instructions on Process

There are three steps to the cleansing.

1. Affirmations and Visualization – to stimulate the thought energy – this never
changes in any week.
2. Breaking up Karma Patterns – This is the only step that changes in the first 4
3. Purging Residue – to get rid of any debris from the pattern breaking process in
step 2.

Knowledge of the Chakra system is useful while reading the following instructions.
Those not familiar with it may check the appendix for details on each chakra.


The purpose of these affirmations is to use power of thought to establish the connection
between the Ultimate and this body.

Affirmation 1: I invoke the three aspects of the Ultimate – Tryambakam Yajaamahe

(a) Visualize the unchanging and immortal self as a presence in the solar plexus in
the Atma Chakra with a ring of heat around it in the chest.
(b) Visualize its projection of Universal Consciousness in the middle of the head.
Feel it like a bright shining sun.

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(c) Visualize a big moon-like presence six inches above the head – this is the
projection of the Universal Consciousness for this Lifetime. This is also called
the Sudarshana.

These are the three aspects of the Ultimate in us – also called the Tryambakam or the
three eyes of the Ultimate.

Affirmation 2: I come into this body as Light – Shukrena Jyothigumshi Sa Manuh

Pravishtha Prajpati charati Garbhe antaha.

Visualize a downpour of light from the Sudarshana going down as a column from the top
of the head to the bottom of the feet and below.

Affirmation 3: All beings in creation have come from the One Source to unfold the
Cosmic Flow.

Feel a bond with all of existence coming out as love or kindred spirit from the heart
spreading in all directions within and outside the body.

Affirmation 4: My Will power is the seed of the Ultimate’s energy in me.

Visualize vigor and energy emanate from the navel area spreading in all directions. Feel
that nothing is impossible, but everything must be for the purpose of the Ultimate.

Affirmation 5: I have a purpose in Life according to the design of the Ultimate.

Feel that you are here to fulfill a mission for the pleasure of the Ultimate. Feel all the
energy channels and chakras open up as you align yourself with the mission of the
Ultimate. Feel the glow of light in the Sudarshana . . . feel the glow in the Aagjnyaa
Chakra . . . feel the glow in the Vishuddhi Chakra . . . feel the glow in the Anaahata
Chakra . . . feel the glow in the Manipuraka Chakra . . . feel the glow in the
Swaadhisthaana Chakra . . . feel the glow in the Moolaadhaara Chakra . . . feel the glow
in the knee Chakra between the knees . . . feel the glow in the ankle Chakra between the
ankles . . . feel the glow in the sole Chakra in between the base of each feet . . . feel the
glow in the Bhoo Chakra six inches or so below the feet.


This practice changes from week to week, with the first week focusing on the Aagjnyaa,
Vishuddhi and Anaahata Chakras, the second week focusing on the Manipuraka,
Swaadhisthaana and Moolaadhaara, and the third week focusing on the knees, ankles and
the soles of the feet. From the fourth week on, it is the same process of working along
the entire length of the body – both inside the body along the Sushumna Naadi or central
channel and along the aura of the body stretching to a few feet on all sides around us. In
this method, during the first three weeks, when we focus on three chakras at a time, we
work on the first chakra 5 times, the second 2 times and the third 3 times. This is based

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on our observation of where people have greater or lesser need for cleansing. Hence we
call this the 5-2-3 technique. Those who are perceptive and see their needs to be different
can work for a longer number of times in specific chakras where the needs are greater.

Practice for Week 1:

Now mentally lift the Sudarshana, the moon above the head, out of the body over the
head and in a circular movement bring it in front of your face and straight into the
Aagjnyaa Chakra in the middle of the head. Visualize the Sudarshana spinning in a
clockwise direction with the sound of OM as it enters the head. Feel the spikes or beams
of light emerge in all directions from the Sudarshana and break up all patterns in and
around the head area. As it continues its spinning and breaking of patterns let it slowly
move upward cutting through the patterns until it reaches its usual place about six inches
above the head.

Do the entire circular motion and the full practice described in the previous paragraph 4
more times to complete 5 rounds.

Then move on the Vishuddhi or throat Chakra. Again visualize the spinning circular
movement with Om and the Sudharshana now works in the area in and around the throat
and slowly lifts upward as it continues to work on breaking through the entire path. Do
this a second time to complete 2 rounds.

The same visualization is done for 3 times in the Anaahata or heart Chakra.

Practice for Week 2: The same type of visualization of the Sudarshana spinning in a
circular movement and entering the Manipuraka or navel Chakra, Swaadishthaana or
sacral Chakra and Moolaadhaara or root Chakra and then rising up is done in the next
week. In the Manipuraka it is done 5 times, in the Swaadhishthaana it is done 2 times
and in the Moolaadhaara it is done 3 times.

