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Development and Performance of Bacterial Self-healing Concrete - A

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14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

Development and Performance of Bacterial Self-healing

Concrete - A Review

Muhd Afiq Hizami Abdullah1, 3, Nurul Ain Harmiza Abdullah1, 4 and Mohamad
Fahrurrazi Tompang 2, 5
Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
School of Bioprocess, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Self-healing concrete is a type of concrete that able to autogenously fill up cracks without any
intervention from external sources. Various methods of producing a self-healing concrete are
available in the previous researches but using bacterial as self-healing agent enables the concrete
to be environmentally friendly. This paper reviews the elements that are important in developing
a bacterial self-healing concrete. The elements include type of bacteria and the criteria needed
in selecting a bacteria as source of healing agent. Most of the researches used Bacillus genus but
quite a few have produced bacterial self-healing concrete from non-axenic bacteria. There are
also various bacteria and nutrients concentration being incorporated inside self-healing concrete
which resulted in wide range of performance. Most of the researches indicates that addition of
bacteria with or without nutrients affect mechanical properties of concrete negatively. However
some of the studies indicates the opposite result on mechanical strength. Hence, the influence
of bacterial and nutrient addition on concrete strength would also depends on the method of
incorporating them. Permeability of concrete could also be improved by the addition of self-
healing bacteria. The permeability has been measured in term of chloride migration, gas
permeability and carbonation which indicates enhancement compared to plain cement mortar.

1. Introduction
Application of concrete as construction material are becoming wider. Variety of structure is built using
concrete material due to its abundance availability and high workability. Concrete also produces a
strong material especially in term of compressive strength. This broad application of concrete in various
structure elements require periodically inspection and maintenance. Concrete possess brittleness that
would likely experience cracking due to creep, shrinkage or overstressed. Maintenance work should be
carried out on these defects to avoid further damage to the whole structure. Cracks in concrete will
allow penetration of detrimental substance that may cause carbonation in concrete or corrosion to the
embedded steel reinforcement. The permeability of substances would also lessen the aesthetic value of
structure. The maintenance work that need to be carried out could be complicated should the cracking
occurred at area with limited access like bridge spanning over broad river or live traffic. The financial
cost of repairing such structure would be expensive. The work is also very hazardous to the maintenance
worker and people in the vicinity. Concrete with ability to fill the gap due to crack autogenously would
solve this maintenance issue. The cost can be reduced especially in term of periodical inspection work.
Concrete that can fill the crack autogenously is considered as self-healing concrete. Self-healing
concrete has been produced previously by producing concrete with excessive portion cement in the
overall mixture. The excess portion of cement would be un-hydrated and will perform chemical reaction
with water that penetrate the hardened concrete through cracks to produce new cementitious bonding.
Besides that, chemical substances have also been used as self-healing agent in the concrete. One of the

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14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

chemical product is sodium silicate solution which form C-S-H gel by reacting calcium hydroxide inside
the concrete [1]. However, the healing agent is chemically synthesized and not environmentally
friendly. Recent researches provide alternative solution to chemically synthesized healing agent with
bacterial as healing agent. Bacteria of genus Bacillus could precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) to
seal the cracks from inside the concrete. Bacterial self-healing agent was able to reseal crack of 0.3mm
in 20 days [2]. The use of bacteria as self-healing agent has started since Jonkers et al (2010)
incorporated the bacteria during mixing of concrete rather than using it as repair material such as in
Ramachandran et al.(2001) [3] [4]. The study indicates the ability of this bacteria to survive high
alkalinity of concrete environment.

