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 Based on the nature of the mass

I. Temperature
II. Heat
III. Pressure

 Heat is a formed of energy that can be transferred from one

medium to another medium.

Figure 1: Principle of Air Conditioning


 4 main components of the air conditioning system are compressors, fans,

expansion and evaporation devices. If one of these components is missing
or damaged, the air conditioning unit will not function and does not meet
the original design criteria of the air conditioning.

Figure 2: Basic cycle of cooling system

Figure 3: Compressor
Compression process - Gas is compressed to increase temperature level.
- Increase gas pressure.

Figure 4: Condenser

Condensation process – High pressure of gas slowly turns into liquid.

Figure 5: Expansion tool

Expansion process – The pressure is reduced to lower the boiling temperature level.
Figure 6: Evaporation tools

Evaporation process – Liquid is slowly turns into gas and cause the heat to be absorbed and
cold air will be supplied to the room.

Tools Function

Compressor It works to inhale vapor pressurized refrigerants and low temperatures

from evaporator and compress them to high pressure and temperature and
then remove them to the evaporator for further processing.

Condenser Upon receiving the steam of the refrigerant from the compressor, the
condenser will remove the heat generated by compression and
evaporation. During the heat removal process, the vapor of the refrigerant
is transformed into liquid refrigerant and distributed to the metering

Metering Metering devices function to lower temperature and pressure. In addition,

device it also functions to control the liquid of the refrigerant under high
pressure and low temperature.

Evaporator The evaporator works to absorb heat from the place it needs to cool.
During the absorption process, the evaporation process also occurs
simultaneously where the liquid of the refrigerant will form into a vapor
of material.

Another components that allows air conditioning to function effectively:


- Fan motor
- Drier filter

- Air filter

- Exhaust fan

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