Practice for Week 3: In the third week, the same practice is done 5 times for the knee
Chakra, twice for the ankle Chakra and 3 times for the Chakra in the soles of the feet.

Practice for Week 4:

From the fourth week on the practice remains unchanged. Here mentally lift the
Sudarshana, the moon above the head, out of the body over the head and in a circular
movement bring it in front of the body and taking it all the way down to the floor in front
of you and about six inches below the feet at the place of the Bhoo Chakra. Visualize the
Sudarshana begin to spin in a clockwise direction with the sound of OM. Feel the spikes
of light emerge in all directions from the Sudarshana and break up all patterns inside and
outside the body.

Visualize the Sudarshana rise from below the feet to its natural place above the head.
Feel it rise along the middle of the body and break through all the patterns in and around

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the body. When it reaches its natural position about 6 inches above the head, instead of
any circular movement simply visualize it come back down along the middle of the body
going all the way below the feet again breaking through the patterns in and around the

As you progress over several weeks and the practice becomes easier, make this practice
timed with the breath. Visualize the Sudarshana rise from below the feet to its natural
place above the head with each inhalation. Feel it rise along the middle of the body and
break through all the patterns in and around the body with the sound of OM. As you
exhale visualize it come back down along the middle of the body below the feet again
breaking through the patterns in and around the body with the sound of OM.

Those for whom it is safe 1 to practice Ujjayi Praanaayaama, this Praanaayaama technique
can be combined with Karma cleansing in this fourth week routine.


The last step after breaking the karma patterns, is to purge the residue. Give yourself a
minute to visualize some of the lighter debris smoke out of the top of the head and feel
some of the heavier debris settle as ashes towards the feet. Now invoke a Tornado or a
Whirlwind that would form several feet above your head (like 100 feet) and flow through
and around you and carry with it all the debris taking it down deep into the earth. You
can visualize this as a series of Tornados coming from the top and going into the earth or
you can visualize it as a continuous swirl. Continue doing this until you feel fully
cleansed. In the initial stages when you are unable to feel the cleansing adequately, you
can time yourself for two minutes.

2. Frequency of Practice and Area of Focus

The three steps noted above should be done morning and evening – i.e. twice a day –
minimally. It should take 10 minutes or less each time.

Please note that the power of the mind is at work here. So your intention is what matters.

While we find it essential to do this minimally twice a day through out ones life, there are
other practices from other traditions that have some similarity but are not as effective. To
conceptually understand how this works, Catholics can think in terms of the absolution
process of the ritual called Confession. Hindus can think of the absolution process done
in a ritual called Upakarma once a year. The key to effectiveness of all of these
techniques is in the mind – the intention.

Please check with a proper teacher to understand whether it is safe for you to practice Ujjayi
Praanaayaama. This practice is NOT advised for anyone with blocks in their energy flow along the
Sushumna Naadi.

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3. The Power & Impact of This Practice

The impact of the karma cleansing practice can be immediately experienced by doing the
AtmaVyakta Mudra before and after and seeing the difference it makes in ones inner
withdrawal and the calm awareness.

However the long term impact is much more important. Karma patterns are distractions
in our lives in the unfolding of the Divine flow. Karma patterns cause events to hit us in
life from different directions that bog us down into remedial activities that are time and
mind consuming, and may disrupt the discipline of regular practice. Thus the goal of
experiencing ones true inner self in the deepest way gets delayed with the distraction of
the results of the karma. For one who is serious in their pursuit of spiritual upliftment,
this practice is a serious daily requirement.

Appendix – Note on Chakras

The following chakras are referred in the instructions above.

1. Sudarshana or Soul Star – 6 inches above the head.

2. Aagjnyaa or Head center – behind the bindi-point (between the eyebrows) in the
middle of the head.
3. Vishuddhi or Throat – in the throat, where the head meets the neck in the middle
of the body.
4. Anaahata or Heart center – in between the breasts in the middle of the body
5. Manipuraka or Navel center – behind the navel in the middle off the body.
6. Swaadhisthaana or Sacral center – a palm length below the Manipuraka and half-
a-palm length above the next chakra Moolaadhaara.
7. Moolaadhaara or Root – point in between the anus and genitals/vagina.
8. Knee – in-between the knees of the two legs
9. Ankle – in-between the ankles of the two feet.
10. Sole – in-between the soles of the two feet.
11. Bhoo Chakra or Earth star – six inches directly below the feet

[Sahasraara Chakra of traditional yoga is skipped. The Sudarshana (1) sits right on the
top of the Sashasraara. Atma Chakra or Solar Plexus is referred in other practices of our
school – it is an inch or two below the Anaahata, where the ribs meet and there is a
depression in the mid chest. This is in a different channel from the Sushumna Naadi or
central channel and is not dealt here.]

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