2. Self-healing Concrete and Factors Affecting the Healing Ability

2.1 Type of Bacteria Used as Self-healing Agent

Most of the studies by Wang Jianyun employs Bacillus sphaericus LMG 22557 as the bacteria of self-
healing agent while Jonkers et al (2010) used Bacillus pseudofirmus DSM 8715 and B. cohnii DSM
6307 in the study [3] [5] [6] [7]. Another strain of Bacillus used is Bacillus Megaterium which also
prove viable as healing agent in concrete [8] [9]. Based on these studies, bacteria from genus Bacillus
has been used widely and proving the ability to survive high alkalinity of concrete medium. These
studies also show the capability of type Bacillus bacteria to precipitate CaCO3 after being activated by
water. However most of the researches used laboratory produced of isolated bacterial strain. Reliance
on laboratory supplied bacterial strain would increase the cost of producing self-healing concrete.
Another study used non-axenic bacteria that were grown using sub-stream of vegetable plant as nutrient
source [10]. The study shows that even a non-axenic bacteria can perform as self-healing agent with
less cost compared to laboratory obtained bacteria. The bacteria were able to seal crack of 0.45mm
width in 28 days. This is comparable to bacteria of genus Bacillus that sealed crack of 0.3mm in 20
days [2].

2.2 Bacteria Concentration

The performance of sealing not only depends on the type bacteria but also the amount bacteria and
nutrient added to the concrete. The amount of bacteria spore incorporated into the concrete may increase
the rate of crack-sealing but nutrients are needed to produce CaCO3 after spore being activated by water.
The amount of nutrients will limit the amount of CaCO3 as in the following reaction [3]:
CaC6H10O6 +6O2→ CaCO3 +5CO2 +5H2O
In a research by Wang et al. (2014), the amount of spores incorporated in 1m3 concrete mixture is
within 2% of hydrogels where each hydrogel contain 109 spores/ml [6]. This mixture resulted in 80-
90% healing of 0.3mm crack width and 30-50% healing of 0.3-0.7mm crack width in 28 days. The
hydrogel that serves as healing agent also contain nutrient and urea to assist in precipitating CaCO3. A
study that used Bacillus Megaterium as the bacterial healing adopted 105 cells/ml solution in the
concrete mix composition [9]. From the mixture, about 186 x 105 cell/m3 was used in the concrete
composition. Another study used almost the same concentration of 108spores/L and resulted almost the
same healing percentage as Wang et al (2014) [12]. The study shows that the bacteria solution of
108spores/L which impregnated into Light Weight Aggregate (LWA) recovered 69% of water tightness
within 28 days. The width of crack healed was not measured but it was comparable to 0.3-0.7mm crack
width as recorded by Wang et al (2014). The amount of spores impregnated is equal to 5% of cement
in the total concrete mixture. Study by Da Silva et al (2015) found that addition of bacteria self-healing
agent caused reduction in compressive strength of concrete [10]. Addition of 0.5-1.0% of self-healing
agent of Cyclic EnRiched Ureolytic Powder (CERUP) caused the least reduction of compressive
strength. Addition of 3-5% of CERUP reduced the compressive strength of 28 days concrete by 35-
52%. In conclusion, amount of self-healing agent should be limited to 1-2% of cement content in
concrete mixture to reduce negative impact on concrete mechanical strength. The amount of spores
incorporated in concrete mixture of 108spores/L could also produce the same healing effect as higher
concentration of spores in mixing solution. This may be due to the ability of bacteria to reproduce once
being activated from spores.

14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

2.3 Nutrient Types and Concentration

Type of nutrient accompanying bacteria also affect the outcome. A study that used calcium lactate of
0.5% of cement weight in the concrete mixture indicates the viability of calcium lactate as deposition
agent compared to urea [3]. Hydrolysis of urea could produce massive amount of nitrogen and increase
the probability of corrosion on steel reinforcement [3]. The result of the study proved the mineralization
of 20-80μm sized particle on the cracked concrete surface. A research of using bio-reagents containing
urea and calcium nitrate also shows the viability of mineralization process in bacterial self-healing
concrete [6]. The amount of urea and calcium nitrate used in the study is 0.9g and 1.2g respectively.
The amount of urea and calcium nitrate used in concrete mixture of this study is higher compared to
Jonkers et al (2010) which is about 1.2% of cement content. The result was higher crack filling
efficiency compared to sample with no nutrient as the maximum crack width sealed was 0.5mm. Ramin
A et al (2016) used bacterial broth medium culture which contain 80g/l of calcium lactate and 20g/l of
urea. The amount is lower compared to Tziviloglou E et al (2016) which used 200g/l of calcium lactate
in the bacterial mixing solution. The effect of nutrient such as calcium lactate, calcium nitrate and urea
is to form Calcium Carbonate due to bacterial metabolic conversion [3]. Most of the researches show
white particles precipitation on crack surface and this is aligned with the ability of carbonate
precipitating bacteria. This is further proved by a study that immersed cracked mortar in calcium lactate
and calcium gluconate solution [12]. The result indicates that calcium lactate and calcium gluconate
increased the self-healing kinetic of mortar by increasing the availability of calcium and carbonate ion
in the cracks.

3. Method to Produce a Self-healing Concrete

There are studies that embedded the bacteria with or without nutrient into concrete directly. One of the
way is by replacing fresh water portion in concrete mixture with bacterial solution [8] [9]. This method
used bacterial cell rather than spore which further simplify the embedding process. However, use of an
active bacterial cell state rather than dormant state of spore may cause early conversion of calcium
source during mixing of concrete. This may reduce the healing ability of bacteria concrete due to
depleted calcium source once the concrete has hardened. Krishnapriya et al (2015) reported bacteria
concrete precipitated white particles at 70 days of specimen and full crack healing was achieved at 81
days of concrete age despite using active bacteria cell in the concrete. An advantage of embedding live
bacteria is that the microstructure of concrete can be improved due to ongoing precipitation by the
bacteria [4]. This is indicated by increase in compressive strength at 28-days compared to 7-days of
age. An almost similar to this method is investigated by Jonkers et al (2010) but by using bacteria spore
incorporated into the mortar specimen. The study indicates that most of the spores were crushed in
concrete after 28 days of age [3]. This was due to hydration process in concrete that reduced the pore
volume and led to crushing of embedded spores. This reduced the mineral-forming capacity of bacterial
cements. Therefore, a protective vehicle is necessary to protect the spores inside concrete.
One of the method is to impregnate light weight aggregate (LWA) with spores along with calcium
source and nutrient. LWA which is porous will serves as vehicle to transport bacteria self-healing agent
into concrete and protect it from crushing. LWA of expanded clay particle has been investigated and
resulted in continuous healing activity from 28 to 56 days [11]. However, the replacement of sand with
expanded clay particles resulted in lower concrete compressive strength by 40%. Another type of
aggregate used in a study is diatomaceous earth which has pore sizes ranging from 0.1-0.5μm [5]. The
study indicates profound healing capacity which represented by capillary water absorption at crack.
Concrete with bacillus-infused diatomaceous earth reduced absorption by 50% compared to concrete
with the bacterial aggregate. Other research by Chen et al (2016) using ceramsite also reported reduction
in permeability [13]. This method utilized the porous network of LWA and use simple procedure.
Another method is to change the bacteria and calcium source from solution to powder form. This
method did not use any protective vehicle for bacteria hence it is similar to direct method. Da Silva et
al (2015) produced CERUP by air drying and filtration followed by grinding to produce particle size
below 500μm (Figure 1) [10]. Wang et al (2014) dried the bacteria spore and nutrient by freeze drying
method [6]. The spore and nutrient were encapsulated into hydrogel and then injected between glasses
before being freeze grinded and freeze drying to form powder. Hydrogel serves as water retainer to
assist in bacteria metabolic conversion of calcium source. This allow self-healing to occur with minimal
water availability. A realistic condition of concrete would not have abundance of water unless it is a
submerged structure. The study indicates of 40-90% healing ratios with maximum healed width of
0.5mm even under realistic wet-dry cycle [6]. The cycle consists of 1 hour of sample immersion in
14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

water and 11h of dry condition. The amount of water introduced to sample is lower by 22 hours
compared to study by Tziviloglou et al (2016) yet achieving a comparable result. However, the addition
of hydrogel in the concrete resulted in delay hardening of concrete. This has caused sample to be
demoulded only after 48hours in mould. Hydrogel may have interrupted the formation of C-S-H gel
which caused retardation in concrete setting. Coating of self-healing agent that contains hydrogel,
spores and nutrient may prevent the retardation effect.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the process of producing CERUP at 5L scale [10].

4. Properties of Self-healing Concrete

4.1 Compressive Strength of Bacterial Self-healing Concrete

Incorporation of self-healing agent in concrete will affect its microstructure and this is implicated on its
mechanical strength. Concrete is classified based on its compressive strength which served as design
parameter for structural application. Previous studies employs various type of concrete consist of
cement mortar, concrete with aggregate which was based on Design of Experiment (DOE) and this had
resulted in wide range of compressive strength. Figure 2 shows the results of compressive strength
based on nine different researches. Most of the results are within normal strength concrete which is
between 10 – 40MPa. The highest value was recorded by Ramachandran et al (2001) which is more
than 60MPa at 28 days of age [4]. The study embedded the bacteria by directly mixing the solution
containing bacteria with cement and sand. However, the bacterial solution used was phosphate rather
than water which improves the strength of concrete. The ratio of phosphate solution to cement is 0.49
which is the normal ratio of water-to-cement used for concrete. This is comparable to Krishnapriya et
al (2015) that used potable water with 0.55 water-to-cement ratio. The study recorded a 28-days
compressive strength of 38.3MPa. The value is lower compared to Ramachandran et al (2001) even
though the ratio of aggregate-to-binder was higher by 58%. The low result of compressive strength may
be due to the quality of microstructure produced. Phosphate solution improve the strength of binder
compared with potable water and the use of fine aggregate increased the compactness of concrete
microstructure. The aggregate used by Krishnapriya et al (2015) comprised mix of coarse and fine
aggregate while Ramachandran et al (2001) contained only sand [8]. Andalib et al (2016) also used the
same method as Krishnapriya et al (2015) and the compressive strength is congruent with the latter [9].
Another method that also used direct mixing of bacterial self-healing agent is Jonkers et al (2010).
The study produced bacterial self-healing concrete with 49MPa of compressive strength at 28-days of
age [3]. However, the water-to-cement ratio is the lowest compared to previously mentioned studies
which is 0.4. The concrete composed of only cement, water and bacterial self-healing agent. This
indicates that the strength is contributed by binding material only which is cement. Reduction in water-
to-cement ratio will improve the binding material by reducing the pore volume. This lead to increase in
compressive strength of concrete. However, reduction of pores in concrete microstructure may reduce
the ability to autogenous healing in bacterial concrete. Direct mixing of bacteria into concrete positioned
the healing agent inside the pore of concrete. As concrete ageing, the pore is reduced that result crushing
14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

of bacteria self-healing agent. This is indicated by reduce in production of large-sized precipitation in

bacterial concrete of 28-days compared to 7-days of age. This is in line with the fast decrease in 0.8-
1μm pore diameter in concrete of 28-days. The number of viable bacteria cells in concrete has also
reduced by almost 75% by 22-days of age and no cell was detected at 135-days of age. The issue of
bacteria durability in concrete was also observed by another study that recorded decrease in overall
trend of concrete compressive strength at 28-days of age compared to 7-days [4]. The study argued that
pores were clogged with precipitation hence blocking the flow of oxygen and nutrient to the bacteria.
This led to stagnant or reduction of compressive strength due to reduce production of precipitation by
viable bacteria.
Incorporation of bacterial healing agent in concrete by powder form resulted in compressive strength
of about 51MPa [10]. Mix composition of the concrete specimen is almost the same with Krishnapriya
et al (2015) with water-to-cement ratio of 0.5 and the aggregate-to-binder ratio of 3.0. However, the
different method of incorporating bacteria resulted in higher compressive strength of concrete.
Another method of producing bacterial self-healing concrete resulted in lower compressive strength
which is 27MPa at 28-days of concrete age [11]. This method used LWA as protective vehicle for
bacteria and 0.5 of water-to-cement ratio. Although the water-to-cement ratio is close to previously
mentioned studies, the reduction in compressive strength is due to incorporation of LWA. About 40%
reduction of compressive strength based on comparison with reference specimen that used fine sand as
aggregate. Further impregnation of bacteria into LWA only affected the early strength as the 28-days
compressive strength was similar with empty LWA.
Addition of partial cement replacement or recycled material were also investigated along with
bacterial self-healing concrete. Chahal et al (2016) recorded 38.2MPa of compressive strength with
10% silica fume addition and 105 cells/ml of S. Pasteurii bacteria. The compressive strength had
increment even after 28 days as recorded at 91-days to be 44MPa [14]. This was due to bacteria activity
inside concrete that precipitated CaCO3 which resulted in strength increment overtime. Another study
that incorporated fly ash along with Bacillus Megaterium resulted in 27.6MPa which is 19% increment
compared with concrete with fly ash and bacteria [15]. Use of rice husk ash (RHA) with bacteria in
concrete recorded about 40MPa of compressive strength [16]. RHA was replacing cement content in
mixture by 10% with water-to-cement ratio of 0.5. This is comparable to Bang et al (2011), Achal et al
(2011) and Andalib et al (2016) [16] [17] [9]. This study used mixture of crushed stone and sand as the
aggregate which is almost the same composition of all the researches mentioned [16].
In conclusion, the inclusion of bacterial self-healing agent in concrete mixtures alter the
microstructure of concrete and reflected in its compressive strength. Bacterial self-healing agent is also
compatible to be mixed with partial cement replacement additive. Adoption of inferior material such as
LWA to transport bacteria inside the concrete will give negative impact on the compressive strength.
However, protecting the bacteria from crushing is important to ensure the autogenous healing ability of
concrete. Hence, certain reduction should be expected in incorporation of bacterial self-healing agent.
Therefore, application of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) with bacterial self-healing agent
may produce a self-healing concrete with practical strength and autogenous healing ability that does not
degrade overtime. However, the previous researches indicate the ability of bacterial self-healing
concrete to achieve compressive strength of more than 60MPa.

14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003

Compressive Strength (MPA)


40 2
30 4
20 6
10 8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (Days)

Figure 2. (1) Tziviloglou et al (2016) [11], (2) Andalib et al (2016) [9], (3) Krishnapriya et al (2015)
[8], (4) Ramachandran et al (2001) [4],(5) Achal et al (2011) [17], (6) Da Silva et al (2015) [10], (7)
Raffat et al (2016) [15] (8) Jonkers et al (2010) [3], (9) Chahal et al (2012) [14]

4.2 Crack Remediation

Performance of autogenous healing is done by visually measuring the width of crack healed or
measuring the decrease in permeation rate of cracked concrete. Cracks were created at 28 days of age
and then were cured in full water immersion or wet-dry cycle. Wet-dry cycle consist of alternating
exposure of cracked area to water which closely simulate the actual condition of concrete structure as
compared to full water immersion. Figure 3 shows comparison of three different studies regarding the
performance of bacterial concrete in crack healing. Overall, bacterial self-healing concrete recorded
0.45-0.54mm of healed width. Da Silva et al (2016) recorded maximum width of 0.45mm healed under
full water immersion [10]. Highest width healed was recorded using LWA containing Bacillus Subtilis
in concrete [18]. The maximum width healed is about 0.53mm. Under lower duration of immersion,
bacterial concrete managed to heal maximum crack width at 0.5mm [6]. However the scarcity of water
Texposure caused the percentage of healing after 28 days of cycle to be in the range of 40-90%. Longer
Tcycle may increase the percentage. Tziviloglou et al (2016) used longer immersion of specimen by 11
hours compared to Wang et al (2014) but also did not achieved 100% crack healing [11] [6]. However,
after 56 days of wet-dry cycle, the sample achieved close to 100% of healing in term of water tightness.
his indicates that exposure of water to crack area influence the healing efficiency of bacterial concrete.
his is shown by researches that managed to fully healed visible cracks by maximizing the exposure of
water to specimen. Krishnapriya et al (2015) reported fully healed of visible cracks in bacterial concrete
by 81 days of fully immersion [8].
Crack healing performance has also been quantify by reduction of water permeation overtime.
Combination of ceramsite, brewer yeast and Bacillus Mucilaginous in concrete able to reduce water
permeability coefficient from 7.9-8.3 x 10-5m/s to 0.8x10-7m/s after 49 days of healing period [13]. The
reduction is almost 100% and in agreement with Tziviloglou et al (2016) that achieved 96% of water
tightness recovery at 56 days [13] [11]. Even though both researches adopted different method in
measuring the permeability, the results indicate the ability of bacterial concrete to autogenously heal
crack. A study by Wang et al (2014) reported water permeability of bacterial concrete decreased by
68% which is from 10-5-10-4m/s to 10-6-10-7m/s which is in line result reported by Chen et al (2016) [6]
[13]. This result was achieved after 28 days of healing and under 1 hour of water immersion every 12
hour cycle. This is contributed by water entraining substance of hydrogel in the self-healing agent

14th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 431 (2018) 062003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/6/062003


Crack Width Healed (mm)


0.3 1
0.2 3


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Healing Duration (Days)

Figure 3. (1) Wang JY et al (2014), (2) Da Silva et al (2014), (3) Wasim et al (2016)

5. Future of bacterial self-healing high performance fibre reinforced concrete composite

Autogenous healing ability in concrete is a great advancement in concrete properties. The embedment
of bacteria, calcium source and water entraining substance alter the matrix of concrete which affect its
properties. Investigation using concrete with lower permeability and high strength is important to
produce better bacterial self-healing concrete. High strength concrete mix would make up for loss in
compressive strength due to incorporation of bacterial self-healing agent. This would produce concrete
with practical strength and self-healing ability.
The precipitation process inside concrete due to bacterial activity need to be further studied.
Researches that used urea along with calcium source in self-healing agent caused production of
ammonia which will increase the risk of steel corrosion in reinforced concrete [3]. Carbonation
resistance in bacterial concrete should also be studied especially after precipitation has occurred or on
healed concrete. Calcium carbonate precipitation may also contributed by CaOH inside of concrete.
CaOH which is the by-product of concrete hydration process serves as protection against carbonation
in concrete. Using the CaOH to produce calcium carbonate will only lower the durability of concrete.
Furthermore, durability of bacteria against detrimental substances also need to be investigated. Concrete
is not only exposed to demineralized water but also to substances that contain chloride or sulphate.
Ingression of this substances may reduce the self-healing ability of bacterial concrete. These parameters
need to be explored before practical adoption can be done.

This paper highlight the production processes that have been investigated and the performance that have
been measure on bacterial self-healing concrete. In conclusion, any type of bacteria with ability to
metabolically convert calcium source into calcium carbonate can be used in producing autogenous
healing concrete. It is important to provide protection to bacteria in concrete to sustain the self-healing
ability throughout the life span of concrete. Bacterial concrete has lower strength compared to
conventional concrete about the same composition. However, bacterial concrete able to fully repair
visible crack autogenously compared to conventional concrete.

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